r inside Today: Literary Magazine

Serving Storrs Since 1896

VOL. LXXVIII NO. 58 STORRS, CONNECTICUT THURSDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1974 5 CENTS OFF CAMPUS Group offers programming for commuters By TIKRI MANGINJ Assistant News Editor There arc more than 4,400 commuting students at the University, and the Commuters' Union works for them all. Since its creation three years ago 'I'* representative body has been sponsoring programs such is .i ride board and day care information to support and service its membership, "Flic Commuters' Union is the only place on campus that 1 no to when I don't know where to go," one commuter said Wednesday. "And it's where I no lo find out what's going on around campus," he said. The Commuter's Union functions as a ).nt of UConn's student government, In1 Federation of Students and Service Organizations (FSSO), and as an interest ELIZABETHAN University Chamber Singers dressed in Tudor rostume entertain more than 200 guests at the first of five group working outside the University, evening Elizabethan Christmas Dinner Concerts in the Student Union Ballroom Wednesday night. (Photo by Randy Philippi) according to Greg Alvarcs, president of the Union. Hie biggest problem lor the Union's five person executive council is communicating with its constituency to keep the programs going, Alvarcs said. Parolee linked to state murders "It's difficult lor us to get the addresses of the off-campus residents," BY KEN LUCAS Wine, a 35-ycar-old nurse, and Dawn, Bates' murder. he saiil. if only (o distribute the flyers Staff Reporter her 16-year-old daughter. The two were Knowles also was arrested Nov. 1 7 printed twice a month. Presently the A Florida parolee, who has been found dead in their home after being in Georgia after a massive manhunt by livers have been deposited in p.irking charged with five murders in the South strangled on Oct. 15 or 16. Georgia and Florida police in the lots and at bus stops. and Midwest, is being held by Georgia "I can say that the evidence in this kidnapping and murder of a Florida The efforts of the union go far police as a suspect in the October case is directly linked to the murder state highway patrolman and a beyond the printing of the newspaper, murders of two persons in victims in Marlborough," Osbornc said. Delaware businessman. Both victims however, and one of its major interests Marlborough. "But I can't say what that evidence were found soon after Knowles' arrest, is rectifying ten.mi e omplaints. Two Connecticut state police is." Osbornc would not say whether handcuffed to a tree and shot in the Tenant complaint forms are available detectives were sent to Milledgevillc, the evidence included pictures, head. m the Union's office located in the Ga. Friday after it was reported police signatures, or names of the victims. Knowles will be charged in that Student Union, Alvarcs said. "We trv lo there had discovered evidence "directly "Felling you any more would double murder. Continued on Page "• linked" to the Marlboroueh slayings jeopardize the case," he said. belonging to Paul Knowles, 28. Connecticut state police refused to Charles Osbornc, Milledgevillc comment Wednesday. assistant police chief, told the Daily Credit card slips stolen from Campus Wednesday evidence has been William Bates of Lima, Ohio, were used identified as having belonged to Karen by Knowles in Mystic at a service station and a Ramada Inn on Oct. 15, Friday will be the last regular the last day the Wines were seen alive. Daily Campus publication of the Bates' decomposed body was found ■^m semester. A special Sports and Storrs last week in a wooded area in Ohio. supplement will be published Dec. Knowles' fingerprints were found on 12. The newspaper will resume Bates' abandoned car in Florida Nov. normal publication Jan. 21, 1975. 14. Knowles has been charged with Attorney favors proposals to clarify file access law

By KAYTESTKINERT -Colleges would be free to seno News Editor grades to parents if the student was University Alty. John G. Hill said classified as a dependent; and Wednesday the five amendments to be -The definitions of "records" and proposed next week by U.S. Senators "hearings" in the legislation would be James L. Buckley, R- N.Y., and sharpened. Clairbomc Pell, DR.I., to controversial sections of a new "right to know" law The family Educational Rights and are "all welcomed additions" that settle Privacy Act was proposed by Buckley principle ambiguities in the original and adopted as an amendment to the legislation. Flemcntarv and Secondary Education The proposed changes issued in a Act of 1974. joint statement by the Senators Tuesday The Buckley amendment lias little guarantee, among other things, the impact on the University of Connecticut confidentiality of existing letters of because students have complete access recommendation. to files in the Placement Office and The basic aim of the legislation is to Office of Student Affairs. give students the chance to see what information will influence possible The main problem in the original bill. admission to graduate school or future Hill said, was the question of making job opportunities. letters written as confidential, available Other amendments stipulate: to students. The amendment would -Students would lie allowed to waive retain the confidential status of these their right to sec certain letters. dot uments; However, the amendment would -Students would not lie allowed to allow students to see letters of PRINT SALE - Students browse through a selection of more than 1,000 fine art sec their parents' confidential Imam ial recommendation written alter the prints on sale at the Student Union mezzanine. The sale, sponsored by the Black statements; legislation went into effeel Nov. 19. Voices of Freedom, ends Friday. (Photo l>\ Susan Perry) OPINION POFTRY PUBLIC

Poor Wilbur?

Poor Wilbur Mills has enough problems already. Ever since his backseat The Cobalt Blue Tower encounter with strip-tease friend Fanny Foxe and her headline-making plunge into a Washington, D.C. reflecting pool, the veteran chairman of The Cobalt Blue Tower stands deserted in the the House Ways and Means Committee has been the subject of cruel and Field cutting jokes from both friend, foe and fellow Congressman. Now he is in It matches the sky a hospital; apparently his health has cracked. It matches itself Those newly-elected Democratic Congressmen arc starting to flex their There is nothing else for it to match muscles and want to change the long-standing policies of Mills' committee Once and sap him of his strength. Billions of years ago Poor Wilbur Mills? It was created by a group of Einsteins Mills should not be pitied for his long-due descent from power. He has impervious to everything served as chairman of the most important and influential committee in the it would last forever House for 17 years. He never had to worry about reelection until his fling One of them with Ms. Foxe because he, like many committee chairmen in the House, An Einstein among Einsteins arc from "sale" districts. gave it a soul as a practical joke While most constituents would cringe with embarrassment if their Now they're gone Congressman were exposed for "undesirable" social activities, Mills' folks and It spends it's days surveying in Arkansas were willing to look the other way and sent him back for yet a vast panorama of nothing another term on Capitol Hill. It was his 18th consecutive term and gives The Cobalt Blue Tower him 36 years of seniority in the House. impervious to everything Seniority is the secret to landing the big committee chairman except loneliness positions. Few Congressmen in "contested" districts ever make it to the big chairmanships. They have to worry about reelection, the image of their Rich Evans party and find a way to keep as much of their constituency happy as is possible. The House has few veterans from urban areas. Contrarily, Mills has run unopposed for years. Mills' Ways and Means Committee is the starting point for all revenue legislation, such as tax bills, tariffs, Social Security and Medicare. If Mills doesn't want a bill to get out of committee, it usually won't. He has been able to block Presidential program proposals and instill his own. The Your guardian angel lifts his sleepy head Democrats on the committee also possess the power to assign fellow His silent reverie disturbed Democrats to committees. Mills has taken initiative here, too, makin;.; Deep in the vastness of your mind personal choices and making — or breaking — a Representative's career. Ominous rumblings are heard Now in firmed in Bcthcsda Naval Hospital for "exhaustion," Mills will have plenty of time to think about his own political future rather than the Magic wand in hand, future of others as he did for 17 years. Fellow Democrats have since He rises to the occasion vowed to add 12 additional seats to his panel and have taken away its As he flits to the rescue power to assign Democratic Representatives to committees. With his power stripped, his health failing, and his ego shattered, Mills he's heard to say; might best serve the House by going back to Arkansas. Though it may be the end of one career, he did start another — the Tidal Basin Bombshell. The Damn Fool's in Love Again.

Mark Alcssi

FORUM Living off the school To the Kditor: suggestion and chip in towards A most ironic contradiction that part of the budget which exists in the current University benefits them. housing situation. It is that the I suggest that rents for same UConn administrators University-owned houses be who arc responsible for the increased so they more nearly increases in lees, room and equal those in the private sector board, and limits on rental of the Storrs community. Any periods o I o I I - C a m p u s money remaining after the apartments are living rent-free, upkeep for these homes is paid or nearly so, in Univer- should be allocated to providing sity-owned houses. more off-campus housing. A These houses are maintained maximum rental period of by the Physical Plant staff. If seven years should be instituted the University is in such dire until there is enough financial straits that students off-campus housing to meet the and parents whose incomes are demands of those eligible to generally lower than, and whose live in the houses. (Eligibility '). B., WOUIO YOU TRADE A FEMALE LEAD FOR SOME INTERESTING INFLUENCE ON TAX basic living expenses arc requirements should be RELIEF FOR THE INDUSTRY?' relaxed.) proportionately greater than Seven years should be these administrators are ample time for an individual to reepiired to contribute more decide whether or not he/she toward the University's will remain at Storrs, and to operating expenses, then our build or find his own housing if executive administrators should he plans to stay. follow in the spirit of their own Name withheld upon request (Hanmttitnt lathi (EampttH | Servinq Sforrs Since 1896 Editor-in-Chief Arthur M. Horwitz Managing Editor ." Alan K. Reisner Business Manager Deborah A. DeRose Associate Editor Mark R. Franklin

Second Class Postage paid at Storrs. Ct. 06?68. Published dally except Saturday and Sunday trom Sept. <) through Dec. 1 2 and from Jan. 1 6 through April 16 ; not published during Thanksgiving and Easter recess. Business office and Editorial office located on North Eaglcville Road in Storrs. Accepted for national advertising by the Nationar Educational Advertising Service. Subscriber: United Press International. Subscription rates: $ 1 per year, $5 per semester. Return notification of unclaimed deliveries to Connecticut Daily 'WAITI NO PEEKING TILL I GET IT WRAPPED! Campus, University of Connecticut, Storrs. Ct. 06268. Thursday, December 5, 1974 Connecticut Daily Campus Page 3 Fire alarm renovation - - survives economic freeze

By LAWRF.NCK KING formulate estimates because staff Reporter suppliers were slow in delivering The University has been priccs on necdcd materials, assured by the State Public Rohrbach said he is Works Department (PWD) that '-absolutely confident" the the $800,000 bond issue for project will not be affected by campus fire alarm renovations a freeze because it is a safety will not be affected by any matter which should not be freeze's on spending imposed stopped because of its urgency, by Gov. Meskill before he The need for revamping leaves office in January.' alarm systems was first noticed Bids for the contract which after a fire in Brock Hall on must be submitted by next Oct. 31, 1971 when the week are usually not stopped electric-operated fire alarm by a freeze once a project has failed to sound during a power gone to bid, according to John failure. G. Rohrbach, assistant vice The PWD usually takes two president for finance and to three weeks after bids are administration. received to award a contract, Bids were originally due Rohrbach said. It could be a Wednesday but a PWD month or more before the spokesman said contractors project is awarded to a involved needed more time to contractor. A I'-^il-v-^ J.,« Richard DeHaan, vice Jane RosenGrandon, a graduate student volunteer, works on a Commuters Union flyer published AppllCatlOnS Ulie president for finance and twice a month for all University commuters, (photo by Susan Perry) Any student unable to take administration, said the PWD final exams at the regularly selects the contractor for such scheduled time should apply for publicly funded projects and permission to take them at a UConn is not involved in the different time at the Office of process. Student Affairs in Hall Dorm. No one in Gov. Meskill's Commuters receive advice Students who do not want to office was available Tuesday take an exam during the night to comment on possible scheduled period must have effects of the spending freeze Continued from Page I complaints involve students ihe group s major concerns. permission before speaking to on other University building gel the having problems getting security The Willimantic Bus route, their professor. projects situations corrected as soon as deposits back from the landlord. established last semester lo ease ■■■■■■■• ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiniiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii i mi wc get the complaints," he said. lie said the Union encourages the extra cost involved with Alvarcs said most of the tenants to go i<> I he small claims commuting will probably not be PLANTS conn. The commuter representatives continued nexl semester because COLLEGE .. I call area realtors weekly lo get of lack ol riders, Alvarcs said. rRII »A»«1H& 429 tot? I information on apartments The buses, which were filled NOW THRU TUESDAY available in the area, according last year by about '.)() staff PLANTS Trench Connection to the seventh semester biology members and .'!() students, were 2, 5:30. 9 pm major, and their files lisi nearly vacant this semester. Seven-Ups 3:43, 7:13 apartments where the group Alvarcs said main staff members feels students will !><■ treated drive their own cars again this Back to fairly. year no longer reeling the threat PLANTS A guide book on tenants1 of long lines at gasoline stations. Through the Arch of Holiday /Aall Back... rights which will be distributed Although I he decision lo free to all commuters and cancel Ihc route is not definite, Route 1^5— STorns Bumper to interested students is presently one student said he would be L being compiled. willing to lobby against the Telephone: 203- l2^-6835 Bumper... On one wall "I il>* Union's < an< illation. office is ,i car pool hoard and ,i "It's |he only solution I have Hours: i0am-6pm-Mon.1hruSat. Chase to ride clearing ho.ml. whi< h lor transportation," one seventh 10% off on all our terrarium supplies - Alvarcs said draws aboul 3(1 semester student said, "other HI..in* num.:i..: ;IIIII IIIMUII •HimMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIlT Ckasel mil it es a week. than hitch hiking." U'iili the pressure ol last Alvarcs said the council needs winter's gastdinc shortage oil opinions on how lhe programs i ommuting students, ride arc working and more interest information has been another ol from its huge membership. Journalist to lecture on magazine writing William Kilpatrick, editor ol editor ol I'agcant, Parade, Connecticut Magazine and Popular Mechanics, Mechanix freelance writer, will speak on Illustrated and as executive magazine writing here Thursday editor of True. at S p.m. in Student Union lie has contributed articles lo Everything seemed so Colliers, Ksquire, better Homes Important then...even love! Room 306. A freelance writer for L'O & Gardens, Car and Driver. years, Kilpatrick has been a Blucbook, Good Housekeeping, Friday, Dec. 6, 8-10, VDM $1.50 frequent contributor lo national Rudder, Science and Mechanics, Next Friday: Westworld. publications and has served as an Meld and Stream, Fly Fishing, and several others. Kilpatrick is now writing a hook on historically significant motor cars and has authored a children's book on aviation history. LAST CHANCE!! A graduate of Hobart College, Kilpatrick lives in Greens Farms, YOUR with Mrs. Nice, a personable cat. Admission is free to the event sponsored by the Journalism department. Join The Fight For A Fair Rent Commission Today's weather Today will be sunny and cold Protect Your Tenant Rights with high temperatures in the 30 's. Chance of precipitation Mansfield Town Hearing Want to offer a ride? will be variable at about ten Monday , December 9, 1974 Need a ride? miles per hour. It will be fair and cold tonight 7:00 P.M. Call Commuters' Union with a low temperature between Buchanan Center 10 to 15 degrees. Rt. 89 Mansfield S.U. Room 10 Friday will be fair and warmer 486-3942 or 3444 with highs in the 40's. The chance of precipitation will be near zero thru Saturday. GET OFF YOUR APATHY!! There is a possibility of snow or rain for Sunday and Monday Page 4 Connecticut Daily Campus Thursday, December 5, 1974 Nutmeg conducts survey UConn to submit AAP of 'controversial questions' "controversial" and they deal By KEN LUCAS the federal government July 1, classified staff personnel are In an attempt to get a with issues that affect most Staff Reporter for which a decision is pending. often overlooked. "consensus of feelings" among students. The University is submitting The Affirmative Action Plan, These problems are usually University students, the Nutmeg its first Affirmative Action Plan situations in which"an employee yearbook staff is asking students being released Friday, is the first "We are doing this because we to state authorities Friday, while plan to be submitted to state does work delegated to a higher to fill out a questionnaire a decision is still pending on a authorities by the University. It classified employee while (published in a full page ad in arc trying to change the plan submitted to federal will be sent to the Office of receiving lower-classification today's Daily Campus). yearbook," Pape said. "We want officials last July 1, according to Manpower Development and pay. According to Nutmeg Editor something that is different." Noreen A. Ray, acting equal T Ray said plans submitted Ron Pape, the results of the poll Training in Hartford for study. The questionnaires can' be employment opportunities A UConn spokesman said j Friday must carry separate will be published in a returned through the campus (I'.F.O) officer at the University. Wednesday he did not know guidelines for faculty, classified, "point-counter point" section of State agencies, which receive what consequences a rejection and non-classified staff. the yearbook, which will be mail or placed in the ballot.box federal funds exceeding SSO.OOO by a state agency might hold for Sanctions can be imposed on available in April. in the Student Union lobby, he and have more than 50 I Conn. UConn if discrimination or Pape said the questions are said. I employes, are required to submit "Success of affirmative action inequities in hiring or promotion Affirmative Action Plani on depends on the kind of climate practices arc discovered in the luring and promotion pro* eclurcs where dialogue can take place plan submitted to the federal NORMAN a RENITA VERTEFEUILLE by Friday in accordance with an and problems can be solved government last summer. executive order by Gov. Meskill. before legal action becomes These sanctions may include Ray said this include! the necessary,"according to Ray. delay of new grants and University. Speaking at a "brown bag" contracts, the revoking of Previous plans submitted to luncheon sponsored by existing grants, or the barring of THE GREEN LEAF SH0PPE the federal Department of Continuing Education for the University from eligibility Health, F.ducation, and Welfare Women Wednesday in the for future grants and contracts. 'Ihtittnetivt 2>omc4rW by UConn have been rejected. Student Union, Ray said the Ray said individuals may The latest plan was submitted to discrimination grievances of submit grievances to her office for action. She said F.FO acts as 733 MAIN STREET a ''monitor of the WILLIMANTIC CONN. 06226 TEC 423-8821 administration," especially at House accepts proposal the departmental level. Wllllll "We are not an active part.of the administration," she said. to limit student busing "We are actually a liason between the administration and restriction that only $200,000 LAST DAY WASHINGTON (UPI) The the plaintiff in grievance House voted 212 t«> 176 could be spent on funds to help matters." to buy and sell Wednesday t*> accepl a former President Richard M. your equipment at the House Senate compromise which Nixon make his transition to could *H*< lively ban the busing private life. Nixon originally had SPAGHETTI of school children i<> achieve sought $850,000. racial desegregation. The Senate ignored the busing The amendment, attached to provision in its version, but a supplemental appropriations House-Senate conferees SKI SWAP measure providing in part for the fashioned the compromise New and used equipment funding of the Health, version including the F.ducation and Welfare amendment which the House- from retail stores available Department, would prohibit any approved Wednesday. SUPPER at great prices. Open of the $5.8 billion for IIFW over Rep. Shirley Chisholm, 10 AM ■ 10 PM S.U. 103. the next two years to be used to D-N.Y., said such artificial Battcrson B classify or assign students or implements as giving IIFW Sat. Dec. 7 Presented by Ski Club teachers by race, sex or religion. authority to order busing to 4-10 p.m. (FSSO funded) HEW Seiretary Caspar W. achieve s* hool desegregation Pizza & B ! Reminder: Weinberger said the amendment were necessary because the equal effectively would prohibit his rights guaranteed all Americans Pizza & BYOB department from enforcing under the Declaration of Sugarloaf Signups Dec. 9 JO desegregation orders. Independence "are not yet The full appropriations applicable to all segments of 7 pm S.U. 207 & 209 measure also included a society."

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WHO - I)ef»irtm4ft~f"6T Public ity/Dramatic Arts WHAT — Win 2 free tickets to "What the Butler Saw" HOW--- Locate the origin of Joe Orton's title "What the Butler Saw"

WHKN — Submit all entries by Monday (9 Dec. "74) at noon WHERE — Room 268 in Fine Arts Leave --- Name, Address, Phone Number!

** Ctamsattai Your trclusive, »r*%Source of BOtMR art supplies including oils asrjlict \ Tiece btoinner's kits. Also, now in £*ocK lainbrlcqt

Experimental College is looking for volunteers to teach non-credit, day, night, or weekend classes once or twice a week during the spring semester. No teaching experience needed -just the desire to share what you know.

2t% CFF on any •••••*• art supplies unfchj Want to be a part of open education? Teaching and this ad learning just for the simple enjoyment of it. Call us at 486-4804. Or write EC, Box U-8, University Open eix days a vfcek including. Sunday i IT,;. r,ortn |CL rt. i

It is recognized that in certain institutions that the percentage of women is significantly low. One of the methods put forth to rectify this situation is to hire qualified women over higher qualified men. Do you think that this is the way it should be done? 1 Why or why not? 2 On this campus, various minority groups have their own centers. Do you think that this is necessary and just? Why or why not?

Do you feel that the level of commitment and responsibility of the students on this campus is high enough for them to become 3. involved in the university's affairs (i.e., decision making for UConn)?

Last year white racist speakers (i.e., Neo-Nazi party) were NOT allowed to speak on campus. Do you believe that the Freedom of 4 Speech Ammendment applies to all groups regardless of their point of view? Why or why not?

Most of you are probably aware of the issues surrounding the split in the Anthropology Dept. (i.e., the research into the area of "genetic inferiority"). Do you believe in the concept of academic freedom that allows that scientific research should be 5 conducted in any area? Why or why not?

The Womens Center and other groups on campus have been struggling for a women's study program, day care, and better health care for women. Do you feel that the university has a responsibility to meet these needs although they might not be the needs of 6 9all the students? Why or why not?


THIS QUESTIONNAIRE JOINTLY SPONSORED BY NUTMEG 75 & THE FSSO INFORMATION COMMITTEE! ■*"SHB«BBK=:'.-.' ■smnr- --wmw Page 6 Connecticut Daily Campus Thursday, December 5, 1974 Sociologist edits new book

includes some contributions By JOHN AMATO A University sociologist is the concerning religion in American Assistant Features Editor editor of a new book that society during the past several from Peter Berger of Rutgers A couple of top-notch film repeats mark a week filled with attempts to capture the major decades." University; Martin Marty, drama and music. issues of theory and research in The associate professor of associate dean of the University Also, note the programs being dropped in the networks' the sociology of religion. sociology, in an introductory of Chicago divinity school; amd midseason shuffle. A few of the shows to be dumped are The Social Meanings of chapter, traces the history of the Robert Bellah of the University Ironside, Apple's Way, Planet of the Apes, and nobody's favorite, Religion, by William M. growth of the sociology of of California at Berkeley. Newman, who came to The Sonny Comedy Revue. The reasons for the cancellations are, Newman, was published recently religion from the early writers, UConn in 1969 from the New of course, all the same: low ratings. by RandMcNally. such as Karl Marx, Max Weber School of Social Research in Here are this week's highlights. "The purpose of the book," and Emil Durkhein, to New York, is also the author of said Newman, "is to contrast the contemporary sociologists. A merican Pluralism, published TODAY: The voices of Fred the story of Ziegfeld Follies' different kinds of findings and In addition to his own last year by Harper and Row. Astaire and Mickey Rooney are star Fanny Brice. This 1968 interpretations sociologists have writings, Newman's work featured in a repeat of Santa musical launched Streisand into provided, particularly Claus is Coming to Town, a superstardom. It can also be ^HCHCASt CINEMA/ 1234 musical fantasy about the origin viewed as a three-hour 1-84EXIT58-SILVER LANE-ROBERTS ST. of Kris Kringlc (8 p.m.. ABC). commercial for the sequel, Alumni sponsor . EAST HARTFORD • 24HR. TEL. INFO. 568-8811' • Later on, a special profiling the Tunny Lady, soon to be ACRES OF FREE LIGHTED PARKING- We Honor MASTER CHARGE released (9 p.m., ABC). career of Nobel Peace Prize intern program lAHDY WARHOL'S TApIis i fini(mi ■ MONDAY: The choice to be winner Gen. George C. Marshall The University of x documents the man "who did made is between Part II of My Connecticut Foundation and kGU|A what he thought was right." (9 Fair Lady and ABC Monda\ the Alumni Association are Night Football, this week p.m.. CBS). sponsoring summer internships l«M pitting the Washington Redskins FRIDAY: Cliff Robertson plays for summer, 1975. Interns work 'THE LONGEST IAKINGOFPELHAM a man convicted of treason and and the Los Angeles Rams for ten weeks in local, state or ONE TWO THREE banished to sea for conspiring against Howard Cosell (9 p.m.). national government offices and YARD" R with Aaron Burr to set up an TUESDAY: Arthur Millers will be paid up to $1,000. controversial play After the Tall independent government. The While seniors and graduate Man Without a Country is comes to the small screen with students may apply, choice viewing (8:30 p.m., Faye Dunaway and Christopher undergraduates who are juniors ABC). Plummer in the main roles. at the time of application are SATURDAY: Don't miss My Many critics feel the lead preferred. Freshmen and /■'air Lady. Performances by character, Maggie (Dunaway), sophomores are asked to defer DELTA SIGMA PI PRESENTS Rex Harrison and Audrey was patterned after Marilyn application until their junior in a blanket concert Hepburn, direction by George Monroe, Miller's second wife. year. Cukor, and music by Lerncr Looks interesting. (8:30 NBC) Application blanks are and I.oewe make this 1964 film WEDNESDAY: Stay up late available in the Department of a classic. NBC presents the first and watch Tomorrow, a unique Political Science, HRM Room half tonight (9 p.m.) and the talk show. The moderator is 137, the Foundation Office in conclusion Mony. Tom Snydcr and topics the Faculty-Alumni Center and SUNDAY: Harbra Streisand is discussed are usually fascinating at the Student Union Control seen at her Ixrst in Funny Girl, (1 a.m., NBC). Desk. NRBQ Trial discloses flMIIIIHIIII lirilMMHIIIIIIIIHIIIIIMI featuring AL ANDERSON formerly with the Nixon promise wildweeds WASHINGTON (UPI) - The BEER FEST!!! GET THAT GASOLINE-Kama Sutra Recording prosecution charged Wednesday that President Richard M. Nixon Dec. 6 4-6 pm & 7-12 pm Artists. offered II. R. llaldeman and ROTC HANGAR John D. Khrlichman up to $300,000 legal expense money if Admission $.50 after 7 pm Watergate cover-up revelations special guests TRUK BAND forced them to resign their recently appeared at Bushnell with Deodato White House posts. Oldies music by "The Flashbacks" Cross-examining defendant llaldeman at the cover-up trial, Beer by Pabst assistant prosecutor Richard Refreshments Bcn-Veniste said tapes of an SAT. DEC. 7/ ROTC HANGAR, 8:30 P.M. April 17. 1973, meeting among 3.00 ADMISSION PER PERSON Nixon and his two top aides 2 ADMITTED PER UCONN ID showed they were "all in sponsored by the Fraternities together and the President was and Sororities PROFESSIONAL SOUND & LIGHTING WILL BE willing to provide money if they PROVIDED needed it." THE LATEST REASONS WHY EUROPEANS BUY MORE FIATS THAN ANY OTHER CAR ARE NOW IN OUR SHOWROOM.

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North Windham RtL (Rt 6) Willimantic 423-45CI Thursday, December 5, 1974 Connecticut Daily Campus Page 7 Electric Light Orchestra shines in '74 This is the first of a two-part series on In the category of "family man makes the 10 best of 1974. The good," check out Mike McGear's conclusion will follow in Friday's issue. on Warner Brothers. McGear spent years By PETER LUBIN trying not to cash in on brother Paul's I've been quite worried of late. This is success. He was, and I believe still is, a my "10 best albums of the year" piece, member of , an English but the feedback I've solicited from comedy-music group, and actually spent various sources has been disturbing and a lot of time thinking of a new last name contradictory. for himself McFab....McGear.... - you My closest friends and associates, my know, nothing as tacky as McCartney. roommate, and my own conscience tell Anyway, either lor love or money, he me I'm right; I've hit the nail on the and Paul got together to make this head and compiled a pretty decent list, album and the result! are outstanding. covering everything from folk to sheer The album's credits read like a who's heart attack rock. And there's no reason who in the ex-Beatle's solo career: not to tell the world what we already produced by Paul McCartney, all songs know. written by McCartney or But then there's the "layman"; those McCartney/McGear, bass and acoustic of you who don't live within earshot of guitars by McCartney, back-up by my hi-fi system, those of you who are Wings. The album was recorded at 10 lucky enough to avoid my endless CC.'s Strawberry Studios (), diatribes on the virtues of rock 'n roll — ami employs 10 c.c.'s now famous how it will impregnate your sister and gysmorchestra, especially on my favorite keep you out of the higher echelons of cut. "Hie Man Who Found Cod On the government. Lord, I can still remember Moon," about Buzz Aldrin. the days when I would talk about those You may think at this point that this who thought Todd Rundgren would is. in essence, a McCartney album. It's change the world (with an LP's worth of Queen's album "Queen II" is one of the best of 1974. Their new album promises not. Although the similarities to Paul's tunes). I get scared when I remember to be one of the best for 1975. Queen, and five other groups and their albums will style arc inevitable, McGear is not nearly too much. be reviewed in Friday's newspaper. as concerned with maintaining the status The laymen tell me they've never quo on this album, nor is he as fearful of heard of most of these people on the pleasantly surprising, most trips to the released on Atco records. It is the story the critic's wrath as Paul is on his own. list. I regard this as a grave setback to turntable, and/or sheer brilliance above of Rael, who lives in New York City and 10 c.c. the state of the art. But, then again, I and beyond humdrum everyday living. is taken underground to participate in Sheet Music regard the Allman Brothers in much the Genesis someone's Lifeless Packaging UK. AUKS5M07 same way, and that alone is enough to Selling England by the Pound Organization. His attempts to escape You've already heard about 10 c.c. discredit me. Charisma. FC6060 make for a frighteningly fine excursion before in the Daily Campus. What you In my more optimistic moments I tell Because this list covers a fiscal year in sound and sensation. didn't know then is that their album, myself this music column is a public determined by the length of my I am told that Genesis in concert is an Sheet Music has been selected as an service — in the reader's interest. Right memory, Selling England by the Pound experience not to be missed. They are album of the year. Everybody doesn't now I feel this time would be better by Genesis is hereby cited. This al.bum currently touring with their "Lamb -Lies spent finishing the John Updike paper like something, but nobody doesn't like was released in very late 1973 but its Down" spectacle, and rumor has it that 10 c.c. that was due in yesterday's English class. merits have extended it far into '74. they blow themselves up at the end of Eldorado, a symphony by the Electric Yet right now I just happen to believe Genesis represents the cream of rock's the show. There 11 be fireworks and Light Orchestra that Bruce Springsteen is a better writer English-progressive intelligentsia. Their costumes, and musical virtuosity. United Artists. UALA339-6 than John Updike. I'm very worried music is majestic and powerful, Genesis will be at Waterbury's Palace On November 21 I previewed this about English class. These arc all solid sometimes sinister and always fresh. Theater on December 12. column by calling the Electric Light records, suitable for framing in fact, and Their newest album, an extraordinary Mike McGear Orchestra's new album, 'Fldorado (a have all met at least one of three criteria conceptual piece called The Lamb Lies McGear symphony), the best album of the year. for inclusion here: most startling or Down on Broadway, has just been Warner Brothers. DS2825 I still think it is.

OPEN DAILY 10:00 to 5:30 THURS. & FRI 10:00 to 8:00 THE ALPINE OF AttttUwiAOUf ^AUS ST0RRS Route 195, UNIVERSITY PLAZA

SALE STARTS WED. DEC, 4th at 10:00 AM For One Week °< While They Last Titan Fiberglass 170 CM to 190 CM Reg. $70.00 NOW $45»0 Kastle Sprints 175 CM to 195 CM Reg. $60.00 NOW $40<>o 150 thru 185 CM Reg. $120.00 NOW $5995 Head GK03 $4500 « Kastle Ralley JR. Reg. $75.00 NOW /^T~7/|K5 K2 Skis LAST YEARS ALL 30% OFF Head Killy 205CM Reg. $185.00 NEW 1-PairNOW $6000 ;<#SKI POLE SPECIAL $ 00 ODDS & ENI New Superglass 205 CM Reg. $185.00 75 Selected Poled 00 K2 COMPS 207 CM Used Excellent Condition *90 Values to US0' NEW & USED Special Selection of Head Skis 30 OFF $ NOW $500 &L0NG K2 Holliday Skis "eg. S 110.00 NOW 39^ Hot Wax $3*0 Down Parkas Reg. Price X- COUNTRY SKI PACK All Ski Accessories Roffe - Gerry -Demetre Jausch & Lomb Goggl< Values to U03°° $79^5 20%0FF Reg *1500 & $17°o Alpine Designs 7 10 X 00 NOW *12 CAMPUS HEADQUARTERS FOR TENNIS, THE BACK PACKING. HOCKEY , SKIING & BICYCLING. ALPINE cHAUS te.OF ST0RRS UNI - PLAZA RT. -195 STORRS- CONN. 429-3837 Page 8 Connecticut Daily Campus Thursday, December 5, 1974 Free concert will feature works of Anderson, Jacob The University Concert The band also will play Band will fill Jorgensen Gordon Jacob's "William Byrd Auditorium with music in a Suite" and Leroy Anderson's free performance at 8:15 p.m. "Belle of the Ball." Monday. The Concert Band is under Its program will open with the direction of David Maker, Dmitri Kabalevsky's "Overture an assistant professor of music. to Colas Breugnon." Other works on the program include A Vermont native, Maker the "Folk Song Suite" by attended Michigan State Vaughan Williams, and University as an undergraduate, "Variants on a Medieval Tune" and received his Master of Arts by Norman Dello Joio. degree from UConn in 1966.

**9-j.,/ MA"SV£LD PSPcrr r DOES GOD EXIST?

DETECTION UNDER THE DOMF. -Twin telescopes, housed under the black dome of the UConn Dr. John H. Storer Observatory, allow extensive viewing of the night sky. According to Cynthia Peterson, associate writing in Scientific professoi of physics, viewing capacity is hindered, however, by the location of the Observatory-on *<.<* America has called top of the Physics building. The lights from surrounding buildings, the parking lot, and Jorgenson attention to the auditorium hinder observation. The six inch refractor lenses on the unitron telescopes also make it "propellers" on birds. almost impossible to view distant objects, follow their movement across the sky, or photograph them. He points out that To provide more accurate and distant observation, a grant has been established for a new 15-inch during flight the primary reflector telescope. Also, investigations are now underway to find a better viewing area for the feathers at the wing tips telescope to be installed and in operation by 1976. stand out at right angles, twisting during each wintbeat, and adjusting Canadian actors automatically to will perform HOLIDAY SPIRITS1Mc changing air pressure. Make Holiday Spirits This precision allows birds to be the fastest children's show Your One Stop animals on earth, moving For All Your A troupe of Canadian high up to 180 mph and also, school thespians will give a Party Needs allows a bird to stop from 100 mph in a special performance of children's 1 Ci«7big\ . ?TA WIDE ASSORTMENT OF DOMESTIC & IMPORTED distance of 20 feet theatre here on Dec. 12. WINES AS WELL AS SPIRITS & BEER The visitors from without ill effects. GIFT WRAPPING MASTER CHARGE Such design set is Chcateauguay High School, DISCOUNTS ON ACCEPTED Ormestown, Quebec, will be the CASE PURCHASES J beyond the natura' December 6 -14 influence of the quests of Dr. Francclia Butler HOLIDAY MALL ,«. 429-7786 Gerald M. Misla and will perform before her Open 8 A.M. - 8 P.M. AJ performances at 8:15 environment. Enroll in a iTI. 195, STORM Permittee children's literature class at Mon. - Sat. No Surxlay performance free correspondence 12:30 p.m. in the Humanities Tickets $250 study today. Group rates available building. The theatrical Tickets available thru Ticketron presentation, which will be in Soda Riot Steve Dunn, Minister the holiday mood, also will be 8- 12 Oz. cans COKE Harriet S Jorgensen Theatre Church of Christ open to the public. $ 1.39 plus tax. The University of Connecticut P. O. Box 285 The Canadians, who plan to Department of Dramatic Arts Storrs, CT. 06268 pay their own expenses to travel School of Fne Arts 4290625 here, will be accompanied by For riformation ca« 429-2912 , their coach, Robert Walker. I It- was co-director, along with Brian Way, of the Children's Theater in London for eight years. THE HAND IS QUICKER THAN THE EYE COME SEE WHY Spirited at the fabulous Egg Nog. ft Nice and MR. FINGERS" show Sunday, Dec. 8, at 8:00pm presented by BOG Special Events


Stir 12 oz Bacardi dark rum into 1 c,t. ] chilled Borden Egg Nog. Delicious BACARDI, rum ^■■Itllllllllllllll >l Milll llll III llll ■ Ml I III! Ill llllllll I till 11 1IIIIIII IIII1IIIIIIIIII lEilMIIIMIIIirillllllllMMIII 1 1111111111111 *■ 11 ■ I •• 111111111111 • 111111111111111111111111111 i 11111 ■ 11111111111111111111111111111 ■ 1111111 ■ 1111111111^: •- / Dec. 5, 1974 M R / (Hanm rttrut I R°R 'MAGE / EatUj / (ftampitfl - HUII-IIIIIIIII IMIf.lllMIMHTIIIMtlllllllllllllll M1111II11M111111111 Hill 111111111 ] 111111M Mill llll 111111111 ■ 11111 111111111111111111II11111111 < II Ml 1111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111 iT i.' l''' 1111111111111111111111111111111111U111111111J11111111111111 1111111111,1 ■ 1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 IIIIHIIIIIMIIIII 11111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 llllll. 11111111111111111111 1111111M

Last year, the blackbirds beat me to the cherries, '/'hey s/>lit the tight, purple skins, . liul sucked the flesh, liy July, the ground bled with dropped sacks. (.tearing the yard, I stained my hands. I did not touch you when I heard your heart drain and collapse. l'ale walls, white sheets, white face, pale hands I would not color with my grasp. This year, the plunge oj icings again shakes the leaves. Already the green mutters constantly with their rush.

Ann Hogan

=uim, , IIIMIHIIIIII IIIIIIIMH' IIIIIIIKIKIIM IIHIIIIIIII 111M111111 ■ 1111 • 11111111111II1111II1111111II III II llllllll 1 111II111IIII111111111111111111111 M11111IIII111IIIIII llll 11 III 11 llllllllil llllll IMIIII Illr- 8J//JCJ CI/iA IA3Q

■ " ■ • • ' I ' V.'AOA

' I'In- drowned pbet til' .Is a youth Li I'D I I ran l< faki and wasted his hours in r< \ (onsofting with failures

In later years i In saki u as his blood and quintessence, the hours his fot us of attention

On arid nights we sip jasmine tea while I.i still studies his reflection in a pool

In each cup his convex image stares out at the m yslery oj time submerged and lost

Karen Kirk

Cows on the hill or cows Or watching each other. Cows idling down closely sauntering, too by the fence many Cows at close quarters, too watching the road. closely watching sometiing, other I can 't say why they seem so odd. cows are doing. It is not that early in the morning. Two horses close by the plough oddly sauntering. The horses too are watching something.

I am watching the cows.

Something in the air like a thick, awkward darkening. Something that has been going on, just before we arrive. *• "* * * We arrive. I remark some odd thing about the cows.

z-* The horses across the road are also odd.

And you are also odd. You walk across the floor and I feel there is something oblique about yoru walk, some oblique something something oblique to the way you walk absolutely given just m m>0 .t in the way you walk

something double. The awkward \ ** - * ^ . absolutely present, absolutely simple way, there is something . - double in who you are. Some double. And both of you walk across the floor to pick up something absolutely simple, something to which no thing can be ascribed as being, unlikely, unusual, strange • or in that sense odd. » Charles Stein y • - .«J. •"<..• -»>$mi —--»

*• *,•-: 3 DEAF AND DUMB

Long I've loved this man, Who walks on quiet feet, Untitled Who enters my room And is sensed before seen. you tell me Turning to face him, to hold the daylight in my restless hands I do not hear his voice to wait for gifts of rolling peaches But glean, somehow. their surface for touching From those softly moving lips their surface for biting

I would kiss, but cannot, listen to the low singing refrigerator that preserves old days His meaning, I do not hear his voice: in dancing cups and cracking jars I am deafened watch the patterns of the kitchen table By the noise in his eyes. which melt under the cooking sweat of my tunnelled palms Sheila Marie Duram you ask me to wait for the roaring auto to come to the market for apples their slices for biting their slices for melting

do you hear the chuckling refrigerator i watch as klcoic.x boxes minuet on top i listen to the motor voices choke and continue the kitchen table rises as i bite my peach

you tell me to hold all these nameless jewels to wait for gifts of you and i always do when you bring home apples and candies and present these happy tokens to domestic buffoons and tiring hands which keep me wondering are these what i hold or is there something else

Karen Kirk


Like bad magic, It reappeared. You returned quiet From the doctor's, Straight spined climbed The kitchen steps. The flourescent light drew Your skin transparent. Like the March wind had Pierced it through. Leaving blue ice on the bone.

All the summer I watched you. Out back the big tree drew to sagging. You lay in the shade. Slack flesh pushing through The chair's woven slats. You slept counting C>vcr-ripe cells. Woke to see shapes in /Hissing clouds.

Beside you I wait I'd. The candle light dropped Green beneath your shut eyes. Like moss sunk behind the hollows. Spreading beneath your cheeks. Mud rimm id the mound. The leaves fell and clung. The earth pressed in my fist Seeped through my fingers. Left these hands numb.

Ann Hogan his child, but she spurned his advances, waiting to be sure he really loved her. Next time, maybe. True love with a medical dummy Her mind began to drift again. She was sitting in a night club, sipping a Singapore Sling, trying to make out faces in the dim, red light. A hand grips her arm softly, and a deep voice asks her to dance. She turns to the neatly dressed, handsome man, pauses as though weighing her answer, and accepts. They dance for hours, last and slow, discovering, during the band's breaks, that they have so many things in common. Then a nightcap at his place, soft stereo music and Harvey's Heart no lights, hard kisses and soft caresses. It hadn't happened that way, yet. She By David Mastrianni went to the singles bars every free night she had, but never met anyone worthy enough. 1 The handsome men overlooked her, and the The body was stretched out naked on a or hiisbands, and they would torture her creeps just wanted to get at her body. She low table pushed against the far wall of the with their petty stories, not knowing, or storeroom. Marie paused at the doorway as caring, that she would give anything to have always left the bars the way she entered she switched on the light, startled at the a man to complain about. She would them --alone-- but she never stopped hoping. The talk show ended. There were no sight. She was about to scream, when she con so lb the girls and offer unused advice, guests interesting enough to capture her noticed the peculiar smoothness ol the skin and they would go away satisfied, leaving thoughts -- a wrinkled old man who talked and the- lack of sex organs .it the man's her alone and miserable. She hated being about his new book, a silly starlet, a black groin. She stepped closer to get a better used like that, but some attention was better comedian, and a fat opera singer. look at the lifelike mannikin, studying the than, none at all. There was still a chance expressionless, strangely handsome lace with that she would meet the right man, maybe She imagined a knock on the door. its finely molded lips and nose, brown nylon someone like Robert Redford, and she Adjusting the towel, she pretended to get hair, and unfocused blue eyes. wouldn't need her friends anymore. She up. She opened the door until the chain on It was a "harvey". She recognized it could tell Linda or Michelle to go write Dear the lock stretched tight and she could see- from the television commercial she had been Abby or someone. the hall. It was her handsome new neighbor. seeing every night during the Johnny Carson She looked at her watch and saw that it He had just moved in next door and didn't Show. Some corporation had limit them lor was time to go home Gathering her broom have a phone yet, and he wondered if he medical students to study heart disease and bucket and mops, she said goodnight could use hers. She let him in, pointed to symptoms. Il had a heart that actually beat, to"Harvcy", shut the light and left. the phone, and rushed into her bedroom to like a real man's. It must have cost the school she worked lor plenty. Marie hauled in her mops and broom and bucket and set to work cleaning the room. She kept an eye on the rubber robot The to make sure that il didn't move. Something inside her refused to believe that such an amazing likeness ol' a man had no life. She hated to feel watched, and it took her a first thing while to ^et used to the machine's presence- while she worked. She eased the- monotony of (he job by imagining talks with Carson's guests on the Marie did Tonight Show last night, ironing out some- points that the clever host had missed. She- held these sessions every work day during her three- to eleven shift. The lime passed more swiftly, and she was able to create the when she entered audiences lor her thoughts that she never had in her life - the audiences that never noticed her plain, ehab features or her consistent lack ol grace. her efficiency apartment She finished her work early, as she did every evening, and lisheel between two dusty supply boxes lor the magazine she kept hidden ilu-rc. Yesterday, she had started a was to check story (she always made- sure she started one be I ore she left work so she would have something to look forward to the next day) that proclaimed the truth about Robert for hidden Red ford's secret children and the three who revealed them to the reporter,and Marie- thumbed through the photo-studded pages to find her place-. As she read em, it turned rapists. out that the three women were neighbors who idolized the handsome star and had drawn up legal documents to allow Redlord The first thing Marie did when she put on a night dress. When she came out, he to adopt their children in the event they and entered her efficiency apartment was to had linished his call and was staring at her their husbands died in an accident. Redlord, check lor hidden rapists. The university area bookcase. He started talking about some of course, knew nothing about the children. was sw.irming with them. She pulled her can that he had read. She was glad that they She paced the room, toying with a mop, ol mace from her windbrcakcr, and, both had common favorites - Marilyn, The and tried to think ol a way to pass the time- lingering the police whistle around her neck, Exorcist, Johnathun Livingston Seagull. Then she had left. It seemed like she spent most she switched on a light in each room, the they talked about "The Great Gatsby", ol her time trying to fill in the long hours cold, bare bulbs failing to brighten the "The Sting", Johnny Carson, Carol Burnett, of her life, jamming it with imaginary people colorless walls. and Ferranti and Teicher, while they sipped and Utopias. Life was so long, and she was Satisfied that no one lurked in the col lee on the floor near a sputtering candle. still only 81. bedroom, she went into the bathroom, The night slipped into dawn, and he left her "What would you be like, cutie?" She turned on the tub faucet, and undressed, with a moist kiss and a promise to return the touched the lifeless "harvey", strangely checking her breasts for signs of cancer. She next night. fascinated by the" rubbery, skinlike feeling. poured bubblebath into the steaming water Rapid scenes raced through her mind - "You're ideal, ya know. All heart," she- and eased herself into the tub. After she had elating, a diamond ring, picking out looked down at the vacancy between his lathered and sponged with a scented soap silverware, the wedding and reception, and legs, "and nothing else." lor a while, she relaxed in the warm water, the honeymoon at Cove Haven -- She started to laugh at her joke, but soaking in the scented heat. This was the The dream never went beyond that stopped quickly. It was crazy talking to a only thing she looked forward to when she- point. She couldn't imagine il. Not that it dummy. Then again, it would be nice to got home, and she let her imagination mat Iered. She didn't take it seriously. Her 31 have someone to talk to, anyone who had wander. Each night she would bathe with a years of longing had taught her not to. The time to listen. It seemed like the only time different star, who had accidentally found fantasies were more like a game, a way to she heard from her girlfriends was when his way into her bathtub. Tonight it was pass the long days until sleep turned them they were having troubles with their lovers Robert Redlord, M\d he wanted her to have into a rcalitv she could leel for a lew brief 5 hours. She always fell asleep with her dream man on her mind. The next day she finished work early and found herself in the storeroom with a lot of time to kill. "Harvey" was in the same place, staring vacantly at the ceiling. Marie couldn't take her mind off him, he seemed so real. A small part of her even wished that he would speak to her, to break the dull silence. "Hello, Marie." Her mind couldn't resist the temptation. "Hi, Harvey. How are ya today?" "Fine, I guess. " Did ya have a hard time in class? What diseases did they study this time?" "Oh, the usual. " She discovered that her medical knowledge was zero, and the conversation was going nowhere. "What's new with you?" "Well. . ." She began to speak of the things on her leaving gaps in the dialogue for Harvey to fill in. As long as she stuck to herself and her problems, allowing Harvey to make simple comments, the chat flowed smoothly and naturally. Then she remembered the heart. On impulse, she found the power cord and plugged it into a wall socket. "Ba-roomah." The heart began to beat under the plastic skin. "Baroomah. Baroomah!" Marie was excited by the sound. It added another side to Harvey's existence and made it easier to speak to him. Now that he showed signs of life, she could question him about his past. Starting with a blank, like a baby's mind, it was natural for her to build in Harvey the personality and interests of her ideal man, while the song of her voice was rushed along by the rhythmic beating of his heart. "Ba-roomah. Ba-roomah! Bar-roomah!" Tin- time passed too swiftly; she had so much to Icll him. Reluctantly, she pulled the plug, and the silence of the room jumped at her like a murder detective, as the last beat laded. She felt a little sad, and yet, there was a tiny tingle of pleasure knowing she could turn Harvey off and on at will. She left work in better spirits than she had lor a long, long time, seeing things on the way home that she never noticed before. to be loved and held and looked alter? God, "Oh, Marie. What's wrong?" Kach day, Marie hurried to finish her it hurt so much! "Nothing. Nothing at all." work, so that she could have more lime to She found his swollen lips with her "I'll try even harder. Honest, I will. I spend with her hew friend. Once inside the trembling mouth and pressed down hard and love you so much!" secrecy ol the storeroom, she plugged in the long, tears si reaming from her eyes, .is Then she tired of this, and one day she failed cord and resumed her talks with Harvey. Ik- Harvey's heart beat out a love song. to make him beg for her love 01 rage at her was perfect. She poured out all the suffering The days burned, welding Harvey to her unfaithfulness, and Harvey suffered for his and sadness thai had settled in her through lift*. Marie grew used to the idea ol loving shortcomings. For once-, she was on the the years, and the sympathetic heart and being loved, with no regrets about the other side, dishing it out, and she kepi at it pounded out a message ol assurance and weird situation. Alter all, people claimed to lor days. tender understanding. love so many things - dogs, raviolis, ideas, Then she tired ol nni ihis, and one day Her nights were filled with fantasies that books -- and as long as her needs were she- railed to plug in the cord. The silent increasingly felt the soft intrusion of satisfied, she didn't care. Wasn't that what storeroom was a welcome change, but Harvey's presence. Her lovers blurred with love was all about? Harvey satisfied her need Harvey was always there, like a murdered Harvey's, face and hair and eyes and rubbery for someone, and she could love him safely, corpse, and alter several days, she- turned tenderness. There were limes when she felt with no fear of being hurt again. him on again. ashamed that he had invaded her dreams, Her imagination became so intense, that Baroomah! Baroomah! but Harvey's existence in her real world gave even at night, in her apartment, while The heart pounded with relief. Marie her imagined one an exotic quality. It was Harvey was locked up .it the school, she- needed time- to think things over, to gel her like dreaming about a new car and seeing it could act out her life and love, never missing feelings together, so she decided to give the next day in a lot. She no longer used his actual presence. Harvey was always there, Harvcv another chance-. She stopped going sleep as an escape from loneliness, but as a his heart beat constantly in her mind, easing to the clubs, and brought Harvey back into quick way into the new day. her through the night. Gradually, to the beat her fantasies, but the relationship was Then one evening at work,'she happened of his heart, she forgot about being lonclv bittersweet -- loo many bad feelings had to brush Harvey's arm with her fingers, and and unwanted, and a great burden w.is lifted gotten in the way. She wanted marriage and she heard the heart beat faster and louder. from her mind. children, slat us and a social life. Imagination She experimented, stroking the flesh-like Then something happened. The novcltv was useless; she needed the real things, and skin on his face and chest, and heart wore off, and she began to ex.imine Harvey's "Harvey" couldn't provide them. responded to her touch, baroomah, faults. The main one was physical -- Harvey I he next few days were a torment to baroomah, baroomah,quicker and stronger. didn't have any sex organs. She was tired of them both. Marie began to really despise the "/ love you, Marie." She barely heard creating her own orgasms in the privacy of "harvcv" lor its failures to relate, and she the whisper. her bedroom, knowing thai Harvey could wavered between letting the machine run to "I love you, too, Harvey." She threw her never satisfy her need to feel a real man hear its agonized heartbeats or failing to arms around his soft shoulders and pressed inside her. She started to haunt the clubs plug il in and condemn it to a kind of her hot face to his as the heart throbbed again with renewed hope, and she dragged death. with rapture. "I love you so much!" her guilt feelings about cheating on Harvey, Finally, her hatred grew so intense, and She knew it was crazy, perverted, but like invisible chains, to work with her. the sight ol the duniniv brought out such what could she do? It felt so good to be Harvey felt the change. painful memories and taunting promises, wanted bv something, someone. She needed "Where were you last night?" His heart that she got herself transferred to a different it desperately, and it didn't matter what beat jealously. set of buildings. When her final shift was anyone thought. What did her friends know "Oh, I went out for a chink." finished, she yanked out the machine's about being lonely? Wli.it did they know 'Wo you didn't! There's someone else, power cord for the last lime. At the door, about boring days, singles bars, and cruel isn V there!" she paused for a moment. people? What did they know about the ache "No, don't be silly." "You bastards are all alike!" 3 The gold butterfly stopped on the full blown wild weed blossom off the drive-way.

The glint of light in his eye and what does that mean.

The glint of light in the woman's eye.

He has stopped the acorn and cut its demon fatality.

It- will not sprout an oak.

These buds will be broken down from the stiff dry stalk.

The impulse to scratch, the low growning bus-like emotion urging up up and out, he cuts with a slash.

The growth-like process? Stopped. But not from NKSTS with a grudging or budging or some struggle of thought.

The large white fly The melodies are balanced. /tarts from the stalk. The leaves are balanced on the stalk.

The chattering A small breeze moves them. monkey colony is there when she opens for them. It is the spine. Spokes When she opens her eyes. A nd when into flesh ? Part the monkeys go upon part. A branch she does not close them. bent back in the strong wind And now there is gold or goldlike sunlight over or a roof sloped down so the rain the clear brown stream and the light can makes the grass seem gold and the edges run of the cloud are gold. downalong the gutter and drop Old buds, old leaves, old air, old thought, old gold. in a trough. Tired, in the late day, sitting on the log, I feel old. Light goes up They strapped him down to his chair because he was old. the spine.

Daily attendants worked on him, worked over him, The odd pod pops narked him over, nou< that he was old. and the feathers of seed ride up A white fly lit on his cuff. on the light.

An old gold light shot out. . . .Listens and does not join them.

Listens to the sap Wind in the black trees. ride up on the light. The lightning bugs stop. The noises in the trees His thought stop. stop. sit. Wc lie in the grass. spot itself in light. A small white bug clings to the hair of my hand as the wind It is either light increases. or light.

Sow there are rain drops He thought the look in her eye ripping at my knees. The sky meant lights up she was a being of light but the lit up sky is solid or dark that black. she opened on one. Pieces of wood are thrown by the wind. Charles Stein The bug is blown from my hand. o7


"Laura, dear. Come away from the window. " "No, Mother. "She stares at the purple leaves Of the tall Melandella tree. "I can V. " Outside the castle walls, the summer night Sighs cooling air to soothe the sweating lulls. But no such vapor brushes her ivarm breast. He is there. She can feel his eyes peering From behind the curtain of stars -- sense his Love groping through the dark - thawing her heart. Downstairs, her festive suitors cool their boots.

"Laura, dear. Come away from the window. " Sistcrpocm "No, Mother. "She stares at the orchid leaves for aren That fall in soft mounds on the ground. "I can V. " Outside the castle walls, the chilling light Our parents called you From the triad of moons drapes thin, triple a strange word. Shadows on her pallid, quivering breast. Like a question. He is there. She can feel his love burning The voice goes harsh and soft. Across some unknoivn place ■■ branding triple You wonder who you are. Traces on her heart - wish wonder and wait. Downstairs, her restless suitors lower shades. Who you are was always "Laura, dear. Come away from the window. " at my heels. "No, Mother. "She stares at the violet Myself and more -- Limbs of the rigid, frosted tree. "I can V. " a mirror deeper, broader Outside the castle walls, the frigid sky than my face. Pulls a lavender sheet of fallen snow A face too much your own Across the shivering hills of Me/and, to be my mirror. He is there. At the window - blazing bold - A reeking, grinning beast of fire. Terror Tugs a blanket between her eyes and brain. I watched you grow, Downstairs, her bested suitors hear her scream. and grew. Sucking words like berries, "Laura, dear. Come away from the window. " we began to speak the silence No answer. She stares at the yellow fruit of our house. That bends the Melandella tree. She can't. Our family knows the moon's Outside the castle walls, the golden sun imagination Toasts the amber hills and reflects off each and the cradle of the sea. Blade of grass that stretches for the ray light. Your heart chambers a nautilus He is gone. Her empty eyes echo the of light. Light outside - the white inside ~ the triple The angry pools of childhood Nothingness. Wishless. Wonderless. Waitless. ripple clear. Downstairs, the guestless hearthplace grins with fire. Ellen Stone David Mastrianni 8 .i../«..' 1'-*

Mirror Image Coordinating Editor ,- , „ Poetry Editor . . ; ' Ma\*£™kbn Graphic Artist. . ■" Wenf ^Umen Photographer ...... |! '' L?" "?""'. Layout Editor - Ran$ **»&* „ . _ „ Alan Retsner Production Staff , Karen Kirk ]anicc, Macchietto

wiii uc »:ssr.2r5 ^sr.KS* — ~ —■ - - (BimttKttatt iatfy (fetmpitB Serving Sforrs Since 1896 r*-^/'~'""\*. ^

Editor-in-Chief /• jfr- A */ Arthur M. Horwitz \^^ \\ Business Manager rJ '\ V-Y \ * \ v ^S^^^^ Debrah A. DeRose 3\Jh'.'- ^ ^VV^^* Managing Editor \ rO \ \~VA « Alan K. Retsner c x ^^V^^^s^v Associate Editor ^-^j */f|^^vy^' Mark R. Frank tin ^ \ ': '' ' ^ ' Thursday, DecembCT 5, 1974 Connecticut Daily Campus Page 9 Women star in radio show By BARBARA LAMIE other show like Smith's. Bachelor of Science degree in Staff Reporter Several radio stations said chemistry, says she uses her What can Carole King, Melissa they see no need for a special show to make listeners aware of Manchester, and Joni Mitchell women's program because they sexist stereotypes and sex do that , Neil feel that women's music is discrimination. Diamond, and Cat Stevens can't? already thoroughly integrated "1 want to present men and Among other things they into the programming. Smith women as people on my show, can't be heard on WHUS early doesn't agree. not in rigid male-female roles. Friday afternoon. That's when "Many women songwriters, Not all women are housewives, Linda Smith's "Women's singers, and composers aren't not all men are construction Program" airs. given the publicity they deserve workers," she said. From noon to 3 p.m. every because they are women," she Another of Smith's goals is to Friday, Smith plays only music said. "They are often turned encourage more women to written or sung by women. And down by major record become involved in radio. She at 1 p.m. she does interviews companies and their songs never wants to hear their preferences, with women called "Our View" get on the air." their ideas, and their suggestions. sponsored by the UConn A few non-commercial radio Smith says that ultimately she Women's Center. stations said they had planned to would like to see women's music The Connecticut Broadcasting have shows like Smith's on the integrated into radio Association, Women in Media, air, but that no one could be programming so much that there and about 20 radio stations found to do them. is no need for a special women's contacted said they knew of no Smith, who in 1969 got her show like her own. Three University students rehearse for their performance of the 15th century miracle play "Everyman" put OH by the Medieval Drama Society. The play will run Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Drama Society to perform 15th century morality play By SUE MULLANF.Y members and several faculty Staff Reporter advisors, including Charles Everyman, perhaps the most Owen, advisor for the familiar of the 15th-century production. Over the last three morality plays, will be semesters the Society ha." performed by the Medieval presented five miracle plays am Drama Society this weekend. three |>lays dealing with thi The play is a dramatic allegory Crucifixion. dealing with the theme of death Starring in th ■ oduction and the fate of every man's will be Barbara Danowski as soul. Kveryman, Molly Laird as Good "We arc doing the play as a Deeds, Michael Bradley as historical piece," said Tom Strength, and Jeffrey Schwartz I.ane, president of the society as Cousin. The producer of the and producer of the drama. drama is Tom l.ane, and "Everyman shows the struggle Barbara Johnson is the director. between good and evil." Costumes have been designed Knowledge, Good Deeds, by Susan Arsenault. Strength, and personifications of other virtues arc the Several musicians will characters of the medieval play. perform medieval music during Unlike original the play. performances on pageant Everyman promises to be a wagons wheeled through the unique experience in medieval streets, the Society's production theatre. It will be presented at of Everyman will have a the Storrs Congregational modern set. The original Church Friday and Saturday at language, however, has been 8 p.m., with a matinee at 2 maintained. p.m. on Saturday. Tickets for m INTERIM - SUWUM GAUDHIS The Medieval Drama all performances are SI and can Which. Society is affiliated with the be purchased in the Student Knglish Department and has Union Lobby Thursday and Unique gifts to please everyone on your xmas list: Bacardi about 30 active student Friday, and at the door.

plants, flowers, decorator accessories, stuffed animals, for screw- hand-painted kites, terrariumsffill & empty) plant books . . .

foliage & flowering plants ... j drivers? poinsettias! Bacardi light rum's subtle MISTLETOE FOR XMAS flavor won't overpower or (plant lites now in stock) get lost in Flower deliveries to dorms k Mansfield area Screwdrivers. AMas Hours Mon, Tues, Wed, 9:30 - 5:30 Bloody Marys, Thurs, Frl 'till 9 Sat. 9 :30 - 5 :30 Martinis or tonic. Sunday 10 - 3 Just use it like gin or vodka. The Hoard of Governors Invites you BACARDIsrum. to a ThemixaWeone. Tree Trimming Party

Popcorn balls, candy canes, holiday fun! Punch & DANCE DRIVE OUR cookies. MONDAY, DKCKMBKR 9 with CARS FREE 2-4, S.U. Lobby to Florida California and all THUNDERMUG cities in the USA f sit on Santa's lap! x> AAA CON Thurs.: 8-12 AUTO TRANSPORT North Campus Cafe 575 Farmington Ave. 2360843 Admission: 1.00 GAS AU0WAHCI "IMMEDIATE MUST BE 18 mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmtmmm —? SlinUinilllllllllllllHIMMIIIIMiM Page 10 Connecticut Daily Campus Thursday, December 5, 1974


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KM 32659/Carlos: Switched-On Bach II M 31806/Tchaikovsky: "Nutcracker Suite"; M 31848/Offenbach: "Gaite Parisienne"— Prokofiev: "Peter and the Wolf"— Ormandy Bernstein PRICE (6.98 ,49 M 31839/Orff: "Carmina Burana"— M 31815/"William Tell" and other Favorite Ormandy Overtures—Bernstein M 31835/Tchaikovsky/Mendelssohn: Violin M 31802/Rimsky-Korsakov: ea Concertos—Stern/Ormandy Scheherazade"—Bernstein M 31833/Tchaikovsky: "Pathetique" M 304431/R. Strauss: "Also Sprach Symphony (No. 6 in B minor)— Zarathustra"—Bernstein Ormandy M 30054/God of Our Fathers—Mormcn M 31826/Mussorgsky: "Pictures at an Tabernacle Choir SALE ENDS DEC. 11 Exhibition"—Ormandy MS 7507t/Mozart's Greatest Hits M 31824/Grofe: "Grand Canyon Suite"— MS 7506t/Chopin's Greatest Hits Bernstein MS 7504t/Beethoven's Greatest Hits M 31809/Dvorak: "New World" Symphony MS 7501 t/Bach's Greatest Hits —Bernstein MS 7286/Walter Carlos: The Well-Tempered Synthesizer ODYSSEY BUDGET CLASSICS NEVER AGAIN AT THESE PRICES MSJiilW BASIC LIBRARY SETS TWO RECORDS $1.99 EA. FOR ONLY




B»,rh#Kf % * £1 Salon A*e« re o The Disc PooVo MG 31202 HOURS 10 AM TO 8 PM EXCEPT SA T. WG 30300 MG 30071 PLUS DOZENS MORE AT THIS SPECIAL LOW PRICE. BEHIND POST OffKL TEL 429 0443 'Also available on tape Oil COlUltlbla ReCOI*dS W^ Thursday, December 5, 1974 Connecticut Daily Campus Page 11 Marijuana: Tougher to beat the rap By DON MOSLEY the identification of marijuana could be shown the Mexican passage of a new statute in July Act 73-681 passed by the Staff Reporter as an illegal substance, said the marijuana did not fit the which outlaws all species of General Assembly in June. Until six months ago it was Connecticut statutes outlawed description of sativa and, marijuana. The act, which revised the possible to beat a marijuana rap only one species of the plant. therefore, was not technically Identification of the species is existing statutes, states that all in Connecticut. "Only fairly recently," Pfeifer illegal. only possible if the cannabis is in "cannabis type drugs" are The substance many people said, "has it been discovered that The Mexican marijuana is of the form of dried material and if prohibited and expands the were smoking — and getting more than one species of the species cannabis rudcralis, there are seeds, Pfeifer said. It is statute to include cannabinon, arrested for - was not legally marijuana exists. The Pfeifer said. It is one of about not always possible to determine cannabinol and all other defined as marijuana at all. Connecticut laws specifically five different species scientists which species the cannabis is, he derivatives which show a like A plant taxonomist who has outlawed only one species, have been able to identify. said, but by the seed structure, it potential for abuse." been interested in marijuana for Cannabis sativa. "I was called in to identify is possible to say whether it is Though the revised law takes more than a year, associate Most of the marijuana what species of cannabis a sativa or not. away most of his business as an biology Prof. Howard Pfeifer, confiscated, Pfeifer said, was of certain person had been arrested But this is now "academic," expert consultant, Pfeifcr's who has been asked to testify on Mexican origin. In some cases it for," Pfeifer said, before the Pfeifer said, because of Public interest as a taxonomist in marijuana continues. "It is a fascinating puzzle," said Pfeifer, who has applied for \ a Class One Federal license to Casino Night study the drug. jllollp jWalone'? Pfeifer noted that cannabis is the only plant which scientists have Found lo contain tctrahydro cannabinol (THC), To night the drug which causes its euphoric effect. School of Business Room 122 A Bit 'o Erin ac And though Connecticut's sponsored by the Marketing Club. laws in the past may have contained flaws in the definition Jury's of marijuana, state penalties GIFTS DONATED BY AREA BUSINESSES RTL\ 32 WEST WII.L1NC.TON] towards marijuana use and $.50 BUYS $1000 OF CASINO MONEY possession seem air-tight. Connecticut, which ranks IMBIBE & ENJOY .... among the top states in the severity of penalties toward drug use, leaves no doubts about its Hitoe entertainment legal attitude toward marijuana. One of the last sections of r&TORE H&URS: Jiigtlp! Public Act 73-681 states "Any MON-WED-&SAT folk, jazz & blue-grass person who manufactures, 8-6 distributes, sells, prescribes, THURS & FRI (Thurs.) dispenses. compounds, 8-8 transports with the intent to sell, UNIVERSAL BARBIE BELL possesses with the intent lo sell, blue grass offers or administers to another $1.00 cover person cann;>his type substances FOOD STORE for a first offense shall be DOG LANE MON. TUES. WED. imprisoned not less than five LADIES FREE! years and not more than ten NO COVER years and may be fined more Bring your Wild Irish Rose to our than 53,000. Second offense STORRS shall be imprisoned not less than Rustic Tavern 10 nor more than 15 years and may be lined not more than iRISH COFFEE $.r>,000. for any subsequent GUINNESS STOUT 4*. offense shall be imprisoned for APPLE CIDER 25 years." (Direct From Orchard) Y gal. -89c gal.-$1.69 2 F.S.S.O. WILD GAME Hi C Fruit Drink 2 The F.S.S.O. Finance Committee SUPPER is now accepting «■/! / - 9 applications for Finance Secretary N." 1. . 'urkey (All FLAVORS) f Mowed by a Po sh Record Hop Benefit Pulaski llussard Job requires basic secretarial Dancers 46 oz. skills and availability in Pulaski Arielican the afternoons. Citizen Club Pulaski Court Willimantic, Conn. . Ipplications arc available in Sat.. Dec. 7 t 4 .bO pet person Room 202A (S.U.B.) Tickets purchased in advance Bananas at bar

IIIIIIHIHIIHIIIIHIMUMIIIIMIIIIIIIHUMHMIMMIIIIMIIIIIMIMIIIIlnHMIIIHIIIIIIHIN IIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII Illllllllllll IIINIIItllt . "- STILL AT OLD 74 PRICES Coke & Sprite THE Peugeot * DIESEL The Next Car. 2 32 oz. bottle /79c 37.3 Sweet Life MILES PER GAL Enriched Bread O Peugeot's 11 liter, 4 cylinder diesel engine for the 504. 1 ft. JooF u SEGAR'S AUTO SALES SALES & SERVICE 423-1749 ROUTE 195 MANSFIELD CENTER 423-8429 OPEN SUNDAY 9AM-6PM i Page 12 Connecticut Daily Campus Thursday, December 5, 1974 Mills health 'satisfactory' as power erodes in House Panel criticizes Rockefeller BETHESDA, Md. (UPI) - R«| Miss Battistella, whose stage WASHINGTON (UPI) - The explanations of these points, and financed the book as a business Wilbur Mills got public suppo name is "Fanne Foxe," tearfully Senate Rules Committee said concluded, "In all critical areas venture, but said they found from his wife and a satisfactory told reporters in New York Wednesday that Nelson A. of concern, Governor nothing illegal in the transaction. report at the hospital Wednesday Tuesday night that she intended Rockefeller used "poor Rockefeller fully met the AH testimony received by the amid growing erosion of his to visit Mills' bedside. judgment" in getting involved in reasonable tests and standards committee showed that "gift congressional power over Mills' Mrs. Mills' statement appeared a book about a political that the Congress should apply." giving was carried out as gestures friendship with a striptease to be saying that Mills' opponent, but concluded it had On the Goldberg book, the of personal affection, friendship, dancer. appearance in Boston with Miss found nothing to disqualify him committee concluded or concern for health or family Mrs. Polly Mills said she had Battistella last weekend had not to be vice president. Rockefeller "exercised poor problems," the committee said. been urging her husband to get a threatened their marriage. He The committee released its judgment...when he tacitly The report said Rockefeller's physical examination and would promised the stripper to get her final report following a approved the publication." The disclosure of his financial "be with him daily" at Bethesda into the movies. three-month investigation of panel said it was "not holdings would allow the public Naval Hospital, where he Following an October Rockefeller and sent it to the impressed" by the contention of to monitor possible conflicts of checked in Tuesday Washington Tidal Basin incident Senate for a vote next Tuesday. Laurance Rockefeller that he interest. complaining:"l'm exhausted." involving Mills and the stripper - Meanwhile, brother Laurance Mills, 65, was expecting a visit in which Miss Battistella jumped Rockefeller told House Judiciary from Annabel Battistella, 38, the from a car containing the Committee hearings on the shapely Argentine striptease intoxicated Mills and plunged nomination that his family had performer whose friendship may into the water - Mrs. Mills went no "grand design" to exercise cost him chairmanship of the home to Arkansas to campaign vast economic power. powerful Ways and Means for her husband's re-election. He The Senate report said Committee. She promised earlier was elected to his 18th term last investigation focused on five to visit him. month. main points involving In nearby Washington, House Rockefeller, including his role in Asked if it was fair to say Speaker Carl Albert said Mills a book critical of Arthur Mills would no longer head Ways probably would not be chairman Goldberg, his 1970 New York and Means, the powerful gubernatorial opponent, and his of Ways and Means when the committee which handles tax, 94th Congress convenes in $2.5 million in gifts and loans to trade, Social Security and Health January. associates. Insurance, Albert said, "I think "He is in my opinion a sick The committee said it was that's a pretty accurate man," said Albert. satisfied for the most part with statement." A hospital spokesman said the . Ho WARING longtime Arkansas Democratic Even Mills' closest friends congressman was in "satisfactory have concluded that if he does GIFT SHOP not resign, he must not retain his condition" but refused to 1 elaborate. committee chairmanship. Which Wktr e At MVSW H VSMI SOLVE ALL YOUR Bacardi XMAS GIFT PROBLEMS* for cola? lOBILES FOREIGN CARDS (CALENDARS IMPRINTED CARDS Bacardi dark rum's smooth, REE TRIMS HAND CRAFTED underplayed THE SCIENCE OF flavor is perfect MUSIC BOXES CRECHES with cola or for use like XMAS CARDS AU CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE whiskey on the rocks, in high- CHANNUKAH CARDS GREETING balls, Sours, as taught by MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI Manhattans. & GIFTS CARDS

STOCKING STUFFERS BACARDIsrum. SUN. DEC. 8 Themixablcone. Ldcated in the Post Office Bloc 429-21431 8PM 217S.U. for more information call 742-6294 RUNDOWN DDK*- Thursday, Dec. 5 AJ. ARE WELCOME The Incredible Crowbar FREE ADMISSION Friday t Saturday Dec. 6(7 Mama's Little Jewel Happy Hour 4:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. Live Entertainment Nightly! under new management — he Looking Glass Restaurant 13 FURNACE AVE. STAFFORD SPRINGS A GREAT PLACE TO PARTY ONLY 12 MILES AWAY 3 UCONN LIVE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY CAMPUS /STAFFORDSTAFFORD THURS, FRI, & SAT. SPRINGS t

R! lad

r mr- Fair to offer £JJ?5& I Kissinger promotes arms pact The German Club is WASHINGTON (UPI) think I can say there was a spirit speech at Sioux Falls, S.D., in the Bahamas, never appeared at sponsoring the second annual Secretary of State Henry A. of optimism - progress was which the President said there the trial which began in "Christkindlmarkt" or Kissinger launched an energetic made." would be no such tax as long as February. Christmas Crafts Fair Dec. 9 - offensive Wednesday to promote Kissinger, in comments to he is in the White House. "I Maheu was not in court 1 1 . Craftspeople will be President Ford's Vladivostok newsmen, conceded that the have heard nothing that leads either when the verdict was exhibiting their wares, which strategic arms agreement - and .accord between President Ford me to believe there has been returned before U.S. District vary from batik to handmade apparently won the sympathy of and Soviet Leader Leonid I. any change," Nessen said. Judge Harry Pregerson. But his jewelry. There will also be a the Senate Foreign Relations Brezhnev would probably allow Miners ratify contract; lawyer said Maheu considered it booth featuring traditional Committee. "some degree of an arms race end walkout "a victory - a fair trial and just German cooking. After the two-hour closed verdict." continuing, but the urgency will , CHARLESTON, W. Va. The fair will be Sunday session, Sen. John Sparkman, be removed." Attorneys for Hughes' (lUPI) A United Mine- Summa Corp. said they fr6m 5 to 9 p.m. and Monday D-ALA., who is expected to Ford reaffirms Workers source said today and Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 5 succeed Sen. J. William considered the award opposition to gas tax striking miners had ratified a "excessive" and said they p.m., in the ROTC hangar. Fullbright as chairman, said: "I WASHINGTON (UPI) -. proposed contract with soft would file a motion lor a new The White House today,, coal producers to end a 23-day trial shortly. reaffirmed President Ford's nationwide walkout. The exact amount of the opposition to raising gasolin^;. "It definitely has passed," award was $2,823,333.30. tax. the source said. "They are Dutch jetliner "The President is opposed, already celebrating in crashes in flames P1SCCS to the gasoline tax and is not,, Washington." THE HAGUE (UPI) - A persuaded of the need for the i Hughes ordered Hutch I)C8 jetliner of the gas tax," Press Secretary Ron EXOTIC FISH to pay damages Martin Air Charter Co., carrying and Nessen told a news conference. 191 persons including a group Nessen cited Ford's Oct. 16 LOS ANGELES (UPI) COMPLETE LINE OF AQUARIUM SUPPLIES Billionaire Howard Hughes was of Indonesian Moslems bound ordered Wednesday to pay $2.8 for a pilgrimage in Mecca, Open 7 Days million damages to Robert A. crashed in flames Wednesday WillimanticPiaza Maheu, his former chief night 15 minutes before it was BifL_32 Bacardi lieutenant, for publicly calling to land in Colombo, Sri Lanka, HmilMttllHIWttlHIH MHIIIHHiH s Maheu "a no good dishonest An airlines spokesman lure dark rum son of a bitch." said there was no immediate Hughes, now in seclusion in report of survivors. COFFEEHOUSE for CLASSIFIED HELP! Male student needs room for Roommate wanted for house in spring semester. Call Rich 4 29-9 1 65 . WITH EWING & MATHER what? Ashford. Own room, (62.50 per month plus utilities. Call 429-1414 formerly Van Winkle WANTED: Orga'nist (or small after 6 pm. Stafford Springs church. Call 6 8 4-2982. Enjoy it with cola RENT: Ridgeview Heights. Sublet Sat., Dec. 7 Hanks A & B Woodlawn Apartments Two Jan. 1-Aug. 3 1/2 rooms, $155 per or your favorite bedroom J I 5 0 . 0 0 / mo n t h . month & utilities. Pets. 742-6955 or Free to Frats Quad Members mixer, like ginger Refrigerator and stove, lease, 429-0853. ale. And use it like security, plus utilities. Laundry on premises. 429-2983. FOR SALE: AM-FM car radio, whiskey in leather dress coat. Don: 429-2900. Manhattans, Sours, WILLIMANTIC - CENTRAL Apts. FREE REFRESHMENTS 1 8ACARD soda, water or on for 2nd semester, furnished or Returning from Florida at end of unfurnished, includes stove and semester break? I need a ride from the rocks. refrigerator. From % 115.00/month. Savannah, Georgia. Will share all expenses. 429-8987. BACARDI@rum 423-7826. ^■*4J The mixable one. FOR SALE: 1972 Vega Hatchback STEREO ft TVs: Over 90 major sponsored by IARC/FSS0 coupe, 4-speed transmission, 2/mpg. brands at lowest wholesale prices. Real clean. $ 1 ,7 50 or best offer. Call Best slection and lowest prices on 429-8280. campus. Unbeatable buys on color 1 v s NY | 1HPML ' "y =>« . . 21 NUM. Buy with confidence. Get best warranty and service available in state. Because we well almost everything, we are impartial. CAMPUS STEREO CO. 742-9884. (Keep trying)

FOR SALE: Pioneer feA-7100 Amp. Call 4 29-1691 Mtei noon. Ask for Stevi. WJU "tygptiatc. Slightly desperate. Xj rS . . Female' wanted immediately r January 'or Spring semeiter. O iaa*.M?V«e apartments. , WalVlog tflaUftc* ,'!©" t campus. Call 429-7728. ' • ..„ I e mate ropf te share Woodhaven with two women. Begin* Jen. Please call 4 29-8 164 for detail*. WANTED: Two female roommates at Walden Apartments (two bathrooms, diswasher, swimming pool, carpeting, air conditioning, etc.). $66 includes utilities. 429-/430 or 429-5205.

ROACH'S HI-FI offers you unbeatable buys on over 90 brands of quality stereo components and TVs. These include Pioneer, Kenwood, Marantz. TEAC and many others. Buzz me for a quote before you buy. I will not be undersold. 742-6 171.

THE BOOK CORNER, "an old-fashioned bookstore" with lots of books at yesterday's prices. 499 Main St., Manchester. 10am-5:30pm, Tuesday-Saturday. 1 -5:30pm Sunday. Closed Monday. RENT WANTED: 2 students looking for rent, near campus, for spring semester. CAM Bob, 429-9630. WAN TED: Walden apartment to sublet starting Jan. I. Please call 429 6334.

- Delta Sigma Pi COUPON BOOK OF SAVINGS Save money on food, beer, clothes and lots more.

Huskies Conversation Piece Rosals UConn Auto Parts Kapps Spiros College Bootery Irma's Church Reed's Northwestern Mutual 7-U Kathy John's Tolland Citgo Ben's Shoe Tony's Garage Snap Shak Mansfield Drive - In

Sale Dec. 9-13 at Student Union Lobby and SBA. Only $1.00. IIIIIMNNHIMM Page 14 Connecticut Daily Campus Thursday, December 5, 1974 CLASSIFIEDS ■ PRINTING^ Wedding invitations, LOST; BBOWN SHOUIDF R BAG. in ' FOUND: 2 mo. • Id tan RIDE WANTED: to Wash.ngton, FOR SALE: AM-FM—Multiplex matches, napKIn* etc. Photography. iCampus Rettahiaijt. ^20 REWARD. collie-sheperd, now at Ashford Oog p.C. Nov. 26th or 27th. Please tall, «ereo. with 8-track, 2 19-inch air Business cards $8/500, rubber I Call 429-5855. W , Pound. Call 429-4 221 . *»9-/fil5. Ask for M(chael or leave suspension speakers cabinets. Info, stamps, envelopes, letterheads. message call 48 7-0524. Jeff or Doug. Student run at student prices. BABYSITTER WANTED for infant Reward for a dog whose picture is In Coventry Thermotype. 742-8569. in my house or yours, 3 days a week, the Warrenville Store. Pt. collie, pt. Lost: A precious lady's black Eat. drink, dress and enjoy! At umbrella with simulated diamond discount prices!! Coupon book of 8am-2pm. Call 4 29-3563. ^. sheptrd. Call 429-0509. BRACELET LOST - gold with purple .___ — - cross on tip. If found, please call savings, 20 coupons only $ 1.00 . stone. Tremendpus personal value. "These Golden Hands , tape Joan 429-2311. rm. 408. cassette. Meditative spiritual THE WEE CHRISTMAS SHOP. Wanted: I or 2 female roommates to REWARD. Please call Nancy, Handcrafted itams at reasonabalc 429-67 /9. Thank you. self-help, for health, peace, inner For Rent: Frunished room, bath, share a Woodhaven apartment for growth. By Ben Bibb, healer, prices. Open weekends 10-5. Take private entrance, for quiet business the spring semester. Call 429-3595. TELEPHONE CABLE SPOOLS tor teacher. $6.50, mail to 260 N. Main, 44 A east 3-2/10 miles past Kathy man or student kitchen privileges, sale: excellent condition. Vour Danielson, CT 06239. John's. MASTER CHARGE honore references required. Call after 5. Are you into the Jesus movement' I choice ot 3 sizes, free delivery to , ... __t 423-3822. North Windham. could use your help if you are. Call Storrs area. 643-6595 after 3pm. Found: Pair of women's tortoise Female roommatt wanted to share Robin, 429-4649. shell glasses/multi-colored clotn case. Woodhaven appartment with 2 For rent - Columbia 4 bedrm ranch. Wanted: 2 people to share room at Found near Physical Sciences - Call women beginning January I. Please Living room w/fireplace, kitchen Looking for a roommate? Male Barbara Manor. $51 per person and 429-3091. call 429-816 i. 2/stove and refrigerator. Private transfer student needs place to stay utilities. Call 429-3688. setting. 15 min. to UConn. 423-1886. for spring semester. Call 429-8689 Wanted: Superlative, dynamic, (but LEE'S SHOE REPAIR, 105 Main St.; and ask for Mike. Apartment available Jan. I. 2 mature) person needing sound Stafford Springs. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Roommate needed - for spring bedrooms. $l50/mo. and utilities. income. Must be able to handle and Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-4. Wed. and Sun. semester, 3 bedroom house in nice, For Rent: 2 bedroom house, No pets 5 min. to campus. responsibility and imbue leadership closed. quiet development. 7 mi. from Immediate occupancy, $200 per 423-8001. in others. Must regulate own hours campus, $100 per month, no hassles. month plus utilities, summer also and profit. Not Open to negative FOR SALE: Fender Stratocaster Call Curt, 423-1974. available, 742-8522 after six. Male or female roommate wanted people who procrastinate and give w/case. 3 years old - perfect immediately to share Carriage House up. If you can rise to a challenge condition - sunburst finish. Asking TAXI - UConn taxi, meter control, 2 females are looking for Walder apartment. Walking distance to and want economic freedom, act. $-2 5 0 or best offer. Call Paul radio dispatched. 2-3-4 can ride for apartment starting 2nd semester Please call 429-6334. campus. Call Bill 429-4831. 487-0792. 49-0856. the price of one. 4 8 7-1333.

Pomsettias ($.7 5 and up). Begonias Furnished two room apt. with Female roommate wanted to share FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED: fireplace, laundry, kitchen & phone large 4-bedroom Willimantic duplex LOST: Male tiger-striped cat. $50 For furnished Willimantic apartment, ($4.00), and house plants. reward. Last seen Nov. 15, $65/month, December free, own Ledgecrest Greenhouses, Route 19 5, pring. Ideal for female or students. with three $30 weekly, I wk. deposit 875-2466. easy-to-get-a long-with-students. Maplewood Apts, Maple Rd. Call room, pets OK. Call Florence 4-1/2 mi. south of UConn. 429-1658. Wearing red flea collar. 423-4264. From January. $50/month, includes 423-5017. Vegetarian seeking room for next heat. 423-8698. For Sale 1962* Triumph TR-3B - semester with other vegetarians or Green, mech. excellent, new paint, with any mellow, easy-going FREE FOLK - Sun-Wed. Draft and needs body work - asking $1,000. person(s). George 742-894 7. imported beer, kitchen open daily Call Duff, Vinton House. from ihOOam. Sundown Inn. Found: Man's hat, tan, found in Junction of 32 and 195. For Sale: Triumph spit; red 25 mpg, rain Mon. morning in front of luggage adnd ski rack. Call Budds Bldg. Pick up Budd Bldg., Allied Health Student-Faculty 429-/892. rm. 139. Basketball Game, Thurs., Dec. 5, 7:00pm. Hawley Armory, Admission $.25. All A.H. Students invited to play, watch. ACTIVITIES Christmas Trees, all sizes $5.00. Tag now, cut later. Woodland Rd., SKI CHINMOY MIDIWHIiill Coffeehouse: 8:00-10:30, Sat.. between Gurleyville and Wormwood GROUP meets every rhurs., SU 217. Dec. ', Towers Union. Hill, 10am • 4pm. Tel. 429-2032. Newcomers are welcome. PHOTOPOOL MEMBERS: Election Brock Hall Council is sponsoring a Women's Center Coffeehouse Thurs., ol SPRING OFFICERS: will be held dance. Ryan Refectory with Icon. Dec. 5, 8:00. Nina V.irsuch on Tues. 12/10, SU 101, 7:30pm. Thurs., Dec. 5, 9pm-lam. Adm. guitar. The center is temporarily Attendance mandatory. $.75. Brock Residents $.50. BYOB' located in More bldg. PHOTOPOOL MEMBERS and FOR SALE: Atala Grand Prix 10 HEELERS: Christmas Party Thurs. speed 2 5 inch frame Handlebar and SI X INFORMATION AND 12/12. 8-llpm. SU 208. All welcome sea t packs. Excellent condition. COUNSELING SWITCHBOAHI) to attend. Asking $125. Call Dave, 429-0704, 486-4707. 9am-4pm weekdays. about 6 pm. Sponsored by Student Mental Health. FOR SALE: 1964 VW Convertible in FOLK DANCE CLUB parly &n<\ RIDEJ> very oood condition. Best reasonable SANDERSON demonstration, Wed. Dec. 4 Armory F LORIDA offer. CAM 9 74-1044 after 4pm. gym, 9:10pm. No admission, Sat.. Dec. 7, Armory gym. 8-llpm. tree Call Robin. 429-4649. Polish folk dance workshop taught Dec. 26. THEATRE l.v Ada .Hid las D/iewanowski. rhere will be a meeting of the PHILY APPLICATIONS 1700 Main St., Springfield, Mass. •■"I'll"", mingle club Dec. 5, 7:30pm in the Community Room ol the Linda, 742-6304. Formerly the Paramount Savings Bank of Tolland. Dec. 6. Nl W HAMPSHIRE IMPORTAN I III Those interested in are available for LIVE IN CONCERT Resident /Assistants positions Maxine. 429-5800. SUMMER ORIENTATION Applications, InfiH mat ion available Dec. 6 . Thurs., Dei 'i. 7pm, SS 55 or GROUP LEADERS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13 - 8 PM I,,. , Ian, 2 1, 7 pm, SS 55. MANDATORY ATTI NDANCI at NYC tvery Weekend Call Joan 429-4508 on< ol these meetings: only limes applications can be picked up. Al'i't |(.A I ION DEADLINI : Ian. Trumbull Room 212 ? 7 , Dept. "i Resident Sti nl Roberta 4 29-009 1 Student Union Affairs, Hall Dorm. Milford 5 Writers will read their works in Call Fran 4290369 the library Staff Lounge, thurs.. Long Island Dec. 5. 80m as part of the Library Arnel 429-5205 CLOSING DATE: BILLY Poetiv Scries. Friday Before Noon Feb. 14, 1975 The Women's Center will be having Keene N.H. (Antrim) a general meeting to discuss our Pat 429-4402 tuture plans on Tues., Dec. 10 at Friday 7 :30pm in ROTC.

ASC Board meeting Dec. 12, in Hanks B at 7 pm. All welcome. Board I0EL open tor guest ions at 8 pm. FINE ART PRINTS

The film "Who is Guru Maharaj Ji", Escher, Bosch, Chagall, Dali, Matisse, Van Gogh, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15- 8 PM originally scheduled for Monday. Picasso, Rembrandt, Wyeth, Homer, Klee, Dec. 9 in L.S. 154 will be postponed until spring semester. Hundreds more.

Work Study position In personnel office. 10 hours weekly. Filing xeroxing, some public contact. Call DAVID Tony Press, 486-3034, Mon. afternoon. $2.25 EACH 3 FOR $6.00

Bach Cantata: "For Us A Child Is Born" with soloists. Also BROMBERG Mendelssohn works. Storrs TUES.-FRI. DEC. 3-6 Congregational Church, Sun., Dec. 15, 10am. Public invited. 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. Let's Boogie! Come join the BOG SPECIAL GUEST dance committee Monday night from 7 to 8 pm! STUDENT UNION MEZZANINE Come to a CANDLE LIGHTIN'- CEREMONY Dec. 8, 4:30pm, SU 1000s OF PRINTS IN STOCK Lobby. Celebrate the Holiday of Chanukah with us! JONATHAN EDWARDS M THE MEDIEVAL DRAMA SOCIETY presents the most talked about play in all medieval drama!

The Classic Morality Play

.Storrs Congregational Church Tickets: $6.50, $6. $5 and $4. All seats reserved. Parish House Auditorium J Available at all Ticketron outlets, (617) 542-5491. eay m^i\ December 6 at 8:00 P.M. Also available at Sanderson Theatre Box Office. December 7 at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 P.M. Tickets on sale at the door By mail, send cert, check or money order with Advance ticket sales Thurs. & Fri. in S.U. Lobby stamped self-addressed env. to: Sanderson Donation SI.00 Theatre, 1700 Main St., Springfield, Mass. For further information, call (413) 734-5603 Thursday, December 5, 1974 Connecticut Daily Campus Page 15 Tom Pike works hard, but stays young Head trainer says 'ice is nice'; college pranks keep him young

By KATHY BUSCH on the action before him, A Band-aid and Good Luck ice Is Nice' Staff Reporter Maine and did his graduate watching for injuries. Tom Pike, At UConn, Pike, Ralph The rehabilitation of injured He stands on the sidelines work at the University of UConn head trainer, is on the Mansell, assistant trainer, and athletes by Pike and his staff of the practice field, hands Michigan. Before coming to job. their undergraduate assistants comes under the direction of tucked into the pockets of his UConn, he coached track, are responsible for keeping all the University infirmary. UConn windbreaker, a red knit According to Pike, the word baseball, and soccer at Lyndon "trainer" is itself a the intercollegiate athletic Mornings in the trainers' room cap pushed toward the back of State College in Vermont. misnomer. With most coaches teams, both male and female, in are slow, and this is the time his head. Whether talking to When asked why he made the best possible shape when most of the massaging is this reporter or carrying on a wanting to supervise their own the switch from coaching to injury-wise. In some sports such done. Things pick up conversation with one of the training programs, the role of training, Pike replied, "Well, as golf, this simply means considerably in the early football or hockey players, he the trainer has changed in like many things in life, 1 felt I handing the coach a roll of afternoon when the players are keeps one eye fixed constantly recent years. needed?, change. Training keeps gauze and a box of band-aids finished with classes. Pike me in athletics; 1 see about 150 estimates that he and his staff HILL EL'S HAVING A contests a year and even when I give 50 to 60 therapy don't know a great deal about a ■ treatments each day. sport. I enjoy just getting } While much use is made of excited with the crowd." ^v 1 LATKA PARTY! the whirlpool, the diathermy About working at the and heat packs, cold treatments University, Pike says, "Except Sun., Dec. 8 5PM Fifty cents are the specialty of the house. Before you eat, come to a Say Pike, "We have a belief CANDLE LIGHTING CEREMONY here that ice is Nice,' although, Wj I'm sure some of the players In some sports 4:30 P.M. in the S.U. Lobby ItfTJ "W^ wouldn't really agree." ST '• Innovative Cast IU w Another part of the such as golf, trainer's job here at the iiiiiiiiiiimiiniimmiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiaiiiiii ■•■•HI i_ University is the making of this simply Newest in the area aBal protective casts for injured 1 - players. Several years ago, Pike KUbAL S RESTAURANT was shown how to make casts means handing for broken wrists from fiber NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH glass. Taking this idea one step [on-Fri 11:30 to 2:30 further, Pike found a company the coach a roll which specialized in moldable Tom Pike Sat 12:00 -4:00 plastic and began to make and wishing him good luck. But plastic casts. of gauze in the other more physical Because of the nature of sports, such as football, it plastic, any force applied to means taping the players before this type of cast is spread over and a box each practice, covering the a large area, making it practices themselves, and being invaluable in contact sports. of band-aids present at all the games should Says Pike modestly, "To Route 195 Storrs 487-1043 | someone get hurt. say that I discovered this cast f According to Pike, "When would not be quite true; we and wishing him UNCMCS FIIM 15 tft 2.75 someone is injured out on the found a cast fashioned upon field, we look for three things: the same principle in the back bleeding, breathing problems of a closet here and we think APPETIZERS N.E. Clam ChowtterChacryrtona.- Franch and any deformity which might good luck Onion Soup Shrimp Cocktail - Fruit Cup with Shtrbsrt that it may be 25 to 30 years indicate a fracture. Most cases old. It's something I don't like we can handle ourselves, but in Jumbo Burgars - to talk about. Improvement is for the fact that there isn't cases where the athlete is FROM 8UR (RILL Opart & Clowd Steak Sandwichas part of the job." enough snow, there are many seriously injured, we administer Pike has been with the nice things about UConn. 1 like first aid until the player is seen CLUB SANDWICHES Lan* variety of Dolicioui Comb.nat.ons University for 12 years. A working with college kids. With by a doctor and taken to the native New Knglander, he all their pranks and everything, A you can aat< includ n Co,d Cu,s & BrMd SALAD BAR " ' > hospital." attended the University of they keep me young." Chicken Salad Platter & Tuna Salad Platters too. ADIDAS SIDE DRDERS Franch Friaa - Cola Slaw - Tosaad Salad - Tickets for 4 hoop games Sauerkraut Milk - Coffaa - Taa - Sanka or Soft Drinks CONVERSE DESSERTS loa Cream - Strawbarry Shortcake ■ Chaatacake "ALL-STARS" on sale at ticket office DRAFT BEER .25 with Lunch in the Dining Room PRO KEDS Students may now purchase Tickets for all regular season basketball tickets at the athletic college basketball programs at KITCHEN HOURS FREE Hors d-oauvras TIGERS ticket office for the following the Garden are priced at $6.50 Luncheon 11: 30 2 30 Mon Sat During Happy Hours games: Jan.15, New Hampshire; for loge and first promenade Dinner 4:30-10:00 Mon - Thurs 4:30 to 6:30 Jan. 22, Long. Island; Jan. 28, locations; $5.50 for second 4:30- 11:00 Fng, S»i in the lounot Fairfield; and Feb. 5, Boston promenade (200 scries); and 12:00-9:00 Sunday Mon thru Fri University. $4.00 for 300 series and Cocktail Lounge Hours NASSIFF ARMS, INC. Students may purchase two mezzanine !<>< ations. Mon-Thur 11:30-1:00AM Sandwichas served Mon - Thur tickets each for each home UConn student tickets, at Fri 8. Sat 11:30-2:00 AM 10:00 to Midnight 766 Main St. game, at 50 cents per ticket. student prices, will be available Sunday 12:00- 11:00PM Fri & Sat to 1:00 AM Willimantic, Conn. Tickets for all others are S3. at the field House ticket office 423-5274 Student Identification Cards during I lie latter part of January. REGULAR DINNERS START AT $3.95 must be shown .it the gate with CHILDREN'S MEALS FROM,J}l.75 "Your House of Sports" each student ticket. in. MIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIiniUIIIHINIIIinilllUIIIIUIHII Also, tickets for the Soccer meeting doubleheader at Madison Square Garden when UConn plays There will be an important Manhattan at 7 p.m. and St. meeting for those interested in SHABOO PRESENTS John's meets Notre Dame at 9 playing varsity soccer next fall p.m., arc now on sale at the Dec. 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the Madison Square Garden box physical education classroom in office and all Ticketron outlets. lhe Field House. ~"1 I WHUS 91.7 FM I JAMES COTTON BAND presents - AUCTION Thurs. & Fri. Dec. 5 & 6


MARATHON: Wednesday, December 4 Tom Rush & ORPHAN through Friday, December 6 Continuous 24 hours a day •AUCTION MIDWAY: Thursday 6pm to midnite Sun. - Dec. 8 $2.00 ! c£> CALL 487-1850 For the'benefit of the WHUS Stereo Fund L _ J&hLUS jiim fS^jxgariiz^tjpn . Page 16 Connecticut Daily Campus Thursday, December 5, 1974 They run and swear, but they DO play hoop By JON SANDBERG has accepted us. It seems to be a Staff Reporter reaction to a major change." There is a varsity basketball And the team works hard team on campus that does not because, as llamm said, "Top have a 6-foot 8-inch center, or a conditioning is our goal." They 6-4 guard who can dunk a ball have drills on ball handling, behind his head. agility, peripheral vision, and As a matter of fact, the tallest their "favorite," "suicide drills." person in the starting lineup on This drill is sometimes referred this basketball team is only 5-10. to as the lines. It is a grueling It is the I'Conn women's drill of sprinting, touching the basketball team, and although floor, and then sprinting in the they don't possess the physical opposite din- n. attributes of their male So if you go to the Field counterparts, they take the game House Thursday night, you just as seriously. won't hear 4,000 people They run, shoot, dribble screaming at the top of their "behind their backs and even lungs. You will not see a Thomas swear if they get frustrated rebound or a Wcston jump shot. enough. At practice they wear But you will sec a team that has the school's gray T-shirt, white practiced just as hard, and may gym pants, and all own just possibly be as good against Converse, Adidas, or Pro Keds. their own competition. llamm A KOVACIK PASS: Mary Kovacik, a member of the women's basketball team, is about to pass off Some even wear earrings. But to a teammate during Wednesday'! practice. The women are hard at work preparing for their season said she was cautiously they do play basketball. .optimistic, and told her team to opener on Thursday. They play an I I-game schedule, with home games in the Field House. (Photo by The team is coached by liol) \ .11 oil I "think defense and rebound," Sandra Il.imin. and will play this and they would do well. year,for the first time ever, on They take to the court Thursday the varsity court in the Field and hope to see plenty of fans. House. Who knows, the talk around Swimmers defeat Williams They begin an II-game campus may turn to a Staveski schedule on Thursday night, and rebound, or a Kovacik pass. in order to get in shape for their By THOMAS EDWARDS score qualified him for the Clifone to win the 400-yd. Paced by the record breaking national championships for the freestyle relay. season, work-outs have been hard. Forty-five girls originally performances of junior Bruce second year in a row. Other winning performances Husky wrestlers came out for the team, but Sweet and Irishman Gary Beale OutstandingPerformance were by Rick Weaver in the llamm only had to cut three the UConn swim team broke a The outstanding performance breaststrokc. Rick Lewis in the because many of them left. lose to Hartford two-year jinx and defeated ot the day was turned i ,i by 500-yd. freestyle, Clifone in the The team practices two hours Williams College here Beale. He set a freshman record 50-yd. freestyle, and the medley By KEVIN ANTI8DALE every day, and sometimes have Wednesday, 65 to 49. in the 200-yd. individual relay of Glass, Weaver, Summa, Staff Reporter an additional 45-minute Sweet, the reigning New medley, won the 200-yd. and Chris Zguro. The I'Conn wrestlers tangled chalkboard session. The girls Kngland diving champion, butterfly, then teamed with Friday the swimmers travel to with the University of Hartford that are still there want to play. snapped hiw own school record Tom Glass, boh Summa, and Jay Pcnn State Wednesday night, and came out in the I -meter optional diving According to llamm, on the short end of a 33-15 with .i score of 196.3 points His "Fnthusiasm is great. This is our score. first opportunity to play at this Things were tough from the Joe Morrone selected facility and we have to make the start as the Huskies failed to 3 hooters named best of it." yield a body in the 118 lb. The probable starters for this category and found themselves soccer Coach of Year year's team are 5-10 Linda down 6-0 before a Husky to All-Star team Staveski, 5-8 Susan Fellows, 5-6 grappler got on the mat. Then' Joe Morrone, UConn soccer before taking the New Kngland Karen Robbins, 5-5 Meryl Davis, Dean Mcndleson was pinned by coach, has been selected by his for Division I National Collegiate Athletic and 5-7 Mary Kovacik. But UConn's Dave I'enchoff in under peers as the Coae h-Of-'I'he-Year Association (NCAA) crown and according to llamm, many two minutes to even the score at in New England, lie now others will play. Soccer tri-captains Tim 6 all. It was all downhill after I) c co m cs e I igi I > 1 <- for The women will compete Hunter and Greg Niiholls, and that. consideration for the same- under men's rules, except for the The bright spot in the I'Conn leading scorer Irani/. Innocent, national honor. all seniors from the University ol use of a 30-sccond clock. This lineup had to be Freshman Joe Mel l.orback, soccer coach at clock means a shot must be Connecticut, have been selected Sori who, in the 162 lb. class. West Chester State and president taken every 30 seconds, or the to play in tin- New England pinned his man impressively in ol the National Soccer Coaches other team will get the ball. one minute 46 seconds of the Intercollegiate Soccer League's Association, made the IM.ISI.) All Star name for llamm said, "Everyone has second period. announcement. Lorback said the cooperated with us. Coach Rowc Division I, it was announced by Coach Nate Osue was honor will be presented to has extended help to me in the Mr. William Brew, vice president obviously disappointed but fell Morrone at the association's coaching aspects, and everyone of the XI.ISI. Joe Morrone that UConn would come around. annual meeting which will be- gaining the NCAA Fast Innocent, of Nyack, N.Y., and held in Chicago, Jan. I 1. runner-up spot. Hunter. of Wcstport, will By directing his team to 18 Connecticut finished the WILLINGTON graduate from UConn as the wins in 1? I games, Morrone gave season rated number I in the number one and two all-time UConn its most wins ever in a • coaches' New England poll and WILD ANIMAL FARM scoring leaders, respectively, soccer season. His hooters won number 4 in the national poll CONNECTICUT'S LARGEST with most career points (57 and the Yankee Conference- title conducted by the coaches. 48), and most goals in a single PRIVATELY OWNED "WILDLIFE game (li\c each). DISPLAY" both seniors have- made the CHUCK'S (y) —FEATURING— All-Yankee Conference, All-New ias—Yak—Aoudads—Wallabies—Lion—Pygmy Goats:— .fjygmy Donkeys—Flamingos—Ostrich—Baboons—Monkeys—Emu—Bear England, and Ail-American FOREIGN CAR SERVICE Leopards—Wolves—Deer from many countries — squads in their careers. Barbado Sheep-Antelope—Elk—Parrots and their allies —Swans Ducks—Geese—Jungle Foul-Pea Fowl—Wild Fowl. Innocent also leaves UConn FREE PARKING AND with the most career goals (33) ALL MAKES & MODELS PICNIC AREA AVAILABLE and the most goals scored in a & Repair of Volkswagen Vehicles single season (l(>). ONE DAY OPEN / DAYS A WEEK The All Star name will be Mc^Sat SERVICE 10 A.M. TO DUSK played Dec. 8, at 12:30 at 8.0Q A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Telephone 429-5242 Springfield College, with the Take Rt. 195 to Rt. 320 and from Rt. 320 Division I \H-Stars playing the turn right on Rt. 44 to stop light. We're on Division II All-Stars. Rte. 44 ASHFORD (next to 3 Guy's Cafe ) Old Farms Road. Imported Wines ■ Beer Kegs ■ Phone 429-5880 PUT THE MEW YEAR OM SCE FIRESIDE SPIRITS SHOP RENT YOUR OWN "Largest Wine Room in the Northeastern Area*' REFRIGERATOR

Rt. 44A (right next to the A & P) Mansfield Depot, Co..rv (plus security deposit) 429-0229 Call between 6 - 10 p.m. Rick will answer all your WARM. FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE questions + accept your order. P.O. Box 371 Student Leasing Service Storrs, CT. 06268