The Private Universities Act, 2006

Act 32 of 2006

Keyword(s): Existing Private University, Faculty, Hostel, Indian Nursing Council, National Assessment and Accreditation Coucil, National Board of Accreditation, National Council for Teacher Education, Pharmacy Council of India

Amendments appended: 16 of 2012, 8 of 2013, 21 of 2014, 15 of 2017, 1 of 2018, 2 of 2018, 10 of 2018, 22 of 2019, 10 of 2020

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(ii!) :; coni7:lny scgislcrcd unr,i,;!~i~c\ hct. 1956 (C~.ncr:lIAcr i 11! 1956);

(YI) .'Sr:itulcs". "0rdin:mccs" :xi;rl "Regul.iri~,ns" n?::ii. !~:jia:;ii,ci!.. thc S!lti~tes,Oidinanccs ;lnd !

>,,\,\C,~.,,,~ : i J iii iii:,<;;~~i~~::tio;~,CII' k~~~.,,,vi

(Ill 1I:c ]plii~scdi1~11l::ys uTc~(,i::~l cspcnd~lilrc proposcii fir; lhe rlcsl five ycars ;in

(I) 111,: ~:sl)i>~:ii~:il:,:,:IIIIIII:: ~xjwrl,!~l~~~c.L:~!>I\. xi.,(. ill ,i~.liviIy-~~;isr,!,i>l~rc:cs ~~I'fi;l;~ot;~; i1.1 i t:: ;i)!~:!icc~;!iil~~rc: pcr a;ildc!;l:

I) :Ile pr~!!x~scdkc slr,!?~urc n.i!h ic:l'c;c!>c; 11lit,: del?~!s13: erpcndilill-e on uiiil cr.1 :!i::i!I:.: zxlt::~: iil conc2sxiocs or rr;;:ircs in Ice or 'iec-sliips and scl~ul:~r~i~ijisto tilt ip:rli. : of rhr s:nde~i:s :rum csonoi~iicnlLypc~ilr or sociall~t;!;iwnr~..>i,<>ll>:,,,'!ar . . >.;:111~- 'llO!1l!Jlll)I) /:I !11.,1/ 7.1, LII ::.)>I.)~!>L~x.: I1!II! ~!i/ll:>tl~.1 . .. .,".,,s I!) s! II!I[I 'Xpoq 3u1iils,ic1d,: ntji j" ;1~01>3.i qntq (q) (6) Tllc coliinliilcc sii:~lls::blliit il: rq,ur[ 10 IIICC;o>,c:r~~r!!cn~ njiI>ln 3 lpcriod of onelnanlh fronl lhc dart of iis cans~ililri<~o:

5. (I) Ai1c.r lhc rccci!)l al'll~ci-cpurl olliic ci,nlr~!i!:ce ctins1ili:tcd li~ltlcr isi~~ilr~~c(11 s~~b.sccIio~i(3) olscclii>n 4, il' LIIC tiovcrnl11tnl is si~lisf~cdlllilt il is :I:IvIS:II~IC 111 ICII<:rl'i illi~~)I I'or :~cadcinir :'; """1'11""" eilalilish the ~~nivcrsily,it II;;I~ iss~!; i! icitcroiin:un~;~rxi .IF!: l!!es;ir~~isori.~i:b!~cly ""' rCl>liil ID-

(i) cslnbiisll ;III sndovirncnl fi~l~iiili ~CCO~.L~;IIICL- wiill OIL. prnvisiu~isi~l'scciion I : :

pcrr" means E?. I ion. .c pr,ljccI rcpo:!

(iv) pt:ici,:~sc boot\ .~ndji,uin;is ,ol'ai IC.,>Ili:n i.:c rillhxs t,r 3s ~pcril~t ntii-ms oI' rc;~~lalirig bouics. \vliici~u\,cr li; hi~htr. :s~!d &i-.c :ill undc;la~:lnf lo invcs:. !viltlirl il!c lirsl 1I:l-cc yc;lrs, not Isse 1:1;!11 filly Inc rupccs or as lpcr !i~cnorms i!I ?ilR ~p,l;y-Al+,l. c;ClV-['. (+,\X.(Ii:<7'1?.,4.? 'YO'.!, ill, ?!!llil!> (KI<.I'K. I?. 1023 !;/\I<,\) - - - - ;c23,11[:l~i;~;l,<,,!ics. ,~,i~i~.l~cv:i t.~ihig1,e.r. WI b,. ; . I,I!~ it, L,G~~,, II~:I~~~~~~~I.,~~I~:,btld oli~crfi~<~illlit~.~ us :is :>,.; tcr,> ,~,:ikcI!,< iii>t;~,;, r;:,.,!tt:(.. i ,;<:,!t>;$~cic>r t.~;!>~t.:~!!>~,;,~r> . . .,. ..,,..,.,~ !,::!cl,i!,;! :,I;,.; ,<:>:,;!l~.;:: 6. lip,,,l . ... C',..?,,! ,:rc ~<,!h,..!,,,>,:, ??: il\L i ,,% ~ Lil ...... -" ."" ...... ,,1,...... L -3 :I;>LIi~~-;j~l(~\,::bic ~SSCIS a!1(1 i:,,i?,!:, ..xvs:!rc [aciiilics (LIIII~~~I~I~~:,' . ,.,cqs, buildi:ip.;. rrl.,:n-cd (!, jr, cl:lusl: !iii .-!,o\;e) u,o:l!l lllcr!1!'!2~ '.,$I#y hndics. w!~icl!s?cr j ..: ,. . . ,,I ,,\:I!!. l~j~~;~,.~,;I~III ;;it,,: :!I, ~~i!,lv~l:!!, ,,III!)I,IL..I~, i\>r11i111rc,1~111;: , . ~II,IV:,III,: ;III~~TIIII>CI~;,,I>~~: :$!;:\(I, :II,I~ i~~lr:~str~~i:i~~rtk~cili~ic;

(i~il~c~II~Il>tcil~lix~;::,, rcicrr<,.~i jc. ~I;LcI:;L:(ti) :t!x~vc)\vic.l~c~dcr is l~if!,lic~;

(K) gvc u~,~lc~~::kin[;I,! $\;>lxi!~l;>I 1c;ul <>ncl'i-oics,$or, 1~ Ilc;ldcrs ;~ncl :trlcilu:lIc niirr :icr 0: 1,ciiurcrs along ?vili; necessary supi;<:ili:ii: al;r;l ill ::;\ill dcliaiallcnl al- discil~li~!c 1" I>c s1:1rtcci 1,y 11,c ,:,,:. crsil?;.

(vii) giac ilrlrlcrlbking to 131~~II,: CII-CII~~~CUIOI. :~cLiviii~sliic scminnn. Jch;ilc::. quiz progr:!n~~i:cs and cxlrn-ccrricaiir :liili I!.nu?ck. sporii. Naiii,,r:ll Scl-vice Schemr, s:lli~~,ll~~lc';lri;:; CIC. :,>r 1IX t~<:,l<:fil,>l'sl,,~!c,:ls :a: p:: IIICII.~~II:< i.!id ~IO\,.IIl,y II,,.. ~~..;:~~l;~jinl:lx~,lics;

[vii~);:i,vr: >u~~tl~:~l:~!:i,,!;10, c..I'l~r<>!~~iiy,II.,LI [iv.) l'i~ll'i!lSOCII ,>\!I<; ,.~,r~~~h;1:1ci !~rovilIc SLICII 01!1cf : , i, in!'~.,rrn:~~io~ins in;,! i>c oii::cril>cr! by Univcrsily Cr:.1:, I;., r!:Li(!/ i:o~r~~~~is:,icl,,,::!I !::d/:! f'ii).~~cilI~>I 'i'ccl~nlcal Edi,c;slinnc: : '. :)r:;. (:I!ICI. ~l:,~z>l<~r~".~ly c::,~;tl,li>lwxi by Ccn:r:sl ,,c,.,:, ...... lH!,,,:?r :' . ,,:'<<':,;i!. !?.I 'r~~<:.~~~~,~:.,~ri~igI~U,JY:;II;,II it,Ixil ~IIC ~CC,U~IC,IICL,IS 3rd CO~CI~I~U:,.: , .. , . . . ,',. !>:,:I, specified in s:zh-scclii)n (i) ui!d slr;tl! rcliori the !lrlinl ;I cull?nli!ias c~l~aisl~il~u! stlcii rncmhcrs. including ihc isprcsc,~lnli\,c <,Iill,: ii~ulalinphodizs. as nl~j:.: . . !? ~~~::c:i~~~cI,N) vcc iry ll(c ~o~t~~~li:~~?ccr~:pc~r~.l'l~ecc>rr,;~~il:cc shal! st!I>!nil iis repoi::: ..::. ,.:?..:>I:I~I,I ;I:; ;I:; <;o\,crnrncnt i\.:l!lin :! :,ciio:l of OI)L: moiiili :ii>nl 1111: di11~of iI.5 CC~SI>:L.:- :':.:lil rccL~crj spccil'yin!; wlicilier iilc :;!,c>osaring body :::is .~:ISi!lcd tbtc :tquircn~c~~!,z:j (4 C,

i3) !f I~I~:spo!~;;:,:!;~; II:>CI>, 11:s ::~iii..! t,~co~npiy wi111 the ipra+ijit..:: ; .:;,<.L bi t,:h~~b.:.,c;li~ji, (21, ,i:; ;~m?;?,!y:>l ~I~II~~I~II~:~UII;~;;~ >c..:iiufi 4 s11;1;i SI:IIICIrcjc!or oti~ai:~nxnci;ii :~ssis:ance irum liic co:.crnmeiit or any or .d:.:?on owned 3r con!ro!!cd by il!e Go\~err!~!c:i!.

ii) ;I~III~~I!I~I;~Ioird:cn:y acre5 oii;112cl c>111sideI:!,: ,11:111icip:1iii1:iils ; or

:, (I)', :I ;I:~II~III~II:I~I~ICII ;X:IC;; oi l;~;xlv;iliti:~ I~L.I,ILE!IICC!! >Il~>;lii:..

: ~l~ll01I1vr crsity Graz:s Educal~onor I r inlc ; (3) '1 licc~idi;uizc~lfond sh;ili hi iiscd ;IS ;I SCC, i.iiy dipiiii to ~n:itii~ ,:-i:~!~asilycon!~,~!icsn.:!!i ti!:;pro\.i?.iol?s !>!!"IS Act. S!?L::~-s ::I:,! :'",2'" (U il;;>:ij,, !,:C.,;,!;lc:~ I...... u . . :.:p:;loft!~c -ndowmcn: hi;?,1;1 czsc :!it ;Inisii-s;t:; o; :!lz sji;iiis;,i-i;,g .;,1dy ...... I ... :-:c> a,!:! 111 irir 1prrivls:ons ii: %is .i..c!. 3mtu~c:. cii~!:;ri!?ccs. kc;c::>!!ni,: r!: colisisliiig of .' :s, as inny be i (3) . . inc:on~e from c~~downicntfund n1;ly hi- ?~ti!izcdZcr tlic il iu rc!,uli :o '. :;.eotul in;ra;'~rc.c<~ru of ilic ilnivzisity but ;;iriii i,tit bo utiiized io r1:cci s co~is~i:u~ion:.:!csorri~rg csjlcndill;rc of rhc uilivessily. :rc~iic!~(s:I!I~ (ij Thc :i1no11n1of cndouin?cot Cued shall bc i:ii.csrcl ;:I?.? i;,;): i:il I~Cdissoli~tiot,, of !11c u~~i<:crsi~y,in l~~~~p, :C:~IK scm.r~!ir< i?s\rz8! or lIc ],,. J\,Is!<,,,>...... y tile (ioucri~~~ic~ilor dcl>oiitcil end l;cl~t clc;i.~silcd in :(:I ,rr.crci,i I ,.:. ~j~ctcd:!n:' onnl <:cvosii nccount in Guvcmiilc:~; Licosury. (a) lee ;!cc ~!he: i.h:!:-ses rei.e:r.ccl by tilc a:ri'~~zi.;ity;

:) ;i!i> i!!c:l~:?z:w:ivcrl ,fr:,m co,~::i!:~ncyandc<~;i woiku!iu'c!i.!: iiv i!~univcrsi:y in ip~irsts:!nzc: oi its objcclivcs;

) !-u:;ls, b:q\:c::r.. d!,n;.ri<:r?s. c::don.::~cnis aad ni;y rj:l::r p,:~.j: . :,r,cI , (e) all otilci s!lms rcceivcd by t!ic uni\-crsity.

(4 !\:I :ilc paylnaii 01' s:,l,rrics and :iil~~w;mccsoi lhe emoio:~ccs rr! ilic i!nivci.xil,, ;$l!d inczni>~~.S01' IIIC L~n~llin3r: v,... I::. I:,i ;;iiy 1xovi:c~i ili:: ,;r 8.4 ' A,.. : :_/ ,., ...... I. ...._...... ,.. .I,.. l.i.iil s,., :,.,. ,sn~) >r?~li ::lid cl:li.!o)cc:;. ;;,d ii;::,!b;i:; u:'iliz tesching ;ind iesearclisl.,i!:

(!) ?or!i1$1!n::mrr! ri!rsvci!:!?; ~njc:i~~r:.!~oa.nnc:so!li:c~~c!r~.,

.I.,. x,.. ""it$-': .... --..:..-e-,,.. (l;,;;d ... I..,, I. .. L.,., .\.iS,.L.> .... L...%J...... ,, :la;;cfilLr::, i!!e Acd<;. i.:!>u!,c;i :!!:!! :,,:;;r :!ui!!t;:i!ic!, ;:, ,j~r,ii Rcpi;!c:io;i.; rr; Rillca; 3. ( !:;,J?.;',\(\!/, (::>,;T,;, i:j.;<~j~:<;L.),y;]l!. j(), zcL;,? 2: i :,~.,~,..:,.?L. .,. i?, !';:if, s*,?.:>,,.

~ ~ ~

...... >!'!Z, ,,',i',;:,. i' ::,:,, . :. <:, >i<.:,i;y,:..#::!;:<~, !;<:,:l,r,:,> :,! I,,,,,.c ..i

c: lr:i,;~~x::;,i,,!, i11v <;:)PC.I:>?:: l;~.,xlr ;:~,!,$.zk~:i:~.r.,lc.i;!:~.:. i: ,~,,li:,:i,it: f~!; x8~.i:;*.::i!~i!: U:IL\L; ii~c>;i;,!~t\c?,, <>;,II.~;I>KU:;, i,sL,,. !?,,ic5:

(i,) ibr ti:.: pay!nenl o.T:,ny i..::.:i:ces incclrrc ,,:. ~,L.,....* .,iL ,,,,1. .,.~,,,G c:' :I?;!, A>::, :ita:l,;n:;;l,!!;~:L, l?.t;;~!!:,l!!~!ls <>!. !

. .

(ti rlc 10 :tny ~~r~,::~~i~.:~l:o~~ri~;tr::ec. rrstx~~?~.iI,IIT~ i~:,~rinc :>,xi?, a:, ~L,\>:O,.::". . ihv ti,<: l.2s ~,...,I ,,.~,I... .,,,,., . ,...,.....,,,.. I,..

hO>?lr:cci ll?:!l cx;~cn~lil~c:si;;di iic IIIC,.I~:~CI i3.8 li~c . .. ..,.,...... ^ .,,.... .I .,.. I.: i... , .. . ~. . . .I... .-....,,_ I,. "^+I./.,I>.I/I- // ilil.. a\?, li.llil 1irYliiii~;\:.)l,.i,l.11,15L : I,. , ;-Ac,!r, i,l~;,,c:,:.dl. . ..>.' ,;:.:v. . . 1.. .. I. ,.(1 by :!,c g<>7.rd fib:L~:?,: :y:! !: ;:! !L!2! ::;iilr ::pi;r(>>/::; !;(I!): l~oa~ciui ?!i;:na,;c~nc;!~:

<,..... > / i..I ,., ,,:,,:, ,,,L,,,, , ,,,,~., ,!l: c,:,;,:rc! tc!~,:.s;~,.,;!, c,.,: i!!,. ..!... ;,.:. ,. ;: ?p~~;~lic,I~u~~iur:,<;,..,; ,,? .... i!,C <;<,\,ct:;i,!:: ij,:,.:,;

!i, !';I<; .. C!i..ilL..!!i...-. " "..~,.. i;j !;.>c ,jic:>,Q :.see!!%: .. . "'.' " . ., ...u .<..- ....t:,:?:;';

(5) i:lc C;;;G:?;~;,$>;G~~c!- <><,: cc::, ;,s ,:::$,, . ,L ~,CL .I..<, .I> .,Ib b;:!:"ic5 LC, ,><::I?,: officeis lbc i;;?ivcr:iily.

! 1) '!'lac"::I s!:i be 1 !I"I! ,!i,:;l. ~'O\~CCSof v!:<'i'1.). ??a\' 15. ?$!>!I (:.:I?r!:. 19, 192%;,it.;:$; - --- ,,-. :;,: L ::)<: f::!::;.:?,;,,: i,<;;,,cT!, ,>:i;j.,c;ry:-- I.') .,: -ttyCt>r cq>>iL:x,:);! rlcj!,ncs :nu1 :;~y~it>~)~;ts: :.',;,~:,(? i,~,,r , :?I :.!,,::!! ;l( ;k>: ii,, c:.:,ii <<>:.,,I:;j,:!!::.:r<,: i,,l,,::r!::ij,.;,: ,cl:!ii!!:z I<> :;:c :,i';:!!!.s.,e.r!;ilj': ZIEd . . (c) !>?! !!I: b2:,i5 :;C :;;c i;:;~:!x:i.C~; !,;~~kg. ~:Iiu~%i!:,c~ ,ny ;\,q\,~!vi(!; <>{,il$,y I,, ,-/:;! :,.>,, ,<:>$\g;\\'r,,sy*:;I:, !I,<: l)rt>\~isl;,;lc~.:.:, i~<,~.t,l:l~l~~l5 <:, ic,;~,,:,, ;,c ,>.,I!~. >s!,!~~>ucI! di~.~:c:i~!:is:>,; ILL: II>:I~ iicc.~!~ 1'11 in ... I,.) ,,,,,: ,,:, !L~,.<.:I ,>,. !!!:! :;,, \vcss:!!, 7::: :!i;r.n;:,..:,,:.. .-.--- s!:nll hc cninplicd wilt; ":; ':,e oiii\ .,. j ?iiz Ch::::~!!n: :;i;;ll b.2 appi~in:c.' by :;la sp:::\:,c;;ir.r bojg Far2 oeric,ri ofrhrcc vca!; wjiil 11m:t!,ymvaI nf l!!rVlcir?r iq ;~~:~diii: 2,qi. -.. ;'ix ..-rl;~r;~ui'he uovemin~ Body rind shali, vriicn tllc Visitor i\ 1101prcsznt, prcrii: "vcr l!!e coi?vccntior, cf ti~c'iniversiry ror conicrl-ir- clc~rces,dip!oi~?::s cr r:!!:cr :c:::.!;:;.;ic di.iii.ictioos.

(4) 'Y'l~c C:Iiat~cclior:;i~i~Il II;I\.,c. 111e i:\llowir:g 1; ILVC~S, n~!c!y:-

(21 tu c:~likx xu; i;~k.,r:tu:,~o;.,

lij) io ~~~:;:o~r~ltix 'i!cc-L:l~.:~;~~!:il~)::

(c) lo icmovc !hc 'i'icc-i:hr.:;re!ioi- in ;::COI.~:II~(:C ('iilli :hi p:o\!jsi!,z< <,? !::!>.92ci:g$ ('7; :.;!':;:c:::;i: 17; :1n<

(2) :,:: ): ~:~;:;ri;~.;;c.;s;; jz2y 'SL j>cci:;e; i,;/ i;:c :j ,;,],i<5 $, .. . 27. Ti,: -yil!:: [G:n,t:r:>it~: ihC!hccc p,lr:. Pwvidcti ti>:?i aii~rcviry <>C;lirterm o? (!jrt;c ymlls. a !>c~u,nib3:lk clic,il>!.? :WL cc-~,pp~i!!tcv::~!!-,;, i::c!i~cr t:::~ 0: thr~~!?i:%s: ... ?!i L z c-cI c I!I , . :'lj:cn;m lilL. &!::,: . -. . cri7c:c2.scr., .,:,..-.L:.b2 2.iL;.- c,.,?:::; L>--. .. ~:i~i'-. li:i rr;w '~',cc-C;~a~c~:ijc,:.,aiits,HL~~VCVC~,~~ , .'..>:u:ch, , .. c:;s" ,:b:- ..., --.-.;o': shall not eicmd lire )-e:~i-...... (1) Al1co The \~~cc-Ci~::llcellors:l:~Il be ihc :pril:.:i ?;!I cxcculivc 2ki : ;:. :.:ihc:~;ic~~~dby (2) ' ' nc::de:ni;. nf:ic-i. ,?f :kc i;iii.:sisi;y rnd sI:a!! e:.;rci:,c gcz:;:; s .i~~inicfidcnc:;;1 TIIC con!;ol over Illc ilXiit:; ilifll~I:II~I~C~S~IY and sliall cxccuic the ilecisi:insuivari~.~ (1) I<, Ijodrd ot'~~~~~~ :niiliuriiics of !he i!;:iic:sicy. (3j in [lie :ibscnce ol boLi l!le\'iiitor and ill:: Ci~;,iiccl!or: :he Viii. (-1) Tj:L::--i;,i:,i . ::i.:,n,> . ;;kei: hi. i!;;. "ic,-. :,llatio!,s em fit in r aikls zoj. pcrson in tile service oirhc univcrrity. such pcrson sn:(ii uc ?,f ,.,:-, :.':- ..&. z. .-,.. *\...... '.,.".,.,..I "'": .,..\ ..,.... ,,.,. :::.:: r.:, .,?!::,-!: 5,>.,::-. ?~?!,:,;Y :. ,~,- .;.*:,,..I- - -- - d . ..a~j.,~ ...... , ..;;~:caI lo r!!c Eoa;i rr~!/,nnnn.cmcz: 2nd :!I; i?::.:;ii ,a?

'!'kc \'icc.Ch;,r,c..ll ..h.r ' 8. . (6) &I. a b~urcis~su~,,.'..- - ll,~.!-~s:ifid...... - ix?k;;;r:;XI! .. , . :...... ,as.. . . ,? inny bc .;pcci:icd by thr: Stsiuiri; ai flic Crdii?.iiiczs. with the ': . .. (7) Ti, a[ any Iimc icpon rcpi:~cnl:~:ioil mn!ic n: r~liici;:i,,c ;$n<;;tl:cr :. : .!.;csucli lllillliry 3s illily be dceillcd t;cCcss&ry, i/:e sill~:Ili~ilSO ~ilrmols:~i,:! iI :xiuics. ; ; .,,,,.,,.u:ldj , . ..;.., ....,,.,.' i,,.. .,... ili:..l:;.:...~..,,,, 1,; ,..I..L.,L . ,,,,., . i~, .t..!., . ,,;,::,, !!CC [r,,!,, ~.'::.;'~~~!l~,?~ll?y.Cl!., ,PC:., hlt,!i,!!!, !I!C ,e2c>~,,,,,s li>,:,!<. ,i,,: ..!ir..~ . .. il, subject , .::-:~Ilor !n rti!!!qt~.ish !I!> <,!?ICC !'?~IIII SICC~I d;!!~;:s ;t:a!, !!c S:,~C!!',C-?.:~.::!i!>~!~ I!!<:\~!cc nshnll bc ;::?:~celicr s!1311 bc I:~VCI> :I!! opp(nrtunil). or bcii~g11card.

!.. ~ ~ , ti; i .i:qw%~n"f :hi- s!,onsc!rin:: bi!d\i in such manner. ;ac rn:~ybe s!>cciilcii iby ti,,: :u~lcliot~s :II~ ji?T^ii of .,w~"er, in ) >:c1SS. 1:enislnr. ( Xi csir!imls siiall bc sigrrd -r:;ila:;I)/ c:t>ciiiii~iii>i;iii! i~~iirl.,iiii:li utivc and . !:olhcotic;:tcd hs thc Registrar on be11:;II of i!;c u!ii\rcr!;i:y. dsnce and (3) Ti~cRcgistr:lr sli211 bc tlic Mc.mbci-S,:c:.:l::ry oi' ti,:. (>ov.:r!ii;ig of various .' ::.:i.Eoard (~i'M.?11:1gcmcilrnr~d Acz(icrl:ic Cou~!cil5111 tiini! 1:c1i i~av.::I !i!!!ir ro ;. . :,~ ii)j lic i'icc-C~i~:~ncvlir~l-: ,.. :--;<>.>,;:iZii tii,i!ii:;:cli.;i:.iY ::)::j:il.2:i13i.ii,i . il... ? .... -.!..~.:: ...... - ...... ;.;,; ... :,:~i~~:i.zni,or in !his ;;bscnce. Dirccior. l~~i~hc:Er'uc:!lic,i~,1i;lr:;aii:r. c!l;;ii '~bcj;~:\cnl , .. ;:a:!! ncctin: i:i wi~i:h decisioi~soii issues ilviiivi;lr. Cb;vc. .iicl;i !iclllcics/ i.:r:raclions arc lo be i:~?i:n. 276 r:)\.,?.yA14>. c;(~):;~;,, G/S,Z. l:~~;~i~::~.,j,PIC '<. 19,2rx~ (;G:,T::, \L], '>y?,?. S,\.l ------. 1 (I) ' hc:~.i~micCoilxi! :;ilnll coc!nisr ci!i;e Vicc-Ch:lilccl!or:~! : -- .: ;,:Tli,,.,,,c' , <; ri,cr. ;.,; c;i;bLr5 ;,:; ,,,;jy b,:: :; I>*:;s::<: i,, :!?: ,'< :::!!::.::.. : .:1:..:, !:!;::!, 5

'7)I... 'FI,~-,Tic::.<:;,:,,,<.c.iior si,:,!\ i,~,i.,c .::i,;!i! ,>L.,,O~!,? 1.i1c ~,c~l

irj ".., ... '.. '... " ..,.: ..... ?" ...... ;.;'"i*'L:." . , ...... -.I...... ;,I !iiolibe r!jccifioi bi (lie S'isiiiizs. .+x T!lc co;ilpi;i;ition. oon:;:i:;~tion, pv:~c:.s :i::d ~cir.c!i(i~lsof olht! ;ia:!lcii-ilici o:' tlic ;inivci.~i;) :hzll l-;. :;uc!~ ns r;i:ky !:e spccili::! by lilc SlLIluk:;. ...

(a) is of unsoilnd iililiri nr;d slsnds so dc:i:\:cd b;: n cc,rnpclcnlcaffi:.

,>~. . . . ~ , f.;:: r;:c.::i:)' n,:::;l: ;i:::: :icr::r ln ]!I- m'--.,.i ;..'.,'...... lnq? 01 [!?~3uu:o!:UJ: bo2izs or.ivc~.sityd~:c:!I dc:>ih,iss!;lnisi!on or rr.!n*wnlrri:! rnci~!bcri~rd:.., ""I . , (.r change oT capaci!y \I? wh~cj: i-,cwi:s nppointzd o; non:in:ited, shnii be iillta:.;: . - ':> 2nd shnl! :.. cniiy ;IS pocsihlc by the pctoii or li:c body wl;o Iln? appointed or no:nin;l:d;z::,, 1. (3) a,mcmbcr. ; ~5 t,,~isvcrs,ry ;,n Providcd rhat ihc pcrson zppoinlci or nt~;nii;aicd as a ~IIC~II~~:!:~ " ,.it; LCC "atC or

:;~iiilo:-iiyor body of :Ill: uni\pei!;i:y on a11 e!ncrgei!l vzcnncy, shall rmi;lin afi::.', ' : ~:::;Szc. oS p~>~i>;iiihcri!y !)I body cmiy i3i tiha mia-pirid tciwe oi il!e memba, in C: (4) pi;~cc hc aq,oinrcd or ~.o~ni~lni;;d. is . .,.~r,,.. as npprou 29. l'tic iiatiioiilics or of:icc!s of ;kc L!nivc?sily III;I)~ cons:il'!i:'.. ...::;kc. 1110~;;cj: c~,miniiiccswillr sxcl, !c;ms of ri:ii,~c~!:;c :!s ~unybr: iicccss:il-y lor sjl-cilic!.:.. . .::::IX,OS ~i,~;, . . . :: Ikll acccp: ii . . Ii;,X?'AblA (iO\q' GA'Z, 0'>;'!.7,,\.). NO\!. 111, 200;~ 1:? ...... \:\:!\!'.:',, .... . - .....- ... :!,,~cll,>r:,,,! .' ....:...... !>:,!lb>. >i!cil ct,t;:,~t~(lc.z~,liIrt.i~ . . -.:!I I;.: !.,:!.:!! ;I;..,,!::y !;: s::<:L:i:i,.,! :>,; :'.; .':I ,:~!!,,...,.

1. ! S!!lli<.! ;!I !!i:: :::,;vi!;i,:::\ ;,i ii:i:: ;?I:! ::;;:i :!;2 ;:i;:c:;, :i., ,;i-.:; p ,,,, :;,,,; ,,,,: . , I?C UIII':C~II~ :nii)t p:~~vi~~~Cur :lit or ;tny ,)( 111~: ic~!!i>\vi~i!:~;i;:i(~:~s,

. . [ill Cx LULK?I~LI~I~~,,;JC~~LL,C.~> ktotci f~.~cicli~~~!s,I; C!,: zg~!,<~~i!its i;nd oihcr bodics 'sol tile i!r!:versit!!. :is II!:!)' I,c coi:!.tll~!!c:! Irom linic to ti~ie; i!>:...... I: >,.. ;,,,. ;,. .,..., ...... i;;;,.;.. !C< ...... ^....". . ;.....-*-...... ;...... :.. ;,:. CI:S::CCI!C): 3:id his pmvzr~iii:d ILiilctioni;

(c) Ciie !il:!nncr, lert~~s;:!XI cot~Ai!icn~ <>? ;,,j;iwintu~,:r,t r,< I~IC 1:e:isV:ir:lnd Ci:ie:Tin;itice 2nd Acc;,l;;;:s OfTicc; tlrrl ~iicir pa'Gcr5 ?,,l;c:irls;

(d) ti12 l~fi~llfi~i,Lct;<$h ;!l>~diiiul!s u< ;q>puini!l~eutri' t~iiicr ,,:!i;-..,-*.;i..i :,.* ..Ii-... .,.,. I ;i...... -.! <..-"I: ".I ....- ...-.. ,, ...... ,..".L...I.,V,,.,,

i.,, i.,, I,.^ *^.".,. ..",, ...... I :.:... - "C :...... r ._.I ...... r- , ".- .,....", ....Y ,,, ,.C1.iir ..,, CIII,,II,ILLi. $>l L,,i it~~ivcrsi~y;

(ii lilt. ~>!~:CC:<~~!ICl'f,!:$ri~iIntiorl in tr,,?.,:

) liic cunl';rlllcrl! of i!o11urilry dc~rcc!; or dis!ilici~oii i~illi~l? .-I-..'! b c s;$j;c: la ;kt pi-lor apprijrai a: il:c Visiio:; ill) the provisiolls rep~wdinpenclnptiarl of .:~>',lci~~sfrolii p:l:!.7lcll:. <>S!~liI.i!xlfz:; :11:c! for xv!;:7<1ic; tllc::: :,:.!lo ::7~1ii,,:; ;J!KIiLll~;~.v~i,il>s; ,,..:,.-rc:<.. . .,..<'!:;: . . (i) i>y!;%/:;;:! ;;;: :::j.;:::!::;z ;>:;!;c..; <:; ;:llatiozi nl'rcscrvalion I,! scot:; . . (j) pio~~lsio:lsp.,..-.. L-... di L..- ic:;iv kc :.::; ,,3,t ,. . .<,...... ,,,.., s... a;?< (is) !>revisions regarding ~~iimirer-sf seats in difSc!-ent coiirszs. leniber or due!:, ;. (2) -.I'I ccFiraLS!eluie r~i'iiicunivcrsiiy all;iii bc :nak by tlic C<:~cining ii be rjlled up:: 'i,:;:cd sha!! be submiitcd to ilic 5d;uniiicnl for ila ;i;:jiioual. nominotcdsu? .: .I (3) Tlic GII~!~~!:~I~III:;Ii:i!l ~c::::;it!cr llic Errit SL:>:II:C, :;:I!;!: i~!ccihy .:::$versiLy nnu sh:iii give ils n!j!jroval dlcrcnii williiii :L lic<.ir:~c,i~~:iici!tc ils ;,grec!iie:~l. I?ilx Fir:;( , ..:;:i:~gproved !,y tile Govcrlii;;cnt, and if it dcsircs IILJ to ~ivcciikct to ;!ti? ur . . consti!utc a< . :l:lic nio:ii?cn;ioiis inndc by ille GO~JC~I>III~;~Iu!idcl- rub-sccltun (3;. it nlsy specific ?asks:: : ..:r;aoiis thcrcoi and alter cu!isidcrlng such rcnsolls, Ihc Gove:.,[ iii:!y or I :.:!:a; acccy.t ill- a~g:~csiionsmndc by Liir u!iivcrsi:y. ... ,..,. 1 o !{/\!(y:,K(, (;!ll/i. I;!!,',. (~~~~:ll<~,l,,YO~I!!, .!(!(!I. il

.~ ~ - ~ . (5) .r1,,; (;,?,,,~,,,,,,c;,; :hI,:,ll \.plI>l,!;l,l!~L! l:l,!,L ,Sl~\i~~1!5.:a,. l,ll;#ll~' .. ;,!,l,N<,.+~.llici:,l ;;:l,,t:ll<:

,Y~,i~xc~~t~~~~~.TI. I I) ,S~il>!cc!I,, il~~i~.~~~~~~;i~~i,~~!~~~~il~is!~c~; ,KII!,C l<\\l~:>.,ll~c.~~~l~:-,~~~~~~c!~~ Slaiil:cn. SI:,I~IC: 4uC iltc uni\,~<$.~ty)~I:,:J :,~r-\,iIl~n~;ir,:!I;I:!IIL,:S, nnmcly:--

(:I) crcati011 of II,;~iku!ji(i~.,i:ij i.+LIIC univ~is~ly; (b) ncco~olir~::i:)olicy i~ndlitiiiricii~l PIOCC~

(c) icprcsenl:.Liou of lcasl?crs in lnc aul!ioriLles of Lhe ullivcrh::y,

(d) crcalion crf new dcl~ortmcill:. ;liid ;aIlolilioo ur rcsltucluring dl';in cnisiing dc;,onrncnl:

(c) ~~~slili~li~o~~j)i' ~ni~:~l:ds:itid l~ii~r:;:

(I) t:~.~::~lio~~~>i),cl,.lh ;)$!I! l~,occ,lo~,:it,, :~l?c~lilic!i~~,ip~~?l!.; (3; rc\,isi

(h) nliei-:~tior~ai' llir. 1111nlber:>f ::c::Is in diiI'~rc111syllabi: and (i) ;ill orlicr t;i:~i:ct.v \vh!cli ilndcr rlic proviaioas of lili:; clxt Is- li~.\(>r('l/l~(I 1))' Ill<:s1.1111:(.,:.

(2) 'i'I!r Sl~~li11::~oi'li,<: III#C~?C:I%!~:: <,!;;LC!!::;I; !!I,. IVihst S\:>III~C,S!!,~ Lc orndc: by Lhc 13onid oi'hl:~nan-li?cnl will, il~c:jl>lrruv;d 01 ,lie Cliivcljring i!i

(3) 'l'hc Si:~lurzs lnailc cilider s~:b-scctiun(7) sl,nll be sent lo Ciovcln~nc~iranti the Govzrn:iic~ilm:ly npjlri,vc i!ii.ii as sucli or, il' ii co~~sidsr. ncccss:lcy, g\,tsuygz&l~u~~:~ ror ~wd'!lic:t~i~~ns >!I lhc!n ~l!~ir~LWC ~I,C>~IIIIS rrfini!;.: ii:iic oircccipl ot'll~cSI:II!JICS.

(4) 'Ihc I~o\,c~II~I.,:31>!>ail <<>rihidc7.rllic ~~i,xlific.:~lio$~~t, suy.gesLcrl :and rclor;l llic SLiilulc5 10 Lilt :;ov~riirl!

(5) 'l'he (;~>vcro:~~,:~>l>:li:~ll <:o!i?i>'-:r :,x: r:bat~!!cs <>ril~c ily ;I,ICI .s!::ili i:i~[~rf~:,cijic S ivt.1:) ,?;ill! t)f ~.vill~c!u!!i!f>

(.?<>,,LI.,~I~c~IIII>C OClici:~l (.;,I t.Ilt?..

PI::: urd~~~;!c~cc. 32. (!) Sui7jcri 1i.j !he pruv,>ii~,isoi 11) ACL.111c S~a~illes,lllc I or ihc I<~\lcs,rl~c L7i;s! Ortlii:i~~:ccmay pr

j ll~cadnrissiuii ol sluicnis to lhe university and c,lr~:l111~1lt;is sucl!; (b) ll~vcourscs ol' s'tid:, in irc \;lid down for lhc ~ii~~!c~ll~:ls2:id ci.rlific;!ii..5 r5 il~univtv;iiy; ,LiI i -- (c) ~lit;x>:lrd II~CIIC~~CCS. dipl,>~o::i. c~~.iilici:l!..: I~J ,.,ll)cr .A:< U~nally or ~m,I,!tr~ic~IISI~>ICII~I:Y, !l>c nci!.x~~l!>):?C!L~;IIII!~.~I:.~~~- 8',~;I;,:: :,Kl!li;<>;!:l!l'.! cll,L:,,ll,,l;!, ,>~~IIch:I,,,<::

((I) 1i1e c,~n~l(~i~t~>lor :LW,\~,.; a1' icll~~k:>;,i!,b.~t!~t:i,,-~,~p.-. sripcnds. medals and priid;

(cj tile cc>ndoclof ca;iininn[ions, incliirling I!ic icrin cii oiiicc ;~n

(I; fees to be cli;~r;:ccl

i,') I),,. co~~~I~~io~~!;c~Src~~~lc~>~~t:ciillic SIO

(11) l>~.ovisic~!nsrcg:~rdinj: ~l~sci~~li~!;~ry :tcl,\. : :l[!,;ii~csl Ill<: siutlenls;

(i) ~hccreation, composi~ionoild functions of 3111' CI.!ICT body \~.liicl~is r:oiisidcrcd licccssary fur iili!)ioving ihc :ic.~dc[nic .. . 1' lliis he1are lllc oilllc nnivcrsily;

) ihc ill;tlrd inslilillinns of I>i~chcrcduc;ltior.;

(k) 3!1 (~tl~crnliilicrb wllich by this :\el or Siati~ics:,:.c ~~quiicd tn be pmvi:lcd Tor by 1I:c Ordinailccs.

!2) The 1~:ilstO,diri:~~~cc ~ii10c zir~i\,crbi~y sl!?.ll bc rnildc ',\; II!~: Vicc- !lot. wliicl~;I:V!?:!~?!:m~v J,TKI<.~s~~l~.scclio~~ (2) ~villiio ;I pcrio~loi l\vo ~~TOII~IISI~OIT, .; d.,;~6: i:s ?X~:!~l:l!itl ~ll;?Ilcilllcr ;XI~!>~<>VCil or gb>!<: h!!~~p~.:hli~,ns :cornmcnls of , ?.:~j~iic;!iiij:Islll~rcin.

(4) 'l'l;e \~i~c-~~l~~~~~~cll~~rhl:::ll cill~cr~t~ocliiy lhc 11~~~111:~~icc ,;L~~I~)(IC:~!II!:~, IIIC s!i!;~:,:stic>~~$ c)i II~~:~~o~;~:I~IJ~I~:~II or !>.IYC IC::CSP[I,, f,>r \>OI -:c;pciol;lig ;In). i,l'll~c:sup;;cslio~i!. tn1:itic I,? llic (.i,.,vcri,mc~,i ;III~\l~:~!l rb:lllrll 1111: i:niOrdi~l:~ncenloi~p xvilii sucli the Ciuvcr~i:~ie~~tand IUI rcctlpi ;! ;! ib: .nmc, the Gorcxnlncnc sli;~llconsider llic canimcn~sof i!lc \Tic?.-Ci~aiicellnr ;A !hall npprovc llic First Ordin:~ncc ol' rlx univcrsiiy \~\.1111

3. ! All Ordi~ionccsrllhci lkan Ihe i:irsl Oriinal,cu sl.all hi: n;:tdc by Suhsequcnl

rx,\c:>dcniic Ci;uncil which :xliur bcing approved by illc no.: ' of i4;~nai;cmeni cbN1i71"'ce" .?zil bc ubmilicd lo ll~eGo..,crnn~cniibr its :xppniv;~l. 2% -- 9'. , <,O ~~!$.:.~.y.b.~~!~\.GQTj':. <~;>>,x (::,?:i'!:,'~~.>, l,iC>.,J. i(j, (!.?!?'!':<. !?:3 ?:\\;<~;\. 1 - - (7) I'll.; (~~~,,L.IIIIIIC~II :i:~::ii'.oii!,iil<:i !!I: Ordiii~~~!:css~~l:~nillc(i i;). !I!. . , .. ,...... ::,, !:::i' ..:.:.,,.:::; ;: :..c.:;..:~,;. !KC, :.,.; ,,,,,,, ,;, i;! <::2

1 :.j :.? s.1 i~l.:;;;,>li~ i',.,,-111:\~1ic/~!i!??! c & !:,!, .. . ,.. . . !,>L,c!:-:..

(3) 'y[rc. JL:::;L ,:<;,,;.c;;! :~;:>:; 2iLi.2? l:*,:;z,~;:. - :>;L <;pJ;r::;jc ~C;;SM!II% i'\, 11t8l j'lil>il i~~,..~,~!,~,~~~~i,:~;,,~y ,)fli,v S~I!:~:.V?~~:!;~ ~nt:idr by lik ~.~$~,~~:~IIII?L!~!;!mi shd! rclnr!~!I!: : II>I~, Ordinnt:ce:: ziong r,!il!: s~:c!ircasnl;::, if any, to lhc Grivcinrncr.: ;!l!rl on rcccilll oi i,, thc s:ijz~c, ~iu:G,>.vc;;~nx:ni sh2:l <::>nhici4:1 I;IC. cor.,.,n?cr;:?.<,:' !i>c. Ac;,Gt; i;t'6;i cijij rL,. ".<: ;;:< :;cijj!2T~,=::?, .~,,>,, 5. \,,...... ,;,; ,.>a,, ~~,~,: :;'i!::;;,l!,.:: 2,). ~>,:!;!:?;c:i:i!i.iii ., :I ..a .. '~' . . ..-.- i~ll,. in Ac yi'ici:,, c....>.., ,<..,.-. c\an,i . . . . lRr;:~b,~lit~,~>. 3,s. Tm: :t~~bcrki.:: <;< li?z:I~,;~XSL~, m:.;. ::II~:CC; t~ lk; X~ICOY~!G<: ' &,,,,~';,I[ ~v:~t,~~~gc~~r~~j~,1:takc ;ci;~jiiui<,j,s, co~>:;i,zm:r~ ~<,t>!) ti~ji:; ,kz, 51:1;lt?:$, 1:) :hi[, ordin.,,,,LC' ,. . :III~ntlics inr ! ir ;.o~r,:;~ct cnf lircir 11\!sin :s; ,l;rci !hil! oi r;!e zonrm~li?:! :i~t! Gtj, ...... ~ "I'I:U:""U "J L,,I;IIL. ill^ ,7.,;:! ;.,, ,~:>;!;,!,),?!-5c:!;\;.,~j i,k.!ii i,~,ij~~:,:.d ,151iy 11) !I:.: , (2) :n::y ,>I op tl?~L::c;is <>F:!:x!:s <>: ::,:\dc oL;~i~:cc! I" !!>c q~:;!!>!yix~cxi:n1in2li3n :<:: \'!< I! d,:i, a<;!!ic~rn.~;!i~:i81 ~:<~-m:r,.!<;~~l:~: XI^ c;~~.~;~-c~~~ri~!~!;~r?c~.i>i!icsor "11 (Ilc hzis ci .4l:,!l is>,,% j?jnrks $31-grnec c:h!ni;>cc. L,!:,.. c;z!!!c:: c<;::d::c::fi[: 5;c,:;:!: ,:tx,!,:,c:, cc ',I,: 2j:y i,zc?:fc:

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284 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (ES'rltA.), NOV. 10, 2006 -- ' (LR'rri'rr;. 19,-. 19'28 :;AKA) 011 receil~tor ~IIC enijuiry ~CJIOI~from the officer or ofli . . (6) under sub-section (31, if the C:a;'trltrne

. . has cnnrravencd nil 01. ally of tile pr:ivijions 01' lhis Act, Statutes, Ordinan . . riuics or has violatcd ally ulillc dircctin~~sishurc. by i: undel, tliis Act clr hssc to carry 0111 IIIC T.-

(7) Thc adminis~ratorappoint:rj ~;l~der.sub-section(

(8) After having been a\vnrded ihc depree , . case :nay bc, to the I:~stbatch of Lhc studcnls of tile rcgt~ . . . shall make a report to this effect to thc Cioven~ment...... (9) On receiptof the reporiunder sub- . shallby an Act of the Statc Legislature repeal the . . university was established and from thedntc of such repea1;all liabilities of the . . sub-scc;icllr (8) shall no1 be invn been dissolved.

Power ro "lake 47. (1) The Government may, b:! no IUICS. makerul6 for cbrryiltg out the Purposcs of ti~isAct:

. . (a) the rnanncr of mski!tg xopc and thc fce paynblc un8lt:r su

(b) . other p;~:licillarslo be :o mi sub:section (2) oisecii>.l 4; . . , (c) the~na:l~~crof forfcil~~g th contrawntion of the provisions of this kct. St Ordinances, Rcgulztior~sor Rules under sub-suii

Ckanccllor under sub-+on (Ij of scction

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(1) matter lo be prescribed ilndci'clo~isl:(ii: of sub-sectiut~(4) of seclion 46: and

by rules under Illis Act.

adz. before tl?c FIogse of thc.StsLeLe_rislatui.e, while it is in szssion, if .

ously doll; under thai rule. . (1) If any difliculty arises in giving effect to Lhe provisions ofthis Powcr ro diflicullicr. ns. not inconsistent ill^ the provisions i)f [his Act. as ilppear IO it to bc

ary or cxpedicnt i?!.;;it8i>.,y Ihc difli~~!.!::..

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. . .. . , .. . lent fund in cas ...... hi. S. .'S~~~!.12.*.!?. . . Sc~!cia:uio Gc\,csnjn::i~~,ii;\rylinii.

! .<:i,i\l;llib,: l~c~,;,~lr~~c,,i,

Regd. No. CHD/0093/2015–2017

Haryana Government Gazette EXTRAORDINARY Published by Authority © Govt. of Haryana No. 81-2017/Ext. ] CHANDIGARH, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2017 (VAISAKHA 21, 1939 SAKA ) LEGISLATIVE SUPPLEMENT CONTENTS PAGES









(xxxiv) HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), MAY. 12, 2017 (VYSK. 21, 1939 SAKA) 163

PART–I HARYANA GOVERNMENT LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Notification The 12th May, 2017 No. Leg. 15/2017.— The following Act of the Legislature of the State of Haryana received the assent of the Governor of Haryana on the 24th April, 2017 and is hereby published for general information:– HARYANA ACT NO. 15 OF 2017 THE HARYANA PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2017 AN ACT further to amend the Haryana Private Universities (Amendment) Act, 2017. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in the Sixty-eight Year of the Republic of India as follows:–

1. This Act may be called the Haryana Private Universities (Amendment) Act, 2017. Short title.

2. In section 9 of the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006,— Amendment of section 9 of (i) in clause (ii), for the sign ―.‖ existing at the end, the sign ―;‖ shall be substituted; Haryana Act 32 of and 2006. (ii) after clause (ii), the following clause shall be added, namely:— ―(iii) a minimum of five acres of land within the municipal corporation limits.‖.

KULDIP JAIN, Secretary to Government Haryana, Law and Legislative Department.

55293—L.R.—H.G.P., Chd.

Haryana Government Gazette EXTRAORDINARY Published by Authority © Govt. of Haryana No. 20-2018/Ext.] CHANDIGARH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2018 (MAGHA 18, 1939 SAKA )




(ix) HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), FEB. 7, 2018 (MAGH. 18, 1939 SAKA) 1 PART - I

HARYANA GOVERNMENT LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Notification The 7th February, 2018 No. Leg.2/2018.— The following Act of the Legislature of the State of Haryana received the assent of the Governor of Haryana on the 24th January, 2018 and is hereby published for general information:- HARYANA ACT NO. 1 OF 2018 THE HARYANA PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES (SECOND AMENDMENT) ACT, 2016

AN ACT further to amend the Haryana Private Universities Act. 2006. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in the Sixty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows:-

1. This Act may be called the Haryana Private Univeristies (Second Amendment) Short title. Act, 2016. 2. For sub-section (1) of section 17 of the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006 Amendment of (hereinafter called the principal Act), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:- section 17 of Haryana Act 32 of “(1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor as per the 2006. qualifications prescribed by the University Grants Commission, subject to the provisions contained in sub-section (7) and shall hold office for a term of three years: Provided that after expiry of the term of three years, the Vice-Chancllor shall be eligible for re-appointment for subsequent terms of three years each till he attains the age of seventy years, if he has contributed significantly to raise the acadmic and research standards of the university.”. 3. In the Schedule to the principal Act, after serial number 19 and entries thereagainst, the Amendment of following serial number and entries thereagainst shall be added, namely:- Schedule to Haryana Act 32 of “20. District ”. 2006.

KULDIP JAIN, Secretary to Government Haryana, Law and Legislative Department.

55972—L.R.—H.G.P., Chd.

2 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), FEB. 7, 2018 (MAGH. 18, 1939 SAKA) PART - I

HARYANA GOVERNMENT LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Notification The 7th February, 2018 No. Leg.3/2018.— The following Act of the Legislature of the State of Haryana received the assent of the Governor of Haryana on the 8th November, 2017 and is hereby published for general information:- HARYANA ACT NO. 2 OF 2018 THE HARYANA PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES (SECOND AMENDMENT) ACT, 2017

AN ACT further to amend the Haryana Private Universities Act. 2006. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in the Sixty-eigth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-

Short title. 1. This Act may be called the Haryana Private Univeristies (Second Amendment) Act, 2017. Amendment of 2. In the Schedule to the Haryana Private University Act, 2006, after serial number 20 and Schedule to entries thereagainst, the following serial number and entries thereagainst shall be added, namely:- Haryana Act 32 of 2006. “21. World University of Design, ”. Rajiv Gandhi, Education City

KULDIP JAIN, Secretary to Government Haryana, Law and Legislative Department.

55972—L.R.—H.G.P., Chd.

Haryana Government Gazette EXTRAORDINARY Published by Authority © Govt. of Haryana No. 57-2018/Ext. ] CHANDIGARH, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 2018 (CHAITRA 16, 1940 SAKA )







1- vf/klwpuk la[;k lk0dk0fu0 24@lafo0@vuq0309@2018] fnukad 6 vizSy] 2018 243&244 & gfj;k.kk fof/kd eki foKku laxBu jkT; ¼xzqi ?k½ lsok ¼la'kks/ku½ fu;e] 2018-

2- vf/klwpuk la[;k lk0dk0fu0 25@lafo0@vuq0309@2018] fnukad 6 vizSy] 2018 245&246 & gfj;k.kk [kk| ,oa iwfrZ foHkkx eq[;ky; ¼xzqi ?k½ lsok ¼la'kks/ku½ fu;e] 2018-

3- vf/klwpuk la[;k lk0dk0fu0 26@lafo0@vuq0309@2018] fnukad 6 vizSy] 2018 247&248 & gfj;k.kk [kk| ,oa iwfrZ foHkkx {ks=h; ¼xzqi ?k½ lsok ¼la'kks/ku½ fu;e] 2018


1. Corrigendum of Leg. 27/2017 dated 25.09.2017 of Shri Krishna AYUSH University 9 Act, 2016 (Haryana Act No. 25 of 2017)

2. Corrigendum of Leg. 37/2017 dated 5th December, 2017 of the Gurugram 10 Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2017 (34 of 2017).


HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), APRIL. 6, 2018 (CHTR 16, 1940 SAKA) 65

PART - I HARYANA GOVERNMENT LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Notification The 6th April, 2018 No. Leg. 13/2018.— The following Act of the Legislature of the State of Haryana received the assent of the Governor of Haryana on the 22nd March, 2018 and is hereby published for general information:- HARYANA ACT NO. 10 OF 2018 THE HARYANA PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2018


ACT further to amend the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in Sixty-ninth Year of the Republic of India as follows:–

1. This Act may be called the Haryana Private Universities (Amendment) Act, 2018 Short title.

2. In the Schedule to the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006, after serial number 21 and Amendment of entries thereagainst, the following serial number and entries thereagainst shall be added, Schedule to Haryana Act 32 namely:- of 2006. “22 IILM University Gurugram”.

KULDIP JAIN, Secretary to Government Haryana, Law and Legislative Department.

56176—L.R.—H.G.P., Chd.

Haryana Government Gazette EXTRAORDINARY Published by Authority © Govt. of Haryana No. 50-2019/Ext.] CHANDIGARH, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2019 (PHALGUNA 24, 1940 SAKA )



HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), MAR. 15, 2019 (PHGN. 24, 1940 SAKA) 127 PART - I

HARYANA GOVERNMENT LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Notification The 15th March, 2019 No. Leg. 22/2019.— The following Act of the Legislature of the State of Haryana received the assent of the Governor of Haryana on the 8th March, 2019 and is hereby published for general information:- HARYANA ACT NO. 22 OF 2019 THE HARYANA PRIVATE UNIVERISTIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2019 AN ACT further to amend the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in the Seventieth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-

1. This Act may be called the Haryana Private Universities (Amendment) Act, 2019. Short title. 2. In the Schedule to the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006, after serial number 22 and Amendment of entries thereagainst, the following serial number and entries thereagainst shall be added, namely:- Schedule to Haryana Act 32 of 2006. “23. Om Sterling Global University Hisar”.

MEENAKSHI I. MEHTA, Secretary to Government Haryana, Law and Legislative Department.

56955—L.R.—H.G.P., Chd.

Haryana Government Gazette EXTRAORDINARY Published by Authority © Govt. of Haryana No. 60-2020/Ext.] CHANDIGARH, MONDAY, MAY 4, 2020 (VAISAKHA 14, 1942 SAKA)











HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), MAY. 4, 2020 (VYSK. 14, 1942 SAKA) 77 PART-I HARYANA GOVERNMENT LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Notification The 4th May, 2020 No. Leg. 11/2020.— The following Act of the Legislature of the State of Haryana received the assent of the Governor of Haryana on the 16th March, 2020 and is hereby published for general information:- HARYANA ACT NO. 10 OF 2020 THE HARYANA PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2020 AN ACT further to amend the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in the Seventy-first Year of the Republic of India as follows:- 1. This Act may be called the Haryana Private Universities (Amendment) Act, 2020. Short title. 2. In section 6 of the Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006 (hereinafter called the principal Amendment of Act),- section 6 of Haryana Act 32 (i) for the sign “.” existing at the end, the sign “:” shall be substituted; and of 2006. (ii) the following provisos shall be added, namely:- “Provided that the Government may, on the request of the sponsoring body, change the name of the University on remittance of a fee of five lakh rupees by the sponsoring body: Provided further that the Government may, in view of the special status given by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India for declaring a private university as an Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University under the UGC (Institutions of Eminence Deemed to be Universities) Regulations, 2017, or any other special status given by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India or the Universities Grants Commission Act, 1956 (Central Act 3 of 1956), as the case may be, withdraw the status of such University under this Act by omitting its name in the Schedule. However, the provisions of this Act shall continue to apply to such University until the date of notification under section 3 of the Universities Grants Commission Act, 1956 (Central Act 3 of 1956).”. 3. In the Schedule to the principal Act,- Amendment of Schedule to (i) serial number 1 and entries thereagainst shall be omitted; Haryana Act 32 (ii) for serial number 9 and entries thereagainst, the following serial number and entries of 2006. thereagainst shall be substituted, namely:- “9. The Sushant University District Gurugram”; (iii) after serial number 23 and entries thereagainst, the following serial number and entries thereagainst shall be added, namely:- “24. District Sonepat”.



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