Número 3 - Diciembre de 2007 IN ENGLISH

Travelling to

Joaquín Cánovas & Gloria María Cerdá – 2º Bachillerato

Our High-school has organizad a travel to Liverpool. We are few people, so I think that we sill enjoy ourselves more. We have prepared a lot of activities such as: visiting Road, The Beatle’s Club (The Cavern) and Stratford-upon-Avon, William Shakespeare’s hometown. We are going to stay six days. The teachers, who are going to travel with us, are Inma and Pepa. It’s going to be a very exciting travel, or we hope so.

Andréa Maciá, Raquel Sánchez & Francisco Martinez - Bachillerato

As a city, Liverpool is diverse, energetic and exciting: we really think there's something for everyone here. From Celebrating Liverpool's 800th Birthday in 2007 to the Capital of Culture in 2008; football to festivals; music to maritime. As well as a fantastic city-based experience in Liverpool, there is a stunning natural environment on offer, including over 35,000 hectares of nationally and internationally important nature conservation sites and over 30 miles of beaches and coastline designated for their natural beauty and interest. The region is also home to an extensive and historic canal network stemming from the Industrial Revolution including the Sankey and the Leeds-Liverpool Canal's. Between the Rivers Dee and Mersey and with the Irish Sea to the north, Wirral is a peninsula blessed with stunning natural splendour and a wild, unspoilt coastline. The Merseyside countryside is also home to some of the most naturally challenging golf courses in the world, and played host to the Open Championship in 2006. England's largest community forest, The Mersey Forest, covering some 420 square miles of Merseyside, provides numerous opportunities for the more active visitor.

Sports Some of the most important events of the world are celebrated in the sports centres of Liverpool. Don’t miss the races of the Grand National or the thrilling Premiere League matches. The Grand National, the most famous horse race of the world, takes place every year in Aintree. One of the reasons of the growing success of the rugby league, the Rugby’s Super League, is undoubtedly the great season of local teams such as the St. Helens and the Widnes, both them near Liverpool. Actually a spanish football player called Fernando Torres has joined to Liverpool football team.

¡A TIZA! Revista Digital del I.E.S. Antonio Serna

Número 3 - Diciembre de 2007 IN ENGLISH

Music was a musical group that formed in Liverpool in 1957 and it dissolved in April of 1970. They made 211 songs. The group was formed by:

• James Paul McCartney, (Paul McCartney) (Liverpool, 18 th June 1942) • John Winston Lennon, () (Liverpool, 9th October 1940 - † Nueva York, 8 th December 1980). • , (George Harrison) (Liverpool, 25 th February 1943 - † Los Ángeles, 29 th November 2001) • Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr) (Liverpool, 7th July 1940)

McCartney y Lennon were the most important members, George Harrison y Ringo Starr did important contributions too.

The Beatles was the most important group in the music history.

Festivals The European City of Culture was started in 1985, when Athens became the first of this hugely successful annual succession of cities. In 1999 the title was renamed European Capital of Culture, and in 2003 the honour was awarded to Liverpool for the year 2008. A glance down the list of past designated cities - which includes Paris, Lisbon, Madrid, Florence and Prague - confirms Liverpool's place among the true cultural giants of the continent.

Liverpool European Capital of Culture 2008 is set to be a once-in-a-lifetime festival as the city unveils the first glimpse of its programme.

Sir Paul McCartney returns to his native city to headline The Liverpool Sound Concert at Anfield Stadium while fellow ex-Beatle Ringo Starr and Eurythmics' Dave Stewart will head up the official opening - Liverpool The Musical at the opening of the brand new Liverpool Arena.

¡A TIZA! Revista Digital del I.E.S. Antonio Serna

Número 3 - Diciembre de 2007 IN ENGLISH

Aurora Ferrández – 3º B

We always hear “the atmosphere is polluted” or “we mustn’t waste so much energy”, but, what’s happening with the water, the air, the biodiversity, etc? Why do we only think in the atmosphere, in the energy, when other things are polluted too? That it’s a very big problem, because in countries like Africa, India or other places, there are more endangered species because we are polluting the atmosphere.

I’m going to talk about the water ; I don’t know if you have heard about the water pollution, but I have never heard someone speaking about that. Do you want to know the reason for me? Because the ecologists are very busy in giving only information about the atmosphere pollution, since for me, they think this is the most important problem. The water is polluted by the quantity of rubbish, the industrial and the radioactive waste, the organic rubbish and the noxious chemical products; they destroy the animal and vegetable life, and they exceed the bacterium and the seaweed action in the decomposition process of the chemical and organic contaminants in water.

Now, I want to tell you about another problem, the biodiversity . The biodiversity is having a great loss; modern life, comfort, new technologies are the main reasons of this problem.

The ecosystems have their mechanisms for balancing their operation in normal conditions. In other periods, atmospheric phenomena were changing the conditions in those ecosystems, and more species were disappearing. The way humans consume the naturals resources exceed the time those need to regenerate again, causing an increasing damage.

Those are the most usual reasons to explain the animal extinction and the natural environmental change.

The earth is starting to pollute due to different human activities:

-The use of the fossil fuels: -Oil. -Natural gas. -Coal. -The deforestation. -The agriculture. -The livestock. -The urbanization.

¡A TIZA! Revista Digital del I.E.S. Antonio Serna

Número 3 - Diciembre de 2007 IN ENGLISH

The great practice of those activities is producing the greenhouse effect , those anomalies are causing the sea level raise and the ecosystems start to disappear.

These are some photos about the greenhouse effect:

¡A TIZA! Revista Digital del I.E.S. Antonio Serna

Número 3 - Diciembre de 2007 IN ENGLISH

Mónica Belmonte Cerdán – 1º Bachillerato

Who has never dreamt about an ideal partner? Some of us are already going out with somebody, however, most of us have not found anybody yet. I´m sure all of us have thought of our future partner.

What will he or she be like ? Well, perhaps this short test can help us to answer these questions: COUNT YOUR SCORE

Nº 1 2 3 4 a 1 2 3 1 b 2 1 2 2 c 3 3 1 3

1. What is your ideal first date? a. a picnic with a crowd of friends. b. a trip to the cinema. c. a party with a lot of romantic dancing

2. What do you first notice when you meet somebody? a. their eyes. b. their voice. c. their clothes

3. What would you like as a birthday present? a. flowers, chocolates…something romantic. b. something to do with your favourite hobby. c. something totally unexpected and fun.

4. What quality do you admire the most? a. a sense of humour. b. imagination c. charm

KEY: More than 8 points. Really romantic: It´s nice to dream, but a little realism helps… 4 to 8 points. Perfect partner: Your ideal is a sort of romantic friend…and perhaps you are right. Less than 4 points. Lots of laughs: You like to laugh, but violins and candles have their charm, too.

¡A TIZA! Revista Digital del I.E.S. Antonio Serna

Número 3 - Diciembre de 2007 IN ENGLISH


Mariola García Pérez - 3º F

I’m going to talk about Christmas. It is a very happy season. Spanish people celebrate Christmas in a different way than other countries do.

Let’s see! Have you got the Xmas spirit? If you want to know the answer exactly do this test:

1. What’s makes you think that Christmas is really here? a) Opening your advent calendar. b) Buying your presents in November. c) Finishing school, holidays at last!

2. What is your ideal Christmas? a) A meal with all the family. b) A skiing holiday in a chic place. c) Lots of parties with friends and family.

3. What do you think on Christmas morning? a) Hooray! Presents and food! b) Oh no! Aunt Gertrude for dinner aggain! c) Everybody is happy! Let’s help Mum!

4. What do you do when Grandpa sings carols after dinner? a) Leave the room-quickly! b) Sit and watch him, with a fixed smile. c) Sing with him as loudly as you can.

5. What do you do about sending Christmas cards? a) Think about it… for next year. b) Make or buy individual ones. c) Send the ones your mother buys.

6. Your aunt gives you a year’s membership of Greenpeace . You are… a) Furious. You asked for a bracelet… b) Happy. What an original present! c) Touched. It is good to think of others.

7. What video do you decide to watch on Christmas afternoon? a) Home alone. b) E.T. c) Alien.

¡A TIZA! Revista Digital del I.E.S. Antonio Serna

Número 3 - Diciembre de 2007 IN ENGLISH


Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a) 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 b) 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 c) 1 2 3 3 2 3 1


(More than 16 points) --They call you Noel— You are the spirit of Christmas personified! For you, it is a time for peace and love. It must be a happy time for everybody that you meet, too!

(10 to 16 points) --Fun and games— For you, Christmas is the time to be with all your friends and family. If you are at a party, it will never be boring!

(Less than 10 points) -- A sophisticated season-- You like Christmas – in your own way! But relax, and don’t be afraid to have traditional fun. Remember: you’re only young once!

Besides, as I see it, this is an important thing for Christmas: Is it good for children believe in Santa Claus and Magic Kings? Read these opinions:

*It is good to dream! Yes, it’s good to make children believe in Santa Claus because they can dream. For children everything is possible. When they understand that Santa Claus doesn’t exist, they are old enough to accept the truth.

*It is good to be naïve! Santa Claus is one of children’s idols. He is like a magician, who brings them presents and grants their wishes. He makes them so happy when they find their toys at Christmas! I think that young children’s naivety is marvellous and it would be a pity to take it from them.

*The best! When I was a little girl, my biggest and best pleasure was Santa Claus! I think is a wonderful tradition. I also think we mustn’t tell children the truth. I think that they must guess when it’s time.

To finish with, we can say that Christmas is a time of the year to be happy, with friends or relatives, anyway there are different ways to celebrate it and interpret it.

¡A TIZA! Revista Digital del I.E.S. Antonio Serna

Número 3 - Diciembre de 2007 DEPARTAMENTO DE TECNOLOGÍA

Sobre la fibra óptica

Luis García – Departamento de Tecnología

En lo más profundo de la Tierra, donde nunca había llegado la luz, dormía un grano de sílice. Era de alma pura, corazón frío y tan cegato como un topo. Vivía solo desde el comienzo de los tiempos, desde hacía miles, millones de años, aburrido, sin saber qué hacer, sin poder comunicarse.

Inesperadamente, en un momento imposible de fijar, sintió un calor abrasador que lo fundió en un nanosegundo. Y olvidó. Olvidó que era un grano de sílice. Olvidó su pasado eterno de momentos idénticos. Se unió a una masa candente de granos como él, que se fundían y mezclaban, todos puros de alma, pero nunca más fríos de corazón.

Pasó el tiempo. Al enfriarse, la masa al rojo se convirtió en un hilo delgado, que ahora se llamaba vidrio. Estaba recubierto de una capa de un material parecido, pero más turbio, que lo abrazaba de principio a fin.

El hilo de vidrio, en su formación a través de la Tierra, había llegado a la superficie, atravesando distintos materiales. De todos es sabido que los fotones adoran el vidrio. En cuanto vieron asomar un pequeño extremo, se lanzaron en tropel, atropellándose unos a otros. Recorrieron la fibra a velocidades inauditas, rebotando en los bordes del hilo, allí donde comenzaba la zona turbia. En menos de un segundo, la corriente de luz llego a lo más profundo, al extremo que había sido el grano de sílice original.

En ese momento, se vio conmocionado por el caudal de información que le traían los fotones. Con golpes y risas, le llegaban noticias de la superficie. Aprendió lo que es el color. Aprendió a captar señales sutiles mediante la presencia y ausencia de luz. Y ya nunca más volvió a sentirse solo.

¡A TIZA! Revista Digital del I.E.S. Antonio Serna

Número 3 - Diciembre de 2007 DEPARTAMENTO DE FILOSOFÍA

Inteligencia Múltiple

Desde el Departamento de Filosofía os proponemos una serie de pruebas denominadas “de inteligencia múltiple”. Se llaman así porque con ellas se trabajan y mejoran muchas destrezas. Algunas de ellas son:

• Aumentar y analizar el autoconocimiento. • Saber tomar decisiones. • Descubrir las capacidades creativas. • Mejorar la agilidad mental y la orientación espacial.

El autor de esta denominación es Howard Gardner, profesor de Harvard. Gardner sostiene que las personas tenemos siete categorías de inteligencia: lógico-matemática, lingüística, visual-espacial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, fisicokinestésica y musical.

Estas pruebas están destinadas a todos los alumnos y alumnas del Centro. Esperamos que os gusten y que disfrutéis con ellas.

En el próximo número de la revista os ofreceremos las soluciones.

a) Un mendigo necesita 5 colillas para elaborar un cigarrillo. ¿Cuántos cigarrillos podrá hacerse con 25 colillas? b) En una granja hay cerdos y gallinas. En total hay 18 animales y 50 patas. ¿Cuántos cerdos y cuántas gallinas hay? c) En este problema sólo se da una afirmación cierta. Hay que averiguar quién es el asesino: - a dice: “b lo hizo”. - b dice: “d lo hizo”. - c dice: “Yo no fui”. - d dice: “b ha mentido”. d) Un caracol quiere subir una valla de 30 metros de altura. Cada día avanza tres metros, pero como tiene miedo retrocede dos. ¿Cuántos días tardará en subir hasta lo alto de la valla? e) Tres exploradores y tres caníbales tiene que atravesar un río en una barca en la que sólo caben dos personas. Cuando los caníbales son mayoría se comen a los exploradores. ¿Cómo lo harán para cruzar el río? f) Busca la salida de los laberintos.

¡A TIZA! Revista Digital del I.E.S. Antonio Serna