Society Gathers
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her «na«on iruest« Colonel and Mrs. JAMES CAMPBELL DEAD <~h-,rlea M«('nuley, of Washington. PRINCETON GREETS GATHERS . Mrs Is arrive TO SOCIETY Lucille Carter to from POLO GÜESTS MAKE LEAVES $150,000 Capitalist Succumbs Three rtillndrtphlA early in Jul«. RETURNING 'GRADS' Mr. and Mr«. Ellsha Dyer arrived to¬ Weeks After Operation. POLO MATCH at Wayside. FRIEND'SDAUGHTER FOR day MERRY IN COUNTRY tBy Telegraph to The Tribune 1 Greenwich, Conn., June 12..James TOT SINGS POLICE Campbell, sixty-seven, former presl- Throng Awaits Arrival of Presi¬ Foreign Diplomatic Corps, ODEJO Nassau County Houses Are Dr. Everett Herrick's Will, dent of the North American Company, dent Wilson To-day.Honors and Statt Offi¬ Little Marie Abashes Inspector Influx of $2,000,000, of New York, and director of a score for Students. National with Verse and Thronged by Disposing cr more of railroad and public utilities Roses. companies the country, died cials to See First Came. The door of Chief of Visitors. Remembers Munroes. throughout [By T«!«cr»ph to Th« Tuba»«.] Inspector M»x at his summer home in Indian Field Princeton, N. J., June 12-Th« festivi¬ Schmittherger's office at Polio* Head¬ He was on for a ties for the l«7th commencement at quarters swung «-.pen yesterday, tfdmlttlng to-night. operated Marle carbuncle on the neck three weeks ago. Princeton University began to-day with OF VISITORS .huelyn and Julia Amato, each TO GOLF CLUB LEGATEE many graduates SWARM eight year« old wore all dreaaed ALL EAGER SEE Mrs. Campbell said only a week ago, returning. President They Woodrow Wilson will »rrlve to-morrow. up, and Julia carried a big bouquet of IF IT "DRY" In response to Inquiries, that her hus¬ FILLS CITY'S FOTELS BIG MATCH PLAYED STAYS Reunion coutumes of th» more recently roses band's condition was not serious. She graduated classe« mad« Marie, and spots of glaring puahed pulled along, ap¬ and their daughter, Lois, survive him. color throughout the town and proached the inspector'« deak, fast. ne«l eaxnpua. Half 46 Be¬ The daughter made her debut in St. A novelty In the of tha mem¬ Gardner to Becom? Howard her eye« on his shield and delivered her¬ American and British Colors at Dozen of Cousins Get costuming .Miss Louis a year ago. Her coming out was ber« of 1809, who represent a of self as follows: pack Bride This Dinner Parties and Other quests.Wife's Brother Re¬ marked by continued thefts from the cards, ha« been introduced by making the Burgess's In the rain and In the «un»hlne, ceives $1,500,000. family by a maid, Marie Penelli, marrl«»d m«n of th» class wear th« red Afternoon. In th» ««inter through th«a »now. Festivities. who, spots. On the »tr.-pii, our lit«- policeman came from Genoa. Most of the missing every city in th« Plan«*» and »how» vi» hon who Four new I rreta i»r«p Lona- Jun« 12..In The will of Dr. Kverett Herrlek. were members were elected In th» of the Little children <«f Orae« V Ife-npstead, bl.-n-l, the valuables recovered when Marl« Phi Beta membera foreign diplo- Send the»r to died on April 1 at ¦ Fast Bist st., at Kappa Society from the senior th« tloavrr» U thnr.k» you every lares, country of Nassau was taken ill and forced to go to Roose- ¦»atfC corpa »ten officials o| national, For the kindly way >..ii h«lp tli.-m plaes age of eighty-five, filed In the Su-Togate«.' das«, increasing the membership to one- All the r velt The maid was later In¬ tenth .:atr and ettj government«,Will be rcpr«»- long, long vvlnt« IhroaafaV County ti»-nlfjtit tbere are many guests '«Hirt fsmtkVàUf, dispos*»« of an estate Hospital. of the class. They are Pierce But¬ interna- duced the Italian So¬ aa_t«- to-d»: xt th« flr«t if th« The Phlef Inspector Mushed, stam¬ who have runic down for the Interna¬ valued at ahout $2,e/>o,ono, of which $11«.C<jO by Immigration ler. Minneapolis. Minn.; Allen W. Dalle. at Mea«*,w Brook. All mered and thanked the chihlren. is left to institutions. ciety to return to Italy. Auburn. N. Y.; Marcua A. tlon«! rol° I»,r,lilS They tional polo tournament-, which begtn at public Spencer. Pitta- crowded. aVi the country were the Hev. Francisca Dr. Herrlek hnd cousin», of Mr. was burgh, Penn., and accompanied by Meadow Brook to-morrow. The \ isltors forty-six Campbell chairman of the Gllchrlst B. Stockton, Now York fill«-«! with Schmitt- whom five or six receive Jacksonville Fla. seai pe Urbano and a nurse. Inspector have pallier« -I ,'roni nil sections of ihe only bequests, board of directors of the North Amerl- whose honor will be sent Julia'« I'Uiuli Of 1*0 es t<« wlill.. Mis9 Marjorlc Monroe, daughter o'f Fifteen members of th« ¡there herjrer United list«« and Kuro ie. can Company and formerly president of Junior cla»s this« the bedside of Detective BlIHSl Scylcr. Dr. e,<i>r.*e K. Munroe, of 126 Madison AV-. were admitted to the ag ev«iing. 1'.nner parlies were held throughout in« the 'Frisco Railroad. «enlor council of * »Have lunchecis in town at ¦".ho is in St. Vincents Hospital recover* a friend of the te»tator. receives $125/«*» the univer«lty. These Manv Meadow Brook, Westbury, -..-.. Include H. R. Bal- hotel« to¬ Rockawajr, In cash and a J2.">,",*0 mortgage on n->r Hn. New York the ia-eli ibla restaurarían«! lng from a bullet wound. W h.atley Mills, Oyster and PIplriK City; Jame« V. Forreatal. to while Bay father'«, residence. Dr. Munroe receives Beacon. N. Y. : day hefore t.'^nK out tie game, Rock sections tO-Blght. and at the Carden S. ISHAM DIES SUDDENLY Jame« L. Mott, Mont- on S JT.VX) mortgage on the golf course of dair; w. M. New other* * rOtOP from copitry place» City Hotel so »»rent was the demand 'or Kill«, Orlean». R. 8. «mall dinner» the MsJSlstOtsS Club and two mortgages Cowan. the islarii Many iiformal 107 GRADUATED !. cms that billiard room.«, parlors, and Washington; O. S. Putnam, were in town for $ and $10,000, which Bursts While Well N. and tàeatr« partie« given all public room« were with rot respectively, Artery Johnstown, Y.: I. V. Mack»niie. Hart¬ supplied Dr. held on the clubhouse. ford; Weir lact nis-!"- ind the restaurmts and hotel» to the overflow. Herrlek Known Artist Is Stewart, Auburn. N. Y.; K. AT WEST POINT supply The Iflc In the will of Dr. Golfing. V. m-ere r» » a« pay as at the height of The Meadow Brook and Hunt spe< bequests Logan. Allegheny. Penn.; David Flem¬ Rorkaway DOLAN DIES Herrlek to a llttl» more than East Hampton. Long Island, June 11. ing, Sea« "\ ork season. cluhs and. the Rock Club THOMAS amount Harrisburg, Penn.; Howard Froe- »jit Piping have $.'i»i.noo, and the residue is left to JsUMS Samuel tsham, a well-known artist, died llch, «cores of enthusiasts down Brooklyn: J. V. McConnell. Pitta- Mr». Walter H of 1*0 broach! polo P. brother of his late wife, Mrs. suddenly on the links of the Maidstone burgh; Mr and Fr«w, Secretary Garrison Gives Class to Long Island. IN PHILADELPHIA Ford, Donald Myrlck, Springfield, Mas».; >S?th «t., a lundeon yesterday Harriet F. Herrick. Country Club to-day when an artery Richard West pave Added to the other festivities was Bard, Hueneme, Cal., »nd J. C. at at No Hope of Early Action. many Of the bequests the Academy of burst. The loss of blood «o weakened St. «t the:- c »untry place Hempstead, drice given at the Garden public McKlbbon, Paul. announced the engagement of ¡a rdo City Def-i'-m receives $25,000, to be known ac Mr Isham, who was fifty-nine years old. welch tbey No. 77. in more t tan three Filipino Hotel, Which hundred Herrlek the New York that although physicians were In th« their «laughter, Mia« Hele) L. Frew, to! participated. Member of Old Widener-Elkins- the Everett fund; »on of Peters, Skin and Cancer Hospital, $25,000; the So- clubhouse and were soon at his side JOY LIFTS SAYS ELIOT Ra'.ph Petera, jr., [Ralph (By TelegTaph to The Tribune! As an Indication of the of AIM, Petlrs's father is spirit go*,d Whîtney Metropolitan Railway for the Belief of Wives and Chil¬ death resulted In a short time. of Garder. City. Mr. West Point, H. T.. June 12.One hun¬ fellowship whi-'h and eiety Long ls*ind Railroad. prevails. English York. dren of Medical Men, $10.000; the Chil- The artist was here for the summer, Points to Value of president oí th« dred and «even cadet« were graduated American were used Syndicate in New Money for from itlnceton, class lla.s to decorate the AM $10,000; the Association having leased the Jewett cottage. H« H« whP graduated from the Academy to-day. This Garden Hotel and the dren'S Society, of of the Com Military City ballroom, at Philadelphia, June 12..Thomas Dolan, for the vement of the Condition of had been suffering from an aneurism, but Support Family. of '£»» Mr. Frew is présidant Is the largest class Bine» 1908. The »exer¬ various clubs and houses the Impre [By Telegraph to The country the Poor, $10,000; the Society for the Pre- was a frequent visitor to the links, and Tribun-.] Exchange Bank. toe'«; on near same semi' ent one of the wealthiest men in Philadelphia Boston, June l_.-"The real cises place Trophy Point, was apparent In the dec¬ v«!iti<in of to Animals, $1,000; five minutes before the artery burst wa» end In life ia and among those orations.