
Math 35: Real Winter 2018

Monday 02/19/18 Lecture 20

Chapter 4 - Dierentiation

Chapter 4.1 - of a

Result: We dene the derivative of a function in a as the of a new function, the limit of the dierence quotient.

f(x) − f(c) Note: Recall that for xed c and x we have that is the of the secant x − c line passing through (c, f(c)) and (x, f(x)).

Denition 1 Let f :(a, b) → R be a function and c ∈ (a, b). Then the function f is dif- ferentiable at c if the limit f(x) − f(c) f(c + h) − f(c) lim = lim = f 0(c) exists. x→c x − c h→0 h We call the value f 0(c) the derivative of f at c. The function f is dierentiable on (a, b) if it is dierentiable at each point of (a, b).

Example: Consider the function f(x) = x2 + 2x + 1 = (x + 1)2 .

a) Sketch f(x) in the [−3, 5].

b) Draw the through (1, f(1)) and (3, f(3)) and calculate its slope.

c) Using the denition of the limit calculate f 0(1) and f 0(c) in general. Then draw the line for f(x) in x = 1. Math 35: Winter 2018

Monday 02/19/18

Theorem 1 (f dierentiable ⇒ f continuous) Let f :(a, b) → R be a dierentiable function on (a, b). Then f is continuous on (a, b). proof: We have to show that . We write f(x)−f(c) . limx→c f(x) = f(c) f(x) − f(c) = (x − c) · x−c Then

f(x) − f(c) As the derivative is the limit of the function F (x) = at x=c all c x − c about limits of functions .

2 Example Calculate F1(x) for the previous example, the function f(x) = (x + 1) . What does F1(x) represent?

Especially we have:

Theorem 3 ( criterion for the derivative) Let f :(a, b) → R be a function and c ∈ (a, b).

a) The function f is dierentiable at c if and only if for any sequence (xn)n ⊂ (a, b)\{c}, such that f(xn) − f(c) 0 lim xn = c we have lim = L = f (c). n→∞ n→∞ xn − c

b) If (xn)n, (zn)n ⊂ (a, b)\{c} are two , such that

f(xn) − f(c) f(zn) − f(c) lim xn = c = lim zn but lim = L1 6= L2 = lim . n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ xn − c n→∞ zn − c Then f is not dierentiable in c. Math 35: Real Analysis Winter 2018

Monday 02/19/18

Example: Use Theorem 3 b) to show that the function given by

 1 x = 1 for n ∈ Z f(x) = n if n is not diferentiable in x = 0. 0 otherwise

Similarly the of the derivative follows from the limit laws for functions:

Theorem 4 (Linearity of dierentiation) Let f, g :(a, b) → R be two dierentiable func- tions on (a, b) and c ∈ (a, b). Then for any k ∈ R the functions k · f and f + g are dierentiable on (a, b) and

(k · f)0(c) = k · f 0(c) and (f + g)0(c) = f 0(c) + g0(c). proof

For the product and , however, we have to a :

Theorem 5 () Let f, g :(a, b) → R be two dierentiable functions on (a, b) and c ∈ (a, b). Then (f · g)0(c) = f 0(c) · g(c) + g0(c) · f(c). proof Idea: We use the a − a = 0 trick in the limit denition. Math 35: Real Analysis Winter 2018

Monday 02/19/18

Theorem 6 (Chain rule) Let g :(a1, b1) → R and f :(a2, b2) → R be two dierentiable functions on the given intervals, such that g((a1, b1)) ⊂ (a2, b2). Let c ∈ (a1, b1), then g(c) ∈ (a2, b2) and we have (f ◦ g)0(c) = f 0(g(c)) · g0(c). proof We use the fact that the derivative is the limit of the dierence quotient and apply this to f. ( f(y)−f(p) y−p y 6= p Fp(y) = if f 0(p) y = p.

Then Fp is continuous at p as f is dierentiable in p.

f(y) − f(p) 0 lim Fp(y) = lim = f (p). (*) y→p y→p y − p Now we use the a trick in the denition of the derivative of : a = 1 f ◦ g f(g(x)) − f(g(c)) f(g(x)) − f(g(c)) g(x) − g(c) (f ◦ g)0(c) = lim = lim · x→c x − c x→c g(x) − g(c) x − c y=g(x),p=g(c) g(x) − g(c) g(x) − g(c) = lim Fg(c)(g(x)) · = lim Fg(c)(g(x)) · lim x→c x − c x→c x→c x − c 0 0 0 = Fg(c)(g(c)) · g (c) = f (g(c)) · g (c). Here 0 lim Fg(c)(g(x)) = Fg(c)(g(c)) = f (g(c)) x→c as g is continuous and Fg(c) is continuous by (*). Hence by Lecture 17, Theorem 5 the function Fg(c) ◦ g is also continuous and our result follows. Math 35: Real Analysis Winter 2018

Monday 02/19/18

Example: (Two horrible continuous functions) Consider the functions

 x · sin 1  x 6= 0  x2 · sin 1  x 6= 0 f(x) = x if and g(x) = x if . 0 x = 0 0 x = 0 a) Sketch f(x) and g(x) near x = 0. b) Use the limit denition of the derivative to show that f(x) is not dierentiable in x = 0. Then show that, however, g(x) is dierentiable in x = 0. c) Calculate g0(x) for x 6= 0 using the chain and product rule and show that g0(x) is not continuous in x = 0, even though g0(0) exists.