
Adenanthos sericeus

Botanical Name: Adenanthos sericeus Common Names: Woolly Bush, , Native: Yes Foliage Type: Evergreen Type: Hedging / Screening, Plant Habit: TBA

Description: Beautifully soft, densely foliaged native with narrow, silvery-green leaves. Small red flowers appear throughout the year, but best used for foliage value. Tolerates coastal conditions and wind. It's dense habit makes it a great choice for a soft screen or windbreak. Grows approx 5m high x 2m wide. Keep potted and use as an decorate at Christmas as an 'Aussie Christmas '.

Mature Height: 2-4m Position: Full Sun Mature Width: 2-4m Soil Type: Loam, Sandy, Well Drained

Family Name: Landscape Use(s): Coastal Garden, Foliage Feature / Colour, Formal Garden, Hedging / Screening, Low Water Garden, Mass Planting, Rockery, Wind Break, Origin: Australia Container / Pot

Characteristics: Pest & Diseases: Foliage Colours: Green, Silver Generally trouble free Flower Colours: Red

Flower Fragrant: No Cultural Notes: Flowering Season: Spring, Summer Once established, will tolerate dry spells. Not for humid or boggy conditions. Fruit: Insignificant Requires little maintenance, prune only if required to shape.

Requirements: Growth Rate: Fast Plant Care: Low phosphorus slow release fertiliser Maintenance Level: Low Water Usage: Low

Tolerances: Drought: High Frost: High Wind: High

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