The Glasgow Directory
OFSCOTMN]"'! 7?. aS'3. I . ,-\<ii'''-i^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland T^ 27 FF # IB'69 ^. jLAURiSTOH CASTi.cj i LIBRARY ACCtSSiO:-; ' ' [ I II , II III! . IIT BILI. CARD, -v/- »x,^TTcx 1823, Ji/Wi*NUARY 1825. CONTAINING A LIST OF THE ^ercfjantiOf, Manufacturer/, CraDer^, IN THE CITY AND SUBURBS, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. And a List of the MAGISrKATl!;s, CUUJNCll^, MERCHANT, AND TRADES' HOUSES; ALSO, THE MAGISTRATES OF CALTON AND GORBALS. CORRECTED TILL JULY, 1823. TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED, From July 1823, //// February 1825, AND A TABLE OF STAMP DUTIES. TWENTY-FIFTH EDITION. GLASGOW: PRINTED BY W. LANG, For W. M*Feat, Stationer and Librarian, 105, Trongme. PRICE 3s. SEWfiD—Ss. 6», BOUND. ;' . In cases of Removals or Change of Firms, the Pub- lic are requested to send early notice thereof to the Pub- Usher at ^ 105, Trongate, 'where' a booh is Jcept for the purpose of inserting additions and alterations as they occur, during the year, and the changes at Whitsunday mil require be , to sent by the 10th of June, that they may he inserted' in their proper places in the next Edition. Attending to this Notice tvill be found a great conve- niency to the Trading Public, and enable the Fublisher ' to make the Lists more complete. ' INDEX. Page. Page. Magistrates and Council, 5 List of Streets, 24 Dean of Guild Court, ib. Names Omitted, 246 Managers of Mercht. House, 6 Justices of Peace, 247 . Trades' House, ib. Constables 248 Magistrates of Calton, 7 Sheriff OflScers, 249 Gorbals, ib.
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