Proudly Produced by the Babinda Taskforce Rural Transaction Centre Opened July 2004 November 2015 51 Munro Street Babinda 4861 07 4067 2900
[email protected] Newsletter may be viewed in colour on website: “The President’s Notes Hello everyone, It is fantastic to be back involved with the Taskforce. I hadn’t realized so many things had happened in the 5 years I was not involved with the community. However there are many more things in our future. This coming January we are organizing Australia Day festivities. Our celebrations will be held on Tues- day 26th January 2016 and will be a fun filled time for young and old. Please watch January’s newslet- ter for more details. We would also like to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Cyclone Larry in an appropriate manner. If you have any idea’s how we can celebrate please pop in to the Taskforce Office and let either Melanie or Jay know. It would be fantastic to see the faces of those who worked so hard throughout that period. We apologise to those whose numbers have been accidently omitted from the local telephone book. If your number is missing and you would like it added to the phone book please pop in and talk to one of our friendly staff. As we rely on membership numbers to apply for funding we would love to see the entire community members of this amazing organisation. We have put the membership application in this months newsletter if you would like to join. Everyone is welcome to apply.