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. p a r t I c I a n Pitzer College Fall 1986 Table of Contents 1 From the President 2 From the Alumni Council 3 The Inside Story 5 Ink Spot 6 Learning Continues 8 The Censureship, Banning, and Burning of Books in America 10 Run Spot. Run! 10 A Pinch of Black Cats and Stepping on Cracks 12 Harvard's Appeasement 13 Calendar 14 The Scoop The Pitzer College Magazine Fall 1986 Volume 21, Number 1 Participant (USPS 970-280) is published quarterly by Pitzer College, 1050 North Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 9171l. Second class postage paid at Claremont, CA 9171l. Editor: Chandre Kipps '85 Design: Cinnamon Design Typography: Via Type Printing: Kellow Brown Company COVER: Photography: Tammy Lavanty '86 Cover, Kenneth Bohannon, Untitled Vessel, 1986 Page 6, Joanne Butera Turner '70. Hand-built, low fire clay illustration: 18xl0x6 Page 10, Rossana M. Lucido From the President As many of you might know, the opportunity of peace and Pitzer is in the midst of a quiet. MiLximizing privacy and "Campus Renovation Program." increasing natural lighting are two The clamour of jackhammers, of our highest goals. Construction concrete saws, and the smell of is scheduled to begin during the paint this SlUnmer served to winter vacation. remind us that Phase One had During the SlUnmer, a new carpet begun. was installed in Holden Dorm and There continues to be two the Sanborn living room was priorities the entire commlmity renovated. shares: In addition to these projects is the 1. That all existing facilities are purchase of9.53 acres on the well used before the idea of north side of the existing campus, buiding is considered; and, adjacent to Harvey Mudd College. 2. That students maintain an active This largely undeveloped property role in the process and their includes one of the few remaining needs given the highest priority. lmdisturbed areas of coastal sage This past year, the Community and chaparral in the immediate Resources Committee identified vicinity of the Colleges. While the need for the renovation of the long range plans would allow for study rooms in all three dorms. its eventual use for campus New desks and chairs, and the development, in the absence of a modification of several of the specific plan the College Space studyrooms into typing and band Committee has recommended that practice rooms, are just some of the natural area be preserved in its the ways we are attempting to existing state. meet student needs. In conclusion I would also like to The Reading Room in Mead Hall announce the appointment of Carl is one of the places of greatest Bandelin as Executive Director of change. The room will be Development. He will be in expanded to double the current charge of all development occupancy to allow more students programs of the College and will report directly to me. Mr. Bandelin comes to Pitzer from Yale University where he was Senior Development Officer. He received his B.A. from Pomona, an M.A. from University of California, Riverside, and his Ph.D. in English from Yale. I look forward to introducing him further in the next issue of Participant. Sincerely, ~ ';(~~ Frank L. Ellsworth President and Professor of Political Studies 2&3 From the Alumni Council Alumni-Admission Committee Regional Programs Committee Alumni-Faculty Interactions Committee Camille Lombardo '71 Sandy Segal '78 Linda Powers Leviton '74 Anita Ortega-Oei '75 Carolyn Wright '73 Peter Nardi Chuck Diaz '75 Ellin Ringler-Henderson We are happy to report the There are currently three The Alwnni-Faculty Interaction overwhelming success of the 1986 regions of the country that are Committee of the AllU11lli COlU1Cil Alumni-Admission New Student providing activities for graduates works to facilitate cOirunlU1ication receptions that were held in Los and former students. This past and interactions bet\veen allU11lli Angeles, San Francisco, and San swnmer, the Northern California and Pitzer faculty members. In the Diego. At our Los Angeles Alwnni Club, with the superb past this has generally asswned the reception, more than 150 direction of Carol Kruidenier form of haphazard invitations to prospective students and their Luery '78 and her husband, events and, for the past ten years, a parents visited with faculty, Michael (Pomona), a most small fanfare over tl1e Annual administrators, and ten allunni successful raft trip and picnic were Alwnni Academic Excellence vollU1teers at the Bonaventure held in Sacramento for Pitzer and Award. Things have recently Hotel. Plans are currently being Pomona allunni. The American improved, however. We've had two finalized to host similar receptions River proved to be an able enthusiastic representatives to the in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and challenge for more tl1an 50 Alwnni COlU1Cil: last year Ruth Chicago in early 1987. If any participants - 32 of them from Munroe and Ellin Ringler alwnni are interested in Pitzer! Plans are in the works right Henderson, and this year Ellin participating in these enjoyable now for a visit to both Sacramento will continue with the addition of evenings, please contact one of us and San Francisco by President Peter Nardi. Ellen and Ruth through the Alwnni Office. Ellsworth and possibly a surprise periodically reported alwnni news Paul Ranslow, Dean of faculty guest! Nortl1ern California to the faculty at College COlU1Cil Admission, recently reported that alumni should watch for an meetings, faculty received letters applications to Pitzer have invitation to this November event. and invitations to local events on a dramatically increased in tl1e past On October 24th the Chicago regular basis, and specific faculty t\vo years, but that his staff can use Regional Alwnni Club sponsored members were targeted to receive the help of alumni to continue this a Career Net\Vorking evening at personal invitations to some of upward trend. We are planning the home of Jill Minderhout our events. The response was very to expand the alumni role in Baskin '77. An Alwnni-Admission positive, and communication, in recruiting qualified students by New Student reception is planned general, continued to increase as inviting Southern California for February 1987, and a the Academic Excellence Award alumni to participate in tl1e "On committee of Chicago area alumni Task Force (Ellin Ringler Campus Day" for prospective will be developing plans for a Henderson, Werner Warmbrunn, students that will be held in April, Family Picnic in early July. Our Tom Ilgen, Sandy Segal, Linda 1987. In addition, some alwnni club organizers in Chicago would Leviton, and Meg Wilson) will be asked to participate in love your input on these proposed reviewed faculty sentiments about special minority on-campus days. programs, as well as suggestions the future of the award. One of One major project for our for others. So, speak up! the outcomes of the srudy is that committee this year is developing The Southern California faculty would like to interact with a packet of information that will Alwnni Club is very busy! alumni but that they wish to be be available to any graduate Upcoming events include an recognized as a whole. So, folks, who would like to share their "evening with faculty" lecture and look for a special faculty event in knowledge of Pitzer with tl1e local reception in the fall; a special early February that will include high school, guidance counselor, get-together of former Pitzer faculty, alumni, and maybe even or prospective srudents in tl1eir presidents Atherton and Atwell some past Pitzer presidents. We'll geographic area. You'll be hearing and current President Ellsworth, be sending more information later more about these packets as they for an overview of Pitzer from past in the year. become available. In the to present and a tribute to the meantime, please contact the faculty, in the spring; and a career Alumni Office if you are interested exploration night geared toward in any of these activities - or have our graduating seniors (and some additional suggestions. always-on-the-move graduates). Activities being discussed by the Club are a "mystety" evening or weekend, theatre evening at the newly reopened Pasadena Playhouse, ski trip, and rafting trip (the Northern California Club one sounded so great!). Let's hear some new ideas from new people - we'd love your participation in planning as well as your attendance. Inside Story Alumni Annual Fund Committee Ann Stromberg Gets Back to Basics Ann Stromberg, professor of sociology, made a special journey Madeline Pinsky Walker '73 this past SlUllmer into the world of Scott A. Citron '77 traditional healing. Stromberg spent a week on a Navajo Indian The 1986-87 fund raising year reservation on a study tour with a will be a major depamlre from our group of healthcare providers. The previous efforts. This year, for the group examined the traditional first time, we will be employing healing practices of the Indians the services of current Pitzer and how the health benefits of the students as some of our practices are being acknowledged flUldraisers . The reasons for tllis and accepted by the modern change are two-fold. First of all, healthcare practitioners who work by utilizing student callers we can with the Indians. As part of the increase the munber of calling tour, Stromberg went herb hours to almost 1000 per year. gathering with an Indian medicine This will enable tlle College to man and was struck by the beauty reach a major portion of our of the Indian rituals and the almnni population. respect and gratitude the Indians Secondly, tlle students will be show to the healing benefactor - able to keep the allUl1I1i much the earth. Stromberg plans to use better informed about what is her experiences to enrich the happening on campus.