September 2007 CURRICULUM VITAE NAME: James C.W. Ahiakpor ADDRESS: Department of Economics, California State University, East

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September 2007 CURRICULUM VITAE NAME: James C.W. Ahiakpor ADDRESS: Department of Economics, California State University, East September 2007 CURRICULUM VITAE NAME: James C.W. Ahiakpor ADDRESS: Department of Economics, California State University, East Bay Hayward, CA 94542 E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: (510) 885-3137 (Office) A. Education : 1. Ph.D., University of Toronto, Toronto, 1981. Thesis : AThe Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Manufacturing Industry Development: The Case of Ghana. @ 2. M.A. (Economics), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 1977. Master's Essays :(i) AThe Determinants of Road Density, @ (ii) AOn Estimating Elasticities of Substitution and Employment Functions: Some Queries. @ 3. M.Sc. (Economics), University of Ghana, Legon, 1974. Thesis : AEmployment Functions in Selected Ghanaian Industries. @ 4. B.Sc. (Economics), University of Ghana, Legon, 1971. B. Teaching/Research Areas: 1. Monetary Economics 2. Development Economics 3. History of Economic Thought 4. Macroeconomics C. Courses Taught: 1. California State University, Hayward, September 1991 to date: Monetary Theory (Graduate and Undergraduate), Graduate Microeconomic Theory, Managerial Economics, Production Economics, Macroeconomic Theory, Money and Banking, International Economic Development (Graduate and Undergraduate), History of Economic Thought, Selected Topics in Economic Thought, Principles of Macroeconomics, and Principles of Microeconomics. 1 2. Saint Mary =s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, September 1981 to August 1991: Monetary Economics, Money and Banking, Development Economics, History of Economic Thought, Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Principles of Microeconomics, and Principles of Macroeconomics. 3. University of Ghana, Legon, October 1973 B August 1976: Principles: Micro- and Macroeconomics. D. Publications: i. Books, Monographs, Reports 1. Classical Macroeconomics: Some Modern Variations and Distortions . London and New York: Routledge, 2003. 2. Keynes and the Classics Reconsidered (Editor). Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. 3. Multinationals and Economic Development: An Integration of Competing Theories . London and New York: Routledge, 1990. 4. The Economic Consequences of Political Independence: The Case of Bermuda . Vancouver, B.C.: The Fraser Institute, 1989. 5. AExpenditure Patterns of Out-Going Tourists in Ghana, @ Ghana Tourist Control Board, Accra, 1976. ii. Articles : 1. “On Aspromourgos’s Mistaken Reading of Adam Smith’s Price Theory.” History of Economic Ideas (2007; forthcoming). 2. “Garrison on Mises and Forced Saving: Arguing the Implausible?” History of Political Economy, 40, No. 2 (Summer 2008; forthcoming). 3. AClassical Macroeconomics: Correcting Some Misrepresentations in Gootzeit =s Review Article. @ History of Economic Ideas 13, No. 2, 2005, pp. 161 B9. 4. AComments on >Is there racism in economic research? =@ European Journal of Political Economy , 21 (September) 2005, pp. 781 B89. 5. AGeorge Reisman on National Income Accounting: A Correction. @ American Journal of Economics and Sociology 64, No. 2 (April) 2005, pp. 715 B17. 6. AOn the Future of Keynesian Economics: Struggling to Sustain a Dimming Light. @ American Journal of Economics and Sociology 63, No. 3 (July) 2004, pp. 583 B608. 2 7. AOn the Mythology of the Keynesian Multiplier. @ American Journal of Economics and Sociology 60, No. 4 (October) 2001, pp. 745 B73. 8. AHawtrey on the Keynesian Multiplier: A Question of Cognitive Dissonance? @ History of Political Economy 32, No. 4 (Winter) 2000, pp. 889 B908. 9. AWicksell on the Classical Theories of Money, Credit, Interest, and Price Level Determination: Progress or Retrogression? @ American Journal of Economics and Sociology 58, No. 3 (July) 1999, pp. 435 B57. 10. AThe Genesis of the Only Diagram in the General Theory: A Comment. @ Journal of the History of Economic Thought 21, No. 1 (March) 1999, pp. 39 B41. 11. ADid Adam Smith Retard the Development of Economic Analysis? A Critique of Murray Rothbard =s Interpretation. @ The Independent Review 3, No. 3 (Winter) 1999, pp. 355 B83. 12. AAustrian Capital Theory: Help or Hindrance? @ Journal of the History of Economic Thought 19 (Fall) 1997, pp. 261 B85. 13. AFull Employment: A Classical Assumption or Keynes =s Rhetorical Device? @ Southern Economic Journal 64, No. 1 (July) 1997, pp. 56 B74. 14. AA Paradox of Thrift or Keynes =s Misrepresentation of Saving in the Classical Theory of Growth? @ Southern Economic Journal 62, No. 1 (July) 1995, pp. 16 B33. 15. ARashid on Adam Smith: In Need of Proof. @ Journal of Libertarian Studies 10, No. 2, (Fall) 1992, pp. 171 B80. 16. ARawlings, Economic Policy Reform and the Poor: Consistency or Betrayal? @ Journal of Modern African Studies 29, No. 4, 1991, pp. 583 B600. 17. AOn Keynes =s Misinterpretation of >Capital = in the Classical Theory of Interest. @ History of Political Economy 22, No. 3, 1990, pp. 507 B28. 18. ADrawing Misleading Conclusions from One-period Data: A Comment on Anyinam. @ Canadian Journal of African Studies , 23, No. 2, 1989, pp. 295 B96. 19. AOn the Difficulty of Eliminating Deficits with Higher Taxes: Some Canadian Evidence. @ Southern Economic Journal , 56, No. 1 (July), 1989, pp. 24 B31, (with Saleh Amirkhalkhali). 20. ADo Firms Choose Inappropriate Technology in LDCs? @ Economic Development and Cultural Change 37, No. 3 (April), 1989, pp. 557 B71. 21. ARecognizing >Left = from >Right = in Ghana: A Comment on Ninsin. @ Canadian Journal of African Studies 22, No. 1, 1988, pp. 132 B36. 22. AThe Profits of Foreign Firms in a Less Developed Country: Ghana. @ Journal of Development Economics 22, No. 2, 1986, pp. 321 B35. An earlier version published in Proceedings: 3 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (International Business Division) , vol. 5, part 8, 1984: B.M. Wolf (Editor). 23. AThe Capital Intensity of Foreign, Private Local and State Owned Firms in a Less Developed Country: Ghana. @ Journal of Development Economics 20, No. 1, 1986, pp. 145 B62. 24. ARegulation and the Consumer Interest. @ In Walter E. Block, ed., Reaction: The New Combines Investigation Act , Vancouver, B.C.: The Fraser Institute, 1986, pp. 140 B54. 25. AThe Success and Failure of Dependency Theory: The Experience of Ghana. @ International Organization 39, No. 3, Summer 1985, pp. 535 B52. 26. ARicardo on Money: The Operational Significance of the Non-Neutrality of Money in the Short Run. @ History of Political Economy 17, No. 1, Spring 1985, pp. 17 B30. Reprinted in Pioneers in Economics: David Ricardo (1772-1823) . Mark Blaug (ed.), Edward Elgar, 1991, 55 B68. 27. ARicardo on the Non-Neutrality of Money in a World of Taxes. @ History of Political Economy 14, No. 2, 1982, pp. 147 B65 (with J.L. Carr). 28. AHenry Thornton and the Development of Ricardo =s Economic Thought: A Comment. @ History of Political Economy 14, No. 1, 1982, pp. 112-14. Reprinted in Pioneers in Economics: Henry Thornton, Jeremy Bentham, James Lauderdale, Simone de Sismondi . Mark Blaug (ed.), Edward Elgar, 1991, 331 B33. 29. AThe Behavioural Patterns of Foreign-Owned Firms in the Less Developed Countries, and the Efficacy of Some Measures for Controlling Foreign Firms. @ Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (International Business ), vol. 3, Part 8, 1982: A. Rugman (ed.). 30. AEmployment Generation in Selected Ghanaian Industries, 1962 B69. @ In Supply and Utilization of Labour in West Africa , vol. 1, Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, Legon, Ghana, 1975. 31. AThe Impact of Wages on Industrial Employment in Ghana, 1962 B69. @ Economic Bulletin of Ghana (Second Series), vol. 4, no. 3/4, 1974, 87 B105 (with W.F. Steel). 32. ASaving, Investment and Capital Formation in Rural Areas of Ghana. @ In Rural Employment Study , International Labour Office, Geneva, 1975 (with A.A. Aboagye). iii. Book Chapters : 1. AFiscal and Monetary Policies for Economic Development. @ In Baffoe-Bonnie, John and Khayum, Mohammed (eds.), Contemporary Economic Issues in Developing Countries . New York: Praeger, 2003, pp. 153 B66. 4 2. ASay =s Law: Keynes =s Success with it Misrepresentation. @ In Kates, Steven (ed.), Two Hundred Years of Say =s Law: Essays on Economic Theory =s Most Controversial Principle . Edward Elgar, 2003, pp. 107 B32. 3. ACreating the Structures for an Efficient and Dynamic Economy: The Case of Ghana. @ In Bodo B. Gemper, Ed., The International Trend Towards Indicative Targeting . Hamburg: Verlag Weltarchiv GmbH, 1988, pp. 189 B202. iv. Book Reviews : 1. Review of On Classical Economics by Thomas Sowell. New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press, 2006. In THE INDEPENDENT REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 2, 2007 (Fall): 290–5. 2. Review of David Ricardo =s Macroeconomics: Money, Trade Cycles, and Growth by Timothy Davis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. For the History of Economics Society Network, archived at 3. Review of The Economics of Alfred Marshall: Revisiting Marshall =s Legacy . Edited by Richard Arena and Michel Quéré. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. In the International Journal of Social Economics Vol. 31, No. 7, 2004, pp. 733 B36. 4. Review of Keynes: Contemporary Responses to the General Theory . Edited by Roger Backhouse. South Bend, IN. St. Augustine =s Press, 1999. In the Journal of the History of Economic Thought Vol. 25, No. 2 (June) 2003, pp. 239 B42. 5. Review of Ethnic Diversity, Liberty and the State: The African Dilemma by Mwangi S. Kimenyi. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar for The Locke Institute, 1997. In The Independent Review Vol. 3, No. 4 (Spring) 1999, pp. 615 B17.
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    CBC Pensioners Association Association des retraité(e)s de la SRC Maritime Region Newsletter Bulletin régional des Maritimes Spring / printemps 2018 PRESIDENT’S BULLETIN RAPPORT DU PRÉSIDENT On the lookout for Spring’s warm Les journées printanières plus chaudes se font weather … since the last toujours attendre… Depuis le dernier bulletin, Noël newsletter, Christmas and the et les neiges hivernales sont venus et repartis. winter snows have come and Selon nos informations, il y a eu une bonne participation aux dîners annuels de Noël dans gone. All of the Chapters hosted an annual Christmas dinner. All toutes les sections. Le secrétaire régional et moi- reports indicate that the gatherings même, nous étions invités à celui de l’Ile-du-Prince- were very well attended. The Edouard. Nous avons fait l’aller-retour sans Regional Secretary and I were rencontrer de mauvais temps. Le rapport de invited to the PEI dinnerdinner in December. in December. We made it Charlottetown fait état de changements au sein de there and back without any snow problems. Changes leur bureau de direction. Nous remercions Ian in the PEI executive are outlined in the Charlottetown Petrie pour son travail assidu afin d’assurer la report. We would like to thank Ian Petrie for his work survie de la section insulaire pendant toutes ces keeping the PEI chapter together all these years. années. It would seem that everyone is working to the same Il semble que tous visent le même objectif : end: “keeping in touch with our old comrades and « maintenir des liens avec nos anciens collègues et friends”! amis »! Our Association is comprised of over five thousand Notre association compte plus de 5,080 membres and eighty members from Coast to Coast to Coast répartis d’un bout à l’autre du pays, soit plus de la representing over half of all CBC retirees.
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