South Yorkshire Lunatic Asylum; Dr
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~adsley. 633 • Hague Thomas, grocer and draper Miller Mr George, WadsIey house * Swift J oIm, farmer, Deerlands farm; Hall Henry, co· operative store ma Mitchell Dr Samuel, medical snper- and tobacco manufacturer, Sheffield nager, Malin bridge intendent, Lunatic Asylum Swift Joseph, joiLer and wheelwright, Hall William Bramall, farmer, Hirst Moore George, farmer & cattle dealer WadsIcy bridge Hanby }'yfrs Elizabeth, Yictualler, Tra }'yloore Thomas, cowkpr. Wadsley bdg * Swift Samuel, frmr. Hukin, Southey veller's Inn, Wadsley bridge MaDre Wm. & Jas. frmrs. BirleyCarr Swift Wm. blacksmith, Wadsley bdg Hawksworth Miss Henrietta, school- :Morton Charles, shopkpr.Malin bdge Taylor Alfred, solicitor, Sheffield; h mistress, Malin bridge Moss Joshua & Gamble Bros. tilters & Birley Carr Hel1iwell Saml. beerhs. Wadsley bdg forgers, Wadsley bdg.; & Sheffield Tillotson Thomas, victualler, Railway Hepworth George, farmer 1\loss Robert, greengrocer Hotel, Wadsley bridge ... Hill Capt. Augustus (Royal MRrine Mulkf'rns Rev J. curate-in-charge, t Townend Mr Francis, Middlewood Artillery), adjt. 4th West York Wadsley bridge Travis John, shopkeeper Artillery Volunteers, ParsOil Cross Murfin George, shopkpr. Rirley Carr Travis Willi'am, shoemaker ... Hirst Horatio Clark, farmer, Elm }Hurgatroyd Thomas, market gardener Trickett Mrs A. pocket scale presser Hobson Mrs Elizabeth, grocer N eedham George, postmastpr V l:i.ughton Benjamin, blacksmith; and Hobson Jph. farmer, Underclifffarrn Nelson Thomas, mason and builder, Hillsborough Holmes Rcy Melville, B.A. vicar WadsIey bridge Vause & Co. coal and lime merchants, Hutchinson Edwin, tailor and draper, Nunnington Geo. grocer, &c. Malin bdg Wadsley bridge; and Sheffield Wadsley bridge Nuttall Marshall, blacksmith, Malin Vickers .Mr Frederick, Dykes hall Hutchinson George, shopkeeper bridge * Vickers John, farmer, Doe Royd j Hutchinson Samuel, farmer Oates Charles, farmer, Burnell cottage and butcher, Sheffield * Ibbotson Abraham, farmer, Elm frm Owen Edward, farmer WHite David, victualler, Malin Bridge Ibbotson GeOl'ge, market gardener Oxspringl\frs:Eliz. frmr.Wardsend frm Inn, Malin bridge Ibbotson George, shopkeeper * Oxspring George, farmer, }'yIanor hs Walshaw Charles, farmer, Birloy edge Ibbotson Richd. bootrnkr. Malin bdge Payne Honry, surgeon, Loxley house Ward Jph. vict. Gate Inn,Wansley bdg Ibbotson Walter, joiner and wheelwrt Pigott Edmund, clerk and steward, Wardsend Steel Co. tilters and forgers, Illingworth Henry, pocket knife mfr W oodside cottage Wardsend Steel Works. (See Advt.) J ennings Robt. butcher, Wadsley bdg Proctor Mrs Eliz. vict. Sportsman Inn W esterman John, N at.. schoolmaster ... J ohnson Robert, farm bailiff Proctor J onathan, contractor, Hills- \Vilkinson Francis, file manufacturer, Kershaw Amold Wright, clerk of bro'; h Elm house, Wisewood Wadsley bridge works, S. Y. Asylum Richard John, beerhol1se Wilson Geo. whlwrgt. & carriage bldr Kirkby J onathan, market gardener, RichardsonWm. bootmkr.Wausloybdg Wilson German, millwright, black Wadsley bridge Ridal JGhn, contractor, Rydalhurst smith and timber mert.; h Hillsbro' Knott Seth, joiner: Robertson J ames Howison, surveyor's Wing M. & J. mfrs. of files, &c. and Lambell Wm. Richd. Hy. patent medi managing clerk steel converters and refiners, Jericho cine vendor,WadRleybdg; h Rothrhm t Rodgers J~seph & Sons, tilters and Works, Malin bridge Lawson William, shopkeeper and P0l:lt- forgers, Beeley Wood Steel Works Wood Mrs Annis, shopkpr. Malin bdg master, Wadsley bridge Roebuck }'yIrs A. shopkpr. Malin bdge Wood John, coal merchant, Wadsley Lawton Joseph S. farmer, Stubbing hs Rose William, viriB pruning knife mfr bridge; and Sheffield Leadbeater .Mrs J ane Saxby Mrs Ann, shopkeeper Wood John, roller, tilter and forgf'r, Liley William, traveller, Birley Carr Sayles Wm. Jol:n, mngr. Wadsley bdg WisewoodForge; and Rolling Mills, Littlewood Mrs Mary, Warren house, SeweIl William, chemist, Sheffield; h Wisewood Wisewood Wadsley lodge \Vood John, jun. foreman, Wisewood Lockwood Edward, joiner, wheel Shaw Mrs Ann, shopkpr. Wadsley bdg \Vood l\frs Sarah, farmer, Warren wright and blacksmith, Wisewood Shaw J olm Moxon, ,eterinarysurgeon, head, Wisewood Lockwood Thomas, grocer, draper, &c. Matlock view, ·Wisewood ,Vood William Hy. foreman, Wisewood Wisewood Shaw Thomas, victualler, Yew Tree WoodWm. Wilkinson (WardseudSteel Lunn Paul, shopkeeper, coal dealer, Inn, Wadslcy bridge Co.); h Burrowleo villa, Owlerton and pocket knife manufacturer Siddf111 Vincent,castrator and butcher, Woodcock Christopher, farmer Lunn Thomas, sexton Wadsley bridge ... Woodcock J no. farmer, Southey hall Lygo John, victualler, Star Inn Siddons Mrs Hannah Woodcock John Henry, coal merchant, It Machen George H. mert. Sheffield; t Skelton l\Ir J ph. Middlewood hall Wadsley bridge; and Sheffield h Parson CroRs villa Skinner Edward, surgeon, \Vadsley W oolhouse Booth John, provision }Ialin Bridge Industrial Co-operative bridge; h Sheffield dealer and butcher Soc. (lim.) grocers, butchers, bakers Snape Alfred, shopkeeper, Malin bdg t ,Voolhouse Samuel, victualler, Mid and drapers, Holme lano (Henry South Yorkshire Lunatic Asylum; Dr dlewood Tavern Hall, manager); and Sheffield Samuel Mitchell, medical suptdt Wragg Joseph, farmer, Bidey Carr Malin Bridge Loan Society; David Spicer Richard \Vebster, saddler and Wright Edmn, stay busk mfr. Malin Waite, treasurer harness maker, Holme In. Malin bdg bridge; and Rivelin Mal'Ples Mr John, \Vadsley grove Stanley John, farmer, IIirst I~AILWAY(M., S. & L.) Wadsley Bridge May J ames, manager, Wadsley bridge Steels Joseph, vict. Wisewood Inn Station; "Vm Gawltoy, station mastr WALES is a village seated on a pleflsant acclivity between the Chesterfield Canal and the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway, 2 miles from KilTeton Park railway station, 9 miles S.E. by E. of Sheffield and W. by N. of Worksop. Its parish, which includes the hamlets of Norwood (1 mile S.W. of \Vales village), Bcdgreave, and Wales wood, is in Worksop union and county court district, Rotherham petty sessional division and rural deanery, and York diocese and archdeaconry. It comprises 1319 acres, and had 305 inhabitants in 1861, but owing to the opening of collieries the population had increased to 1359 in 1871. At Norwood, the Chesterfield Canal has 13 locks and Ii tunnel 2850 yards long. The Duke of Leeds, who is lord of the manor, and Lord Conyers, own a great part of the soil. The CHURCH (St. John) is an ancient fabric, standing on a gentle eminence near Kiveton Park. It has Saxon arches and capitals, and contains memorials to the Hewetts, former lords of the manor. The living is a vicarage, valued at £300, in the patronage of the Archbishop of York and incumbpncy of the Rev. Lucius H. Deering, M.A. The UNITED !l'IETHODIST FREE CHUltCH was erected in 1868, and the PmMITIvE }'y'IJ>THODIST CHAPF.L, at Kiveton, in 1873. The NATIONAL SCHOOL, which was rebuilt in 1876, at a cost of £1722 12s. Bd., will accommodate 185.