Product 8.1

With the support of the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

CORE - CLIL Objectives and ResourceKit in Education

Agenda and minutes of project meetings


Agenda and minutes 1st project meeting Palma Nov 2011...... p 2 Agenda and minutes 2nd project meeting Karmøy, Norway April 2012...... p 13 Agenda and minutes 3rd project meeting Larissa Greece Oct 2012...... p 27 Agenda and minutes 4th project meeting Cavalese/Bolzano Italy...... p 39 Agenda and minutes 5th project meeting Cordoba April 2013...... p 49 Minutes extra project meeting Palma Mallorca Oct 2014...... p 56



Product 8.1a First project meeting Palma, Mallorca 9th - 12th Nov. 2011 TIM DATE ACTIVITY Partner E respons. Travel day.

Wed. Pick up arrangements to be settled when we know the different P2 9th Nov arrival times. Transport to hotel

20.30 Dinner P2

08.30 Meet at the lobby of the hotel and walk go to the Conellaria P2 09.00 Welcome to Consellaria Working session 1: Agenda and instructions Brief overview of CORE project and its objectives. P1 + 09.15 Introduction of each partner institution and external Consor evaluators/advisors ( 5 mins max /parther) -tium EU grant agreements/administrative matters Coffee break an Thurs. 10th networking 10.30-10.45) Nov 12.00 Lunch P2 Working session 2: WP3 Project management and coordination to start in month 1 P1 12.45 WP1 Research and Development to start in month 2 P6

16.30 Guided tour of Palma P2 20.30 Dinner P2 09.00- Working session 3 : 12.00 WP4 Quality Plan to start in month 1 P2 WP5 Disseminaton to start in month 1 P3/P5 Web site P7 (Coffee break an networking 10.30-10.45) Friday 11th 12.00 Lunch P2 Nov 13.15 School visits to see CLIL in action P2

15.30- Working session 4: 17.30 Budget P1 Financial and project reporting 20.30 Dinner P2 09.30 Pick up at the hotel and cultural trip to Soler P2 th 13.00 Lunch and all Sat. 12 Nov 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP 17.00 Return to Palma 20.30 FAREWELL DINNER Sunday 13th

Nov Return travel Day All 3

With the support of the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Minutes 1st CORE meeting Palma Mallorca 9th-13th Nov 2011

The CORE project team together with all the representatives from the host institution

Day 1 Thursday 10th Nov 2011

Venue: Direcció General d'Ordenació, Innovació i Formació Professional Conselleria d'Educació, Cultura i Universitats Passage Guillem de Torrella 1r, 4a planta 07002



Present: Per Fagerland PPS Karmøy, NO Brit Mona Vang PPS Karmøy, NO Wenche Erlien Snoball Film, NO Emanuela Atz IC Bassa Atesina, IT Liliana Amort IC Predazzo-Tesera, IT Anna Varna Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Marina Kollatou Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Tatjana Zacharova Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Regina Vilkeliene Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Vytuolis Valunas Dept. of Education, Alytus Municipality, LIT Victor Pavon Vazquez Universidad de Cordoba, ES Mabel Gaya Martinez Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Isabel Aureli Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Eva Cervantes Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Esperanza Bernat Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Angel Luis Merlo Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Nathalie Liechti Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Dr. Steve T. Molloy External Evaluator, UK John Rullestad External Evaluator, NO

Working session 1:

1. On behalf of the hosting institution Mabel Gaya (MG) welcomed all partners to the meeting 2. The CORE group were then officially welcomed to Palma by the Director-General, Onofre Ferrer Riera

Director Onofre Ferrer Riera welcoming the Director Onofre Ferrer Riera CORE group

a. MG reviewed the agenda which had been sent all participants in advance of the meeting (see Attachment 1) b. The coordinator of the project, Per Fagerland, (PF) presented an overview of: - EC Grant Agreement/Administrative matters - Communication in the consortium - further on this in working session 2


5 c. PF then suggested, as this was the first partner meeting and it was essential for partners to concentrate on discussing the contents of the project, that the two external advisors, Dr. Steve Molloy (SM) and John Rullestad (JR), could take the two positions of chairing the meeting and writing the minutes. This was agreed by the partners. d. A brief overview of the CORE project and its objectives was repeated. MG had prepared a milestones calendar and a calendar of deliverables based on the application which was duly distributed to all participants (see Attachment 2) e. Partners were then given the chance to a short introduction about their institutions and their experiences of CLIL. A short summary: - Greece, both partners: small rural schools with no official policy on CLIL, but wishing to implement it into the curriculum - Italy, both partners: small schools in the Alps with experience of CLIL, both in English and German for the last seven years. Example: Maths in German.

Working session with repr. from Lithuania, Norway, Italy and Spain

- Lithuania, Alytus, new to CLIL, but as this institution caters for 37 different activities in after-school hours they wish to try CLIL in some of the activities. - Norway, partner 1 Karmøy: No experience in CLIL, but as several primary schools have participated in a pilot project on second language training the next step for these schools (in 2012-13) could be to try out CLIL in project- based teaching as implementing it in a subject for a whole academic year would demand a decision at political level. - Norway, partner 2, Snøball AS, educational film production company with wide and long experience, including films on CLIL, of supporting and producing filmed case-studies for professional development and training. - Spain, partner 1, Balearics: long experience of CLIL, managing 166 schools in Mallorca with experience of CLIL. School visits next day to show participants how this is done in the classroom.



- Spain, partner 2, University of Cordoba:. 800 schools in Andalucia involved. A lot of in-service-training of subject teachers in CLIL.

After this input a round-table discussion took place and the following issues were pinpointed by the participants: a. Is there a CLIL core? b. Courses on implementing CLIL c. Clear key procedures on CLIL d. Documentation of good practice e. Existing materials f. How do we know what we produce will fit into the curriculum? g. Handbook- resource pack on implementing CLIL h. Principles of implementation i. Are there differences from country to country of implementing CLIL? j. CLIL for language teachers or subject teachers k. What about CLIL in leisure activities? l. CLIL in summer schools

Victor Pavon (VP) made introductions to WP1 Research and Development through a Power Point presentation (see Attachment 3)


Working session 2

1. Management, communication and financial issues.

Brit Mona Vang (BMV) informed about It’s Fronter, a learning platform the coordination institution has used in earlier Comenius Multilateral Projects. A discussion followed if one should use other similar platforms such as Moodle, Wiki and others or use e-mail as a communication tool.

Action Plan: a. E-mail to be used as the day-to- day communication tool. b. Sharing of CORE working documents. A Fronter room to be established.BMV to secure that a CORE Fronter room is set up by 15th Nov with all members of CORE getting their individual password and user name. c. Anna Varna (AV) to establish a CORE Facebook group during the first project meeting. The group to be open and CORE participants encouraged to invite colleagues and networks into the Facebook group

After this session the participants were split into three groups for the school visits, two secondary schools and one primary school - see feedback on school visits at start of session 3 Friday.

All participants gathered after the schools visits for guided tours to Palma , Royal Palace and the old town of Palma. Partners were all agreed that, as with former Comenius projects, cultural visits by participants should be an important part of the process of gaining insight into the history and culture which provides the broader context to educational innovation in each host country and underpins a project’s European dimension.



Dinner at hotel in the evening with all partners present

Inside beautiful Palma cathedral 11/11/2011 at 08.00

Day 2, Friday 11th Nov 2011

Venue: Direcció General d'Ordenació, Innovació i Formació Professional Conselleria d'Educació, Cultura i Universitats Passage Guillem de Torrella 1r, 4a planta 07002 Palma de Mallorca

Present:. Per Fagerland PPS Karmøy, NO Brit Mona Vang PPS Karmøy, NO Wenche Erlien Snoball Film, NO Emanuela Atz IC Bassa Atesina, IT Liliana Amort IC Predazzo-Tesera, IT Anna Varna Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Marina Kollatou Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Tatjana Zacharova Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Regina Vilkeliene Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Vytuolis Valunas Dept. of Education, Alytus Municipality, LIT Victor Pavon Vazquez Universidad de Cordoba, ES Mabel Gaya Martinez Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Isabel Aureli Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Esperanza Bernat Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Dr Steve T. Molloy External Evaluatorr, UK John Rullestad External Evaluatorr, NO

Working session 3

1. Observation of school visits

a. Name of school: CA Aina Moll, Palma de Maiorca

 Observation by Liliana Amort and Anna Varna on behalf of Anna Varna, Steve Molloy, Isabel Aureli and Liliana Amort  Art class in English primary school 6th grade  Native speaker in the class (assistant from the USA)  Art textbook in English 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


 Warming up: focus on language (revision about primary and secondary colours, fruit and frequency adverbs) Instructions for the task. Pupils working individually, drawing a still life. End of the lesson: anticipation of next lesson content  Focused more on language than on content  English classroom full of visual stimulants, posters in English, libraries, lots of reference books. White board available  Use of music while drawing and painting  Teacher very dynamic, fast pace of lesson, students seemed to understand her perfectly and responded accordingly

CLIL in the classroom

CORE partners observing a CLIL lesson English Design lessons through the medium of English

b. Name of school: IES Ramon Lllull, Palma Mllorca

First met for half an hour with Mr. Ricardo Sanchez who gave the group some background information about CLIL in the Balearics as well about the school:

 In 2004/05 only 5 schools in Balearic working with CLIL  Llull school just one teacher working with CLIL in 2004/05, Started in year 8, but the class had one lesson a week extra English in year 7.  Music is this academic yeartaught in French and also in English  Art and design are taught in English in year 7 and 8  It is easier to have CLIL in primary schools where the subject teacher has a good knowledge of English  English is spoken at the age of three in kindergartens  Important issue for discussion: Should one have subject teachers who can teach in another language or a mixture of subject teacher and language teacher in the class - demands a lot of resources 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


2. Educational films and Web site

Wenche Erlien (WE) of Snøball AS gave a presentation of how their film company works with regards to producing educational films in general and in more detail how they wish to go about making the two CORE films. Participants came with suggestions for locations which were Spain (Mallorca and Andalucia) and Italy (Predazzo and Basso) A short discussion among partners on whether both films should be in English or one in English and one in German followed.

Action plan: Partners to suggest locations of the two films at next project meeting where a decision will be taken. The languages for the films also to be decided at next partner meeting.

Wenche then proceeded to show a dummy of the opening page of the Web site. Partners came with input and suggestions to contents and design of logo.

Wenche Erlien explaining the CORE film plans

Action plan: Snøball AS to have the Web site up and running by 20th Dec. Coordinator to feed Snøball on contents based on information in the application on partners description and objectives. All partners to give input on other contents such as links to important CLIL web sites and examples of good practice.

There should also be a link on the opening page to CORE’s Facebook page and a CORE Twitter account should also be established.

Action plan: Links to Facebook and Twitter to be established on opening page unch

Working session 4

1. State of the Art analysis

VP ran through some important points that would have to be included in the State of Arts analysis by all partners:  Government policy on CLIL  Local analysis of official regulations on CLIL if they exist  Training and support in CLIL for teachers and other educationalists  Training programs o At European, national and local level o Diration



o Characteristics o Sustainabilty o CLIL implementation in initial teacher training o CLIL implementation in

Action Plan: VP to design a State of the Art analysis that the partners should carry out. VP to create this before 1st Feb 2012 and partners to carry out the analysis in their institutions/ municipalities by 1st April 2012.

2. Partners reporting to coordinator

Before forms for reporting were presented to the partners one of the external evaluators JR gave the partners an overview of the possibilities within the Comenius LLP program as well as golden rules for partners to be aware of in a Comenius project (See Attachment 4)

Forms for staff time devoted to the project as well as travel costs forms were distributed.

Action plan: The forms must be completed before each partner meeting and for the next meeting in April for the period 1st.Nov 2011-1st April 2012. It was also emphasized that all documents in the project including report forms must use the official logos to be found on the Commission’s Web site

3. Teacher training courses/conference/ meetings

In the application the first Comenius CORE teacher training courses is scheduled for October 2012. It was agreed among the partners that this would be too early in the timeline of the project. Partners also felt that 12 months between the second (April 2012) and third partner meeting (spring 2013) as in the application was too long a time for partners not meeting face-to-face. After some constructive discussion the following changes were agreed on: a. The teacher training course scheduled for October 2012 swops places with the third partner meeting in Greece scheduled for the spring of 2013 b. Lithuania are willing to host the first teacher course in April 2013 c. Greece hosts the third partner meeting in Oct 2012 instead of the spring of 2013 d. The fifth and last partner meeting in the autumn of 2014 follows the original timetable and the vent will also be in Spain, but with Cordoba hosting instead of Mallorca.

Action plan: The coordinating institution to request the above mentioned amendments to the original working plan.

4. Budget/Financial procedures

PF explained the procedures of financial reporting before suggesting the distribution of the 1st payment from Brussels based on staff time and costs that each partner puts into the project. This suggestion was agreed by the partners. Overview of this to be found in Attachment 5 Action plan: The coordinating institution (Karmøy) to transfer the first payment to the partners on return from the meeting.



5. Second partner meeting

Partners agreed to meet as scheduled in April 2012 in Karmøy, Norway, dates 25th- 29th April

Dinner at Celar Sa Premsa

Saturday 12th November

Cultural visit to Soller and Port Soller

Chiesa Soller

Picture gallery from the 1st CORE project meeting

Isabel Aureli from Spain and Anna Varna Liliana Amort rom Italy discussing with from Greece together with a Spanish art external evaluator dr. Steve T.Molloy CLIL/ teacher

The two external evaluators ,John Rullestad and Dr. Steve T.Molloy discussing after day 1



Attachment 1: Agenda- see p.2 of this document

Attachment 2: Milestones calendar

Attachment 3: Introductions to WP1 Research and Development www.coreproject.no/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/victor_mallorca.pdf

Attachment 4: Introduction to LLP and Golden rules in international projects www.coreproject.no/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/LLP-comenius- Palma-2011.pdf

Attachment 5: Distribution of funds

Attachment 6: Mind map after the meeting: www.coreproject.no/wordpress/wp- content/uploads/2012/01/mind_map_mallorca.pdf



Product 8.1b

With the support of the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

2nd project meeting Karmøy April 25th-28th 2012 - Agenda

Partner DATE TIME ACTIVITY respons. Travel day. Wedn.da Pick up arrangements – see updated travel form sent by mail  P1 y April installation at Rica Maritim Hotel in Haugesund th 25 Dinner at the hotel for those who want to. Meet in “Kompasset Bar” 21.00 P1 (1st floor) at nine if you do. Panorama film from the area shown at hotel. Meet in lobby at 08.25 08.30 P1 ready to go directly to meeting afterwards 08.50 Pick-up at the hotel and drive to PPS - Karmøy P1 Welcome to Karmøy and PPS by Ørjan Røed, Director of Education and Culture Some general information from host institution Working session 1: Chair and Minutes P1 Agenda Chair Thursday 09.30 th Presentation of Partners and institutions (5-8 min each) Powerpoint April 26 All is possible (also linking to the internet) State-of-Art – sharing according to given framework and P6 + tasks all WP 1 CLIL-films. Snøball film informs about decided plans P7 (possibly after lunch) LUNCH and school visit at Vågen Learning Centre - an alternative 12.00 P1 school in Karmøy (see presentation in folder) Working session 2: 13.30 WP 3 – Fronter. Instructions and questions P1 WP 4 – Quality plan. Evaluation of meetings + External evaluators P2 + 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


John/ Steve WP 5 – Website. Information and idea input P7 Some general information from host institution

16.30 Return to hotel and free afternoon 20.00 Pick-up at hotel for DINNER at “Åkra Sjømat” P1 Pick-up at hotel  School visit to Mykje school (presentation in 08.00 P1 folder) Back at hotel, coffee and starting Working session 3 : P1 11.00 Assessment for Learning in CLIL Britt- M WP Budget P1 3 Financial and project reporting Per 12.00 Lunchl P1 Working session 3 continuing (Coffee break and networking 14.30-15.00) Friday April 27th WP Dissemination activities 5 Thoughts so far from P4+8+3 IST P4 + WP Course Idea input from partners - working in mixed + groups 8 13.00 2 hand Summing up – settling a framework for courses book and handbook WP Summing up and evaluation → further PROGRESS of the P2 + 4 PROJECT and updating of Calendar 1 Some general information from host institution Dinner in Kopervik at “Eldhuset” – “The Hearth” (pick-up at hotel at 20.00 P1 19.30) Free time

Lunch individually!! Optional Mini hike to view point (“Vardafjellet”) – walking from the hotel (good road/path, but high heels are not recommended) Britt- Saturday 12.30 April 28th Lunch arrangement included for those who participate (see info in Mona folder) Pick-up at hotel for sightseeing trip over Karmøy to Skudeneshavn, P1 16.30 followed up by FAREWELL DINNER in Old Skudeneshavn at All 20.00 Sunday info on transport to airport during the Consor Return travel day – April 29th meeting -tium



With the support of the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Minutes 2nd CORE meeting Karmøy, Norway 25th-29th April 2012

The CORE project team together outside The Foghorn Factory in Old Skudeneshavn

Day 1 Thursday 26th April 2012

Venue: PPS Karmøy, 4250 Kopervik, Norway

Present: Ørjan Røed Department of Education and Culture,Karmøy, NO Per Fagerland PPS Karmøy, NO Brit Mona Vang PPS Karmøy, NO Jane Vold Fosen Skudenes ungdomsskole, NO Wenche Erlien Snøball Film, NO Emanuela Atz IC Bassa Atesina, IT Giada Cembran IC Bassa Atesina, IT Luisanna Fiorini IC Bassa Atesina, IT Liliana Amort IC Predazzo-Tesera, IT Silvana Varescol IC Predazzo-Tesera, IT Franz Lemayr Sovrintendenza scolastica, Bolzano, IT Enrico Hell Genitori per il Bilinguismo Suedtirol, IT Anna Varna Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Marina Kollatou Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR



Tatjana Zacharova Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Regina Vilkeliene Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Victor Pavon Vazquez Universidad de Cordoba, ES Mabel Gaya Martinez Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Isabel Aureli Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Eva Cervantes Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Dr. Steve T.Molloy External Advisor, UK John Rullestad External Advisor, NO

Welcome greetings

1. On behalf of the hosting institution Per Fagerland (PF) welcomed all partners to the meeting. 2. The CORE group was then officially welcomed to Karmøy by the Director of Education and Culture Ørjan Røed who made a presentation of the municipality of Karmøy.

The Director of Education and Culture in Karmøy, Ørjan Røed greeting the CORE group and presenting Karmøy

Working session 1

f. Brit Mona Vang (BMV) reviewed the agenda which had been sent all participants in advance of the meeting (see attachment 1) g. BMV then proposed that Emanulea Artz (EA) should chair the meeting and that Per Fagerland (PF) should write the minutes. Both proposals agreed on.

Item 1 Contextual Presentation

1.1 Presentations 5-8 minutes from each partner, with PP slides, on the national, local, and institutional contexts of the “state of the art” in CLIL implementation in their own countries and regions. All PP presentations (see attachments 2-7)

Action point: PP-presentations to be posted on to the CORE web site. Responsibility: Wenche Erlien (WE) and Anna Varna (AV)



1.2 Key themes noted for further discussion were :

(a) Contrast between officially bilingual or trilingual context and policy for two partners (Balearics and South Tyrol) and more “conventional” position of 2nd and 3rd language teaching for the other partners; (b) Related differences in the language competencies of subject-specialist CLIL teachers.

1.3 Oral presentation by WE on Snøball’s work as Norway’s leading producer of educational training films.

Item 2 State of the Art Analysis.

2.1 Overall analytical focus on the three key questions emphasized by the lead partner for this WP (Work Package) in the template circulated.

2.2 Presentations from partners on the state of CLIL implementation in: a. South Tyrol and Trentino, Italy b. Andulusia and Balearics, Spain c. Rogaland county and Karmøy municipality, Norway d. Larissa, Greece e. Alytus, Lithuania

Action Point. All presentations to be posted on the Web site (AV and WE) and attached to minutes (see attachments 9-13)

2.3 Discussion took place around the key problem behind the three key questions: Is there is a CORE body of theory and practice for CLIL implementation which can be adopted successfully in countries and regions with different socio-linguistic characteristics?

Action Point. It was agreed that each partner would write their own summaries in relation to the three key questions and that an overall summary would be produced for circulation to all partners.This would provide a key link between:

(a) the partners’ research work on best practice in local CLIL implementation and (b) the project’s demonstration and dissemination of best practice through its own products , especially the filmed case-studies.



Liliana Amort presenting the situation of CLIL in Predazzo, Italy 2.4 Systematic framework for the project’s research and development work

Outlined by lead partner for the Work Package. Might be further concentrated and disseminated through four research domains highlighted at Utrecht conference on CLIL recently attended by several partners.

Lunch and school visit to “Holmen” centre for alternative education

The Head Teacher of Holmen school, Johannes Bjoland, explains the philosophy of the school to members of the CORE project.

Working Session 2

Item 3 Filmed Case Studies

3.1 Location. Through communications between Snøball and other partners since the last meeting, Italy and Mallorca had proposed themselves as the two case-study locations. Snøball’s recommendation that their proposals could and should be accepted was agreed and confirmed.

3.2 Timing and Subject Choices. 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


Snøball suggested that filming outside Norway could take place in both localities over a single 5-day period to minimize travelling and production costs. In Italy, the focus would be on Italian and German; in Mallorca on Catalan and English; and in Norway on Norwegian and English. Subject choices would be Maths and Science in Italy, and Theatre/Modern Science and Technology in Mallorca.

3.3 Timetables for transcription and translation were agreed. Filming to be in October, but not to clash with Greece meeting. Films to be previewed and finished by December 2012.

3.4 Copyright issues discussed and reassurance welcomed from Snøball that, as a “not for profit” organization, all their films are produced and accessed in accordance with Comenius “open and free” guideline and will be posted on YouTube, the Web site and the home pages of the partners and other possible CLIL and educational sites..

3.5 General discussion on analytical focus led to agreement on the need for filmed case-studies to do more than simply describe current practice. They should have a clear analytical focus on CLIL key problems, e.g. different ways of handling the balance between subject specialist and language specialist teachers.

Action Point. Snøball will take forward more detailed discussions with specific partners and schools on final scheduling decisions.

Item 4 Development of Project Websites

4.1 Crucial role of website for ongoing dissemination was re-affirmed. It was agreed that Anna Varna (AV), in line with the Greek partners’ lead responsibilities for dissemination (WP5) would exercise editorial roles of:

(i) Receiving and reviewing potential material; (ii) Circulating partners to provide opportunities for comment and discussion, (iii) Co-ordinating and executing decisions on what to include (iv) Communicating decisions and materials to WE at Snøball for inclusion and in appropriate presentational form.

4.2 Balance in content between professionalism and quantity was agreed in the context of discussions about existing content.

Action Point Project Co-ordinators to produce more accessible project summary.

4.3 Use of Logos. Discussion suggests need for partner logos or something equally symbolic on project website under Partners.

Action Point Each partner to decide on which symbol they want and send to AV and WE.

4.4 Link to other CLIL-related sites. AV to ask partners for edited lists of links. Ideally perhaps 5-10 links from each partner.

Action Point: AV and WE to agree with project partner on what materials to be put on Web site. All partners to submit input on ideas about contents and links. 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


Next meeting will review and evaluate editorial role and mechanisms.

Item 5 Quality Plan.

5.1 Presentation from Balearic partners focused on three aspects: a. Measuring and monitoring process; b. Means of improvement; c. Assurance of project goals and partner’s satisfactions.

Presentation to be attached to minutes, distributed by email to partners, and placed on Fronter platform. (see attachment 14)

5.2 Research and observation tools. Agreement on (a) need to keep suggested QA tools under review to ensure the project is achieving its goals in terms of outputs and that these are fit for purpose; (b) use as a framework for “snapshot” evaluation of the current symposium at its conclusion tomorrow.

5.3 Relationship between internal and external evaluation. External evaluator had circulated in advance the Rosetta McLoud’s framework for external evaluation “How good is our school”, “How good is our project” etc . It was agreed that appropriate elements of it would be used for integrating internal and external project evaluation.

Item 6 FRONTER platform as basis for project management website.

6.1 Progress on Fronter and how to access it reviewed by Brit Mona Vang (BMV). Demonstration of what the folders are, what is in them now and how to upload

6.2 Subsequent discussion revealed: (a) need for mechanisms for copying the logo and other diagrams; (b) persistent underlying problem of switching website into English.

6.3 Action Point Project co-ordinators to liaise with their ITC technical support staff to address and resolve these issues

Day 2 Friday April 27th 08.00-10.00

Partners picked up at hotel at 08.00 for visit to Mykje school, Karmoy

Impressions from the school visits can be read on the blogs of two from the CORE group, Marina Kollatou (MK): http://blogs.sch.gr/mkollatou/2012/05/03/my-participation-in-the-core-project-a- multilateral-comenius-program-in-karmoy-norway-impressions-and-thoughts/ and Anna Varna (AV): http://inyourhands.edublogs.org/2012/05/01/norwegian-schools-a-trip-to-the-future/



Isabel Elena Aureli from Mallorca being guided by Pupils instructing each other in the use of a pupil at Mykje primary school a cello

Pupils’ work at Mykje primary school

Working Session 3 10.00-12.00

Venue: Hotel Rica Maritim Conference Room

Present: Per Fagerland PPS Karmøy, NO Brit Mona Vang PPS Karmøy, NO Jane Vold Fosen Skudenes ungdomsskole, NO Wenche Erlien Snøball Film, NO Emanuela Atz IC Bassa Atesina, IT Giada Cembran IC Bassa Atesina, IT Luisanna Fiorini IC Bassa Atesina, IT Liliana Amort IC Predazzo-Tesera, IT Silvana Varescol IC Predazzo-Tesera, IT Franz Lemayr Sovrintendenza scolastica, Bolzano, IT Enrico Hell Genitori per il Bilinguismo Suedtirol, IT Anna Varna Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Marina Kollatou Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Tatjana Zacharova Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Regina Vilkeliene Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Victor Pavon Vazquez Universidad de Cordoba, ES Mabel GayaMartinez Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics



Isabel Aureli Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Eva Cervantes Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Dr Steve J. Molloy External Advisor, UK John Rullestad External Advisor, NO

Item 5 Overall Progress Review

This was substituted for presentation on AfL (Assessment for Learning) which it was agreed could best be pursued at the next meeting. Partners preferred to continue previous day’s discussion on state of the art CLIL implementation in order to sharpen analytical focus on work to be undertaken before next project symposium. It was felt that further group

Discussion was needed on the precise implications of partners’ state of the art analysis for key problems of CLIL implementation:

Does it reveal common or specific problems? What practical solutions does it suggest?

5.1 Working in pairs It was suggested that partners might work in pairs in this session, and subsequently, as a preliminary means of sharpening focus on: (a) What was common and what was specific to their own experience of CLIL implementation; (b) What exactly are each partner’s next steps in the research and development work package. Breaking out into four discussion groups of paired partners produced the following main points reported back to the group as a whole:

5.1.1 In the Balearic Islands key problem is Subject teachers’ relatively low level of foreign language competence. Solutions adopted have included the use of teaching assistants for whom the foreign language is their first language. Experience indicates that: (a) Teachers still need extra timetable allowance to prepare their own materials because there are not enough as yet. (b) More CPD (Continuouds Professional Development) in CLIL is needed. (c) More systematic evaluation of the process, including student experience and outcomes, is needed. It was also clear that the co-existence of two official languages can be a problem. Agreement on English being important, but tensions between the two mothers tongues.

5.1.2 Cordova/Andulusia Strong points are that: (a) All schools are included in public, universal, non-elitist bilingual programmes (b) Teachers are trained and have access to graded programmes. (c) Integrated programmes involve ICT and bilingual schools.

Weaknesses include: (a) Very low linguistic competences. (b) Low pedagogical capacity on bilingualism and different CLIL models. (c) Inadequacy of co-ordination funding. Solutions encompass better training programmes, more exchanges, clearer strategy



5.1.3 Greece. Basic problem is no top-down policy. Makes it hard, if not impossible, for teachers to do CLIL on own initiative. Doing CLIL effectively on one’s own initiative is a “heroic” enterprise. A realistic objective would be not to change government policy, but try to make theory and practice of CLIL more visible through essentially disseminating role of attending conferences and proselytising with advisers and head teachers.

5.1.4. Italian Tyrol In Italian Tyrol methodological competence is key issue. Primary school level involves two language teachers in each classroom. In Trentino there are clear similarities to the Balearic levels of limited foreign language competence in of the subject teachers. This leads to a key role having to be performed by the language teacher(s) within the team, a situation which applies to all languages

5.1.5. Norway For Norway, discussions within pairs of partners indicate experiences of CLIL implementation similar to Greece. No overall policy or regulations and little experience and competence locally. There is ,however, one critical contextual difference with clear implications or practicalities in CLIL implementation. There is a relatively high level of foreign language competence, especially in English, within the population as a whole. This is reinforced by:

(a) The high priority given to foreign language learning in schools from an early age and (b) Culturally widespread “learning by immersion” inside and outside formal cl classroom. The most immediate and perhaps most important CLIL implication of these contextual factors is that many if not most subject teachers already do have good English competencies and many teachers of English are also subject teachers. CLIL principles may well be embedded implicitly in much current teaching of foreign languages. A major issue is for these to be integrated more clearly with formal initial and CPD training for both language and subject specialists.Case studies and their dissemination have a vital role to play in this.

5.1.6. Lithuania For Lithuania, comparative state of the art analysis indicates a very different sociolinguistic context from Norway’s. One which is closer to that of Greece and, perhaps even further away, in terms of the foreign language competence of subject teachers. This is the major general problem for CLIL implementation in Lithuania. A specific contextual factor of the Lithuanian experience is the emphasis upon foreign language acquisition through informal education. This is the specific area of expertise for the Lithuanian partners. Strengths in this area are the high levels of student and teacher motivation and levels of participation in related EU projects. Main weakness is that students who are free to choose and move between activities may opt out of CLIL-oriented activities if they are seen to be too demanding. Solutions lie in exploring the specific issues of CLIL implementation in informal adult education.

Action Point External evaluator to review state of the art analyses in relation to overall project objectives and advise on progress to date.

Lunch Break 1200-1300

Working Session 3 (continued) 13.00-17.00



Item 6 Budgets and Dissemination. Reports from Project Co-ordinator

6.1 PF needs totals of travel expenses from each partner, not actual detailed receipts for each item of expenditure. However, partners should keep these detailed receipts in case they are required at a later date. PF to send each partner details of subsistence fixed per diem basis. Partners invited to send more detailed queries directly to PF.

6.2 Partners thanked for completing dissemination records for project co-ordinator and reminded to keep a rolling record of all dissemination activities and send PF the number of days spent on each. Partners reminded that their budgets can be used for conference attendance in support of dissemination

Item 7 In-service-training Course and Handbook (WP2)

7.1 Presentation of mind map from EA as leader for this phase of project work. See Attachment mind map course

7.2 Title No firm commitment as yet but could be CLIL CORE COURSE.

7.3 Relationship between the two courses Discussion of whether courses should be staged from “beginners” to “advanced” reverted to emphasis on original project proposal to pitch both courses at the same level with the same aims with the first as a pilot for the second. This would involve preparatory and follow-up feedback with course delegates and potential course delegates

7.4 Timing and Location Agreed that first course would be offered in Lithuania. Dates agreed 5th-11th May 2013, enabling possible participants to apply within 15th Jan 2013 which probably will be closing dates for possible participants to apply. Second course scheduled to be held in June 2014 in Mallorca.

7.5 Level and Content Further discussions on issues of beginners/advanced levels indicated preference not to restrict entry in terms of experience and/or qualifications, but to adjust ongoing delivery of the course to specific needs and experience of the specific course delegates. It was anticipated that there would be a maximum of 25-30 people.

7.6 Methodologies and techniques Discussion revealed need for Italian partners to lead and co-ordinate further exploration of:

(a) Whether “experts” are needed, what they would do, how much and how to pay them; (b) Nature of handbook as essentially a slim pamphlet indicating course outline and linkages to CD and web-based materials produced by course team and by delegates themselves. (c) First course in Lithuania would provide opportunitiesfor experiencing CLIL in a foreign language likely to be unfamiliar to most delegates. (d) Prep phase - agreement on learning platform for applicants who apply in January to do things till May. Should have objectives and each one writes reflection on why they applied, what they expect and what they want to achieve. Also a 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


presentation of oneself on the Web site for people to get to know each other. (e) Phasing should encompass arrival on Sunday evening with icebreakers followed up by CORE Market Place on the Monday afternoon. Monday morning should place delegates into Lithuanian CLIL context, Tuesday likely to embrace more theoretical input, Wednesday should encompass less theoretical and more practical activity plus including school/cultural visits. (f) Organizational need to have one person responsible for curriculum and lesson planning with evaluation; tools, digital and not. (g) Need to budget for 20 participants to break even. RV and TZ to send project coordinator overview of costs related to accommodation, meals and excursions.

Content of different sessions is up to the experts. End product - need to summarize and send everyone a revised mental map for further modification - the actor in CLIL platforms. An expert on planning. Anna to send summary to all by end of next week, discussion continues digitally thereafter.

Item 8 Summing up and evaluation

Schedule of future meetings agreed as: Larissa Oct 3-6/7 2012; May 5-11 2013 Lithuania course 1; Autumn 2013 Italy (October) 16th to 20th or 23rd to 26th October 2012; Spring 2014 course II in Mallorca; Autumn 2014 last meeting at Cordoba. These dates have been sent to Brussels by the project coordinator requesting an amendment to dates in the original application

Partner evaluation invited on basis of distributed snapshot evaluation by IA. To be completed and returned for analysis and report by Balearic partners. Summary and thanks to partners from EA in capacity as chair person. Thanks reciprocated by partners chair EA to host institution for highly successful organization and closed formally the meeting.

St.Olav at Avaldsnes in Karmøy, Norway’s birthplace



Purposes of Education in Karmøy - possible visions for CORE and CLIL also?

The Head of PPS Karmøy Per Fagerland presenting the visions for education in the muniicipality of Karmøy

Attachment 1 Agenda see p.13 in this document

Attachment 2- 7 can be found in Progress report under products no.12

Attachment 9.-14 can be found in Progress report products no.12

Attachment mind map: www.karmoyped.no/webmail/src/webmail.php



Product 8.1c

With the support of the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Meeting Larissa - October 3rd - 7th October 2012 - Agenda

Partner DATE TIME ACTIVITY respons.

Travel day. Wed. Pick up arrangements to be settled when we know the different Octobe arrival times  installation at Dionissos Hotel in LARISSA r 3rd 20.30 Dinner arranged individually Meet at the lobby of the hotel and go to the conference room of 08.25 the hotel. P5 Welcome and general information from host 08.30 Presentation of new consortium members Working session 1: 09.00 Progress review --> achievement vs. specific aims, P1 + Ext. objectives, deliverables evaluator W Research and 09.05 P 1 Development  what are the aims and objectives P6 09.55: coffee break  what has been achieved Thurs. W IST course and 10.05  what has not been achieved P4(+8) Octobe P 2 Hand book th r 4 W  what we still need to do (how? when?) 10.55 Dissemination P3 + 5 P 5 11:30 Lunch 12.30 Working session 2: All 14.00 Visit the Music School of Larissa

15:00 Visit Kalambaka, the Rocks of Meteora and the monasteries P5 20.00 Dinner and return to Larissa

Working session 3: Friday Octobe Group work in lead partner groups (30 min) th 08.30 Planning and time- r 5 tabling of next Presentation and discussion (5 + 20 min P1 steps WP 1 + 2 + 5 each WP) Coffee break 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


Summing up work plans 11.00 Case studies report from all partners (max 5 min each) P6

11.45 Web status and input P7

12.30 LUNCH at the hotel Working session 4: CLIL- Presentation of status and planned schedule films Questions and discussions 13:30 status P7 and Summing up and settling progres s 15.30 Working session 5: P1 “unfinished work-buffer” Summing up and evaluation P1 + 2 17.00 FREE TIME    19:00 Pick-up at hotel for tour of the city and dinner P5 09.00 Pick up at the hotel and drive to Makrinitsa - tour of the city P5 11.00 Visit KPE (Centre of Environmental Education). Sat- and all Octobe 13.00 Visit the museum of lake culture. r 6th 15.00 Lunch  17.00 Return to Larissa and FAREWELL DINNER at 21.00 Sunda y

Octobe Return travel day r 7th



With the support of the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Minutes 3nd CORE meeting Larissa, Greece, 3rd - 7th Oct 2012

Venue: Larissa, Greece

Present: Marina Kollatou Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Irene Doula Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Brit Mona Vang PPS Karmøy, NO Jane Vold Fosen PPS Karmøy, NO Knut Teigen Snøball Film, NO Emanuela Atz IC Bassa Atesina, IT Giada Cembran IC Bassa Atesina, IT Luisanna Fiorini IC Bassa Atesina, IT Giovanna Mora IC Bassa Atesina, IT Liliana Amort IC Predazzo-Tesera, IT Silvana Varescol IC Predazzo-Tesera,IT Antonella Giorioi IC Predazzo-Terea,IT Francesca Guadagnini IC Predazzo-Tesero, IT Franz Lemayr Sovrintendenza scolastica, Bolzano, IT Enrico Hell Genitori per il Bilinguismo Suedtirol, IT Tatjana Zacharova Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Regina Vilkeliene Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Victor Pavón Vázquez Universidad de Cordoba, ES Javier Ávila Universidad de Cordoba, ES Sandra Perez Costa Universidad de Cordoba, ES María Isabel Gaya Martinez Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Isabel Elena Aureli Giovacchinii Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics

Dr. Steve T.Molloy External Advisor, UK John Rullestad External Advisor, NO



CORE project group - Larissa meeting

Wednesday 3rd Oct 2012. Participants arrive early evening - Dinner

Thursday 4th Oct 2012 08.30-15.00 Venue: Conference room, Dionyssys Hotel, Larissa

08.30: Welcome:

1. On behalf of the hosting institution Marina Kollatou (MK) welcomed all partners to Larissa. Introductory Presentation Film welcoming partners to Greece. Theme was “Greek Myths” in the sense of challenging with evidence some common misconceptions about the country’s role in the current Economic crisis and public reactions to it. 2. The CORE group was then officially welcomed to Larissa by the Director of Education Konstantina Prantzou-Kanioura who in her welcome speech stressed the following issues: a. Out of 13 such Directorates in Greece this one has the highest rates of European mobility of staff and pupils b. It links local agents to national policy. c. Its work is co-ordinated by school advisors and inspectors. d. Its specific departments include those for primary, secondary and administration. e. It values highly the synergy effect of having teachers taking part in European projects and the opportunity of sharing ideas, experiences and best practice f. It has particular concerns for the needs of Regional Teacher’s Centres with regards to special education and vocational education

Working session 1 09.00-11.30 Progess Review, WP1, WP 2, WP 5  In relation to our aims and objectives:  what has been achieved?  what has not been achieved?  what we still need to do? (how? who? when?)



Progress review --> achievement vs. specific aims, objectives, deliverables

Interim progress review was agreed as the main focus for the meeting, centred upon a detailed written interim evaluation from the project’s External Evaluator and Advisor, Dr. Steve Molloy. This had been circulated to partners in advance of the meeting See attachment 2 It was structured around:  The aims, objectives and timelines of the project’s key, “concrete” deliverables as set out in the original proposal. In particular it looked in detail at the first major proposed deliverable: o the State of the Art Reports which each partner had prepared on CLIL implementation within their own countries and local educational networks. It was noted that these had all been lodged as agreed on the FRONTER website. This was commented upon favourably by the External Evaluator, as was the high quality of the reports themselves. : See attachments SoA and 1

 Evaluation of the SoA reports (Attachment 1) and the detailed, point-by-point external evaluation of progress against the aims and objectives of each deliverable (Attachment 2) were agreed to be taken as a preliminary to subsequent more detailed discussion of each deliverable by the partners.

Before looking at each deliverable in more detail, the external evaluator was asked to provide a verbal overview. SM did this and drew partners’ attention to two main points in particular:

1. The SoA reports had achieved their aim of providing the analytical basis for most of the project’s specific products, particularly i. The Documented Case-Studies, ii. DVDS/films, iii. Strategic Resource Packs, iv. CLIL Training Course and v. Course Handbook.

2. At this stage of the project, it was vital, to follow through the specific implications of the SoA reports for the “next step” planning and implementation of each deliverable.

It was suggested and agreed that discussion of these issues would be facilitated by a simple template for recording conclusions and action plans for next steps. A matrix was discussed and agreed as the basis for detailed discussion and planning of “Next Steps” for each deliverable as the meeting progressed. This matrix is attached at the end of each section of attachment 2



CORE members at meeting

Training Course for Lithuania in May 2013

It was agreed that a major priority for the meeting would be discussion of the first CORE training course and action planning for its delivery in Lithuania in parallel with the next project meeting in May 2013.

In reporting as the lead partners (Italy) for this deliverable, Liliana Amort (LA) shared with partners the points emerging from a focus group on course contents and structure held since the previous meeting with local representatives of the course’s projected target groups. This had also fed into discussions about the course brochure and other publicity aspects held over the summer with external advisor John Rullestad (JR).

On the basis of further discussions and consultation with partners, Italian colleagues had designed and produced a three-page brochure instead of an originally envisaged 6-10 page document for delivery of a CORE course from 5-11 May 2013. LA gave a visual presentation of the proposed brochure and its indicative course content.

Partners received this presentation favourably and substantial discussion followed. Agreement was reached on the broad outlines of course content and structure and there was further discussion of how to reflect in the brochure the course’s USP (unique selling points) clustered around its demonstration and addressing of major issues of socio-linguistic diversity in CLIL implementation. See attachment 4a and 4 b

Lunch 11.30

Working session 2 12.30-14.00

Revised Core Website(s)

Knut Teigen (KT) gave a visually-aided presentation on revisions to the CORE website since the last meeting. A clearer distinction had been made the project management website (restricted to partners) and the publicly available web site established to disseminate and discuss the project’s ongoing work and products.



Partners discussed the need to create more specific folders for the public web site which could be used to host and signpost files downloaded from the management website.

It was agreed that partners responsible for the dissemination work package would continue to exercise an editorial role for the public website. That is to say, through ongoing discussions with the project co-ordinators and other partners, they would:

(a) review and where appropriate edit and organise materials suitable for download to the public website;

(b) visual presentation of materials downloaded to the public website: www.coreproject.no 14.00-15.00 Visit to Music School of Larissa

Excited CORE participants listening to a music lesson

15.00-23.00: Travel to Kalambaka and visit to Rocks of Meteora and the monasteries including dinner at 20.00



Friday 5th Oct 2012 09.00-17.00

Venue: Conference room, Dionyssys Hotel, Larissa

Working session 3 09.00-12.00

1. Research and Development Victor Pavlon

Structure State-of art Case studies Future case studies Resource Pack

See attachment Core case studies guidelines and road map

2. Planning and time-tabling of next steps WP 1 + 2 + 5

 Administrative notices and welcome to the second day  Agenda revision for the day to focus on discussion and formulation of next steps  Division into three groups chaired by lead partners for each Work Package (WP) to review and bring conclusions back to plenary meeting. o Thus, partners 6+5 worked on Research +Development with external consultant SM. o Partners 8+1+3 worked on course delivery and handbook with project co-ordinators and external consultant JR. o Representatives from Mallorcan and Italian partners worked in DVD development group chaired by Snoball. o In advance of their role in preparing for, and hosting the next meeting and first course delivery in May 2013, Lithuanian partners moved from group to group. It was agreed that discussions would continue informally with reports back as the day progressed

3. Presentation from Knut Teigen (KT) on Norway CLIL film. See:


KT showed and commented upon a Snoball film made two years ago in cooperation with The Norwegian National Centre for 2nd Language tuition. He explained that it ‘ has the same structure as the one they are recommending for the CORE DVDs/films. It focuses on CLIL principles plus illustration and discussion of CLIL teaching in action.

This demonstration film focuses on 12-16 age groups of school students taking classes either in English or English integrated with Social Science. In it, teachers are interviewed by the film maker on what is CLIL, why they have chosen this topic as suitable for CLIL. Partners noted and discussed its key features, in particular, teaching strategies and goals to absorb pupils, and lessons from practice such as middle ability students using English most, whereas higher-performing students seem sometimes to prefer to “show off” their superior subject knowledge in Norwegian. It was agreed that our own CORE DVD/film studies of best practice would also look very closely at specific classroom interaction between subject and language teachers. 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


KT also reported on the e-mail and Skype discussions which he had had since the previous meeting (Karmoy) with the Mallorcan and Italian partners. As a result of these discussions it was agreed that there would be an analytical focus on different socio-linguistic groups in different lessons. It was was agreed that the planning of the films was within planned progress and partners expressed satisfaction at the progress made and plans for future work on DVD/film production. See grid for filming: Attachment 5

KT went on to make a proposal that partners should make a short introductory film about CLIL in general as part of the work on DVD/film production. This was discussed and agreed upon.

Lunch 12.00-13.00

Working session 4 13.00-15.00

Partners reported back on working group discussions and agreed a matrix of next steps.

LA reported back on detailed working group discussions of Italian partners’ work with classes in Italy using a 1.5 CLIL module out of 3 on “How to Analyse a European State”, including statistical materials on how to construct a pie-graph. Analysis of Italy as a state was used as the starting point for application to other EU countries. Foreign language vocabulary building included words and concepts like industry, trade and resources.

KT reported back on further details of proposed film contents. One needs to take account of:

 social context and specify clearly what particular kinds of CLIL teaching points are being made.  how the subject and language teachers can best co-operate. o Planning before the lesson. o How the lesson-construction needs to be done. o The nature of the scaffolding. o Student reactions. o Assessment in CLIL.

Britt-Mona Vang (BMV) reported back on CLIL situation in Norway based on research from 2006. See attachment 6 The Norwegian partner P1 will have ready a new and fresh research document by 22nd May.

Dr.Javier Ávila (JA) led discussion on openness of case-studies around key principles and methods.

KT led Brainstorming for introductory film. Having agreed earlier that a general CLIL introductory film would be made it was agreed that a preliminary brain-storming around its possible contents could be fitted into this current meeting now in advance of subsequent Snoball DVD/film production in Mallorca and Italy.



Major topics which emerged were:  What is CLIL?  What is CLIL methodology? ~ Scaffolding.  How do you deal with assessment?  Is CLIL an old or new approach?.

Focus on content on these key questions:

a. Is there a common core of CLIL theory and practice?. b. Does it have to be modified for different socio-linguistic contexts and if so, how? An issue of whether it should be voice-based was raised for later discussion.

Working session 5 15.30-17.00

 “Unfinished work-buffer”  Summing-up and evaluation

Mallorcan partners then co-ordinated distribution and completion of pro-forma for Snapshot Evaluation of the meeting by the partners. Isabel (IA) presented outline account of ongoing and subsequent internal evaluation of project process.

The results of the evaluation are collated in Attachment 8

For subsequent meetings It was agreed that:

The next (4th) project meeting would take place in May 2013 prior to and during the first delivery of the CORE course. Second CORE course planned for 4th-11th May 2014 in Mallorca.

The week beginning Oct 6th 2013 was proposed for the 5th project meeting to be held to encompass the centres of both the Italian partners. There were problems for this week for Norway and Mallorca and it was agreed to discuss this proposal further.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to Emanuela for her constructive, firm, but always friendly chairing of the meeting.



Saturday 6th Oct 2012 09.00-17.00

Morning: Visit to the KPE (Centre of Environmental Education), Makrinitsa

Environmental lecture for the CORE project group in Makrinitsa


Visit to Kanalia and Museum of Lacustrine Culture of the Karla “KE.ME.BO” in Makrinitsa followed by lunch in Makrinitsa.

Photos from the museum in Makrinitsa

17.00 Return to Larissa

21.00 Farewell dinner



Attachment State of Art from all partner countries can be found in list of products in Final report, deliverable no.1

Attachment 1 Progress and evaluation State of Art analysis external evaluator can be found in list of products in Progress report Product no.6

Attachment 2 Interim progress review on the first 12 months by external evaluator can be found in Progress report list of products Product no.9

Attachments 4 and 4 b can be found in list of products Progress report Product no. 4 Brochure

Attachment 5 Grid for filming: www.karmoyped.no/webmail/src/webmail.php

Attachment Core case studies guidelines: www.karmoyped.no/webmail/src/webmail.php

Attachment 8 Larissa meeting evaluation: www.karmoyped.no/webmail/src/webmail.php



Product 8.1d

With the support of the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Minutes 4th CORE project meeting Cavalese/Bolzano, Italy 8th-13th October 2013

Present: Marina Kollatou Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Irene Doula Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Britt Mona Vang Karmøy, NO Per Fagerland Karmøy, NO Ingrid Sørvåg Karmøy, NO Emanuela Atz IC Bassa Atesina, IT Giada Cembrano IC Bassa Atesina, IT Luisanna Fiorini IC Bassa Atesina, IT Giovanna Mora IC Bassa Atesina, IT Liliana Amort I IC Predazzo-Tesero, IT Silvana Varescol IC Predazzo-Tesero, IT Antonella Giorioi IC Predazzo-Tesero,IT Francesca Guadagnini IC Predazzo-Tesero, IT Dovile Puzaite Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Regina Vilkeliene Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Victor Pavón Vázquez Universidad de Cordoba, ES Sandra Perez Costa Universidad de Cordoba, ES Olga Salcedo Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Dr. Steve T.Molloy External Advisor, UK John Rullestad External Advisor, NO

Tuesday 8th Oct, travel day, arrival Cavalese, welcome dinner.

517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP 40

Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th Oct. Meeting at Tesero lower secondary school.

Item 1 Welcome by Head teacher Candida Pizzardo, and Liliana Amort, teacher at the school and CORE partner.

Introduction to the school and its work on CORE and related projects

Head teacher Canndida Pizzardo and Liliana Amort welcomed the CORE partners to Italy

1.a Dr. Zancanella, president of the Val di Fiemme Community, also welcomed the group to the region with a short introductory speech on the importance the Community attaches to teaching not as a job, but as a mission. “We educate the next politicians, teachers and scientists, an important part of forming the future.”

Dr. Zancanella empahized two things in particular: (i) The traditional importance of education to the valley community, and its “missionary” aspects, can be seen in the fact that even before compulsory education, the dual role of clergymen as teachers ensured that there was never widespread illiteracy.

(ii) Three languages are spoken in the region - Italian, German and Ladino - all mutually respected and integrated into the educational system. For him, this is a true example of what Europe should be, speaking and respecting all languages for the well being of everyone. Item 2. Welcome and Introduction to new delegates and meeting chair

2.a Marina Kollatau was elected chair person. It was agreed that the project meeting would keep as closely as possible to the timings on the previously circulated “SCHEDULE FRAME” for the meeting (Attachment 1)

2.b New partner representatives were introduced. Olga Salcedo, from the Dept of Education for the Balearic Islands had been working on the project with her Mallorcan colleagues for one month. She apologized on behalf of her Director of Education, who had expected to attend along with her but had had to return en route due to her duties. 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


Dovila Puzaite, from Alytus Youth Centre, Lithuania, replaced a colleague who has left the Centre since the previous meeting. She works, not as a teacher, but an environmental engineer and has been working on the CORE project with her colleagues in Alytus since the beginning of the current school year.

Item 3 Case Studies

3.1 Summary verbal reports were made by Victor Pavon and Sandra Perez Costa, representatives of P6, (University of Cordoba), the Lead Partner for Research and Development.

The main points were that: (i) The case studies have been evaluated, and reports will be sent to each partner, emphasizing both positive and “negative” features.

(ii) The protocol circulated as guidance by P6 had been followed to varying degrees, leading to varying relationships between each case studies’ rationale, objectives, procedures, instruments, mode of analysis, research design, and overall time spent.

(iii) Writing up and any further elaboration of the case-studies should emphasize their overall homogeneity in relation to: the Project’s objectives; the investigation of current real practice; and the relationships between each study’s objectives, characteristics, participants, and research design

3.2 Discussion

MK felt that in their own case study, she and the other Greek partners had done some good work but not perhaps in a narrowly “scientific” sense. This reflected the time and resources available to them within their specific organizational contexts. overestimated our capability. VP supported the view that the case studies were not intended to be narrowly scientific. They were intended to be neither purely anecdotal nor precisely scientific research but “some where in between”, as indicated, more precisely in the circulated protocol SM suggested likewise that the protocols seemed intended to be not rigidly “scientific” directives. Rather, they seemed to be guidelines as to how the case- studies might illuminate best CLIL practice in different countries, in relation to the specific resources and organizational contexts of each partner.

3.3 Short summaries and discussion of how each partner’s case study reveals variations in best CLIL practice between countries and educational systems, and their attitudes to language. VP commenting on the work. Agreed - that VP will send individual comments to each country by the end of 2013 as the basis for a second evaluation

Item 4 Evaluation of first pilot delivery CORE Training Course

4.1. Internal project evaluation.

OS, representing P2, reminded delegates that they had evaluated the course delivered earlier this year in Lithuania, at Druskininkai in May. Partners from P2 (Balearics- Mallorca) had conducted both ongoing and “after-the-event” evaluations 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP

42 of its delivery, including the use of formal, anonymous feedback schedules from course delegates.

4.2 Particular strengths emphasised by internal evaluation were:

(i) the creation and maintenance of a good and supportive working environment;

(ii) ease and frequency of interaction with expert speakers and practitioners as facilitators,

(iii) the quality of materials provided and their accessibility through a variety of platforms including wiki-based provision for collaborative preparatory work by course delegates.

4.3 Areas for improvement were also indicated, although the precise meaning and representativeness of these comments were less clear than delegates’ positive responses. The indicated areas were:

(i) more “down-time” for reflection and relaxation, if possible given the intensity and amount of work done in “class-time” throughout the week;

(ii) more explicit clarification on the role, function and content of different facilitators and speakers;

(iii) address the admittedly difficult issue of balance between theory and practice, given acknowledged need for theories and concepts on the one hand and, on the other, delegates’ enthusiasm for co-operative and collaborative engagement in workshops and practical work drawing upon and sharing their own experience of issues and problems;

(iv) if possible, more school visits, in smaller groups, with more visits to primary schools included

(v) may be better as a course for those with some CLIL experience rather than for absolute beginners

4.4 Agreed Action Point. All of the above, which also fitted clearly with external evaluators’ observations (verbally and in interim evaluation report. Attachment 2, will be taken into account during preparation for the second delivery of the Course. This will led by the Italian partners responsible for course design and delivery, in co-operation with the host partners (Mallorca) and the project co- ordinators.

Item 5 Redesign of the Mallorca course October 2014

5.1 It was agreed that this item would be discussed now, in the light of the Course 1 evaluation above, with discussion of Cordoba meeting (April 2014) taken later .

5.2 It was confirmed and agreed, after further discussion, that the project’s EU should run in parallel with the 2nd pilot delivery of the CORE course. Course delegates and Conference participants would be able to arrive on Thursday 16th October. The conference will be held on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th. Conference


43 participants would depart on Sunday 19th October and Course delegates would have an informal programme of discussions, cultural visits, exchange and social interaction The 2nd phase of this 2nd pilot delivery of CORE course will continue from Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd October. People giving lectures in the conference can also give lectures at the course. The best will be a combination, visiting schools one day and use the films the other days.

5.3 Key questions

Confirmed that the Mallorca team will deal with conference and the school visits. Suggested, but not confirmed: There should be more than two plenary speakers, maybe a German and a French speaker? There could be key-note speakers in parallel with workshop speakers. Publicity and marketing for both course and conference must be as early as possible, preferably before Christmas, depending on when the new criteria in the Erasmus+ programme will be published. From January 2014 there are new guidelines; Erasmus+ demands school applications, not individual applications. Schools can send groups of teachers. (JR has since circulated latest regulations) Agreed that we must keep in mind the distinctiveness of the course from the conference. They’ are separate markets, although the conference programme is part of the course. Agreed that there should be a separate conference web site and a wiki site for the course delegates with CORE & EU-logos.

5.4 Course Handbook Agreed that a finally revised version would be available on the CORE website by a deadline of December 15th 2013 and that its structure would incorporate or cross- refer to: abstracts of all contributions t the conference, the DVDs and the introductory pages Further revision of the handbook would be discussed and implemented in advance of its on-line distribution to the Mallorca course delegates

Item 6 Financial issues

Discussion led by PF, for project co-ordinators. Main points of agreement:

6.1 All bank account details to be checked, especially new SWIFT codes.

6.2 Some project money was lost at the Lithuanian course because of too few participants. We need more participants at the Mallorca course to meet our objectives of making the courses self-financing.

6.3 All expenses details and documentation should be kept in personal files, PF does not need them for the time being, but they must be kept in personal files for ten years.

6.4 Important that the partners use the forms they have received for financial reporting, i.e. time sheets, forms for travel, accommodation and food and of course outcomes/dissemination, all to be sent to PF every six months. Maybe be best for each partner to have one person responsible for updating internally at the end of each month.



6.5 On dissemination details EA drew attention to a “European Schools Project Association” conference from 19th-23rd March 2014 in Bolzano. Among other sessions there is planned to be a workshop about the CORE project.

Item 7. External evaluator’s report on progress so far

Dr. Steve Molloy’s updated external evaluator’s report had been circulated in advance to be lodged on Fronter. It has comments and recommendations on each deliverable in relation to what was promised in the application form and an reminder not to lose the overall focus and to keep in mind what needs to be done, when and by whom, to avoid stress and over work in the final phases. The following specific observations were noted with reference to the items discussed above:

Case studies:

Recommendation 1.4: They should be on both the Fronter and CORE-websites. Recommendation 2: VP’s English version could be translated into each country’s language, and be used in pedagogical magazines.

Course Handbook: There could be further discussion of the balance between theory and practice. Case study material and the DVD’s should be used more at the second course. (They were not ready until March 2013, therefore could not be used in Lithuania as much as one could wish).

Open-air concert with pupils from Trento. They also gave a wonderful insight in the life and plants in the Dolomites in English - CLIL in practice.

Wednesday 11th October: Meeting at Instituto Comprensivo, Bassa Atesina

7.1 The group was welcomed at the primary school in Salorno and the partners split into smaller groups to visit bilingual classes in rotation. All agreed this had offered an excellent insight into best CLIL practice in bilingual class-



rooms within a school very well experienced in both primary and secondary teaching.

7.2 Official reception EA introduced the local speakers and delegates: Head teacher Christina Capaldi; Sovrintendente Scolastica of Bolzano (Head of the Italian Educational System of the province of Bolzano) Nicoletta Minnei; Leader of the Parents Organization, Juliana Bosceri; Mayor of Salorno, Giorgio Giacomozzi; and the Deputy Mayor Marlene Tabarelli

7.2.1 Head teacher Christina Capalde gave a speech about the “Sistema scolastico” of the region, where increased immigration has resulted in a need to focus on languages and classes now range from bilingual to multilingual. The rate of immigrant children is higher in the “Italian” schools than in the “German” schools. The fact that schools operate with three different educational systems, the Italian, the German and the Ladino system is very important. The Italian school system operates largely according to the national system, but the German system is adapted somewhat to reflect the needs and aspirations of local communities. It has been felt important and successful to decide to incorporate kindergartens in the school system.

7.2.2 EA explained how schools in the region have been working with languages for more than 200 years. Geography is taught in English, Maths is taught in German, and all languages are taught through hands-on activities. The regions’ schools have been involved in projects with children at different levels. One example is the development of the Albrecht Dürer pathway (below), in tribute to a local artist who walked the paths of the region.

7.2.3 The mayor of Salorno, Giogio Giacomozzi, talked about the how the historical and political development of border region of South Tyrol had influenced schools and their structures and procedures of language teaching. For example, when the region was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Empress Maria Theresa had implemented compulsory elementary schools in 1775, approximately one hundred years earlier than in Italy. 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


In 1918 Trento and Salorno were detached from the Empire. Schools were immediately changed to Italian schools, but could still go on teaching German language. During Mussolini’s reign it was forbidden to teach German in schools, but not forbidden to speak German in the streets. In 1943 the fall of the fascist regime brought back the teaching of German and for a while it was forbidden to teach Italian! From 1946 there has been a pattern of two bilingual schools operating within more than one educational system, typically Italian and German, at the same level, in the same buildings.

7.2.4 Nicoletta Minei, head of the Italian education system in South Tyrol, spoke about it and described it as somethimg of a linguistic melting pot. As an example, the University of Bolzano Is a trilingual university with Italian, German and English all operating as languages of instruction. After the visit to Bassa Atesina the group went on to visit and meet at the local community and school of Egna and were welcomed by the Deputy Mayor Giorgio Nones and Elena Fumagalli, a teacher who had taken part in the CORE course in Lithuania.

Final Meeting in Egna

Item 8 Future Planning

Discussion was structured around the updated and previously circulated external evaluator’s interim evaluation report (Attachment 2) not covered earlier (see above - item 7) SM introduced and summarised aims of the interim evaluation and its focus upon progress towards each specific concrete deliverable. As a result of plenary discussion, and discussion on small groups based upon lead partner for each work package, the following main points were agreed:

8.1 Deliverable 1: Case-Studies P6 will document the case studies, in cooperation with other partners, with focus on best practice. Deadline December 2013. P6 will prepare an introduction to the case studies by the end of February 2014, P1 and P5 will put the documents on Fronter.

8.2 Deliverable 2 CLIL DVDs P1 + P6, with advice from external evaluators will look at point (a) - introductory overview for the DVDs by the end of February. Final decisions on points 2b and 2c, largely technical matters, would continue after that February deadline

8.3 Deliverable 3 Strategic Information Packs P4 and P5, with advice from external evaluators, will address points 3 (a) and (b) relating to short introductions and clarification of the State of Art and case study reports on the CORE website.

8.4 Deliverable 16 Publicity Materials

Course Brochure for Mallorca to beessentially the same as that used for the Lithuania course, but there would need to be an additional one for the conference. Brochures would need to include the conference fee, the course fee and the prices for food and accommodation. The deadline for application by the dates set up in the new Erasmus + programme is believed to be 17th March 2014. 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


Last working session of project meeting

Deliverable 16 Presentations. Papers

P1+P6, in consultation with external evaluators, will undertake preparation of key articles for significant publications based upon translations into partner languages of: (a) An overview of the State of the Art reports (b) Case-study reports from each partner in relation to their own, specific SoA reports, and (c) A synoptic overview of the case-study findings on “what works where, and why”. To be done by Easter 2014.

Deliverable 1 CORE website and relation to Fronter

There had been some problems with the new version of Fronter, address: https://fronter.com/rogaland but these are being corrected. BMV indicated that to facilitate transfers between Fronter and the CORE public website, documents must be given logical names and consistent like Case Study: Norway. It was agreed that a recipe for this would be very helpful and that BM would ask Wenche (Snøball) to give us some guidelines. It was also agreed that Partners should use the DVDs locally and upload their reflections about their use of them. It would also be helpful to have documents on how Snøball worked with the teachers when they made the films and how they collected material from the teachers.

EA noted that she and colleagues had used the films in Bolzano at a teachers’ conference and worked with the questions that are on the web site.

Item 9 Cordoba meeting

VP reminded all that the next project meeting will be April 23rd-27th 2014 in Cordoba. There are several places that will be interesting to visit: a vocational school, a secondary school, a primary school and a private language school (based on CLIL). The partners will be able to meet and discuss the work of people who collaborate on CLIL implementation with the University of Cordoba.



VP commented that Arabic influence is present in Cordoba and this cultural dimension will be focused upon. All the sessions of the project will be held in VPs in the old Jewish quarter of the City. Practical information: From Malaga, 30 minutes by train. Single rooms: 70-90 Euros.

Close of Meeting

MK, as chair for this meeting, thanked the participants for their good contributions and also for being punctual. BMV, for the co-ordinators, also expressed thanks to all participants for being so positive and constructive and especially thanked Liliana Amort and Emanuela Atz for organizing the project meeting.



Product 8.1e

With the support of the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Cordoba meeting April 23rd - 27th April. Agenda

TIM DATE ACTIVITY E Travel day Accommodation at Hotel Córdoba Center: Wednesday http://www.hotelescenter.es/cordoba/default-es.html April 23rd

21:00 Dinner

9:00 Meet at hotel lobby Working session 1 (Rectorate, University of Córdoba) 9:30 - CORE project working session Visits to: - Primary CLIL school 12:00 Thursday - Secondary CLIL school April 24th - Language School “The Globe CLIL Center” 14:00 Lunch: Faculty of Humanities 16:00 Visit to the Official Languages School 18:00 Free time Tapas dinner at Wine Tasting Exhibition 20:30 (not formal) 9:00 Meet at hotel lobby Working session 2 (Faculty of Humanities) 9.30 - CORE project working session 11:00 Coffee break Friday Working session 3 (Faculty of Humanities) April 25th 11:30 - CORE project working session

12.30 Visit to St. Bartolome’s Chapel

13:30 Lunch: Faculty of Humanities Working session 4 (Faculty of Humanities) 16.00 - CORE project working session 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


18:00 Free time 20:30 Night visit to the Mosque and free dinner Pick up at the hotel and drive to Seville 9.00

11.00 Visit to the Cathedral, Giralda, Torre del Oro, and the Santa Cruz quarter Saturday th April 26 14.00 Free lunch 17.00 Return to Córdoba 21.00 FAREWELL DINNER in “El Rubio” Sunday

April 27th Return travel Day



With the support of the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme of the Europ aean Union

Minutes 5th CORE project meeting Cordoba, Spain 23rd -26th April 2014

Marina Kollatou Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Katarina Araskisou Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, GR Britt Mona Vang Karmøy, NO Per Fagerland Karmøy, NO Ingrid Sørvåg Karmøy, NO Ørjan Røed Karmøy NO Emanuela Atz IC Bassa Atesina, IT Liliana Amort IC Predazzo-Tesero, IT Dovile Puzaite Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Regina Vilkeliene Alytus Youth Centre, LIT Victor Pavón Vázquez Universidad de Cordoba, ES Sandra Perez Costa Universidad de Cordoba, ES Javier Ávila Universidad de Cordoba, ES Olga Salcedo Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Mercedes Isern Gen.Management, the Dept of Education, Balearics Dr. Steve T.Molloy External Advisor, UK John Rullestad External Advisor, NO

The CORE project partners ready for the meeting in Cordoba 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP 52

Wednesday 23rd, travel day, arrival Cordoba, welcome dinner.

Thursday 24th . Meeting at Universidad de Cordoba.

Item1 Welcome and Introduction to new delegates and meeting chair

1.1 Welcome by Victor Pavón, Senior lecturer at the University of Cordoba and CORE partner.

1.2.Introduction to the University and its work on CORE and related projects by Carmen Galán, Rector and Antonio Ruiz, Director of International Affairs .

1.3 Victor Pavón was elected chair person. It was agreed that the project meeting would keep as closely as possible to the timings on the previously circulated . “SCHEDULE FRAME” for the meeting (Attachment 1)

CORE project member welcomed by Carmen Galan, Rector at University of Cordoiba

1.4 New partner representatives were introduced.

Mercedes Isern, from the Dept of Education for the Balearic Islands had been working on the project with her Mallorcan colleagues for one month. She apologized on behalf of her Director of Education, who had expected to attend along with her but had had to return en route due to her duties. Katarina Arasksiou from the Regional Education Directorate of Thessalia, Greece.

Item 2 Website and Dissemination

2.1 Per Fagerland, project co-ordinator, gave an introductory overview of the work proposed to be done during the meeting, and emphasized the importance of sending to him precise details of all changes relating to project personnel, names and institutions.

2.2 External evaluator SM re-emphasised this importances of up to date reporting to the co-ordinators of all dissemination and other project activities undertaken by partners during the last half year, using the agreed proforma where appropriate.This would help to ensure the essential lodging of project matetials including more films, initially on Fronter and then on the project’s public website for wider dissemination. Such materials can be used as the basis for more developed articles, translated into each language and published in academic journals. 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


2.3 EA reported that she and her Italian colleagues were in the process revising the handbook as the basis for such a publication or series of publications.

2.4 VP reported that he and Javier Avila have already written a CORE-related article that will be submitted to a high quality international journal. VP also mentioned the possibility of publishing a book that could cover findings about CLIL in six different countries, based on the project's case studies of best practices in CLIL.The writing could be done on differerent levels; academic-teachers level-local networks and target groups level.

2.5 VP brought to partners' attention a forthcoming conference about CLIL to be held August 27-29 in Venice. Partners discussed the possibility of presenting the CORE-project there, possibly supported from within its dissemination budget. VP agreed to present an appropriate financial proposal if the proposed presentation was accepted by the conference organisers.

2.6 It was reported by the Greek team that they had already started translating the handbook, and it was noted that all should keep in mind the copyright issue.

2.7 Discussion of the pros and cons of the website versus the wiki reemphasised that although the wiki is only intended for delegates and deliverers of the CORE training course, the work done for it should be reflected and made accessible through the project website. Some partners felt that the Web site was still a bit weak, and that some material that had been delivered was missing. It was agreed that the coordinators could be more directly “hands-on” with the Web site. They were also asked to discuss with Anna Varna the extent, if any, of her continuing involvement with this work and whether she had been directly asked to do anything specific.

2.8 It was agreed that all partners would keep the Web site under ongoing review and would inform the co-ordinators directly if they felt material was missing. Other suggestions for improving the Web site included articles in other languages than English might be marked with a flag; a short introduction to the Web site might be included in addittin to the projcect summary, the posibility of installing a counter that ”counts” visitors.

Item 3 Visiting schools

After lunch on the first day, the meeting divided into smaller groups, visiting schools: were welcomed by Maureen MacMillan, Deputy Head of Languages School Cordoba

Ms McMillan explained that the staff consists of 24 teachers of four languages: English, German, French and Arabic.There are also classes for teachers who want to improve their language skills



Pupils doing CLIL work Per Fagerland , on behalf of the CORE project, thanked The Deputy Head of the Language School Maureen MacMillan after the visit

Friday 25th April

Meeting in the Faculty of Humanities, University of Cordoba

Item 4:Discussions about the Mallorca course.

4.1 Sandra Lucietto, facilitator of the May 2013 CORE training course eferred to a meeting with Italian teachers which took part in relation to it. Two key points were emphasized as worthy of transferral to the second course:

(a) Good interaction, shared meals, no distance between organizers and participants had created a very effective learning community (c) English spoken at all times helped to ennsure everyone could understanD and contribute to presentations and discussions

4.2 EA outlined the main proposed content for the second course. Victor Pavón and Sandra Lucietto had agreed again to be facilitators and keynote speakers.There would probably be more focus than in the first course of CLIL in action, centred on the project's case-studies of best practice, and the related films produced by partners Delegates would be asked to work in small groups on task-related discussions and there would be a strong focus on assessment for learnng, within the training course itself and and the case-studies. BMV emphasized the importance of “space” in the schedule, allowing time for participants to reflect.

4.3 The wiki would have one page for each participant. EA and LA would be responsible for the wki..

4.4 In relation to the applictions process, it was not yet known how many would apply how many will get funding or when the National agencies will decide, hopefully by the end of June. The possibility of a downloadable application form on the official website was discussed, and it was agreed that a pre-registration form should be put on the website.

Item 5: Mallorca Conference

5.1 Mercedes Isern and Olga Salcedo reported that the conference organizers will suggest a package to be offered to potential delegates rather than too wide a range of open-ended options. Associated items such as hotel, cultural activities etc. are to be prebooked.



5.2 The conference will have a plenary session, parallell sessions and probably workshops, depending on the time. Abstracts from the conference can be included in the handbook as an extra. Organisationally, the Balearic partners would need to make final late decisions if necessary.

5.3 The conference will be invigorated by the inclusion of local participants if this is financially and logistically possible.

5.4 The importance of the website for advertising the conference was emphasized.

Item 6: The use of Fronter

6.1 BMV drew partner's attention to the new structure in the Fronter-room. There is one folder for each Work package. A lot of material is on the wiki, but not on Fronter. This material must also be uploaded on Fronter, and each partner is responsible for their own material. When material is uploaded in Fronter, it is important to make sure it has the LLP-logo and the CORE-logo.

Item 7: Evaluation of meeting in Italy

7.1 Olga Salcedo appraised partners about the evaluation of the previous project meeting in Italy. All in all it revealed good results, but there were still some fields to be improved, such as monitoring accomplishment of tasks, provision amongst the work being done of sufficient information and time for discussions. Documents that are to be discussed should be circulated in advance whenever possible.

Item 8: Extra project meeting in Mallorca.

Per Fagerland suggested the possibility an extra project meeting prior or after the course and will propose dates for discussion.

Item 9: Future planning

9.1 Introduction to case studies on Fronter (deliverable 16) will be managed by Karmøy.

9.2 It was agreed that each partner would produce a minimum of one article, based on their own case study, for a deadline of September 30th, and that coordinators must remind about this in due time.

9.3 It was agreed that all partners should check the deliverables they are responsible for.

Close of Meeting

VP, as chair for this meeting, thanked the participants for the quality of their contributions.

PF, for the co-ordinators, also expressed thanks to all participants for being so constructive and especially thanked Victor Pavon Vasquez, Javier Avila and Sandra Perez Costa for organizing the project meeting.

Friday 25th was finished with an evening visit to the Cordoba Mosque. 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


Product 8.1 f

With the support of the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union

Extra project meeting in connection with CORE in-service -training course and CORE European confer ence Palma, Mallorca. CORE

Minutes partner meetin g in Palma de Mallorca Oct - 2014

Present: P1: Britt-Mona Vang (BM) P2: Mercedes Isern Toral P3: Saulius Sykus P4: Emanuela Atz (EA) P5: Marina Kollatou P6: Victor Pavón(VP) P8: Liliana Amort External Evaluator: Dr.Steve Molloy (SM)

BM opened meeting stating that the purpose of the meeting was to make clear what was crucial to finalize the project. External evaluator SM then went through the application and deliverables, stating possible issues related to the final report. The confidential report includes full financial report and is very important regarding the remaining grant sum.

The following issues were raised:

• All products need to be visible and numbered and be submitted as a project output.

• Financial Reporting: o No activities taking place after Oct, 31 are refundable o Partners must send in remaining timesheets and expenditure lists o PF will communicate with every partner individually on financial reporting

• State-of-Art Reports: Italian report in German

517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP 57

• Case Studies Reports: o VP reminded partners that he and his colleagues had produced and circulated via emails an introductory overview to the case studies which has not yet been uploaded to Fronter. He agreed to re-send it and to try to upload it to Fronter.

o Everyone should look at the Case Study folder in Fronter and see if everything relevant is included there within the case-study documents sub- folder. Attachments like questionnaires for example. Regarding these there should be some confidentiality, partners must give notice about what is ok for the web.

o DVD-films vs web-based filmswas raised as an issue. Application says DVD. It was argued that considering the technology development since the project was accepted films should be both as DVDs and Web-based o Policies were discussed in the contents of the 'Resource Pack' sub-folder within the Resources folder on the CORE public website. It was decided to change name from 'Resource Pack' to 'Learning Products'. --> Coordinators give notice to Wenche Erlien (Snöball)!! o Partners will investigate more good sites with teaching material. EA the German ones. VP the Spanish and others and liaise with co-ordinators to ensure upload to CORE website o Web-based brochure about project (a mentioned deliverable in application) is not available. Coordinators' responsibility to follow up (dialogue with SM) o Introductory guide to website still not on the web. Coordinators' responsibility to follow up.

 Publications, Papers and Presentations based on SIPs: o The collected and edited SoA Reports and Case Study Reports could each provide the basis for a substantial publication in the academic journals. This would though involve quite a long lead time to publication. It was agreed that partners would check that none of the material included in the SoA and case-study reports is too confidential to be included in such publications. Also that they would check whether any of the associated documentation for the case studies on FRONTER is too confidential to be uploaded to the CORE public website. o VP reminded partners that his introductory overview to the case studies (see above) could be an integral part of the article based on the case-study reports. o It was also noted that the CORE project had stimulated and provided a basis for articles published by VP and his colleagues since the project began. VP agreed that it would be advantageous all round to ensure that these are included as products of the project. VP agreed to ensure that correct and full details of these publications also are sent to JR and SM o 30 smaller publications. Partners were reminded that this was largely an issue of collating the smaller publications and presentations, including ppt presentations, that they had been producing throughout the lifetime of the project at an average rate of two per partner per year. It is vital that these are included in the dissemination returns made to the co-ordinators as each one will have to be numbered within the final reports’ list of the 517181-LLP-2011-NO-COMENIUS.CMP


project’s concrete products, and uploaded to either the FRONTER or CORE websites or both. The co-ordinators will liaise on the final report writing to ensure this is all done o 20 educational pamphlet-type publications. It was agreed that publication of the Course Handbook on the CORE website would provide the core to this output, together with clear sub-sections drawing upon separate sections of the handbook as «stand-alone» educational pamphlets suitable for free download, printing and circulation with schools and related educational institutions o VP reminded partners that it was also entirely feasible to consider publishing an edited symposium of the SoA and Case Study reports along the lines of an example he showed to the group. He felt this could be dome at a cost of around 2,000 Euros. It was agreed to pursue this proposal further. Meeting was concluded with an agreement that PF is to send a clear list to all partners on what the coordinators need to complete the two final reports. This list must be sent by 31st Oct.