Minutes of The Clifton (Without) Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 14th September 2016 At Canon Lee School at 7.15pm

PRESENT Councillors J Ellis (Chairman), N Naylor, S Rawlings, P Murray, J Smailes & D Wann.

IN ATTENDANCE L Pink (Clerk to the Council), 1 member of the public (part meeting) & Rob Orr, Community Coordinator @ Canon Lee School (part meeting).


Councillors V Paylor & L Dennett.




The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 13th July 2016, were considered; confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Ward Councillor Stuart Rawlings presented a report which included the following:-

Rawcliffe Sewage Works. Ward Funding.


Rob Orr, Community Coordinator @ Canon Lee School attended the meeting to introduce himself to the Parish Council. He advised that his role is to be the link and to coordinate the school with local residents/other schools/the Parish Council etc. He also runs the Student Voice which look at issues not only within the school but also within the wider community. He advised that the school is currently working very hard to raise its profile and to change the perception of Canon Lee School.

One member of the public was present at the meeting and spoke of a planning challenge to 2 Landau Close, . The same resident spoke of issues of dog walkers in this area. The same resident also raised a complaint about the code of conduct of a councillor. The resident was requested to put his complaint in writing. Update: Following the written complaint the resident was referred to the Code of Conduct complaints procedure. A complaint was issued to the City of York Council Monitoring Officer who after investigation issued a response to both the complainant and the Parish Council that no breach had taken place and the complaint would not be taken any further.


6.1 Applications:-

16/01738/ADV Dot100 Limited, 3 Tower Court, Oakdale Road, York Display of internally illuminated fascia sign. To be returned to CYC with comments by 17.08.16. Decision - No Objection.

16/01809/FUL 4 Shotel Close, York Single storey side and rear extensions and conversion of garage into habitable room with associated external alterations. To be returned to CYC with comments by 29.08.16. Decision - No Objection.

16/01800/FUL 11 Cayley Close, York Two storey side and rear extensions, single storey rear extensions and porch to front. To be returned to CYC with comments by 29.08.16. Decision - Clifton (Without) Parish Council wish to OBJECT to planning application 16/01800/FUL - 11 Cayley Close, on the following grounds:- The Parish Council feel that this application is over-development of the plot and if approved, the extension would change the visual aspect from the street considerably.

16/01841/ADV First Floor, Amy Johnson House, Amy Johnson Way, York Display of non illuminated wall mounted sign. To be returned to CYC with comments by 06.09.16 Decision - No objection.

16/02011/ADV Costa Coffee, 5 Stirling Road, York Display of 2 no. internally illuminated fascia signs. Decision – No Objection.

16/01854/FUL 30 Rawcliffe Drive, York Single storey side and rear extensions. Decision – No Objection.

16/02081/TPO 15 Lundy Close, York Reduce lower crown of 1 no. Oak protected by Tree Preservation Order No:149/1990 Decision – No Objection.

6.2 Approvals:-

16/01550/FUL 3 Lundy Close, York Single storey rear extension.

16/01500/FUL 30 Bransholme Drive, York Two storey side and single storey front elevation.

16/01389/FUL 9 Green Close, York Single storey side and rear extension.

15/01088/FUL 29 Fylingdale Avenue, York Single storey side and rear extension (retrospective).

16/01384/FUL 12 Minchin Close, York Single storey rear extension.

15/01768/FUL 7 Hastings Close, York Two storey and single storey rear extension.

16/01264/FUL 73B Rawcliffe Lane, York Single storey rear extension.

16/01007/FUL Duchy Properties Ltd, Aviator Court, York Replacement and removal of windows, installation of doors on ground floor, alterations to parking area to form gardens and communal facilities and erection of covered cycle stores and refuse stores.

6.3 Refusals:-

16/00957/FUL Nfu Mutual Ins Society, Zenith House, Clifton Park Avenue, York Formation of additional car parking spaces with associated lighting and security fence to north boundary.

16/01230/ADV Starglaze Windows and Conservatories, 30 Auster Road, York Display of 1 no. internally illuminated fascia sign and 1 no. non illuminated pole mounted sign.

Part Approvals/Part Refusals received since last meeting:-

16/01342/TPO Clifton Moor Centre, Stirling Road, York Fell 103 no. trees protected by Tree Preservation Order no:CYC344.

6.4 Notes:-

(a) To discuss the planning challenge at 2 Landau Close - After discussion the Parish Council confirmed to the resident that no objection had been made to City of York Council by the Parish Council relating to either planning application 16/00049/FUL or the work carried out under permitted development to the driveway.

(b) Clerk read out an email update from Alan Kendall, Planning Enforcement Officer @ CYC regarding the enforcement cases within the Parish.


(a) To discuss improvements and quotations for improvements to the play park on Rawcliffe Lane – The Clerk provided details of quotations and suggestions from three contractors. Following discussion it was agreed to go ahead with the quotation from Image Playgrounds at a total cost of £12,065.00 plus vat. This quotation includes 6 new pieces of equipment, 2 new picnic benches, all safety matting and delivery and installation costs.

The Clerk also advised that she had recently received the annual inspection report from Enviroplay. This report only highlighted 2 high risk items. The first item was the bench that had been removed from its concrete base. The Clerk advised that the bench has now been repaired. The second high risk item was in relation to some of the surfacing matting that has shrunk. Clerk advised that Image Playgrounds have advised that should they be awarded the contract they would look to repair the areas of surface matting in question.

(b) To discuss any update on the joint venture with Rawcliffe Parish Council to purchase and install adult gym equipment - Following a vote it was decided that, with regret Clifton (Without) Parish Council are no longer able to take the joint venture with Rawcliffe Parish Council to install adult gym equipment any further. Clifton (Without) Parish Council members feel that the project has unfortunately gone to a size that they do not feel appropriate for our residents and is against the original objectives of the scheme. It was discussed that Clifton (Without) Parish Council still very much have a passion to offer adult gym equipment within the Parish but feel that 5 pieces of equipment is against the idea that was originally proposed. Clerk to advise Rawcliffe Parish Council and thank them for their time and assistance with this project to date. Note: Cllr Rawlings abstained from the vote due to standing on both Parish Councils. Clerk to approach City of York Council to enquire whether they know of any suitable pieces of land within the Parish that the Parish Council could look to lease.

(c) To discuss suitable articles for the next newsletter – Due to time restraints this was rolled over to the October agenda.

(d) To discuss the complaint received from a local resident regarding dog walkers outside his property on Landau Close – Following discussion it was agreed for the Clerk to approach Elkie Dixon, Neighbourhood Enforcement Officer at CYC again to enquire whether any signage could be installed to remind dog walkers that it is a residential area and to try to keep noise to a minimum. The details of the Enforcement Officer were also passed to the complainant so that they could also raise the issue directly.

(e) To discuss current situation with the land at Rawcliffe Meadows – Clerk advised that she had received an email from Dave Meigh @ City of York Council advising that nothing has yet progressed on this issue and it has not been offered to anyone at this stage. Dave Meigh suggests that this will not be looked at until the end of the year at the earliest.


Your Neighbourhood is covered by the York North Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team. The Team is based at: Athena House, Kettlestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York YO304XF.

E-mail: [email protected]

Police Report from North Police, Safer York - August 2016

INCIDENTS OF NOTE: Nothing of note this month.

CRIME TRENDS: 3 burglaries over 27th-29th August.

We have a city wide increase in burglaries and would like to remind residents to be extra vigilant and to ensure properties are secured and high value items are not left on display.



Email from Lorraine Cooper, Explore Centre Manager at Clifton Library thanking the Parish Council for their recent donation to the library and advising that this money has now paid for some new toys for use at their play mornings.

Letter from Canon Lee School regarding the recently agreed name change.


10.1 The Clerk submitted the following accounts for payment:-

L Pink Clerks Salary (Net) £962.98 L Pink Clerks Expenses £29.00 Aspects Horticultural Services Grass Cutting - August £213.52 Aspects Horticultural Services Grass Cutting – September £213.52 Aspects Horticultural Services Hedge reduction at Clifton Library £384.00 Yorkshire Ambulance Service Defibrillator and cabinet £1,524.00 Signarama Replacement ‘Clifton Without’ sign £180.00 HMRC Tax & NI – Q2 £413.86

The accounts listed for payment were accepted and the signing of the cheques therefore authorised.

10.2 The following invoices that were received after the production of the agenda were discussed and approved for payment:-

Zurich Municipal Annual Insurance £1,780.01 DLH Maintenance Repairs to bench in play area £60.00 Autela Limited Payroll Services – Q2 £30.00

10.3 The following income was noted:-

HMRC VAT Reclaim £600.90

10.4 Any other urgent request submitted to the meeting:-

(a) Annual Insurance – Clerk advised that the annual insurance was due for renewal on the 1st September. Three quotations were obtained and the current insurer, Zurich was chosen as they offered the best cover at the best price.


Nothing noted.


Cllr Naylor advised that the new draft lease for the allotments has now been generated. He advised that Rawcliffe Parish Council are submitting the document to a solicitor for review. To be added to the October agenda to officially agree.

Cllr Ellis advised that there is a street light on Brougham Close, near the street light that requires pruning. Clerk to investigate.

After discussion about mobile speed signs the Clerk was asked to contact CYC Highways to try and obtain the costs for a survey to be carried out.


Articles for the next newsletter.


The date of the next meeting was fixed as Wednesday 12th October 2016 @ 7.15pm at Canon Lee School.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15pm.