These Silly Symphony's are being made available n complete un-cut versions as originally made. As o special INTRODUCTORY OFFER you con buy ANY TWO of these great classic cartoons for ONLY $49.88. This offei

expires September 30, 19801 so don't delay! ORDER TODAY.

THE UGLY DUCKLING (1931 ) THE OLD MILL (1 937) Come along on the adventures of the At the time of original release it was con­ (1 935) ugly, unwonted and unloved d uckling os he sidere d o radical departure . Toda y it still Mickey, the leader of the concert band, goe s from birth to that g reat moment when casts an enchanted spell. A little a nimal com­ tries desperately to conduct The Willia m Tell he is adopted by the swan. 8 min., mus., munity is threatened by a storm. 8 min., mus., O verture, while ha wks popcorn! color. color. 8 min., mus., color. 78W1·0211, Super 8 ...... $32.95 715-81-0209, Super 8 ...... $32.95 78W1-G213, Super 8 ...... $32. 9$ __,, -/J-c~ /1..(..i Dear Friends, ders yet, but watch the next catalog for HIPS, HIPS, HOORAY starring the complete details. funny duo Bert Whee ler and Bob Woolsey The RCA vide•)recorder shown on the is making its appearance here. You·II note bock cover does come to you for an insur­ that it is offered in film and video formals. ance and traniport charge of, you In this supplement film products are found guessed it, $2.50. Many hove asked, and up through page 11 and the balance of the answer is that the charge of $2.50 is a the catalog offers the latest in video, standard order c ,arge no matter whot is where the " boys" are found in this for­ ordered, and it pays part of the trans­ Blackhawk gladly accepts Master mat. The same hold true for RIDIN• ON A portation and iniuronce costs. (Jstomers Charge and Visa charge orders. RAINBOW a super Autry western. I really outside the U.S. pay different amounts for Blackhawk Charge enjoyed reviewing this print with its show­ this some coveroue. boat setting in the paddlewheeler days We hove bee, getting a number of re­ If you would like to open a Blackhawk and then driving home that night and quests for Exchange quotes. If you hove Charge Account just write to our Cus­ watching the Mississippi Queen (new sis­ some films you "'ant to consider exchang­ tomer Service Department and they will ter ship to the historic Delta Queen) glide ing please just send me your list of titles send you all the necessary details. majestically up river post our home. I and the number from the side of the box Information could almost see Gene and Frog. and I'll get o quc te off to you. Refer to your Blackhawk Film Digest for Starting next month we will be bring­ we·ve just receivfl(l the opportunity to index information and further details on ing bock a Blackhawk special but this time offer a unique video program on the Mt. films offered in this supplement. in videocassette, the 1 / 2 Price Special St. Helens volcano. It's on the back cover. Thank you. Sole. It is, of course tied to our magazine This is a real " C

RIDIN' 10N A RAINBOW' The 16mm collector's chance to (19-41 ) acquire big values for llttle prices. 8 t,~fe~e1! ~Jiflo~~g,~;r~1~t : 8 GENE AUTRY, SMILEY BURNETTE ' THELMA TODD, DOROTHY LEE Matt Evans, ~mployed as o performer w h Every film in the Potluck has been Dorothy owns the Maiden America Beauty his daughter on a poddlewheel steamboat is sold by McGraw-Hill Films. Products, Inc. company in competition with o hos-been and hos been persuaded to join n Lady Irene. One of the salesgirls, Thelma hos o bank robber)' scheme. His hopes ore th t It's first come ... first served. The not been selling her quota. The boys ore sell­ the ill-gotten gc in will buy o new start for t quantity of prints Is limited ing flavored lipsticks, Barnum & Bailey style. two of them. Grne in the meantime has hel We've lumped all color and black Soon Thelma mixes with the boys to help sell complete the first successful cattle drive n and white sound prints into this offer. her beauty products and the mayhem has four years for the group of cattlemen You receive at least 350 feet but no begun. leads. After tho stock sale, he convinces t more than 1200 feet of film per reel. Thelma convinces Dorothy to try a merger boys to put t,,eir money in the bank fo Right now is the only time our with the boys and really go all out to build safety. You guessed it, thot·s the bank tho McGraw-Hill Potluck will be offered in the business. Even though the boys hove led gets robbed. 1980. So it's your last and only the girls to believe that they ore "big-shots'" Gene and Frog join the showboat t they aren't. watch the girl c1fter the father jumps boot on chance to save this way this year. You'll roll on the floor when you see the leaves her behind. Gene·s showboat ente No returns. all sales final. Remem­ car - apartment, kitchen, form yard, the mi­ tainment and friendship win Potsy•s heart t ber, this offer expires when we run raculous pool game (what a break), and o help her see the right and that leads all au out of prints or Sept. 30, 1980. car chose fitting of the best of the Keystone's. hero·s into o ring-ding shoot out and fist-fig Many believe this to be W & w·s finest. 68 to set the world aright again. 79 min., BW. 109-99-0099, McGraw-HIii 16mm min. 880-57-2948, SUPH 8, dla., 7' min ...... $158. Bargain Price . . . $5.00 each 880-01-2943- Super 8, dla...... $141.98 640-57-2948, l6m1n, dla., 79 mln ...... $356.9 2 Our annual Disney Cartoon Savings. Limited time ON SAl:E! offer. Prices good only un til September 30, 1980. SLEEPING BEAUTY-THE 101 DALMATIONS -THE DONALD DUCK'S DILEMMAS (1978) PRINCE AND THE DRAGON DAPPER DALMATIONS (1959) ( 1958) Abridgemanf CRUEL LA DE VIL, LO TS O F DO GS DO NALD DUC K, HUEY, DEWEY, LOUIE TTH1·0012, Super 8, s ll., color, 11 mln ...... $28.95 Color, abridg,,ment Color, anH,ology SALE PRICE ...... $19.88 770·81 -0045, Supe r 8, sll., 11 min ...... $28.95 785-81-0033, Supe r 8, dla., 20 m ln ...... $69.95 785-81· 0113, Super 8, dla./mus., color, 9 mln .. $37.95 SALE PRI CE ...... $19.88 SALE PRICE ...... $47.88 SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 785-81-0028, Super 8, dla., 9 min ...... S37 .95 CHEF DONALD (19.41) 785-81 -0019, Super 8, Span., color, 9 min ...... $37.95 SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 DONALD DUCK 24 88 MUZZLE TROUBLE (1955) TT0-81 -0026, Super 8, sll., color, 11 m in ...... $28.95 Rc{etNCHo·oo·A-;;i'o·i'i'"ffi\ • LADY, TRAMP Co/or, abridgemenf 8 JOHN (1 975) Abridg11m11nf 770-8Hl095, Super 8, sll., 11 m ln ...... $28.95 GOOF!?s.. GoL'i:>E ·N··o·AGif1\~sr TT0-81-0061, Superll, sll., color, 11 mln ...... $28.95 SALE PRICE ...... $19,88 Co/or, anthology SALE PRICE ...... $19.88 785-81-0()27, Super 8, dla., 9 mln ...... $37.95 78W1·0034, Super 8, dla., 20 mln ...... $69.95 78W1-0112, Supe r 8, d la ., color, 9 m ln ....•••.•••$37 .95 24 88 SALE PRICE ...... $47,88 SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 i: ,t Ev eEN. i.,. ·o\v,f•f 'i.j~ o~ • THE TORTOISE AND THE 78W1·0016, Super 8, Span., color, 9 m in ...... $37.95 AND THE TRAMP (1 955) HARE (1935) 8 LADY, TRAMP Color, abridgement TTHl-0024, Super 8, sll., color, 11 m ln ...... $28.95 ~EV'e~EPAN.iiee·ys·cAPi~ii 785-81-0042, Super 8, dla., 9 min ...... $37.95 SALE PRICE ...... $19,88 HOOK (1953) Abridgemanf SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 DONALD DUCK'S DILEMMAS, TT0-81-0057, Super 8, sll., color, 11 m ln ...... $ 28.95 THE SWORD IN THE STONE - VOLUME 2 (1978) Co/or, anthology SALE PRICE ...... $19.88 DUEL OF THE WIZARDS (1936) 785·81 -0127, Super 8, dla.lmus., 16 mln ...... $69.95 78W1-0114, Super 8, d la., color, 9 m ln ...... $37.95 Color, abridgemenf 7 88 SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 770-81-0078, Super 8, sll., 11 mln ...... $28.95 THRee\jffCe ..Pi'G's° (.i 933t1 • 785-81-0018, Supe r 8, Span., color, 9 mln ...... $37.95 SALE l"RICE ...... $19 ,88 770-81-0023, Supe r 8, sll., color, 11 mln ...... $28.95 SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 785-81-0012, Supe r 8, dla., 9 min ...... $37.95 SALE PRICE ...... $19 .88 MICKEY'S MEMORABLE SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 SOUP'S ON' (1947) MOMENTS (1978) 78W1-0021, Super 8, Span. d la ., 9 m ln ...... $37.95 DONALD DUCK, HUEY, DEWEY, LO UIE Color , MINNIE MO USE, , SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 785-81-0145, Super 8, d la ., 7 min ...... $37.95 DONALD DUCK Co/or, AnH,o/ogy 1977 4 88 785·81-0032, Super 8, d la ., 20 mln ...... $69.95 T~o'7...,~t~;~!tRS ( ) THETttR.EE.. CABALi~·e·iidl ' 47 88 TTH l -0098, Supe r 8, sll., 11 mln ...... $28.95 (19.45) THE~eo·etiii·o·;:··co·v·ofl • SALE PRICE ...... $19.88 DO NALD DUCK, JOSE CARIOCA ROCK (19.45) 785-81-0071, Super 8, d la., 9 mln ...... $37.95 Color, abridgement PLUTO Co/or SAALLEBPARTICRE.o.... S .. S.. .. A .... I. R.... L ...I .. N .... E ... s.... 1.i· l7;4) .88 785-81-0030, Super 8, dla., 9 m in ...... $37.95 78W1·0146, Super 8, dla ./mus., 7 min ...... $37.95 88 SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 Color, abridgem11nt DOENALO ..ou·c·K ..iN .THE .. Hli\ (1 937) 78Wl·OOSO, Super 8, d la ., 8 mln ...... $37.95 ANDES (\ 9.43) MICKEY MOUSE, DONALD DUCK, SALE PRICE ...... $24,88 DONALD DUCK Color, abridg11ment TTHl-002', Super 8, sll., color, 11 mln...... $28 .95 ALICE AND THE WHITE TT0-81·0093, Super 8, sll., 11 min ...... $28.95 SALE PRICE ...... $19.88 RABBIT (195 1) Co/or, abridgement SALE PRICE ...... $19.88 JUMBO PARADE NO. 1 770-81·0079, Su pe r 8, sll., 11 m l n ...... $28 .95 78W1·0023, Super 8, dla., 9 min ...... $37.95 { MICKEY MO US E, DONALD DUCK, GOOFY SALE PRICE ...... $19. 88 sTAHLERPER,EcEF... o .... R ..... B ... R .... E... A .... K .. .. F ... A .... s. .. s21:\-!81 . Anfhology 785-81-0014, Super 8, dlo., 9 min ...... $37.95 1 no-a1-oon, Super 8, sll., color, 11 mln...... S 28.95 SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 CHIP 'N DALE, DONALD DUCK ALICE IN WONDERLAND - n o.91-0021,super8,s11.,co1ar, 11 m1n ...... s28.95 ca'.:octcc'i.~·EAN·e·iis .ii.9J7i ... sJ ~ THE MAD TEA PARTY (1951 ) SALE PRICE ...... $19.88 MICKEY MO USE, DONALD DUCK, GOOFY Color, abridgement GOOFY'S GOLDEN GAGS, Color 785-81·0089, Super 8, mus, 9 mln ...... $37.95 VOLUME 2 (1979) Color, anthology TT0-81-0071 , Super 8, sll., 9 min ...... 528.95 SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 785·81-0128, Super 8, d la./ mus., 18 mln ...... $69.95 SALE PRICE ...... $19.88 785·81-0022, Super 8, Span., 9 min...... S37.t5 SALE PRICE ...... H7.88 MICKEY'S TRAILER' (1 938) SALE PRICE ...... i24.81N.:. THE UGLY DUCKLING (19 ?.':'\ MICKEY MOUSE, DONALD DUCK, GOOFY BAMBI FALLS IN LOVE (1 ~-'21 - \ 110-91-0020, super e, s11., color, 11 m1n.:::-'...... s28.95 785·81-0144, Super 8, mus./d la., 7 min ...... $37.95 Abridge ment SALE PRICE...... 19.88 SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 110-81-0014, super 8, s11 ., color, 11 m1n ...... s28.95 CINDERELLA - CARTOON CLASSICS VOL. I SALE PRICE ...... $19.88 CINDERELLA'S FAIRY Color, abridgemenf 785-81-0001, Super 8, d la., color, 9 mln...... $37.95 GODMOTHER (1949) Abridgement 785·81-0150, Super 8, dla., 16 mln., ...... $69.95 SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 770-81-0015, Super 8, sll., color, 11 mln ...... S28.9S SALE PRICE ...... $47,88 78S·81-o047, Super 8, Span., color, 9 mln ...... $37.95 SALE PRICE ...... $19 .88 PINOCCHIO COMES TO LIFE SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 785-81-0130, Super 8, dla./mus., color, 9 mln .. $37.ts ( 19.40) Color abridgemenf DUMBO THE FLYING SALE PRICE ...... $24.88 785-81-0051, Super 8, dla., 7 min ...... $37.95 ELEPHANT (19.41 ) Color, abridgement 785-81-004

FOOTBALL FOLLIES Proves thot even in the NFL bone-head plays, wrong tackles, and crazy pauses have o role to play. It's fvll of more fumbling fingers than you ever imagined. It's an often wacky collection any footboll buff will enjoy. Anthology 760-9S-0150, Super II, sll., 8 / W , 11 min ...... S12.95 SALE PRICE ...... $9.88

0 THE PIGSKIN PALOOKA' C) ( 1937) ' Alfalfa, who has never played foot- ball in his life, writes Darla from Dover Mili­ tary Academy that he is o great gridiron star. Welcomed home as a hero, he is drafted by Spanky's team to save the day against oppo­ sition so tough that the players solemnly wish each other " good-bye" before trotting onto the field. A 8/aclchowlc udusive. Bl W UO-OS-15f4, Super a, dla., 11 mln ...... S211.911 SALE PRICE ...... $22.88 64H5·Uf4, 16mm., dla., 11 mln ...... $62.911 SALE PRICE ...... $52.88

FANTASTIC FOOTBALL FUNNIES' Tom Brookshire and Jackie Ede lstein along with selected NFL stars show how NOT to play the game. Complete with half time show, womens sports and an ad for Pit Stop deodorant. Color 785-95-0023, Super a, dla., 18 mln ...... $59.95 SALE PRICE ...... $49.88 .o o. THE GREATEST I SELECTION OF THINGS TO SHOW Q dO 4 Recent Releases

OADER-SY-PHONE CONVENIENCE! Cr•dit cord hold•rs coll fr•• 800-621-5809 (In Illinois col 800-972-S&S&) 24 Hours o Doy-7 Doys o WHk . . . lnduding Sundoyl

IT' (1927) CLARA BOW, GARY COOPER, 8 ANTONIO MORENO "To have ·1t', the fortunate possessor must have that strange magnetism which ottrods both sexes. 'It' is o purely virile quality, belonging to a strong character. He or she must be entirely unself-conscious and full of self-confidence, indifferent to the effect he or she is producing, and uninfluenced by others. There must be physical ottroction, but beauty is unnecessory. Conceit or self-consciousness destroys 'It' immediately." Clara Bow, a soucy department store worker is out to lond the store owner ond isn·t doing well, until she gets in on his yacht­ ing trip and with her wiles and 'It' wins her WRONG AGAIN' (1929) GOOFY OVER SPORTS man. You·u see why Claro become the ·1t' STAN LAUREL, OLIVER HARDY, Goofy sprints through sports history of girl. Score by William Perry. 8 DEL HENDERSON, CHARLIE HALL Olympic games os o runner, hurdler, swim· B10·30-2862, standard 8, ,11., 95 mln...... S118.91 Stable boys Loure and Hordy assume a mer, pole voulter, d iver, skier and general 860-30-2862, super 8, sll., 95 mln ...... S124.98 reword for " Blue Boy" refers to a race horse decathlon contender, Color./ Abridge. BB0-30·2862, super 8, mus., 71 mln ...... S1S3.98 ond turn in a trotter fo,r the reword. 7Bs-81-0201, Super 8, dla., 15 mln ...... $69.95 "40-30-2861, 16mm, mus., 71 mln ...... S343.98 A Blackhawk uclusiv•. Bl W INTRODUCTORY PRICE nw,TIMM" .,. .. "'"',.., ...... u....,. t,OUI, r~ _.. ~"'"" tr.••fwrN -~~· ".-... ,..._..,- "", ,...... ,...,,,,._...... , ...... i,tnwtM ftMt 810-02· 1520, St andard 8, sit., 25 mln ...... $41 .98 "o re•ICII •ti-. .... ~l'rlc.'9'11' ..- ._ ...,...,..._ "_.,--.Mt .. ~ ,._,..h.,.. ('tll Sept. 30) ...... $49 ,88 ...... -.: .... ,.... n, .. . 860-02-1520, Super B, sll., 25 mln ...... 543.98• &e0-02·2'41, Super 8, mus., 18 mln ...... $56.98 640-02·2'41, 16mm., mus., 18 mln ...... $124 .98 {eMq~SHI PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS'

Including Sequence From THEOLYMf CHAMP OLD MOTHER HUBBARD : (1935) 8 Delightful odoptotion of everybody·s favorite nursery story. Color 885-81·2'04, super 8, dia., 11 mln ...... S33.98 68S-S1· 29il4, 16mm, dla., 11 mln ...... 5'7.98 5 Act Now! Prices Good Laurel & Hardy Means 'til FINE TIMIES! Sept. 30, 1980 PERFECT DAY' (1929) STAN LAllREL, OLIVER HARDY, 8 EDGAR Kl:NNEDY, KAY DESLYS The Hardy·, and the laurels ore preparing for a Sunday picnic with Hardy's brother-in­ low, Edgar Kennedy. He suffers from the gout and continual y gets his foot knocked. Stan tries to change o flat tire but forgets to put the brake on. Naturally the car foils on Ken­ nedy's foot. When Stan put; the bad tire bock on, Ollio gels so frustrated he pitches the jack throuuh a neighbor's window leading to the recipmcal destruction that the boys were famous for. In short, it may be o PER­ FECT DAY, bu • everything goes wrong. A Blaclchawlr exdusive. Bl W 860-02-2141, Su1>11r 8, sll., 21 mln ...... $43.98 SALE PRICE ...... $34.88 HABEAS CORPUS' (19291 : STAN LAUREL, OLIVER HARDY, 881H12-1317, SuPtir 8, d la ., 21 mln ...... $56.98 8 RICHARD CARLE, SALE PRICE ...... $46.88 CHARLES BACHMAN, CHARLEY ROGERS 640-02-1317, 16mm., dla., 21 mln ...... $124.98 Stan and Ollie are hired by a mad scien­ BACON GRABBERS' (1929) SALE PRICE ...... $109.88 iist to steal bodies from a cemetery for his ex­ : STAN LAUREL, OLIVER HARDY periments. Stan is somewhat leary and a bit 8 EDGAR KENNEDY, JEAN HARLOW concerned by the scientist's peculiar habits, As process servers, Stan and Ollie are such as saving his cigarette ashes in his jacket called to retrieve a radio from a most un­ pocket. The professor is taken away by the cooperative Edgar Kennedy. Using a ladder authorities, but Stan and Ollie don't know it to steal in from the second floor, only leads to and continue their mission. The boys find the trouble. Thwarted by shotguns, steam rollers cemetery "haunted" and after many mishaps a nd Jeon Harlow's husband, the boys still the dauntless duo get the ir man. However, won't give up. It's o marvelous movie and the corpses' death hos been greatly exagge r­ now you con order it with the orig inal sound­ ated. When Stan attempts to run off with the track restored. body, the body helps. A Blaclchawlc exclusive. Bl W . A Blaclchawlc exclusive. BI W 160-02-1632, Super 8, sll., 2' mln ...... $43.98 811H12-1286, Standard 8, sll., 26 mln ...... $41.98 SALE PRICE...... $34.88 SALE PRICE ...... $31.88 880-02-1632, Super 8, mus./SFX, 21 mln...... $56.98 860-02-1286, Super a, sll., 26 mln ...... $43..98 SALE PRICE ...... $46.88 SALE PRICE ...... $34.88 640-02-1632, 16 mm., mus.lSFX, 21 mln ...... S124 .98 880-02-1286, Super a, mus., 21 min ...... $56. 98 SALE PRICE ...... $109.88 SALE PRICE ...... $46.88 641H12-1286, 16mm., mus., 21 min ...... $124.98 SALE PRICE ...... $1 09.88

SONS OF THE DESERT' ( 1932) 8' STAN LAUREL, OLIVER HARDY, CHARLIE CHASE, MAE BUSCH, DOROfHY CHRISTIE, LUCIEN LITTLEFIELD Generally rated as one of the best of all the laurel and Hardy features, SONS O F THE DESERT is jam-packed comedy from beginning to end. It contains some of the best routines the boys ever developed. Stan and Ollie ore determined to go to their fraternal convention, but their wives have other ideas. So, Ollie pretends to be sick ond o "doctor" orders him on a long sea voyage with Stan in attendance. The boys came home from the convention to find that the ship the wives thought they were on had wrecked. A Blaclchawlc exclusive. Bl W 880·02-1388, Super 8, dla., 66 mln ...... $141.98 SALE PRICE ...... $127.88 640-02-1388, 16mm., dla., 66 min ...... $318.98 SALE PRICE ...... $287.88 6 ONE WEEK !1920 ) : BUSTER KEATON, SYBIL SEELY 8 Newlywed s Buster ond Syb il receive o new home os o wedding present .. . but it comes os o kit, ond they hove to a ssemble it themselves. With the release of ONE WEEK, trade papers called Keaton·s comedy short .. the comed y se nsation of the year." A Blackhawk exclvsive sovnd track . Bl W 810-11H1989, Standard 8, sil., 26 m ln ...... $36.78 SALE PRICE ...... $31 ,88 860-18-0989, Super 8, sil., 26 min...... $37.98 SALE PRICE ...... $32,88 880·18·0989, Super 8, mus., 20 m ln ...... SSl.98 SALE PRICE ...... $43 ,88 640·18·0989, 16mm., mus., 20 mln ...... S113.98 SALE PRICE ...... $99,88

THE SILENT PARTNER' (1955) BUSTER KEATON, JOE E. BROWN, ZAZU PITTS A realistically a uthentic reco llectio n of the silent ero. THE SILENT PARTNER, originally made for television, concerns a now success­ ful director, a now missing star he worked with, ond their re union. Blackhawk exclusive. 8/ W 880-18·1375, Super 8, dla., 25 min ...... $64.98 SALE PRICE ...... $54,88 640-18-1375, Umm., dla., 25 mln ...... $142.,a SALE PRICE ...... $124,88

STEAMBOAT BILL, JR. (1928) 8 BUSTER KEATO N, ERNEST TORRENCE, TO M McGUIRE , MARION BYRON Ri ver Junction is the loca le for a feud between steamer captains Steamboat Bill ond J. King. Buster as Bill, Jr., falls head aver heels for King's daughter. But the predictable plot ... feuding fathers and frustra ted young lovers .. . is secondary to the amazing spe- cial effects Kea ton d eveloped. In o cyclone seque nce Keato n squeezed every possible gog out of a wind machine, often a t his own risk. At one point a two and o half ton build­ ing fro nt foils within inches of his head . An astonishing exhibition of Buster Keaton's talents. A Blackhawk exclvsive sovnd track. Bl W 810-18-1090, Standard a, sll., 95 mln...... $103.98 SALE PRICE ...... $89,88 860-18-1090, Super 8, sll., 95 mln ...... $108.98 SALE PRICE ...... $98,88 880-1 8-1090, Super 8, mus., 71 mln ...... $135 .98 SALE PRICE ...... $119,88 640-18·1090, 16mm., mus., 71 min ...... $309.98 SALE PRICE ...... $279.88 7 Radio Shows on c1udio tape and records

Pa rdon Ml' Bloopers The 0Nen Hornet with Dove C.orrowoy, Lowell Thomes, Bing with Al Hodge SAVE UP TO 33% Crosby, Adlai Stevenson, other The Green Hornet hunt. the biggest of all gomel 061-15-0063, 9) min., (2 records) ...... $5.99 Public enemies who try to destroy our America! 8 FOR $32 ThNe Houi-. Fifty-Nine Minutes Justic Wears a Blindfold/ Murders and the Dope Fifty-One Ueconcb the Rocket TAPES ONLY with 060-64-0147, 50 min ...... $4.98 Marx Brothers 061-95-0089, SO min., (record) ...... $4.98 Offer good 'til Sept. 30, 1980 The Marx Brothers 061-15-0059, 2:19 min., (4 records) ...... $10.99 Flash Gordon with Jomes Meighan The Alclrlch Family Based on the comic strip by Alex Raymond. First with Ezro Stone, Katherine Roth, HouH Jomi•son, heard over Mutual in 1935. Jackie Keik The B1119 C1-osby Radio Shows Flash and Dole in the Prison City of Howkmon/ Henry! Henry Aldrichl Coming, Mother! First heord with Peggy Le,,, Not King Cole, George Burns, Under the influence of Lethium, Pt. l / Under the over NBC Blue in 1939 for Jell-0. Judy Gerland Influence of Lethium, Pt. 2/ Find Flash Gordon and Henry's Blind Dote/ Henry ond Helen Prentis The Bing Crosby ~odio Shows Kill Him 060-64-0083, 46 min ...... $4.98 061 -95-0085, 5C min., (record) ...... $4.98 060-64-0144, 50 min ...... $4.98 Homer's First Dote/ Quiet Evening ot Home 060-64-008", 46 min ...... $4.98 Gene Autry•'• Melody Ranch Gangbusters with Gene Autr,, Pot Buttram, The Pinafores, The with Phillips H. lord McCorkle's Rocks/ Henry·, Own Clothes Coss County Boyt Authentic case histories thot ,haw the never-ending 060-64-0085, 46 min ...... $4.98 first Broadcast/June 1947/June 1951 activity of the police in their work of protecting our Mr. Aldrich's Pipe/ Wor Bond Drive 060-04-0149, 50 min ...... $4.98 citizens. The exceptionally loud opening sound ef­ 060-64-0086, 46 min ...... $4.98 061-95-0066, 50 min., (record) ...... $4.98 fects gave rise to the expression .. coming on like Duffy's Tavern gangbusters... with Edd Gordner Gummoke The Golf Course Murder/ The Cose of the Chicago with William Co11rod Tunnel Gong Hello, Dvffy·s Tovern, where the elite mHt to eat. Lond Deal/The P• otogropher 060-64-0155, 50 min ...... $4.98 Archie, the manager, ,peaking. Duffy ain't here. 061-95-0068, 50 min., (record) ...... $4.98 Oh, hello, Duffy ... 060-04-0141, 50 min ...... $4.98 Archie's Economics/ Archie·, Night Off 061-95·0065, 50 min., (record) ...... $4.98 Mystery of the Air 060-64-0111, 46 min ...... $4.98 with Peter Lorre The Lone Rnnger The Mask of Medusa/ Queen of Spades Collecting 1.0.U. 's/ Archie Commits Matrimony? with Broce Beamer, John Todd 060-64-0163, 50 min ...... $4.98 060-64-0112, "6 min ...... $4 98 Eric Hyde loses Cottle to Rustlers/ Brett Accuses 061 -95-0088, 50 min., (record) ...... $4.98 Most Genial Bartender Conte,t/ Archie the Detec­ Don Reed of Mur0er tive 060-64-0139, 50 min ...... $4.98 The ONat Horror Shows 060-6-4-0013, 46 min ...... $4.98 with Belo Lugosi, John Carridine World's Gr~tesl Fighter/ Most l ikely To The Thirsty Deoih/ Oroculo/ Oeoth for Sole 060-64-0110, 46 min ...... $4.98 Sgt. Prestor1of the Yukon 061 · 15-0060, 158 min., (3 mono records) .... $7.99 with Poul Sutton, Yukon King the Dog The Life of RIiey Big Strike Mine/ Jc.e Findley Strikes Gold N.8.C. University Theatre with William S.ndix, Paulo Winslow, John Brown 060-04-0160, 50 n in ...... $4.98 literary classics performed by famous stors. You·re looking fine, Riley. Very natural. What o 061-95-0086 (record) ...... $4. 98 Actually offered for college credit by Universities revoltin· developm•nl this isl across the notion. A Blackhawk exclusive. Quiet Evening by Fire/ Riley Fight. the Foreman The Shadow Alice in Wonderland with Dinah Shore 060-64-0097, 46 min ...... $4.98 with Orson Welles 060-64-0181, 55 min ...... $5.98 Riley's Psychology/ Babs and Stevenson'• Nephew The Shadow, a m:,sterious character with the hyp­ A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur', Court with 060-64-0095, 46 min ...... $4.98 notic power to clcud men's minds so they cannot Wally Moher. Riley's Ugly Statue/ Riley Going to Arobio see him, aids the forces of low and order. 060-64-0169, 55 min ...... $5.98 Don Quixote with Hons Conreid 060-64-0096, 46 min ...... $4.98 The Tomb of Tenor/ The Terror with the Broken 060-64-0167, 55 min ...... $5.98 Spring Fever Riley, the Actor Voice 060-64-0138, 50 "in...... $4.98 A Farewell to Arms with John Lund, Lurene Tuttle 060-6-4-0094, 46 min ...... $4.98 060-64-0168, 55 min ...... $5.98 Supennan Goodbye Mr. Chips with Herbert Marshall You ..t Your Life with Clayton .. Bud" Collier with Groucho Max, G1t0rge Fenneman 060-64-0170, 55 min ...... $5.9B Foster thon a spee:ling bulletl More powerful than The Gropes of Wroth with Jone Dorwell, Wally Groucho interviews the contestant. and then asked a locomotive! Able to leap toll buildings at a single Moher the quiz questions. If any contestant soid ..the bound! 060-64-0177, 55 min ...... $5. 98 Secret Word" they received o bonus. The History of Mr. Polly with Boris Karloff The first four epis0-______

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,M-,...._,, Recent Releases

NEVER WEAKEN' (1921) ANIMAL HOUSE HAROLD LLOYD, MILDRED DAVIS Outrageous, raunchy, screwball comedy Toke hair-raising action, ploy it for set ot Faber College, a small northeastern laughs, and you hove the formula Harold campus, circa 1962, which follows the hilar­ Lloyd used to estalish himself as one of the ious off-the-wall adventures of the rowdy, funniest commedians of all time. In NEYER De Ito fraternity. Stars John Belushi. WEAKEN the breezy go-getter is driven to Color/ abridg•m•nl despair; Harold hires on acrobat to generate 785-01-0154, super 8, dla., 17 min ...... $61.95 business for o doctor's office where his fionce works. When a crowd gathers around an un­ healthy looking specimen Harold hides while the acrobat flips and .falls. Harold runs to the rescue ond administers aid. After what looks like o miracle cure Harold passes out the doc­ tor·s business cards. Soon o stream of pa­ tients fill the doctor's off1ce, but when Harold peeks in to gloat he finds his betrothed em­ bracing another manl He resigns himself to 0 FLIGHTS AND FLYERS: suicide but every attempt (poison, jumping CD TRIUMPH AND TRAGEDY out the window, and shooting himself) foils. A Blackhawk/ Movietone Compilation A Blackhawk •xcluliv•. Sf W Triumphs like "Wrong Woy Corrigan" to 810-19-2908, Standard 8, sll., 35 min ...... $48.98 the tragedy of W ill Rogers and Wiley Post. 860-19-2908, Super e, ,11., 35 min ...... $49.98 A Blackhawk •1ct:luuv• 880-19-2908, SuPer 8, mus., 26 min ...... •..... $67.98 880-70-2887, Super a, nar., 11 mln ...... $28.98 640-70-2887, 16mm., nar., 11 min ...... S62.98

0 ST AGE DOOR' (1937) CD KATHARINE HEPBURN, GINGER ROGERS, ' LUCILLE BALL, ANN MILLER, EVE ARDEN One of the all-star women·s film of the 30s. Set in a theatrical boarding house, this film from the Kaufman-Ferber ploy features outstanding performances by many of the screen· s top actresses. Hepburn is o rich girl trying to make it on her own, who· rooms with TAXI DRIVER (1976) Ginger. Menjou is the under handed pro­ ROBERT DENIRO, CYBILL SHEPERD, ducer. The film depicb the fears and set­ JODIE FOSTER, MARTIN SCORSESE backs, the doily struggle and for the very The story of o Vietnam veteran who drives few: stardom and success. Nominated for a taxi at night while turning into an urban best picture. guerrilla in his spore time. Color/ abridg•1rnml A Blackhawk ••. Bl W 1 880-30-2884, Super 8, dla., 92 min ...... $197.98 78S-30-0172, super 8, dla., 17 min ...... $S9.95 0 SPEEDY' (1928) CD HAROLD LLOYD, ANN CHRISTY, 0 SIOUX CITY SUE' (19-46) BERT WOODRUFF, BROOKS BENEDICT, CD GENE AUTRY, LYNNE ROBERTS, BABE RUTH ' STERLING HOLLOWAY, RICHARD LANE, This is one of Lloyd's funniest films. HELEN WALLACE, CASS COUNTY BOYS Talent scouts from Paragon Pictures "Speedy" who just simply cannot hold o job, searching for o singing cowboy come upon o saves the day when his girlfriend's grand­ struggline Gene Autry who is having to sell father nearly loses his horsecor franchise off his herd to try and make ends meet. The when ifs stolen by a gong. Even though they woman scout talks him into a movie, the pro­ hide it on the wa terfront, Speedy finds it ond ceeds of which will pay off the debts and drives it madly through crowded streets, and allow him to keep the ranch. gets it bock on the tracks in time for the doily Gene doesn't want to do the film without run. Babe Ruth makes o cameo appearance. A Blackhawk exc/usiv•. Bl W Champion and' through trickery by the studio SH>-19-2903, Standard I, sll., 95 min ...... $117 .98 people Gene does a film, but not the one he U0-19-2903, Super 8, sll., 95 min...... S123.91 thinks. When the movie premieres in his home 880-19-2903, Super a, mus., 72 min ...... $154.91 town, Gene and his friends find out his voice is that of on animated donkey. Teasing and fighting ensue. The lady talent scout quits her THE GROCERY CLERK (1920) job, comes to work for Gene and romance LARRY SEMON, LUCILLE CARLISLE, buds. In the end Hollywood comes a-calling FRANK ALEXANDER to right their differences with Gene and get This was a Semon story and direction by him to do a move, SIOUX CITY SUE. Vitagroph. Lorry's in love with the postmis­ A Blackhawk •xduliv•. Bl W tress, who thinks he's the first class mail! From 880-57-2'36, super 8, dla., 69 min ...... $147.91 comic catastrophe with the jitney through the 640-57-2936, 16mm, dla., 69 min ...... $332.98 cot with the fly paper on its feet the mayhem just begins. An upset jug of molasses, o tum­ MICKEY AND HIS PALS bling barrel of flour, o smokestack inadver­ Great highlights from LONESOME tently turned to the fon and so many more GHOSTS, THE CLOCK CLEANERS, THE super comedy routines will keep you laughing OUR53RD BOAT BUILDERS, and HA­ clear post the end of this one. YEAR WAIIAN HOLIDAY. Stars Mickey, Donald BI W. and Goofy in high spirited adventures. 810-01-2266, Standard 8, sll., 28 min ...... $34.98 Of SERVICE j Color/ Abridg•m•nt 860-01-2266, Super e, sll., 28 min ...... $3S.98 78.s-81-01", Super 8, dla., 16 min ...... $69.95 620-01-2266, 16mm, ,11., 28 mln ...... $105.91 a 9 Recent Releases

0 CALI.. OF THE CANYON' The cattle get stampeded with a bi-plane, C) (1942) a stolen train is captured by Gene and the THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK' ' GENE 1,UTRY, SMILEY BURNETTE, (1980) bod guys are shot before they can flee in an RUTH TERRY THURSTON HALL, THE SONS OF MARK HAMILL, CARRIE FISHER, ALEC GUINESS airplane. Mr. Johnson gets everything THE PIONEEF.S Remember STAR WARS, well here's the straightened out, Gene and the girls have a A crooknd agent for the local meat pack­ nice radio show and everybody's happy. next installment with your favorite friends. ing compary won·t pay a fair price so the This film is so new we haven't seen it yet Ends the way movies should end. ranchers wc-n't sell. Gene goes off to the big A Blaclchawlc .x~luaive. Bl W and the studio can't even show us a screening city to see the head man, Johnson, and set copy, but we're told it's even better than 110-57·2931, Super a, dla., 71 min ...... 5152.98 him straight 640-57-2931, 16mm, dla., 71 min...... $342.91 STAR WARS. Gene dc,esn't get to see Johnson but falls In discussion with the studio distributor this into the acq110inlance of a girl singer who has morning just before going to press we ore a job with Johnson's radio station. When CONQUEST OF OKINAWA' advised that the scenes in this abridgement Gene gets home he finds Frog has rented the A BLACKHAWK/ MOVIETONE are taken from the ice planet. r~nch to the girl singer. 8 COMPILATION Color/ Abridgemtmt See the Invasion of Ryukyus, the bose of 785-46-0179, Super a, sll., 9 min. (Inc. cassette) ...... 543.95 Okinawa. Admiral Turner oversees the born· 785--36-0180, Super 8, dla., 17 mln ...... $71.fS bordment using for the first time rockets from U.S. ships. This was the last in the stepping stones to the Japanese Islands. Then comes the bottle of Okinawa with flame throwers 0 FUN ON THE RUN' scorching the eorth and leading to the moss C) LAUREL & HARDY THE KID BROTHER' (1927! 0 surrender of Japanese troops, 9000 captured Abridgement of SONS OF THE C) HAROLI) LLOYD, JOBYNA RALSTON many of which were boys. The victory flog is DESERT, rated as the best of all the Laurel & Poer Harold is the youngest of three raised and our air base begins its attacks on Hardy features. Scenes include the paddling sons living with their father, the sheriff a Japan. at the convention, the dancing girls, the wives widower. Futher and brothers are reol he­ going ta the ship's office to learn about the men, but Herold is just a boy. When the men A 8/ackhowlc exduaive. 8/W II0-7S-2174, Super I, dla., 9 min ...... $22.98 go to town he is left at home, for it is no survivors of the sinking. Also, the boys arriv­ 640-7S-l174, 16mm, dla., 9 min ...... $50.91 ing home, the girls at the movies, and wrap­ place for boys. During o fantasy of being a ped up as the boys try to sleep in the attic, hero, Haro d meets Mary Powers who is slide down the drainpipe and escorted to the travelling with Prof. Powers' Original house they tell their talel Mammoth Medicine Show and two shady A Bloclchawlc ex~luaive. 8/ W characters. 880-02-2924, Super a, dla., 20 min ...... $56.98 As the story unfolds, our shy and weak 64CMJ2·2924, 16mm, dia., 20 ...... $124.98 KID BROTHER proves lo Mary and himself that he can oe as effective as any of his fam­ ily. Through some violence, "monkey-busi­ ness" and l,>ads of side splitting humor, our boy recover., the stolen money, rounds up the OUR53RD crooks, takes care of the bully, wins his girl, and makes ~ is fother proud. YEAR Filming was done partly on Catalina Island and near Alacenlia, California. OF SERVICE 110-19·2906, st,ndard I, all., 112 mln ...... $139.98 860-19·2906, super a, sll., 112 mln ...... $146.98 880-19-2906, super I, mus., 84 mln ...... S181.98 DEATH VALLEY AND PETRIFIED FOREST AND DYNAMIC CHICAGO SCOTTIE'S CASTLE THE PAINTED DESERT Visit the " Windy City'' Chicago. Visil the An extraordinary tole of daring and In this presentation you will find a faithful Prudential Building, Marshall Fields, the Civic adventure owoits you in this beoutifvl and series of reproductions covering the area Opera House, Union Station, North Rush startling set of Death Volley. from every vantage po,nt. Street, Wrigley Field. See the Cubs ploy at 353-11-0021, 40 2"x2" Color Slides and cassette ...... 353-10·001?, 40 2"xl" Color Slides and cassette ...... Wrigley Field. Shop in Old Town or see the ....•••...... ••.....•..••••$12 .?5 ...... $12.?5 Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium, the SALE PRICE ...... $10.88 SALE PRICE ...... $10.88 Museum of Science and Industry and much more. climbing one of Son =roncisco's steep hills, SAN FRANCISCO, CITY BY 350-0,-088?, so 35mm 2"x2" color slides ...... s12.n THE GOLDEN GATE Union Street, Son Francisco's famous hills, Photographed by Anne La ymon O()d Jon Lee Chinatown, typical Chinese dwelling, night SALE PRICE ...... $9,88 Up-to-the-minute coverage of America's lighls in Chinatown. most cosmopolitan city in the West, Son Fran­ 350-10-0?67, 40 35mm 2"xT· color slldes ...... S? .9? cisco. Shown ore Lombard Street, crookedest SALE PRICE ...... $7.88 EVERGLADES street in the world, Coit Tower, Ghirordelli NATIONAL PARK Square, The Connery - housing restaurants ROCKY MOUNTAIN .. The variety things in nature that make up and shops, Hyde Street Pier, Maritime State NATIONAL PARK Everglades Notional Pork - little and Great Historic Pork, Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz You will see many different animals, giant Blue Herons, Block Vultures, American Alliga­ Island, soil surfing in the Boy, the Boy Bridge, snow copped peaks, beautiful mountain tor, Florida's Spotted Gar, Soft Shelled boots in the harbor, Golden Gate Bridge, lakes, dense forests, immense ranges of rug­ Turtle, Corn Snoke, Raccoons - mother and Fort Point Notional Historic Site, Palace of ged peaks, for this area is known os the babies; Golden Orbed Spider; Gulf Fritillory; Fine Arts, Joponese Teo Gorden - Golden backbone of the North American continent. sowgross; periphyton moss - typical tropical Gate Pork, Japanese Cultural and Trade Cen­ 353·0?-0012, 40 2"X2" Colc, r Slide and cassette ...... plant; ferns, and much more. ter, Son Francisco skyline, Colifornio Street, ...... , ...... $12.95 350-03-0?28, 40 35mm 2"x2" color slldes ...... S?. 9? City Holl, Hyde Street Coble Car, coble car SALE PRICE ...... $10,88 SALE PRICE ...... $7,88 Videocasseffe Pric:es Good Only 'til Sept. 30, 1980 Sl.JIMMER SALE

CHAPLIN MUTUALS, THE MAICI NG OF STAR WARS' BA BE RUTH STORY' 11948) VOLUME 111 (1916-1917) (1977) WILLIAM BENDIX, CLAIR TREVOR, CHARLIE CHAPLIN ALEC GUINES:;, MARI< HAMIL, CARRIE FISHER, CHARLES BICKFORD Charlie appears os o sophisticated bon GEORGE LUCJ,S The legendary " Bobe " has remained vivant addicted to alcohol in one of his best, A fascinating behind·the-scenes look at through the years boseboll's most famed and " The Cure". As a store detective in "The the making of one of the most popular movies beloved hero. This oction·fill ed story of the Floorwalker", and as a violin ploying tramp of all time. Director George Lucas reveals "Sultan of Swat" carries us through his ups in "The Vagabond". Produced by the Mutual some never-1::efore-"

SHA LL WE DANCE' (1937) 2 HIGH NOON' (1952) GU NGA DIN (1 939) FRED ASTAIRE, GINGER ROGERS, GARY COOPER, THOMAS MITCHELL, CARY GRANT, D<::>UGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR., EDWARD EVERETTE HORTON LLOYD BRIDGES, KATY JURADO, VICTOR MCLAGLEN Musical with o Gershwin score. Ginger is GRACE KELLY, OTTO KRUGER Cary Grant befriends Gunga Din, an In­ the snobbish musical comedy star who Corrupt justice frees o murderer who goes dian who admi ·es the soldiers and wonts to couldn't core less that ballet star Astaire hos gunning for the marsholl that se nt him ta join them. They meet a legion of Indian war­ folleri fof her. She isn't inte rested in him at hang. The morshall played by Gory Cooper is riors who worship Kali the Goddess of blood. all, until they dance together. They weave ready to give up his job and move to another They dig the graves of their \lictims before magnc in the air with " They Can't Take That town when in rides trouble. When he's unable bottle and then strangle them with white Away From Me", and " Let's Call The Whole to find anyone to support him, Cooper makes cloths. Based ori a Kipling tale " Gungo Din" Thing Off". Also, featured is the famous out his will and goes to face the gunman hos seen at least three remakes, but none has roller ska te sequence where Fred dances with alone. From Ivy Films. 85 min., BW. surpassed this classic. 117 min., BW. Ginger. 116 min., BW. 502·57·0024 - Beta 502-07·0112- Belt 506-88-0714 - Beta SlS-57-0024-VHS ...... $54.95 Sl S-07-0112 - VHS ...... _. - ...... $54.fS 525•Sl-0714-VHS ...... $49.95 SALE PRICE ...... $47.88 SALE PRtCE ...... $47.88 SALE PRICE ...... $39 .88 12 YideocasseHe Recent Releases

SILVER STREAK' f1934J TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGH'(1949J ELECTRIC HORSEMAN' (19791 SALLY SLANE, CHARLES STARRETT GREGORY PECK, HUGH MARLOWE, ROBERT REDFORD, JANE FONDA 8' Adventure abounds in this action GARY MERRILL, MILLARD MITCHELL, Redford believes that a free thing should packed, exciting film. An enterprising young DEAN JAGGER be free. He proves it with a beautiful horse. lroin designer creates a super fast diesel During war on all out effort is the least 120min. train. The son of a rival train builder develops one con do. This psycho-drama details the 502-01·0324- Beta paralysis while working on the Boulder Dom different and difficult times a bomber-com­ 515-01-4>324-VHS...... $64,95 project. His only hope of survival is to live in mander hos in pushing his men to the break­ an iron lung. The super train races the lung to ing point. Deon Jogger earned on Oscar for the dam sight. With many close calls, a mur­ best actor in a supporting role. The acting is ANIMAL HOUSE' (1978) der attempt, a run away engine, an open superb throughout tne film. This is on action JOHN BELUSHI bridge span, a chicken bock up engineer and pocked epic of air force life during W.W.!. This rowdy off-the-wall comedy deals with o frightened crew, the train arrives in time. 502-75-0320 - Beta the exploits of the Delta fraternity. l 09 min., 72 min., BW. S15-7S-0320-VHS...... $74,95 rated R. 502-01-0330 - Beta $49.95 51S-01-0330-VHS .•...•...... ,...... $64,95

7 JESUS OF NAZARETH (1976) WHICH WAY IS UP?' (1977) JAWS' (1975! ROBERT POWELL, OLIVIA HUSSEY, RICHARD PRYOR, LONETTE McKEE RICHARD DREYFUSS, ROY SCHEIDER ANNE BANCROFT, JAMES EARL JONES, Pryor hos a heyday in this film in three A girl tokes her lost swim at midnight. An SIR LAURENCE OLIVIER very funny ports, This is a must hove film. 94 action pocked film that mode many afraid of The life of Christ was begun in a humble min., roted'R. the water. 124 min. stable. The baby was nurtured by his mother 502-01-0338 - Beta 502·30-0327 - Beta Mary and Joseph. As a young adult, he drew 51S-01·0338- VHS ••••...... ••••..... ,;': ,..... $64,95 515·30-0327-VHS ...... ,.... $64,95 crowds of people, well and infirm who were ~ t eager to receive the messages from God that THE OMEN' 0 976) JAWS 11 ' (197BJ he was giving them. His crucification is realis­ GREGORY PECK, LEE REMICK ROY SCHEIDER tically detailed. This story is uniquely de­ A 5 year old boy becomes the Devil per­ Once again the lives of water enthusiasts picted in this touching film produced by sonified. Who wins .. . the forces of evil or of ore threatened by a great white shark. A Franco Zeffirelli in Italy. 371 min. good? 110 min., roted R. high adventure film . l 16 min. 502·96-1351 - Beta 502-86-0345 - Beto 502-Jo-0331 - Beta m-96-0351-VHS ...•...... •...... $169,95 515-86-0345-VHS ...... , .. ,.. $54,95 515-30·0331-VHS...... $64,95 \ °'{&1£. . ~· ·a ; .. ·~l'lile!!I::: cl> .,_

1941 ' (1979) SLAPSHOT' (1 977! SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT' JOHN BELUSHI, DAN AYKROYD PAUL NEWMAN, JENNIFER WARREN (1977) Los Angeles is demolished in the after­ This fast paced look at professional SALLY FIELDS, BURT REYNOLDS math of Pearl Harbor. A wild and funny film. hockey on and off the ice is good entertain­ Truckin' was never such fun as it is when 120min. ment. 122 min., roted R. two outrageous over-the-rood drivers take on 502-01-0335 - Beta on $80,000 bet. 96 min. $64.95 51S-01-o335 - VHS ...... ,...... $64, 95 502-01-4>33' - Beta ' SlS-01-0333-VHS...... $64,95 THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK' (1959) ALL ABOUT EVE' (1950) THERE'S NO BUSINESS LIKE MILLIE PERKINS, JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT, SETTE DAVIS, ANNE BAXTER, SHOW BUSINESS' (1954) SHELLEY WINTERS, RICHARD SEYMER, GEORGE SANDERS, CELESTE HOLM, ETHEL MERMAN, DONALD O'CONNOR, GUSTI HUBER, ED WYNN GARY MERRILL, THELMA RITTER, MARILYN MONROE, DAN DAILEY, The problems of o Jewish family during MARILYN MONRO E JOHNNY RAY, MITZI GAYNOR W.W.11 ore sensitively portrayed. The Frank The struggle for fame and fortune is never The trials and triumphs of a trouping fam­ family is forced into hiding from the Nazis. easy. In this case, the beautiful and talented ily in the days of vaudeville ore heart worm­ They choose the attic of a friend·s house. young actress makes friends among her col­ ing. There are many familiar Irving Berlin There they remain until they ore discovered leagues then ruthless and viciously uses them songs used throughout. Such as, "'Remem­ by the Nazi army over two years later. The as stepping stones to her own success. This ber"', "Heal Wove", " Ploy a Simple Mel­ girl, Anne, keeps a diary detailing her feel­ comedy-drama is sophisticated and witty ody", Ethel Merman belts out the title song, ings and those of her family as they try to throughout. This film earned 7 Oscars. A too. This is a great fun film experience for the survive the ordeals of war. 150 min., BW. timeless ond terrific film for all, whole family. 117 min. 502-30-0322 - Belo 502-Jo-0319- Beta 502·88·0310- Beta 515-30-0322-VHS...... $74.95 515-30·0319- VHS...... $74,95 515-88-0310- VHS ...... $54, 95 13 Vicleocasseffe Recent Rel,aases

DRACULA' (1931) THE DEE:R HUNTER' (1978) SEDUCTION OF JOE TYNAN' BELA LUGOSI, DAVID MANNERS, MERYL STREEP, ROBERT DeNIRO (1979) HELEN CHANDLER, EDWARD VAN SLOAN The effec 's of stress on the condition of ALAN ALDA, MERYL STREEP, BARBARA HARRIS This version of the clossic tole is somewhot friendship is told from the Alleghenies to Viet­ Is the Presidency of the United Stoles doted but it is still interesting as o classic film. nam. l 83 min., roted R. worth the price? A highly dramatic film. 107 The Count travels to London in hope of find­ 502-30-0341- eeta min., rated R. ing some new blood. The women ore soon S1S·30·0341-'

THE EAGL.E HAS LANDED' (1977) MICHAEL CAINE, DONALD SUTHERLAND The peace ,,f an English village is shat­ tered when Churchill is kidnapped. 123 min. S02·7S-0353 - 8et11 SlHS-0353-VH!;...... $54.95

A MAN A WOMAN AND A BANK' (1979) SAME TIMI: NEXT YEAR' (19781 BREAKING AWAY' (1979) DONALD SUTHERLAND, BROOKE ADAMS ELLEN BURSTYN, &.LAN ALDA DENNIS CHRISTOPHER, DENNIS QUAID, Laughs abound when o bank robber is A clandeslin,~ weekend is shared once a DANIEL STERN, JACKIE EARLE HALEY photographed at the bonk before he robs it. year by two lovors, a lways al the some hide­ A high school groduate·s addiction to 101 min. away. 119 min. bicycle racing. l 00 min. 502-01-0349- 8ela 502-01-0337 - 8eto 502-01-0302 - Beta S1S·Ol-o349-VHS...... $54.95 SIS-01·0337-VHS ...... $64,95 515·01-0302-VHS...... $54.95

AMERICAN GRAFFITI' (19731 SUZANNE SOMER>, RONNY HOWARD The ups and c'owns of four teenagers on a summer night in '62 in a small Calif. town. 112 min. 502·01-0332 - Beta SlS-01-0332-VHS ...... $64.95

ALIEN' (1979) THE ONION FIELD' (1979) TOM SKERRITT, VERONICA CARTWRIGHT JOHN SAVAGE, JAMES WOODS An alien being forces its way onto In this true to life police dromo the police Nostromo in a most bizarre and blood-curd­ ore both the hunted and the hunters. l 26 ling way. 12-4 min., rated R. min., roted R. 502-86-0347 - Beta 502·30-0348 - Beta 51S-lkl·0347-VHS...... $54.95 515·30-0348 - VHS...... $54.95 CIRCLE OF II RON' (1978! THE CASSANDRA CROSSING' DAVID CARRADINE, CHRISTOPHER LEE, (1977) JEFF COOPER SOPHIA LOREN, MARTIN SHEEN ROOM AT THE TOP' (1959) The immortal ;piril of the Karate expert A fotal disease contaminates a train full of LAURENCE HARVEY, SIMONE SIGNORET, HEATHER SEARS Bruce Lee continues. 102 min., rated R. travelers until the cure is found. 129 min. What price success? This is the moving 502·30-0307 - Beto 502-30-0352 - Beto 515-30-0307-VHS...... $44.95 515-30-0352-VHS...... $74.95 and powerful drama of a young man who will stop ol nothing and not allow anyone to get in his way on his way to the top. Mme. Signore! earned on Oscor for her sensitive THE JERK' (19791 THE HEARTBREAK KID' (1972) portrayal of the female lead. This is o superb STEVE MARTIN, BERNADETTE PETERS CHARLES GRODIN, CYBILL SHEPARD odult film set in Europe. The bosic conflicts Mortin experiences every possible prob­ This Neil Simon comedy examines the ore enhanced by the use of block and white lem and overcomes them all in wild and funny demolition of a marriage only o few days film as the medium. 117 min., BW. ways. 9-4 min., rated R. old. Elaine Moy directed. 10-4 min. 502-30-0308 - 8ela 502-01-0326 - Beto 502-01-0304 - Beta 515-30-0308-VHS...... $44.95 515-01·0326-VHS...... $64.95 515-01-0304-VHS...... $54.95 14 Video New Releases

STATE OF THE UNION' (1948) KATHARINE HEPBURN, SPENCER TRACY, ANGELA LANSBURY One of the greatest screen duo's, Hep­ burn and Tracy in the story bosed on the play by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse. Tracy the idealist industrialist is persuaded to run for the presidency and gets caught be­ tween the integrity of his wife, who believes RIDIN' ON A RAINBOW' in him and the ruthless newspaper owner who is pulling the strings of his campaign. 0 HIPS HIPS, HOORAY'(19341 (1941) C) WHEEL~ AND WOOLSEY, RUTH ETTING, GENE AUTRY, SMILEY BURNffiE Angelo Lonsbury is super as the news­ THELMA TODD, DOROTHY LEE Mott Evans, employed as a performer with paper owner consumed with ruthless ambition Dorothy owns the Maiden America Beauty his daughter on a poddlewheel steamboat is for the candidate. 122 min., BW. Products, Inc. company in competition with a hos-been and hos been persuaded lo join in 502-30-0357 - Beta Lady Irene. One of the salesgirls, Thelma hos a bank robbery sche/Tle. His hopes ore that 515-30-0357-VHS...... $54.95 not been selling her quota. The boys ore sell­ the ill-gotten gain will buy o new start for the ing flavored lipsticks, Barnum & Bailey style. two of them. Gene in the meantime hos helped Soon Thelma mixes with the boys to help sell complete the first successful cattle drive in her beauty products and the mayhem hos four yeors for the group of cattlemen he begun. leads. After the stock sale, he convinces the Thelma convinces Dorothy to try a merger boys to put their money in the bank for with the boys and really go all out lo build safety. You guessed it, that's the bonk that the business. Even though the boys hove led gets robbed. the girls to believe that they ore "big-shots" Gene and Frog join the showboat to they aren't. watch the girl ofter the father jumps boot and You'll roll on the floor when you see the leaves her behind. Gene's showboat enter­ car - apartment, kitchen, form yard, the mi· tainment and friendship win Patsy's heart to raculous pool game (what a break), and a help her see the right and thol leads all our car chose fitting of the best of the Keyslone·s. hero's into a ring-ding shoot out ond fist-fight Many believe this to be W & W's finest. 68 lo set the world aright again. 79 min., BW. min. 506-57-0654 - Beta 506-01-11740 - Beta 525·57-0654-VHS...... $49.95 525-ol-0740-VHS...... $49.95

THE BIRDS' (1963) TIPPI HEDREN, ROD TAYLOR, SUZANNE PLESHETTE Birds of o feather flock together and bring overwhelming terror to a smoll town. What hos caused them to come . . . what evil do they represent? Hitchcock, the master director manipulates his audience to the edge of ter­ ror using the most innocent and likable crea­ ,,. FRENZY' (19721 tures on earth os a source of unrelenting and JON FINCH, BARRY FOSTER, unexplained evil. Hedren, Toylor and BARBARA LEIGH·HUNT Pleshette a re the stars who try to understand Hitchcock's powerful shocker about o sex - and survive - the winged attacks. 119 criminal known as the Necktie Murderer. Roted R. 116 min. $54.95 $54.95 , . MY LITTLE CHICKADEE' (19401 DUCK SOUP' (1933) - ANIMAL CRACKERS' (1930J W. C. FIELDS, MAE WEST, JOSEPH CALLEIA, MARX BROTHERS MARX BROTHERS MARGARET HAMILTON Groucho is Rufus T. Fireffy, the screwball "Hooray for Captain Spaulding! Here is a The classic pairing of Moe West ond W. monarch of Freedonio. Assisted ably by his classic as uproariously funny as it was 50 C. Fields, the fulfillment of the impossible mod and maddening brothers, Rufus dictates yeors ago. Includes Groucho's African lecture dream. you name ,t, he'll dictate it. Their improvisa­ 'One morning I shot on elephant in my pojo· Soys the greot one to Mae, "What sym­ tional powers of visual humor and insult ore mos. How he got into my pajamas, I don't metrical digits!" as he kisses her hand. Moe in peok anarchic form here. know.' and the cord game which Horpo ond soys of their first meeting, "I wos in o tight This is pointed political satire, pure and in­ Chico ploy with the wealthy society woman spot, but I managed to wiggle out of it. " sane. Francois Truffout once compared this Mrs. Rittenhouse.'' Moe's high point comes when she fills in for and Chaplin's SHOULDER ARMS as the only One of the true classics that must be in o the schoolteacher and teaches the boys a les­ valid anti-war films ever mode. They both movie collection to be complete. 98 min ., son they won't soon forget. 91 min., BW. refuse to toke war seriously. 72 min., BW. BW. 502-01-0359 - Beta 502-01-0358 - Beta 502-01-0356 - Beta 51S-01-0359 -VHS...... $54. 95 515-01-0358-VHS...... $54.95 SlS-01·0356-VHS ...... ,...... $54.95 HISTORY IN THE. MAKING! CII 0 )( ! ft ;:. -4 ~ :r ~ Cl) ;"' m en :J r- CD 0 - 0 ::s. < Q) CII ::I 'II :J 0.. Cl) ::" u,.. 0 ~ 0 MOUNT ST. HELENS "'... "Described by geologists and volcanolo­ O> gists as a once in o lifetime event, Mount St. ..0 Helen in southwest Washington state erupted in o titanic explosion on Moy 18, 1980, un­ paralleled in the continental U.S. in 3,500 .. • years. The force of the blast wos beyond the ::t' comprehension of mon. A huge volcanic ::t' peak, one of the world's most beautiful, was literally torn away by the blast. Early damage " ct'°' estimates were already above 2 billion dol­ ... lars, well on the way to becoming the most C costly disaster in American history." Our slide set mode by Finley-Holiday i, o ·• S25-66-o661-VHS...... $39,95 0 ~ .... < ...I

MODEL VET250 • Up to 6 hours recording on o single The manufacturer's suggested price for cassette this fine videorecorder is $1095.00. Block­ • Picture Search revie-,s recorded material hawk's regular price will be $959.99, bvt as at nine times normal !,peed a SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER you con • Built-in 24-hour electronic start/ stop timer buy it until September 30, 1980 for ONLY • 3-function remote ccntrol - pause/ pic- C: $849.88. ture search/ channel c henge .,, Ill en Ill i; ""0. C: 040-'2-0007, Vldeorecorder...... $849 ,88 • Electronic touch-butto~ VHF -' UHF tuning 3= n ,...... ,. l> ~ ~ wlllbe ...... $959,99 • Automatic tape rewin:I . =r -en :::u - ... C:,-4 > • Tape counter with me'T'lory switch = a: > -4 ~ ..,. C, m • Automatic TV/ VCR ,-,itching m • Soft-touch function controls aw JULY 1980 SUPPLEMENT 504 Vol. 324

Dear Friends, the not too di ;tont future, we hope, ..t..14t:~'lJIIOADER-8Y-PHONE CONVENIENCEI Finally - IT is here. At this writing the RCA type v deodiscs. Cr•dit cord hold•rs coll fr•• 800-621-5809 all negatives hove been approved ex­ As we are deep in this planning (In llllnols coll 80().972·5356) cept the standard 8 one. We expect right now we would welcome any U Houn a Day-7 Days a W..k ... lnduding Svndoyl to hove this format ready no later more suggestio,,s yo1. may hove. than June 30. Corl Longe hos just asked me to Beginning with this supplement we remind you that you will find your cus­ ore offering by your popular request tomer number printed on the label on Blackhawk gladly accepts Moster some video os well as film products. your catalog. 'vi/hen you con remem­ Charge and Visa charge orders. With this issue all customers on our ber to put it on your order it does put Blackhawk Charge list will receive supplements every your order in li,,e oh~ad of those or­ If you would like to open a Blackhawk other month. Your name is kept on ders that come to us without numbers. Charge Account just write to our Cus­ our list for 24 months ofter your lost We also rem nd you that all Black­ tomer Service Deportment and they will purchase and if you haven't bought hawk customers hove film collections send you all the necessary details. anything by then it is removed. At this who hove now acquired o VCR, con Information time we print 2 big catalogs, the Film use the film ex:honge pion to help Refer to your Blackhawk Film Digest for Digest and a Video catalog. These begin your videc colle,:tion. (This offer index information and further details on catalogs will continue to be mailed does not apply to scliools or public films offered in this supplement. every other month only to customers libraries.) Thank you. who hove made at least one purchase Thank you fo, being o Blackhawk within the previous 12 months prior to customer. Blackhawk Films wishes to thank the ·the moiling of on issue. Museum of Modern Art, New York, New Again, at your request we ore York and Walt Disney Productions for planning to develop one Film Digest supplying some of the photographs used every other month probably starting in the Blackhawk Film Digest. in December that will offer all of our products, film, videotape, and then in Ted Ewing Prices good thru July 31, 1980. e ,,.•.ct11ew11A&n11.1111i(.1usw ._..._.l ~ . ,-swe

0 IT' (1927) C) CLARA BOW, GARY COOPER, ANTONIO MORENO " To hove ·1t', the fortunate possessor must hove that strange magnetism which attracts both sexes. 'It' is a purely virile quality, belonging to a strong character. He or she must be entirely unself-conscious and full of self-confidence, indifferent to the effect he or she is producing, and uninfluenced by others. There must be physical ottroction, but beauty is unnecessary. Conceit or self-consciousness destroys 'It' immediately." Claro Bow, a saucy deportment store worker is out to land the store owner and isn't doing well, until she gets in on his yacht­ ing trip and with her wiles and 'It' wins her man. You'll see why Clara become the 'It' girl. Score by William Perry. 810-30-28'2, standard I, sll., 95 mln ...... Slll.98 8'0-30-2862, super e, 111., 95 mfn ...... $124.98 880-311-28'2, super e, mus., 71 mfn...... S153.91 640-30-28'2, 16mm, mus., 71 mfn ..•..•••••••...•.• $343.98 _,._...,..... '4fflfflv ..,New...,~,,_....,...,....,.. ...Nll'rinlfon_...,..,,.... •1Mti..-wtr. ....Wftll..,_.._.._,....,,._,... tti._..,.,.l.,_llltt ...... ,...... ~.., ...... _,,_...... wMcll H..,,iUff,.....r"l'M === == tl a= !Sil OUR53RD BLACKHAWK TIME YEAR PAYMENT PLAN i OF SERVICE WRITE FOR DETAILS j & Q i!ioj !!II! 2 - in 1962. Though she very much CLARA BOW enjoyment possibly be more con­ tagious? Yet when her wealthy wished to ploy both Cleopatra By Edward Wagenknecht admirer tries to kiss her, upon tak­ and Scarlett O'Hara, her last ing her home, she slaps him in the years, like her mother's, were Though IT was hardly Clara face, and when, under a misappre­ clouded by mental illness. Bow's finest film, it was, in a very hension as to her character, he Her Paramount career closed real sense, her type-film, it helped "propositions" her, she is so insul­ on a sour note when a dispute to establish her screen persona, ted that, even though she loves with a secretory landed in court and it has now become an impor­ him, she maps out her successful and led to accusations and tant period piece for the twenties plot to bring him to her feet and counter-accusations which offered and the whole flapper era. Here there reject him. And when she a field day to the yellow press. are Clara's astonishing vitality, protects her friend against the so­ Though she hod undoubtedly left her almost frenetic restlessness, cial workers (shades of INTOLER­ her conduct open to criticism in her vulgarity (in the etymological, ANCE!) and blackens her own certain areas, this campaign was not the pejorative, sense), and name and clouds her prospects by motivated by sadism and greed what seemed at the time her una­ pretending that she is the mother for gold rather than devotion to bashed sexuality, which now of the other woman's child, she is morality. I never met Clara Bow, seems like innocence itself in com­ not in the least like Theda Bara, but I did write on article in her parison with what we have had but more like the Mory Pickford defense, for which she was touch­ since. whom, as a lonely little girl in ingly grateful, not only telling me The great stars of the silent Brooklyn, she hod odored, in how much I had done to help her screen may not have been better TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY. keep up her courage but express­ artists than those of these latter Clora Bow, who lived from ing the hope that some time she days, but they had a power to 1905 to 1965, first impinged might be able to do for somebody create great mythopoeic images upon public attention in 1923 with else what I had done for her. She to enthrall our imaginations which an appealing performance in could not have been more touch­ their successors seem not to Elmer Clifton's DOWN TO THE ing about it, and she hod not for­ possess. Clara Bow was a much SEA IN SHIPS, but her important gotten when I last heard from her better actress than Theda Bara, career did not begin until she in 1947. but though their personalities went to Poramount and appeared It is interesting that both Vi­ were very different, they were in Herbert Brenon's DANCING tagraph 's great character actress, alike in this respect. And just as MOTHERS in 1926. (Fourteen un­ the regal Julio Swayne Gordon, the terrible destructiveness of the important films had intervened.) and Gary Cooper, then at the Great Vampire was about as dan­ Her name was above the title in IT very beginning of his career, gerous an influence for corruption ( 1927), and she had seventeen should hove enacted very minor as the antics of the Katzenjammer more Paramounts up to the last, roles in IT, the former as a society Kids, since all her audiences knew KICK IN, in 1931, of which the matron, the latter as a reporter. It that Miss Bara herself was a very very best, in my judgment, was was appropriate that the film - nice woman who was only "mak­ the delightful circus picture, and its star - should thus acquire ing believe," so Clara could do DANGEROUS CURVES ( 1929), in connections both backward and the most outrageous things on the which Joyce Compton was also forward in screen history. Clara screen without ever permitting you quite delightful. Her screen career Bow had affinities with both. to forget that she was kind and ended with two Fox vehicles, generous and altogether "a good CALL HER SAVAGE and sort." HOOPLA, in 1932 and 1933. She When did we ever see a girl married the cowboy actor Rex enjoy herself more heartily than Bell, who became Lieutenant she does in the amusement park Governor of Nevada and the sequence of IT, and how could father of her two sons, and died 3 Recent Releases

CALL l)F THE CANYON' The cattle get stampeded with a bi-plane, (1942) a stolen train is captured by Gene and the THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK' 8 GENE AUTR (, SMILEY BURNETTE, bad guys are shot before they can flee in an (1980) RUTH TERRY, THURSTON HALL, THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS airplane. Mr. Johnson gets everything MARK HAMILL, CARRIE FISHER, ALEC GUINESS straightened out, Gene and the girls hove a A crooked oqent for the local meat pack­ Remember STAR WARS, well here's the nice radio show and everybody's happy. next installment with your favorite friends. ing company w>n't pay a fair price so the ranchers won't sell. Gene goes off to the big Ends the way movies should end. This film is so new we haven't seen it yet A Bfodchawk exdusive. Bl W and the studio can't even show us a screening city to see the head man, Johnson, and set him straight. 880-$7-2938, Super 8, dla., 71 min ...... $152.91 copy, but we're told it's even better than 640-57-2938, 16mm, dla., 71 min ...... S:M2.91 STAR WARS. Gene doesn'" get to see Johnson but falls The studio hos promised that our prints into the acquaintance of a girl singer who has will be shipped FIRST, so we will fill oll orders a job with Johnson's radio station. When CONQUEST OF.OKINAWA• on a first come - first served bosis. Ship­ Gene gets home he finds Frog has rented the A 8L.A.CKHAWK/ MOVIETONE ments should begin at the end of June. ranch to the girl singer. 8 COMPILATION See the Invasion of Ryukyus, the bose of THIS LOW PRICE is available only for the Okinawa. Admiral Turner oversees the bom­ next 30 doys. Orders sent by July 31, 1980 bardment using for the first time r9ckets from con get this introductory special. After that SPECIAL U.S. ships. This was the last in the stepping dote the price will be $71 .95, so reserve your stones to the Japanese Islands. Then comes place at this price today. C)FFER the bottle of Okinawa with flam11 throwers Color/ abri.,,,ent scorching the earth and leading to the moss 715-16-017t, Super 8, sll., 9 min • ••.••••••••.• ••••••• $43.95 (Good un-HI July 31, 1980) surrender of Japanese troops, 9000 captured (this version comes with an audio cassette many of which were boys. The victory flag is too, so that people with silent projectors con raised and our air bose begins i•s attacks on ploy the sound on a tape recorder.) Buy any $40 worth of other Japan. 715-16-0llO, Super 8, Clla., 17 min• ••••• •• •••.••.••• $47.A NON-SALE I terns and you can get A Bfackhawk exclulive. Bl W 880-75-2874, Super a, dla., 9 min ..•...... $22.98 the Super 8 :;ound version of FUN 640-75-2874, 16mm, Clio., 9 min.•..•.•.•••.••.•••.•• SS0.91 ON THE RUN for only $38, and 0 FUNONTHERUN' buy any $80 worth and you can (1) LAUREL & HARDY get the 16 mm sound version for Abridgement of SONS OF THE DESERT, roted as the best of all the laurel & only $85. Hardy features. Scenes include the paddling at the convention, the dancing girls, the wives going to the ship·s office to learn about the survivors of the sinking. Also, the boys arriv­ ing home, the girls at the movies, and wrap­ Q. ped up as the boys try to sleep in the attic, THE GREATEST slide down the drainpipe and escorted to the I house they tell their tolel SELECTIC>N OF THINGS A Bfackhawk exdu,ive. Bl W TC>SHOW l80-02-2924, Super 8, dla., 20 min...... $5'.99 640-02-2924, 16mm, dla., 20 ...... $124.98 a· 4 Radio Shows on audio tape and records

Pardon My Bloopers The Green Homet with Dove Garraway, Lowell Thomas, Bing with Al Hodge Buy 5 tapes at one time Crosby, Adlai Steven,on, other The Green Hornet hunts the biggest of oil gomel 061-15-0063, 90 min., (2 record,) ...... $5.99 Public enemies who try to destroy our America! and get the 6th one Three Hours Fifty-Nine Minutes Justic Wears a Blindfold/Murders and the Dope Rocket Fifty-One Seconds with the 060-64.0147, 50 min ...... $4.98 FREE Marx Brothers 061-95-0089, 50 min., (record) ...... $4.98 Offer good 'til July 31, 1980 The Marx Brothers 061-15-0059, 239 min., (4 records) ...... $10.99 Flash Gardon with Jomes Meighan The Aldrich Famlly Based on the comic strip by Alex Raymond. Fir,t with Ezra Stone, Katherine Roth, House Jamieson, heard over Mutual in 1935. Jackie Keik The Bing Crosby Radio Shows flash and Dole in the Prison City of Howkmon/ Henry! Henry Aldrichl Coming, Mother! First heard with Peggy Lee, Not King Cole, George Burns, Under the influence of Lethium, Pt. 1 / Under the over NBC Blue in 1939 for Joll-O. Judy Garland Influence of Lethium, Pt. 2 / Find flash Gordon and Henry's Blind Dote/ Henry and Helen Prentis The Bing Crosby Radio Shows Kilt Him 060-64-0083, 46 min ...... $4.98 061-95·0085, 50 min., (record) ...... $4.98 060-64-0144, 50 min ...... $4.98 Homer's Finl Dote/ Quiet Evening ot Home Gene Autry'• Melocly Ranch Gangbusters min ...... 060-64-0084, 46 $4.98 with Gene Autry, Pot Buttram, The Pinofore$e with Phillips H. Lord McCorkle's Rocks / Henry'• Own Clothes Coss County Boys Authentic case histories that show the never-ending 060-64-0085, 46 min ...... $4.98 activity of the police in their work of protecting our First Broadcast/June 1947/Ju ne 1951 Mr. Aldrich's Pipe/ War Bond Drive 060-04-0149, 50 min ...... $4.98 citizens. The exceptionally loud opening sound ef­ min ...... fects gave rise to the oxpreuion "coming on like 060-64-0086, 46 $4.98 min., (record) ...... 061-95-0066, 50 $4.98 gongbuste,.." Duffy's Taven1 Gunsmoke The Golf Course Murder/ The ca·se of the Chicago with Edd Gordner with William Conrod Tunnel Gong Hello, Duffy'• Tavern, where the elite meet lo eat. 060-64-0155, 50 min ...... $4.98 Land Deal/ The Photographer Archie, the manager, speaking. Duffy ain't here. 061 -95·0068, 50 min., (record) ...... $4. 98 060-04·0141, 50 min ...... $4.98 Oh, hello, Duffy ... 061-95·0065, 50 min., (record) ...... $4.98 Mystery of the Air Archie's Economics/ Archie's Night Off with Peter Lorre 060-64-0111, 46 min ...... $4.98 The Lone Ranger The Mask of Medusa/Queen of Spades Collecting 1.O.U. 's / Archie Commits Matrimony? with Broce Beamer, John Todd 060-64-0163, 50 min ...... $4.98 060-64-0112, 46 min ...... $4. 98 Eric Hyde Loses Cottle to Rustle,-/ Brett Accuses 061 ·95·0088, 50 min. , (record) ...... $4.98 Most Genial Bortonder Contest/ Archie the Detec­ Don Reed of Murder The Great Horror Shows tive 060-64-0139, 50 min ...... $4.98 with Belo Lugosi, John Carridine 060-64·0013, 46 min ...... $4. 98 The Thirsty Death/ Dracula/ Death for Sole World's Greatest Fighter/ Most Likely To 061-15-0060, 158 min., (3 mono records) ....$7 .99 060-64-0110, 46 min ...... $4.98 Sgt. Preston of the Yukon with Poul Sutton, Yukon King the Dog Hollywood Heroes on the Air The Ufe of RIiey Big Strike Mine / Joe Findley Strikes Gold with Humphrey Bogart, Clark Goble, Tyrone with William Bendix, Paulo Winslow, John Brown 060-04-0160, 50 min ...... $4.98 Power, Edward G . Robinson, Mory Astor, Sidney You're looking fine, Riley. Very nolurol. What o 061.95-0086 (record) ...... $4.98 Greenstreet, Errol Flynn, John Garfield revoltin' development this isl Maltese Falcon/ Red Dust min., records) ...... $9.99 Quiel Evening by Fire/ Ri ley Fights the Foreman The Shadow 061-15·0062, 200 (4 060-64-0097, 46 min ...... $4.98 with Orson Welles N.B.C. University Theatre The Shadow, o mystorious character with the hyp­ Riley's Psychology/ Bobs and Stevonson·s Nephew literary classics performed by famous stars notic power to cloud men'• minds so they cannot Actvolly offered for college credit by Univeuiti•1 ocrou 060-64-0095, 46 min ...... $4.98 see him, aids the forces of low and order. the notion. A Blockhowk e•clusive. Riley·s Ugly Statue/ Riley Going lo Arabia Alice in Wonderland with Dinah Shor• The Tomb of Terror/ The Terror with the Broken 060-64-0096, 46 min ...... $4.98 060-6•-0l 81, 55 min ...... $5.98 Voice Spring Fever Riley, the Actor A Connec1icut Yonke• in King Arthur', Court with Wally 060-64-0138, 50 min ...... $4.98 Moher 060-64-0094, 46 min ...... $4.98 060-6Jl-0169, 55 min ...... $5.98 Superman Don Quixote with Hons Conroid You Bet Your Life with Clayton .. Bud" Collior 060-64-0167, 55 mon ...... $5. 98 with Groucho Mox, George Fennemon Foster than a speeding bulletl More powerful than A Farwell to Arms with John Lund, lur•ne Tuttle Groucho interviews the contestants and thon asked a locomotive! Able to leap toll building• at a single ~4-0168, 55 min ...... $5.98 the quiz questions. If any contestant said "the Goodbye Mr. Chips with Horbert Mor&holl boundl 060-64-0170, 55 min ...... $5.98 Secret Word .. they received a bonus. The first four episodes of the radio series The Gropes of Wroth with Jone Darwell, Wally Moher Secret Word, Food/ Secret Word, People 060-64-0146, 50 min ...... $4.98 ~4-0177, 55 min ...... $5.98 060-64-0105, 46 min ...... $4.98 The Hislory of Mr. Polly with Boris Karloff Secret Word, Nome/ Secret Word: Broom Tanan 060-6•·01 8., 55 min...... $5. 98 with Jomes Pierce Huckleberry Finn with 0 &0n Stockwell 060-64·0104, 46 min ...... $4.98 060-64-0172, 55 m;n...... $5. 98 Secret Word, Shoe/ Secret Word: Poper from the heart of the jungle come, a savage cry of Jone Eyre w ith Deborah Kerr 060-64-01 03, 46 min ...... $4. 98 victory. This is Tarzan ... lord of the jungle! 060-64-0171 , 55 min ...... $5.98 Penrod wrth Johnny McGovern Secret Word, Book/ Secret Word: Foce Killer Al Lorge/ None So Bl ind 060-64-0142, 50 min ...... $4.98 060-<,4-0185, 55 min ...... $5.98 060-64-0102, 46 min ...... $4.98 Ma in Street with loon Am•,. Voneuo Brown 060-64·0176, 55 min ...... $5.98 Fibber McGee and Molly Dragnet 1984 with Dovid N,von with Jim Jordon, Morion Jordon with Jock Webb 060-64-0166, 5S min ...... $5.98 After a situation was established various characters My nome·s Friday. I'm o cop. Ju,• the facts mo'om. Number One w ith Bo rry Sullivan would enter the McGee home at 79 Wistful Vista The story you hove just heard i• true. Only the 060-64-0183, 55 min ...... $5.98 names hove been changed to protect the innocent. The Red Badge of Couroge with John Mci ntyre, John and help or hinder the action. Created in 1935 for Agor · Johnson Wax. Dum·de-dum dum. 060-64-0180, 55 min ...... $5.98 Canoe Ride/ Doc Gomblo Doy The Big Set/ Tho Big Talk You Con't Go Home Ago in wah Morv1n Miller 061-95-0069, 50 min., (record) ...... $4.98 060-64-0140, 50 min ...... $4.98 060-6Jl-0182, 55 min ...... $5.98 5 Prices Good 'til July 31, 1980 TIME OUT! for Harold Lloyd SALE

THE NON STOP KID (1918) GIRL SHY' (192•! HAROLD LLOYD, BEBE DANIELS, HAROLD LLOYD, JOBYNA RALSTON, 8 SNUB POLLARD 8 RICHARD DANIELS, CARL TON GRIFFIN Harold proves that love conquers all when Lloyd, the shy one-mon disaster, hos writ- he crashes the "combination 5 o'clock tea ten a book starring "himself" os o champion and bean-bog social" to win Bebe's heart. romancer. A Blockhowlc •xclu,iv• iound tro

SPARROWS (1926) BLOOD AND SAND (1 922) BIRTH OF A NATION' (1915) MA RY PICKFORD, RUDOLPH VALENTIN O, LILA LEE, LILLIAN GISH, MAE MARSH, 8 8 8' HENRY W ALLACE, M IRIAM COOPER, G USTAV VON SEYFERITZ, NITA NALDI CHARLOTTE M IN EAU A sma ll town boy rises to become Spain's MA RY ALDEN A g roup of orphons ore being kept in vir· foremost matador. Returning home, he finds The legend a ry film, THE BIRTH OF A NA­ tuol slove ry by o wicke d man until Mory Pick· his love for o childhood sweetheart hos TION, thrust spectacula r sets, sweeping pho­ ford, " America's Sweethe art", rescues them. poled. But he does sense o "specia l ottroc· tog rophy, and on epic story of two Civil War Musical score composed and pe rformed by lion" too bea utiful woman aristocrat. families upo n on audience used to simple William Perry. BLOO D AN D SAND showcases a ll the a t. comedies. A Blaclchowlc uclusiv• sound traclc. Bl W tributes that mode Valentino a heart throb. Its constructio n, ima ges, and techniques 810-33-2743, Standard 8, sll., 109 mln ...... $134.98 A Blaclchawlc •xdu,iv• ,ound lraclc. B/ W keep it o ne of the most moving films ever SALE PRICE ...... $114.88 Full Length created. Now available with the original 860-33-2743, Super 8, sll., 109 mln ...... $1 41.98 860-55·0900, Super 8, sll., 83 min ...... S107.98 color to nes restored . A 8/aclchawlc • xdu,ive sound traclc. SALE PRICE ...... $119.88 SALE PRICE ...... $89.88 810-34·2597, Standard 8, 111., B/ W, 214 min ... S264.98 880-33-2743, Super 8, mus., 75 mln ...... S160.98 620-55·0900, 16mm., sll., 83 min ...... $304.98 SALE PRI CE ...... $224.88 SALE PRICE ...... $129.88 SALE PRICE ...... $269.88 860·34-2597, Super 8, sll., B/W, 214 mln ...... S2n.98 640-33·2743, 16mm., mus., 75 mln ...... S:Ul.98 "Hour of SIients" abridgement 880-5S-11 66, Super 8, mus./nar., 55 mln ...... S117.91 SALE PRICE ...... $234.88 SALE PRICE ...... $319.98 TMM l"91,n MUM Hfflh - ...... • M,(;111.._. w'ltfl 1,-.. "'°""""-Mt"'• tMI SALE PRICE ...... 870-34-2833, Super 8, sll., part co lor, 214 min ...... ttwY WIii net.,. c:e9tff. , • .,.. w RICE ...... $239.88 SALE PR ICE ...... $334.88 TlltM """" MW111 .,._, _ _...... ,._ • ...... _,.._, . ... ,._,....,...... _ ..... I 88S-34-2833, Super a, mu1., par t color, 151 min ...... INT ,,_,will ...... a,t N , ..... "'... ,...,..,,...... ,M ...... t.--MIWr, ...M .. ..._ ,_ llt>ff...... ,..., ... -~~h-.... ,.....,..,,....,._ •aHH•l rf'IMNNI ...... $457.98 SALE PRICE ...... $366.88 685·34-2833, 16mm., mu1., part color, 158 min ...... S925.98 SALE PRICE ...... $799.88 Classic Now On Sale SON OF THE SHEIK'(1926) 8 RUDOLPH VALENTINO, VILMA BANKY, AG NES AYRES SO N O F THE S HEIK wa s Rudolph Volen­ tino·s lost movie ... and his best. It reveals both this e arly scre en idol's sense of humor and his professionalism. Features The sto ry concerns o desert sheik who be­ lieving a beautiful dancing girl hos betrayed him, abducts he r to e xact his "swe et re­ venge." Finding her innocent, the sheik then INTOLERANCE (1916) se ts out to bring the desert renegades who SUNRISE' (1927) : MAE MARSH, RO BERT HARRON , GEORGE o·BRIEN, JANET GAYNOR, victimize d her to justice. 8 MIRIAM COOPER, BODIL ROSING, MARGARET LIVINGSTON, S urprisingly, SON O F THE SHEIK is as CONSTAN CE TALMADGE, J. FARR ELL MACDONALD, ARTHUR HOUSMAN fresh toda y as ever. The re a son? Even when it ERICH VON STROHEIM, LILLIAN GISH At o rural summer retreat, o vacationing was mode, it took o tongue-in-cheek attitude Although less fina ncia lly successful than lady from the city engages the interest of o toward the torrid love scene s, d esert choses his earlier BIRTH O F A NATIO N, D. W. G rif­ young former, and soon he is enslaved lo and lorger· rescues that give it so fith's INTO LERANCE is regarded a s his most her. She persua des him lo murder his wife, much charm. important work. sell his form, and join her in the city. He fi. A Blaclchowlc • x clusive sound traclc. Bl W Using the ima ge of o mother rocking o nolly ma kes o n attempt lo drown his wife but, Full length crodle as o bridge, Griffith skillfu ll y wove conscie nce·slricken, cannot carry it through. 810·55-0913, Standard 8, sll., 89 min ...... S109.98 four separate, but paralle l stories (The Foll of Directed by Germon expressionist extroor­ SALE PRICE ...... $92.88 Ba bylon, the crucifixion o f Christ, the St. Ba r­ d ino ire F. W. Murno u. Director of NOSFER. 860·55-41913, Super a, sil., 19 min ...... S115.91 tholomew's Doy massacre of Fre nch Hugenots ATU, LAST LA UGH and TABU. Famous for SALE PRICE ...... $97.88 and o more modern story) into one whole. beautiful lighting and photography, SUNRISE Sound versions restricted 2. The magnificentl y a chieved purpose: lo illus­ is very possibly the supreme achievement of 880-55-41913, Supe r 8, mus., 68 mln ...... $145.98 trate the struggle between love and intole r­ the silent fi lm. The musical score is the origi­ SALE PRICE ...... $116.88 ance through the a ges. na l as performed by Hugo Riesenfeld. 640-55-0913, 16mm., mus., 68 mln ...... $327.98 An impressive score odds g rea tly lo Bla ck­ BI W hawk ·s sound print;. SALE PRICE ...... $299.88 810-30·2028, Standard a, sll., 100 mln ...... S123.98 A Blaclchawlc exclusiv• sound traclc. Bl W SALE PRICE ...... $109.88 Abridgement 860-34-1647, Super 8, 111., 175 mln ...... $227.98 810-55-1668, Standard a, sll., 31 mln ...... S50.91 8'0-30-2028, Super 8, s11., 100 mln ...... $129.91 SALE PRICE ...... $193.88 SALE PRICE ...... $42.88 SALE PRICE ...... $109.88 880-34· 1981 , Super a, mu1., 131 min ...... S:196.98 860-55·1668, Super a, sll., 38 mln ...... S53.91 880-30-2028, Super a, mus., 100 mln...... $214.98 SALE PRICE ...... $237.88 SALE PRICE ...... $45.88 SALE PRtCE ...... $169.88 TMN 16ffl•. __,. ,....,, 9" _...,.._ .,_ ."-di..__ .-tt• I .. """""._..., tfloel 640-34·1981, 16mm., mus., 138 mln ...... UU.98 TINN _,, C.. Yrl.,_t • ...01.. ,. •Jdvrl f

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IMPORTANT! Do not remit cash - you do so at your own risk License Notice. CARD No. R ghts to any motion pictures are lIm1 ted to home use only. All other rights are spec 1f1 ca1ty reserved For 1nformat1on contact Blackhawk Films Satisfacti on Guaranteed : If after rece,v,ng an ,tern you are not satisfied return 1t to us within 10 days We II allow lull credit on some other purchase. or grve you a full refund . (Customer Signature) Do not write in space below YES, YOU CAN NOW EXCHANGE YOUR FILMS FOR CREDIT TOWARD YOUR NEW VIDEO COLLECTION PURCHASES.

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NEVER WEAKEN' (1921) ANIMAL HOUSE HAROLD LLOYD, MILDRED DAVIS Outrageous, raunchy, screwball comedy 8 Take hair-raising action, play it for set ot Faber College, a small northeastern laughs, and you have the formula Harold campus, circa 1 962, which follows the hilar­ Lloyd used to estalish himself as one of the ious off-the-wall adventures of the rowdy, funniest commedions of all time. In NEVER Delta fraternity. Stars John Belushi. WEAKEN the breezy go-getter is driven to Color/abridgement despair; Harold hires an acrobat to generate 78~Hl154, Super a, dla., 17 min ...... S'l.95 business for a doctor's office where his fiance works. When o crowd gathers around on un­ healthy looking specimen Harold hides while the acrobat flips and folls. Harold runs to the rescue and administers aid. After what looks . like o miracle cure Harold posses out the doc­ J tor's business cards. Soon a stream of pa­ ~ tients fill the doctor's office, but when Harold peeks in to gloat he finds his betrothed em­ bracing another monl He resigns himself to fl FLIGHTS AND FLYERS: suicide but every attempt (poison, jumping ID TRIUMPH AND TRAGEDY out the window, and shooting himself) foils. A Blackhawk/ Movietone Compilation A BlacJchawk excluuve. Bl W Triumphs like "Wrong Way Corrigan" to 810-19-2908, Standard 8, sll., 35 min ...... $48.98 the tragedy of Will Rogers and Wiley Past. 860·19-2908, Super e, sll., 35 min ...... $49.98 A Blaclchawlc exclusive 880-19-2908, Super e, mus., 26 min ...... 567.98 881>-71>-2887, Super 8, nor., 11 min ...... $28.98 640-71>-2887, 16mm., nor., 11 min ...... $62.98

fl STAGE DOOR' (1937) ID KATHARINE HEPBURN, GINGER ROGERS, ' LUCILLE BALL, ANN MILLER, EVE ARDEN One of the all-star women's film of the 30s. Set in a theatrical boarding house, this film from the Kaufman-Ferber ploy features outstanding performances by many of the screen·s top actresses. Hepburn is o rich girl trying to make it on her own, who rooms with TAXI DRIVER (1 976) Ginger. Menjou is the under handed pro­ ROBERT DENIRO, CYBILL SHEPERD, ducer. The film depicts the fears and set­ JODIE FOSTER, MARTIN SCORSESE backs, the daily struggle and for the very The story of a Vietnam veteran who driv&s few: stardom and success. Nominated for o taxi ot night while turning into on urban best picture. guerrilla in his spore time. A Blaclchawlc exclu,ive. Bl W Color/ abridgement 78S-30-0172, Super 8, dla., 17 min ...... $59.95 880-30-2834, Super 8, dlo., 92 min ...... $197. 98 SPEEDY' (1928) : HAROLD LLOYD, ANN CHRISTY, SIOUX CITY SUE' !19-46l 8 BERT WOODRUFF, BROOKS BENEDICT, GENE AUTRY, LYNNE ROBERTS, BABE RUTH 8' STERLING HOLLOWAY, RICHARD LANE, This is one of Lloyd's funniest films. HELEN WALLACE, CASS COUNTY BOYS "Speedy" who just simply cannot hold a job, Tolent scouts from Paragon Pictures saves the day when his girlfriend's grand­ searching for o singing cowboy come upon o father nearly loses his hor5ecar franchise struggline Gene Autry who is having to sell when ifs stolen by o gong. Even though they off his herd to try and make ends meet. The hide it on the waterfront, Speedy finds it and woman scout talks him into o movie, the pro­ drives it madly through crowded streets, and ceeds of which will pay off the debts and gets it bock on the tracks in time for the doily allow him to keep the ranch. run. Babe Ruth makes a cameo appearance. Gene doesn't want to do the film without A Blaclchawlc excluuve. Bl W Champion and through trickery by the studio 811>-19-2903, Standard 8, sll., 95 min ...... $117.91 people Gene does o film, but not the one he 860-19-2903, Super 8, sll., 95 min ...... $123.98 thinks. When the movie premieres in his home 880-19·2903, Super 8, mus., 72 min ...... $154.98 town, Gene and his friends find out his voice is that of an animated donkey. Teasing and fighting ensue. The lady talent scout quits her THE GROCERY CLERK (1920) job, comes to work for Gene and romance LARRY SEMON, LUCILLE CARLISLE, FRANK ALEXANDER --o.._ _,..,• • - . ... , - buds. In the end Hollywood comes a-colling ....., ...... ,_,,, ______,, to right their differences with Gene and get This was a Semon story and direction by -....-....,-.. ..__.. .. him to do o move, SIOUX CITY SUE. Vitagroph. Lorry's n love with the postmis­ A Blaclchawlc exclu,ive. Bl W tress, who thinks he's the first class moill From 881>-57-2'36, Super a, dlo., 69 min ...... $147.98 comic catastrophe with the jitney through the 640-57-2936, 16mm, dla., 69 min ...... U32.98 cot with the fly paper on its feet the mayhem just begins. An upsot jug of molasses, o tum­ MICKEY AND HIS PALS bling barrel of flour, o smokestack inadver­ Great highlights from LONESOME tently turned to the fan and so many more GHOSTS, THE CLOCK CLEANERS, THE super comedy routines will keep you laughing OUR53RD BOAT BUILDERS, THE WHALERS and HA­ clear post the end of this one. YEAR WAIIAN HOLIDAY. Stars Mickey, Donald BI W. and Goofy in high spirited adventures. 810-01-2266, Standard 8, sll., 28 min ...... $34.98 OF SERVICE 860-01-2266, super a, sll., 28 min...... $35.98 [ Color/ Abridgement 785-81-t153, Super 8, dla., 16 min ...... $69.95 n0-01-2266, 16mm, sll., 28 min ...... $105.91 Sale Prices Good until Now On Sale July 31, 1980

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WHO'S ON FIRST' (1945)8UDABBOTT, LOU COSTELLO Now you can own the clau ic Abbott and Costello WHO'S O-.j FIRST? routine, taken from their feature, THE NAUGHTY NINETIES. Rare ly does a piece of comedy materiol become an Americon clossic, bLt WHO'S ON FIRST? is just such a case. It is filed as o piece of Americana in the Smithsonian Institution, and a special gold record is on displo> at the Boseboll Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. If you can't see that whot·s on second and I don•t know's on third, get to first bose by purcho·;ing this pricelss piece of comedy film. IJ/ W, ~ent 78t-20-Cl107, Super a, dla., 7 min ...... $29.PS SALE PRICI! •••••••••••..••••••••••••••• ••••..••...... $23.88

IN THE NAVY' (1941) BUD ABBOTT, LOU COSTELLO ABBOTT AND COSTELLO Lou Costello swallows a seda­ MEET THE KEYSTONE ABBOTT AND COSTELLO 2 MEET DR. JEKYLL AND tive pill intended for a nervous KOPS (1955) MR. HYDE' (1953) BUD ABBOTT, LOU COSTELLO BUD ABBOTT, LOU COSTELLO, BORIS KAR­ captain .. He dreams of command­ Extra long sound edition com­ LOFF ing the U.S. Navy . . . with a bining HOLLYWOOD OR BUST Lou gets a dose of a weird daffy set of maneuvers that would and HAVE BADGE, Will CHASE drug from Dr. Jekyll (Karloff) and send any crew overboard shout­ into one non-stop laugh reel. turns into a rronsterl Bl W, abridgement/ anthology Bl W, obridge.nenl ing for help. 7I0-2CMl110, Super I, dla., 16 min • •••••• $51.95 7I0-20-t010, Supe,· I, dla., 11 min ...... $51.95 716-21M021, Super I, dla., 17 min ...... $51.95 SALE PRICE ...... $39.88 SALE PRICE ...... $39.88 SALE PRICE ...... $39.88 10 Prices Good until Sci-Fi Sale July 31, 1980

2 ALIEN ( 1979) TOM SKERRITT, VERONICA CARTWRIGHT An alien being forces its way onto Nostromo in a most bizarre and blood-curdling way. Color 785-86-0120, Super 8, dla., 17 min...... $71.95 SALE PRICE ...... $56.88

THE CRAZY RAY (1923) THE LOST WORLD ( 1925) HENRI ROLLAN, ALBERT STAR WARS (1977) PREJEAN, MADELEINE MARK HAMILL, CARRIE FISHER, WALLACE BEERY, BESIE RODRIGUES, MARCEL VALEE, ALEC GUINNESS LOVE, LEWIS STONE, Included ore Luke Skywolker's intro­ PREFILS, MYLA SELLER, LLOYD HUGHES duction to The Force, the shooting down M. STACQUIT of Imperial fighters and more. An expedition to THE LOST A looney scientist uses a Abridg.,-nt WORLD captures a brontosaurus 7~119, Super a, sll., 8 / W, 11 min ...... Sll.95 powerful ray to freeze Paris and takes it to London where it es­ SALE PRICE ...... $9.88 capes into the street. in the middle of its late-night n~, Super 8, 111., color, 11 min...... S25.95 SALE PRICE ...... $19.88 A Blackhawlc •xclwiv• u,und track. Bl W life. 715-e6-CI086, super a, dfa., color, e min ...... Sll.95 8'0-U-1804, Super a, 111., 11 min ...... $26.H SALE PRICE ...... $31.88 SALE PRICE ...... $22.88 A Blackhawk udiniv• 50Und track. Bl W 880-86-1963, Super I, nor.I mus., 11 min ...... ne.98 860-l&-1114, Super a, 111., :u min ...... $33.98 Or you can order the longer version SALE PRICE ...... $23.88 SALE PRICE ...... $27.88 and also see the Princess fleeing from 640-86-19'3, 16mm, nor.Imus., 11 min...... U2.98 Sound versions restricted 2. Darth Vader, her capture, the Jowa's SALE PRICE ...... $53.88 880-U-1114, Super 8, mus., 20 min ...... $44.98 and more. These ore copyrighted motion picture fllms which may only be licensed for private, non·commer.· SALE PRICE ...... $35.88 Color, abridg.m•nf clol, non·theotrlcal home movie use os limited to 640-84-1114, 16mm, mus., 20 min ...... S'9.98 785-U-0105, Super a, dlo., 20 min ...... S71.95 right, granted. All other rights, privileges and licenses to televlslon, theotrlcol, and commercial SALE PRICE ...... $79.88 SALE PRICE ...... $56.88 r ights ore expressly reserved. 11 Price good 'til July 31, 1980 SUMMER SIZZLIN' SAVER

SUMMERTIME (1934) Ub lwerks' SUMMERTIME can be regarded as a forerunner of Disney's FANTASIA. Starting as winter fades into summer and continuing until winter returns, this musical review is fvll of mythical creatures. Among the techniques lwerks used was rota-scoping ... photographing humans and then copying their movements. Color IIS-81-24511, Super a, mus./SFX, 8 min ...••.: ..• $29.98 SALE PRICE $19.88 . VIDEO/ VIDEO 2 f•>r 1 During July get these 2 great clas­ sics and all for the price of one. Ordered individually these two fine films would cost $94.90, but this special sale gets ) ou both for just $-44.95. These two films come on one easy to store videocc ssette. Don't delay, order today! 110 min., BW. THE GENERAL (1927) 506-60-0001 - Beta 525-60-0001 - VHS...... $44. 95 BUSTER KEATON LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY' (1925) Keaton plays the engineer hero in this true MARY PICKFORD, WILLIAM HAINES, story of the locomotive, the General. During WALTER JAMES, GORDON GIFFITH, the Civil War a group of Union soldiers steal VOLA VALE &!L a train with Keaton's sweetheart on it. One of Q ::s::: !Li& a Q, Annie is the tomboy daughter of a police­ the most terrific chases ever filmed. Historians man who divides her time between mothering consider it to be the lost truly classic comedy BLACKHAW'K TIME her father and brother and getting into mis­ of the silent era. Actor-director Keaton's most PAYMENT .PLAN chief with the local dreet punks. The murder famous work. 50 min., narration/ musical of her father leads to a dramatic and heart­ score. WRITE FOR t•ETAILS warming conclusion. 60 min., music. 506-18-0894 - Beto 506-33-0831 - Beta 525-ll-0894-VHS...... IIQ. 525-33-0831-VHS...... $49.95 $44.95 &£ D 12 SUPER 8 SOUND PROJECTOR SALE! Was $269.95 Now $199.99 The Best Buy For Super 8 Collectors! @EUMIG SOUND 905 The 5905 is a low cost sound projector with high quality built in. This projector will also play silent films. • Sound-on-sound (mixing) recording • f l 1 .6, 17-30mm zoom lens • Super-bright 1 2 volt/ 100 watt tungsten halogen lamp • Automatic level control for all types of re­ cording • 2 watt RMS amplifier with 3 watt internal speaker • 600. reel capacity • Variable speeds between 18 and 24 fps in forward or reverse • Built-in film trimmer • Automatic threading and take-up 030-24-0121, Eumlg Sound 905 ...... $269.95 SALE PRICE ...... $199.99 072-24-0045, Fuse ...... 30C

JULY MOVIE MADNESS When you buy the videocassette recorder on thi, page during July you can get these 3 ,how, for only $98.88 a saving, of over $40.

SONS OF THE DESERT' (1932) LAUREL AND HARDY Their classic fraternal feature. SlS-02-0100, VHS, re11ular price ...... $49.95 CHAPLIN MUTUALS VOL. I CHARLIE CHAPLIN 3 Chaplin classics from the Blackhawk re­ stored negatives: THE IMMIGRANT, THE COUNT, and EASY STREET. 525-04-0899, VHS, re11ular price ...... $44.95 RCJI Model VDT501 MODERN TIMES ' (1936) CHARLIE CHAPLIN, PAULETTE GODDARD Probably Chaplins's most popular film. This RCA 6-hour video cassette recorder combines outstanding performo~ce with excellent value. S1S-04-00n, VHS, revular price ...... $44.95 Features include lope counter with memory switch, tracking control, dew moisture control, heodwheel and audio dub ond .. . When you buy the RCA VDT501 video re­ BUILT-IN DIGITAL CLOCK/TIMER corder shown here you may buy these 3 films Leh you pre-1,ct recorder up to 24 hours in odvorxe to tape programs when you·re not around. at a savings of over $40. Order today, offer AUTOMATIC START/STOP void after July 31 , 1980. Turns recorder off outomoticolly o t o pr•set time (instead of waiting till tho tape ru,u 0 1.. t). S15-99-0500, July Movie Madneu ...... $98.88 REMOTE PAUSE CONTROL Hos 20-~. cord for convenient choir,idc use. Stop playback if the phone or doorbell ,.,,gs, or start end stop tape so you con e dit out unw ontod material during recording YES, you can exchange 82-CHANNEL ROTARY KNOB TUNING Both VHF and UHF tuners hove '"die~" positions for each chonnel. AFT lock~ ,n the best signal. your films for credit SPECIFICATIONS: Format: VHS Power Consumption: 30 watts ot 120v, 60Hz, AC. Video Sigr>al, EIA std., NTSC color Size, 19 .. W x 7"H x 151 / 2"D toward your video col- VHF O utput Signol, Channel 3 or 4 (sw,tchoble) Weight, 36 lb, 04~92-0002 Video Tope Recorder ...... S799.98 lection purchases. S64·21·0009 Blonk Toi>e, 21416hr...... S23.88 13 Video CasseHe Sale Prices OVER Good Until SA VE :$ 100 July 31, 1980 MOVIE MUSEUM I NARRATED BY l'AUL KILLIAM Poul Killian's MOVIE MUSEUM is ot once a fosinoting c,nd e ntertaining review of the first 25 years of the motion picture art form. See and leom how the art developed and matured almo!t completely during this period. Comedy, drama, horror all ore exhibited for your fun encl enlightenment. 5 cassettes, 10 hours, BW, Nor. 506-46-0666 - a, ta 525-U-066'-VIIS ...... S399.95 SALE PRICE ...... $269.88

Some of the stories included are from: ALL ABOj,RD (1917) GODDESS OF SAGEBRUSH THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY Harold Lloyd in a frantic shipboard comedy. GULCH (1911 1 (1903) CUPID VS . CIGARETTES (1913) D. W. Griffith d irected this "gold in them One of the most famous pictures of all Fine satire on lady doctors and on the thor hills" western. time mode for Thomas Edison. perennial struggle to give up smoking. DON'T PARK THERE (1922! DIZZY HEIGHTS AND DARING NEW YORK STEAM Will Roger's mid-20's lampoon of parking HEARTS (19161 troubles in town and city, a picture more typi­ ELEVATED 11097) A delightful Sennett subject with unusual The famous Third Avenue El Steam train, cal with each passing year. early plane shots and trick camera work. In­ one of Edison's first exteriors. THE MAD DANCER.(1925! cludes crashes and all the customary Sennett A dromo built around one of America's effects. A GIRL AfllD HER TRUST (1912) best known personalities of the mid-20's, Ann THE LONELYVILLA(1909J Early roilro,Jd saga with on extraordinary Pennin9ton, star of the Follies and Scandals. A D. W. Griffith film with Mory Pickford. race between o hand car and o locomotive 1776 OR THE HESSIAN on the same tmck. BASEBALL1906 RENEGADES (1909) Rare shots of the first World Series cham­ THE DEVIL DODGER (1916) One of the movies first attempts to recre­ pions, the New York Giants. A daring "psychological" western starring ate history; Mory Pickford saves the day as THE SERIAL QUEENS (191-4-26) Wm. S. Hart. the bond of hardy colonists outwits the British Pearl White, Helen Holme,, Ruth Roland RUDOLPH VALENTINO soldiers. and their cliff hanging-sisters in some exciting PROGRAM I (1925) . . . and more selections, too, such as: hi9~lights. Outstandinu scenes of the legendary lover THE HEART OF A WAIF (1915) CURSED BY HIS BEAUTY (19UJ with Vilma Ban

/ I I I A, a, ------Video New Releases THE BATTLE OF RUSSIA I & II (1943) 8 As the credits come on the screen and the opening crowl begins you may think that there is some "pinko-plot" as you read the quotes of the great a nd nea r great about our wonderful friend, Russia. Now go bock in time to 1943. Germany ond Jopan are the bod guys and Russia is fighting fiercely to defend herself from Hitler. SHOW BUSINESS' (1944) A well told story of the history of invasions 8 EDDIE CANTOR, JOAN DAVIS of Russia since the l 200's and how she hos A romantic story of two teams, the repelled those invaders. The understanding boys are in burlesque and the girls who ore shown in this film is worth knowing and think­ in vaudeville, the respected stage shows. ing about today. 82 min., SW. The boys decide to switch to va udeville S06-7S-0657 - Beto and team up with the girls in a great show. 525-75~657-VHS...... $49, 95 It's boy loves girl and girl loves boy and the many trials and tribulations caused as time BACHELOR BAIT' (1934) goes by. STUART ERWIN , ROCHELLE HUDSON, An old flame and a baby who dies at 8 PERT KELTON, SKEETS GALLAGHER birth coincide to end one happy match. After Forerunner of the computer doting service, time healing comes and all ore happily mar­ without computers instead with compassion­ ried. 92 min., SW. ate humans. 506-87~712 - Beto W illiam (Erwin) loses his job and stumbles 525-87~712-VHS...... $49,95 into a ma trimonial service for men. He·s as sincere and square shooting as his lawyer THE STING' (1973) partner is devious. From the beginning he is PAUL NEWMAN, ROBERT REDFORD, well served by the girl next door a s his secre­ ROBERT SHAW tary and receptionist. f inally he figures out l 930's story of a con man a nd a small who his matrimonia l mole should be. time crook who put " the sting " on a vicious Funny and sappy! 75 min., SW. big time crooK. 12 9 min. 506~1~683- Beto 502~1-0334- Beto 525-01-0683-VHS...... $49.95 51S-01-0334- VHS ...... $59.95

PSYCHO' (1960J ANTHONY PER KINS, JANET LEIGH, VERA MILES The Hitchcock thriller of a girl obscound­ ing with the bank's money and the horror that follows. Consider it R. l 09 min., BW . 502-86·0340 - Beta 515-86-0340 - VHS...... $49 ,95

ORPHANSOFTHESTORM CALL OF THE CANYON' (1921) 8 (1942) 8 LILLIAN GISH, DOROTHY GISH, GENE AUTRY, SMILEY BURNETTE, MONTE BLUE, JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT RUTH TERRY, THURSTON HALL, 1921 outside the Griffith studio at Mama­ THE SONS OF THE PI ONEERS roneck, NY become Paris of the l 700's and A crooked agent for the local meat pock­ the surrounding countryside was transformed ing company won't pay a fair price so the into a picturesque French landscape. THE ranche rs won·t sell. Gene goes off to the big TWO ORPHANS a favorite of the l 900's in­ city to see the head man, Johnson, and set trigued D. W. Griffith, but it wasn't big him stra ight. THE SET UP' (1949) enough for him . To establish atmosphere he ROBERT RY AN, AUDRE Y TOTTER Gene doesn't get to see Jol\nson but falls borrowed liberally from Charles Dickens and 8 Absolutely excellent boxing melo­ into the acquaintance of a g irl singer who has we ore presented with a marvelous mixture of a job with Johnson's radio station. When drama! THE TWO ORPHANS and A TALE OF TWO This is the story of an overage fighter who Gene gets home he finds f rog hos rented the CITIES. 127 min., SW, Mus. ignores crooked gamblers and fights to win. ranch to the girl singer. 506-30-0826 - Beto At 35, Stoker Thompson (Ryon) is nearing The cattle g et stampeded with a bi-plane, 525·30-0826-VHS...... $79,95 the end of his long ring career, but he persists a stole n train is captured by G ene and the in believing he con bottle his wa y to the top bod g uys ore shot before they con flee in on TRINITY IS STILL MY NAME' again. His wife begs him to q uit, but to no airpla ne. Mr. Johnson gets everything (1972) avail. After the fight, o top notch moment of straightened out, Gene and the girls hove a TERENCE HILL, BUD SPENCER filmed fistic encounters, Stoker meets the nice radio show and everybody's happy. The brothers strive to achieve becoming hard facts of life, but is comforted by his lov­ Ends the way movies should end. 71 min., hunted outlaws with prices on their heads. A ing wife. 72 min., BW . SW. goal!? I 17 min. · 506-30-0715 - Beta 506-57-0658 - Beto S02-57~315 - Beta 525-3H71S-VHS...... $49,95 52S-S7-0658-VHS...... $49.95 515-57-031S-VHS...... $44,95 15 • N 0 THE KID BROTHER' (1927) boy recovers the stolen money, rounds up the 0- HAROLD LLOYD, JOBYNA RALSTON crooks, tokes core of the bully, wins his girl, .--4 .... 8 Poor Harold is the youngest of three and makes his fother proud. 0 C sons living with their father, the sheriff a Filming was doM portly on Catalina ...0 M°' widower. Father and brothers ore real he­ Island and near Alacentio, California. men, but Harold is just a boy. When the men 110-19-2906, stondord 8, sll., 112 min ...... $139.98 * ~ go to town he is left at home, for it is no 1140-19·2906, super a, sll., 112 min ...... s1•,.H w ..J 880-19·2906, super a, mus., 84 ml11 ...... S181.98 ..J LL. place for boys. During a fontosy of being a u hero, Harold meets Mory Powers who is ::S:±s: s _3 F IX travelling with Prof. Powers' Original .... Mammoth Medicine Show and two shady 0 a u OUR !i3RD ><'. c-haracters. w >- As the story unfolds, our shy and weak YEAR ...J ­ I- 0 1. ness" and loads of side splitting humor, our H 0: >!l)I- Q;. uJ o- o o~ IJ..

fl OLD MOTHER HUBBARD (j THE GREATEST Ci) (1935) • .., Cl> i» Delightful adaptation of everybody's = n SELECTION OF 1'HINGS "'3 favorite nursery story. - .....,:::r Color TO SHOW ~ l 815-11-2904, super a, dlo., 11 mln ...... $33.91 l '8W1-2904, 16mm, dlo., 11 mln ...... 567.91 ·o 55 ;II . /J'