St. Joan of Arc Parish Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, August 1, 2021 “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” Rev. William M. Rodrigues, Pastor 61 Canal Road Deacon Norman F. McEnaney Orleans, MA 02653 Deacon John P. Twerago Judy Burt Walker, Dir. of Faith Formation Parish email:
[email protected] Art McManus, Director of Music Parish office: 508-255-0170 Lisa Scapellati, Administrative Assistant Parish office fax: 508-240-6741 Alec Stansell, Facilities Manager Website: Mass schedule line: 508-240-7818 Mass schedule: Saturday Vigil: 5 pm Faith Formation email:
[email protected] Sunday: 8 am and 10 am Faith Formation office: 508-255-1257 Daily: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 8 am Faith Formation fax: 508-255-7442 Confession schedule: Thrift Shop: 508-255-4476 Saturday: 4:00 – 4:45 pm or by appointment St. Vincent de Paul HELPLINE: 508-255-8080 Rosary: M, T, F after 8 am Mass Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 1, 2021 MASS INTENTIONS We thank you for your generous support of our Parish. Week of July 31 — August 6 This weekend—2nd Collection—Peter Pence Saturday 5:00 Peg Deegan Sunday 8:00 Lynn Filomeno Next weekend - 2nd Collection — SVdP Harvest Sunday Bob Leite 10:00 Charlie Wolff Total collected for the July 24/25 Regular Collectionand for Monday 8:00 John & Olivia Kealty the Kenya Konnection Collection will be available next week! Tuesday 8:00 Father Bob Kemmery Wednesday 8:00 Charles Kozlowski LECTORS NEEDED! Friday 8:00 Karen Joan Bundy Interested in a simple way to give God thanks and praise? Weekend of August 7 and 8 Do you have experience in public speaking? Saturday 5:00 Jack Replogle Join our team of lectors! Sunday 8:00 Isobel Una Nielson We are especially in need of lectors for the Sat.