INNOVATION 100 LEADER BEST OF 2018 Our Most Popular Reports, CASE STUDIES & Resources Editor’s Note For this digital collection, we pulled data on the most popular reports, case studies, and resources that our team produced in 2018. What you’ll find inside are the top twelve things we published over the course of the year. We always like to highlight the fact that Innovation Leader produces 100 percent original content for our members, with their input and guidance, and what you’ll find inside is the result of dozens of interviews conducted in person and by phone, as well as survey responses and discussions at our live events. Everything here is accessible to Innovation Leader members on our site, including three research reports that total 220 pages. But you’ll still be able to read and download a fair amount even if you’re not (yet) a member, like our Pointers PDF focusing on building networks of innovation champions at your company; our podcast, “Innovation Answered,” and our “Innovation Illustrated” guide to measuring inno- vation progress. We’ve got big plans for 2019, including events in San Francisco, New SCOTT KIRSNER York, London, and Boston, as well as two issues of our print magazine Editor and research reports on topics like “Co-Creation & Ecosystem Devel- Innovation Leader opment” and “Remaking R&D,” as well as an all-new edition of our
[email protected] annual “Benchmarking Innovation Impact” report with a special focus on the companies that have strategies, structures, and programs worth emulating. We’re grateful to all of the firms that support our work — online, in print, and at our in-person gatherings; you can find some of their top publications of the year on page 35.