Chris Cross,Khari Evans,Fred Van Lente,Josh Johns | 112 pages | 11 Mar 2014 | Valiant Entertainment | 9781939346254 | English | New York, United States Archer and Armstrong (Volume) - Comic Vine

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Khari Evans Artist. ChrisCross Artist. Every enemy. Against each other. For centuries, the cloak-and-dagger coalition of conspiracies collectively known as The Sect has worked together to bring silent oppression and undercover tyranny to a world that thought it was free. But, now after centuries of profit sharing and uneasy alliances, the factions of The Sect are about to erupt into open conflict Too bad they're fighting for different sides! And will either survive? Get A Copy. PaperbackTradepages. More Details Original Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War. Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Dec 11, Anne rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novelsread-intime-travel. I can't say enough about what a surprisingly fun series this has turned out to be, Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War what a good example of how the Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War friends I've made on Goodreads have shoved gently nudged me to branch out and find things that I never would have discovered on my own. Alright, before I start ugly crying Ok, so you know how Armstrong is a bit of an oaf, who acts first and thinks about the result of that action waaay too late to be of any use to him? So in the last volume, he kinda sorta slept w I can't say enough about what a surprisingly fun series this has turned out to be, and what a good example of how the amazing friends I've made on Goodreads have shoved gently nudged me to branch out and find things that I never would have discovered on my own. So in the last volume, he kinda sorta slept with the girl that Archer kinda sorta thought was the love of his life. And then Archer walked in on them. And then Archer walked out on them. Like, literally, walked out of there and left Armstrong, Ivar, and Mary- Maria stranded in a past timeline. In this volume, Archer gets a bit darker and spends his time taking over all the different crazy sects. The results are pretty damn entertaining. Good stuff. Definitely recommended! View all 9 comments. Nov 16, Chad rated it it was amazing Shelves: Archer turns dark after Armstrong betrays him and his version of dark is pretty hilarious. Meanwhile there's a civil war going Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War between the Sects. Armstrong and Ivar go on a pub crawl throughout time. This book is so much damn fun. It's one of those books you go back to read again and again. Feb 07, Cheese rated it really liked it. Much better than previous volumes. I'm really falling in love with these characters. View 2 comments. Apr 20, Sam Quixote rated it really liked it. The partnership is dissolved after Archer catches Armstrong in bed with his adopted sister Mary Maria in the Faraway see Volume 3. Archer has decided to do a job for Project Rising Spirit in return for information of his true origins: obtain the Wheel of Aten which will control all of the Sects. Archer steals the show though. What happens when you get your heart broken? Some call them funnel cakes. I call it Justice Fuel. Oct 10, Richard rated it it was amazing. Armstrong goes on a bar crawl through history with Ivar and Archer is on a mission to unite all the secret societies! Read and reviewed as part of Archer and Armstrong: Deluxe Edition Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War Armstrong goes on a bar crawl through history with Ivar and Archer is on a mission to unite all the secret societies! Read and reviewed as part of Archer and Armstrong: Deluxe Edition Jul 19, Judah Radd rated it really liked it Shelves: valiant-comics. Fun and amusing, if not a bit messy. Definitely enjoyed the fast paced fun. I do really like the characters. Oct 29, Chris Lemmerman rated it really liked it Shelves: comics-and-manga-read. After the events of the last volume, Archer strikes out on his own while Armstrong reunites with his lost brother Ivar to wander around time and generally just get drunk. But when the Sect threatens to fold in on itself and plunge the world into chaos, Archer and Armstrong must reunite to put the world to rights! While they do end up back together and over their past transgressions pretty quickly, the exploration of the pair and what they mean to each other and the world around them is a great lead story, with the civil war kind of just happening in the background. Of course, there's lots of punching and crazy action too, but that's par for the course, surely. The art is by Khari Evans, who seems to be making the rounds on the Valiant books, and I think I've mentioned before that he seems a little Mike McKone-y in his visuals, which is great, plus some fill-in pages by ChrisCross which are a bit more basic but not too noticeable. Definitely not what I expected, and a pleasant surprise. Dec 08, Rick rated it it was ok Shelves: individual-issuesgraphic-booksvaliant-verse. This title, like the other Valiant re-launch titles, started out great. They were far better than I expected them to be. Then something happened. They all collapsed into mediocrity with one exception, . The concept right out off the launch pad was great, but it seems now that the books have become directionless and mired in puerile humor instead thoughtful and well-conceived hilarity. Very, very disappointing. View all 5 comments. Oct 07, Anchorpete rated it it was amazing. Is it possible for a major comic to be written specifically for one person? I am starting to think Archer and Armstrong is written just for me. At this point, I feel like the entire was written for me. It just keeps getting better and better the more trades that come out. This book is both hilarious and wonderful in the way that it serves as a connection between all of the valiant books. What a Universe, thanks for playing such a big part of it Armstrong. Dec 19, Alex Sarll added it. They are wrong. The night "friended" me on Facebook. The night "likes" my Instagrams. Illuminatus replayed as superhero slapstick. Archer & Armstrong - Wikipedia It's been a tumultuous friendship for Valiant Entertainment adventuring duo Archer and Armstrong under the pen of writer Fred Van Lente -- and it's not about to get easier. CBR News spoke exclusively with Van Lente about what to expect from "Sect Civil War," how Archer and Armstrong end up on opposing sides of the conflict, how the current "Far Faraway" arc leads in to the mini-event, bringing together the many villainous factions of the Valiant Universe and more. Plus, exclusive art! Fred Van Lente: "Sect Civil War" -- not of course to be confused with "Sex Civil War," which might move more copies say it really fast and you'll get weird looks at your store -- is the villains of the Valiant Universe declaring war on each other. There are definite connections between Project Rising Spirit, which is one of the main villainous movers and shakers -- at least, one of the darker movers and shakers of the Valiant Universe as we've seen in "" Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War " Wars" -- and Archer. That in itself leads to a much larger conflict between all the other factions of The Sect as well. Which other factions of The Sect will readers get a chance to see during the civil war? What other villains are you bringing in to this piece? Well, I'm hoping to use as many of the Valiant Universe main villains as possible. We have alluded to the fact that The Vine, who are the extraterrestrial main bad guys of "X-O Manowar," are deeply involved with The Sect themselves. We see a lot more hints of that in "Sect Civil War. We'll see even more factions [of The Sect], including the Master Builders, who are the direct decedents of the Masons, so Alan Moore fans can dust off their copies of "From Hell. There are going to be the Hashish Eaters, who are the stoner assassins. We saw some of them in the arc, but we'll be fleshing them out a bit more in this arc. Even better, there are my personal favorites, the Black Block, who are a little hard to describe. They're kind of Dadaist, anarchist terrorists. The One Percent is one end of the spectrum, the Black Block is the other end of the spectrum. They're a satire of Occupy Wall Street and some of the nuttier aspects of the Left. What about Archer and Armstrong themselves -- with the two of them caught in the middle of a civil war, will they also choose a side? That's a little hard to explain without getting too spoilery about the end of the third arc, but suffice to say something happens that puts Archer and Armstrong against each other to the point where you might even be able to re-title the book "Archer Versus Armstrong. How deep are you planning to delve into that during the arc? The arc opens Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War the origin Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War The Sect, which dates back to ancient Egypt. Those who know a lot about the Masons, they claim to trace their origins back to the pyramid builders in ancient Egypt, and so does The Sect. In fact, they trace their origin back to the time of the pharaoh Akhenaten, who is beloved by conspiracy theorists because Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War overthrew the polytheistic religion of the Egyptians up until that point. He's sort of thought of as the founder of monotheism. We also learn in a very roundabout way, he's also accidentally the founder of The Sect, of course with the help of a certain drunken immortal, who happened to be around in ancient Egypt as he has the tendency to pop up like a bad penny throughout history. You're joining forces with "Harbinger" artist Khari Evans for this arc. Is he bringing a different voice to these characters you've been writing for a while now? I love Khari's work on "Harbinger! I think he really gets the emotions of Pete Stanchek and his kids to a T, and those kinds of folks always do great with comedy. I'm really looking forward to seeing what he does with that -- I'm sure he's going to kick ass. While Khari Evans will be doing the interiors, the character designs were done by Michael Walsh. What was the process like in collaborating to come up with each of these new Sect factions? It was fun. Josh Johns, our editor, did a great job of finding Mike and putting us up together. He'd shoot over an image and I'd say, "Hey, what about this? They should have mutton chops and handlebar mustaches like they're hipsters! The Black Block was also a lot of fun. He came up with the idea that on their little block heads Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War would have little emoticons, which would shift like Rorschach's mask. Even though they don't speak and you can never quite figure out what their motivations are, you can at least gauge their reaction at any one point in time. When the characters are so consistent in personality, how does the major changes in setting affect how you write them? Well, there's an old creative writing truism: If you have a good enough character, having a scene where they go shop for groceries is, in itself, enthralling. Imagine going grocery shopping with Sherlock Holmes and Watson, or going grocery shopping with Batman. It's grocery shopping, but it could still be a fun ride in the right hands. To me, that's the same thing. The strength of Archer and Armstrong's characters allow me to put them into these different situations. The Eternal Warrior arc was about the historical conspiracies and even more globetrotting. The third arc is about these 20th century myths about disappearances and aliens and the military industrial complex. It'll become increasingly obvious what makes this fourth arc different from the others once all the pieces of the third arc fall into place. Assuming she survives the trip to the Far Faraway, how do you hope to integrate her further into the series, if at all? I don't think I will be spoiling much to say, yes, she survives and she becomes the third major character of this duo. They say three's a crowd -- and that may be what I'm getting at in terms of the "Archer Versus Armstrong" stuff. Valiant is billing "Sect Civil War" as a mini-event, and it's easy to see why. You've got all of these villains from across the Valiant Universe sort of coalescing together, reinforcing the fact that Archer and Armstrong are a big part of this universe. I think the most obvious one is this: a lot Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War what's coming up in "Sect Civil War" is itself a direct outgrowth of the events of "Harbinger Wars. You're going to see Project Rising Spirit and the mysterious head of Project Rising Spirit becoming more and more of a greater force across the entire Valiant line. You know, if Harada from "Harbinger" is really the major big bad in the Valiant Universe as a whole -- and of course, describing Harada as a big bad isn't really something he would agree with. There's a very moral ambiguity of these characters where they're not simply heroes or villains. The various factions of The Sect are supposed to be doing what they think is best for the greater good. Not all of them, but many of them. To a certain extent, what you're seeing here is the pervasiveness of Project Rising Spirit getting its claws in all these different aspects of the Valiant Universe. If they succeed, as they try to do in "Sect Civil War," which would basically going to wipe out the rest of the Sects, that would leave a power vacuum into which Project Rising Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War could easily step. Obviously, Archer and Armstrong is one of the more recognizable duos of the Valiant line -- along with Quantum and Woody. Considering these are the two big duos of the Valiant Universe, is there any chance we'll see them intersect at some point? Wow, you even managed to work "sect" into your question! Yeah, without a doubt, since you're only the th person to ask me that, I feel like we have a mandate to! We will see which one of my various editors I break down into tears and they say, "Yes, fine! You can do a crossover! It's a very appropriate one. I think fans will be super excited. By Steve Sunu Jul 10, Share Share Tweet Email 0. Related Topics Comics Comic News valiant entertainment fred van lente michael walsh khari evans archer and armstrong sect civil war. Archer & Armstrong Vol. 4 - Sect Civil War - Fred Van Lente

No recent wiki edits to this page. Obadiah Archer was born and raised to cherish three things above all else: the faith of his parents, the love of his 22 brothers and sisters, and his lifelong mission to defeat the ultimate evildoer. Now, after years of training, Archer has been dispatched to the heart of America's festering modern day Babylon, aka New York City, to root out and kill this infamous Great Satan. Unfortunately, dying has never been easy for Archer's target -- the hard-drinking, 10,year-old immortal known as Armstrong. Together, this unlikely pair of heroes Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War about to stumble head first into a centuries-old conspiracy that will bring the whole of ancient history crashing down on the modern day Valiant Universe. And that's going to mean one Hell of a hangover. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Tweet Clean. Cancel Update. What size image should we insert? This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? Archer & Armstrong: Sect Civil War Volume 4: Sect Civil War Left Float Right. Cancel Insert. Go to Link Unlink Change. Cancel Create Link. Disable this feature for this session. Rows: Columns:. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along with your edits. Make sure this is what you intended. This will likely increase the time it takes for your changes to go live. Comment and Save Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. Use your keyboard!