Conference Book
Download the latest version of this book at Conference Book Conference Book — Version 1.0 Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization Berlin, Germany, August 5–8, 2019 Michael Hintermuller¨ (Chair of the Organizing Committee) Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Mohrenstraße 39, 10117 Berlin c July 16, 2019, WIAS, Berlin Layout: Rafael Arndt, Olivier Huber, Caroline L¨obhard, Steven-Marian Stengl Print: FLYERALARM GmbH Picture Credits page 19, Michael Ulbrich: Sebastian Garreis page 26, “MS Mark Brandenburg”: Stern und Kreisschiffahrt GmbH ICCOPT 2019 Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization Berlin, Germany, August 5–8, 2019 Program Committee Welcome Address Michael Hintermuller¨ (Weierstrass Institute Berlin, On behalf of the ICCOPT 2019 Humboldt-Universit¨at zu Berlin, Chair) Organizing Committee, the Weier- strass Institute for Applied Analysis H´el`ene Frankowska (Sorbonne Universit´e) and Stochastics Berlin, the Technis- Jacek Gondzio (The University of Edinburgh) che Universit¨at Berlin, and the Math- ematical Optimization Society, I wel- Zhi-Quan Luo (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) come you to ICCOPT 2019, the 6th International Conference on Continu- Jong-Shi Pang (University of Southern California) ous Optimization. Daniel Ralph (University of Cambridge) The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the Mathematical Optimization Society. Organized every three years, it covers all Claudia Sagastiz´abal (University of Campinas) theoretical, computational, and practical aspects of continuous Defeng Sun (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) optimization. With about 150 invited and contributed sessions and twelve invited state-of-the-art lectures, totaling about 800 Marc Teboulle (Tel Aviv University) presentations, this is by far the largest ICCOPT so far.
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