Anthony Seldon,Peter Snowdon | 640 pages | 11 Aug 2016 | HarperCollins Publishers | 9780007575534 | English | London, United Kingdom Cameron at 10: The Verdict

Czapski rated it it was amazing Nov 15, Check store availability Tell us your location to check reservation choices today:. The Conservatives thought that in five years they could only really tackle one of these pathways, so went with Welfare Dependency, seemingly not realising that without tackling the others, breaking the safety net would only make things worse. Those on the right of the Conservative Party were particularly frustrated that their leader had failed to win a majority, and furious that he immediately opted for coalition over minority government. We use different types of cookies to optimize your experience on our website. The deep rivalry and suspicion between and was no secret. Coming into power, the government embarked on a program of cuts to public services designed to shrink the state and reduce the budget deficit. Please enter a valid email address. These cookies are used to make advertising messages more relevant to you. Buy It Now. Anthony Seldon. The referendum marked their triumph from beyond the grave. Since austerity had been sold to the UK public as a necessary evil the country had to endure for economic recovery, the fact that contributions to the EU were increasing and other EU countries with the exception of Greece were not undergoing such harsh austerity, gave the impression that the EU was taking advantage of the British recovery effort, holding Britain down from a greater economic future. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. For me a 4. And a few chapters later, there he was taking on Cameron at 10: The Verdict of Libya. Community Reviews. Reading about the Coalition years in detail was an odd experience: these events were in the background to my university and early graduate life, but I was barely cognizant of them. Description The most intimate account of a serving prime minister ever published, this is the gripping inside story of 's government as told by senior figures, including the Prime Minister, George Osborne and Boris Johnson. A perceptive and brisk chronicle of David Cameron's time at Downing Street, emphasising the importance of his relationship with George Osborne and the effective work of the Number Ten staff. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison. About this product. Where Seldon excels is in his understanding of political relationships. Seller Inventory mon Start your review of Cameron at The Inside Story — Among the many issues these incidents bring to light, activists and legal experts are again questioning why, even amid these circumstances, charges against Cameron at 10: The Verdict are rarely seen. New Paperback Quantity Available: No ratings or reviews yet. At am, as the referendum results came in on June 24th, Cameron knew that he had to go. Many suspected that he would rather work with the Lib Dems than some of his own backbenchers. After he presents a short PowerPoint to her, some of it in German, she directly asks whether he Cameron at 10: The Verdict to say in the EU. By Josiah Bates. Remember that disabling cookies may affect your experience on the website. View all copies of this ISBN edition:. Topics David Cameron. The trouble is with such an up to the minute account is that it lacks perspective there are many many books that will pick over the bones of Brexit, which this book attempts to do in a matter of pages. Van der Kolk Paperback, 4. Book Description HarperCollins Publishers. Please turn this functionality on or check if you have another program set to block cookies. Manage In Chrome. These are cookies that have not yet been categorized. Stock Image. This specific ISBN edition is currently not available. The book managed to stride a fine line between domestic and foreign policy. It was pushed through early in the parliament, despite massive opposition from healthcare professionals, because Lansley believed that by the next election, marketization would improve the quality and efficiency of the service to such an extent that all the people speaking out against them now would be proved wrong and become Cameron at 10: The Verdict voters. Juncker allegedly had far less support until Cameron Cameron at 10: The Verdict a major cock up: he had been courting EU leaders to vote against Juncker, but then he publicly stated that Britain would be more likely to vote Leave in the EU referendum if federalist Juncker won. With insights into his relationships with EU leaders, the Brexit camp and Barack Obama, this is the essential blueprint for understanding the rise and fall of the Cameron government. Feb 03, Michael Macdonald rated it really liked it Shelves: politics. He has written the unrivalled account of the Conservative Party's return to power under David Cameron, 'Back from the Brink', described by Daniel Finkelstein as 'a superb new history of the last decade in Tory politics'. Even though Cameron at 10: The Verdict am not a supporter of the Tory party I would recommend this to anyone with an interest in modern politics, if for no other reason than to know your enemy! To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Many are well-meaning. I came to like the way the chapters were laid out though Cameron at 10: The Verdict took a while. Recommended for any reader interested in how Cameron and his government worked during the years to From riots in London to the withdrawal from Afghanistan to the gambles of two seismic referenda - the youngest prime minister since faced an exceptionally turbulent period in British politics. His message? For bringing the Conservatives back to power in after 13 years, and for winning the general election in against the odds, the first outright Tory majority for 23 years. The Conservative's election campaign included a promise not to carry out any unnecessary NHS reorganizations. Ballard's description of Cameron at 10: The Verdict Thatcher as a 'public-spirited psychopath'. To many, voting Leave was Cameron at 10: The Verdict protest against austerity, which unfortunately had been erroneously linked to the EU in people's minds. The final couple of chapters are somewhat sad because the narrative tells a story Cameron at 10: The Verdict Cameron finding his feet as PM, getting into routine and governing well with his team only to be cut short just as he is getting into things. The majority of economists were opposed to the austerity program. Osborne had reservations over holding a referendum, as did Cameron to a lesser extent, but in January the Prime Minister finally went ahead with his Bloomberg speech. As a part of the settlement reached with the Taylor family, the city of Louisville agreed to make changes to its police department, including drug and alcohol testing for officers involved in shootings and more stringent requirements pertaining to search warrant approval, though when these reform will begin to rollout is unclear. The conclusion of the authors on the impact and potential legacy of Cameron the prime minister [of only the nation's second Cameron at 10: The Verdict government[ and Conservative Party leader is to my mind fair and well reasoned; especially when considering the economy, security, foreign policy, relationships with fellow leaders and key domestic Cameron at 10: The Verdict such as Gay Marriage, Cameron at 10: The Verdict and Scottish Independence referendum. Dec 17, Ray rated it did not like it. This paperback edition was rushed out after Cameron's resignation, with two superficial chapters added which briefly summarize the final year of his premiership.