Exploring Architectures for Fast and Easy Development of Immersive Learning Scenarios

Citation for published version (APA):

Nadolski, R., Slootmaker, A., & Hummel, H. (2009). Exploring Architectures for Fast and Easy Development of Immersive Learning Scenarios.

Document status and date: Published: 10/12/2009

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Open Universiteit www.ou.nl Exploring Architectures for Fast and Easy Development of Immersive Learning Scenarios (ILS)

Rob Nadolski, Aad Slootmaker, CELSTEC, Open University of the Netherlands

Online Educa Berlin 09

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 1 Swift development of ILS


• Immersive Learning: characteristics + motives

• Shortcomings of existing platforms for ILS

• Exploration for solutions (method + findings)

• Discussion & Questions

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 2 Immersion

Confucius (500 bC)

“Tell me and I will forget,

Show me and I may remember, Spore Involve me and I will understand ..."

WoW with Pulse!!!

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 3 Immersive Learning: characteristics & motives

Experiencing emotions and reasoning in Authentic Environments

Active and interactive participation

Develop conceptual understanding (practicing: models-simulations)

Ability to perform scientific inquiry

Develop understanding about inquiry (reflection + natural feedback)

Solving authentic problems

All about: Authenticity - suspension of disbelief - motivation

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 4 Authentic Environments

= realistic problem situations, where learners participate as actor and constantly are being confronted with the consequences of their actions when applying knowledge and skills in finding solutions

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 5 with EMERGO

with Flash (the great flue)

with Pulse!!!

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 6 Shortcomings of existing platforms for ILS

Inflexible (monolithic & hard to adapt)

Not developed for supporting ILS (no educational glue)

Difficult to use (steep learning curve for all stakeholders)

Lack of standardisation

Expensive (e.g., licences)


Summarized: too few functionality and too high costs

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 7 Exploration for solutions: method + findings a – waitb – explore existing platforms/engines – built own

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 8 Exploration for solutions (b) : method + findings

User input Admin input Author input (learner, teacher)

ILS-deployment-Architecture Authorization & Matchmaking- Architecture 2D/3D GUI


Matchmaking Hardware (2D/3D) [graphical card] AuthorizationError-reporting & ………..

Sensors Rendering Engine World Matchmaking

Resource management Authoring-architecture C ILS-engines Authoring environment(s)

o Adaptive Engine (Computational Engine) ILS-Editor/Engine m Coding AI-editor m AI/fuzzy logic Model-editor u Model Solvers Story-editor State machine n -editor ……….. Communication and Rule/State-editor Collaborationi services c Error-reporting ……….. a Saving, Loading and t Logging Installer

i World-editor

o Error-reporting

n ………..

Storage Scenario- templates ILS-deployment Error-reporting Authoring

User input Admin input Author input (learner, teacher)

ILS-deployment-Architecture Authorization & Matchmaking- Architecture 2D/3D GUI Caspian Learning SecondLife-OpenSim Authorization&Session SecondLife- CoveredMatchmaking by Hardware (2D/3D) [graphical card] EMERGOOpenSim 3D Gamestudio AuthorizationError-reportingother Unity DX-studio SecondLife-OpenSim & ……….. Caspian 3D Gamestudio Sensors Rendering Engine Unity World Matchmaking DX-studio Learning Resource 3D Gamestudio management Authoring-architecture ILS-engines DX-studio C Authoring environment(s) EMERGO o Adaptive Engine (Computational Engine) ILS-Editor/Engine m Coding AI-editor m AI/fuzzy logic Model-editor Model Solvers Caspian Learning u Story-editor State machine Blender EMERGO n Level-editor ……….. Communication and Rule/State-editor Collaborationi services c Error-reporting ……….. a Saving, Loading and t Logging Installer i Blender World-editor o Error-reporting Missing n ……….. Missing

Storage Scenario- templates ILS-deployment Error-reporting Authoring

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 9 Exploration for solutions – criteria (top 4)

1. Functional: enables Immersive Learning Scenarios

2. Technical openess (integration, extension, adaptation)

3. Easy authoring (draw with 2)

4. Sustainability

Other: enables contextualized learner support, performance, scalability, costs, access to technical code, development platform (C# preferably) + target platform (PC+mobile), standards compliant

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 10 Basic Architecture - blueprint

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 11 Basic Architecture - blueprint

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 12 Basic Architecture - blueprint

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 13 Search candidates – some options Opensimulator Wonderland Pulse!!! Spring Blender Active Worlds Caspian Learning Unype Jogre RAGE SimQuest Metaverse Habbo MediaMachines OLIVE EMERGO Hipihi Second Life Quakforums Google Apps Ogoglio IMVU Whyville City Pixel Croquet Dreamspark OGRE MediaGrid moove online DX-framework Unity Cybertown Protosphere OpenSim Universe Gamemaker e-Adventure Unreal-3 tixio Multi-verse C4-engine SAGE-engine 3D-gamestudio DX-studio

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 14 Sauerbraten First sifting: choose (apply criteria) & Mapping on BA

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 15 Mapping on BA

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 16 Mapping on BA

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 17 Mapping on BA

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 18 Mapping on BA

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 19 Mapping on BA

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 20 Mapping on BA

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 21 Discussion & Questions

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 22 Discussion & Questions

Criteria (top 4) & Basic Architecture (BA)

Search candidates (websites, reports)

First sifting: - Criteria (top 4) choose & - Mapping on BA

Technical setup BA-part (maximum: 4)

Second sifting: criteria (10) Deploy small example (each BA-part)

Pilots ILS with learners & research

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 23 Thank you for your attention …

[email protected]

Architectures for Immersive Learning page 24