The Youth's Instructor Vol
11 The INSTRUCTOR Vol. LXVI January 15, 1918 No. 3 -c(11111111111_1111LLIIIIIIIIILi11111111111111 1l1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 111 1111111 0111LI 111111111ILLHUJIIILIfT1-)- Uncle Sam is now carrying out the greatest build- From Here and There ing undertaking ever accomplished by a nation in so short a time, namely, the building of his " war cities," There are 350,000 Sunday schools scattered all as the various cantonments are called. There are to• over the world, and 3,500,000 instructors. be sixteen major camps and a number of smaller ones. Every inch added to the length of the skirt means Each major camp requires 1,50o or more buildings $10,000,000 saved in the shoe bill for America. for the accommodation of the 50,000 men it is to care for. Twenty buildings a day, on an average, it is said, Thursday, January 24, 1918, has been set apart are being completed at each cantonment (can'ton- as a day of prayer throughout the country for national ment). At both Camp Travis, Texas, and Camp Tay- prohibition of the liquor traffic. lor, Kentucky, a big barracks two-story structure rose from the ground in one and one-half hours. The con- The man who had $1,000 saved in 1896, may be tractors are paid at the rate of cost plus seven per cent. surprised to learn that his thousand dollars, meas- ured in purchasing power, has now shrunk to about One of our ministers sought an audience with a $300. high war official in an attempt to secure exemption from Sabbath labor for our boys.