29.1.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 29/27



Publication of an application pursuant to Article 6(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs (2011/C 29/10)

This publication confers the right to object to the application pursuant to Article 7 of Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 ( 1). Statements of objection must reach the Commission within six months from the date of this publication.


1. Name: ‘Carciofo Brindisino’

2. Member State or third country:

3. Description of the agricultural product or foodstuff: 3.1. Type of product: Class 1.6. Fruit, vegetables and cereals, fresh or processed

3.2. Description of product to which the name in (1) applies: ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ PGI refers to fresh artichokes of the Cynara cardunculus species, Scolymus (L.) subspecies, belonging to the ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ ecotype.

When released for consumption, protected ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ must have the following characteristics:

— cylindrical, moderately dense buds, at least 8 cm high and at least 6 cm in diameter, with green outer bracts with purple shading, a rounded apex that is smooth-edged or slightly serrated, with no thorns or sometimes small thorns, greenish white inner bracts with slight purple shading, and a thin or medium stalk no more than 10 cm long,

— the buds must be whole, fresh-looking, devoid of any signs of wilting, healthy (free of damage caused by parasites), clean and free of any foreign smell and/or taste,

( 1 ) OJ L 93, 31.3.2006, p. 12. C 29/28 EN Official Journal of the European Union 29.1.2011

— the buds must be tender and flavoursome, while the base of the bracts and the receptacle must be fleshy, tender and tasty with average total fibre content of 5 g per 100 g of edible plant.

3.3. Raw materials (for processed products only): —

3.4. Feed (for products of animal origin only): —

3.5. Specific steps in production that must take place in the identified geographical area: All stages in the production of ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ must be carried out in the production area defined in point 4 below. Harvesting must be carried out by hand, with the stalk being cut at a length not exceeding 10 cm and with one or two leaves possibly being present. Given how delicate it is, ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ must be carefully harvested, avoiding mechanical damage.

3.6. Specific rules concerning slicing, grating, packaging, etc.: ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ must be prepared and packaged in the area referred to in point 4, so as to avoid damage and/or loss of quality resulting from the artichokes being transported loose. It is an easily perishable product that is not good at withstanding handling and movement. Indeed, loss of quality, such as by browning and wilting, becomes more evident the longer the product is stored; in any event, it must be stored in cool, covered, well-ventilated places that are not subject to damp.

The preparation and packaging process involves one or more of the following operations, which are to be carried out in the production area by specially qualified staff.

— destalking: cutting of all or part of the stalk, the external fibrous part may also be removed from the remaining portion of the stalk,

— trimming: cutting the tip of the artichoke bracts,

— removal of the outer bracts: removing the most fibrous bracts from the buds so as to ensure that the product can be used immediately,

— packaging.

The product must be marketed fresh in recipients with capacity for from at least 1 (one) artichoke up to a maximum of 25 (twenty-five) artichokes. The recipients must be made of material of plant origin, cardboard or another recyclable material permitted by the legislation in force and closed with a seal that cannot be reused after opening. The produce in each package must be homogeneous with the typical colouration of the variety and closely clustered bracts.

3.7. Specific rules concerning labelling: The packages used when the product is released for consumption fresh must be marked with the ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ PGI logo. 29.1.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 29/29

The black and white and monochrome green versions may also be used.

The packages must also have labels bearing the following information and wording in printed characters of uniform dimensions:

— ‘Indicazione Geografica Protetta’ (or ‘IGP’) (Protected Geographical Indication (or ‘PGI’)) ‘Carciofo Brindisino’,

— the name, company name and address of the packager or producer,

— the commercial characteristics provided for by the legislation in force (category, weight of the package, etc.),

— the Community symbol.

All the wording must be grouped together in the same visual field and displayed in a clear, legible and indelible manner.

It is forbidden to add any description that is not expressly allowed and/or any additional information that is of a laudatory nature or that could mislead the consumer as to the nature and characteristics of the product.

4. Concise definition of the geographical area: The production area of ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ PGI covers the entire administrative area of the following municipalities: , , , , , , and Carovigno.

5. Link with the geographical area: 5.1. Specificity of the geographical area: E n v i r o n m e n t a l f a c t o r s The soil characteristics of the ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ production area are those which are typical of the sandy/calcareous soils of coastal origin, better known as tufa. Such soil has medium nitrogen content, is low in phosphorus and high in potassium, and has average organic substance levels. It is pH neutral or subalkaline with good field capacity and lies on mostly flat land.

This area is particularly suitable for growing ‘Carciofo Brindisino’, owing to the characteristics of the Mediterranean climate with its mild winters and warm, humid summers. These features result from atmospheric events in the north eastern Mediterranean, with climatic conditions also being favourably influenced by the beneficial vicinity to the , which makes winters particularly mild and damage caused by frost rare. The average temperature is around 9 °C in the cold months and around 25,5 °C in the warm months. Wide temperature variations occur only rarely. Precipitation is frequent in autumn and winter and rain is around 550 mm/year. Spring and summer are characterised by long dry periods.

H u m a n f a c t o r s Another typical feature of the area is the high level of specialisation achieved by local producers in the technique of growing ‘Carciofo Brindisino’, the high-quality organoleptic characteristics of which are the result of a growing technique that has been refined over time in close connection with the land on which it is produced.

5.2. Specificity of the product: A particularly important specific characteristic of ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ is how early it is produced, meaning that it can be on the market from as early as October.

Moreover, ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ is distinguished by its particularly tender and flavoursome buds and especially the dense, fleshy and tender base of the bracts and the fleshy and tasty receptacle. These characteristics, which are the result of the product's low fibre content, make ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ particularly suited to a wide range of culinary uses. Its mild taste also means that it is also appreciated as food to be eaten raw. C 29/30 EN Official Journal of the European Union 29.1.2011

5.3. Causal link between the geographical area and the quality or characteristics of the product (for PDO) or a specific quality, the reputation or other characteristic of the product (for PGI): ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ is a product that is very closely linked to its production area, from which it has taken its specific characteristics, that derive both from the soil and climate and from human factors.

The particularly favourable climate, together with the beneficial influence of the Adriatic Sea, give mild winters that allow early production.

The specific soil composition, with sandy/calcareous soil of coastal origin that is rich in potassium, together with the characteristics of the ecotype used, make the buds tender and flavoursome, features that are also caused by the low fibre level. The findings of sensory tests carried out using the panel test method at the National Research Centre's Institute for Sciences of Food Production in Bari attest to these specific organoleptic characteristics of ‘Carciofo Brindisino’, as compared to both other cultivars grown in Brindisi province and artichokes of the same cultivar grown outside the production area.

The clear signs of a link between this crop and its production area are also demonstrated by the large number of artichoke-based dishes that mark the local cuisine and the high degree of specialisation of producers in the area, which has been obtained with growing techniques that have been handed down from father to son.

H i s t o r i c a l f a c t o r s Testimony to the reputation of ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ can be found as far back as the mid-18th century. Indeed, from 1736 onwards the cookbooks of the various seminaries located in make reference to dishes based on this artichoke.

The high suitability of the area has led, in recent decades, to an increase in the surface area of artichoke cultivation, to the extent that currently around 20 % of Italian artichoke production is in Brindisi province.

The excellent reputation of ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ is currently demonstrated by many events, starting with the ‘Mostra del Carciofo Brindisino’ (Carciofo Brindisino Fair), which was first held in 1970, and gastronomic evenings and conferences dedicated to the product. The 2008 edition of the Vinitaly wine fair saw professional chefs being awarded prizes for culinary creations centred specifically around ‘Carciofo Brindisino’.

Reference to publication of the specification: The Ministry launched the national objection procedure with the publication of the proposal for recognising ‘Carciofo Brindisino’ PGI in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic No 251 of 28 October 2009.

The full text of the product specification is available:

— at the following site: http://www.politicheagricole.it/DocumentiPubblicazioni/Search_Documenti_Elenco. htm?txtTipoDocumento=Disciplinare%20in%20esame%20UE&txtDocArgomento=Prodotti%20di%20 Qualit%E0>Prodotti%20Dop,%20Igp%20e%20Stg


— by going directly to the Ministry's home page (http://www.politicheagricole.it) and clicking on ‘Prodotti di Qualità’ (on the left of the display) and then on ‘Disciplinari di Produzione all'esame dell'UE [regolamento (CE) n. 510/2006]’.