
A.00 Preamble

A.01 Belkin Power proposed is across the Amguddi Riverstream a streamlet to Varahi river. This stream takes its origion at an E1 of about 800 m near Ginikal and joins Varahi river near Amguddi from the high mountains of the (EL about 900.00m) Border of Taruk of shimoga Dist, in state. The Amaguddi river stream flows for total length of about Skm. ln ipitial reaches, the stream flows through hilly regions almost in the western direction and then ttre iiver travels g"nfly towards the west and joins the varahi river near Amaguddi Hurikar, Hosanagar Tq. .

4.02 Belkin Power Mini Hydro scheme (MHS) intends to imprement the project as an lpp, after obtaining allotment from the Govt.

A.03 The project contemplates, to construct one small diversion weir. M's. penstock of length g0 m of 1.s m dia upto the power House to be located on the right bank of the stream (vide Drawing No SHA/BKP too4) with an instailed capacity of 2.s MW to generate about 6-00 Mu annually.

8.00 Location of Diversion Weir and power House

Belkin Powers 8.01 The diversion weir is proposed to be located at site about 10km from Hulikal located on Kundapura- - road. The Longitude and latitude of the weir site are, Tso 04, 11g, - E & 13042'473" - N respectively.

8.02 The Power house site is located on the right bank of the stream about 100 mt d/s of weir rocation, in Hosanagar Tq. shimoga district. The Longitude and latitude of the powerhouse site are, 75o 04'O9S"-E and 130 43,0g0,,_N respectively. The power Evacuation would just be about 10 km from power house which is on Hulikal Kundapur- Thirthalli road.

c.00 Hydrology

c.01 Catchment

c.01.01 The catchment area drained upto the proposed weir site is 17sq.km. The terrain of the catchment is steepry sroping and is fnade up gravery of soir with occasionar rocky outcrops. The area is generally covered with dense forest. The catchment area is shown in the drawing. c.02 Rainfall c'02'01 The catchment receives heavy rainfail during monsoon, usualy from second harf of month of May to first harf of month of November. some rains are expected during Aprir and November months arso. The average annuar rainfail is about rg92.6 mm. The pearby rain gauge stations are at Kollur and'Hulikar.

Belkin Powers c'02'02 The catchment area is small. Kollur and Hulikal rain gauge stations are nearer to the catchment boundary. Kollur Rain gauge station is just 20 km from weir site and Hulikal rain gauge station is about 5 km, from the weir site. Further, ih" geo-morphological conditions of Kollur and Hulikal area and the project catchment area are almost same with Kollur having a slightly higher influence as compared to Hulikal- A weight factor of 0.3 for Kollur and 0.7 for Hulikal has been adopted for hydrological studies. However at DpR stage all the other influencing rain guage stations along with other nearby rain guage stations will be considered for a detailed hydrological study.

C'02'03 The rainfall details of Kollur and Hulikal rain gauge station for the period from 2010-2014 are coilected and analysed. The average fainfall for the above period of 201 A_2014 of Kollur and Hulikal are presented as Annexure-(a) and Annexure-1(b) respectively. For the purpose of this feasibility report, the inflow in the stream is calculated based on the above rain fall data since they pertain to the nearest and most influencing rain gauge stations for which reliable data is available. However the detailed Hydrological computations based on long-term rainfall data as well as stream gauging will be done during DPR stage after collection of more data. The catchment rainfall is computed by considering the influence of Koilur and Hurikar rain gauge stations on the catchment.

Belkin Powers