高雄市立右昌國民中學107學年度第一學期第三次段考二年級英語科試題卷 二年 班 座號: 姓名: ※ 聽力測驗20% (第1~12題) 一、辨識句意:每題均有三張圖片,請依據所聽到的句子,選出符合描述的圖片(每題 1 分,共 4 分) 1.

(A) (B) (C) 2.

(A) (B) (C) 3.

(A) (B) (C) 4.

(A) (B) (C) 二、基本問答:每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應(每題 2 分,共 8 分)

5. 7. (A) Sure, it’s in front of me. (A) It’s hot in Australia in December. (B) Sure, go straight for two blocks, and you can (B) Yes, it’s summer in Australia then. see it. (C) We can go to the beach in Australia in (C) Sure, you can ask the man for help. December. 6. 8. (A) I can’t wait to see it in person. (A) I will take a train. (B) You can go to the thirtieth floor of the tower. (B) Riding a bike along the river is fun. (C) It’s around the corner. (C) I will do that in the near future. 三、言談理解:每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的對話與問題,選出一個最適當的答案(每題 2 分,共 8 分)

9. 11. (A) The man’s new secretary is a smart guy. (A) She is going to Hualien by train. (B) The man isn’t good at work. (B) She will take an airplane. (C) The man’s new pad(平板)is very useful. (C) Her parents will give her a ride. 10. 12. (A) It was windy. (A) A successful art worker. (B) It was warm. (B) Their future plans. (C) It was cold. (C) Their jobs.

第 1 頁, 共 6 頁 四、綜合測驗:80%,每題2分(選出正確或最佳答案) ( )13. When will the plane in Taipei ? (A) pick (B) arrive (C) bless (D) check ( )14. From here, we can see New York from a different . (A) angle (B) setting (C) secretary (D) heart ( )15. A : What’s your favorite ? B : Winter (A) block (B) corner (C) future (D) season ( )16. My dream is to visit every in Asia(亞洲). I went to Japan last year. (A) balcony (B) technology (C) country (D) painting ( )17. We had a weekend with my grandparents in Tainan. (A) middle (B) wonderful (C) clear (D) natural ( )18. Tom is a busy businessman. He needs a to help him. (A) bridge (B) tower (C) secretary (D) museum ( )19. In , there are s in July and August. They bring much rain. (A) typhoon (B) model (C) grape (D) clerk ( )20. Sun Moon Lake(日月潭) is one of the beautiful s in Taiwan. (A) department store (B) bridge (C) model (D) sight ( )21. I like to go fruit picking in . It’s not too hot or too cold. (A) picture (B) square (C) autumn (D) hotel ( )22. John didn’t have pizza for lunch, but he had noodles . (A) instead (B) just (C) even (D) perhaps ( )23. Mom me water the flowers yesterday.(選錯的) (A) had (B) let (C) made (D) asked ( )24. The lake is beautiful. It’s the for many movies. (A) city (B) setting (C) hall (D) map ( )25. Boy students enjoy playing basketball classes. (A) straight (B) across from (C) next to (D) between ( )26. For fishermen(漁夫), rowing a is a piece of cake. (A) subway (B) boat (C) scooter (D) MRT ( )27. Judy is a teacher. Many students like her a lot. (A) successful (B) far (C) American (D) cloudy ( )28. In the , I will want to be a doctor. (A) fan (B) view (C) future (D) natural ( )29. often snowy here in winter. (A) It is (B) We have (C) There is (D) They have ( )30. Go straight one block, and the school is your left. (A) in , for (B) for , in (C) on , for (D) for , on ( )31. Amy will take from Taiwan to Korea. (A) the scooter (B) on foot (C) a ship (D) by MRT ( )32. Why not in the mountains with me ? (A) to go skiing (B) go skiing (C) to going ski (D) going skiing ( )33. A : the weather here ? (A) How’s , like (B) How , × (C) What , like (D) What’s , like ( )34. Which is wrong ? (選錯的) (A) How will Tom go to school tomorrow ? (B) We’re going to have a party soon. (C) He is good at driving a plane. (D) I go to school on foot every day.

第 2 頁,共 6 頁

( )35. in summer. (A) We are lots of rain (B) It rains a lot (C) There have a lot of rain (D) There are lots of rains. ( )36. Which is right ? (選正確的) (A) I can’t wait visiting Taipei in person (B) Is the weather snowing today ? (C) Is it usually wet here in summer ? (D) Does the weather rainy there in winter ?

(一) Judy’s Schedule

( )37. Judy is practicing singing because the singing contest is coming in three days. What’s the date today ? (A) October first (B) October third (C) October fifth (D) October sixth ( )38. After the singing contest, there will be a party on Sunday. Who is the party for ? (A) Annie (B) Judy (C) Aunt Lisa (D) Judy’s mother ( )39. What will Judy do on the fourth Tuesday of October ? (A) She will buy Annie a birthday gift. (B) She will eat dinner with Helen. (C) She will go to the concert. (D) She will eat dinner with Aunt Lisa.

(二) This summer, my family and I stayed at Okinawa(沖繩) for five days. On the first day of the trip, the weather was hot and sunny. We went to the American Village to enjoy an American style street. On the second day, we went to the ocean park to see the sharks and dolphin show. It was still hot but rained in the afternoon, so we went to the shopping mall. Besides, we also ate a lot of fruit there. During our stay, we took a boat trip to visit beautiful lakes. It was our third day, and it was humid. The air was wet. On the fourth and fifth day, it

was sunny. We had some great BBQ in Kokusai Dori(國際通), a famous shopping street. We really had a great time in Okinawa, and we want to go there again.

 村 風格 海洋 鯊魚 海豚 購物中心 此外 而且 village style ocean shark dolphin mall besides ; ( )40. What might(可能) the writer bring on the 2nd day ?

(A) (B) (C) (D) ( )41. What does“humid”mean here ? (A) Hot and wet (B) Cool and dry (C) Cold and wet (D) Warm and dry

第 3 頁,共 6 頁

(三) This morning, Andy put me into his schoolbag. He took me to school with him. He walked along First Street and stopped at a restaurant for breakfast. He took me out and let me sit next to him. We had a great time together. However, when Andy put me back into his schoolbag, he forgot to zip it up. I almost fell out when he made a right turn onto Park Road. I held onto his schoolbag very tight and tried not to fall off. Unfortunately, I

failed. After he walked for two blocks and turned right. I fell from his schoolbag. I ran after him along the road

and tried to catch up with him. However, Andy didn’t notice this and walked into his school. I shouted at him

from the school gate, but he couldn’t hear me, What can I do now ? How can I get home ?

 zip up 拉上拉鍊 almost 幾乎 tight 緊地 unfortunately 不幸地 catch up with 趕上 notice 注意

( )42. Where is Teddy now ? (A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 1 ( )43. Which is true about the reading ? (A) Andy lost Teddy on his way home. (B) Andy had breakfast at the restaurant on Sunshine Road. (C) Andy didn’t go past a movie theater on his way to school today. (D) Teddy fell from Andy’s schoolbag near the corner of Gold Street and Park Road.

(四) Lisa is at her house. Look at the map and answer the questions.

( )44. A is on the corner of Happy Road and Second Street. (A) post office (B) church (C) supermarket (D) flower market ( )45. Lisa can buy next to her house. (A) a computer (B) meat (C) a cellphone (D) a bike

第 4 頁,共 6 頁

(五) Read the weather report and answer the questions.

( )46. It’s in Kaohsiung today and students don’t go to school today. (A) hot (B) windy (C) cloudy (D) wet ( )47. Mr. Wang lives in Kaohsiung. If he wants to make more money, what can he sell ? (A) Sweaters (B) Jackets (C) Hot tea (D) Sunglasses (六) A:Wow, watch the news on TV. It’s snowing in Wulai, New Taipei City now. What a beautiful sight ! Let’s go play in the snow there. B:Don’t count me in. It’s too cold and wet outside. I just want to stay home. A:Come on ! I didn’t see snow in person before. We can take a hot spring bath there, too. It’ll be interesting to do them at the same time. B:I don’t think so. In fact, because of the global warming, the weather really changes a lot and it is different from that before. A:I see ! Year after year, global warming gets more and more serious around the world. For example it kills numbers of the polar bears in the Arctic. B:Right ! It’s not a good time for fun. For the Earth, everybody should care more about the problem. All of us can do a little for the Earth every day, like saving energy. A:I got it ! So let’s turn off the heater now. B:No way ! It keeps me warm during this terrible season.

 hot spring 溫泉 global warming 全球暖化 more serious 更嚴重的 the Arctic 北極 energy 能源 heater 暖氣機

( )48. Which is true about global warming from the dialogue ? (A) People don’t have to care about it too much. (B) People can do with it by saving energy in life every day. (C) With it, the Earth becomes a great place for people to live in. (D)It makes today’s weather in many countries the same as it was before. ( )49. What do the words do them mean in the dialogus ? (A) Watch TV and have snacks. (B) Turn off lights and close doors. (C) Watch snow and go to a hot spring. (D) Stay inside and do math homework.

第 5 頁,共 6 頁

(七) A:Are you OK ? Why do you pull a long face ? B:I just won second prize in class this semester. My parents were mad at me. A:Good for you! I never got any at junior high. They push you too hard. No one is always No. 1. B:In their mind, we students should study hard all day, or we won’t be successful in the future. I even don’t have free time for a club. A:Poor you ! For students, to study is important, but not everything. Did you read about the story of ? Jam didn’t do well on school subjects because he had reading difficulties when he was young. However, because he had a gift for singing, he worked hard to remember lyrics, including English songs, and practice singing skills. In 2007, after joining the singing competition series, , he started his singing career and becomes a world-famous pop music superstar now. B:Really !? I’m his big fan. Maybe I need to talk with my parents and hope they’ll change their ideas. A:Go give it a try! Perhaps it will work some day.

 prize 獎品 difficulty 困難 lyrics 歌詞 including 包括 competition series 選秀節目 career 職業 pop 流行的 some day 某一天

( )50. What does A mean by saying Why do you pull a long face ? (A) B looks so sad. (B) B looks so angry. (C) B looks so happy. (D) B looks so hungry. ( )51. Which is true about Jam Hsiao ? (A) He can’t sing English songs well. (B) He is good at reading and writing. (C) He is a popular in the world now. (D) He didn’t win any singing contests before. ( )52. What CAN’T we know from the dialogue ? (A) B likes Jam Hsiao’s songs a lot. (B) B’s parents make her study hard all the time. (C) A is too busy at work, so he doesn’t join a club (D) A seldom did well on school subjects when he studied at junior high.

第 6 頁,共 6 頁