Campanology No 7
jfor wee of ftfc £lergp, Cflurctfwardene, anb ae> a record of f0e founding, Ranging, ©eMcafron, an6 (Ringing of £6urc0 Qj3effe. W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 28th, 1896. [P r ic e O n e P e n n y . JOHN TAYLOR & Co., “ CHARLES CARR.” Qijefffoun&ere ant> QKefftjangere, The Bell Foundry, LOUGHBOROUGH SMETHWICK, BIRMINGHAM. LEICESTERSHIRE. CHURCH BELLS. Founders of the ring of twelve bells of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, the largest peal of ringing bells in the world ; and of “ G reat P aul," the SINGLY OR IN RINGS. Bourdon Bell, weighing 16 tons, 14 cwts., 2 qrs., 19 lbs. “ This bell is a very noble specimen of modern English bell-founding.”— Pall Mall Mag., Sept., 1896. Also the bells of the Cathedrals of Worcester, Newcastle-on- BELLS RE-CAST OR RE-HUNG. Tyne. St. Mary’s, Edinburgh, St. Patrick’s, Dublin, Christ Church, N.Z., and Singapore ; of the Town Halls of Manchester, Bradford, Halifax, Preston, Wakefield, Rochdale, Kendal, and Londonderry; the Royal BELLHANQERS SENT TO INSPECT AND REPORT UPON Exchange, London; the Sydney and Adelaide Post Offices in Australia ; I and the University Buildings of Liverpool, Glasgow, and Bombay. BELLS AND TOWERS. Also the “A l e x a n d r a ” ring of ten bells of the Imperial Institute, | London. Founders of the Jubilee Peal at Malinslee. New Brighton Lighthouse Bells, and Freemantle Town Hall, Australia. * Hangers of the Celebrated Peal of Eight at Stourbridge, Worcestershire; also Kildare Cathedral Bell. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. CHURCH CLOCKS AND CHIMES.
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