Kathleen C. Barclay, Amcham Chile; Ari Bermann, 3M Chile; Ruth Bradley, Freelance Journalist; John Of

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Kathleen C. Barclay, Amcham Chile; Ari Bermann, 3M Chile; Ruth Bradley, Freelance Journalist; John Of bUSiness CHILE THE VOICE OF THE CHILEAN-AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE N°287, MAY 2013 Chile and Peru: Pacific Partners TRADE TESTIMONIAL SPECIAL REPORT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Garden of the Andes Chilean Investment Protecting Pharmaceutical Abroad Patents Planes desde 250 minutos para hablar con cualquier compañía* Cuota inicial** nextel.cl *Sólo llamadas nacionales **Costo cero de la cuota inicial sujeto al valor del plan y al cumplimiento de condiciones contractuales. CONTENTS bUSiness CHILE THE VOICE OF THE CHILEAN-AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE N°287, MAY 2013 TRADE TESTIMONIAL SPotliGHT 6 26 42 LIFE IN THE SLOW LANE Chile and Peru: Success is Brewing Chile and California: Partners Pacific Partners Chilean herbal tea brand Garden for Prosperity Who Flung Dung? TRADE TESTIMONIAL SPECIAL REPORT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of the Andes has had to work Garden of the Andes Chilean Investment Protecting Pharmaceutical The annual meeting of the Kim Jong-il, the baby- Abroad Patents hard to earn its place on the Chile-California Council was held faced North Korean leader, shelves of US supermarkets and in San Francisco in April and is more interested in 12 specialty stores. AmCham President Kathleen playing with his toys than Chile and Peru: Barclay was in attendance. starting World War III, Pacific Partners SecondarY storY Economic SNAPSHot writes Mr. Eneldo. Despite a dispute 8 34 Protecting Pharmaceutical between Chile and Global Economics Update: Patents Moderation Appears Temporary Peru over their Chile’s Constitutional Court voted Growth in emerging economies, maritime border, both unanimously to reject an accusation including Chile, as well as a countries are working that a bill to strengthen protection resurgence in US growth, means together to increase for pharmaceutical patents is the global economic recovery economic integration. unconstitutional. could pick up this year. 12 COVER StorY 36 AMCHAM SPecial Chile and Peru: Pacific Partners Chile-US Opportunities in © 2013 AMCHAM CHILE Reproduction in whole or in part is Peru and Chile are the most Sustainable Energy 18 SPECIAL REPORT strictly forbidden without permission economically integrated countries In April AmCham hosted a from the publisher. Opinions expressed in in South America, but changes roundtable on sustainable energy Going Global: Chilean bUSiness CHILE are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of to facilitate the free movement of development that was attended Investment Abroad AmCham or bUSiness CHILE. We accept no workers would help. by a US delegation from the Chilean investment responsibility for the accuracy of the articles renewable energy sector. and any unforeseen errors. bUSiness CHILE abroad hit a record in is published monthly, 10 months a year 2012 and the pace of and mailed free of charge to AmCham SPecial REPort INTERVIEW 18 40 growth is set to continue members. Letters are welcome. They should Going Global: Chilean be accompanied by the author's name Marine Education and Conserva- as local companies seek and daytime telephone and sent to Investment Abroad tion in Chile [email protected] For reasons of opportunities within the Chilean investment abroad has Julie Packard, executive director space limitation, AmCham reserves the region and beyond. right to edit letters published. been concentrated in a few of California’s Monterey Bay Advertising inquiries should be addressed South American countries, but Aquarium, talks to bUSiness to AmCham's Sales Department: Paulina now Chilean companies are also Dellafiori: E-mail: cristina.ordenes@ CHILE about the marine amchamchile.cl; Phone:2909741. Fax 2120515 investing in the US and beyond. conservation challenges in Chile. Av. Presidente Kennedy 5735, Torre Poniente, Of.201, Las Condes, Santiago de EDITORIAL BOARD 2013 Chile; E-mail: [email protected]; CHAIR, Michael Combes, Marco Chilena ; VICE CHAIR, Karen Poniachik, British American Tobacco Chile; www.amchamchile.cl; www.businesschile.cl VICE CHAIR, Manuel José Vial, Grupo Vial Abogados; GENERAL EDITOR, Julian Dowling, AmCham Chile; ASSISTANT EDITOR, Mariana Ossa, AmCham Chile. ProdUCTION K & D Comunicaciones Ltda. Olga Kliwadenko, MEMBERS General Manager, 11 de Septiembre 1945 - Kathleen C. Barclay, AmCham Chile; Ari Bermann, 3M Chile; Ruth Bradley, Freelance Journalist; John Of. 516, Providencia. Phone: 376 9877, Byrne, Boyden Consultores Chile; Brian P. Chase, Itau Asset Management; Paulina Dellafiori, AmCham Cell: (09) 6601-5505; e-mail: [email protected] Chile; John P. Dill, Project Management; Francisco Garcés, Banco de Chile; Gonzalo Iglesias, IC Packaging; www.kyd.cl Ricardo Inostroza, AES Gener; Olga Kliwadenko, K&D Comunicaciones; Gideon Long, BBC/The Economist; Vincent McCord, Asesorías e Inversiones CarCon; James Newbold, Tanager Investment; Roberto Ossandón, Ossandón Abogados; Gonzalo Valenzuela, Walmart. bUSiness CHILE May 2013 3 AMCHAM GLOBAL SPONSORS 2013 4 May 2013 bUSiness CHILE Editorial The Importance of Stronger Patent Protection Intellectual property protection has been an product. The logic of reduced competition and ongoing issue between Chile and the United higher prices is used strongly in the defense States since the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) of cheap medicines, especially in countries was signed between the two countries ten where salaries are relatively low. The freedom years ago. of manufacturers to copy medical formulas The lack of adequate patent protection without paying license fees allows them to creates a problem for US companies selling pass on some or all of these savings to the their products in Chile, especially multinational public who then have access to much cheaper pharmaceutical companies. But it also creates health products. a problem for Chilean companies that invest The counter-argument of course, says heavily in research and then find that the lack that without patent protection there would of patent protection means that their products be no money available for research, and new can be copied and sold cheaply in the local medical products essential in the control and market. In effect this suffocates innovation, eradication of diseases would never make it and not just in pharmaceuticals. to market. The government has presented a new bill The Secondary Story in this issue of in the Chilean Congress that addresses this bUSiness CHILE explains this problem, the issue and would strengthen the application reasons behind it, and the importance of of patent law and the protection this affords strengthening intellectual property protection to companies that invest in research. But a in Chile. The subject is also closely linked with group of Senators challenged the bill in Chile’s the Free Trade Agreement between the two Constitutional Court on the grounds that it is countries, an agreement that links intellectual unconstitutional. The Court recently handed property protection to the development and down a unanimous verdict that the bill is in growth of trade. fact constitutional, thus clearing the way for its AmCham has always attached great approval in Congress. importance to implementing and making The argument against patent protection more effective this protection, as a means principally relates to the price the public has of continuing to facilitate the growth of trade to pay for patented products. Patents restrict between our two countries. The recent court competition and allow the patent holders to ruling referred to above is a big step forward, charge higher prices for their products - prices and it is hoped that Chile’s Congress will that they argue are necessary to support the expedite the legislation in its hands as quickly cost of expensive research in developing the as possible. BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT DIRECTORS ADVISORY COUNCIL Kathleen C. Barclay Asesorías KCB Ltda. Pamela Camus, American Airlines Alfredo Ergas, InBest Chile VICE PRESIDENT: Felipe Cerón, AES Gener Arturo Fermandois, Carolina Valdivieso, Fermandois Evans y Cía. Kimberly Clark Chile Fernando Fischmann, Crystal Lagoons Gonzalo Iglesias, IC Packaging SECRETARY OF THE BOARD Michael Grasty, Pablo Achurra, Aramark Grasty, Quintana, Majlis y Cía. Rodrigo Álvarez, Principal Financial TREASURER Sandra Miró, DHL Chile Sandra Guazotti, Oracle Chile Karen Poniachik, Past President British American Tobacco Chile Javier Irarrázaval, AmCham Mision Statement The Walt Disney Company Chile Ellen Lenny-Pessagno (Ex-Officio) “Promote free trade and business between Chile and the United States" bUSiness CHILE May 2013 5 TRADE TESTIMONIAL Success is Brewing Chilean herbal tea brand Garden of the Andes has infused the thirsty US market, but keeping its teas on supermarket shelves has taken investment and creative marketing. By Katie Manning resh mint, daisy-like chamomile company is just hitting its stride. between trade shows. He studied and flowers, and fiery marbles of “In the past we invested a lot of analyzed growth potential with US rosehip perfume a 500-acre money and this year it’s starting to marketing experts. He tracked down farm on the hilly outskirts of the make sense,” said Garden of the the most cost-effective distributors F coastal Valparaíso Region in a Andes Export Manager Hernán and brokers that he could find. He town called Quilpué. The fields’ yearly Peralta. “We would like to be in the also hired a US advertising agency to tea harvest travels to cupboards in 25 market for the next 100 years. That’s revamp Garden of the Andes’ logo. countries under the brand Garden of our
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