Minutes – July 25, 2011 – Page 1. Hayward Area Recreation and Park District

1099 “E” Street, Hayward, CA 94541 (510) 881-6700


March 26, 2012

MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District was called to order by President Waespi at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, March 26, 2012 in the Board Room of the Administration Building at 1099 ‘E’ Street, Hayward.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ President Waespi announced that the Board of Directors would adjourn the CLOSED SESSION meeting to hold a Closed Session for a meeting with designated representatives to discuss negations with the SEIU 1021 Bargaining Unit of the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District, followed by a meeting with Legal Counsel regarding existing litigation in the case of the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District and Alameda County regarding 16301 and 16635 E. 14th Street, San Leandro, CA.

RECONVENE TO The Board Meeting reconvened at 7:01 p.m. and was followed by the REGULAR SESSION Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call.

PLEDGE TO FLAG The Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Roll Call.

PRESENT Directors: Andrade, Hodges, Jameson, Pereira, Waespi

Staff: Ely, Giammona, Gouveia, Lepore, Hamid

CLOSED SESSION President Waespi reported that the Board of Directors held a Closed Session ANNOUNCEMENT at 5:30 p.m. on this date as reported above at which no reportable action was taken.

MONTHLY VOLUNTEER President Waespi postponed presentation of the Monthly Volunteer RECOGNITION AWARD Recognition Award to the Monday, April 9, 2012 Board of Directors’ meeting, as the recipient of the February 2012 award, Mr. Mark Sanford, was unable to attend the meeting.

PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Carolina Abatayo, 26575 Flamingo Avenue, Hayward, CA, addressed the Board regarding much-needed afterschool programs at Schafer Park School Ms. Carolina for 6th grade youth and younger, and the obstacles that have been Abatayo - encountered in coordinating a program with the Youth Enrichment After School Partnership (YEP). Ms. Abatayo stressed the necessity for H.A.R.D. and the Programs at Hayward Unified School District to work in partnership for the benefit of the Schafer Park youth. In addition, she expressed the children’s desire to establish a School basketball program and how disappointed they become when their dreams do not come true.

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PUBLIC COMMENTS President Waespi was complimentary of the comments received, and (Continued) referred the matter to the Board’s Program, Policy and Public Relations Committee.

Mr. Carl Moose - Mr. Carl Moose, 1328 Via El Monte, San Lorenzo, CA, addressed the Board San Lorenzo regarding the San Lorenzo Community Park and stated his desire to utilize Community Park the pond in a way that would yield excellent stewardship in water conservation. In addition, he recommended that the creek at the Park be restored so that it may be enjoyed by the residents in its natural habitat.

Comments – President Waespi was complimentary of Mr. Moose’s suggestions and stated President Waespi that the District is currently working to develop a revised Master Plan for the San Lorenzo Community Park.

Mrs. Wendy Mrs. Wendy Winsted, Recreation Coordinator, addressed the Board Winsted, Recreation expressing her appreciation for postponing the presentation of the Coordinator – Volunteer of the Month Award to accommodate Mr. Sanford; and for their Sulphur Creek support of the Owl Cam recently installed at Sulphur Creek Nature Center. Nature Center She reported that the program has developed into an avenue of its own, Owl Cam with over 1,200 individual viewers and 6,000 hits to date from around the world, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Norway, the Ukraine, France, Canada, Singapore, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Denmark and Iceland. She said that the press has been very positive, as the mother owl builds up suspense while awaiting her eggs to hatch and pointed out that the owl cam will increase publicity of the District’s website.

In response to Board questions, Mrs. Winsted reported on plans to Installation of Owl coordinate an Eagle Scout project to install additional boxes at other parks Boxes at Other throughout the District. For the Board’s information, she said that on Parks Throughout average, a family consisting of a mother, father and seven infants would the District catch up to the equivalent of one-hundred mice each night, which would be beneficial in areas where rodent issues exist. In closing, Mrs. Winsted reiterated her sincere appreciation to those involved in the planning process, and commended Mr. Hei Yau, Information Systems Administrator, for his excellent work and coordination with the various vendors involved.

Comments – Following presentation from Mrs. Winsted, President Waespi was very President complimentary of the plan to install additional owl boxes, and suggested Waespi that staff utilize the expertise of patrons from the Hayward Senior Center to construct the new owl boxes.

Mr. Ken Martin - Mr. Ken Martin, 3785 Somerset Ave., Castro Valley, CA, addressed the Adobe Park Board and expressed his appreciation for their support of the two bocce ball Bocce Ball programs at Adobe Park. Mr. Martin reported that the courts have Program experienced extensive damage from usage in addition to children riding their bicycles on the courts, and requested that the existing fence be extended to deter them from doing so. He introduced Mr. John Anderson and Mr. Matt Porter, who maintain the bocce ball courts, and requested

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PUBLIC COMMENTS the use of a drag similar to that used at a baseball diamond to decrease (Continued) their workload, pointing out that damage caused by the bicyclists creates two to three hours of work. In addition, Mr. Martin also requested the use of the District’s surplus of crushed oyster shells to resurface the courts in the Spring. Staff replied that they would be happy to supply the six yards of surplus shells.

Comments – President Waespi extended his appreciation to Mr. Martin for his President presentation, as well as to Mr. Anderson and Mr. Porter for their efforts in Waespi maintaining the bocce ball courts. In addition, he commended the great program at Adobe Park and said it is very nice to see the courts being well- utilized.

President Waespi was proud to introduce “a friend of Hayward”, Ms. Sarah Lamnin, a recipient of the California Park and Recreation Society (CPRS) District III award.

Ms. Sara Lamnin – Ms. Sara Lamnin, South Hayward Parish, addressed the Board and reflected Presentation on on her educational background, where she received her Master’s degree Research Proposal from the University of California, Berkeley, and her undergraduate degree Funded by CPRS from San Francisco State University in Leisure Studies. Ms. Lamnin, District III – reported that she was awarded a $500 grant from CPRS District III, to fund Improvements in her Research Proposal, a copy of which was distributed for the Board’s and Downtown Staff’s information. She said that her research has found both positive and Hayward negative aspects of Hayward, and outlined the scope of work, which included suggestions to increase positive activities in the challenging areas of downtown Hayward through community partnership with local agencies, including H.A.R.D., the Hayward Unified School District, and the Hayward Police Department, in addition to residents and volunteers. Additionally, Ms. Lamnin pointed out opportunities to showcase District programs, suggested community collaboration to improve Memorial Park, and concluded that “the random good things in Hayward, help offset the consistent bad things”.

B.O.D. & Staff In response, Staff commented that they have been in contact with Ms. Comments – Mrs. Lamnin and would be pleased to collaborate with her and offered the use of Lamnin to Present the District’s community centers and parks, if needed. President Waespi at 2012 NRPA extended his appreciation and congratulations to Ms. Lamnin and said he Conference looks forward to working with her as well, adding that she is scheduled to present her Research Proposal at the 2012 National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Conference.

CONSENT CALENDAR The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors on Monday, March 12, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Moved by Director Pereira, second by Director Minutes Jameson, and unanimously carried.

Finance Report Acceptance of the Finance Report for February 2012. Moved by Director Pereira, second by Director Jameson, and unanimously carried.

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Staff reported that at the January 23, 2012 meeting, the Board of Directors COMMITTEE REPORTS tabled the adoption of a Park and Facility Maintenance Standards Policy so that it could be further reviewed by the Board and Staff. That review has been completed and Staff is again bringing forward the adoption of a Park and Facility Maintenance Standards Policy.

In addition, Staff said that at the Board’s direction, District Staff has Hayward Area developed Park and Facility Maintenance Standards. The Policy authorizes Recreation the creation of these standards, discusses elements that need to be And Park District’s considered as part of the standards, and provides for a review process so as Park and Facility to keep the standards current. The standards have been developed in order Maintenance to better maintain and enhance the quality and safety of District parks and Standards Policy facilities and will assist District staff in carrying out the duties needed to maintain the standards that have been developed.

The Policy has been reviewed by the Program, Policy and Public Relations Committee Chairperson. Staff recommended that the Board of Directors adopt the new Park and Facility Maintenance Standards Policy, Number 8000, and the accompanying maintenance standards, effective immediately.

B.O.D. & Staff Director Jameson stated that it is important that the Park and Facility Comments – Maintenance Standards Policy be regarded as a guideline and flexible living document that can be updated as needed; keeping in mind past park Discussion on improvements that have been impeded due to the lack of adequate funding. Flexibility to Revise Director Jameson said that the District’s parks look amazing; however, there Policy As Needed should be opportunities to implement new elements when needed. President Waespi referred to the Policy, which states that the “standards shall be reviewed not less than biennially, and updated as needed”, and allows for changes and amendments. To alleviate Board concerns, Staff commented that it was intended to establish a park maintenance standards policy, with the flexibility to make changes and amendments, as needed.

Mr. Howard Mr. Howard Beckman, 1261 Via Dolorosa, San Lorenzo, CA, addressed the Beckman – Board regarding the Parks and Facility Maintenance Standards Policy, and Opposition to stated that he and Mr. Richard Hancocks were the original proponents for Adoption of the implementation of maintenance standards with the District. Mr. Parks & Facility Beckman expressed his opposition to the adoption of the Policy, which he Maintenance said does not adequately substitute for “design guidelines” previously Standards discussed with Staff. He stressed the need to develop guidelines that would Policy incorporate all aspects of landscape design, at a high level of standards, including public safety and park aesthetics. In addition, he addressed concerns regarding adoption of the Parks and Facility Maintenance Standards Policy without the design guidelines in place. He reiterated his opposition to the adoption of the Policy.

Comments – In response, Director Andrade explained that District practice has been to Director Andrade employ outside architects during the design and development phase of new and renovated parks. Director Andrade explained that the Parks and Facility

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Maintenance Standards Policy is necessary to maintain existing parks, while COMMITTEE REPORTS the opportunity to implement new designs at existing parks is extremely (Continued) rare. He went on to state that the District follows Bay Friendly Landscape Design practices during the development phase of a new and/or renovated park, and holds public hearings to receive community input as well; however, design guidelines are not applicable to the District; noting that should design guidelines be implemented, it would become necessary to Continued hire an outside vendor on a regular basis. Discussion on Parks & Facility Mr. Beckman replied that while “design guidelines” may not be the Maintenance appropriate term, they would not only apply to new parks but to older parks Standards Policy as well that would require substantial makeovers such as Fairmont Terrace Park. He said that a park’s design should be re-examined once its maintenance has reached a pinnacle, and concluded that it would be a mistake to pursue only the park maintenance standards.

Design Guidelines Discussion ensued and Director Andrade concluded in favor of the Park and Referred to Facility Maintenance Standards Policy, with the recommendation that the Program, Policy design guidelines be discussed further with the Program, Policy and Public Public Relations Relations Committee. President Waespi concurred, and referred the matter Committee to the Program, Policy and Public Relations Committee for existing and future parks. Staff added that they would be happy to work with Mr. Beckman on the matter.

It was moved by Director Hodges, second by Director Pereira, and unanimously carried to adopt the following:

Adoption of Park & With no further comments or discussion, Motion Facility Maintenance carried to adopt the new Park and Facility Standards Maintenance Standards Policy, Number 8000, and the accompanying maintenance standards, effective immediately.

Revised Bylaws of Staff reported that during 2011, the Citizens Advisory Committee reviewed Hayward Area the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District’s Citizens Advisory Recreation & Park Committee Bylaws and recommended changes to the Bylaws, which were District’s Citizens’ reviewed by the Board of Directors Citizens Advisory Ad Hoc Committee and Advisory Committee the Chairperson of the Program Policy and Public Relations Committee. The Board Committees agreed that the following amendments be presented to the Board of Directors for their consideration and approval. The proposed amendments would be effective immediately.

Staff stated that the first amendment would allow a CAC member to serve one additional year on the Committee following their appointment by the Board of Directors. The second amendment would allow CAC to elect their Officers at the first meeting of the calendar year and will define their term of office.

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ 1. Amendment to Article IV, Section 3 of the Citizens Advisory Committee COMMITTEE REPORTS Bylaws: All appointees shall be appointed and serve a period of two (2) (Continued) years. All terms expire December 31st. No member shall serve more than two (2) consecutive full terms. “Exception: The Board of Directors may extend an appointee’s term for one (1) additional year if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the Citizens Advisory Committee to Proposed do so.” Amendments to the C.A.C. Bylaws – 2. Amendment to Article V, Section 1 Citizens Advisory Committee Bylaws: Article IV, Sec. 3 & The Officers of the Committee shall be a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary, Article V, Sec. 1 who shall be nominated and elected by a majority vote of the Citizens Advisory Committee at the first meeting of each calendar year.

The Executive Committee of CAC shall be composed of these Officers and the Sub-Committee Chairs. Each shall serve a one (1) year term, limited to no more than two (2) consecutive terms.

Staff recommended that the Board of Directors adopt the proposed amendments to Article IV, Section 3, and Article V, Section 1, of the Bylaws of the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District’s Citizens Advisory Committee, effective March 27, 2012.

Mr. Howard Mr. Howard Beckman, 1261 Via Dolorosa, San Lorenzo, CA, addressed the Beckman – Board regarding C.A.C. membership terms of office and prior Addresses Concerns communication with staff during the formation of the Committee. He said Regarding that the C.A.C.’s mission is to maximize public involvement and expressed C.A.C. Terms of his vision to have recruited a group of dedicated citizens who care about Office parks and would provide institutional expertise on the Committee. However, he said this cannot be accomplished given the brief terms of office and suggested that the terms expire on a rotated basis to ensure a balance of seasoned and non-seasoned members.

In response, President Waespi explained that it is the intent of the District Board & Staff to offer an opportunity to all residents interested in serving on the Citizens’ Comments & Advisory Committee, and stated that the current membership is extremely Continued valuable, offering a great deal of input; however, it is prudent to receive Discussion participation from various community members to provide a fresh perspective. In addition, he clarified that the terms of office are rotated to allow citizens that are knowledgeable about the District, and interested in serving, the opportunity to do so. President Waespi added that a listing of the C.A.C. members can be found on the District’s website. Staff commented that currently, 50% of the membership terms are staggered.

Mr. Beckman responded that he was unaware of the staggered terms and said that doing so may cause confusion in the future, in addition to automatic reappointments changing the dynamics of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee.

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ It was moved by Director Hodges, second by Director Pereira, and COMMITTEE REPORTS unanimously carried to adopt the following: (Continued) With no further comments or discussion, Adoption of motion carried to adopt the proposed Amendments to amendments to Article IV, Section 3, and C.A.C. Bylaws Article V, Section 1, of the Bylaws of the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District’s Citizens Advisory Committee, effective March 27, 2012.

Appointment of Staff reported that in February of this year the District began acquiring Business Manager to some of its dental benefits through the Operators and Engineers Local 3 Operators and Health and Welfare Trust. This was made possible through the District’s Engineers Local 3 relationship with Industrial Employers and Distributors Association (IEDA), Health And Welfare one of the sponsors of the Trust. Trust Staff said that there is currently a vacancy on the Trust’s Board of Trustees and it was requested that Mr. John Gouveia, the District’s Business Manager, fill the position on the Board. This will allow the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District to be represented on the Trust and also provide valuable insight as to what the current and future cost of healthcare look like, and the effects the Affordable Care Act that is scheduled to begin in 2014, will have on the District and its employees.

Staff requested that the Board of Directors approve the appointment of Mr. John Gouveia, Business Manager, to the position of Trustee with the Operators and Engineers Local 3 Health and Welfare Trust.

It was moved by Director Jameson, second by Director Pereira, and unanimously carried to adopt the following:

R-1112-66 Resolution No. R-1112-66, appointing Appointment to Mr. John Gouveia, Business Manager, to Operator & Engineers the position of Trustee with the Local 3 Health & Operators and Engineers Local 3 Health Welfare Trust and Welfare Trust.

B.O.D. & Staff In response to Board questions, Staff stated that the Board of Trustees Comments meetings are scheduled to take place on a quarterly basis in Alameda, with a special meeting scheduled on April 2, 2012 to discuss health care renewal benefits, among other topics. Staff said that although District employee coverage is not currently up for renewal, the session will provide essential information about the Trust renewals. While District employees do not have a relationship with the Operators and Engineers, apart from minor participation in dental benefits, the District has been allowed to participate on the Board of Trustees due to H.A.R.D.’s relationship with I.E.D.A., and Staff looks forward to increased involvement in the future.

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Director Jameson extended her appreciation to Staff for being proactive on COMMITTEE REPORTS the subject of health care, which is advantageous to the District. She (Continued) stressed the seriousness of the current state of health care, in view of the Director Jameson pending approval of the Obama Health Care package, and expressed an Addresses Current interest in attending the meetings. Staff responded that they would attend State of Health Care the first meeting and would report back if Board attendance is allowed.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Waespi reported that he was in attendance to the Citizens’ Advisory Committee meeting on March 5, 2012, where he invited C.A.C. Meeting; Committee members to visit the Board meetings to get a sense of the 3/5/12 District’s operations. He added that Mrs. Robin Toussaint, recently appointed member on the C.A.C., was impressed with the expertise of the current members on the Committee.

REPORT ON BOARD Director Hodges was pleased to report on his attendance at the MEMBERS’ ACTIVITIES PhotoCentral Gallery opening, which he said was enjoyable, very well- attended, as he assisted with overflow parking, and hoped that that Director Hodges – everyone has an opportunity to see the Show. Director Hodges was also PhotoCentral & pleased to report on his visit to the Adobe Art Gallery Art Show, which runs Adobe Art Gallery through May 5, 2012, and said that it is worth visiting.

In response to Board questions regarding the T-Mobile Cell Tower installed at Castro Valley Community Park, Staff reported that Alameda County has BOD & Staff submitted their response on the proposed design to T-Mobile Corporation Comments – and the manufacturer. Staff said that while the new design is an C.V.C.C. T-Mobile improvement from the existing structure, T-Mobile has been requested to Cell Tower provide additional details on the appearance of the branches to ensure that the new cell tower will be similar in appearance to their submitted proposal.

Director Jameson – Director Jameson was pleased to report that she was also in attendance at Comments on the reception at the Adobe Art Gallery and the Sun Gallery. She said it is Unique Art Exhibits quite amazing to visit all the unique and incredible art exhibits throughout Throughout Hayward hosted by the various organizations including H.A.R.D., the Hayward & Hayward Area Historical Society, Art Inc., and the Sun Gallery, and Attendance to suggested that a Senior Van trip to visit the various galleries be arranged. H.E.F. Dinner Director Jameson was also pleased to report that she was in attendance at the Hayward Education Foundation (HEF) Dinner with Staff and her fellow Board members, and commended HEF for doing an excellent job coordinating the event, and was complimentary of the Cal State University East Bay venue.

Director Pereira was pleased to report that she attended that Mission Hills of Mission Hills of Hayward Restaurant Open Hope house, which she said looks very lovely. Hayward Restaurant President Waespi stated that he was also in attendance at the Open House Open House; which he said was a very nice event and was very pleased to see Director 3/20/2012 Jameson in attendance, along with many of her neighbors who were visiting the golf course for the first time.

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ADJOURNMENT President Waespi announced that the next Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Monday, April 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the District Administration Next Meeting – Office, 1099 'E' Street, Hayward. 4/9/12; 7:00 p.m. There being no further business to conduct, President Waespi declared the meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m.

CAROL A. PEREIRA, Secretary Board of Directors

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