~~za!aIL- GUARDIAN J• GRESHAM MACHEN • EDITOR 1936· 1 937 AD Open Door Carl A. Ahlfeldt (Page 3) • New Light From Babylon Edward J. Young (Page 5) • A Pastor and His Mimeog~aph \ Lewis J. Grotenhliis (Page 6) • Vishnu, a God 01 Hinduism Robert S. Marsden (Page 10) • Notes From a Navy Chaplain's Log E. Lynne Wade (Page 13) THE PRESBYTEBrAN GUARDIAN January'ID Dave You Noticed That .•• recently heard a proposal that a Buddhist art exhibition be sent to America "in a J:IE Protestant co~gre~ations in Ber­ The United Church of Christ in Japan spirit of repentance before Buddha for T lin have been praymg m terms which had a meeting of its executive committee having done what we have done." indicate true repentance for the sins of recently. According to Richard T. Baker, Germany. The Evangelical Church of in. a copyrighted dispatch to Religious When the new French constitution' Germany is raising about $1,5°0,000 News Service, there was considerable op­ comes up for debate and adoption, it will from its own members for the relief of position to the war-time policy which the be decided whether subsidies to Roman hunger and lack of clothing in Germany. leaders of the church had followed. A Catholic schools, which were given by the group of "Young Presbyterians" has peti­ Vichy government, should be revived.. A new interdenominational movement tioned for the dissolution of the United for young people, patterned to some ex­ Church. A General Convention which During 1945 betting on horse races in tent on "Youth for Christ," has been will have authority to take up these mat- the United States totalled $1,3°0,000,000. started. It is called "Youth Marches for ters will be held in March. This exceeded the previous record by Christ and the Church," and apparently two hundred million dollars, although the provides modernist competition for the The Rev. W. Harllee Bordeaux began war had substantially cut the amount of older fundamentalist movement. It began his labors as General Secretary of the racing. with a series of rallies in Detroit and is to American Council of Christian Churches extend rapidly to other cities. Large num­ on January first. A graduate of West­ The Federal Council reports church bers attended the Detroit meetings and minster Seminary and a minister of The members in the United States now total various techniques for holding the interest Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Mr. Bor­ 72,492,669, or 52.5 per cent. of the of youth were tried. The next meetings deaux recently resigned as Dean of the population. This is a numerical increase are scheduled for Boston from January Los Angeles Baptist Theological Semi­ of 32.8 per cent. over 1926, while the 31st to February 3rd. nary. total population has increased 17.9 per J cent. in the period. Among the larger It is reported that Emperor Haile In an article in a recent issue of The bodies the greatest gain, 60.8 per cent., Selassie has asked that missionaries of the EvangelicalQuarterly of London, the Rev. was made by the Southern Baptist Con­ Jesuit order return to Ethiopia. Professor Emeritus Samuel M. Zwemer vention. of Princeton Theological Seminary advo­ II Gifts of the twenty-four American and cates that modern Christians seek to have Dr. E. C. Lindeman of the New York Canadian denominations which belong to God make His will known to them in I School of Social Work reported on re­ the United Stewardship Council in­ dreams and visions. turning hom Germany recently that what J creased nearly sixteen per cent. in 1945 as is now being preached in the churches compared with 1944. This includes giving In order to avoid the objections to there is pre-seventeenth century Lutheran­ for both local expenses and benevolences. women eIders which are based upon Scrip­ ism. It is the doctrine that the .soul is j The total, however, is not ture, it has been proposed by a minister $51°,371,°41, saved through faith. Dr. Lindeman was much larger than in the early 30'S, al­ in the Church of Scotland that women be disappointed. though national income has increased given voting rights in the church courts about 300 per cent. without ordaining them as elders. The highest per capita giving, $55.79 The American Council is to broadcast a ,member, was recorded by the Church The Board of Religious Education of on the American Broadcasting Network in January, February and March of this' of the Nazarene. the United Church of Canada has offici­ ,;; ally endorsed the teaching of religion in year. The speakers on these Saturday I News from' the Vatican indicates that the public schools. This dangerous tend­ morning broadcasts will be Dr. Arthur F. Myron C. Taylor, so-called personal repre­ ency is growing, and if yielded to, is Williams, pastor of the First Baptist sentative of President Truman, will return bound to bring Modernism and Roman­ Church of New York City, Dr. Merril T. to Rome shortly. ism into the public school classroom. MacPherson, pastor of the Church of the Open Door, Philadelphia, and Dr. Allan Government subsidies for Protestant In spite of apparent legal concessions A. MacRae, president of the faculty of mission schools in the Belgian Congo, as in the direction of greater freedom of reo Faith Theological Seminary, Wilmington, well as for Roman Catholic ones, are ligion in Spain, the Protestant churches Del. The series will be announced under planned. Hitherto,. the restriction of sub­ are still, in many cases, without permis­ the title of "Bible Messages." sidies to schools conducted by Belgian sion to conduct public worship. According to a release of the American _ nationals has resulted in a. Romanist Broadcasting Company, the messages pre­ monoply of these funds. Casualties in the war among U. S. sented under their auspices "lay major Army chaplains numbered 387, of which stress upon broad religious truths, rather The Rev. Amos W. Ligon of Chicago number 149 were deaths. There are still than upon the tenets of any individual lost five sons in the war. Four were 6,845 chaplains in the Army. denomination or creed." chaplains and the fifth an army choir di­ The Southern Presbyterian Church, rector. The father and all of the sons were The Japan Religious Society, made up meanwhile, has announced "The Presby- Negro Baptist ministers. of Buddhists, Shintoists and Christians, . (See "News," Page 16) Thl Presbyterian Gliardian is published semi.monthly from Septlmller to July, Inclusivl, and monthly In AUllllst bY The Presbyterian Guardian Pulllilhing C....,.· tlln, 728 Schaff Building, f 505 Ra.e street. ·Philadelphla. Pa., at the following rates. payable In advance, for either old or neW SUbscribers In any part of tho world, JIIItNe _paid: $2.00 per year: $1.00 for ftve months; five or more copl.. either to separate addresses or In a package to one address. $1.25 each per year: Introduotory rate for ..­ _bers onl1. three montha for 250: 10c per alngle copy. Entered as aecond elllSa matter Mareb 4. 1931. at tho Poet OllIe. at PbJIadolphia, Po. •. under tho Act of 14&reb·3. 1171. 1846 THE PRESBYTERIAN GUARDIAN SERMON I ,An Open Door FroID "The Orthodox Preshyterian Pulpit" By the REV. CARL A. AHLFELDT Pastor of the First Orthodox Presbyterian Chnrch, San Francisco "And to the angel of the church in the opportunity given to the church Philadelphia writer These things saith he Introducing Mr. Ahlfeldt ••• is stressed, and Christ is described as that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the sovereign Disposer of that oppor­ the key of David, he that openeth, and no tunity. "These things saith he that is man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man holy, he that is true, he that hath the openeth. I know thy works: behold, I key of David, he that openeth, and no have set before thee an open door, and man shutteth; and shutteth, and no no man can shut it; for 'thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast man openeth." not denied my name" (Rev. 3:7-8). He is described as the holy and true God. God in the Old Testament was HE letter to the Church at Phila­ known as the Holy One ofIsrael. None T delphia is an attractive one. In the but Christ is absolutely holy. Thus book of Revelation there are seven this Christ is the same as the God of letters written to seven representative the Old Testament.' He is called, "He churches. Most of these have a goodly that is true," to designate Him as the portion of rebuke. Only Smyrna and very God, distinguished from false Philadelphia escape rebuke. There is gods. Thus Paul wrote to the Thessa­ no doubt that in many ways we, both lonians: "Ye turned to God from idols as individuals and as a church, need to serve the living and true God" rebuke. Yet I am convinced that we (I Thess, 1:9)' This already gives us may take for ourselves the encourage­ a very lofty picture of the One who ment and challenge of our text. supplies the promise of our text. All of us, especially since the close He is further described as "He that of the war, are looking to the days hath the key of David, he that open­ ahead. The words which come to our eth, and no man shutteth; and shut­ minds are opportunity, challenge, teth and no man openeth.' There is progress, growth. We are beckoned on a very evident reference here to Isaiah -or at least should be-to greater 22:22.
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