CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 19, 1999 Hank Aaron Came Our Way
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October 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 25823 Kilpatrick Nethercutt Shuster ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER (1) congratulates Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron on Kind (WI) Ney Simpson PRO TEMPORE his great achievements in baseball and rec- King (NY) Northup Sisisky ognizes Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron as one of the Kingston Norwood Skeen The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. greatest professional baseball players of all Kleczka Nussle Skelton LATOURETTE). Pursuant to clause 8 of Klink Oberstar Slaughter time; and Knollenberg Obey Smith (MI) rule XX, the Chair announces that he (2) commends Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron for his Kolbe Olver Smith (NJ) will postpone further proceedings commitment to young people, earning him a Kucinich Ortiz Smith (TX) today on motions to suspend the rules permanent place in both sports history and Kuykendall Ose Smith (WA) on which a recorded vote or the yeas American society. LaHood Owens Snyder Lampson Oxley Souder and nays are ordered, or on which the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Lantos Packard Spence vote is objected to under clause 6 of ant to the rule, the gentleman from Largent Pallone Spratt rule XX. California (Mr. OSE) and the gentleman Larson Pascrell Stabenow Any rollcall vote on H.R. 3885, pro- from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) each Latham Pastor Stark viding discretionary spending offsets LaTourette Payne Stearns will control 20 minutes. Lazio Pease Stenholm for fiscal year 2000, will be taken after The Chair recognizes the gentleman Leach Pelosi Strickland debate has been concluded on that mo- from California (Mr. OSE). Lee Peterson (MN) Stump tion. Levin Peterson (PA) Stupak Rollcall votes on any other motions GENERAL LEAVE Lewis (CA) Petri Sununu will be postponed until after debate has Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Lewis (KY) Phelps Sweeney mous consent that all Members may Linder Pickering Talent been concluded on those motions. have 5 legislative days within which to Lipinski Pickett Tancredo f LoBiondo Pitts Tanner revise and extend their remarks on Lofgren Pombo Tauscher CONGRATULATING HENRY ‘‘HANK’’ House Resolution 279. Lowey Pomeroy Tauzin AARON ON 25TH ANNIVERSARY Lucas (KY) Porter Taylor (MS) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Lucas (OK) Portman Taylor (NC) OF BREAKING MAJOR LEAGUE objection to the request of the gen- Luther Price (NC) Terry BASEBALL HOME RUN RECORD tleman from California? Maloney (CT) Pryce (OH) Thomas AND RECOGNIZING HIM AS ONE There was no objection. Maloney (NY) Quinn Thompson (CA) OF THE GREATEST BASEBALL Manzullo Radanovich Thompson (MS) Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Markey Rahall Thornberry PLAYERS OF ALL TIME mous consent that the gentleman from Mascara Ramstad Thune Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I move to sus- Georgia (Mr. CHAMBLISS) control the Matsui Rangel Thurman pend the rules and agree to the resolu- McCarthy (MO) Regula Tiahrt time. McCarthy (NY) Reyes Tierney tion (H. Res. 279) congratulating Henry The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there McCollum Reynolds Toomey ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron on the 25th anniversary objection to the request of the gen- McCrery Riley Towns of breaking the Major League Baseball tleman from California? McDermott Rivers Traficant McGovern Rodriguez Turner career home run record established by There was no objection. McHugh Roemer Udall (CO) Babe Ruth and recognizing him as one McInnis Rogan Udall (NM) of the greatest baseball players of all b 1245 McIntosh Rogers Upton time, as amended. Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. Speaker, we McIntyre Rohrabacher Velazquez The Clerk read as follows: McKeon Rothman Vento are indeed privileged to be here today McKinney Roukema Visclosky H. RES. 279 to honor and recognize a true Amer- McNulty Roybal-Allard Vitter Whereas Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron hit a his- ican hero, and as we start this debate I Meehan Royce Walden toric home run in 1974 to become the all-time Meek (FL) Ryan (WI) Walsh Major League Baseball home run leader; yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Meeks (NY) Ryun (KS) Wamp Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON). Menendez Sabo Waters Whereas Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron over the Metcalf Salmon Watkins course of his career created a lasting legacy Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. Speaker, I am Mica Sanchez Watt (NC) in the game of baseball and continues to con- honored today to join my Georgia col- Millender- Sanders Watts (OK) tribute to society through his Chasing the leagues but really join all of this Con- McDonald Sandlin Waxman Dream Foundation; gress in paying tribute to Henry Aaron. Miller (FL) Sanford Weiner Whereas Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron hit more Hank Aaron is no mystery to anybody Miller, Gary Sawyer Weldon (FL) than 40 home runs in 8 different seasons; Miller, George Saxton Weldon (PA) in this room. He broke Babe Ruth’s Whereas Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron appeared in Minge Schaffer Weller record and 25 years ago today hit his Mink Schakowsky Wexler 24 All-Star games; Moakley Scott Weygand Whereas Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron was elected 715th home run. He was a distinguished Mollohan Sensenbrenner Whitfield to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in his player in the Southern League, Moore Serrano Wicker first year of eligibility, receiving one of the throughout the South, then to Mil- Moran (KS) Sessions Wilson highest vote totals (406 votes) in the history waukee and finally to Atlanta. Moran (VA) Shadegg Wise of National Baseball Hall of Fame voting; He is known for his home runs, but Morella Shaw Wolf Whereas Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron was in- Murtha Shays Woolsey there is so much more. Hank Aaron Myrick Sherman Wu ducted into the National Baseball Hall of was a leader who played with deter- Nadler Sherwood Wynn Fame on August 1, 1982; Napolitano Shimkus Young (AK) Whereas Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron finished his mination, whether the team was good Neal Shows Young (FL) career in 1976 with 755 home runs, a lifetime or the team was bad. In this day, in batting average of .305, and 2,297 runs batted this era of high-paid athletes and NAYS—2 in; prima donnas and egos, Hank Aaron al- DeFazio Paul Whereas Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron taught us to ways had the level temperament. He follow our dreams; was a man of distinction, and probably NOT VOTING—11 Whereas Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron continues to his greatest distinction was the year in Buyer Johnson (CT) Ros-Lehtinen serve the community through his various which he caught and surpassed the commitments to charities and as Senior Vice Camp LaFalce Rush Babe, because he dealt with threats, he Green (TX) Lewis (GA) Scarborough President and Assistant to the President of Jefferson Martinez the Atlanta Braves; dealt with discrimination, he dealt Whereas Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron became one with those that would undermine his of the first African-Americans in Major effort; but he diligently and quietly b 1242 League Baseball upper management, as At- and professionally, day in and day out, So the joint resolution was agreed to. lanta’s vice president of player development; pursued and finally caught the Babe. and Hank Aaron broke a lot of records in The result of the vote was announced Whereas Henry ‘‘Hank’’ Aaron is one of the baseball. He may have broken a few as above recorded. greatest baseball players: Now, therefore, be it hearts of teams that lost to him, but to A motion to reconsider was laid on Resolved, That the House of Representa- all of us in Atlanta and in Georgia and the table. tives— around America we are proud that VerDate May 21 2004 11:14 Jun 14, 2004 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\H19OC9.000 H19OC9 25824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 19, 1999 Hank Aaron came our way. He is a dis- highly respected by everyone, but he Thank you, Hank, for everything you tinguished American. He is a distin- was such a total player that sometimes have done. guished Georgian, and all of us in Geor- people did not fully appreciate what he Mr. KLECZKA. Mr. Speaker, will the gia today are pleased to honor the man meant to his team. That is the kind of gentleman yield? we know as ‘‘Hammering Hank.’’ baseball player he was, and that is the Mr. BARRETT of Wisconsin. I yield Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, it is kind of human being he has been as an to the gentleman from Milwaukee, with great honor that I yield 5 minutes executive officer with the Atlanta Wisconsin. to the distinguished gentleman from Braves, as a citizen of Georgia, as a Mr. KLECZKA. Mr. Speaker, I thank Georgia (Mr. BISHOP) to make his pres- leader in his community and his State the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. entation. and his Nation. BARRETT) for yielding. Mr. BISHOP. Mr. Speaker, I thank Thank you, Hank, for the inspiration Mr. Speaker, I am somewhat older the gentleman for Maryland (Mr. that you have given to me and to mil- than my colleague, the gentleman from CUMMINGS) for yielding this time. lions of Americans. Yes, ‘‘heights by Wisconsin (Mr. BARRETT), although I Mr. Speaker, Shakespeare wrote, great men reached and kept were not attended those games at County State, ‘‘Heights by great men reached and attained by sudden flight but they and I sat in the bleachers. We could re- kept were not obtained by sudden while their companions slept were toil- cite the entire team from Vel Crandel flight but they while their companions ing onward through the night.’’ Thank to Joe Adcock, Billy Bruton, and natu- slept were toiling onward through the you, Hank. Keep on toiling. rally Hank Aaron. I was disturbed like night.’’ Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, it is the gentleman was when the team sort It was no sudden flight for Henry with great honor that I yield 3 minutes of left one evening and ended up in an- Aaron, from an area called Down the to the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr.