On the Equivalence of Interleavers for Turbo Codes Ronald Garzon Bohorquez, Charbel Abdel Nour, Catherine Douillard

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Ronald Garzon Bohorquez, Charbel Abdel Nour, Catherine Douillard. On the Equivalence of Inter- leavers for Turbo Codes. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE comsoc, 2015, 4 (1), pp.58 - 61. ￿10.1109/LWC.2014.2367517￿. ￿hal-01170165￿

HAL Id: hal-01170165 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01170165 Submitted on 17 Feb 2020

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. 1 On the Equivalence of Interleavers for Turbo Codes Ronald Garzon´ Bohorquez,´ Student Member, IEEE, Charbel Abdel Nour, Member, IEEE, and Catherine Douillard, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Three of the most common interleavers for Turbo shifts S. The interleaving function is defined as: Codes (TCs) are Dithered Relative Prime (DRP) interleavers, Quadratic (QPP) interleavers and Al- ΠARP(i) = (P ·i + S(i mod Q))mod K (1) most Regular Permutation (ARP) interleavers. In this paper it is shown that DRP and QPP interleavers can be expressed in the where i = 0, ..., K− 1 denotes the address of the data symbol ARP interleaver function form. Furthermore, QPP interleavers after interleaving and ΠARP(i) represents its corresponding can be seen as a particular case of ARP interleavers, in which address before interleaving. P is a positive integer relatively the values of the periodic shifts follow the quadratic term of prime to K, K being the interleaver size. The disorder cycle the QPP interleaver function. Some application examples of or disorder degree in the permutation is denoted by Q, which the equivalent expressions are provided. Particularly, in the QPP interleaver case, the different instances in the Long Term corresponds to the number of shifts in S. K must be a multiple Evolution (LTE) standard are considered. Obtained results are of Q. useful when investigating a suitable and general permutation model for TCs. B. The DRP Interleaver Index Terms—Turbo codes, ARP interleaver, DRP interleaver, As introduced by Crozier and Guinand [3], the DRP inter- QPP interleaver, equivalence. leaver is composed of three interleaving stages:

I.INTRODUCTION Πa(i) = R bi/Rc + r(i mod R) (2)

HE interleaver is a key component of Turbo Codes (TCs). Πb(i) = (s + P ·i) mod K (3) Its role is twofold. First, it has an important impact on T Πc(i) = W bi/W c + w(i mod W ) (4) the achievable minimum Hamming distance of the TC [1]. Second, due to its scattering properties, it also acts on the where bxc denotes the closest lower integer value with respect correlation of exchanged extrinsic information during the iter- to x; r and w are the read and write dither vectors with lengths ative decoding process [2]. In practical turbo coded systems, R and W , respectively. The interleaver length K must be algebraic are preferred to random-based permu- a multiple of the length of both dither vectors. P denotes tations. In this case, permuted addresses can be computed via the regular interleaver period, relatively prime to K, and s the application of a mathematical expression avoiding the use represents a constant shift. Then, the complete interleaver of storage elements or a look-up table. Therefore, they are function is defined as: easier to specify and implement. Three of the most popular ΠDRP(i) = Πa(Πb(Πc(i))) (5) interleavers with the above mentioned properties are Dithered Relative Prime (DRP) interleavers [3], Quadratic Permutation where i = 0, ..., K− 1 is the address of the data symbol after Polynomial (QPP) interleavers [4] adopted in LTE [5], and interleaving and ΠDRP(i) represents its corresponding address Almost Regular Permutation (ARP) interleavers [6] adopted before interleaving. in the DVB-RCS/RCS2 [7], [8] and WiMAX [9] standards. Until now, no generic permutation model for TCs has been C. The QPP Interleaver established. In this paper, we show that a relation exists among QPP interleavers, proposed by Sun and Takeshita [4], are these three families of interleavers. Indeed, we demonstrate based on permutation over the integer ZK that any DRP or QPP interleaver can be expressed as an ARP where K corresponds to the interleaver length. Such an interleaver. interleaver is completely defined by the algebraic expression: 2 II.ALGEBRAIC INTERLEAVER MODELSFOR TCS ΠQPP(i) = (f1i + f2i )mod K (6) This section gives an overview of the algebraic interleavers where i = 0, ..., K− 1 denotes the address of the data symbol analyzed in this letter. after interleaving and ΠQPP(i) represents its corresponding address before interleaving. For even data sequence lengths, A. The ARP Interleaver the necessary and sufficient condition for the polynomial in (6) to define a valid permutation (i.e., one to one mapping) The ARP interleaver was proposed by Berrou et al. [6]. It can have two different expressions [10], [11]: is based on a regular permutation of period P and a vector of n 1) 2 divides K for n > 1: then, f1 is relatively prime to The authors are with the Electronics Department, Institut Mines-Telecom, K and all prime factors of K are also factors of f2. Telecom Bretagne, CNRS UMR 6285 Lab-STICC, CS 83818 - 29238 Brest n 2) 2 divides K for n=1, but not for n>1: then, f1 + f2 Cedex 3, France (e-mail: [email protected]; K [email protected]; catherine.douillard@telecom- is odd, f1 is relatively prime to 2 and all prime factors bretagne.eu). of K, excluding 2, are also factors of f2. 2

According to these conditions, K and f2 can be factorized in B. QPP Interleavers as Special Cases of ARP Interleavers their prime factors as: It can be shown that the QPP interleaver is a particular ω(K) case of the ARP interleaver. Let us first recall the addition Y α αK,1 K,i property of congruence [12]: if a ≡ b mod n and c ≡ d mod n K = 2 pi (7) i=2 then ax + cy ≡bx + dy mod n for all integers x and y.

ω(K) ω(f) Therefore, a sufficient condition for the existence of an Y αf,i Y αf,i ARP-equivalent form of a valid QPP interleaver is that the f = 2αf,1 p p (8) 2 i i following equations hold: i=2 i=ω(K)+1  (P ·i)mod K = (f1i)mod K (17) where ω(K) and ω(f) represent the number of different prime 2 S(i mod Q)mod K = (f2i )mod K (18) factors of K and f2, respectively. αf,1 = 0 for αK,1 = 1 and αf,1 >1 for αK,1 >1. (17) holds for: P = f1 (19) III.AUNIFIED DESCRIPTION FORMOF ALGEBRAIC (18) holds for the trivial case in which Q = K. However, INTERLEAVERS BASEDONTHE ARPMODEL it is not a suitable value for implementation purposes, since In this section it is shown that DRP and QPP interleavers K shift values have to be stored. It can be shown that a valid can be expressed as ARP interleavers. value for Q, smaller than the trivial case Q=K, can be found. Given that S is a vector of Q periodic shifts, equation (18) is A. DRP Interleavers Expressed as ARP Interleavers satisfied for: 2 2 Noting that for natural integers n and k, n bk/nc is equal (f2i )mod K = (f2(i + Q) )mod K (20) to k−k mod n, expressions (2) and (4) can be rewritten as: 2 2 2 (f2i )mod K = (f2i + 2f2Qi + f2Q )mod K Πa(i) = (i − i mod R + r(i mod R)) mod K (9) Then, it must be verified that: Πc(i) = (i − i mod W + w(i mod W )) mod K (10) 2 (2f2Qi + f2Q )mod K = 0 (21) Then, the term Πb(Πc(i)) in (5) can be expressed as: which holds for:  Πb(Πc(i)) = (s + P (i − i mod W + w(i mod W ))) mod K (2f2Qi)mod K = 0 (22) 2 (f2Q )mod K = 0 (23) = (P ·i+s+P (w(i mod W ) −i mod W )) mod K (11) (22) implies that: Therefore, a vector with W periodic shifts, SW, can be + defined as: 2f2Q = lK, l ∈ N (24) which is satisfied for: SW (i mod W ) =(s + P (w(i mod W ) − i mod W )) mod K (12) and (11) can be expressed as: Q = (lK)/(2f2) (25) Let us factorize l in its prime factors as: Πb(Πc(i)) = (P ·i+ SW (i mod W )) mod K (13) ω(K) ω(f) Y α Y α Substituting (13) and (9) into (5) gives the overall expres- l = 2αl,1 p l,i p l,i (26) sion of the DRP interleaver: i i i=2 i=ω(K)+1

ΠDRP(i) = (P ·i + SW (i mod W )− Then, (25) with Q as a divisor of K holds for:  α ∈ {0, 1} , for α = 1 (27) (P ·i + SW (i mod W )) mod R+  l,1 K,1   αf,1 −αK,1 +1 ≤ αl,1 ≤ αf,1 +1, for αK,1 > 1 (28) r((P·i+SW (i mod W )) mod R)) mod K (14) α −α ≤ α ≤ α , i = 2, ..., ω(K) (29) Let M be the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of R and W .  f,i K,i l,i f,i  Then, a vector with M periodic shifts, SM, can be defined as: αl,i =αf,i, i = ω(K)+1, ..., ω(f) (30) (23) implies that: S = (S − (P·i + S ) mod R M(i mod M) W (i mod W ) W (i mod W ) 2 + f2Q = mK, m ∈ N (31) + r((P·i+SW (i mod W )) mod R)) mod K (15) With Q as defined in (25), (31) evaluates to: Finally, (14) can be expressed in the form: 2 (l/2) (K/f2)K = mK (32) ΠDRP(i) = (P ·i + SM(i mod M))mod K (16) 2 + According to (32), (l/2) (K/f2) ∈ N , which holds for: Given that K is a multiple of both M and Q, we can take  αl,1 = 1, for αK,1 = 1 (33) Q = M and the expression in (16) corresponds to the ARP   αf,1 −αK,1 interleaver function in (1). Therefore, it is shown that any DRP +1 ≤ αl,1, for αK,1 > 1 (34) interleaver can be expressed in the ARP interleaver function 2  αf,i −αK,i form.  ≤ αl,i, i = 2, ..., ω(K) (35) 2 3

Afterwards, we have to find a range for the exponents of the TABLE I PARAMETERSOFTHE DRP INTERLEAVERS. prime factors of l, αl,i, validating the conditions that verify equations (25) and (32). DRP K s P r w First, αl,1 = 1 validates both conditions (33) and (27) for I 784 73 25 (2, 5, 1, 0, 4, 6, 3) (6, 3, 2, 4, 0, 1, 5) αK,1 =1. Then, for αK,1 > 1, two cases have to be considered: II 784 13 33 (1, 0, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6) (3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1, 0) ( αK,1 <αf,1 : the valid range for αl,1 is given by (28) III 6144 14 263 (1, 0) (2, 1, 0) α −α IV 6144 19 107 (1, 0, 2) (1, 0) α ≥ α : f,1 K,1 +1 ≤ α ≤ α +1 (36) K,1 f,1 2 l,1 f,1 TABLE II The same applies for αl,i, i = 2, ..., ω(K): EQUIVALENT ARP INTERLEAVERS TO THE DRP FROM TABLE I. ( αK,i < αf,i : the valid range for αl,i is defined by (29) α −α ARP Q S(0) S(1) S(2) S(3) S(4) S(5) S(6) α ≥ α : f,i K,i ≤ α ≤ α (37) K,i f,i 2 l,i f,i I 7 220 127 73 99 754 759 47 II 7 113 47 144 45 48 663 599 Finally, for αl,i, i = ω(K)+1, ..., ω(f), the exponent values III 6 541 13 5633 539 15 5631 - are obtained from (30). It is noteworthy that negative lower IV 6 127 6055 125 6056 126 6057 - bounds for αf,i, in (36) or (37) must be replaced with zero 0 since αf,i ∈ N . Therefore, an equivalent ARP function for a valid QPP A. Equivalent ARP interleavers for the DRP Case interleaver is obtained by choosing P equal to f with a 1 In the first application example, a DRP interleaver of length vector of shifts S of length Q. The possible values for Q 784 is considered. A length of 7 is selected for the dither are determined by (25), for l defined in (26). Let Q be the s vectors. Two different configurations of these vectors are smallest possible value for Q. It corresponds to the minimum analyzed and listed in Table I. The disorder degree Q of disorder degree for which an equivalent ARP can be found. the equivalent ARP interleavers is set to the dither vector Other possible values for Q are then multiples of Q provided s size value. The regular permutation period P of each ARP that K remains a multiple of Q. Then, the Q periodic shifts of interleaver is the same as the one used in the original DRP S are obtained from (18) for i = 0, ..., Q−1. Note that the shift version. Then, the 7 shifts of the equivalent ARP interleavers values of S for multiples of Q are just periodic repetitions of s are obtained from (15) and listed in Table II. those obtained for Q . Then, only the shift values for Q have s s In the second example, a DRP of length 6144 is analyzed. to be found. Thus, the QPP interleaver is a particular case of Two different dither vector lengths, 2 and 3, as well as two the ARP interleaver in which the values of the periodic shifts different configurations are considered and listed in Table I. follow the relation (18). Then, the disorder degree of the equivalent ARP is set to 6, which corresponds to the LCM of 2 and 3. The regular IV. ADVANTAGES OF THE PROPOSED UNIFIED permutation period is again selected as the one used in the REPRESENTATION OF INTERLEAVERS FOR TCS DRP interleaver and the 6 shifts of the equivalent ARP As shown in [13], differences seem to exist between achiev- interleavers are given by (15). The corresponding shift values able Hamming distances of QPP and DRP-based interleavers are listed in Table II. It was verified that the interleaved (mostly in favor of DRP ones). Since any DRP or QPP addresses obtained with the equivalent ARP interleavers from interleaver can be represented by an ARP interleaver (the other Table II are the same as those obtained with the respective way around is not necessarily true), the Hamming distances DRP interleavers from Table I. achievable by these former structures are attainable by the ARP interleaver. Thus, one can argue that the corresponding B. Equivalent ARP interleavers for the QPP Case values set a lower bound on the achievable distances by ARP- In this case, two instances of the QPP interleaver defined based interleavers. Furthermore, since TCs have found their in the LTE standard [5] are detailed. Let us first take the way to several standards with different interleaving structure interleaver of length 216 for which f2 = 36. The inter- in each (e.g., QPP for LTE and ARP for WiMAX and DVB- leaver length and f2 are factorized in their prime factors as: RCS), unifying the interleaving structure have an advantage for 216 = 2333 and 36 = 2232, respectively. Therefore, the implementation purposes. Indeed, for a hardware implementa- values for l, leading to valid values for Q, are factorized as: tion, one can design an ARP interleaver that can be used for l = 2αl,1 3αl,2 , following (26). According to (36), the valid ARP interleavers and that can support QPP ones. Therefore, range for αl,1 is 1 ≤ αl,1 ≤ 3. Afterwards, the valid range for the overall complexity can be reduced when both interleaving αl,2, 0 ≤ αl,2 ≤ 2, is obtained from (37). Then, from these structure have to be supported in the same chip. ranges, the of valid values for l is calculated. Finally, the possible values for Q are obtained from (25). The respective values for Q are listed in Table III. A minimum disorder degree V. APPLICATION EXAMPLES of 6 is found. The shift values of S for this interleaver and The obtained equivalent expressions of DRP and QPP for those of length 432, 720 and 1008, for which Qs =6, are interleavers in the form of the ARP are applied in some listed in Table IV. examples. 4




l 2 4 6 8 12 18 24 36 72

40 Q 6 12 18 24 36 54 72 108 216

32 s



16 K 216 432 720 1008

8 f1 11 47 79 55

f2 36 72 120 84 0

S(1) 36 72 120 84 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 S(2) 144 288 480 336 K S(3) 108 216 360 756 Fig. 1. Minimum disorder degree Qs of the equivalent ARP interleavers for S(4) 144 288 480 336 the different sizes K of the LTE QPP interleaver. S(5) 36 72 120 84

VI.CONCLUSION TABLE V In this letter, it was shown that DRP and QPP inter- POSSIBLE VALUES FOR Q INTHE QPP INTERLEAVER WITH K =1696, leavers can be expressed as ARP interleavers. In addition, f1 =55 AND f2 =954. QPP interleavers were found to be special cases of ARP l 9 18 36 477 954 1908 interleavers in which the values of the periodic shifts follow Q 8 16 32 424 848 1696 the quadratic term of the QPP interleaver function. Thus, the same interleaving properties of DRP or QPP interleavers can be provided by ARP interleavers. Therefore, the ARP TABLE VI interleaver is a sufficient permutation model to design TCs EQUIVALENT ARP INTERLEAVERS WITH P =f1, Qs =8, S(0)=S(4)=0. with the achievable asymptotic performance from any of the three interleaver families. K 1696 768 3264 5376

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