JUD Committee Hearing Transcript for 03/10/2021
1 MARCH 10, 2021 rr/jb/ib/mi JUDICIARY COMMITTEE 10:00 A.M. CHAIRPERSONS: Senator Gary Winfield, Representative Steve Stafstrom SENATORS: Kasser, Anwar, Champagne, Flexer, Haskell, Lesser, Sampson REPRESENTATIVES: Blumenthal, Fishbein, Callahan, Conley, Currey, Dillon, Doucette, Dubitsky, Fiorello, Fox, Gilchrest, Godfrey, Harding, Howard, Labriola, Luxenberg, O'Dea, Palm, Pavalock‐D'Amato, Porter, Quinn, Rebimbas, Riley, Simms, Veach, Young REP. STAFSTROM (129TH): Alright, good morning everyone, I would like to call to order the Judiciary Committee Public Hearing for March 10 2021. By way of introduction, we have an aggressive agenda today. And we have a lot of interest in it. We have a hundred people signed up to testify today. So, I will again ask for Members to be as concise with the questioning as it's practicable, so that we can get to all the members of the public who want to testify at some reasonable hour of the evening. With that, any remarks from my Co-Chair or Ranking Members? SENATOR WINFIELD (10TH): No. REP. FISHBEIN (90TH): No, good morning. REP. STAFSTROM (129TH): All right. If not, then we will start with Chief State's Attorney Colangelo. Richard Colangelo, good to see you. RICHARD COLANGELO: Thank you, sir. Good to see you. Senator Winfield, Representative Stafstrom, Ranking Members Kissel and Representative Fishbein and the 2 MARCH 10, 2021 rr/jb/ib/mi JUDICIARY COMMITTEE 10:00 A.M. Members of the Judiciary Committee. Thank you for allowing me to address you this morning. The Division of Criminal Justice submitted testimony on House Bill 6594, Senate Bill 978, Senate Bill 1018 and Senate Bill 1019.
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