The Delius Society Journal AutumnlWinterAutumnAilinter 1994,1994.Number 115l15 The Delius Society FullFullMembershipMembership and Institutions £f 15l5 per year USA and Canada US$31 per year Africa,Africa. Australasia and Far East £18{18 President Eric Fenby OBE, Hon DMus,D Mus, Hon DLitt,D Litt, Hon RAM, FRCM, Hon FTCL Vice Presidents Felix ApraharnianAprahamianHon RCO Roland GibsonGbson MSc, PhD (Founder Member) Meredith Davies CBE, MA,MA BMus,B Mus, FRCM, Hon RAM Vernon Handley MA, FRCM, D Univ (Surrey)(Suney) Richard Hickox FRCO (CHM)(CfIIvI) RodneyRodnevMeadows Chairman Lyndon B Jenkins Treasurer (to whom membership enquiries should be directed) Derek Cox Mercers, 6 Mount Pleasant, Blockley, Glos GL56 9BU Tel: (01386) 700175 Secretary Jonathan Maddox 6 Town Farm, Wheathampstead, Herts AL4 8QL Tel: (01582) 833668 Editor Stephen Lloyd 82 Farley Hill, Luton LUlLUI 5NRsNR Tel: (01582)(01582\ 20075 Please note Editor's change of address CONTENTS Chairman'sMessage. .. ..3 3 RobertLouis Stevenson--A A CentenaryTribute.Tribute . .. .. 4 SeoSea DnftDrift at CarnegieCamegie HallHall. .. '" ,6.6 DeliusAssociation of Florida- 34th AnnualFestivalFestival. ......99 Koanga - LeedsYouth Opera . .12t2 HaverhillSinfonia Anniversary Concert.Concert ..... l313 MidlandsBranch ReportReport: : Brigg l;airFair and In a SummerGarden . .. .1515 Delius'sMusical Apprenticeship.Apprenticeship .. .1616 Book Reviews: Grieg and Delius. 17 0peraOpera as DrqmaticDramatic PoetryPoetry. .20 Henry J Wood:lYood:Maker of the Pnmr'.Proms ... .212l The Coos-sens: Goossens:A Musical Century.Century .23ZJ Peter Warlock: The LifeL~fe of Philip Heseltine.. ... 25 Peter Warlock: A Centenary Celebration.Celebralion. ...... 25 '['he 7he EnglishF,nglishMusical Renaissance 1860-19~01860-1910 . 28 Music in England 1885-1920 .. .28 Record Reviews Beecham conducts Delius ...3030 Stanford and Delius ...
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