Affine Completness of Projectable Lattice Ordered Groups
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal Ján Jakubík; Mária Csontóová Affine completness of projectable lattice ordered groups Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 48 (1998), No. 2, 359–363 Persistent URL: Terms of use: © Institute of Mathematics AS CR, 1998 Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences provides access to digitized documents strictly for personal use. Each copy of any part of this document must contain these Terms of use. This document has been digitized, optimized for electronic delivery and stamped with digital signature within the project DML-CZ: The Czech Digital Mathematics Library Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 48 (123) (1998), 359–363 AFFINE COMPLETNESS OF PROJECTABLE LATTICE ORDERED GROUPS Ján Jakubík and Mária Csontóová,Košice (Received November 10, 1995) Affine completeness of algebraic systems was studied in [3], [5], [6], [8]–[13]. In the present paper we prove that a nonzero abelian linearly ordered group fails to be affine complete. Then by applying Proposition 2.2, [9] we obtain that an abelian projectable lattice ordered group G is affine complete if and only if G = 0 ;thisis { } a generalization of Theorem (A) from [9]. 1. Preliminaries For lattice ordered groups we apply the usual terminology and notation (cf., e.g., [1]). Let A be a universal algebra. We denote by Con A the set of all congruences of A.Next,letP (A)bethesetofallpolynomialsofA. Let N be the set of all positive integers and n N. A mapping f : An A is ∈ → said to be compatible with Con A if, whenever Θ Con A, a ,b A and a Θb for ∈ i i ∈ i i i =1, 2,...,n,thenf(a1,...,an)Θf(b1,...,bn).
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