The Haryana Private Universities Act, 2006 Act 32 of 2006 Keyword(s): Existing Private University, Faculty, Hostel, Indian Nursing Council, National Assessment and Accreditation Coucil, National Board of Accreditation, National Council for Teacher Education, Pharmacy Council of India Amendments appended: 16 of 2012, 8 of 2013, 21 of 2014, 15 of 2017, 1 of 2018, 2 of 2018, 10 of 2018, 22 of 2019, 10 of 2020 DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information by PRS Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and legal advice before acting on any information contained in this document. PRS or any persons connected with it do not accept any liability arising from the use of this document. PRS or any persons connected with it shall not be in any way responsible for any loss, damage, or distress to any person on account of any action taken or not taken on the basis of this document. (ii!) :; coni7:lny scgislcrcd un<it:l zecrii~~~25 oi 1:ie Cr,>r,i,;!~i~c\ hct. 1956 (C~.ncr:lIAcr i 11! 1956); (YI) .'Sr:itulcs". "0rdin:mccs" :xi;rl "Regul.iri~,ns" n?::ii. !~:jia:;ii,ci!.. thc S!lti~tes,Oidinanccs ;lnd !<qli!atinns irf (lit ti;i~i~.rsilyl11;1<1c i~ndcrihis Acl: >,,\,\C,~.,,,~ : i J iii iii<l~ldc~#i?lrlli!io;l\. lc;~ciiirli! ;:!lii Ir:lln!ll~ !,I I:i!,ll:; ;.,!:l~;::iiiil ;111c1 11;ii; ftir IC,.C:I:.CII. I;III ;11id tli>:,<;;~~i~~::tio;~,CII' k~~~.,,,vi<!O;;<:: I l~~l~~c:~li~~ll,< (2) 10 ~.r:~llCIli:!,!l$:i ikv<,l.b :)I'i!~l~:l~~~~i,i,~l ;ll~il~li~:~; 11 Council tlr 'l 11 Ccw~iciiu; !- (3) 10csl;~l~li::l~ SI;I~C ui1I1c C~II ~~lcil~ticsl't~rCLILSL ,I( ;x, ?I;X! lr:\i,~itt~:; (Ill 1I:c ]plii~scdi1~11l::ys uTc~(,i::~l cspcnd~lilrc proposcii fir; lhe rlcsl five ycars ;in<i ils so~;r~.cs01' /ii!~)ic~: (I) 111,: ~:sl)i>~:ii~:il:,:,:IIIIIII:: ~xjwrl,!~l~~~c.L:~!>I\. xi.,(. ill ,i~.liviIy-~~;isr,!,i>l~rc:cs ~~I'fi;l;~ot;~; i1.1 i t:: ;i)!~:!ic<lt::<[>c~;!iil~~rc: pcr a;ildc!;l: I) :Ile pr~!!x~scdkc slr,!?~urc n.i!h ic:l'c;c!>c; 11lit,: del?~!s13: erpcndilill-e on uiiil cr.1 :!i::i!I:.: zxlt::~: iil conc2sxiocs or rr;;:ircs in Ice or 'iec-sliips and scl~ul:~r~i~ijisto tilt ip:rli. : of rhr s:nde~i:s :rum csonoi~iicnlLypc~ilr or sociall~t;!;iwnr<i Ihc lail I..:inilirs . inclitdiny, Scheduled C;lslcs. OT!icr Rnck\v::rd CI:~sscs:~i~d ii;~~idic:~l,l,cd sloilc~~~s; 'snlpnr?, i!!!11:(ri33~ ,7111 -J,"ll ?ill ,~,,O~,I!~nj Ill:.,. I![, ,Li<L:l <I, ptw .>~..>i,<>ll>:,,,'!ar . >.;:111~- 'llO!1l!Jlll)I) /:I !11.,1/ 7.1, LII ::.)>I.)~!>L~x.: I1!II! ~!i/ll:>tl~.1 . .. .,".,,s I!) s! II!I[I 'Xpoq 3u1iils,ic1d,: ntji j" ;1~01>3.i qntq (q) (6) Tllc coliinliilcc sii:~lls::blliit il: rq,ur[ 10 IIICC;o>,c:r~~r!!cn~ njiI>ln 3 lpcriod of onelnanlh fronl lhc dart of iis cans~ililri<~o: 5. (I) Ai1c.r lhc rccci!)l al'll~ci-cpurl olliic ci,nlr~!i!:ce ctins1ili:tcd li~ltlcr isi~~ilr~~c(11 s~~b.sccIio~i(3) olscclii>n 4, il' LIIC tiovcrnl11tnl is si~lisf~cdlllilt il is :I:IvIS:II~IC 111 ICII<:rl'i illi~~)I I'or :~cadcinir :'; """1'11""" eilalilish the ~~nivcrsily,it II;;I~ iss~!; i! icitcroiin:un~;~rxi .IF!: l!!es;ir~~isori.~i:b!~cly ""' rCl>liil ID- (i) cslnbiisll ;III sndovirncnl fi~l~iiili ~CCO~.L~;IIICL- wiill OIL. prnvisiu~isi~l'scciion I : : pcrr" means E?. I ion. .c pr,ljccI rcpo:! (iv) pt:ici,:~sc boot\ .~ndji,uin;is ,ol'ai IC.,>Ili:n i.:c rillhxs t,r 3s ~pcril~t ntii-ms oI' rc;~~lalirig bouics. \vliici~u\,cr li; hi~htr. :s~!d &i-.c :ill undc;la~:lnf lo invcs:. !viltlirl il!c lirsl 1I:l-cc yc;lrs, not Isse 1:1;!11 filly Inc rupccs or as lpcr !i~cnorms i!I ?ilR ~p,l;y-Al+,l. c;ClV-['. (+,\X.(Ii:<7'1?.,4.? 'YO'.!, ill, ?!!llil!> (KI<.I'K. I?. 1023 !;/\I<,\) - - - - ;c23,11[:l~i;~;l,<,,!ics. ,~,i~i~.l~cv:i t.~ihig1,e.r. WI b,<xlhs,II,UCII:\!>. ; . I,I!~ it, L,G~~,,l~i~~:.rs.Ill II~:I~~~~~~~I.,~~I~:,btld oli~crfi~<~illlit~.~ us :is :>,.; tcr,> ,~,:ikcI!,< iii>t;~,;, r;:,.,!tt:(.. i ,;<:,!t>;$~cic>r t.~;!>~t.:~!!>~,;,~r> . .,. ..,,..,.,~ !,::!cl,i!,;! :,I;,.; ,<:>:,;!l~.;:: 6. lip,,,l . ... C',..?,,! ,:rc ~<,!h,..!,,,>,:, ??: il\L i ,,% ~ Lil ........ -" ."" ....... .,,1,. ...L -3 :I;>LIi~~-;j~l(~\,::bic ~SSCIS a!1(1 i:,,i?,!:, ..xvs:!rc [aciiilics (LIIII~~~I~I~~:,' . ,.,cqs, buildi:ip.;. rrl.,:n-cd (!, jr, cl:lusl: !iii .-!,o\;e) u,o:l!l lllcr!1!'!2~ '.,$I#<I, :,! r!~pec.:ni- aipcr !11c ri,i.ms niri!;,liIa!i:>y hndics. w!~icl!s?cr j ..: ,. ,,I ,,\:I!!. l~j~~;~,.~,;I~III ;;it,,: :!I, ~~i!,lv~l:!!<i~~~;*.olpr<?:l!rc \vi:!iiil l!~; - firs1 livi: yc;lrs ~,,!UI!!I;I,:III>, ,,III!)I,IL..I~, i\>r11i111rc,1~111;: , . ~II,IV:,III,: ;III~~TIIII>CI~;,,I>~~: :$!;:\(I, :II,I~ i~~lr:~str~~i:i~~rtk~cili~ic; (i~il~c~II~Il>tcil~lix~;::,, rcicrr<,.~i jc. ~I;LcI:;L:(ti) :t!x~vc)\v<!!iil j,oi ILSSIII;III ,;r,c<:ro:crt~~,~s~ras per ~l~cn~~ri~?~~~l'~~gul:~lii?~ lm~lich~wl>ic.l~c~dcr is l~if!,lic~; (K) gvc u~,~lc~~::kin[;I,! $\;>lxi!~l;>I 1c;ul <>ncl'i-oics,$or, 1~ Ilc;ldcrs ;~ncl :trlcilu:lIc niirr :icr 0: 1,ciiurcrs along ?vili; necessary supi;<:ili:ii: al;r;l ill ::;\ill dcliaiallcnl al- discil~li~!c 1" I>c s1:1rtcci 1,y 11,c ,:,,:. crsil?;. (vii) giac ilrlrlcrlbking to 131~~II,: CII-CII~~~CUIOI. :~cLiviii~sliic scminnn. Jch;ilc::. quiz progr:!n~~i:cs and cxlrn-ccrricaiir :liili I!.nu?ck. sporii. Naiii,,r:ll Scl-vice Schemr, s:lli~~,ll~~lc';l<lcl c~',>ri;:; CIC. :,>r 1IX t~<:,l<:fil,>l'sl,,~!c,:ls :a: p:: IIICII.~~II:< i.!id ~IO\,.IIl,y II,,.. ~~..;:~~l;~jinl:lx~,lics; [vii~);:i,vr: >u~~tl~:~l:~!:i,,!;10, c..<l:!! ~rsI1~~:1;,<1<>I'l~r<>!~~<!c:!~~ (0810 ;!I<-! I0 1;,tc L!i, ~?~~!:,ii~c,,r,:,!,;I ,,,,,.:.5 IiN 11,c cl,l],l<~yccs"I 1b.c i~!ii\fcr>iiy,II.,LI [iv.) l'i~ll'i!lSOCII ,>\!I<; ,.~,r~<lilit>~~h;1:1ci !~rovilIc SLICII 01!1cf : , i, in!'~.,rrn:~~io~ins in;,! i>c oii::cril>cr! by Univcrsily Cr:.1:, I;., r!:Li(!/ i:o~r~~~~is:,icl,,,::!I !::d/:! f'ii).~~cilI~>I 'i'ccl~nlcal Edi,c;slinnc: : '. :)r:;. (:I!ICI. ~l:,~z>l<~r~".~ly c::,~;tl,li>lwxi by Ccn:r:sl <or S:2!: (2 . ., . ., :i<,b~..r~~>,,c,.,:, . .. ...lH!,,,:?r :' . ,,:'<<':,;i!. !?.I 'r~~<:.~~~~,~:.,~ri~igI~U,JY:;II;,II it,Ixil ~IIC ~CC,U~IC,IICL,IS 3rd CO~CI~I~U:,.: , .. , . ,',. !>:,:I, specified in s:zh-scclii)n (i) ui!d slr;tl! rcliori the <i,:njiii,~nce 10 illc C;over,i!i~:::: :. : ..:.,,:::,:, x; within a pcriod ofonc ?car [[om rha :I;i!c olissuco::i~c lclter oSi~:~cnl.Onieccivr::: . ,. lil~!colnpiia2cc repdrt, lhc tio\'crllrncn; siizil ai>!lrlinl ;I cull?nli!ias c~l~aisl~il~u! stlcii rncmhcrs. including ihc isprcsc,~lnli\,c <,Iill,: ii~ulalinphodizs. as nl~j:.: . !? ~~~::c:i~~~cI,N) vcc iry ll(c ~o~t~~~li:~~?ccr~:pc~r~.l'l~ecc>rr,;~~il:cc shal! st!I>!nil iis repoi::: ..::. ,.:?..:>I:I~I,I ;I:; ;I:; <;o\,crnrncnt i\.:l!lin :! :,ciio:l of OI)L: moiiili :ii>nl 1111: di11~of iI.5 CC~SI>:L.:- :':.:lil rccL~crj spccil'yin!; wlicilier iilc :;!,c>osaring body :::is .~:ISi!lcd tbtc :tquircn~c~~!,z:j (4 C<JCI<:~~~(;:IS,IS !;>,<I<!OL,:II if1 ?i~km-:-cciic;~~(i). ,.,.,2,1 ;;,.I I!. i3) !f I~I~:spo!~;;:,:!;~; II:>CI>, 11:s ::~iii..! t,~co~npiy wi111 the ipra+ijit..:: ; .:;,<.L bi t,:h~~b.:.,c;li~ji, (21, ,i:; ;~m?;?,!y:>l ~I~II~~I~II~:~UII;~;;~ >c..:iiufi 4 s11;1;i SI:IIICIrcjc<tc;;:.' . uni;.r.i.ci:y shall iicsclF-fiiinilccil nnd shall iwi: heen:irleit 10 rci.,:ii.: ; ; Thc !. :>!or oti~ai:~nxnci;ii :~ssis:ance irum liic co:.crnmeiit or any or .d:.:?on owned 3r con!ro!!cd by il!e Go\~err!~!c:i!. ii) ;I~III~~I!I~I;~Ioird:cn:y acre5 oii;112cl c>111sideI:!,: ,11:111icip:1iii1:iils ; or :, (I)', :I ;I:~II~III~II:I~I~ICII ;X:IC;; oi l;~;xlv;iliti:~ I~L.I,ILE!IICC!! >Il~>;lii:.
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