3 March – 30 May 2011

The National Gallery, London. Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN

Immunity from Seizure


The National Gallery is able to provide immunity from seizure under part 6 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007. This Act provides protection from seizure for cultural objects from abroad on loan to temporary exhibitions in approved museums and galleries in the UK. The conditions are: The object is usually kept outside the UK It is not owned by a person resident in the UK Its import does not contravene any import regulations It is brought to the UK for public display in a temporary exhibition at a museum or gallery The borrowing museum or gallery is approved under the Act The borrowing museum has published information about the object For further enquiries, please contact [email protected] Protection under the Act is sought for the objects listed in this document, which are intended to form part of the forthcoming exhibition, The Sacred Made Real: Spanish Painting and Sculpture 1600 – 1700. Copyright Notice: no images from these pages should be reproduced without permission.

The National Gallery, London. Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN 1 Immunity from Seizure


3 March – 30 May 2011

Protection under the Act is sought for the objects listed below:

John Sloan (1871–1951)

© Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania, Estate of . ARS, NY/DACS, London, 2011

X7320 Sixth Avenue and Thirtieth Street, City 1907 Place of manufacture: USA Painting Oil on canvas Support: 61.6 x 81.3 cm Inscription: Signed lower left John Sloan 1907 Philadelphia Museum of Art. Gift of Meyer P. Potamkin and Vivian O. Potamkin, 2000

Lender’s name and address Philadelphia Museum of Art 26th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway Philadelphia PA 19130 USA

Accession Number 1964-116-5

The National Gallery, London. Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN 2 Immunity from Seizure

Provenance: (1)

Donated by Mr and Mrs Meyer Potamkin to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, 26 June1964, reserving life interest, completed on 13 April 2000 Purchased from Robert Carlen, Inc, Philadelphia, 15 December 1957 Coll. Mr and Mrs Jacob H Rand, Long Island, New York (1940s-1950s) C. W. Kraushaar Galleries, New York (label on reverse)

(1) This provenance has been supplied by the Philadelphia Museum of Art. A copy of their correspondence is on file at the National Gallery.

Note that this painting has incomplete provenance information for the years 1933-1945. It was searched for on the Art Loss Register and is not registered as being stolen or missing.

The painting is recorded in the Art Inventories Catalogue of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Research Information System (SIRIS), Control Number: IAP 81140041.

Exhibition History:

Seoul, South Korea, Seoul Arts Center, "Monet to Picasso: Masterpieces from the Philadelphia Museum of Art," December 16, 2009 - March 28, 2010, [travelled to Busan, South Korea, Busan Museum of Art, April 2 - June 2, 2010], color illus. pp. 199-200.

Kyoto, Japan, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, "Masterpieces from the Philadelphia Museum of Art: Impressionism and Modern Art," July 14- September 24, 2007 [Travelled to Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan, October 10 - December 24, 2007], cat. 68, color illus. p. 199.

National Museum of American Art, Washington, D.C., "American Art Forum Painting and Sculpture: 1875 - 1935," March 5 - July 5, 1993.

Philadelphia, PAFA, "American Art from the Collection of Vivian and Meyer P. Potamkin," June 10 - October 1, 1989, b&w repro., brochure checklist p. 13.

New York, IBM Gallery of Science and Art, "John Sloan: Spectator of Life," April 26 - June 18, 1988 (Travelled to Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, July 15 - September 4, 1988; Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio, September 17 - November 6, 1988; Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Texas, November 19 - December 31, 1988), cat. 38, b&w repro., p. 74 (also color reproduction in IBM Gallery Brochure, no. 5, p. 7).

Roslyn, NY, Nassau County Museum of Fine Art, "The Shock of Modernism in America: The Eight and Artists of the Armory Show," April 29 - July 29, 1984, cat. 19, b&w repro., p. 17 (also reproduced on the color poster for the exhibition).

NYC, The Whitney Museum of American Art, "The Eight," January 13 - March 20, 1983.

Bonn, Germany, Rheinischen Landesmuseum, "Two Hundrew Years of American Painting, 1776-1976," ("200 Jahre amerikanische Malerei 1776-1976"), June 30 - August 1, 1976, cat. 34, color repro. (Travelled to Muzej savremene umetsosti, Belgrade, August - September 1976 as "200 godina americkog slikarstva 1776-1976, cat 34, color repro.; Galleriea Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome, October 1 - October 26, 1976 as "200 Anni di Pittura Americana 1776 - 1976, cat. 35, repro.; Muzeum Narodowe, Warsaw, November 15 - December 10, 1976 as "Dwiescie lat malarstwa amerykanskiego," color repro; The Maryland The National Gallery, London. Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN 3 Immunity from Seizure

Science Center, Baltimore, January 16 - February 6, 1977, pamphlet no. 30. (Travelling exhibition organized by the Baltimore Museum of Art).

Allentown, PA, Allentown Art Museum, "The City in American Painting," January 20 - March 4, 1973, b&w ill., p. 29 (no cat. no.).

Harrisburg, PA, William Penn Memorial Museum, "An Alumnus Salutes Dickinson College's 200th Anniversary: From the Collection of Meyer and Vivian Potamkin," November 19, 1972 - January 3, 1973, cat. 142, color repro.

Philadelphia, PAFA, "John Sloan in Philadelphia," September 15 - October 22, 1972. (Note from old exhibition list: "exhibition annoucement includes a recording of an interview of Helen Farr Sloan (Mrs. John Sloan) conducted by Frank H. Goodyear, Jr., curator of the exhibition. Recording and monograph section of the MVP library, on the Sloan shelf in a grey folder.")

Washington, DC, National Gallery of Art, "John Sloan Centennial Exhibition," (Travelled to Georgia Museum of Art; M.H. De Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco; City Art Museum, St. Louis), September 18, 1971 - June 18, 1972, cat. 54, repro., p. 99.

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, "The M.P. Potamkin Collection," January 28 - March 8, 1970, cat. 65, b&w repro.

Philadelphia, PAFA, "Oil Paintings by John Sloan," November 19 - December 23, 1961, no. 43.

Philadelphia, PAFA, "Twentieth Century American Painting and Sculpture from Philadelphia Private Collectors," October 25 - November 30, 1958, cat. 27.

NYC, The Whitney Museum of American Art, "John Sloan," January 10 - March 2, 1952 (Travelled to The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC,March 15 - April 20, 1952; Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, May 4 - June 8, 1952) ill., p. 25 (coll. Rand).

Dartmouth College, NH, 1947. (date supplied by Kraushaar Galleries, NYC)

Pasadena Art Institute, CA, 1946. (date supplied by Kraushaar Galleries, NYC)

Art Institute of Chicago, IL, 1944. (date supplied by Kraushaar Galleries, NYC)

Cleveland Museum, OH, 1937. (date supplied by Kraushaar Galleries, NYC)

Toledo Museum, 1935. (date supplied by Kraushaar Galleries, NYC)

College Art Association, 1932. (date supplied by Kraushaar Galleries, NYC)

City Art Assocation, St. Louis, 1931. (date supplied by Kraushaar Galleries, NYC)

Corcoran Gallery, Washington DC, 1930. (date supplied by Kraushaar Galleries, NYC)

Connecticut Institute, 1930. (date supplied by Kraushaar Galleries, NYC)

NYC, Macbeth Gallery, "Paintings by Eight American Artists Resident in New York and Boston," commonly referred to as the exhibition of "The Eight," February 3 - Feburary 15, 1908, cat. 16 (Travelled to PAFA, March 7 - March 29, 1908, cat. 50; Art Institute of Chicago, September 7 - October 7, 1908, cat. 68; Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, October 15 - November 14, 1908, cat. 68; Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio, February 6 - February 28, 1909, cat. 68 (at The National Gallery, London. Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN 4 Immunity from Seizure

Cincinnati, may have been referred to as "15th Annual Exhibition of American Art" which is mentioned in Sloan diary, April 11, April 15, August 6, 1908); Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, March 5 - March 31, cat. 68; Bridgeport Art Association, Bridgeport Public Library, Connecticut, April 10 - April 24, 1909, cat. 67; Newark Museum Association, Newark Public Library, May 4 - May 26, 1909, cat. 67.

Published References:

Burton Wasserman. "Modern Art at the Academy?," Art Matters, June 2005, p.10.

Patricia McDonnell. "On the Edge of Your Seat: Popular Theater and Film in Early Twentieth-Century American Art." (exhibition catalogue; New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002), cat. 9.8, color repro., p. 185. (Note: this painting was not exhibited, only reproduced in the catalogue.)

Zurier, Mecklenberg & Snyder. "Metroplitan Lives." The National Museum of American Art, D.C., exhibition catalogue in assoc. with W.W. Norton & Co., NY, November 17, 1995 - March 17, 1996; pl. 147, color repro., p. 138 (see note below).

PMA, Concise Catalogue, 1994, p. 428.2

"American Impressions," Masterworks from American Art Forum Collections (Book of Days). (San Francisco: Pomegranate Artbooks, 1993), color repro. on page facing April 30 - May 6.

Paul Wood, Francis Frascina, Jonathan Harris, and Charles Harrison. "Modernism in Dispute." (London: Yale University Press in association with The Open University, 1993), pl. 18, b&w repro., p. 21, text p. 20.

"Painters of a New Century: The Eight," Milwaukee Art Museum, as a slide to be included in the museum lecture program - education to accompany above exhibition. (letter August 1991).

Linda Bantel, "The Potamkin collection of American Art," Antiques Magazine, August 1989, pl. X, color repro., p. 298.

Peter Prown, "Quick Sketch: Vivian and Meyer D (sic) Potamkin," Art Matters, July 1989, p. 4.

"Art World comes to greet the Potamkins, collectors," Exponent Extra, July 14, 1989, b&w ill., p. 13-X.

Robin Rice, "Made in the U.S.A.," Philadelphia City Paper, June 16 - June 23, 1989, p. 9.

Terence G. List, "American art masterworks - on view for you," The Phliadephia Inquirer, Weekend Section, June 9, 1989, b&w ill., p. 3.

Edward J. Sozanski, "The making of a great collection," The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 4, 1989, ill., p. 6-F.

Dennis Wepman, "Spectator: A turn-of-the-century painter's city visions," New York Daily News, April 24, 1988, magazine section, ill. p. 12.

Bennard B. Perlman. "Painters of the Ashcan School: The Immortal Eight." (New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1988), reproduced in color on the cover; b&w, p. 133, and b&w in the reproduction of the Macbeth show catalogue, p. 163. The National Gallery, London. Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN 5 Immunity from Seizure

Constance H. Schwartz. "The Shock of Modernism in America: The Eight and Artists of the Armory Show. (Roslyn Harbor, NY: Nassau County Museum of Fine Art, 1984), pl. 19, b&w repro., p. 17, text, p. 17.

Judith Zilczer, "The Eight on Tour, 1880 - 1909," American Art Journal, Summer 1984, p. 44, 46.

Suzanne Kinser, "Prostitutes in John Sloan's Art," Prospects, 1984, vol. 9, p. 231 - 254 (Cambridge University Press publication).

Abstract Expressionism and Jackson Pollock, text for "Modern Art and Modernism: Manet to Pollock," Block XIII (Units 27 - 28), The Open Univeristy, Milton Keynes, England, 1983, b&w ill., pl. 3.

Bennard B. Perlman. "The Immortal Eight." (North Light Publishers, 1979), color repro., p. 133. See also p. 163.

Helen Mullaly, "Round the Galleries" column, Apollo, repro. (review of "Modern Spirit" exhibition, Edinburgh showing).

William Feaver, "Seeing the Light," London Observer Magazine, October 2, 1977, color repro., p. 35 (review of "Modern Spirit" exhibition).

David Scott. "John Sloan, Paintings, Prints, and Drawings." (New York: Watson-Guptil, 1975), repro., p. 97.

Amy Goldin, "The Eight's Laissez-Faire Revolution," Art in America, July - August 1973, repro., p. 47.

Burt Wasserman, "The Sensitive Eye: King for a decade," Courier Post, Camden, NJ, October 7, 1972, repro. (review of PAFA show)

"Dawn of the Twentieth Century," Guidance Associates of Pleasantville, New York, 1972 (filmstrip).

Abraham A. Davidson, "The Eight Plus: Meyer and Vivian Potamkin Collect," Auction, November 1971, repro., p. 45.

Ellen Moers, "When New York Made It," New York Times Book Review, May 16, 1971, p. 31.

Bruce St. John. "John Sloan." (New York: Federick A. Praeger, Inc., 1970), #24.

Richard Wade, Howard Wilder, and Louis Wade. "A History of the United States." (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1968, 2nd ed. 1970).

H.G.G., Catalogue Entry for "Sixth Avenue and 30th Street," PMA Bulletin (Fall/Winter 1965), vol. LX, nos. 283-284, p.19, b/w ill.

Bruce St. John and Helen Farr Sloan. "John Sloan's New York Scene." (New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1965), entries for June 13, 20, 21, and December 23, 1907, April 11 and August 6, 1908.

"Philadelphia Collections," The Philadephia Inquirer Magazine, October 26, 1958, ill., p. 32 (review of PAFA show).

The National Gallery, London. Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN 6 Immunity from Seizure

Milton W. Brown. "American Painting from the Armory Show to the Depression." (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1955), repro., p. 20.

John Sloan. "Gist of Art." (New York: American Artists Group, Inc., 1939), ill. with caption, p. 214.

Gazette des Beaux Arts 51 (1909), p. 326.

Bibliographical References Missing Information:

April Kinglsey. "Ashcan Realism." (New York: Abrams) no date.

Repro. in Smithsonian Magazine.

Note from "3/95 - Sent transp. to Virginia M. Mecklenburg at Nat'l Museum of American Art - D.C. to be reproduced in publication "Metropolitan Lives: The Ashcan Artists and their New York" by Rebecca Zurier, Robert W. Snyder, and V.M.M. for exhibition catalogue - (the painting however did not travel to the show).

The National Gallery, London. Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN 7