Automatic Bread Machine and Process for Producing Bread Using the Same
Europäisches Patentamt *EP001597990A1* (19) European Patent Office Office européen des brevets (11) EP 1 597 990 A1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION published in accordance with Art. 158(3) EPC (43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.7: A47J 37/00 23.11.2005 Bulletin 2005/47 (86) International application number: (21) Application number: 04712200.7 PCT/JP2004/001850 (22) Date of filing: 18.02.2004 (87) International publication number: WO 2004/073470 (02.09.2004 Gazette 2004/36) (84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventors: AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB GR • FUKUMORI, Koichi c/o Shitogi Japan Co., Ltd. HU IE IT LI LU MC NL PT RO SE SI SK TR Abeno-ku, Osaka-shi Osaka 545-0037 (JP) Designated Extension States: • SHIRAI, Yoshinari, Tottori Sanyo Elec. Co., Ltd. AL LT LV MK Tottori-shi, Tottori 680-8634 (JP) • FUKUNAKA, Mitsuyo, 9-1, Ishitera Morinoshita (30) Priority: 19.02.2003 JP 2003041599 Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-1221 (JP) • SHIONO, Shunji, Tottori Sanyo Elec. Co., Ltd. (71) Applicants: Tottori-shi, Tottori 680-8634 (JP) • Tottori Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. Tottori 680-8634 (JP) (74) Representative: Uchida, Kenji et al • SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. S.A. Fedit-Loriot et Autres Moriguchi-shi, Osaka 570-8677 (JP) Conseils en Propriété Industrielle • Shitogi Japan Co., Ltd. 38, avenue Hoche Osaka-shi, Osaka 545-0037 (JP) 75008 Paris (FR) (54) AUTOMATIC BREAD MACHINE AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING BREAD USING THE SAME (57) An automatic bread maker capable of improv- baking process, and a keep-warm process (not shown).
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