Commentary by Brian L. Harbour May–August 2020

The Connections Series Study Christian education resources for adults that include: Study Guide, Teaching Guide, Resource Kit, and Commentary

We hope you enjoy Brian Harbour’s comments. Our goal is to provide you, the Connections Series Bible Study subscriber, a variety of perspectives on the Scripture text for any given week. The Connections Teaching Guide and the Connections Study Guide contain excellent Bible commentary and are designed with adult learners in mind. Brian Harbour’s commentary adds even more depth of study to the Connections Series Bible Study family of Christian education resources. His pastoral experience, professional and educational preparation, and love for the church and Scriptures make his contribution relevant and warmly personable. This volume represents Brian Harbour’s unique reflections, insight, and commentary on the Scripture texts. We are pleased to provide this resource to you.

Volume 5, Number 2. Copyright © 2020 Smyth & Helwys Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form without written permission. All Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible copyright ©1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA. All rights reserved. Lesson texts based on the Revised Common Lectionary, copyright © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts (CCT). Suggested Daily Bible Readings based on the Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings, copyright © 2005 by the CCT. Additional copies may be obtained by calling 1-800-747-3016 or from . Table of Contents

NextSunday Resources PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH 6316 Peake Road Macon, Georgia 31210 May 3 Community...... 6 1-800-747-3016 (USA) Acts 2:37-47 478-757-0564 (Advertising) May 10 Faithfulness...... 11 Acts 7:55–8:8 Keith Gammons May 17 Proclamation...... 16 Publisher Acts 17:19-32 Michael L. Ruffin Connections Editor May 24 Fellowship...... 21 Acts 1:6-14 Kelley Land Assistant Editor THE STATE OF THE CHURCH Katie Cummings May 31 How Unified Are We?...... 26 Editorial Associate :1-13 Dave Jones Jun 7 How Reflective Are We?...... 31 Graphic Design 2 Corinthians 13:1-13 Dee Kelly Jun 14 How Hopeful Are We?...... 36 Chelsea Madden Deborah Miley :1-11 Church Relations Jun 21 How Alive Are We?...... 41 ——— Romans 5:18–6:11 Jun 28 How Obedient Are We?...... 46 :12-23 ENDURING IMAGERY Jul 5 The Yoke...... 51 Matthew 11:16-30 Jul 12 The Soil...... 56 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 Jul 19 The Weeds...... 61 Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 Jul 26 A Medley...... 66 Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

An imprint of Smyth & GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE Helwys Publishing. Aug 2 by the Jabbok...... 71 Genesis 32:22-31 Aug 9 Joseph in a Pit...... 76 Genesis 37:12-28 Aug 16 Joseph in Charge...... 81 Genesis 45:1-15 Aug 23 on the Nile...... 86 Exodus 1:8-10, 22; 2:1-10 Aug 30 Moses at the Burning Bush...... 91 Exodus 3:1-2, 6-15 About the Author

Dr. Brian L. Harbour retired after forty-one years of service as a pastor. He received his PhD in theology from Baylor University in 1973 and has served churches in Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, Arkansas, and Texas. He served as pastor of First Baptist Richardson, Texas for seventeen years.

He served for nine years as a regent of Baylor University and for twelve years as a member of the system board of the Baylor Health Care System in Dallas. He also taught as an adjunct professor at George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University for ten years.

Brian brings a lifelong love of the Scriptures, the church, and Christian education to the Connections Series Bible Study Commentary. A prolific author, he has written fifteen books, including Contextualizing the Gospel: A Homiletic Commentary on 1 Corinthians.

In his retirement years, he has served several churches as Interim Pastor. He served as a Visiting Professor at Baylor University in the Department of Religion for seven years. He also teaches American History as an adjunct professor at Dallas Baptist University. He is the founding president of SeminaryPLUS, a non-profit organization that pro- vides encouragement and resources to pastors and church leaders.

Brian and his wife, Jan, are the parents of four adult children. They also have five grandchildren.

Also by Brian L. Harbour

Contextualizing the Gospel A Homiletic Commentary on 1 Corinthians Retail $19.00 • Online Price $15.20

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Resource Kit The Connections Resource Kit includes unit banners, unit outlines, and reproducible worksheets for most lessons.

For more information please call or visit our website. 1-800-747-3016 • PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH May 3,2020 Community and resurrection of (2:22-24) inwhich heconnects resurrection and whathappened ofthelife, death, summary Peter thenprovides abrief (Acts 2:14-21). thepeople inJerusalem by prophecy tothephenomenon displayed In his Pentecost Peter from quotes then appliesJoel’s Joel sermon, and God’s “on Spirit allflesh” relief fromGod. thejudgment of tobring wouldsend Joel toadaywhenGod 2:28).Joel pointed ( before ries his audiencereminds aboutapromise theprophet madeby Joel centu- Peter sermon. Christian todeliverthe first ofthatopportunity tage for thecelebration inJerusalem gathered ofPentecost. Hetakes advan- ofthecrowd Peter theattention has gifts, ofcharismatic expression Because theconsequent oftheHoly and ofthemanifestation Spirit 2:37-41 Acts THE DOORWAY TO COMMUNITY can theimpact ofbelievers and thecommunity make ontheworld. ofthis behave, community howmembers ofbelievers, community guration ofthechurch, heexplainshowonebecomes ofthis apart Luke As theinau- describes ofbelievers. acommunity but ratheras enforcement churchas amorality society, not thefirst-century presents [Colorado CO: Springs, Waterbrook, 2007],144). According Gospel The Sweet, Starbucks to (Leonard of thatsame purpose thatthechurch’sthen hesuggests dependsonourrediscovery future Starbucks totheirinvitation topeople“come toconnect,” here and accentuate thesuccess For example,heattributes relationships. of businesses theeffective wayinwhich with relationships somemodern business.”in therelationships Sweet contrasts thechurch’s neglectof nolonger Thechurch large and thought isnowaschool isby ofought. school Its of business. thebeing-right the proposition and business, the connection business, theprinciple businessinorder tomaster of church itself divested has Heconcludes,from thatpurpose. “The to each other. Unfortunately, church heclaims diverted has themodern church’s toconnect thentoconnect and peopletoGod purpose them thatthechurch isinthe“connection”asserts isthe Hesays it business. What isthechurch’s Sweet business? In oneofhis Leonard books, Our text seemstoconfirm text Our Sweet’s concept ofthe church, Lukefor

A cts 2:37-47 Community 7

with the words of Psalm 16 (2:25-36). Peter clarifies that the “Holy One” to whom God gives the promise that he will not be abandoned to the grave is not but Jesus. David decayed in the grave. In contrast, Peter declares, “This Jesus God raised up.” He then adds, “Of that all of us are witnesses” (2:32). Peter further explains that through Jesus’ death and resurrection, God wants to establish a new community of believers who will carry out the work of God’s kingdom. As the audience listens to Peter’s presentation of the gospel, Luke asserts that they “were cut to the heart” by his message. Consequently, those in the audience want to know, “What should we do?” (2:37). In other words, they want to know how they can become a part of this community of believers. Peter’s answer includes three requirements (2:38). To begin with, entering this new community of faith requires repentance. To repent means to change our direction, our mind, or our purpose. We are going in one direction—after sin and away from God. Repentance causes us to go in another direction—after righteousness and toward God. Repen- tance is an inward change that produces an outward transformation. Entering this new community of faith also calls for baptism. The Jews of the first century practiced a form of baptism that they used on proselytes who adopted the Jewish faith. John the Baptist introduced the idea of baptism as a public affirmation of one’s repentance. The first-century church utilized baptism as the first public act of identifi- cation with Jesus. In Acts 2, Peter informs his audience that to be a part of the community of believers, they need to certify their

inward change with this outward symbol. PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH Peter then mentions “the gift of the .” God does not bestow the Holy Spirit only on certain believers who possess special abilities and are called to distinct assignments. Instead, the infusion of the Holy Spirit comes to everyone who embraces Jesus to mark them as members of the community of believers. The Holy Spirit is a gift to “everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him” (2:39). At this point, Peter lays out before his audience two options (2:40-41). They can follow his instructions and through repentance become a part of this new community of believers that is centered in Jesus and his teaching. Or they can remain a part of what he calls “this corrupt generation” (2:40). The word translated “corrupt” is the word from which we get “scoliosis.” It means crooked or bent out of shape. Paul uses this same term when describing the society around him (Phil 2:15). To join the community of faith that centers on Jesus, Peter tells his audience that they must turn from their pathway of unrigh- teousness and then turn to Jesus and begin to follow him. In response 8 May 3, 2020

to Peter’s challenge, Luke tells us that “about three thousand persons” (2:41) walk through the doorway that connects them with this new community united around the name of Jesus.

THE DEMONSTRATION OF COMMUNITY Acts 2:42-47a Luke then describes the behavior of those in this new community of believers, especially noting their connectivity. These first believers connect in their common commitment to “the apostles’ teaching” (2:42) as their authoritative guide. The apostles received this teaching from Jesus and now convey it to the new believers. These first believers also connect around their shared meals and fellowship at the table. Most commentators believe that “the breaking of bread” (2:42) refers to more than the common meals they share. The phrase “the breaking of bread” echoes the statement made in Matthew 26:26 at Jesus’ inauguration of the first Lord’s Supper and suggests that Luke has in mind the obser- vance of the Lord’s Supper. Further, these first believers connect around their prayers (2:42). Luke perhaps refers here to their private times of prayer as new followers of Jesus. However, the first believers also continue in their attendance at times of public prayers in the temple (Acts 3:1). Their allegiance to Jesus’ teaching conveyed through the apostles, their times of holy Communion around the Lord’s table, and their periods of shared prayer mold these first believers into a commu- nity of faith. In his sermon, Peter quotes Joel’s prediction of a day when God “will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth below” (Acts 2:19). The apostles demonstrate those “wonders and signs” in the aftermath of Peter’s Pentecost sermon. Luke does not tell us what these signs and wonders are, but he notes their unifying impact. “Awe came upon everyone,” Luke explains (2:43). Luke does not clarify whether he means “everyone” who observes these things or “everyone” who has become a part of the new community of faith. We commonly accept the first understanding. In this case, Luke tells us that the Jews who have not yet accepted Jesus are nevertheless awed by the miraculous events engineered by these first followers of Jesus. However, since Luke describes the first-century church in these verses, “everyone” can also refer to the new believers. In this case, Luke affirms that the reflection of God’s power through Peter and the other disciples unifies the new believers, both in their confidence in Jesus and in their commitment to PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH Community 9

the new community of faith formed by those who have connected them to Jesus. Their sense of community motivates them to share their posses- sions with each other (2:44-45). To some degree, this sharing grows out of necessity. Persecution from the outside (Acts 3) magnifies the new Christians’ sense of isolation from the Jewish religious community and thus increases their dependency on each other. In addition, many of the new converts have come from other locations to celebrate Passover and Pentecost. After their conversion at Pentecost, they remain in Jerusalem and thus need assistance with the necessities of life. The local believers quickly rally to their cause. Selling their possessions (perhaps selling real estate like Barnabas does in Acts 4:36-37) as well as their personal goods, some of the new believers establish a pool of money to provide for the needs of these dislocated believers. In addition, the sense of community among the converts motivates them to share their time with each other (2:46-47a). Luke identifies two specific places where these first believers gather for fellowship with each other. On the one hand, they gather regularly at the temple. As Jewish Christians, they still recognize the temple as a central place for them to come together to worship. On the other hand, they also gather in the homes of the people. Their need for protection from the Jewish religious leaders’ growing opposition and their desire to celebrate their newfound faith with other believers draw them together in these home meetings. Around the table, they enjoy the intimate fellowship of

shared meals marked by celebration. PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH

THE DRAW OF COMMUNITY Acts 2:47b What kind of impact does this group of new believers have on the larger community in Jerusalem? Luke tells us that the first Christians enjoy “the goodwill of all the people” (2:47b). Luke uses “the people” as a code word for the nation of Israel. Later, the Jewish leaders will become more antagonistic to the gospel and those who proclaim it. However, at the beginning, the response to these first Christians by “the people” is mostly favorable. Using a popular term today, these first Christians are “authentic” in their Christian faith. They not only proclaim their faith; they also demonstrate it in their lives. As a result, these first Christians attract others to their fellowship (2:47b). As they gather to worship in the temple, share meals in their homes, and reflect their faith in their lives, these first Christians draw into their fellowship an increasing 10 May 3, 2020

number of new believers. Note, however, that these new believers are not added to the church simply because of the witness of these first Christians. Luke reminds us that “the Lord added to their number those who were being saved” (2:47b, emphasis added).

CONCLUSION What lessons can we learn from the connectivity demonstrated by these first believers? They remind us, first, that the Christian life is not a solo act. We do not stand alone. In fact, we cannot stand alone. Our relationship with Jesus naturally expands into relationships with others who have a relationship with Jesus. When Jesus answers the lawyer’s question concerning the greatest commandment, he includes both the vertical and horizontal dimensions (Mt 22:37-40). Loving God and loving others inevitably go together. These first Christians also demonstrate some of the ways in which we should connect with each other. Creating community in the church is not about emotion but about action. James reminds us of the inextri- cable connection between words and actions when he asks, “If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill,’ and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that?” ( Jas 2:15-16). Connectivity in the church involves both loving each other and helping each other. In addition, these first Christians demonstrate the impact of a community of faith in which the people support each other and demonstrate that support by their actions. Fellowship becomes a magnet that draws others in. People need to feel loved. They crave acceptance. They desire to feel important. When they see the love and acceptance reflected in true Christian fellowship, they will want to be a part of it.

ACTS Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary Series J. Bradley Chance Retail $60.00 Call 800-747-3016 or visit PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH cts 7:55–8:8 A

This tradition first of faithfulness This emerges in the immediate after-

individuals selected for this administrative assignment, this selected for individuals Stephen and demonstrated in the lives of Stephen and Philip. two of the However, the gospel (Acts 6:1-6). proclaiming to continue authority” text, our In (Acts 5:29). faithfulness that same we see and ministerthe food to the new Christians, thus freeing the disciples ities. The disciples answer, “We must obey God rather than “We human ities. answer, The disciples selects seven to distribute individuals the church gospel. Consequently, brings their religious in and orders the disciples activ- them to cease the of the new to proclaim Christians time, continue and, at the same to the temple to continue their preaching. Once more their preaching. the Sanhedrin Once to the temple to continue up with the demands keep cannot the disciples grows, As the church prison, the disciples do not flee for their safety. Instead, they safety. returnprison,for their do not flee the disciples Acts 7:55–8:1a them in prison. When the angel of the Lord the liberates them from THE MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN up their opposition. time locking Again, they this seize the disciples, ples continue to declare the gospel, the Jewish religious to declare leaders ratchet ples continue speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). (Acts seen and heard” about what we have Asspeaking the disci- fulness in the early church when they assert that “we cannot keep from from keep when they assertfulness in the early church that “we cannot who has been crucified. The two disciples reflect the offirst faith- flash gathering and orders them to stop speaking about this radical rabbi gathering and radical orders about this them to stop speaking of the crippled beggar, the Sanhedrin before their and John drags him of the crippled beggar, follows. In response In to Peter’sfollows. sermon in the temple healing and his math of Pentecost and extends through the period and extends persecution of through that math of Pentecost for the Christian.for (Eph 1:1). To Paul, nothing surpasses nothing importance the Paul, of faithfulness (Eph 1:1). To and he affirms the saints in Ephesus because they arefaithful and he affirms because in Ephesus saints the and sisters in Christ in Colossae because they are faithful (Col 1:2), 1:2), they are (Col faithful and sisters because in Christin Colossae word of praise—he calls them faithful. He also commends the brothers of praise—he word faithful. them commends He also calls (Eph 6:21), Epaphras (Col 1:7), and Onesimus (Col 4:9) with 1:7), a single and (Col (Col Onesimus (Eph Epaphras 6:21), he respects. For example, he commends Timothy (1 Cor 4:17), Tychicus 4:17), Timothyhe respects. Tychicus (1 Cor example, he commends For church when we notice that this is Paul’s favorite accolade for those for favorite accolade is Paul’s that this when we notice church We recognize the importance in the first-century of faithfulness recognize We

May 10, 2020 Faithfulness 12 May 10, 2020

Philip, want to do more, so they expand their ministries to include preaching. Luke describes the aggressive opposition the religious leaders of Jerusalem have toward their preaching, and he also mentions the two men’s faithfulness amid this opposition. He reflects first on Stephen. As Stephen preaches the gospel, those in the synagogue who oppose him cannot “withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he spoke” (Acts 6:10). Unable to refute Stephen’s teaching, his enemies adopt another tactic. They make false accusations against him and bring him before the council to respond to these charges (6:11–7:1). In reply, Stephen gives the religious leaders a lesson in their own religious history concerning God’s plan for humanity (7:2-50). After demon- strating that God’s plan includes not only Israel but the entire world, Stephen declares that Jesus fulfills the prediction of the prophets that God will bring about redemption of all humankind. Stephen then accuses the leaders of the Sanhedrin of putting to death the very one through whom God hopes to fulfill this plan of redemption (7:51-52). The implication of Stephen’s speech enrages these religious leaders (7:54). “Enraged” literally means “to be sawed in half.” We might trans- late that phrase, “they were cut to the heart.” While not often used today, the reference to grinding their teeth is a common first-century idiom for extreme aggravation. We might say today that they “went ballistic.” Stephen’s critics clearly reflect their hostility toward him in their demeanor and appearance. Such rage inevitably manifests itself in physical retaliation. How will Stephen respond? He reflects the same faithfulness as others among the early Christians, both those who precede him and those who will follow him. For example, James and John refuse to submit to the demand of the Sanhedrin to be silent (Acts 4:20). James courageously maintains his faith although it costs him his life (12:2). And Peter refuses to recant his faith when thrown into prison, but instead maintains his faith until God miraculously releases him (12:1-18). In a similar way, Stephen refuses to submit to the pressure of his accusers. Instead, he remains faithful. Perhaps to strengthen his resolve, Stephen turns his focus from the outraged crowd before him and focuses instead on God. God rewards Stephen’s faithfulness with a revelation of God’s glory (7:55). God also provides for Stephen a special vision of “Jesus standing at the right hand of God” (7:55-56). Stephen’s claim that he sees Jesus at the right hand of God arouses a frenzied outburst from the Sanhedrin. They cover their ears and yell, perhaps in a response of rage or maybe PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH 13

As he dies, Stephen two the statements echoes from of Jesus’ At this point, Luke introduces someone who will soon move to introduces point, this Luke At

many of its leaders. quently, Saul new lashes out against and religious this imprisons group quently, Jews and . Their entire system rests on that distinction. Conse- isees. They cannot tolerate the obliteration of the distinction betweenisees. They cannot on humanity the Phar- for is too inclusive as above being nation or race like them or everyone who does not act like them. Stephen’s emphasis them or everyonelike them. does not act like who Stephen’s Their legalism leads to the desire to separate from everyoneTheir legalism leads to the desire from to separate who is not a Pharisee. The Pharisees about the strict obsess observance of the law. intense and destructive. Saul’s opposition grows out of his theology out of his intense opposition and grows destructive. as Saul’s beast tearing its victim to shreds. of persecution new wave This is thus church (8:3). The word “ravaging” carries the connotation of a wild the connotation carries “ravaging” (8:3). The word church new wave of tells wave us that Saul Luke “was ravaging” the the church (8:1b-2). this in Acts 7:58, leads Saul,the church the man introduced Saul witnesses the martyrdom of Stephen of it and (8:1a). approves of persecution martyrdom against an intensification sparks Stephen’s of times, Stephen remains tells us that faithful. As Luke a footnote, Acts 8:1b-4 God and with a desire for peace for those who took his life. In the worst life. In his those who took God for and with a desire peace for THE PERSECUTION OF THE CHURCH not know what they are doing” with (Lk 23:34). Stephen dies at peace commend my spirit” (Lk 23:46) and “Father, forgive them; forgive they spirit” do my for commend (Lk 23:46) and “Father, cross recorded in Luke’s Gospel (Acts 7:60): “Father, into your hands into your I Gospel (Acts 7:60): “Father, in Luke’s recorded cross road (22:3-16). (22:3-16). road rects efforts his in a transforming to Saul appearance on the Damascus day. He will unleash a furious attack on the church before Jesus redi- before Jesus He will unleash a furious on the church attack day. He is trained by Jewish teachers Gamaliel, one of the prominent of his by his Jewish name, Saul. Saul is a Jew from the city of Tarsus in Jewish name, Saul. his Saul the city is a Jew from of Tarsus Luke calls him Paul, his official Roman name, rather than calling him calling Roman name, rather than official his Paul, him calls Luke as “Saul” (7:59). Beginning with first the missionary journey 13), (Acts center stage ascenter the storyhim identifies Luke unfolds. of the early church of blasphemy against God.of blasphemy allow the mob to execute this man they whom this believe all execute to mob allow the to be guilty rage, the membersSanhedrin of the as ignore they that technicality government the authority had to carry their In out the death penalty. begin to stone him (7:57-58). In first-century In (7:57-58). stonebegin to him Palestine,only the Roman pushes them to action.pushes Theydrag Stephen the edge to city of the and Faithfulness Stephen. from rage Their words also out any moreto drown heretical 14 May 10, 2020

Does this massive strike against the church silence these new believers? Do they slink off to the safety of their own homes and deny their involvement? No. Instead, their faithfulness transforms what seems to be a tragedy for the church into a stimulus. Because of the persecution, Luke tells us that “all except the apostles were scattered throughout the countryside of and Samaria” (8:1). As they scatter, these first believers take the gospel with them (8:4). Because of the dispersion precipitated by the persecution, these first Christians communicate the gospel in places they have never been before and to people they never would have otherwise encountered. A great tragedy for the church becomes a tool by which the church expands its reach. Fleeing Christians become willing witnesses. Because of their faithful- ness, this persecution that at the time seems to herald the demise of the church instead becomes the stimulus that spurs the church’s growth.

THE FRUITFULNESS OF PHILIP Acts 8:5-8 Luke selects one of these Christians pushed out of Jerusalem for special consideration. His name is Philip. As with Stephen, the church originally sets him aside to distribute the food to the new believers in Jerusalem. Also, like Stephen, he feels compelled to do more. Philip goes to Samaria to preach the gospel (8:5a). When Assyria conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel in the eighth century BC, they deported a large segment of the population to Assyria and replaced them with strangers from other countries. The Jews left in Israel inter- married with these strangers. The descendants of these intermarriages became known as Samaritans. (This is what Jews believed about the Samaritans. The Samaritans themselves insisted they were descendants of the people of the Northern Kingdom and thus were full-blooded .) When the Jews of the exile later returned to Israel, they refused to relate to the Samaritans because they considered them not to be full-blooded Israelites. From that day forward, a barrier divided the Jews and the Samaritans. In our text, Philip challenges that traditional separation when he preaches the gospel to the Samaritans. Notice that Philip focuses on Jesus in his preaching. Luke says he “proclaimed the Messiah to them” (8:5b). The Samaritans share with the Jews the hope of the coming Messiah. For example, the Samaritan woman with whom Jesus converses at the well testifies, “I know the Messiah is coming” ( Jn 4:25). Philip explains that in Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah has already come and God’s promises have already been PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH 15

Finally, Philip demonstrates of our faithfulness. a day the impact In Finally, These first believers also revealfaithfulness will open that our The response to Philip’s sermon resembles at Pente- what happened The response to Philip’s

what they claim to believe can have a similar positive impact today. today. a similar positive impact have to believe can what they claim gospel left a trail of hope, new life, and joy. Those who are to faithful gospel left a trail of hope, new and life, joy. what they believe will stand out. Philip’s faithful proclamation of the proclamation faithful what they believe will stand out. Philip’s life withoutlife making any impact, those who are willing to stand up for when so many of us take the path of least resistance and slide through of least the path when so many resistance of us take and through slide

opportunities the gospel. of to extend the impact today will discover that everytoday will discover yet provides situation changing more with open eyes and attentive spirits, who strive those of us to be faithful extending the influence of the first church. If we face each new situation new each situation of the first face extending If we church. the influence those in Samaria, breaking of their day and thus the rigid exclusiveness faithful, these firstfaithful, the to gospel believerscommunicate were able to doors of opportunity they remained that we do not anticipate. Because also be costly to us today. also be costly tion, misunderstanding,faithfulness may of pathway The and conflict. beginning in the firstpages of Acts, of the book is the story of persecu- often throws us into a cauldron of suffering. The story us into a cauldron often throws of , the proponents of the health and wealth gospel promise. Instead, of the health and faith wealth gospel promise. the proponents always be the stroll in the park or the trip in the park always down Prosperity be the stroll Lane that reminds difficulty us of the faithful. of being Christian The will not life city” (8:8). CONCLUSION What do these first Christians faithfulness? Stephen us about teach for our text affirmation: ends withfor this “So there was great joy in that people” (Acts 2:47). Philip’s preaching generates preaching a similar response, people” (Acts 2:47). Philip’s (Acts 2:46) and were “praising God and(Acts 2:46) the goodwill having of all the and were “praising sermon, Luke tells us the first believers had “glad and generous hearts”“glad and generous tellssermon, us the first Luke believers had the healing of many are who paralyzed (8:7). disabled or After Peter’s panied by similar signs (8:6), including exorcisms of evil spirits exorcisms bypanied similar signs (8:6), and including being done by the apostles” (Acts 2:43). Philip’s preaching is accom- is preaching being done by the apostles” Philip’s (Acts 2:43). us, “Awe came upon everyone, many wonders came and were signs because us, “Awe cost following the preaching of Peter. After Peter’s tells sermon, of Peter. the preaching Luke following cost makes Jesus the foundation of his message. of his foundation the Jesus makes Christian preachers introduced to us in the , Philip Christian Testament, the New to us in preachers introduced Faithfulness plan of hasredemption inaugurated. been fulfilled. God’s all the Like PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH May 17,2020 Proclamation Beroea” (17:10). Then, when similar chaos erupts in Beroea, Luke tells Beroea” inBeroea, Then, whensimilar chaos erupts (17:10). inThessalonica someof thebelievers night, “sent Paul offto Silas and (Acts 17:1-9) (17:10-15). inBeroea and Luke usthatundercover tells of escapean from thechaos caused his preaching in Thessalonica by seemsthatAthens It isnotonPaul’s but isinstead itinerary planned 17:19-21 Acts THE SETTING approacha distinct inhis proclamation inAthens. ofthegospel audiences Consequently, towhich been preaching. hehas hewilltake toAthens facesgoes and kind ofaudience adifferent theJewish than inhis preaching audiences.format toJewish However, Paul inourtext, embrace Paul Jesus become and of this kingdom. usesthis new apart (4)theappealto point, pointsleadtothelast three Thesefirst age. new theheadofthis as ofGod hand totheright tion, Jesus beenexalted has (3)Through ofJesus. theresurrec- resurrection life, death,and birth, Testament (2) This taken has place through prophets the arrived. has Old by the focuses offulfillment (1)Theage predicted onfour points. biblicalas Doddidentified H. scholar“the kerygma.” C. The kerygma audience inthepromises Testament, steeped oftheOld follow aform toaJewish preached proclaimers. Most ofthesesermons, Christian the gospel!” (1Cor 9:16). tomeifIdonotproclaim “woe fromevokes him this cry: anguished Paul’s(Acts 7; conviction 8:4-8). concerning ofpreaching thecentrality topreach seizetheopportunities caring they for theearlybelievers, dutiesof theadministrative beyond toexpand theirministries want Philip and thedead” and (10:42).WhenStephen oftheliving judge as thatheistheoneordained God by totestify tothepeopleand preach Jesus] commanded usto “He [ explaining, asermon, outwith breaks the Messiah” acrowd around (Acts5:42).Whenever Peter, gathers he didnotcease athomethey proclaim and toteach and temple Jesus as Luke tells us, believers, dayinthe ofthesefirst descriptions every “And church. In oneoftheinitial preaching inthelife ofthefirst-century examinationoftheNew TestamentAn thecentral place reveals of The book of Acts includes several sermons preached by these first thesefirst by preached The book ofActsincludes sermons several


As Paul stands before them, these leaders probe him concerning stands concerning before them, these leaders him As Paul probe Whether out of curiosity to know more about these strange new Paul’s approach draws the interest of some local philosophers the interest draws of some local approach Paul’s Paul finds the finds the synagoguePaul sharesand the withgospel the Jewish

creates such curiositycreates such among these Greek thinkers: “This was because his strange teaching (17:20). Luke gives us a hint of Paul’s message that message strangehis of Paul’s (17:20). gives us a hint teaching Luke they now meet in the city marketplace. assembled on a hill known as known assembled the Areopagus. on a hill Retaining name, that guardians against unwanted itinerant teachers. Originally, this group group this against unwanted itinerantguardians teachers. Originally, group of These leaders serve as custodians of new ideas and his teaching (17:19). The term (17:19). The teaching his Areopagus refers and a to both a place babbling, to the Areopagus the philosophers to explain Paul summon teachings from Paul or because they hope to be further amused by his or because Paul from teachings Greek noun, is a goddess. feminine listeners mistakenly think that “resurrection,” which translates a which listeners that “resurrection,” think mistakenly of Jesus as the Sonof Jesus presents as of God, a god. Jesus Paul the Perhaps foreign divinities does Paul advocate? Clearly in his proclamation proclamation Clearly in his advocate? foreign divinities does Paul they accuse him of being “a proclaimer of foreign divinities.” What of foreign divinities.” proclaimer of being “a him they accuse then spouting them out to his audience to impress others. audience them out to his then spouting Second, picking up bits and pieces of knowledge in an up bits indiscriminate andpicking pieces way and the local philosophers accuse Paul of being an intellectual sparrow, sparrow, of being an intellectual Paul philosophers accuse the local just pick up whatever pieces of grain they can find. Withterm, this of grain they up whatever can just pick pieces in the marketplace. Sparrows do not discriminate in their diet. Sparrows in the marketplace. They “seed picker” and“seed describes who survive sparrows by up seeds picking (17:18). First, they accuse him of being a “babbler.” This word means word This (17:18). First, of being a “babbler.” him they accuse tials or with his message. They apply two condescending terms message.tials or with They his to Paul apply two condescending Apparently, Paul does not impressmen, either these creden- with Paul his Apparently, whom Luke describes and as Stoic “Epicurean philosophers”whom Luke (17:18). declaration. declaration. a discussion morea discussion than a formal presentation, more dialogue than Greek word from which we get our word “dialogue.” This word pictures word This “dialogue.” we get word our which Greek from word approach to sharing in both the synagogue a approach and the marketplace, center of the city (17:17). Luke uses the word “argued” to describe Paul’s to describe Paul’s of the citycenter “argued” (17:17). uses the word Luke to converse with their friends. and civic is the social to converse The marketplace square in the heart in the square city of the where gather to do business and people worshipers, but he also shares the gospel “in the marketplace,” a worshipers,also shares but he gospel the “in the marketplace,” concern that stimulates (17:16). into action him concern observes the activities in Athens. His observations generate an inward waiting for them in Athens” (17:16). As he waits for his companions, he (17:16).Athens” them in waiting companions, for As his he waits for Silasand Timothy remain in Beroea, “was explains, Paul but, Luke Proclamation believers the coast” to away “the us that immediately (17:14). Paul sent 18 May 17, 2020

he was telling the good news about Jesus and the resurrection” (17:18). The Athenians, who constantly search for new gods, hope that these two new gods introduced by Paul can fit into their pantheon. The possibility that Paul espouses some new gods especially appeals to the Athenians’ endless appetite for “telling or hearing something new” (17:21).

THE MESSAGE Acts 17:22-31 Because the Areopagus is a different kind of audience from Paul’s usual Jewish audiences, his sermon follows a rhetorical approach decidedly different from his other sermons recorded in the book of Acts. For example, in his sermon at Antioch of Pisidia, recorded in Acts 13:16- 41, Paul begins with Scripture, focuses on God’s involvement with the covenant people of Israel, and presents Jesus as a fulfillment of God’s promises through David. At Athens, in contrast, he quotes from Greek poets instead of quoting Hebrew prophets from the . He emphasizes God as creator of the world instead of identifying God as the covenant God of Israel. He begins with an experience in the lives of the Athenians, not with Scripture. He shapes his rhetorical strategy to fit the audience. Paul does not change the message as he preaches in this different setting, but he does change his methods because he real- izes that he must present his message in a way that allows the audience to understand and properly respond to it. He begins his sermon in Athens by praising the Athenians for their religious inclinations (17:22). They adorn their city with idols repre- senting every deity they believe in. In case they forgot one of the gods, they add an altar to the unknown God. Now that he has drawn their attention to this god they do not know, Paul informs them that he will unveil this unknown god to them. “What therefore you worship as unknown,” he promises, “this I proclaim to you” (17:23). In his opening statements, Paul describes the proper understanding of God (17:24-25). He first affirms the distinctiveness of God. He counters the pantheist notion that identifies God with the universe. He asserts instead that God is distinct from the world and that human beings are accountable to him as their creator. He affirms that God “made the world and everything in it” (17:24). He then affirms the oneness of God. He discards the notion that different gods rule over different cultures. Instead, he presents a God who “is the Lord of heaven and earth” (17:24). Finally, he affirms the supremacy of God. PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH 19 , Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament , Paideia: Testament on the New Commentaries

Paul concludes his sermon to the Athenians with a call to action: sermon his with to the Athenians a call concludes Paul Paul then presents the proper understanding then presents the proper Paul of our relationship

the revelation of the one true God the dead (17:31). by from raising him [Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008] 248). God confirms Jesus 2008] 248). God[Grandas Jesus confirms Rapids, MI: Academic, Baker

(Mikeal C. Parsons, Acts God will judge the world through the one manGod whom God will judge appointed” the world through made all the nations to inhabit earth the whole one man, so from who tellsfurther us that “many by preaching Luke and John, Peter with the one true God. puts it, “Just As one commentator as God had three persons thousand (Acts 2:41). After were to the church added” of deities. Instead, he wants them to embrace Jesus and thus connect of deities. and thus connect Jesus Instead, he wants them to embrace tells sermon, us that “about responseIn to Peter’s Luke Pentecost want to introduce a new god for the Athenians to add to their pantheon a new to add to their pantheon the Athenians god for want to introduce Acts 17:32 commands all people everywherecommands to repent” (17:30). does not Paul THE RESPONSE “While God now he has the times of human ignorance, overlooked (17:29). a meaningful their worship relationship with of idols God through of their relationship with God reveal the futility of their hope to find offspring” understanding (17:28). This of God understanding and this the common heritagethe common of humanity we too are his with the quote, “For writers about the Greeks to support declaration his themselves embrace live and move our being” and have (17:28). He appeals to one of the his declaration about the nearness declaration of Godhis we with him the quote, “In because God is “not far from each one of us” one of (17:27). each supports from far Paul God is “not because Coming into a relationship with God every for is possible Coming individual into a relationship with Godforgiveness (17:27). to find and fulfillment uals of everyuals need. Every nation share common a must come individual As every and every individual heritage, share nation a common individ- Instead,all nations” he made he asserts (17:26). ancestor one that “from therefore more have value than others and exist on different levels. different ethnic groups come into being in different ways and some that come different ethnic groups with God (17:26-28). the current He counters time that of his belief things” (17:25). things” Instead, God “himself to all mortals gives and life breath and all from us. We do not bring God by with to life idols hands. our shaping us. We from Instead, he affirms that God is self-existent utterlyand independent Proclamation existence. He rejects Godnotion that the God’s on us for depends 20 May 17, 2020

heard the message believed, and the number of men grew to about five thousand” (4:4). Paul receives a more mixed response to his sermon in Athens. Instead of many responding in faith with a few who make a more cautious response, after his sermon before the Areopagus a few respond in faith while many make a more cautious, even a more caustic, response (17:32). Some commentators attribute the more cautious and caustic response of the Athenians to Paul’s failure to “just preach Jesus.” I think that criticism misses the point. We can attribute the different response to the different audience. In Athens the soil has not been prepared through the instructions of the law and the promises of the prophets. Paul does not change the message as he shares in this more hostile setting, but he does change his methods because he realizes that he must present the gospel in such a way that the audience can under- stand it and respond properly to it. What they do with the message is their responsibility.

CONCLUSION What can we learn from Paul’s preaching in our text? To begin with, Paul affirms the message of our proclamation. We must stay true to the gospel message. We must not be intimidated by the intellectual condescension from unbelievers in the marketplace into changing our message in order to obtain their acceptance. We must continue to preach “the good news about Jesus and the resurrection” (Acts 17:18). Paul also demonstrates the method of our proclamation. While remaining true to the gospel message, we must be willing to adapt our methods to the changing circumstances around us. We must develop a strategy that will enable us to communicate the gospel to all the different subcultures surrounding us. In addition, the experience in our text warns us about the mixed response people will give to the proclamation of the gospel. Not everyone will respond positively to our message about Jesus. Some will accept the message, just as in every setting in which Paul preaches, and will embrace the gospel and become believers. Yet in every setting some will reject the message. Some will quietly ignore us. Others will attempt to silence us. We must not be discouraged by the lack of response to our witness. PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH cts 1:6-14 A

shape of the kingdomshape of God by their attention refocusing on the kingdom to Israel?” (1:6). deflects their question about the future Jesus with the time when you will restore the question, is this “Lord, the Jesus in further dialogue concerning the future in furtherJesus of the kingdom of God dialogue concerning them “about the kingdom try of God” (1:3). The disciples to engage them “about shadow of a doubt that he hasshadow risen He then instructs the grave. from (Acts 1:3). The resurrected beyond a the disciples Lord convinces the work of the church. the work of the church. alive” himself proofs” “by to the disciples “presented many convincing Jesus inspiresJesus and empowers of believers that fellowship to carry out Gospel he ends his (Lk 24:36-53).with tells which us that Jesus Luke part of the story that we can call “Thepart of the story call Acts of the Resurrected that we can Lord,” briefly the opening versesIn of Acts, of the book Luke retells the events prepares a fellowship of believers to be the church. Now, in the second in the second prepares of believers Now, a fellowship to be the church. POWER CEMENTED BY A FELLOWSHIP Acts 1:6-8 the firstpart of the story gathers Jesus and (the of Gospel Luke), while the book of Acts narrates the book while the acts of the resurrected Jesus. In words, the Gospel of Luke narrates Jesus, the Gospelwords, of Luke the acts of the incarnated his church in the lives of the apostles and other believers. church his other In book, he will write to do and in teach continues about all that Jesus taken up to heaven” (Acts 1:1-2). This implies that in this second second implies that in this This (Acts 1:1-2). up to heaven” taken Jesus did and taught from the beginning until the day when he was the beginning until did and taught from Jesus first part of the story, in the Gospel of Luke, Luke about all that “wrote first Luke part in the of Gospel Luke, of the story, story first (“the book” in Acts 1:1 In the refers to the of Gospel Luke). the Gospel of Luke and of Acts are the book the Gospel two of Luke parts of the same whose acts does the title of the book refer? We should remember should that the titlewhose acts does refer? of the book We eleven Spirit, chapters of the Holy no mention make so to of the book Spirit.” Luke does frequently But Spirit book. refer in this to the Holy Luke Spirit.” some choose insteadsome choose identify to as the book “The Acts of the Holy chapter 12, we see no mention of the original apostles. Consequently, we see no mention of the original 12, chapter apostles. Consequently, people have referred to it as “The .” However, after referred However, people have to it as “The of the Apostles.” Acts “Acts.” But the acts of whom? Since the middle of the second century, century, the middle of the second Since But acts of whom? the “Acts.” We call the book that describes the book the first days of the Christian call church We

May 24, 2020 Fellowship 22 May 24, 2020

present (1:7). He reminds them of their assignment in the present and of the power that will enable them to fulfill this assignment. Consider first the power by which they will carry out their assign- ment. Surprisingly, Jesus orders the disciples to remain in Jerusalem (1:4). Because of what the Roman and Jewish leaders did to Jesus, these disciples, mostly Galileans, would have headed for the safety of their own territory. Instead, they obey Jesus’ order to remain in the dangerous context of volatile Jerusalem because he adds the promise that the Holy Spirit will “come upon you” (1:8). According to John’s Gospel, on the night before he died, Jesus identified the Holy Spirit as one who would come alongside the disciples to enlighten them, to encourage them, and to empower them ( Jn 14–16). In our text, Jesus has the same idea in mind when he informs the disciples that the Holy Spirit will “come upon you” (1:8). When the Holy Spirit comes upon them, Jesus promises, they “will receive power” (1:8). The Holy Spirit will not only mark them as followers of Jesus. The Holy Spirit will also empower them to carry out their assignment. What is their assignment? Jesus wants them to be his “witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (1:8). Consider the scope of the assignment. Their assignment begins “in Jerusalem.” Jerusalem represents the people who are like us and who live near us. We must begin by sharing the gospel with them. Jesus also assigns the church to be his witnesses “in all Judea.” Judea represents the people who are like us but who do not live near us. Our assignment includes those we must exert special effort to reach. Jesus further instructs the disciples to be his witnesses in “Samaria.” Samaria represents the people who are not like us, even those we do not like, who live near us. The Jewish people considered Samaritans to be outcasts with whom they should have as little contact as possible. Yet Jesus assigns his fellowship of believers to share a witness even with those who are not like them. Finally, Jesus’ assignment includes those who live “to the ends of the earth.” This term includes the people who are not like us, even those we do not like, who live far away from us. Jesus echoes this thought in the Great Commission when he gives this order to his disciples: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19). God wants every person on this planet to hear the gospel and to have a chance to respond, and God assigns the church to make that happen. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, these first believers mobi- lize to carry out that assignment. PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH 23

First, will return they know Jesus The angels assure personally. At this point, this twoAt angels appear before the believers with a promise Why the ascension? Let God removesWhy possible answer. the ascension? one offer me

Jesus in the future is a central element of the New Testament faith. faith. Testament element of the New in the futureJesus is a central of Jesus, it is also possible to claim too little. The personal itof Jesus, is also possible to claim return of Although we often claim too much when we speak of the future when we speak Although too much return we often claim them, “This them will return from who has Jesus” been taken (1:11).

disciples find comfort in two elements of the find promise. angels’ disciples Jesus refuses to give a specific time for his for the return refuses time Jesus to give a specific (1:7).However, return kingdom and his bring history to consummate (1:11). to a close who ascends to the rightwho ascends hand of God to rule kingdom over will his that will comfort them in the days ahead (1:10-11). Someday, this Jesus Jesus this Someday, the days them in ahead (1:10-11). that will comfort turned back grieving, only to find you in our hearts.” turned grieving, back only to find you in our hearts.” this truth in these words: “You ascended from beforeeyes, our from ascended and we truththis in these words: “You promise in his ascension. The early church father Augustine captured Augustine father captured The early church ascension. his in promise with you always, to the end of the age” (Mt 28:20)? activates that Jesus (Lkyou remember 24:52). Do to the disciples: last his words “I am disappointment. Instead to Jerusalem they “returned with great joy” that after the ascension, these firstthat after the ascension, do not express disciples grief or with the disciples in a new way. This becomes clear when we notice when we notice clear becomes This in a newwith way. the disciples fore, the ascension signals not the absence of Jesus but his presence presence but his of Jesus signals not the absence fore, the ascension will send him to you.” Jesus leaves so that the Spirit can come. There- come. the Spirit so that leaves can Jesus to you.” will send him for if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I to you; but if I go, will not come the Advocate if I do not go away, for “Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, with him can be spiritualized. In John 16:7, Jesus tells be spiritualized. the disciples, 16:7, Jesus John In can with him Jesus’ physical presence from the disciples so that their relationship so that the disciples from presence physical Jesus’ from them and was carried up into heaven” (Lk 24:51). them and heaven” up into wascarried from this eventthis in these words: “While was he blessing them, he withdrew and sat down at the right hand of God” (Mk 16:19), and Luke describes at the right down andand sat Luke 16:19), hand of God” (Mk the Lord up into heaven them, was to after Jesus, taken he had spoken ascension of Jesus at the end of their Gospels. Mark declares, “So declares, Gospels. at the end of their then of Jesus Mark ascension of the Father as Lord of the cosmos. Both Mark and Luke mention the and Luke as Lord Both Mark of the Father cosmos. of the resurrected to sit earth the right at in order from heaven to Jesus hand of this event as the “ascension.” The ascension is the movement of the The ascension eventof this as the “ascension.” “was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight” (1:9). We speak speak sight” out of their him took “was andcloud a lifted (1:9). We up, earth forty to heaven days after resurrection. his tellsthat Jesus us Luke at the same time most time ignoredat the same transition life: events his from in Jesus’ In this section of our text, section this In read we of the most about one important and Acts 1:9-11 Fellowship A PROMISE BY COMFORTED A FELLOWSHIP 24 May 24, 2020

Second, the angels also imply that in Jesus’ return, he will be different than in his first appearance on the earth. Once he came in weakness, in humility, and in obscurity. Someday he will come in power, in glory, and in universal acclaim. He came the first time as a wandering rabbi of Palestine whom humanity rejected and put to death on the cross. He will come the second time as the Lord of life, and before him every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord! In the days ahead, the fellowship of believers will continue to find comfort in that promise.

A FELLOWSHIP COMMITTED TO PRAYER Acts 1:12-14 The disciples return to Jerusalem and gather in “a room upstairs where they were staying” (1:12-13). Tradition suggests that this “room upstairs,” like the room where the disciples shared the last supper with Jesus, was in the house of John Mark’s mother, Mary. The disciples will meet there again in a time of crisis, when Peter is arrested, to pray for his release (Acts 12:12). Note two things about this gathering of believers. First, note who participates in this gathering in the room upstairs. The gathering includes both men and women. The disciples minus Judas Iscariot are there (1:13). In addition, some of the women who have accompanied Jesus during his ministry are there (1:14). Members of Jesus’ family are also there. Jesus’ family opposed him during his ministry ( Jn 7:5), but now they have joined the fellowship of believers. With such a motley group, Jesus will turn the world upside down! Note also what they do when they gather in the room upstairs. Luke tells us that they “were constantly devoting themselves to prayer” (1:14). This prayer opens them to the energizing power of the Spirit of God. As it is for these first disciples, so it is for Christians today. Prayer will unite us as God’s people and give us a foundation from which to complete our assignment. The first believers demonstrate that truth. They meet with God in the holy place of the room upstairs, and then they go into the marketplace, empowered, to carry out their assignment to take the gospel to the world.

CONCLUSION What can we learn from this experience in our text about the fellowship of believers we know as the church? To begin with, our text reminds us that the church has a purpose. Our purpose is to take the gospel to the PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE CHURCH 25

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Finally, our text reminds the importance us of of prayerFinally, in carrying Our textalso assures us that God this energize will to fulfill us

power that energized these first believers. on our knees in prayer, perhaps we can begin to experience the spiritual experience begin to perhaps we can on our knees in prayer, on my feet, but I can go to India on my knees.” If more we spend time knees.” on my go to India feet, but I can on my missionary William Carey, expressed it. She said, “I cannot go to India go to India expressed it.missionary “I cannot said, She William Carey, throughout the world. I love how Polly Carey, sister of the famous Carey, the world. I love how Polly throughout purpose God. of It also enables us to participate God in what is doing out our assignment. us with the power and Prayer connects not only twenty-first-century world. enable us to carry out our assignment to share the gospel with the turn down and the world upside infiltrate it with the will also gospel enabled this handful of misfits in the small province of Palestine to of handful of misfits in the small province enabled this purpose through the indwelling Holy Spirit.purpose Holy the indwelling power that through The same club. A group of believersA group without strategy a mission it is a is not a church; We must be willing to cross both cultural and geographical boundaries. andgeographical both cultural must to cross be willing We but we must side of the globe. live on the other those who not neglect Fellowship must us, with begin community in the who live those around world. We THE STATE OF THE CHURCH May 31,2020 How UnifiedAreWe? same gift. He writes in 1 Corinthians 12:4, “Now there are varieties of varieties in1Corinthians 12:4, “Now are there He writes same gift. the has 1 Pet Second, 4:10;1Cor Paul 7:7). explains thatnoteveryone 4:7; (Eph gift onespiritual at least has Christian declares that every theNew Testament and for God, someministry repeatedly perform to for isthe ability gift the commonSpirit Aspiritual good” (12:7). “To each ofthe isgiventhemanifestation Hewrites, gift. a spiritual has believer hedeclares thatevery First, of ourtext. opening verses tikos The word “spiritual translated word pneuma (12:1)istheGreek gifts” 1 Corinthians12:1-7 DISCERNING THESPIRITUAL GIFTS gifts. of spiritual ofthepresence purpose and standing under- appropriate an with there thefellowshipunite ofbelievers theCorinthians from Paul todeter theirmission. threaten hopesto oftheothergroups. Thesedivisions todownplaythestatus tries and inthechurch position vidual themselvestoasuperior group elevates group whocall ofJesus themselvesfollowers (1Cor 1:12).Each indi- Paul’schurch: group, group, Peter’s Apollos’s group, theother and Paul divisions. identifies groupsfour distinct by inthe apart Corinthian ripped thechurchitself being finds inpurpose, together and standing amongyou”quarrels (1Cor inunder- ofbeingunited 1:11).Instead Chloe’s tomeby “For are beenreported has peoplethatthere it writes, Corinthian letter, Paulat Corinth. In theopeningchapter ofhis First each workagainst other. they theirefforts, unifying of Instead out. it toget the couch toget trying others inand trying some theactionsofothermembers, with thing thatisatcross purposes toaccomplish alltheirenergies whoexert members churches: some- out.” it toget trying Thatcartoon whatwefindintoomany illustrates house.” “In? outsidethehousereplies, Theman Ithoughtwewere discouragingly,utters “Idon’t this get couch ever think we’ll inthe the couch insidethehouse Theman theotherhalfinside. outside and ofahouse,half couch thatseemstobestuck inthefront doorway acartoonI remember menholding each endofaheavy thatshows two Paul recognizes similarconflicting the dividing church purposes . Paul affirms two basic truths about these spiritual gifts inthe gifts aboutthese spiritual two truths basic . Paul affirms

1 Corinthians12:1-13 - THE STATE OF THE CHURCH 27

Notice Paul’s reference to different “gifts” (12:4), different “services” different (12:4), “services” reference to different “gifts” Paul’s Notice Having laid that foundation, Paul now addresses the confusion now addresses the confusion Paul laid that foundation, Having Paul acknowledges that those involved in pagan worship in pagan sometimes that those involved acknowledges Paul Paul’s statement, want “I do not you to be uninformed” (12:1), Paul’s

ongoing work of the church. point is clear. All these gifts, services,point is clear. and activities support should the (the clarification justhis offered is only one possible explanation), (the clarification within that venue. Whatever Paul’s intent in using these three terms that venue.within Whatever Paul’s use that ability. “Activities” describes the specific ministry describes the specific carry we out “Activities” use that ability. something special for God. for special “Services”something we reflects the venue in which stand these three terms. Our “gifts” endow us with the abilitystand these three terms. to do Our “gifts” (12:5), and different “activities” (12:6). Let one way to under- me offer and different(12:5), “activities” activates all of them in everyone” (12:6). prophecy, come from the same Spirit. the same asserts from Paul who that it come “God is prophecy, spirituality—with the reminder that all the gifts, not just tongues and possessing these two gifts—who elevate level themselves to a higher of superior to the other members of the church. Paul challenges those challenges superior Paul to the other members of the church. gift of tongues or the of prophecy consider themselves gift of tongues or the spiritual gift consider prophecy of Apparently, those in the Corinthian church who experience the spiritual the who experience church those in the Corinthian Apparently, created by the Corinthians’ misconception of spiritual gifts (12:4-7).created by misconception the Corinthians’ not from the Holy Spirit (12:3). Holy the not from Holy Spirit.Holy If dishonors the ecstatic gift utterance is then this Jesus, ecstatic utterance honorsecstatic utterance as the Lord, Jesus the gift is from then this provides a gaugeprovides to measure the authenticity of these utterances. If the utterances growing out of these spiritual gifts is different growing (12:3). Paul utterances “idols that could not speak” (12:2). In addition, the content of the not speak” addition, the content (12:2). In “idols that could with, the Holy Spirit is the source of these spiritual of gifts, Spirit not some with, is the source the Holy two distinguishing marks of the spiritual gifts of Christians. To begin two marks of the spiritual gifts distinguishing of Christians. To spirituality spirituality? in pagan the utterances from identifies Paul thian believersthian the inspired of genuine distinguish Christian utterances believers manifest in their worship the Corin- as Christians. can How experience an experience ecstasy the ones the like inspires that utterances verbal

earlier participation in pagan religions. in pagan earlier participation contrasts Christiancontrasts spirituality with the spirituality reflectedtheir in concerning these spiritual gifts by Spirit, provided concerning the Holy Paul he needs to address. However, before addressing their confusion before addressing confusion their he needs to address. However, and distribution of these gifts. They reflect a misunderstanding that suggests that the Corinthians are indeed confused about the naturesuggests are that the Corinthians confused indeed believers. a rich diversity Spirit distributes way the Holy in the gifts these to How Unified Are We? Unified How Every Christian has a spiritualgifts.” our text in gift, pictures Paul but THE STATE OF THE CHURCH 28 the “discernment the toevaluate This istheability (12:10). ofspirits” Headds generation. for thepresent explainingthe willofGod telling, forth- and events, future predicting Prophecy includes bothforetelling, (12:10). (see 2Cor 12:12).Next of“prophecy” onhis isthegift list ofCorinth accomplished works” inthecity mighty and believers by tothe“signs this inmindwhenherefers Hehas gift ings. wonders and notheal- Paul actsthatare of miracles” includes (12:10). mighty here God’s Headdstothat“the healingpowerincertain instances. working tobecome of (12:9).This enablesChristians agents gift gift spiritual Paul mountains. us tomove identifies another as ofhealing” “gifts accomplishmentsto make great thekindoffaith thatenables for God, offaith istheability gift Thespiritual that. has Christian faith. Every “faith” faith, Paul saving doesnotmean (12:9).By gift aspiritual as wisdom inapracticaldivine Hethenidentifies waytoourdailylives. toapplythis seemsto be theability (12:8).Knowledge of knowledge” Hethenmentions “the utterance workings ofGod. and the purposes utterance ofwisdom” (12:8).“Wisdom” auniqueinsightinto describes Paul thebasic elementofeachdescribe ofthegifts. mentions“the each illuminate other, and overlap thoughthesegifts Even wecan categories. Such intovarious groupingsthe ninegifts can seemforced. Some have proposedspecificcommentators arranging gifts. spiritual Paul In ourtext, identifiesnine gifts. spiritual totwo Peter 4:11refers First 4:11recognizes Ephesians gifts. five spiritual gifts. spiritual seven of contains a list 12:6-8 Romans gifts. identifieseight spiritual 12:28-30 TheNew Testament Corinthians of Christ? First contains lists. several ofthebody tomembers distributes thattheSpirit thesegifts What are 1 Corinthians12:8-11 IDENTIFYING THESPIRITUAL GIFTS of God. workofthekingdom sothatwemaycontribute totheongoing gifts common TheHoly endowseach spiritual ofuswith Spirit good” (12:7). We gifts. ofthesespiritual common purpose tousethem“for are the Paul alsoclarifies the inourlives(12:7). oftheSpirit” manifestation the source gifts? Paul “the ofthesespiritual are explainsthatthesegifts Whatis source services. and ofthesegifts thecommon and purpose istoacknowledge thecommon It participate. in which Christians ofservices thevariety endowedortoidentify are whichwith Christians

Perhaps we should just examine each of the nine gifts on its own. Perhaps own. weshould examineeach onits just oftheninegifts Paul’s ofgifts however, mainpointhere, thevariety isnottoaffirm May 31,2020 THE STATE OF THE CHURCH 29

We are also unified by the force of the Holy Spirit. Holy of the the one are also unified Through force by the We This list of differentThis gifts reminds us that there is no all-Christian

both metaphors event. all believers refer to the conversion Because are the Spirit, but nowhere else does Paul suggest such a thing. More likely, the Spirit, a thing. suggest More such but nowhere likely, else does Paul to the same the same But blessing of what event? Some a second opt for phor of drinking the Spirit. terms These seem to be parallel refer that parallels this metaphor of baptism by meta- metaphor of baptism the Spirit this parallels with a second Spirit, “we declares, werebody” into one baptized Paul (12:13). Paul

part of one body unifies us. of believers are members that we are of one body (12:12). The fact all nevertheless part of one body, so the many members in the fellowship nevertheless part of one body, “has many members.” Just as the many different parts in the body are “has many members.” ness. Just as our physical body has body ness. different parts, Just as so the body of Christ our physical Paul uses the concept of the body of Christ to illustrate connected- this uses the concept Paul with Jesus, we are also connected withwith others we are Jesus, also connected who are related to Jesus. shared body of Christ. in the participation of our relationship Because the church. Paul presents.firstfact that the Believers their arethrough unified only one of the many different gifts necessary the ongoing work of for that unifies these believers.Consider and the force on the fact focuses from self-sufficiency and self-pride because it reminds us that our gift self-sufficiency is and self-pridefrom because After identifying the diversity of gifts distributed to believers, Paul “just truth as us this the Spirit will save (12:11). Recognizing chooses” 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 Consequently, through the Spirit, through God distributes the spiritual gifts Consequently, GIFTS UNIFYING AROUND THE SPIRITUAL in whose life all the giftsin whose life are found. God loves variety in the church. tual gifts also affirmstual that there is no all-gift Christian, one Christian that the Spirit “allots to each one individually” one to each these variousthat the Spirit spiri- “allots gift, one gift for which everygift, which one gift for assertion Christian strive. should Paul’s

of the gifts Spirit the to the members gives body of Christ. of the or exclusive list of spiritual gifts but rather an illustrationor exclusive the variety of gift of “the interpretation gift of “the of tongues” (12:10). is not an exhaustive This addressed to God. Consequently, the Spirit must also give to others the addressed to God. Consequently, language that people can’t understand a unique language but to can’t that people language Paul uses the word “tongues” here not to refer “tongues” to gibberish uses the word or another Paul gospel message. also refers He to “various tongues” kinds of (12:10). have this gift can clarify preached gift correlates can this whether a word have with the How Unified Are We? Unified How will. who Those God’s about authenticity proclaimed the messages of THE STATE OF THE CHURCH in thebodyofChrist. ourunity strengthen and “for thecommon willmagnify good” (12:7), for intended, which are they inthepurpose Using gifts ourspiritual atconversion,of thesame unifiedinthebodyofChrist. Spirit weare atconversion theoneSpirit because baptized and by drink allbelievers 30 of Christ” (Eph 4:12). (Eph of Christ” “to equipthesaints for theworkofministry, for buildingupthebody gifts thesespiritual distributes thattheSpirit heasserts where tians good.” Chris- in totheEphesian his letter Paul the same truth affirms “for tousethesegifts thecommon weare Instead, the bodyofChrist. ourinfluence ortoextend in toexaltourselves not tousethesegifts kind.” adifferent another from onehaving onekindand God, “But gift each aparticular has in 1Corinthians 7:7whenheasserts, Paul echoes this truth believers. inwhich gifts ways the many theSpirit of butratherillustrative notexhaustive, recognize are thattheselists 1Peter 4:11;and 4:11,weneedto Ephesians 12:6-8; Romans 12:28-30; in1Corinthians and mentionedinourtext gifts allthespiritual listing (1Cor 12:11). thesameand Spirit” Paul usthat“all reminds Holy one Spirit. by activated are these[gifts] come gifts thesespiritual Instead, from the ourpredecessors. to usby techniques passed on they we conjure norare upfrom within ourselves, notabilities are ofthesource gifts Spiritual gifts. ofour spiritual first, What can gifts? Paul about spiritual us, inourtext reminds welearn CONCLUSION

Paul also reminds us of the purpose of these spiritual gifts. We gifts. ofthesespiritual Paul usofthepurpose alsoreminds are P aul affirms further the variety of these spiritual gifts. Even after Even after gifts. ofthese spiritual thevariety further aul affirms

May 31,2020 THE STATE OF THE CHURCH 2 Corinthians 13:1-13 2 Corinthians , the line that usually , the line that usually

We can call this inward look contemplation or reflection or inward- contemplation look inward this call can We

the believers in Corinth with their sins and called them to repentance, them to repentance, the believers with in Corinth their sins and called quently, this reference to a previous this visit painful he confronted when quently, established the church at Corinth. It was actually a positive It at Corinth. visit. was actually the church established Conse- for the firstfor Corinth trippainful. was to not On that first visit, he visit. first previous be his This visit visit described in Acts 18, cannot visit” suggests that he already made one painful 2:1). “Another” (2 Cor he tells the Corinthians he does not want to make “another painful painful he tells “another he does not want the Corinthians to make second visit? Perhaps Paul alludes to this second visit when to Corinth second alludes to this visit? Paul Perhaps second another of Acts. visit in the book to Corinth When was by the Paul Corinth when he founded the church, but Luke does not mention but Luke the church, when he founded Corinth two visits to the city. In Acts 18:1, Luke identifies Paul’s first visit to Paul’s identifies twoLuke Acts 18:1, In visits to the city. Corinth for “the third time” implying (13:1), third that he has already “the made for Corinth As our text opens, Paul warnsAs our text opens, readers Paul his that he will soon visit 2 Corinthians 13:1-4 REFLECTIVE ABOUT HOW GOD WORKS REFLECTIVE ABOUT HOW GOD

in reflection. thian letter, Paul calls on the Corinthian believers on the Corinthian time some to spend calls Paul letter, thian inmost part” Corin- second of ourselves. of his chapter the closing In when they speak of “holy leisure.” All of us need to take time to “see the All time to “see need to take of us when they of “holy speak leisure.” (Ps 4:4). Some of the early church fathers have the same idea in mind fathers the same (Ps 4:4). Somehave the early church of psalmist calls on his readers to “ponder it on your beds, and readers be silent” on his to “ponder calls psalmist self plays an important in our self-development role as believers. The ness. Whatever we use to label it, reflective word this at our inward look inward and evaluatethe very inward nature of her being. He wanted mother to reflect to turn his on her life, her attention not till I set you up a glass where you may see the inmost part of you.” up a glassnot till I set you where inmost you may see the part of you.” Whenever we think of Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet play, Whenever of Shakespeare’s we think go And then he adds, “You he tells her. not budge!” down, you shall Scene 4, where Hamlet addresses his mother. “Come, come, and sit come, “Come, addresses where 4, mother. his Hamlet Scene contemplate the quality is a statementcontemplate of our existence in Act 3, June 7, 2020 as a more we Perhaps pertinent us to consider quote for question.” How Reflective Are We? Are Reflective How very his contemplates be or not to be, that is the existence: “To comes to mind is his famous quote in Act 3, Scene 1, where Hamlet 1, where Hamlet quote in Act 3, Scene famous is his to mind comes THE STATE OF THE CHURCH you” (13:3). in “He you,butispowerful isnot weak indealingwith when hewrites, Paul captures ofstrength. instrument thisour weaknessintoan truth Through worksin ourlives. God’sThat ishowGod power, molds God (2Cor 12:10). then Iamstrong” Iamweak, Paul concludes, “Whenever intoPaul’s ofGod usesthis weakness tochannel thestrength God life. Instead, weaknessdoesnotinvalidate His his ministry. depend onGod. inPaul’s leaves thethorn God flesh because this weakness forces him to because it toremove God Instead, Paul asignofweakness. as seesit flesh” repeatedly for is, Paul prays thatthorn Whatever (2 Cor 12:7). that“a2 Corinthians 12when headmits givenmeinthe was thorn willworkthrough in God Paul his thatdynamic weakness. describes consider him weak. willnolonger they themonhisdeals with coming Paul warns, visit, (2 Cor 12:21).Heprobably Whenhe thosepeopleinmindhere. has sexual immorality, licentiousness and have thatthey practiced” oftheimpurity,to “many have sinnedand notrepented whopreviously phrase, anyone.” “Iwillnotspare chapter, In theprevious Paul refers this (13:2).TheNASB translates comes notbelenient” again,he“will Paul theCorinthians thatwhenhe In our text, assures tothem. threat considered They him them. tooweaktobea whichagainst hewarned should conducttions onhowthey continuing theirlives, inthesins worked inhis Consequently, life. truly God his instruc- ignored they Corinth earlier.when hevisited This caused whether themtoquestion around theiraccusation thatPaul weaknessinhis displayed leadership the Mosaic code inDeuteronomy cited 19:15. inaccordance ofjustice theprinciples laid downin with out everything conflicts and the troublemakers inthe church at hewill Corinth, carry Paul themthatwhenhecomes them. against assures the todealwith inhis condemnation only onhis ownaccusations ofthem,relying trary 10:28.Perhaps theCorinthians accusedHebrews Paul ofbeingarbi- this We judicial standard. and in it 5:19 find Timothy for instance in1 (13:1).New Testament witnesses” to orthree refer often two writers evidence the of “by someone 19:15 aboutconfirming against charges toCorinth for athird time. hewillreturn warns, second thatLuke visit Now, doesnotmentioninthebook ofActs. Paul bea must him theCorinthian Christians, and between tension creating 32

But this does not mean the strength willcome this thestrength from doesnotmean But Paul. Instead, The conflictrevolves in and theleaders Corinth between Paul Paul context doesnotprovide any for his from quote Deuteronomy June 7,2020 THE STATE OF THE CHURCH 33

Paul reminds the Corinthians that God worked in Jesus’ life in in reminds life God that the Corinthians Jesus’ in Paul worked

He hopes the Corinthian church will be on the right when he track church He hopes the Corinthian The final two verses in this section of the text relate to Paul’s The final two verses section of the Paul’s text in this relate to Paul quickly shifts the spotlight back to the Corinthians. He does back the spotlight shifts quickly Paul

fests God’s power in our lives through our weakness. our lives through power in our fests God’s with by you we will live with him the power of God” God (13:4). mani- Paul concludes. “For we are weak in him,” Paul writes, Paul “but in dealing we are weak in him,” “For concludes. Paul God’s strength principleunleashed to be in him. The same in us, works God’s to impart life to others (13:4). Jesus’ weakness became the channel for for the channel to impart to others became weakness life (13:4). Jesus’ Yet because Jesus was to live and the power God willing to die, Jesus him gave because Yet appeared to be weak. As Paul puts it, “for he was crucified in weakness.” he was puts it,appeared crucifiedweakness.” in to be weak. As “for Paul the same way (13:4). When Jesus’ enemies nailed him to the cross, he to the cross, him enemies nailed When Jesus’ way (13:4). the same the church. Instead, finding the Corinthian church filled with men Corinthian and church Instead, finding the the church. arrives authority his in their city to enforce and on that he will not have “we cannot do anything against the truth,” he writes do anything“we (13:8). cannot against the truth,” necessary. The truthnecessary. will determine of the situation response, his for drive out their serious errors will not be and disruptive misconduct through the strength authority. apostolic through of power to of his A display order when he arrives when order to deal with them he will not have in Corinth, display immorality in their lives. However, if Paul finds everything if Paul immoralitydisplay in their lives. However, in oppose those who create as well as disharmony those who in the church Corinth, he “willCorinth, lenient” not be 13:2). That is, he will strongly Cor (2 visit. He already warned that when he arrives the Corinthians in response when he arrives Corinthians to the in their city third on his that the Corinthians live out their faith (13:7). out their faith live that the Corinthians him for his weakness and failure, he does not care. What matters What weakness and failure, his is he does not care. for him authentic lives of faith for their own sake. Even if people condemn Even own sake. their for authentic lives of faith if people condemn nize the success of his ministry. of his He wants to live the Corinthians nize the success not want so that people will recog- them to live authentic lives of faith the criteria the test he will pass life, (13:6). to his mining true apply but he does hope that when the Corinthians faith, pass the testpass does not identify of true Paul faith. the criteria deter- for Paul admonishes them to examine themselves and admonishes see whether they Paul women of faith, but faith is more but faith women of faith, than a label. It life. is a way of So examine themselves (13:5). The Corinthians claim to be men and claim Corinthians examine themselves (13:5). The his life to see what they could criticize. he demands that they Now to see what they life could his Next, Paul turnsNext, Paul the tables on the Corinthians. scrutinized They have 2 Corinthians 13:5-10 REFLECTIVE ABOUT THEIR OWN FAITH REFLECTIVE ABOUT How Reflective Are We? Are Reflective How THE STATE OF THE CHURCH for tearing down”for tearing (13:10). gave him God is“for buildingup, not thattheauthority understands He to encourage he wants them. Instead, the stimulate Corinthians. and tocondemn, Hedoesnotwant conform,the bodyofChrist. orcrush words, willefficientlyas Paul function hopestheCorinthian Christians Marshall, &Scott, Morgan Kingdom: 1962]484).In other Notes [United and Exposition English The Text Introduction, Corinthians: the with to Epistle Edgcumbe Paul’s(Philip Hughes, efficientand functioning” Second been broken dislocated, and hence ofharmonious and arestoration jointsinthebody, oflimbsand articulating ofwhathas aresetting “the this with description: word acorrect denotes functional perfection what wemightcall Onecommentator explains functionalperfection. but moralperfection hedoesnotmean “perfect” (13:9).By perfect” “that Heprays youmaybecome result. forIn heprays fact, thatvery women wholiveauthenticlivesoffaith willcause him torejoice (13:9). 34 the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. thefellowship and oftheHoly ofGod, the love Spirit. We onthegrace we rely will liveinthefaith onlyas ofJesus Christ, ourown wisdom. and through ourownstrength ourownpowerand throughouttheme thatruns theletter. We willnotliveinthefaith aconvenientjust waytoendthe letter. captures This doxology the allofyou”nion oftheHoly bewith Spirit than (13:13).Thatismore thecommu- and ofGod, thelove grace Jesus Christ, oftheLord “The needtoexperience. they connection oftheloving demonstration outward (13:12)isan holy kiss” order ofCorinth. His to“greetpeople ofthecity a with oneanother eachto bondwith othersoGod’s can love flow through themtothe ofCorinth them (13:11).Heespecially urges inthecity body ofChrist admonishes themtoputthings inorder the mayfunctionas sothey becomes oftheNRSV. 13.Iwillfollow thepattern verse “All then 12.Thefinaldoxology you” thesaints greet ofverse apart as Standard Version, includes theNew Revised lessons, thestatement thenbecomes weuse 14.Thetranslation final doxology for these verse 13.The you”the saints labelverse greet thatthey inaseparate verse “All Most putthestatement translations oftheverses. the numbering We intheclosing of2Corinthians in anomaly an needtonote verses 2 Corinthians13:11-13 REFLECTIVE ABOUTTHEIRFUTURE

Paul his endsthis with well-knowndoxology, Corinthian epistle he PaulAs focuses ofthe Corinthian Christians, onthefuture June 7,2020 THE STATE OF THE CHURCH 35 Mitzi L. Minor Retail $50.00 2 Corinthians 1 Corinthians Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary Series Robert Scott Nash Retail $60.00 Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary Series

Further, Paul demonstrates the importance of being encour- Paul Further, Paul also urges also developing time us to spend Salva- own faith. our Paul

down” (2 Cor 13:10). (2 Cor down” follow his pattern of giving ourselves “for building up, not for tearing pattern his not for follow of giving ourselves building up, “for the church, Paul will encourage them in their progress. We should should them in their progress. We will encourage Paul the church, building them up. When they get things in order in their lives andbuilding them up. in When they in order get things he makes his third visit to Corinth. Yet he does so for the purpose he does so for of visit Yet to Corinth. third his he makes behavior andbehavior moral laxness their and threatens to deal with it when agers. about their disruptive the Corinthians Granted, confronts Paul world. been called” (Eph 4:1) so that the church can function effectively in the in the function effectively can (Eph 4:1) so that the church been called” should seek to “lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have you have to which “lead seek to should worthy a life of the calling starting point and point of the Christian not the end life. All of us tion is not just an event. marks the Conversion Ita process. is also the channel for God’s strength. God’s for the channel strateare that we living to be when we allow our weakness faith in the but through the foolish things. Consequently, we most clearly demon- we most clearly things. Consequently, the foolish but through that God does not save the world through the wise things of the world the wise things the world through that God does not save this attitude is so prevalent in our churches today, we need to remember attitude is so prevalentthis today, in our churches that reflect strengthorganization, in and structure. leadership, Because strate our own power, and exert our own control. We applaud churches applaud churches We and exertcontrol. our own strate own power, our weakness. We usually focus on what we consider our strengths, our what we consider on demon- focus usually weakness. We Christians? Paul remindsChristians? us, first, Paul that our oftenGod works through What lessons can we learn from Paul’s admonition Corinthian to the we learn Paul’s from can What lessons How Reflective Are We? Are Reflective How CONCLUSION THE STATE OF THE CHURCH June 14,2020 How HopefulAreWe? Roman epistle that we are “justified by throughhis grace as agift, the “justified thatweare epistle Roman this justification.earn Instead, an earlier of Paul explainsin chapter his sinned.”as if I’ve never “just me God treats means “justified” We donot my childhoodby captures pastor Hesaid that theessence ofthis idea. underGod’s No dowe stand longer The phrase used teous. judgment. by faith” justified are (5:1). righ- tobedeclared means To bejustified justification. beginswith “we that that journey. Thejourney asserts Paul How can from wemove Paul of hopelessnesstohope? outthesteps lays 5:1-2 Roman THE BASISFOROURHOPE Jesus. inChrist ours well,toembrace todayas thehopethat is believers and Christians, In for ourtext this lesson,Paul theRoman urges within believers. expectationconcerning hope an thatinstill generates thefuture and 6:18-19). (Heb conditionsoul” a new creates Thegospel inthepresent “a as it describes and us” set before anchor ofthe steadfast and sure to“the hope refers ofHebrews (1 Pet 3:15).In asimilarvein,thewriter (1Petthe gospel themof“the 1:3), hereminds and hopethatisinyou” of“a his readers assures thatcomes hope” living tothosewhoembrace (Col 1:27). of glory” thatyouheard”gospel to“Christ (Col inyou,thehope 1:23).Herefers laid upfor youinheaven” (Col “the 1:5)and hopepromised the by of“the theColossian Hereminds hope Christians through Jesus Christ. 2:12). Heisequally intheworld” (Eph convincedGod thathopecomes “strangers tothecovenants ofpromise, without having nohopeand became they before theEphesians Pauldescribing calls Christians, them In nohope. has aperson ministry, for Christ, heknowsthatwithout hope.” onwithout hewillnotgo for awhile. But purpose, without even Hecan him. his youstop a man hope,and wealth,and onwithout go take take you fromslow But and from him down. him; him his purpose, I once heard aspeaker say, “Take from his youhinder aman wealth,and The rest oftheNew TestamentThe rest Paul. with For example,Peter agrees Paul’s oftheburden his ofhopelessnessenergizes understanding

R omans 5:1-11 THE STATE OF THE CHURCH 37

Peace with God and access to God our hope. for the basis provide with God and access Peace Paul adds another dimension. Since we are now at peace with we are another adds dimension. now at peace Since Paul Since God be righteous, us now to declares Since sin no longer then our

Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011] 96). Rapids, MI: Academic, Baker , rev. ed., Black’s New Testament Commentaries [Grand Commentaries Testament New to the Black’s , rev. ed., Romans with a “triumphant and rejoicing confidence” (C.with a “triumphant and rejoicing confidence” Barrett,K. The Epistle life with hope. Or, to use the words of one commentator, we can face life life face we can of one commentator, to use the words withlife hope. Or, those whom God justifies (Rom 4:6). Through Jesus Christ, we can face those whom Godface can justifies Christ, Jesus (Rom 4:6). Through we us (Eph 2:16). In Christ, we can rejoice because of “the blessedness” of “the of us (Eph because rejoice 2:16). Christ, In we can because he reconciles us to God us by he reconciles removing the enmitybecause that separates righteousness for our sinfulness (2 Cor 5:21). In Christ, we can rejoice rejoice Christ, 5:21). In righteousness our sinfulness (2 Cor we can for not in us; it is in him. In Christ, we can rejoice because he exchanges his his he exchanges not in us; because rejoice it Christ, is in him. In can we we do have something to boast about: God’s glory. Our confidence is to boast about: something glory.we do have Our confidence God’s (5:2b). When we were sinners, to boast about. we had nothing Christ, In “We boast,” Paul asserts, Paul “in our hope of sharing the glory boast,” “We of God”

with him. present He also allows us to be present with peace. us, his providing blocked off from God, we now bask in his presence. God presence. God, in his only is not we now bask off from blocked of being God’s enemy, we are now God’s friend. Instead we are of being now God’s enemy, of being God’s that we are safe and secure when Jesus places us in God’s hands. Instead us in God’s that we are and places secure when Jesus safe protection from the stormy sea. If this is Paul’s meaning, stormy the from he suggests If is Paul’s this The word can also be used to speak of a harbor where ships come in for in for of a harbor where come also be used to speak ships can The word meaning,ushers suggestshe Jesus that verythe into us God.of presence to describe the introduction of a person to royalty. If that is Paul’s If of a personto describe that is Paul’s the introduction to royalty. two different ways. the first-century In world, writers word used this God, we also have access to him (5:2a). “Access” can be understood in can (5:2a). “Access” to him God, access we also have tion of peace. To be justified means that we are God’s friends. be justified means that we are God’s To tion of peace. condemned means that we are God’s enemies. Justification is a declara- enemies. Justification means that we are God’s condemned who are in Christ Jesus.” Condemnation is a declaration of war. To be To of war. is a declaration Condemnation who are in Christ Jesus.” way in :1: “Therefore,there is now no condemnation those for God” expresses is the positive expression in a negative of what Paul also conveys a sense of safety and security. The promise of “peace with of safety a sense of “peace and security. The promise also conveys The word “peace” suggests more It of hostility. than just the absence “peace” The word estranges us from him, and we can experience peace with him (5:1). with him peace experience andestranges we can him, from us Jesus did on the cross, we stand as righteous on the cross, did Jesus before God. How Hopeful Are We? Are Hopeful How redemption Christ is in that what (Rom Jesus” embrace When we 3:24). THE STATE OF THE CHURCH promise when theHoly came Spirit have They beengiven upon them. experienced the fulfillment thatthey ofthat Paul his readers reminds 44:3). (Isa upon yourdescendants, my and blessingon youroffspring” the book this ofIsaiah “Iwillpourmy promise offered spirit from God: this, before (5:5).Long through intoourhearts theHolypoured Spirit” confidence rejoicing and because heknowsthat “God’s been has love around us? realities Paul theharsh maintainshis triumphant survive (5:5). How doesPaul How can knowthat? thatourhope will hebesure nowknow thatnothingThey can produces Character them. stop hope. confidence, because have they been through and have endured. thefire for God’sinstruments workcan rejoicing face and triumphant life with whohave beenthroughand Christians thefire come outmolded intofit through have proven thefire character.Endurance produces character. opposedtothatoftheraw as recruit.”veteran Thosewhohave endured tator explainstheword ofthe this isthetemper with comparison: “It Onecommen- approved. and beentried someonewhohas passed it, faced(5:4). Thewordwhohas and “character” aperson atest describes produces Suffering (Rom 8:17). endurance. with him be glorified thenwecan willingtosuffer Christ, ifweare with also the otherhand, inthisliving world,wecannot become On whatJesus ustobe. justifies thatcomes thesuffering without Therefore, from ourexperience of Weup. can acquire this endurance onlyifwehave something toendure. through giving tomove without difficultiesand disaster is theability ofthis process,step “suffering produces (5:3).Endurance endurance” ustobe. wants God usintotheperson develop that this facing trouble Instead, this willnotdestroy us. trouble can We hopeenablesustoseethesetroublestian light. inadifferent know face Chris- still though wemust Jn thesepressures, Even 16:33,NASB). ( promised his disciples wouldface thatthey “tribulation” intheworld Jesus himself usfrom thesepressures. doesnotremove a Christian Becoming , aword pressure. thatmeans The word for isthlipsis suffering through God before face Jesus must still the“sufferings” oflife (5:3). thoseofuswhohave beenjustified life willnowbeabedofroses. Even tousePaul’s aboutthefuture, word,to “boast” that doesnotsuggest To confidence, rejoicing and face this with triumphant or thefuture 5:3-5 Romans THE NATURE OFOURHOPE 38

That is why PaulThat iswhy doesnotdisappoint us” proudly that“hope boasts oftheprocess,Instep thefinal “character produces (5:4). hope” In thesecond oftheprocess, step “endurance produces character” process. Paul inthissteps developmental identifiesthree In thefirst June 14,2020 THE STATE OF THE CHURCH 39

Acknowledging the full benefits of our salvation evokes from Paul salvation from the full benefits of our evokes Acknowledging Paul also reminds readers of Jesus provision his Paul continuing of the

rejoicing that he does not brag about what rather than bragging. Notice an outburst of joy (5:11). The term “boast” up the idea of conjures will finish our salvation now that we are his reconciled friends.salvation now that we arehis our will finish reconciled process of salvation in us when we were enemies, of salvation we know that he his process Jesus provides the full benefits of salvation (5:10). he began of the full benefits provides this Jesus Since day of judgment. Through his continuing work in our lives, therefore, continuing day of judgment. his Through assures us that we will not have to face “the wrath of God”(5:9) on that “the assures to face us that we will not have revealed” (Rom 2:5). God’s continuing work of salvation in our lives work of salvation continuing revealed” (Rom 2:5). God’s is coming in the future, a day when “God’s righteousjudgment will be in the future, a day when “God’s is coming (5:9). Earlier in this Roman epistle, Paul warns of a “day of wrath” that of wrath” warns Roman epistle,(5:9). Earlier in this Paul of a “day that we will “be saved through him [ him that we will “be through saved the wrath of God” from Jesus] name Paul gives to this transformation process is “salvation.” He says He says is “salvation.” transformation gives to this process name Paul future righteous. God will transform us so that we will become The (5:9-10). Already righteous been declared we have (5:9-10). before God. the In let us down. Consequently, our hope in him is secure. our hope in him let us down. Consequently, Because God loves us so much, Paul argues, God we know that he will never Paul loves so much, us Because proved beyond a shadow of a doubt his amazing beyond of a doubt his a shadow proved humanity. love for By allowing such a costly sacrifice for such undeservingsuch for sacrifice By enemies, a costly allowing such God humanity it us. going God when for to die for had nothing sent Jesus were “sinners” (5:8). We were “enemies” of God (5:10). other words, In were “enemies” (5:8). We were “sinners” fice on our behalf. We were “weak” (5:6). We were “ungodly”We wereWe We were “weak” (5:6). (5:6). on our behalf. fice to describe humanity’s made the ultimate sacri- when Jesus condition who do not deserve his sacrifice on their behalf. Paul uses four words four words Paul uses who do not deserve on their behalf. sacrifice his amazingly, Jesus gives his life for people who are for not righteous life gives his Jesus and amazingly, fice their lives on behalf of someone worthy of the sacrifice (5:7). Yet, worthy lives on behalf of someone their (5:7). sacrifice fice of the individuals will on some occasions die for a righteous cause and sacri- a righteous die for cause occasions will on some individuals the surprising that death (5:7-8). nature acknowledges of Jesus’ Paul surprising first of Jesus. provision Consider and death the continuing Paul furthercertainty affirmsPaul the rooting of our hope in the it by THE CONFIRMATION OF OUR HOPE THE CONFIRMATION Romans 5:6-11 us” (5:5). purpose and God’s promise. That is why That is “hope promise. purpose not disappoint does and God’s Hope enables us to see the world around us through the lens of God’s the lens of God’s us through the world around us to see enables Hope assures us of God’s ultimate triumph, a triumph will share. we assures in which God’s us of whatever challenges confront us in the present.whatever Spirit also The Holy confront challenges How Hopeful Are We? Are Hopeful How Spirit.the gift the Holy of Spirit face us to enables not only The Holy THE STATE OF THE CHURCH hopelessness to the profundity ofhope. hopelessness totheprofundity the worldaboutapathway thatwilltake of themfrom theprofanity of hope,totell istobedistributors responsibility ourprimary ness, hopeless- with In themtodo. aworldpermeated to dowhatwewant isnottoforce others responsibility primary Our mations totheworld. isnottomake moralprocla- Christians as responsibility primary Our because willsustain us. thatGod usand iswith weknowthatGod oflife through hopeenablesustomove realities Instead, life. theharsh of realities usfromcolored Nor theharsh doeshoperemove glasses. optimism thatlooks attheworldthrough rose- is notastarry-eyed world” (1Jn 4:4). theonewhoisin than for theonewhoisinyougreater them; and have fromGod, youare children, conquered epistle: “Little his first can face this John assurance hope. life expresses with inthesewords in done,we has Because ofJesus. whatGod news isand good ofwhoGod embrace toand istolisten the Theanswer watchingto quit thenews. Theanswer,enough togiveusadoseofhopelessness. however, isnot watching news! quit who has theevening Watching is news theevening isapessimist said optimist has an for Someone hope. us ofthereason reminds ourtext First, teach usabouthope? What lessonsdoesourtext CONCLUSION donethrough has God Jesus. accomplished. orwhathehas he has In each case, herejoices inwhat 40

This lesson also calls us to be distributors of hope in the world. This lessonalsocalls ofhopeintheworld. ustobedistributors hope Christian ofourhope. usofthenature alsoreminds text Our During , enter thefollowing code: Save 10%onyour entire bookorder *Code notvalidoncurriculum orders. MA20 June 14,2020 * THE STATE OF THE CHURCH omans 5:18–6:11 R

He was a very person cautious or played.Who never romped He neveror dreamed laughed kissed a prettyNor maid. they say So away, when he passed was denied. Insurance he never really since lived For he never died.They claimed

Paul continues this discussion in the opening verse discussion this of our text. continues He Paul Adam represents sin into the world, human beings. He introduced is poem raises the question alive addressed in our lesson: “How

action. Adam’s action, Paul asserts, all” action, Paul for (5:18). “led to condemnation action. Adam’s focuses on the contrasting consequences of Adam’s action and Jesus’ action and Jesus’ of Adam’s consequences on the contrasting focuses the process of justification (Rom 5:17). of justification the process man, eternal experience Christ, through life believe all who can in him man, Adam, all humanity death. Likewise, experiences the one through brings life (Rom 5:15) and justification the one brings(Rom 5:16). (Rom Through life 5:15) and justification offers an alternative. offers He to sinful humanity a “free gift” that consequently faces the condemnation of death (Rom 5:12-14). Christ of death (Rom 5:12-14). the condemnation faces consequently theless has existed in humanity and all humanity Adam onward, from humanity cannot define sin until the law comes to identify sin until the law define humanity it, never- sin cannot “death spread to all because all have sinned” (Rom sinned” 5:12). Even all have though spread to all because “death and then each of us embraced this sin ourselves, explains, this as Paul for of us embraced and then each and grace; and two and justification/life. results, condemnation/death this passage revolves passage this two around men, Adam and Christ; two acts, sin me give some background to set the proper context. Paul’s argument in context. Paul’s to set the proper me give some background The discussion in which our text belongs begins in Romans 5:12, so let in which The discussion Romans 5:18-19 TWO OPTIONS

Th are we?”

interesting and on life death. take Several an anonymous years I ran that presented poem across an ago,

June 21, 2020 How Alive Are We? Are Alive How THE STATE OF THE CHURCH determines the destiny ofmany. thedestiny determines quences oftheiraction butsimilarinthefact thattheactionofeach intheconse- different are (5:19).They God with relationship a right situation inwhich allpeoplecan to berestored become and righteous Similarly, from alienated God. are ahuman created his action,Christ by and situation ahuman inwhich sinners Adam created allpeopleare ofmany.mines thedestiny alike inthatway. are They his action, By deter- theiract, Each one,by them. between points outthesimilarity 19,Paul Then,inverse life. bringing Christ deathand Adam bringing consequences notingthedifferent by intotheworld, Christ bring they willbecondemned”the onewhodoesnotbelieve (Mk 16:16). but isbaptized and willbesaved; onewhobelieves “The resurrection, the inmindwhenhesays tothedisciples after Jesus thesame has truth this oflife butto“everyone inhim.” to“everyone” gift whobelieves life.” butmayhavein him eternal maynotperish Jesus doesnotoffer whobelieves theworldthathegave sothateveryone loved his only Son, Wetruth in John 3:16: of findthe this Godso affirmation classic “For experience this justification and life, weallmust it claim for ourselves. experience ofjustification life, nottheuniversal tion and and life. To ofjustifica- availability besaved. Hedeclaresultimately theuniversal will thatclaims auniversalism Paul everyone here doesnotsupport tojustificationdeclares thatJesus’ action“leads and life (5:18). for all” (1Jnin us” 1:8). isnot we say thetruth thatwehave and nosin,wedeceive ourselves, ofGod.”glory John echoes this same thoughtwhenheconcludes, “If 3:23:“all inRomans tion ofthis truth ofthe have fall sinnedand short of Adam’s We sinbecause sins. allhumanity find Paul’s affirma- classic experiences thecondemnation thatcomesall ofhumanity aresult as experience this condemnation simplybecause Instead, Adamsinned. sinunjustly whonever This thatsomeofhumanity doesnotmean 42 became from that point forward the governing document inJewish became thegoverning from thatpointforward law holds acentral toMoses onMount thelaw place. Sinai, Given law. practice, In religious Jewish the Christ—the Adamand between Paul factor nowaddsthenew thatintervenes Christ, Adam and Having laidout thecontrasting comparative and contributions of 5:20-21 Romans THE NEWFACTOR

In verse 18, Paul points out the dissimilarity between Adam and Adamand between 18,PaulIn verse pointsoutthedissimilarity In contrast toAdam’s theconsequences actionand Paul brings, it June 21,2020 THE STATE OF THE CHURCH 43

Paul counters his somewhat sobering his counters explanation of the purposePaul of What does it mean to say that “the trespass multiplied” as trespass a result multiplied” What does it that “the mean to say We find one answer to that question in :7. To the accusa- find one to that questionanswer in Romans 7:7. We Paul says that “the law came in” (5:20).to mean seems that Paul in” came law that “the says Paul

Christ our Lord” (5:21). Because of grace, humanity can experience “eternal life through Jesus Jesus through life “eternal experience humanity of grace, can Because actions, grace reigns. Because of sin, humanity reigns.actions, grace Because death. experienced As a result of Adam’s actions, sin reigned. Now, as a result of Christ’s actions, sin reigned. Now, As a result of Adam’s darkness that comes from the evil from perpetuateddarkness that comes by human sinfulness. that comes from the righteousness from the by provided Christthat comes exceeds far expectations. In the context of our text, Paul means of our text, that the goodness expectations. Paul the context In idea of a container that overflowsidea of a container beyond all or an effort that exceeds grace abounded all the more” (5:20). The word “abounded” carries the carries abounded all the more”grace (5:20). “abounded” The word the law with this declaration of good news: declaration with this the law where “But sin increased, activity. not only identifies sin. It also forbidden stimulates the desirefor the forbidden. The law works in the same way. So Paul explains that the law explains that the law So Paul way. works in the same The law forbidden. Forbidding the action creates that is them a desireForbidding within the thing for telling them they cannot have something or cannot do something. or cannot something have telling them they cannot For example, nothing stimulates example, nothing a personFor than to action more quickly Perhaps the principle at work here is “the forbidden fruit” the principle forbidden Perhaps at work here “the is principle. where Paul writes that sin “produced in me all kinds of covetousness.” in me all kinds of covetousness.” writeswhere Paul that sin “produced of the law? We find a second answer to that question in Romans 7:8, find a second We of the law? sin into visible transgression. the law. Humanitythe law. understands sin is. now what turns The law invisible shown to be sin.” So the giving of that is the firstcomes from that result to be sin.” shown 7:13 where that sin might be is given “in he suggests order law that the not said, ‘You shall not covet.’” He echoes that thought in Romans that thought He echoes not covet.’” shall ‘You not said, known sin. I would not have known what it is to covet if the law had if the law known sin. known what it to covet is I would not have He then explains, “if it had not been for the law, I would not have have I would not He then explains, “if the law, it had not been for tion that Paul is making the law to be sin, he responds, “By no means!” to be sin, he responds, making the law is “Bymeans!” no tion that Paul result (5:20). that the trespass multiplied” What does that mean? nite and in “with distinct purpose. the asserts came Paul law that the the actions of Adam and the actions of Christ. Yet the law fulfills a defi- fulfills the law andthe actions of Adam the actions of Christ. Yet added,” carries the same idea. the same carries to place stands The law in a subordinate added,” Paul’s statement in Galatians “was 3:19, where that the law he declares Paul’s the law plays a necessarythe law plan salvation. of but subsidiary in God’s role discussion of Adam and Christ?discussion How Alive Are We? Are Alive How religious understanding.Paul’s Wherefit in with the law does THE STATE OF THE CHURCH (6:10). Further,(6:10). thesacrifice in Jesushis deathon the offered cross is sacrificeby Jesushis death on the made cross done was “once for all” year, after year berepeated the thatmust thepriests by in thetemple (6:9-11). transferable and tion ispermanent Unlike thesacrifices offered toit. respond longer In thesame way, wehave become weshould no Therefore, deadtosin. stimuli. tooutward respond isdead,thebodywillnolonger the person since willdonothing; Thecorpse onthetelevision? doifweturn corpse Whatwillthe anewspaper? doifwegiveit Whatwillthecorpse water? of adrink doifweoffera bedinfront Whatwillthecorpse it ofus. lieson thecorpse Imagine and thatsomeonedies, (6:6). destroyed” “our text: with him sothatthebodyofsinmightbe crucified selfwas it like inhis this crucifixion. inour Paul expresses Christ with identify We We inhis resurrection. Christ with also (6:6-8). notonlyidentify inhis resurrection. Christ We with clearly inourlives(6:4-5). this status changed identify pictures Baptism kindoflife. raisedtoliveanew himwith inhis resurrection, Through tosin. inhis faith wealsoidentify death,dying Christ with Through faith weidentify Christ. with together ourburial symbolizes inbaptism ofbaptism burial (6:4).Our thepicture with this truth identified with him, wehave become deadtosin(6:2-3). Paul illustrates justification andbecause wehave becomeare with identified Christ, we for. Jesus stands lightly, Through because toeverything siniscontrary sinlightly,treat because sinputJesus onthecross. We cannot sin treat We sin. wenowhave with relationship anew Christ, union with cannot Sinceus. Because hediedtosin,wehave alsodiedtosin. ofourliving happenstohim alsohappensto whatever Therefore, him. with tify by throughfaith weiden- justified the When weare cross ofChrist, know, something weneedtounderstand.” Whatdoweneedtoknow? issomething weneedto “This 9.Paul thenagaininverse issaying, and 6, 3, inverse inverse Noticeto sin. theoccurrence oftheword “know” isinsignificant ifit abound inoursinas because, dead weare inChrist, continue notjust why thatwecannot inoursin(6:1)?Paul answers license. grace wonder, wesin,they If unbridled aboundsthemore then todiscard Christians some oftheRoman thelaw optfor and alife of inwhich position Paul seemstoplaceThe secondary thelaw prompts 6:1-11 Romans THE RESULT 44

Finally, weneedtoknowthat theeffect ofJesus’ resurrec- deathand Further, we needtoknowthatwehaveChrist with beencrucified We needtoknow, (6:1-5).with identified Christ thatweare first, June 21,2020 THE STATE OF THE CHURCH 45

In addition, Paul reminds wants us of the purpose addition, Paul In Paul the law. of Paul also reveals what we have been saved for. Christ introduced Christ introduced also reveals for. been saved Paul have what we

comes the knowledge of sin.” comes need for grace. As Paul reminds us in Romans As 3:20, “Through Paul grace. need for the law serves no purpose. humanity makes The law aware of its sin and of its on the law but based on grace. However, this does not mean the law does not mean the law this However, on grace. but based on the law the Roman Christians that God to know deals with humanity not based

believes.” end of the law so that thereend of the law be righteousness may everyone for who expresses this truth in these words in :4: “For Christexpresses truth is the in Romans this 10:4: “For words in these we can now have life. Instead of despair, we can now have hope. Paul hope. Paul now have we can life. Instead of despair, now have we can estrangement, we can now experience reconciliation. Instead of death, reconciliation. now experience estrangement, we can sin and judgment inaugurated by Adam has been reversed. Instead of righteousness. what God of of Christ, did in Jesus Because the process ourselves. However, we can connect with Christ and connect that experience we can ourselves. However, righteousness into the world, a righteousness that we can never produce neverrighteousness produce righteousnessa world, the into can we that sin in the flesh.” Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and to deal with sin, he condemned Son flesh, of sinful and to deal with sin, he in the likeness what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do: his own by sending by weakened the flesh, what the law, and its consequences. As Paul puts it in Romans 8:3, “For God has puts it done in Romans 8:3, “For As Paul and its consequences. about this. However, God acts through Christ to save us from our sin our Christ us from God to save acts through about this. However, and become a part of sinful humanity. On our own, we can do nothing do nothing a part On our own, we can of sinful humanity. and become sin into the world, but through our own actions, we collude with Adam our own actions, we collude but through sin into the world, reminds us first of what we have been saved from. Adam introduced reminds us first introduced Adam from. saved been of what we have What lessons can we draw from Paul’s discussion in our text? Paul in our text? discussion Paul Paul’s from we draw What lessons can CONCLUSION can experience a life that is life indeed. that is life a life experience can his death and resurrection into our account. Through Jesus Christ, Jesus and death resurrectionhis Through we into our account. death; it is a death for the sins of all humanity. We can put the effect of put the effect can We of all humanity. the sins death; it is a death for one’s account.” Christ’s death on the cross is not just Christ’s another martyr’s death on the cross account.” one’s How Alive Are We? Are Alive How yourself translatedtransferable. “consider The word to put ” means “to THE STATE OF THE CHURCH June 28,2020 How ObedientAreWe? nonbelievers instead of like believers. of like believers. instead nonbelievers like living are they intheirlives, allowtheirpassions torule believers to do” (1Pet 4:3).In When bothcases, equals “Gentiles” nonbelievers. passions to control “doing are they theirlives, like whattheGentiles allowsuch thatwhenthey same concern his readers whenhereminds (1Thess4:5).Peter “the whodo notknowGod” voiceswith the Gentiles Paul connects later (NASB). orlusts thesepassions (NIV) desires to evil sinforces themto“obeyFirst, (6:12). “Passions” theirpassions” refers lives. their everyday viduals whoallowsintocontrol of theactivities todetermine themand Paul indi- So bodies inwhich pictures weliveoutourlivesontheearth. toourphysical amonarch. as “Mortal refers bodies” torule means “exercise (6:12).Theword bodies” “dominion” dominioninyour mortal slaves allowsinto tosinand thosewhoare hepictures the onehand, On ofourtext. Paul contrasting intheopeningverses presents pictures 6:12-13 Romans CHOOSING THERIGHTMASTER Jesus. who obey for Paul inourtext thatcome onthefavor joy elaborates and tothose obey.” and will trust ofthis thetitle lesson, as Thosewords could serve “Forsays, for themwho are thefavor hebestows thejoy heshows and churches today. thehymn inthethird where Thekey lineappears verse providing themusical popularin isstill score. This hymn beloved We Towner with “When as Walk Obey”), and (or“Trust theLord” with minister. expanded thosewords weknow intothehymn Sammis rian aPresbyte- Sammis, downthatsentence toJohnjotted sentit H. and toobey.” Iamgoing and totrust, Iamgoing sure—but not quite He said, Theyoungman “Iam service. atestimony during these crusades captivated was the crusade, ayoungman’s by giveninoneof testimony Daniel B.Towner, England. and of oneofthemusicleaders who was conducting States inboththeUnited crusades a famous evangelist, Moody became century, nineteenth themiddletolate L. During Dwight When believers allow sin to rule in their lives, two things happen. things happen. two intheirlives, allow sintorule When believers

R omans 6:12-23 THE STATE OF THE CHURCH 47

Paul thus pictures twoPaul the Roman believers. options for They can

Instead of being slaves to sin, Paul urges the believers to sin, Paul Instead slaves of being Rome to in In addition, believers when In to rule sin allow lives, in their they

believers the right to choose master to rule their lives. instruments of righteousness. the Roman obviously encourages Paul edness, or they can place their lives at the disposal of God and become God of the disposal and their lives at become place edness, or they can place their lives at the disposal of sin and become instruments of sin and of wick- become their lives at the disposal place

his control. control. his to God through Christ,to God us to refuse through no sense for it to live under makes for us to continue to live under sin’s control. Since we have become alive become we have Since control. live under sin’s to us to continue for from death to life” (6:13b). Since we have died to sin, it makes no sense died to sin, it to life” death makes we have from (6:13b). Since to reign in their lives with the declaration that theyto reign “havelives with in their been brought the declaration in their lives to the positive picture of believers allowing righteousness transitions from the negative picturetransitions of believers from sin to rule allowing disposal of God so they can become “instruments of righteousness.” He “instruments become of righteousness.” of Goddisposal so they can tive sense when he urgestive sense when the Roman believers lives at the their to place place their lives at the disposal of sin. Then, he uses the word in a posi- of sin. uses the word Then, he lives at the disposal their place uses it first sense in a negative as he exhorts the Romanbelievers not to God” (6:13b). The word “present” means to place at one’s disposal. Paul disposal. Paul God” “present” (6:13b). at one’s word The means to place allow God to rule yourselves their lives. exhorts He to to “present them for the wrong team. the wrong for ness. In other words, we are working for the wrong side. We arefighting side. we are We the wrong ness. other words, working for In its purposes a weapon evil or uses to wageagainst its righteous- battle we allow sin to reign in our lives, we become a tool evil a tool sin to reignwe allow uses to further in our lives, we become out a battle. We might understand metaphors those way: in this We out a battle. when pictures either a tool used to complete a task carryweapon used to or a pictureseither used to complete a tool become “instruments “instruments” The word (6:13a). become wickedness” of so that you may belong to another, to him who has been raised from who has been raised from to him so that you may belong to another, in Romans 7:4: “You have died to the law through the body of Christ, through died to the law have in Romans 7:4: “You Paul presses the latter alternative. for Paul dynamic He explains the further acknowledgment that God already accepts us as righteous that God before God.acknowledgment already accepts doomed to failure. To be “under grace” means grace” to be living out of the be “under doomed to failure. To reach—to try to attain righteousness before God—and therefore to be “under law”“under never means that we can a standard to be moving toward are no longer under law,” Paul explains, “but under grace” (6:14). To be explains, “but Paul (6:14). To under grace” are no longer under law,” master. He begins by remindingmaster. them of their changed status. “You Paul presents some reasonsPaul the Roman believers for the right to live for Romans 6:14-19 LIVING FOR THE RIGHT MASTER How Obedient Are We? Are Obedient How THE STATE OF THE CHURCH same approach with the Corinthians. As he writes to them, he reminds tothem,hereminds same approach hewrites As the Corinthians. with Hefollows language. for exalted that him tousemore understanding sophisticated are think enoughintheir spiritual believers theRoman could Apparently,sation person grasp. thatany easily Paul doesnot world usedthephrase “speaking conver- todescribe terms” inhuman becauseterms (6:19)? Writers intheancient ofyournaturallimitations” WhatdoesPaul “Iamspeaking inhuman whenhesays, mean the text. sanctification. and which thatwillleadtorighteousness Paul refers, teaching to wayoflife, spelled toanew outinthis elementary also turn must wickedness. They and wayoflife thatledtoiniquity their former from notonlyturn must They ethics. elementary and believe, tians whatChris- doctrine, to abodyofteaching thatcontains elementary Apparently, (6:17). teaching towhich entrusted” youwere Paul refers to“become of totheform obedient from Christians theheart Roman Paul the charges slaves as ofsinleadingtoiniquity), ofliving instead leadingtosanctification slaves as ofrighteousness their actions(living ofslaves becauseinstead ofsin)and ofthecontrasting consequences of declared us tobe. already what God willenableustobecome slavesother words, as ofrighteousness living is theprocess In which by webecome God. before righteous holy and to become leadsto“sanctification” slaves torighteousness (6:19).This 4:19).In contrast, (Eph kindofimpurity” topractice greedy ness, every have and abandoned themselvestolicentious- have allsensitivity lost “They slaves Christians: ofsininhiswho are totheEphesian letter wickedness. Paul encompasses ofthose inhis bothideas description describes moraluncleanness. The word describes “iniquity” rity” (6:19).Theword “impu- iniquity” greater and togreater and impurity quences choices. To ofthesetwo ofsinleads“to liveundertherule ofsinbecause undertherule living than conse- ofthestarkly different master. should liveunderthelordship They right rather ofChrist “slaves as status new (6:17-18). ofrighteousness” our ofenjoying instead “under once puttingourselves are more law” thatwe means It (6:16). once allowingsintobeourmaster we are more To tosin. means ofwhatit derstanding that tosinmeans giveourselves Paul quickly disavows such because asuggestion isbased onamisun- it since diedtothelaw,” “have they can they to(6:15). want sinallthey claim They whatthis that means. misunderstand evidently Christians for God.”the deadinorder thatwemaybearfruit oftheRoman Some 48

Let mecover tothefinalsectionof going before oneothermatter Let Because (nowbeingslaves status oftheirchanged ofrighteousness toliveforPaul the asecond for offers believers theRoman reason June 28,2020 THE STATE OF THE CHURCH 49

Paul succinctly summarizes these contrasting consequences in one consequences summarizes these contrasting succinctly Paul Paul then affirms the consequences that come to those who choose come to those who that consequences then affirms the Paul To choose to be slaves of sin leads to certain consequences (6:21). consequences sin leads to certain of to be slaves choose To

receive it. This gift comes to us only through “Christ Jesus our Lord.” our Lord.” Jesus “Christ us only through receive gift comes This as a gift. It is not something we can Instead, a gift. we must simply we can It is not something choices and by our own actions. In contrast, we “receive” eternal and by life our own actions. we “receive” contrast, choices In Jesus our Lord” (6:23). Notice that we “earn” eternal death by our own that we “earn” our Lord”Jesus (6:23). Notice wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal in Christ life of the best-known verses in the New Testament. He writes, the of the best-known “For verses Testament. in the New

describes a new quality that has of life no end. previous section. The ultimate consequence is “eternal life.” This term This life.” previous is “eternal section. The ultimate consequence immediate consequence is “sanctification.” I discussed that term I discussed in the is “sanctification.” immediate consequence to be slaves to God (6:22). Again, he identifies two consequences. The to Godconsequences. to be slaves Again, he identifies (6:22). two separates us from the life available through Jesus Christ. Jesus through available the life us from separates those who remain as slaves to sin is “death,” a spiritual death that those who remain to sin is “death,” as slaves experience that same sense of shame. The ultimate consequence of sense of shame. The ultimate that same consequence experience (Ezra of sin to live as suggests slaves that those who choose 9:6). Paul higher than our heads,higher and our guilt has mounted up to the heavens” embarrassed to lift my face to you, my God, risen our iniquities to you, my have for embarrassed face to lift my had led to the exile as he prayed, “O my God, my had led to the exile as I am too ashamed and he prayed, “O and the exiles returned to Jerusalem, the sins that he acknowledged Paul identifies two. The immediate consequence is When identifies consequence Ezra two.Paul immediate The advantage of choosing to be slaves of righteousness.advantage be slaves to of choosing Paul then contrasts the disadvantage of being slaves of sin with the the disadvantage of being slaves contrasts then Paul the other, or be devoted or to the one and other” the despise the other, (Mt 6:24). one can serveone can two masters; will either hate a slave the one and love for Paul echoes Jesus’ earlier statement in the Sermon Jesus’ echoes Paul on the Mount: “No you were of sin, you were slaves free to righteousness” in regard (6:20), choosing and living for the right master. With his declaration, “When and the right With livingchoosing declaration, for his master. In the closing section of our text, Paul clarifies the advantage clarifies section of our text, of Paul the closing In Romans 6:20-23 THE ADVANTAGE can easily grasp. can the gospel with the Roman Christians letter they in language in this proclaimed to you the testimony about God” (1 Cor 2:1). Paul shares 2:1). Paul to you the testimony about God” (1 Cor proclaimed How Obedient Are We? Are Obedient How superior or aswisdom with I eloquence come not “did that he them THE STATE OF THE CHURCH them” Jn (l 3:24). “All his whoobey commandments abideinhim, heabidesin and John like putsit this inhis God. epistle: comes thattrusts from aheart Obedience God. thatwillnottrust comes aheart from asinfulheart, Disobedience you?” 6:46). donotwhatItell (Lk toGod’sand word doyoucall Lord,’this me‘Lord, his pointwhenheasks disciples, “Why life wereceive through isobedience.eternal Jesus Christ Jesus makes God’s willnotseelife, endure butmust theSon disobeys wrath.” whoever life; eternal has in theSon believes in John 3:36:“Whoever slaves Jesus clearly ofsin. thecontrasting notes ofourchoice results comes tothedeaththatinevitably ifweremain isfar superior forever oflife thatlasts comes quality slaves Anew ofsin. whenweremain to become far exceeds slaves ofrighteousness shame that theongoing Thesanctificationslaves ofrighteousness. that comes whenwe choose slaves ofsin. the consequences contrast thosethatcome starkly with whenweremain totake. Makingis ours this choice consequences. alsobrings However, No onecanness. keep it usfrom and it makingthatchoice. offers God consequences.eternal Or wecan choose tobecome slaves ofrighteous- us toabandon thatchoice. However, this choice and willhave serious We can slavesNo choose to. onewillforce ofsinifwewant toremain Toour text? usthatchoices hereminds beginwith, have consequences. What can from Paul’s welearn in Christians totheRoman exposition CONCLUSION 50

Paul further reminds usthattheproper tothis of Paul reminds gift response further ofchoosing tobecome usoftheadvantage Paul reminds further Retail $33.00|eBook $8.99 Luke TimothyJohnson A LiteraryandTheologicalCommentary Reading Romans Reading theNewTestament Series Call 800-747-3016 orvisit June 28,2020 ENDURING IMAGERY Matthew 11:16-30 Matthew

We certainly need to stop and smell the roses occasionally, but the occasionally, need to stop certainly and smell the roses We

this world and how theythis are to respond to God. out of the people’s misguided understanding misguided of how God in works out of the people’s John (Mt 11:12-15). This violent reaction to God’s messengers grows violent reaction This to God’s (MtJohn 11:12-15). message. This wasmessage. true This . of the great It prophet is also true of a violent reaction from those to whom they communicate God’s God’s a violent those to whom they reaction communicate from (Mt 11:11). Yet, he points out, God’s messengers always aroused have he points out, God’s (Mt 11:11). Yet, those born of women no one has arisen greater the Baptist” than John commends John’s ministry to the crowd, saying about John, “among ministry “among saying about John, to the crowd, John’s commends for another?”for (Mt 11:3). After assuring that he is the one, Jesus John yoke.” Before we look more closely at the yoke, let me set the context. let me set the Before at the yoke, more we look closely yoke.” or are we to wait you the one who is to come, “Are wants to know, bytwenty-first design in the century. The first “the of those is symbols with a question. him John confront two the Baptist of John disciples first-century symbols insight into what that provide it means to live and preaching, teaching one town to another, movesAs from Jesus life of design look like? In this month’s lessons, we will consider some lessons, we will consider month’s this In like? of design look life Matthew 11:16-24 the park. Instead, Jesus calls us to live by design. But what does this calls Instead, Jesus the park. MISGUIDED UNDERSTANDING life to which Jesus calls us is more than just a leisurely stroll through us is more than through just a leisurely stroll calls Jesus to which life through the park bythe park design. through One of them moves around the park by the park default. One of them moves around The other moves meeting. between What is the difference these two visitors to the park? through the park, andthe park, exiting it just important to the in time to make through held high, walking along at a quick pace, following the trail as the trail it winds following pace, at a quick walking along held high, only fifteen minutes to there.get person This enterspark with head the the high-rise office building just on the other side of the park building justand has on the other side of the the high-rise office other side of the park. Another park. other side of the of them has an important meeting in to some teenagers playing and park, in the finally making it to the sprawled out on a blanket eating a picnic lunch, tossing a stray Frisbee lunch, eating a picnic on a blanket out sprawled the park, pausing to admire pausing the park, the flowers,family talk to a stopping to nothing to do and nowhere to go. This person strolls casually through through to do and nowherenothing to go. person casually This strolls Picture two entering individuals has One of them a large in park a city.

July 5, 2020 The Yoke The ENDURING IMAGERY 52 highlights the obtuseness of the people of Chorazin and Bethsaida by by Bethsaida and highlights theobtuseness ofthe peopleofChorazin isinthis ofdenunciation, it case. as expression an as Jesus often more but intheNew Testament 18:10) appears (Rev ofgrief expression an as This term onbothcities. Now heissues a“woe” ministry. his Galilean miracles ofhealinginthosecities during performed Jesus and preached (11:21-22).Bethsaida bothclose Thesecities are and toCapernaum, cities forHe selectsthree special reproach. toJesus infaithful acceptance,should turn him. reject they butinstead such Witnessing miracles, ofthesecities theinhabitants 11:20). (Mt tothecities revealed deedsofpower” to“his in mindwhenherefers them” hecured and 4:24).Jesus thesemiracles has paralytics, (Mt and epileptics, and demoniacs, pains, diseases afflicted various with tohim thepeople“brought allthesick, thosewhowere there, ministry his During ministry. the homebase ofhischose as Galilean Capernaum proclaimed already he has According thegospel. toMatthew 4:13,Jesus whochoose message and tofollowthe Baptist’s Jesus.” inthe livesofthosewhochoosetoJohn torespond be demonstrated will truth “The 19,Jesus path? issaying, his inverse right answer With How Jesus. doweknowwhich John by isthe theBaptist and by strated thosein“thisby generation” thewayoflife declared with demon- and Jesus contrasts verses, the way of life demonstrated In the lives. previous inour theworkswedemonstrate describes “Deeds” proved oraffirmed. way.can ortotheright tobe means tothetruth “Vindicated” refer declaration: “Yet wisdomisvindicated (11:19).“Wisdom” herdeeds” by the peopleof“this generation” don’t approach. toeither respond approach. world-affirming amore approach. tries Jesus, God With Yet aworld-denying tries John, God With ofmethods. avariety with gospel todraw attempts peopletothe isthatGod enness (11:19).Thetruth Jesus because reject They isevidence ofdrunk- think they his joyfulness think approach ademon(11:18). his serious heispossessedby means John because reject They both John Jesus and for reasons. they different that“thissaying generation” reject thewrong sothey has expectations, Jesus is (11:17). response neither get disappointed whenthey are dren lively pipecalls thechil- calls while adirge for dancing, for mourning; play, singand ofmusicthey A the type responses. expectdifferent they singinginthemarketplaces musicand Dependingon playing (11:16). Hesays that“this giventohim. response generation” islike children

He directs his condemnation, first, to the cities of Chorazin and tothe his ofChorazin cities condemnation,He directs first, wordedJesus condemnation thenissues asharply ofthecities where Jesus follows this from image themarketplaces asuccinct with Jesus thencompares giventoJohn the theresponse theBaptist with July 5,2020 ENDURING IMAGERY 53

Jesus makes two claims in our text two (11:27) makes Jesus claims are that in other echoed The religious leaders to repent in Judea and Galilee reject call Jesus’ In addition, Jesus singles out Capernaum for special reproach reproach special Capernaum singles out addition, for Jesus In

alone can reveal to humanityalone can the truth about God. That is why Jesus him known.” Jesus makes the same claim in our text. that he claim the same He claims makes Jesus known.” him is God heart, to the Father’s the only Son, who is close who has made to humanity. In John 1:18, John declares, “No one has ever “No declares, seen God. 1:18, John John In to humanity. It else has. And then he claims to be the sole mediator of this knowledgeelse has. mediator of this to be the sole And then he claims our text. an intimate to have knowledge of God He claims that no one because I am from him, and he sent me.” Jesus makes the same claim in claim the same makes Jesus and he sent me.” him, I am from because him, “You do not know him [that is, God].” He then adds, “I know him, He then adds, him, “I know [that is, God].” do not know him “You him, no one else has. In John 7:28-29, he says to the crowd of people around of people around no one else has. 7:28-29, John In crowd to the he says passages. First, an intimate to have knowledge of God he claims that verse 27. intuition. in develops further theme Jesus this proclamation with his we know about God through divine revelationwe know about God human through and not through stood this” (1 Cor 1:18-25; 2:8). The New Testament clearly affirms that clearly Testament 2:8). The New 1:18-25; stood (1 Cor this” unto salvation, and, as a result, “none of the rulers and, asunto salvation, result, a age under- this of “none to the foolish and not to the wise that the gospel power of God is the to the foolish instead “to infants” (11:25-26). Paul similarly claims that God reveals similarly claims infants” (11:25-26).instead Paul “to for hiding the truth the wise and revealing hiding from for about life truth this and how people should respond to God. In his prayer, Jesus thanks God Jesus and respond how people should to God. prayer, his In people from turningpeople from to God by clarifying how God world works in this Jesus counters this misguided understanding this counters Jesus that prevents of life the Matthew 11:25-27 of how God world and how they works in this areto respond to him. CLARIFYING REVELATION and turn back to God because they are guided byand turn a misunderstanding to God because back demonstration of God’s power through Jesus’ ministry. Jesus’ power through demonstration of God’s call to repentance, would have already have would to repentance, responded positively to the call by claiming that “Sodom,” another city notoriously that ignored God’s “Sodom,” that by claiming saida. of the people of Capernaum the obtuseness Again, he highlights respond, Jesus condemns them as he does those in Chorazin andrespond, condemns Beth- Jesus demonstration of his power. However, because of their failure to because However, power. demonstration of his ministry, the people of that city people of that the ministry, observed have an even more frequent (11:23-24). Since Capernaum served Since (11:23-24). Galilean his as for base the a similar demonstration of God’s power. demonstrationa similar of God’s God’s call to repentance, would have already have would to repentance, responded positively to call God’s The Yoke The notoriously that cities ignored even that “Tyre andclaiming Sidon,” ENDURING IMAGERY COMPELLING INVITATION toGod. torespond works in this howweare worldand tion ofhow God revela- Jn Jesus aloneprovides theclarifying 14:6). ( thelife” and truth, makes this bold declaration “Iamtheway, concerning himself: the and 54 we are relieved of the necessity of earning our own salvation. Whatever Whatever our ownsalvation. ofearning ofthe necessity relieved we are theburden Or and theyoke perhaps islight because iseasy 2:20). (Gal in ourownpowerbutthrough wholiveswithin us thepowerofChrist theburden and islightbecauseeasy whenwefollow Jesus, we live not life “fits.” theChristian Living ustolive. created theyokeOr maybe is because originally thelife whenwefollow God living Jesus, weare Perhaps theburden and theyoke islight iseasy (11:30). is light” ofhim. edge totakeday and thatcomes uptheyoke offreedom from afullknowl- ofhis leaders thereligious theyoke by to setaside oflegalismoffered connecting them with Heinvites him his theirliveswith and kingdom. those ofhis daytotake along uponthemselvestheobligation thatgoes himself. Heinvites givesusJesus’ Combining ideas meaning. thesetwo takes thesum upon ofobligations todescribe aperson this term toacoupling someoneorsomething Therabbisused refers with else. “Takeburden. Hesays, my yoke uponyou” (11:29).Theword “yoke” tohim, compels heimmediately those whoturn themtotake upa command, theburdens promising of for after torelieve immediately Hepromiseswe need. togiveuscomfort ourburdens. tolift and uswhat healsoknowsallthings offers these knowntous, aboutusand makes Jesus and As knowsallthings aboutGod follow him Lord. as embrace him Savior, toacknowledge as Jesus theChrist, as person and a casual a approach decision impliesadeliberate by it Instead, toJesus. toallwhowill“comerest than impliesmore (11:28).This term tome” God’s Jesus ustofind invites the Bible, this Jesus in offers rest him. choose tofollow him. liveaccordingly. and God, ifthey Jesus willmean thenexplainswhatit can they other hand, toJesus, accept about turn hereveals thetruth Onthe this misguidedunderstanding. by beledastray the worldand choices. can they Ononehand, choose toliveaccording tothewayof Jesus confronts life verses, alternate thecrowdIn theprevious two with Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus explains further that his “yoke is easy” and thathis and “burden thathis “yokeJesus iseasy” explainsfurther Jesus thenissues acommand. We cannot misstheirony ofthis apromise. encouragingIn oneofthemost of first verses He offers July 5,2020 ENDURING IMAGERY 55 Call 800-747-3016 or visit Call 800-747-3016 or visit A Five-Mile Walk Exploring Themes in the Experience of Christian Faith and Discipleship Michael B. Brown Retail $18.00 | eBook $8.99

Finally, the yoke is a symbol of empowerment. Taking the yoke the yoke is a symbol of empowerment. the yoke Finally, Taking The yoke is also a symbol of discipline. Taking the yoke upon yoke the a symbol is also Taking of discipline. The yoke

connection that will empower us to live the life God calls us to live. God that will empower us to live the life calls connection the load. Therefore, the yoke is not a burden to hold us back but a us back to hold the load. Therefore, is not a burden the yoke achieve on our own because we are connected to others we are help bear who connected own because on our achieve upon ourselves enables us to accomplish together what we can never together what we can upon ourselves enables us to accomplish toward a common purpose a common with members the other toward of our team. cannot pursue own personal our ambitions;cannot instead, we must move ourselves reminds us that we cannot go off on our own tangents. We go on our own tangents. off ourselves reminds We us that we cannot work together. ment as believers on our own. We are partment as of a team believers whose members on our own. We upon ourselves reminds to carry us that we do not have out our assign- life by design? The yoke is a symbol of connection. Taking the yoke the yoke Taking symbol is a of connection. The yoke bylife design? What does this pictureWhat does this of a “yoke” tell us about living the Christian CONCLUSION ourselves agenda.his to It is all about him. to approve our agenda. our to approve Instead, being a Christian means submitting remains Being the same. Jesus a Christian does not mean convincing The Yoke The statement,precise words to Jesus’ meaning of his we attach the impact ENDURING IMAGERY July 12,2020 The Soil “whoever doesthewill ofmy Father“whoever inheaven” the With 12:50). (Mt family iscomposed toseethem, announcing thathis true refuses of Jesus defeat. willendinhumiliation and pathway believe thatthey todissuade Perhaps want they 12:46). him fromhim (Mt afoolish aroundmoves followed crowds Judea by ofpeople,his family confronts proclaimto teach and 11:1).While he his (Mt message totheircities” which hefocuses his onthedisciples, Jesus “from attention goes there atimein After ofhis teaching apart ministry. as Jesus this tells story Matthew 13:1-3a JESUS’ METHODOFTEACHING totheseed. responds The differenceupon each comes ofthesoils. inthewayeach soil theseeditself. Thesame by seed falls notdetermined are responses Thesedifferent tothatseed. four responses he describes different then Jesus and compares plants, toaseedthatfarmer thegospel 110) Retton’s Gateways Happiness to Lou [New York: Broadway 2000] Books, Mary Retton, Lou (Mary ways. different distinctly intwo but respond sky. theevening thesame peoplewitness sunset Thesetwo he observes Fromas finds inspirationviewpoint, Jake inthe his sunset. feels alarm Fromprobably herviewpoint, asecond-stage means healthalert. and thata sunset like emissionsthatfloodtheatmosphere that factory Jake, herthatthesecolors whoreminds come from and thepollutants beautifulsunsetthat themost you’ve seen?” stuns Herresponse ever exclaims, and atthosecolors! reds “Look and purples, Isn’toranges, across ofyellows, mixture thedarkening sky. seesthis marvelous Sarah colors” streak Whatshe callsthe sun settlesonthehorizon. “harvest Jake, as and onahillside people,Sarah sitting thecity overlooking two She pictures ofthattruth. around She illustration thenprovides an us. world intheever-changing shapes thewayweexperience everything ness.” is“attitude.” Oneofthesegateways asserts, Retton attitude, Our a book inwhich she identifiedwhat she called the tohappi- “gateways wrote Retton Lou champion Mary gymnastics Olympic States United That same dynamic weaves its way through the story in our text. inourtext. weaves waythrough its That same dynamic thestory

Matthew 13:1-9,18-23 ENDURING IMAGERY 57

He describes the first soil as “the path” (13:4). Throughout a normal (13:4). Throughout He describes the firstpath” “the soil as Matthew refers to these stories as “parables” (13:3a). The word refers (13:3a). The word Matthew to these stories as “parables” As he teaches, Matthew tells us that “great crowds” surround him him surround crowds” tells us that “great As he teaches, Matthew

to allow the seed to take allow the seed to take Jesus notes no fault in the seed. notes lies in the failure no fault Jesus of the soil The fault snatched up the seed, and down the seed went into their stomachs.snatched up” (13:4). Literally, the text says they “ate them down.” That is, they them down.” the text they says “ate (13:4). Literally, up” produce results, Jesus explains, because “the birds came and ate them came birds “the results, explains, because Jesus produce seed sowed by the farmer falls on this hard ground. This seed does not This ground. seed sowed by hard the farmer on this falls traffic through the field, making it unreceptive to seeds. the field, making it unreceptive traffic through of the Some seed. He has hardened this ground and compacted it with his foot it foot with his and compacted ground seed. this He has hardened field, footpaths provide a place for the farmerfor the to walk as he sows the a place provide footpaths field, What happens to the seed? Jesus describes four possibilities. describesWhat happens to the seed? Jesus four focuses instead the seed falls. different on the focuses kinds of soil on which until the end of the parable that the farmeruntil the end of the parable plants grain (Mt 13:8). Jesus in this story. Nor does Jesus say much about the seed. We do not know about the seed. story. much in this We say does Jesus Nor elaborate on the farmer because the farmer plays an insignificant part the farmer plays an insignificant elaborate on the farmer because or does he nonchalantly toss his seeds in front of him? Jesus does not Jesus of him? seeds in front toss his or does he nonchalantly new to the task? Is he conscientious about fulfilling his responsibilities fulfilling about Is he conscientious new to the task? himself. Is he old or young? Is he old Is he an farmer experienced himself. or someone a harvest (13:3b). any does not provide the farmer details about Jesus farmer preparing to sow seeds in the soil so they can ultimately produce farmer ultimately produce preparing the soil so they to sow seeds in can In the first parable in the chapter, Jesus paints a familiar picturepaints a of a Jesus the firstIn chapter, parable in the gathered around him.gathered around Matthew 13:3b-9 Matthew 13 contains a series of parables Jesus presents to the crowd a series presents Jesus to the crowd of parables 13 contains Matthew OF THE SOILS THE PARABLE is the only one who uses this form of speech in the New Testament. Testament. in the New form uses this is the only one who of speech illustrate form. the parable truth. that invent does not But Jesus he “alongside.” Therefore, is a story a parable beside a truth to thrown “alongside.” “parable” comes from two from throw” Greek that mean “to comes words and“parable” address the crowd. When he speaks to the crowd, he tells he stories. to the crowd, address When he speaks the crowd. to escape from the crowd but rather uses it as a pulpit from which to it but rather uses which as a pulpit from the crowd from to escape On this occasion, he does need it. Notice that he does not use the boat he does need it. does not use the boat that he Notice occasion, On this him, Jesus has a boat ready just offshore in case he needs it (Mk 3:9). 3:9). it he needs (Mk ready has a boat Jesus justhim, offshore in case (13:2). On another teaching occasion, when the crowds press against crowds when the occasion, another(13:2). On teaching concern of his human family, Jesus continues his teaching ministry. teaching his continues Jesus human family, of his concern with Jesus’ dismissal of his physical family. Instead yielding of to the family. physical of his dismissal with Jesus’ The Soil The “That phrase day” same the story connects Matthew (13:1), text in our ENDURING IMAGERY 58 17:11). Jesus challenges his listeners to adopt the same attitude as the toadoptthesame as attitude 17:11). Jesus challenges his listeners so” daytosee whetherthesethings were (Acts every ined thescriptures exam- and eagerly Thessalonica, for welcomed they themessage very receptive thosein than more were Jews Luke “These us, tells Beroea, in believers thenew Whendescribing tothegospel. willrespond they onthehearer. directly Individuals choose must how responsibility listen!” ears with everyone places (13:9).This “Let statement Revelation: Testament, eighttimesinthebook of and timesintheGospels seven according tothecondition ofthesoil. varies tothegospel response areceptive soil—that is, person—the good the parable’s thegospel—falls on whentheseed—thatis, Even message. weneedtoaccept areinforcement as it of ofharvest, level three-fold special intothis meaning toread oftrying (13:8).Instead some thirty” Matthew says theseedsproduce “some ahundredfold, somesixty, ahundredfold” (Mk even and 4:8).In contrast, sixty and “thirty in his ofthis parallel parable. Mark treatment says theseedsproduce that Mark theorder ofproductivity presents Matthewreason, reverses produce ultimately and into plants, acrop. For someindiscernible theseseedstake Instead, root, develop theplants. overwhelm thorns no Here, plants. enough toprovide tothenew proper nourishment takeand theseedaway. deep enoughand thesoilisbothrich Here, Jesus callsthe seeds. this “good nobirds (13:8).Here, swoopdown soil” eventually choke they vigorous, out theotherplants. more grow quickly Since upinthis are more soil. and spring thethorns from Unfortunately,roots emerge theground and plants. as also thorns thisAt soil provides aplace least theseedscan where senddowntheir away. sun scorches Since have quickly theplants. they noroot, they wither crop. However, theearlypromise theheatof as quickly evaporates expectationofagood upward, initial an thusgiving thrust immediately toshoot theirroots Unable veneer ofsoil. downintothesoil,plants throwsso theseedfarmer onthis “rocky ground” takes root inthe covered theserocks, ofsoiloften alltherocks Athinand layer fell out. Palestine, passing over was thesack whenoneoftheangels brokebut, toscatter theresponsibility rocks angels gave across two God theearth, with that was filled Palestine Onelegend suggests rocks. of first-century

Jesus ends the parable with a phrase that appears often intheNew often Jesus endstheparable aphrase that appears with from because soildiffers theotherthree A fourth isreceptive it to glance, promisingThe third seems tobemore (13:7). soil,atfirst The second soilJesus calls “rocky Thelandscape ground” (13:5-6). July 12,2020 ENDURING IMAGERY 59

To the people who follow him, Jesus explains a phenomenon they explains a phenomenon Jesus him, the people who follow To What are we to make of this parable and Jesus’ explanation? We We explanation? and Jesus’ parable What are this of we to make

tion of their heart determines their response word. to his while otherswhile and reject up against line him. word Why? his The condi- are to be sowers motivated by of the word, the confidence world. We have observed. Some people accept his word and follow him joyfully him observed. andhave follow word his Some people accept are of God to plant in the the word about, tells the disciples. Jesus We provides a word of challenge to the church. This is what we are is what This to be to the church. of challenge a word provides the fruit of righteousness in their lives. CONCLUSION first, parable, Jesus’ parable? Jesus’ from we take What lessons can in their hearts through a consistent faith so that the seed can produce produce can so that the seed faith a consistent in their hearts through enough just to hear his words. They must allow his words to take root root to take They words. enough just words must to hear his his allow In this parable, Jesus warns the crowds who follow him that it is not him warns who follow Jesus parable, this the crowds In then lose it. So That is not the point of the parable. what is the point? faith and whether the third soil suggests a person can have faith and faith have soil suggests a person andfaith the third whether can different soils and try to determine represents of these soils which true elements of the story. For example, we should not investigate the four elements of the story. the four not investigate example, we should For need to be careful about extracting a theology the from of salvation need to be careful produces a bountiful harvestproduces (13:23). of the gospel takes root, overcoming any threat posed by weeds, overcoming root, andof the gospel takes those who hear the word and understandthose who hear the word it. lives, their the seed In and the lure of wealth” to choke it out (13:22). The good soil represents to choke and the lure of wealth” those who want to receive the word but allow “the cares of the world cares but allow “the the word those who want to receive (13:20-21). The soil that produces both plants and(13:20-21). weeds represents The soil that produces staying power once theystaying realize the demands power once the word of receiving represents those who embrace the word initially but do not have the initiallynot have but do represents the word those who embrace hear the word but refuse to comprehend it (13:19). The rocky soil soil it but refuse (13:19). The rocky to comprehend hear the word various represents The path parable. in his kinds of soil those who describes differentrepresented responses message, to this by the identifies the seed as “the word of the kingdom” (13:19). He then of the kingdom” “the word identifies the seed as explains to them the meaning of his parable of the soils (13:18). He of the soils (13:18). parable the meaningexplains to them of his Jesus tells the disciples why he speaks in parables (Mt he why in parables tells he speaks disciples the Jesus 13:10-17), After a section of Scripture in our lesson text in which not included THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SOIL OF THE THE IMPORTANCE 13:18-23 Matthew think,” Jesus says. Jesus “Use what I am saying.” them to hear think,” The Soil The believers Beroea in will. has you ears given “God hear and to mind to a ENDURING IMAGERY kingdom ofGod. kingdom for the word inthis willbefruit soil,theresult isplanted ofthegospel in Jesus’ soiliscalled parable. Thefourth “good soil,” whenthe and soil ofthefourth news Thatisthegood message, butsomewill. gospel tothe willrespond Not someofthetime. everyone willbepositive it but the othersideofcoin. bepositive, willnotalways Theresponse accept such wemust by responses, aged is. This thewayit isjust them. ofbeingdiscour- Instead Jesus bepositive, warns. willnotalways gospel tothe Theresponse oflife (13:7). abouttransformation does notbring tothewordresponse willbeashallow ofthegospel acceptance that In othercases, (13:5-6). the willproveof thegospel tobetemporary acceptance (13:4).At initial othertimes, outright rejected oftheword theword willbe ofthegospel Sometimes, bepositive. will notalways intheworld,response thegospel weplant as isthis: of warning aword and ofhope. both aword ofwarning this alongwith word ofchallenge, theparable presents But, the world. theword toshare with thechurchreminds isourresponsibility thatit faith” whohas Thesoilparablefor 1:16). salvation toeveryone (Rom Paul announcesthepowerofGod “is thatthegospel totheRomans 60

Jesus’ parable alsoprovides aword ofhopetothechurch. This is Jesus givestothechurch?What istheword ofwarning Theword July 12,2020 ENDURING IMAGERY Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 Matthew

Jesus’ storyJesus’ yet another problem week discloses this in our text for A couple of problems emerge in this attempt to monitor a person’s emerge attempt to monitor this in a person’s of problems A couple

good from the bad. good from everyday insight into the mysterious to provide life kingdom of heaven. guilty. The problems is that sometimes it is difficult to separate the the to separate is that sometimes it is difficult problems The guilty. of the kingdom images of heaven. and He uses familiar from objects people they consider to be good but condemns people they view as good to be but condemns people they consider with he explains the nature a seriesthe disciples in which of parables with the proponents of a legalistic approach to life that embraces that embraces to life of a legalistic approach with the proponents and addresses 13, Jesus the crowds Remember Matthew the context. In Matthew 13:24-30 THE PARABLE THE PARABLE on the external attitudes. actions but ignores the inward they are full of greed and self-indulgence” (Mt 23:25). Legalism focuses day: “For you clean the outside of the cup andday: of the plate, of the cup the outside but inside you clean “For very religious at the reason. leaders of his He directs accusation this address the less visible inward sins.address criticizes Jesus the Pharisees the less visible inward this for to righteousness. deal with the external These codes actions but do not common sins. Yet another problem looms in this legalistic approach legalistic approach looms in this another problem sins. Yet common tive. That is, these lists highlight certain sins but overlook other, more tive. That is, sins but overlook other, certain these lists highlight code. To begin with, such a list of rules with, begin such and regulations is often selec- To code. righteousness laid out in some holiness a list by of laws following and reject those who practice the bad behavior. behavior. and the bad reject those who practice accept those who demonstrate the good behavior, and they condemn and they condemn those who demonstrate the good behavior, accept clear-cut list of good behavior and bad behavior. They then approve and They then approve clear-cut list of good behavior. and behavior bad churches today have adopted the same approach. They establish a approach. adopted the same today have churches exemplify this approach to righteousness in the New Testament. Many Many exemplify to righteousness Testament. in the New approach this Those who break reflect The these laws their wickedness. Pharisees of laws. Those who follow these laws demonstrate these laws their righteousness.of laws. Those who follow legalism judge people’s conduct in terms to a precise set of adherence conduct legalism judge people’s of the Jewish religious leaders in the New Testament. Proponents of Proponents of the Jewish religious leaders Testament. in the New nevertheless to morality by describes many the approach practiced Although the word “legalism” does not appear in the Bible, the word appear in the Bible, does not the word “legalism” Although the word

July 19, 2020 The Weeds The ENDURING IMAGERY 62 destruction. destruction. forfor willalsobindtheweeds intobundlesinpreparation sale. They willbindthewheat intobundlesinpreparation they At thatpoint, todistinguish theweedsfrom willhave thewheat. theexpertise reapers the Besides, for harvest. ready and for thewheatwillbefully developed willnot matter, it theweeds, uprootthey remove thewheatwhenthey if willsimplyseparate thewheatfrom Even they theweeds. harvest, inthe bring timewhenthereapers grow Then, atharvest tomaturity. theweeds Hewillletboththewheatand solution (13:29-30). another decides on thefarmer So tothewheat. damage also doinestimable outtheweedswill connected theroots tearing with ofthewheat, Becausea solution. theroots nowsoinextricably oftheweedsare (13:28).However,alien plants ofsuch knowsthedanger themaster the problem? whatshould bedoneabout is, (13:28).Thequestion poisonous plant infiltrated with has his fields this heknows, outsider whoseidentity enemy, thatan Herealizes does. but themaster an even perhaps Apparently,found. happened(13:27), whathas donotunderstand they have whatthey tothemaster report see,they whatthey by Perplexed recognize thewheat(13:26). growing sidewith thealienplants sideby ofgrowth. However,stages this beings. weed ispoisonoustohuman intheearly looks thatgrowssimilartoit wheat and tallas as darnel lation usestheword “weeds.” Jesus probably called inminda plant has call BoththeNASB theKJV and thisnight. alienseed“tares.” trans- Our with weedsinthedarknessof out thedifficultafield ofplanting task the cause ofthis enmity, since beserious this must enemy butit carries Jesus for givesnoexplanation tothatperson. orwhoishostile person toward hatred another whohas “enemy” aperson translated describes field. sowsbad outsidersecretly seedinthefarmer’s An wineuntilnow.”the good thenJesus introduces But acomplication. commend thesteward he has because thebridegroom have “you kept quality. Jesus usestheword thesame inJohn with meaning 2:10when seedinhisgood field” (13:24).Theword seedof high “good” describes Jesus says he“sowedseed from which hehopestoproduce aharvest. and thendrops his land intotheground prepares the The farmer field. plants his seedinthe as a life farmer farm infirst-century our text

The workers recommendand uprooting tothefield The workers going allthe inthefield theworkers as itself enoughtheproblemSoon reveals thisJesus “an outsideras describes (13:25).Theword enemy” week’s theparable with inlast As lesson,Jesus setstheparable in July 19,2020 ENDURING IMAGERY 63

We cannot miss the similarities miss between and the parable cannot this We Jesus clarifies that “the one who sows the “the one who good seed is the Son of that clarifies Jesus

kingdom of heaven is movingkingdom of heaven forward just as he predicted. it intermingling reminds this anticipated us that Jesus and that the of good and bad all around us every day, this parable reassures parable this us every us,of good for all around and bad day, infiltrate the kingdom of heaven. Since we witness this intermingling we witness this the kingdominfiltrate of heaven. Since of human history.power is everywhere A dark and at work will even disciples the naturedisciples in the flow as of the kingdom itof heaven unfolds it for themselves. Jesus uses the parable of the weeds to reveal uses the parable for Jesus to the seed of the gospel. They to the gospel and must be receptive embrace remind the disciples of the importance of their decision to embrace the remind to embrace of the importance of their decision the disciples we also see one clear difference. Jesus uses the parable of the sower to of uses the parable Jesus difference. clear we also see one the parable of the weeds, the evil one plants the alien seed (13:25). Yet of the weeds, the evilthe parable plants one Yet the alien seed (13:25). the evil one snatches away the seed before it can take root (Mt root 13:19). In take the evil before the seed it away can one snatches that the evil one appears in both parables. In the parable of the sower, that the evil one appears of the sower, the parable in both parables. In who plants weeds in the field presents the complication. Notice also Notice complication. who plantsthe field presents weeds in the soil presents the complication. In the parable of the weeds, the enemy the weeds, of the enemy the parable In soil presents the complication. duce a complication. In the parable of the sower, the condition of the the condition of the sower, the parable In a complication. duce elements: a sower, a field, a seed, and a crop yield.crop a field, a seed, parables intro- and a Both elements: a sower, earlier parable of the sower (Mt 13:1-9). Both parables involve the same the same involve Both parables the sower (Mt of earlier parable 13:1-9). Notice that the “good seed” is a reference not to the gospel but to “the is a reference not to the gospel but to “the seed” that the “good Notice people who dwell on earth. ( 3:16 uses the term sense.) in this “world” Jn (13:38). This term identifies not just the physical earth term(13:38). This but also the just identifies not the physical seed. The field in which he plantsseed. the seeds of the is the world gospel The field in which (Mk 13:26). plants good the himself Therefore, Jesus (Mk in the parable, one who will fulfill God’s plan of Danielredemption described 7 in one who will fulfill God’s Even more important, term he uses this to identify with the himself eighty times. With term, this himself with humanity. identifies Jesus Man” (13:37). term uses this Jesus as a self-designation more than Man” In response, them an gives explanation.In Jesus one concerning a field in which which a field in two different kinds of seed areone concerning planted. Perhaps they graspPerhaps meaning the of those two but are perplexed by the Why an do they interpretation ask not for of the other two parables? Immediately, they ask Jesus to explain the parable of the weeds (13:36). they to explain the parable ask Jesus Immediately, drawing from the crowds for a private for (13:36). time with the disciples crowds the from drawing (Mt 13:31-32) and the parable of the yeast and the parable (Mt before with-(Mt 13:33), 13:31-32) Jesus speaks two speaks Jesus more parables: seed of the mustard the parable Matthew 13:36-43 THE EXPLANATION The Weeds The ENDURING IMAGERY longer be time to respond totheoffer ofGod’s betime to respond longer grace. because and willno theevil, there atthatpoint, is abletoexterminate from theweedsbecause can God recognize thedifference, because God At theconsummation willseparate thewheat God ofthekingdom, God’s bad and intheworld. ofgood tothemixture response ultimate werobthe weeds, themofachance toit. respond and tohearthegospel tocontinue cast weimmediately work.If doingits out the opportunity Further, headvocates patience inorder togiveGod’s offer ofsalvation orexertion. ourownactivity intheworldby cannot theevil exterminate In hecounsels outaseparation. addition, patiencecarrying because we incapable are cannot therefore and inothers of recognize always theevil patience heurges because we First, patienceadvises reasons. for several intheworldaround He us. evil and ofgood tothemixture response time, God’s grace willtake usintoGod’s glory. (13:43).At that ofGod the Father willexperience theglory they where intothepresence willsendthechildren ofthekingdom of The angels gnashing ofteeth” and willexperience “weeping they where (13:40-42). oneinto“the offire” willsendthechildren oftheevil furnace angels one.” groups. The endfor the ultimate Jesus thesetwo thendescribes the“childrenweeds, ofthekingdom” from “the children oftheevil willseparate thewheatfrom the thereapers, whoare time, theangels, (13:39).At “the that Hecalls endoftheage” theharvest the harvest. planted. bad seedsand seedsare both good inthis (13:39).Thus, world “the sownby thebad devil” seeds, seedsare ofMan, thegood theSon are as ofbeingsownby Instead corruption. of theweedsproduce intheirlives, the kingdom intheworldaharvest of thefruit bearing ofembracing (13:38).Instead and thegospel one” Lord. and their Savior inthelivesofthosewhohave received him as beguntobearfruit has it parable, intheworld,and thegospel Jesus declares planted thathehas this With ofthegospel. intheworldthatbearfruit seed planted children ofthekingdom” (13:38).Thosewhoembrace Jesus become the 64 First, inthis parable We Jesus challenges us. bepatient the must as First, say ofit toustoday? What doesthis parable Jesus’ and interpretation CONCLUSION

In the interpretation of the parable (Mt 13:36-43), Jesus focuses on 13:36-43), oftheparable (Mt In theinterpretation Jesus encourages patience in 13:24-30), In theparable (Mt itself In his Jesus explanation, focusesstory, onthefinalelementof “the What abouttheweeds? children oftheevil Theweedsrepresent July 19,2020 ENDURING IMAGERY 65

Finally, in this parable Jesus warns Jesus parable in this us. EvenFinally, though evil does not In addition, in this parable Jesus assures Jesus us. parable addition, in this In Sometimes we are

wicked will receive their punishment. will receive wicked will hit the ground, and eventually, as Jesus declares in his parable, the parable, in his declares as Jesus and eventually, the ground, will hit doing and he replies, “So far, so good!” Eventually, however, this person this however, Eventually, so good!” doing and he replies, “So far, passes each window, someone inside the building asks him how he is someone inside the building asks him window, each passes situation. In the cartoon, a man falls off a thirty-story off a a man falls the cartoon, situation. In building. As he tually bring a reckoning to evil. A cartoon I saw perfectly captures the bring perfectlytually to evil. I saw a reckoning captures A cartoon seem to be punished in this life, Jesus assures Jesus us that God life, this in will even-seem to be punished God’s planned end. God’s control. We can trust to God of life to ultimatelycan bring the process We control. in the field of life until the end of time, until in the field of life God still has everything under parable reminds us that even though the weeds will continue to grow to grow remindsparable us that even though the weeds will continue the upper hand, causing us to wonder where God is in this process. The us to wonder where God process. is in this the upper hand, causing troubled by all the eviltroubled the world. in fact, at times evil In seems to gain

love to draw them into the kingdom. them into love draw to sation at the evilsation the world and in more out our arms reaching about in parable suggests that we worryparable our fingers about pointing less accu- of the present age in which good and bad mingle together. Perhaps this this Perhaps the present good together. mingle and age bad in which farm with its mixture of good plants and reflects bad the world in The Weeds The The evolves itskingdom ultimate of heaven consummation. toward ENDURING IMAGERY July 26,2020 A Medley table expansion of the kingdom of heaven. of heaven. table expansion ofthekingdom theinevi- emphasizes parable inourlesson,therefore, This first earth. from asmallbeginning toinclude peoplefrom allthenations ofthe This parable holds outthepromise thatGod’s will expand kingdom allthe nationsoftheearth. thatis, probably theGentiles, represent 4:12).In (Dan Jesus’ nourishment parable, in thetree the birds resting finds creature which thebirds from oftheair liveand which every limbsin Daniel with perch similarlyenvisions branches. atree onits ofheaven, thekingdom willbecome thatbirdsrepresents solarge can which (13:32).This becomes tree, and ofshrubs “the atree” greatest islike amustard ofGod seed,Jesuskingdom proclaims. significantJesus willappeartobetheleast The ofthesemovements. ofhis movements day, religious different around theonegathering setsoutallthe religious observer ifafirst-century Likewise, the seeds. inthefield,mustard ofall seedwillbethesmallest to beplanted setsoutalltheseeds farmer “mustard afirst-century seed” (13:31). If parable, JesusIn this first ofheaven thekingdom toa compares Matthew 13:31-32 THE PARABLE OFTHEMUSTARD SEED containstext oftheseparables. amedley know).”object orexperience they We call “parables.” thesestories Our ofheaven) (thekingdom islike that(the know. “This Hethensays, beside theconcept ofheaven ofthekingdom thatthepeopledonot takes acommon it lays object orexperience thatthepeopleknowand How can Jesus explainthefullscope ofheaven? ofthekingdom He explain tothecrowds tothedisciples ofheaven. and aboutthekingdom conversation. came like” was intheir Thephrase “it over and upover on theirtrip. babbled onaboutthesmorgasbord had but instead ofexperiences they could They the things saw they did. and notfocus onething onany came back from World Disney all toexplaintheirfriends tried and for thetext this week’s lesson,Irecalled Isurveyed As whenmy children Yet Jesus ofthis look declares produces attheresult tinyseed. thatit Weas Jesustext seethesame inour flowofimages continues to

Matthew 13:31-33,44-52 ENDURING IMAGERY 67

What characteristic emphasize does Jesus of the kingdom heaven of Notice that the woman takes a small amount of yeast a small amount that the woman takes andNotice mixes

so he can buy the field. so he can ities for him in the days ahead. him ities for He willingly gives up everything he has to buy the field.Joy overwhelms the laborer as he realizes the possibil- secures the safety of the treasure as the laborer gathers enough money laborers the treasure discovers This it and in another then hides place. power of the kingdom of heaven will transformpower of the kingdom of heaven the lives it touches. buried the treasure dies without telling anyone about it. One of the day So it is with the kingdom of heaven. Silently, almost imperceptibly, the almost imperceptibly, So it is with the kingdom of heaven. Silently, ( Palestine that often sweep across the person Perhaps Jer 41:8). who kingdom of heaven. Yeast works silently and invisibly, yet powerfully. works silently and invisibly, kingdom of heaven. Yeast armies one of the invading itburies from protect to in the ground in this parable? Here Jesus highlights the transforming Here parable? highlights in this power of the Jesus or jewels that someone of coins has in mind a container probably Jesus Jesus likens the kingdom of heaven to a “treasure hidden in a field.” in a field.” to a “treasure the kingdom hidden of heaven likens Jesus Our text picks up with another parable of Jesus in Matthew 13:44. Here in Matthew Our up with text of Jesus another picks parable the world. OF THE HIDDEN TREASURE THE PARABLE Matthew 13:44 that provide shelter for everyone shelterthat provide for all the nations of from who will come others who are hungry the many branches, parallels in the firstparable, parable, the abundance of the bread that can provide nourishment provide for of the bread that can the abundance parable, the woman can make far more far bread make will need. this that her family In the woman can whole twenty-four quarts of flour, and out of the twenty-fourwhole twenty-four quarts quarts of flour, little bit of yeast transformative has such power that it permeates the twenty-four quarts of flour! That is indeed a large amount. Yet the twenty-four a large That is indeed quarts of flour! amount. the term “pecks.” A peck equals eight quarts, are so we equals A peck about talking the term “pecks.” it with three “measures” of flour. The NASB translates this word with translates word The NASB this flour. of it with three “measures”

(Lk 12:1), the kingdom of heaven will also do to its the kingdom(Lk surroundings. of heaven 12:1), acteristic of the kingdom of God. What evil does to its surroundings Jesus seems to use yeast seems to Jesus as a positive metaphor to identify another char- in a negative sense as a metaphor for evil sense asin a negative for a metaphor (Lk 12:1). But parable, this in all of it was leavened” (13:33). On one occasion, Jesus uses yeast/leaven Jesus On one occasion, (13:33). all of it was leavened” “yeasta woman that with and took three mixed measures of flour until In this second parable, Jesus compares the kingdom of God to the compares Jesus parable, second this In Matthew 13:33 Matthew A Medley THE YEAST OF PARABLE THE ENDURING IMAGERY 68 him. On the other hand, if Jesus delivers this parable ifJesus tothe crowd, Onthe otherhand, delivers him. he thedisciples have thatthey madetheproperassure decision to follow him, thenhemaybe usingthis value to parable of the pearlofgreat tofollow this parable tohisdelivers disciples whohave everything left of heaven. the kingdom fulfillmentnothing possessmatches and ofexperiencing they the joy discovery. Inits bothcases,realizing that have, sellallthey thefinders givento intheresponse pearl alsoparallels theparable ofthetreasure This parable tothosewhoembrace ofthe great of heaven as it. isjust Thevalueofthekingdom individuals experienced before. have ever and theincomparablethe field these pearlexceedanything in splendor in discovery. Boththetreasure toits response theexuberant and sure difference, thevalueoftrea- theparables coincide points: attwo this searchingDespite diligently pearl after finds theexquisite it. for accidentallydiscovers thetreasure (13:44).In this parable, theperson parable,except theperson difference. In theprevious for one important (13:46). value” inorder topurchase this “pearl ofgreat merchant willselleverything discovers this alifetime special ofsearching? pearlafter Jesus says the (13:45). Then,oneday, Whatwillhedowhen themerchantit. finds This merchant spends alifetime searching pearl for the“perfect” In this sellspearls. parable, amerchant and Jesus whobuys pictures Matthew 13:45-46 THE PARABLE OFTHEPEARLGREAT VALUE bring Israel back to God (Phil 2:5-8). 2:5-8). Israelback (Phil toGod bring inhissells allthathehas sacrificial deathonthe cross sothathe can Because possession, Jesus tosave ofhistreasure. desire his treasured and, inasense,became tofulfill,God butIsrael failed purpose a hidden God’s gave Israela God possession” “treasured 19:5; Ps (Ex 135:4,NIV). occasions, Ontwo buttoIsrael. speaks ofIsraelas believers theBible experience it. have they inorder tofully everything willwillinglysurrender a person that Such ofheaven. kingdom experience willbesooverwhelming an the incomparable the blessingsthatwillcome whoenters toaperson of his Jesus listeners reminds standpoint, parable? From apersonal

How ofheaven? doesthis onthekingdom parableIf Jesus reflect parable valueparallelsThe parable theprevious ofthepearlgreat Some commentators believe this parable refers nottoindividual this commentators parable believe refers Some inthis ofheaven aboutthekingdom doesJesus reveal What truth July 26,2020 ENDURING IMAGERY 69

Jesus then presents a challenge with a final parable concerning then presentsJesus parable with a challenge a final Jesus then adds an eschatological element to the parable by the parable element to then adds an eschatological Jesus

of heaven. He also refers to “the master of a household.” Some suggest of heaven. He also refers master of a household.” to “the He sets them aside to preserve and present the truths of the kingdom the people. In this verse, this the people. uses that term In Jesus to identify the disciples. Jesus’ day, scribes preserved to law day, and presentedJesus’ the truth of God’s this final verse of our text. On the one hand, he refers to a “scribe.” In final versethis of our “scribe.” text. On the one hand, he refers to a a “master of a household” (13:52). Jesus identifies (13:52). Jesus characterstwo of a household” in a “master grasp what Jesus illustratesgrasp what Jesus in these parables. parables. With their response (13:51), the disciples claim that they do parables. With claim their response the disciples (13:51), teachings on the kingdom of heaven presented through the preceding the preceding presented on the kingdom of heaven teachings through (13:51). What does Jesus mean by “all of this”? He has in mind his He has of this”? in mind his mean by(13:51). What does Jesus “all those who are part of the kingdom of heaven. first you understood presents“Have a question: to them all of this?” rience a different destiny, for they will enjoy the benefits that come to they will enjoy for the benefits that a differentrience destiny, part the final directlyIn focuses of our on the disciples.text, He Jesus (13:50). will expe- On the other hand, he implies that the “righteous” Matthew 13:51-52 to be “evil,” Jesus predicts they will be thrown “into predicts the furnace Jesus of fire” they will be thrown to be “evil,” THE DISCIPLES AS SCRIBES Jesus identifies a contrasting destiny. For those deemed by the angels contrasting destiny. identifies a Jesus angels will “separate the evil from the righteous,” and for each group group each and for the evil the righteous,” from angels will “separate the work of the angels “at the end of the age” that point, (13:49). At the the work of the angels “at comparing the work of the fishermen as they bring in their catch with catch the work of the fishermen comparing as they bring in their this parable. parable. this to market (13:48). Most of the disciples can identify can with of the disciples (13:48). Most the details of to market discard the fish that cannot be sold and keep only those they can take can take cannotkeep only those they be sold and that the fish discard However, when the fishermen prepare the catch for the market, they catch when the fishermen prepare the However, the shore. Naturally, different kinds of fish are caught up in the net. different are kinds of fish the shore. Naturally, occasions, a single boat lays out the net and draws the fish toward toward lays the fish and out the net a single boat draws occasions, sions, two drag a net between boats them to bring On other in the fish. refers to “a net that was thrown into the sea” (13:47). occa- On some into the sea” net that was thrown refers to “a This parable finds its setting in the fishing industry finds Jesus its setting in the fishing parable This day. of Jesus’ THE PARABLE OF THE FULL NET OF THE FULL THE PARABLE Matthew 13:47-50

of it. andthey of how respond should to the opportunity a part become to A Medley kingdom of the value of heaven is reminding the incomparable them of ENDURING IMAGERY generation. themtoproclaim Healsowants of heaven. totheir thesetruths aboutthekingdom thesetruths understand the disciples tomerely “old”and Testament totheOld refers Jesus doesnotwant Scriptures. whatisold.” and new traditions totheChristian probably refers “New” “out ofthehousehold” whodisburse master whatis ofhis treasure heseesthedisciples “the Thatis, as likely thedisciples has inmind. because ofthehouse,hemore Jesusislike saysthemaster thescribe However, truths. new and ofheaven, of thekingdom bothold truths household”—that whodoles outtheknowledge hehimself isthemaster that Jesus “the himself ofa has inmindwhenhedescribes master 70 pearl merchant who finally discovers the pearl of great value. pearl merchant whofinally discovers thepearlofgreat and the inthefield whodiscovers thetreasure like thelaborer react We should elicit ofit from response. exuberant a part usan should ofbeing ofheaven ourprivilege valueof the kingdom and and purpose in God’s kingdom. actions ofourdailylivescan attimesaccomplish something significant seeminglyinsignificant Thesmalland size ofthebeginning. wordsand we face each day. new Onecannot the ofathing theresult by predict nings can comeas us should energize magnificent Thattruth results. for tobe. plans it intowhatGod todevelop expand and continues ofheaven to seemstobe,thekingdom nevertheless history despised thecause mightbeorhowinsignificant ofChrist its impact on how In usthatnomatter our livestoday? theseparables, Jesus reminds forces theevil by thatseemtocontrol notbeendismayed at timeshas forces theevil by Who ofthis world. seems attimestobeoverpowered For growth inhistory, allits ofheaventian. sometimesthekingdom ofheaven?kingdom provides aword ofhope Jesus first for theChris- inthis ofparables doesJesus medley aboutthe present What truths CONCLUSION

Finally, Theultimate achallenge intheseparables. Jesus presents Jesus encouraging alsoprovides an thatfrom reminder smallbegin- July 26,2020 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE Genesis 32:22-31

Another example is the third of the patriarchs,man a Another by is the third example the name

he manipulated his brother to sell him his birthright his to sell him he manipulated brother (Gen his As 25:29-34). firstborn son. However, when Jacob caught in a spot,vulnerable caught Esau Jacob firstborn when son.However, belonging to the father and the special blessing that a father gives to his gives to his that a father blessing and the special belonging to the father earned the birthright a double portion for provides that of the property the two. Even was born Esau though they are twins, first, because he meet his estranged brother Esau, we need to explore we need to estranged Esau, meet his the enmity brother between work of God lesson. this text in the for River to is waiting at the Jabbok of Galilee Jacob in the north. Because become this special instrument. We see one instance of this shaping shaping of this see one instance instrument. special this become We about halfwayJordan between the Dead Sea in the south and the Sea Of course, God must do some major work in Jacob’s life before he can before he can life GodOf course, must do some major work in Jacob’s is a stream River eastThe Jabbok of the Jordan into the that empties which the nation develops.which ways. God in some spectacular uses him Jabbok” (32:22). of the ford “the at Jacob As our text opens, we find (Gen 32:28), and Jacob’s sons form the nucleus of the tribal form sons pattern the nucleus into (Gen and Jacob’s 32:28), JACOB AND ESAU Genesis 32:22-23 the Hebrew people as “Israel,” which is the new name God gives to Jacob is the new name God which gives to Jacob the Hebrew people as “Israel,” becomes one of the key players in God’s redemptive plan. We refer to redemptive plan. players one of the key We becomes in God’s into giving him the blessing meant for Esau (Gen 27). Yet Jacob Jacob (Gen Esau blessing meant the into givingIsaac for 27). him Yet out of his birthrightout of his father (Gen his 25:29-34) and when he deceives welfare. We see early evidence of this when he connives his brother Esau Esau brother his when he connives of this see early evidence welfare. We must admit that Jacob is a wheeler-dealer, always working for his own his always for working is a wheeler-dealer, must admit that Jacob of Jacob. Even when we tryof Jacob. in the best possible light, to put him we experience as experience a warrior—to bringthe giant. down young shepherd boy named David—who carries a sling but has a sling no carries boy David—who named young shepherd man named Goliath, to cower Israel into submission, God into submission, Israel selects a man named Goliath, to cower speaking. a giant Philistines When the of a send their finest warrior, slaves go free,slaves God who has difficulty Moses selects someone named person in the world at that time, and convince him to let the Hebrew to let the him personat that time, and in the world convince when God needs someone to stand before Pharaoh, most the powerful bunch of individuals in the Bible of individuals to carrybunch example, work. For out his What kind of person does God use? Surprisingly, GodWhat kind of person selects an odd does God use? Surprisingly,

August 2, 2020 August 2, Jacob by the Jabbok by the Jacob GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE of theJabbok. 28:10-17). Now,(Gen attheford aloneonce hewillmeettheLord more, encounter.divine Twenty earlier, years alone atBethel hemettheLord the othersideofriver. Jacob In theisolation ofthis setting, a has to across (32:22-23).Hethenreturns goods his theriver and personal hewillacceptface; perhaps (32:20). me” Ishall seehis afterwards aheadofme,and thatgoes thepresent with group Jacob follows thesame pattern. concludes, him “Imayappease thengroup and after gifts, group more atime,another present after each group. Each toEsau, then, between group thegifts and presents intogroups, distance with Heseparates his servants disciplined plan. butratheraccording indiscriminately does notsendthesegifts toa tosendhis brother ofpresents (32:13-21).Jacob abounty organizes (32:9-12),He spends timeonhis theLord kneesbefore thenhe and (32:7). distressed” and him” with men are Not surprisingly, (32:6). “Jacob afraid greatly was “He iscoming four tomeetyou,and hundred this with report: return cooled. Esau’sever envoy totest Whenhesendsan they attitude, Esau once tokillhim, Jacob and threatened ifhis hatred wonders back face tohis hemust homeland, brother his Esau. estranged goes (31:3).However,If he kindred” isaflyintheointment. there toyour and him to“return ofyourancestors totheland instructed Now, eventually chose and toseparate frompered Laban. has God Heproduced Hepros- bothwives. children with ofLaban. daughters Rachel,and then Leah first Twenty hemarried passed (31:38)as years (27:41-46). Esaubefore outhis could revenge carry process over. was Theirmother, Jacob assisted Rebekah, infleeing would killhis brother theirfather themourning soonas diedand as “Now us, tells Esau Jacob” hated Bible thathe (27:41).Esau determined the aresult, As disguisinghimself his as brotherblessing by (27:18-29). Jacob his ailingfather tricked him blindand intogiving Esau’s special (25:34).Later, “Esau us, tells theBible despised his birthright” a result, 72 man” him with (32:24).Whoisthis man? In description wrestled alater Jacob atthatspot, Alone encounter. adivine has usthat“a tells text Our Genesis 32:24-26 JACOB ANDTHEANGEL

Even at that point, Jacob’s atthatpoint, Even Hetakes his family remains. uneasiness How can Jacob encounter neutralizethepossiblehostile Esau? with from Jacob his wrath, Separated brother’s his ownlife. developed August 2,2020 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE 73

Even more important, struggle this reveals about the something How areHow we to understand struggle? this First, it reveals something

Jacob will need God’s blessing in order to survive. blessing in order will need God’s Jacob hand the womb with emerged on Esau’s his from twins when Jacob upcoming confrontation with Esau. If Esau’s wrath has not lessened, If with Esau. Esau’s confrontation upcoming the phenomenon at the birth acknowledging of the “heel catcher,” especially desires his especially of God as the blessing life he considers on his name meant name revealed nature. his Jacob’s that period, person’s a God and believes that God can extend a blessing to him. Perhaps Jacob God extend Jacob a blessing to him. and Perhaps believes God that can “What is your name?” (32:27). Why does he do that?He asks Jacob, In blessing more He also realizes than itself. that he is wrestling life with point surprises at this The question the angel us. addresses to Jacob more than to life what he has already and experienced, he wants that JACOB AND HIS NEW NAME Genesis 32:27-31 go, unless you bless me” (32:26), Jacob recognizes that there is so much recognizes me” unless you bless (32:26),go, Jacob person Jacob wants to be. When he tells the angel, “I will not let you person Jacob wound on his hip, Jacob will not let go. That is the kind of person he is. will not let go. kind of person That is the he is. Jacob hip, wound on his struggling with an angel and even a disabling though the angel inflicts days because of the love he had for her” of the love he had for days because (Gen 29:20). Even though he is Bible says these years of waiting for Rachel “seemed to him but a few to him Bible these years says “seemed Rachel of waiting for of Rachel, eventually waiting eventually of Rachel, seven years bride. her to be his for The he surpasses the wealth of Laban. We see it in his passionate see it pursuit in his he surpasses of Laban. the wealth We relationship with Laban, manipulating the fields until and the livestock robbing him of his birthright and stealing his blessing. We see it in his see it in his birthright of his him androbbing stealing blessing. his We it in his determination to make himself superior to his brother Esau, determinationit Esau, his in superior brother himself to his to make mind is “tenacious.” Jacob displays tenacity throughout his life. We see displays tenacity life. We his throughout Jacob mind is “tenacious.” about the kind of person Jacob currently is. The word that comes to currently that comes is. personabout the kind of The word Jacob me” (32:26). Jacob let him go, Jacob retorts, unless you bless will not let you go, “I Jacob go, let him Jacob and seems to again get the upper hand. When the angel demands that not give up. the struggle Although seriously he continues wounded, Jacob and gives the angel the upper hand in the struggle. Yet Jacob does does Jacob and gives the angel the upper handthe struggle. in Jacob Yet and “[strikes] socket” on the hip him maneuver weakens This (32:25). against the angel. that point, maneuver At the angel an unusual makes a tie. The angel cannot prevail against Jacob nor can Jacob prevail Jacob nor can prevaila tie. againstThe angel Jacob cannot esting description struggle. of this first, At the struggle to be seems wrestles an “angel” (Hos The writer 12:4). wrestles of Genesis gives an an inter- “angel” Jacob by the Jabbok the by Jacob one with the Jacob whom event, calls of this the prophet GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE beginning of a new Jacobbeginning ofanew (themetaphorical truth). day(thephysicalnot onlythebeginningofanew butalsothe truth) biblical usthat“the tells sun rose uponhim” writer (32:31).This marks thatalsoconveystruth ametaphorical Jacob As truth. limpsaway, the aliteral describes (1Kings12:25).Theclosing ofourtext verse the city 8:8-17). Judg Jeroboam eventually rebuilds ( tracks downtheMidianites because destroys later toaidhim he as thecitizens ofthetownrefuse “themeans Peniel face becomes (32:30). ofGod” atownthatGideon for thatspot ontheJabbok. Henamestheplace “Peniel,” aword that gives Jacob ablessing(32:29). doesnotgiveGod’salthough God name,hedoessomething better. He Jacob totell refuses God know why his Whatwedoknowisthis: name. a person’s nameindicated somecontrol We thatperson. over donot his namebecause toreveal refuses inthatday, speaking knowingand to Jacob’s doesnotrespond that God Perhaps God not? Why request. (32:29).Notice through meyourname” “Please tell thenight, wrestled plish God’s for plan his life. sothathecanhis for ownplan toGod his life, henowyields accom- inorder toaccomplish tosupplant others oftrying Instead life changes. Jacobtion oftheworld. face meetsGod toface consequently, and, his God’s with forthrough forward plan willmove theredemp- whomGod identifiesthis person and new or“God rules” “Godmeans strives” him wants tobe. God essence person ofthenew have namethataccurately hemust anew blessing ofGod, captures the Jacob If 27:36). (Gen toreceive wants the takenhas away my blessing” look,nowhe and Hetook away my times. birthright; me thesetwo named Jacob?” thenwentontoexplain,“For and supplanted hehas whenheearlierasked, “Ishenotrightly thisEsau truth expressed Jacob’sThe namedescribes approach manipulative aggressive, tolife. can or“to Theterm “to 25:26). supplant.” alsobetranslated cheat” (Gen topullhis brother back supplant him and trying ifhewere heel as 74 young Jacob, He God. we donotseemuch for potential being used by outGod’s atthe all kindsof people tocarry work.Looking redemptive can usthat God reminds use into thechampion ofIsrael? Thestory turned whomGod from this wheeler-dealer What lessonsdowelearn CONCLUSION

Jacob name Healsoprovides anew notonlyreceives name. anew Hesays tothis whomhe Jacob onewith toGod. arequest addresses (32:28).This word name“Israel” him thenew with presents God August 2,2020 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE 75 * MA20 *Code not valid on curriculum orders. entire book order Save 10% on your enter the following code: During checkout at,

Finally, the storyFinally, of our relationship with complexities at the hints The storyalso reminds us that Godmust develop and at times

same strugglesame as God reshapes into the people he wants us us to be. Jacob, knew what it was like to wrestle with God. We will experience the will experience knew what it to wrestle was like with God.We Jacob, Who will rescue me from this body of death?” (Rom body of death?” 7:14-25). this Who will rescue me from like Paul, war with the law of my mind.” He then cries, “Wretched man that I am! cries, He then man “Wretched that I am! mind.” of my war with the law in my inmost self,” he writes, he “but members I see in my at another law inmost self,” in my discusses his inner struggles his discusses of God in Romans 7. “I delight in the law control and as we face the challenges of living in a sinful world. Paul of living the challenges in a sinful world. and Paul as we face control take of our spiritual life as we bring our inner tendencies under God’s of our spiritual as life take we bring God’s under our inner tendencies God. The description of Jacob’s struggle with Godreveals the give and God. description The of Jacob’s God’s desires. God’s desires into the new Jacob who will lead everyonedesires into the new to fulfill Jacob him around early Jacob who manipulated everyonehis own early Jacob fulfill to him around a work in progress.a work in He evolves as story the God unfolds. reshapes the work. One of the most obvious factors in the Jacob story of the mostwork. One obvious factors Jacob in the he is is that redirect the tendencies within us for us to be useful to God’s kingdom redirectto be useful to God’s us for us within tendencies the to be the namesake for God’s chosen people. chosen God’s for namesake to be the Jacob by the Jabbok the by Jacob God him selects too self-centered to be seems and too manipulative. Yet GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE August 9,2020 Joseph inaPit in our lesson text. in ourlessontext. weave inJoseph’smotifs together conflict described with his brothers fulfilled himbowed downbefore (42:9). are Noticetwo howthese ciles his with family, ofhis childhood thedreams inwhich his family 40–41).WhenJoseph recon- topower(Gen his rise initiates prisoners ofhis fellow ofthedreams his interpretation inEgypt, up inprison 37:5-11). (Gen tosellhim WhenJosephbrothers ends intoslavery (45:22). ofgarments five changes toBenjamin and a festalgarment Joseph, whenhereconciles hegivestoeach his ofthem with brothers, of him (39:12).At evidence toincriminate theendofstory uses as clutches ofPotiphar’s wife, she takes from thatshe then him agarment 37:3).Later, (Gen when Joseph escapes thebrothers’ envy gers from the for this week’s lesson. through Two run theJosephmotifs story. setthestage ofthesemotifs inthebiblicaltogether of“they after.” livedhappilyever version Several Joseph’s providing asolution thatbrings by intervenes God family back conflict Joseph toa Then criticalit brings thatdeepensuntil point. book ofGenesis. of Jacob” 37:2), theclosing Joseph ofthe dominates (Gen chapters ofthefamily togive“the declares ready thatheisgetting story writer within Jacob’sthat willsoonerupt family. thoughthebiblical Even theclimatemother isRachel, creating for siblingrivalry theintense the nucleus Jacob ofthenationIsrael. his sonJoseph, favors whose Jacob sonswhowillbecome 36:6-8). twelve nowhas (Gen reignited hadno the earlierconflicttwo brothers chance ofbeing these between Esau adistance moved awaythen settledinCanaan. from Jacob, so reconnection his with brother Esau. didreconcile, They Jacob and week’sAt theendoflast lesson,Jacob for waiting his was fateful The second motif. isthedream Joseph’s his incite angry dreams motif. isthegarment Joseph’sThe first coat ofmany trig- colors ofJoseph’sThe narrative life with unfolds like awell-told drama,

Genesis 37:12-28 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE 77

However, Jacob has no way of monitoring of the other the behavior Jacob However, For one thing,For report a bad the Bible tells brought us that “Joseph

the smoldering hatred in the others. The two elements that mark mutual hatred toward Joseph. Apparently, a snide remark by one ignites Apparently, Joseph. hatred toward mutual requires another day’s journey (37:17). not know who among the brothers firstsuggests that they act on their that his brothers have taken the flock to Dothan. the flock Dothan taken brothers have that his Reaching do into a plot to get spirals rid Joseph ousy (37:18). We toward of him takes Joseph about three days (37:15-16). When he arrives, about three Joseph days he discovers (37:15-16). takes brilliant of his that point, At jeal- the brothers’ coat. because probably his brothers (37:14). The journey from Hebron to Shechem probably probably brothers journey (37:14). The his to Shechem Hebron from The brothers long before he arrives see Joseph at their encampment, from the valley of Hebron and that he arrives the valley of Hebron of from in search at Shechem Genesis 37:18-25a a report (37:13-14). The biblical writer tells us that Jacob sends him sends him writer tells us that Jacob The biblical a report (37:13-14). THE PIT INTO sons, so he decides to send Joseph out to check on them and bring out to check to send Joseph sons, back so he decides home with him. perhaps to protect him from their vengeance, Jacob keeps Joseph at Joseph keeps Jacob their vengeance, from him perhaps to protect (37:4). To prevent brothers the habits adopting or of his from Joseph (37:4). To brothers “hated [ him to him” peaceably not speak and Joseph] could though he has older sons. We should not then be surprised should the that though he has sons. older We that Jacob has transferred the rightsthat Jacob of the firstbornJoseph, to even for this first this for son deliveredfavorite his by wife Rachel. It also implies (2 Sam 13:18). Giving such a coat to Joseph signifies Jacob’s special love special Jacob’s signifies (2 Sam to Joseph 13:18). Giving a coat such (37:3). This is the kind of coat noblemen and king’s daughters and noblemen king’s wore of coat is the kind (37:3). This sleeves” (37:3). The King James Version calls it “a coat of many colors” of many colors” coat it “a calls Version sleeves” King James (37:3). The Jacob exacerbates the problem by gifting Joseph with “a long robe with long robe by gifting with the problem Joseph “a exacerbates Jacob the brothers and and between their father brothers. and Joseph his bad behavior Joseph reported, Joseph behavior bad but it evidently created tension between of them [his brothers] to their father” (37:2). We do not know what do not know what brothers] to their father”of them [his (37:2). We with his father? We find possible answers the previous in verses. father?with his We his brothers, according to Genesis Why 37:2. now does he stay at home brothers,his according to be out in the field, to be out previouslyand he into the field went out with Joseph remains home with his father (37:12). Joseph is old enough enough is old remains Joseph (37:12). Joseph father home with his brothers go pasture into the but with the family’ssheep, of flock As our text opens, a question immediately emerges. All the other Genesis 37:12-17 Joseph in a Pit in Joseph VISIT JOSEPH’S GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE has acalculatinghas calloused and have been waiting They apparently edge. toleaveplan him to die(37:24). they where nonourishment with pit throw They life. him empty into an him ofhishis coat, willstrip thentake believe they theactionthatthey him of stripping talkingabout Joseph. After are know for thatthey sure towipebloodonthecoat plan they addition, sothattheir father will discovers his body, In themtoinvestigate this whoheis. mightinspire robe ofsignificance. willmarkhim beingaperson as Whensomeone motives mayprompt themtotake his coat. thespecial Ononehand, him ofhis robe, theonethatmarked special Joseph as (37:23).Two athis brothers’ camp, strip They Joseph arrives theirplan. trigger they his father (37:22). him to todoubleback, plans return Joseph,leave, and rescue Reuben theotherbrothers after Thebiblical usthat, informs their hands. writer die,buthis leave Hewillstill bloodwillnotbeon and him. a cistern throw should just they explains, having tokillJoseph, him Reuben into To plan. alternate an with save oneofthemfrom any he intervenes son,Benjamin. otherfavored behalf ofhis father’s earlierspawns thishow heletdownJoseph protective years actionon of Perhaps his memory 42:37). (Gen happenstoBenjamin if anything his thelife pledges life ofhis and and sons forward steps Reuben Egypt, back to Benjamin is theirbrother bring thatthey Joseph) demands don’t (whomthey 49:4).Yet, ruler bed” (Gen realize whentheEgyptian water, excel youshall nolonger because youwentupontoyour father’s of his In as life. words Jacob his dying toReuben, “Unstable willpredict, This disgraceful conduct Jacob’s forth willbring maledictionattheend Jacob’s sleeping with houseby father’s concubine, 35:22). (Gen Bilhah Joseph’s However, life. appearance, defiled Reuben his inaprevious biblical ahero saves as In wholiterally writer. this heemerges incident, from the receivesson ofJacob mixed (37:21).Reuben reviews Leah and him (37:20). devoured a wildanimal theirfather thentell that and smear bloodonhis special garment, willkillJoseph, They butsimpleplan. abrutal develop brothers The ofhim (37:19-20). claims rid buttoget tobetheirsuperior this with onewho even toget goal ofthebrothers’ plotisnotjust Thecentral hisand both feed special intothebrothers’ fury. dream, Joseph’s his special theotherbrothers, enrage coat and superiority 78

Regardless of what Joseph has done to his brothers, their response theirresponse done tohisRegardless ofwhatJoseph has brothers, convinces When Reuben plan. his toadopthis brothers alternate when sideofReuben weseethegood In theepisodeinourtext, Thankfully, advocate an Joseph has theeldest Reuben, inthe group: August 9,2020 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE 79

While ReubenWhile gone, is the brothers and indifferently while devour

Joseph, a common price for a young male slave between a young male slave the ages for price of a common Joseph, his place in Jacob’s home. The travelers twenty offer of silver for pieces in Jacob’s place his born, who now take Joseph, a descendant of Isaac, removing born, of Isaac, from a descendant Joseph, him who now take away from ’s home after Isaac, the child of the promise, was of the promise, home after the child Isaac, Abraham’s from away is Ishmaelites, descendants of Abraham’s son Ishmael, who was who son Ishmael, sent is Ishmaelites, of Abraham’s descendants (37:26-27). He sells Joseph into slavery to the Ishmaelites. Ironically, it (37:26-27). into slavery He sells Joseph to the Ishmaelites. Ironically, plan, driven obviously by motives selfish and not benevolent ones happened to be Midianites. point, this Judah At initiates the alternate of the Arabian the area; traders they through who passed case, in this writer uses the term “Ishmaelites” as a general term to identify any tribes of Ishmael and Midian traveled together. Or maybe the biblical maybe the biblical Or tribes and of Ishmael Midian together. traveled reference in one of two ways. Perhaps, for safety, traders the from reference of two in one ways. safety, for Perhaps, traders” in another place (37:28). We can explain this confusing dual dual confusing explain this can traders” (37:28). We in another place caravan of Ishmaelites” in one place (37:25b) and to “some Midianite and to “some (37:25b) of Ishmaelites” in one place caravan plan (37:25b). The biblical writer confuses us with a reference to “a writer us with a reference to “a confuses The biblical plan (37:25b). their meal, the arrival of a caravan of traders anothertheir meal, the arrival alternate sparks of a caravan from Joseph’s demise. Joseph’s from plan because of an unexpected opportunity furtherplan because them to profit for while he is gone the other brothers unexpectedly sabotage Reuben’s he is gone the other brotherswhile unexpectedly Reuben’s sabotage worse. We do not know why Reuben long he is gone, or how but leaves worse. We unexplained reason (Gen 37:29), Joseph’s situation turns to situation bad from unexplained reason (Gen Joseph’s 37:29), him. However, when Reuben leaves the group at this point for some point for at this when Reuben the group leaves him. However, a sliver of hope for a good ending because of Reuben’s plan to rescue of Reuben’s a good ending because of hope for a sliver Althoughhimself in a perilous finds the Joseph story situation, offers but we would not listen” (Gen 42:21). listen” but we would not Genesis 37:25b-28 this honest confession: “We saw his anguishwhen he pleaded with his us, saw “We honest confession: this WORSE FROM BAD TO prime minister of Egypt with hands, their destiny in his they will offer desperate pleas for help. laterdesperate pleas When Joseph stands for before them as the A later passage suggests that while they ate, they ignored Joseph’s A later they suggests passage ate, that while they ignored Joseph’s cistern to die, the brothers coldly sit down to eat their food (37:25a). (37:25a). cistern sit down to eat their food to die, the brothers coldly removal. into the him and they throw strip And robe once of his him They “stripped” him of his robe (37:23), a word that suggests a forceful suggests that a forceful word a (37:23), robe of his him They “stripped” They plan to “kill” (37:20), a violent that implies death. him a word plan eagerly. Notice the chilled rage that characterizes the chilled their actions. Notice planeagerly. to kill him. Now that the opportunityto kill him. Now theycarry has come, their out Joseph in a Pit in Joseph not just get to the right evenfor with also but opportunity, Joseph, GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE purpose. purpose. looks like feels defeat like toaccomplish and suffering God’s ultimate that usesastrategy often God inwhich works. ways God mysterious usofthe reminds TheJoseph story him. with reunion a frightening by Joseph from besurprised theirlivesonce willlater They for and all. think Thebrothers have they removed (37:28-29). take Joseph toEgypt traders and theIshmaelite 27:5).Thedealisdone, (Lev twenty and five 80 crucible of suffering, God willshape ourlivesanew. God ofsuffering, crucible outofthe today trouble Sometimes doesnothave todestroy us. for inhisus trouble. tothrive Likewise, even and Joseph tosurvive trouble.deliverance Yet thentomore and God’s presence willenable onaroller coaster, riding Like progress. from hewillgo trouble to Joseph’s his forward troubles. Many obstacles more willinterrupt Thedifficulttext doesnotend experience detailedinour destroy us. well, trouble comes often from sources. unexpected Joseph doesnotexpectthetrouble tocome from his family. For usas However, willseizehim. thatsomepassing band ofmarauders worries even notbeabletofind he and his wayhome. Or maybe lost he willget will attack him hesearches that as Or for hefears perhaps his brothers. from sources. unexpected thatsomewildanimal Perhaps Joseph fears into ourlivestoday. trouble trouble from willalsocomedoes notprevent coming. Likewise, unfolds ofhis goodness life thatwillbecome obvious clear his as story trouble from approvalnor divine prevent coming the toJoseph. Even affection oftrouble Neither parental inourlives. us oftheinevitability What lessonscan wedraw from Joseph’s reminds story His taleofwoe? CONCLUSION

Finally, Joseph’s usthattrouble reminds doesnothave to story Joseph’s experience alsoteaches usthattrouble comes often tous August 9,2020 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE Genesis 45:1-15

Joseph takes a different path in dealing with his enemies, a different in dealing with the his takes path Joseph

the entourage back to Egypt,the entourage back that he will where announces Joseph cup. When the servants find the cup in Benjamin’s sack, theysack, bring When the servantscup. cup in the find Benjamin’s We see this testing this see period in Genesis 42–44. We servantsHe then sends his them of stealing this after them to accuse brothers has until he firstcondition of their hearts. the ascertained to Canaan. before the brothers head back sack in Benjamin’s silver cup forgiveness the moment he sees them, nor is he willing to trust the forgiveness his areJoseph full brothers. servants has Joseph his favorite his place and their families. Apparently, Joseph does not adopt this stance of stance this does not adopt Joseph and their families. Apparently, youngest so he and son, whose mother is Rachel, Benjamin, Jacob’s devises a plot of restoration he shares blessings with them his in which testing brothers revolves of his around The turning point in Joseph’s revenge he gets even in which with these siblings who hurt Joseph him, REVELATION Genesis 45:1-4 brothers who sought to destroy his life. Insteadbrothers of devising his to destroy who sought a plot of

the disgrace and death of his former and of his death enemies. Histhe disgrace revenge is complete. Dantès sets into motion anto leads that eventually elaborateDantès scheme lives of his three enemies, none of whom recognize him. At that point, him. threeAt enemies, lives of his none of whom recognize society as the Count of Monte Cristo, he insinuates himself into the himself he insinuates society Cristo, of Monte as the Count ten years develops When he finally enters newParisian identity. his should he ever escape. Dantès does escape, finds the treasure,for and does escape, Dantès he evershould escape. him how to find a largehim treasureCristoMontehidden on the island of lessons turn Dantès into a well-educated man.lessons turn The priest into a well-educated Dantès also tells in prison, meets Abbe Faria, Dantès an Italian priest, whose daily sentences Dantès to life in prison to life Chateau Dantès d’If. at the infamous sentences While in a charge of conspiracy. As a result, the deputy public prosecutor in a charge of conspiracy. Dantès’s good luck. Consequently, the three conspire to entrap him to entrap him the three conspire Consequently, good luck. Dantès’s Dantès’s fiancée and wants her for himself. Caderousse is jealous of Caderousse fiancéehimself. for and wants her Dantès’s Danglars envies Dantès’s career success. Mondego is in love is in Mondego with success. career Danglars Dantès’s envies fortune evaporates thanks to the jealousy friends. of three so-called . In the story, Edmond Dantès’s good Cristo Edmond Dantès’s revenge, of Monte the story, . In The Count Alexandre Dumas one of history’s wrote stories most famous of

August 16, 2020 August 16, Joseph in Charge in Joseph GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE do tothemshakes themtothefoundation oftheirbeing. ofwhatJoseph can therealization didtoJoseph and of whatthey now recognition comes, intoterror. shock Thememory disbelief morph and take As they acloser as them. before merge standing look attheman didtohim themofwhatthey (45:4)? Shockreminds disbelief and announces, “IamJoseph” ofEgypt thinkthey isaruler then and welfare. tohis father’s turns Joseph’s alltheseyears, his After family home. and concern immediately whenhis callouslywhat hemissedmost brothers displaced him from father/son Perhaps relationship. thatis father thenormal wentbeyond excessive Jacob attention gave toJoseph, Joseph’s his with relationship (45:3).Because heasks “Ismy ofthe father living?” welfare. still father’s did thewrong. theonetowhomthey dealingisnoneotherthan are whomthey with ofEgypt thatthisImagine think ruler whatthey realize nowwhenthey payback as for theirsin(42:21-22). ofEgypt problems theruler with their interpret They have passed. years thoughmany did toJoseph, even overwhatthey agonize still reflects thatthey to Egypt trip on theirfirst (45:3). Theearlierdiscussion athis amongthebrothers they presence” sincerity, his announcement leaves themspeechless, “so were dismayed “IamJoseph,”brothers. hedeclares (45:1-3). Joseph’s Despite apparent his identity. does hedecide toreveal convinces Onlythen Joseph thathis have brothers indeedchanged. (44:34).This inanguish response hecries me?” isnotwith if theboy father.can tohis adoring “How berestored can back Igo tomy father totake Benjamin’s offers Joseph, Judah place sothatJacob’s son favorite 44:1-17).(Gen theirbrother earlierdeserted they as ofdeserting Instead ofthegroup Hedismissestherest for his thievery. Benjamin imprison 82 clearly felt God’s guidance inhis life much earlier, for herecognized the why. happened and what has heexplains tohis as brothers Joseph focusespeople. story onthis larger ofGod’s for plan God’s redemptive context story ofalarger covenant Joseph places him his inthe and brothers between therelationship Genesis 45:5-8 EXPLANATION

Can youimaginetheimpact onthesesonsofJacob whentheman Joseph’s emotionbleedsthrough againinhis abouthis question emotional Joseph drops alone,an are abombshell onhisWhen they We do notknowwhenJoseph became He story. ofthis aware larger August 16,2020 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE 83

Joseph is still their brother, but in the providence of God he has but in the providence is still their brother, Joseph The terms “remnant” and “deliverance” are covenant words that that words are covenant The terms “remnant” and “deliverance” Joseph also grasps the reason behind God’s activities life. in his also grasps the reasonJoseph God’s behind

that like a father advises his son, he has become Pharaoh’s most trusted Pharaoh’s son, he has advises become his a father that like terms (45:8). First, he is “a father to Pharaoh.” Perhaps Joseph means Joseph Perhaps terms to Pharaoh.” father (45:8). First, he is “a become much more much than that.become his new He identifies status with three brothers, “So it was not you who sent me here, but God” (45:8). nate in the coming of the Messiah. That is why Joseph can assure his That is why can Joseph of the Messiah. nate in the coming covenant plan to Abraham that began and withcovenant will culmi- the promises for it provide the backdrop against which God implements God’s God against implements God’s which it the backdrop provide for shares it with his brothers. The drought and Joseph’s plan to prepare shares it brothers. with and his Joseph’s The drought will speak this message to their generation, Joseph grasps this idea and to their generation, grasps message this Joseph this will speak all articulate the promise of a remnant. Yet, long before the prophets long before the prophets all articulate of a remnant. the promise Yet, appears often in the prophets. Ezekiel 12:1-16, Amos 7:3 9:8, and appears often Ezekiel in the prophets. 12:1-16, God continues to carry out God’s redemptive work. The remnant to carryGod idea continues out God’s period of dislocation or judgment, whom a remnant of people through period of dislocation Bible. The remnant is a small group of God’s people who remain afterBible. a The remnant God’s of is a small group the key word “remnant,” which appears which more than sixty times in the “remnant,” word the key Joseph uses to explain God’s activity. This is the first This activity. of appearance uses to explain God’s Joseph your lives by a great deliverance.” your lives by a great deliverance.” me ahead of you to preserve you a remnant for on earth and to save Version translates this promise from God in these words: from God “But translates promise sent this Version will “keep you many survivors” alive for (45:47). International The New a “remnant” (45:7). brothers of Israel that God his also promises Joseph world through the covenant people, and people, God covenant the will do that by preservingworld through (45:5-6). God’s grander purpose(45:5-6). spiritual is to provide relief the God’s for starvation during relief period this of need by physical providing for the seven manyfor years lives from to save will enable him of drought fulfill fulfill two purposes. leadership in preparing resources First,Joseph’s him. Instead God placed Joseph in an in him. to Joseph exalted Instead position God order in placed God into an to reward did not put Joseph exalted position in order (45:5). used them to bring movement to Egypt about his greater a for good life to unfold his plan. his Therefore, to unfold brothers tellslife that GodJoseph his Egypt have happened accidentally. Instead, God is moving in Joseph’s Instead, God is moving in Joseph’s Egypt accidentally. happened have that sent him to Egypt to him that sent meteoric nor his arriving rise since to power in our text, Joseph clearly discerns brothers that neitherour text, of his the action clearly Joseph give Pharaoh a favorable answer”give Pharaoh a favorable (41:16). Likewise, in in the incident Joseph immediately objected. “It is not I,” Joseph protested. Joseph will “God immediatelyJoseph objected. “Itnot I,” is when Pharaoh commended Joseph on his ability on his Joseph to interpretwhen Pharaoh commended dreams, Joseph in Charge in Joseph the Lord of presence even with him in prison (Gen 39:20-21). Further, GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE descriptive phrases that reflect thefullscope phrases thatreflect descriptive of and position. his power as them hepresents on Instead, official bestowed him. as titles terms these Joseph doesnotputforth peoplesubmit tohis rule. the Egyptian Finally, heidentifies as himself of over alltheland Egypt.” “ruler All completehas fiscal Pharaoh.control ofthe over allthe family affairs counselor. ofallhis Second, house.” heis“lord In otherwords, Joseph 84 the unstoppable flow of God’sthe unstoppable flowof unfolding purpose. in actions toward ofpassing timeand him dissolved intheriver has causedneglect his (45:15).Thehurt otherbrothers theirearlier by amother(45:14).Yet whomhe shares with to Benjamin, hedoesnot Noticeagain giveswaytohis emotions. the special hegives attention toEgypt. move themthathecanassure provide for Jacob his and family whenthey to make themfeel bad confidence buttoinstill to Hewants inthem. (45:13). Joseph doesnotparadehands his his powerbefore brothers placed inhis the deference paid authority theabsolute toJoseph and themtorecounturges totheirfather “all thatyouhave seen,” including and inEgypt” theirfather themtotell that“Iamhonored He instructs ofthedrought (45:9-12).years available alltheresources needtomake through they it theremaining willhave they willbesafe where they and where comemust toEgypt They in if stay Canaan. they explains that will they not be able to survive Heencouragesof Pharaoh. totake the brothers thesecond He option. provide inthestorehouses for themoutofthesupply gathered hehas supply offood, can orthey Joseph will where come downtoEgypt their torenew can They for toEgypt his brothers. trips make repeated two options Hesees years. that thedrought for five another willlast because heunderstands, drought, and ofPharaoh’sa terrible dreams, second locked way. Canaan are in and Herecognizes thatbothEgypt Joseph optstousehis experience powerinthe ofdrought. distressing theirfamilyalso usethis his and outoftheir powertolift brothers power can his ifhechooses However, crush brothers todoso. hecan of theextent his power. thatreflect of makessuch statements A person Joseph as mightreturn thebrothers’ terror forAt instant, an least Genesis 45:9-15 INVITATION

Having presented to his brothers his instructions, Joseph once tohis his Having brothers instructions, presented Again, notice Joseph’s his tohis references and authority. position August 16,2020 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE 85 Call 800-747-3016 or Call 800-747-3016 or visit Sessions Series Sessions with Genesis The Story Begins Tony W. Cartledge Retail $14.00 | eBook $8.99

From God, we learn about God’s anonymous God, activity we learnFrom about God’s in the lives of From Joseph, we learn that people can forgive. Joseph could have have could forgive. Joseph we learn Joseph, From that people can

mous work in our lives as well. anonymously to carry out God’s purpose. We can expect God’s anony- God’s expect can purpose.anonymously carry to We out God’s so God’s purpose can be fulfilled. Through all those events, be fulfilled. Through purposeGod works can so God’s with his brothers so he can preserve He preserves brotherswith so he can his family. his family his Egypt so he can prepare for the famine. This brings him back in touch in touch Egypt brings prepare This the famine. back him for so he can he can become prime minster become of Egypt.he can prime minister He becomes of eventually interpret Pharaoh’s dream. He interprets Pharaoh’s dream so dream. He interprets interpreteventually Pharaoh’s Pharaoh’s In prison he interprets the dream for Pharaoh’s cup bearer so he can bearer cup so he can prisonIn he interprets the dream Pharaoh’s for phar. Potiphar’s wife falsely accuses Joseph so he can be sent to prison. so he can Joseph accuses falsely wife Potiphar’s phar. God’s people. Joseph’s brothers sell him as a slave so he can meet Poti- so he can as brothers a slave sell him people. Joseph’s God’s of forgiveness. those who hurt him. Like Joseph, we too can choose this pathway pathway this choose those who hurt him. Like we too can Joseph, history enables a person that to rise and above forgive their pain Yet he demonstrates the big heart that we see repeatedly in human Yet to Egypt them during and for provide the five further years of drought. does not have to forgive his brothers. his to bring to forgive not have He does does not have them ment. to forgive. He He chooses path. a higher Instead, he chooses brothers for their callous action that led to his slavery led to his action that and imprison- their callous brothers for taken the unique opportunity the unique taken presented to get revenge to him on his affect their father Jacob. Like these brothers, we too can change. Like these brothers, we too can Jacob. their father affect bywill and what might happen to their youngest this how brother father, have been replaced by compassionate brothers who are by been replaced burdened compassionate have father, garbage, without a flicker of concern how about their affect it would of withoutgarbage, a flicker brothers who earlier discarded their youngest brother like a piece of a piece like their youngest brother brothers who earlier discarded From the brothers, we learn that people can change. the brothers, indifferent The we learnFrom people can that What lessons do we learn from this experience in the life of Joseph? of Joseph? do we learnWhat lessons life in the experience this from Joseph in Charge in Joseph CONCLUSION GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE August 23,2020 Moses ontheNile servant ofPotiphar, servant Pharaoh. When officialJoseph interpreted an of hebecame where a caravan the whotook him ofIshmaelites toEgypt, of Joseph’s sellingJoseph to by ontheirenvy acted They otherbrothers. Jacob 37–47). theenvy toJoseph,(Gen generating gave special privileges ofreview weneedtodoa bit thefullimpactgrasp ofthatstatement, whodidnot knowJoseph,”Egypt, thebiblical declares (1:8).To writer “A inEgypt. people whoreside for theHebrew kingarose new over of status ustoachange alerts in ourtext statement The introductory Exodus 1:8-10,22 REPRESSION of subjugation. peopleoutofthis time whowilleventually leadtheHebrew a person intheirhistory, raisesup period God thisbecome. oppressive During stronger they and people,thelarger theHebrew oppress Egyptians todiminish their influence. the Themore oftheEgyptians the efforts Surprisingly, peoplemultiplydespite theHebrews. theHebrew oppress ruthlessly theEgyptians bitterness, With togrief. provoking aperson comes from aword thatreflects “Bitter” it. orfracturing thing apart 1:14).“Ruthless” comes(Ex from some- aword breaking thatsuggests “bitter” 1:13, 14)and “ruthless” (Ex theEgyptians: by the Hebrews Twotold inourlessontext. words imposedon capture thecruelty him tobe. wanted God shaped him intotheperson imprisonment him, his ofdestroying difficult Instead Collins, 1999]70). Harper [London: Joseph Pearce, ASoul Exile in Solzhenitsyn: all thattome’” ( returned Thegaol [jail] me. kindofemptinessawaited ‘horror…what hecould onlyimagine with hehadnotbeenarrested, that“if insisted Helater producing allhis writing. later astrong beliefthatpermeates his this reignited, life, timehis enriched for faith inGod during prison his life, ofdestroying this Instead timein system. the Russian prison adecade him than for more imprisoned and of treason inthegulag, accusedCommunism. Because ofhis thegovernment him opposition, of and Union outspoken oftheSoviet alsoan Hewas critic novelist. and aRussian (1918–2008)was historian Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr The Hebrew people go through a similar experience in the story through peoplego asimilarexperience inthestory The Hebrew

Exodus 1:8-10,22;2:1-10 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE 87

UnfortunatelyInstead Pharaoh, plan backfires. his for of decreasing Pharaoh therefore inaugurates a strategy of repression the toward From a positive point of view, Pharaoh sees the Hebrew people as a positive point of view, From From a negative point of view, this new sees the Hebrew pharaoh this a negative point of view, From

the population of the Hebrews, the oppression multiplies it. Like tion, making them less and less a threat to Egyptian well-being. this new strategythis Hebrew popula- declining result will in a gradually will further undermine stability the social of the Hebrew people. Thus, nity to nurture their children. He believes that oppression and poverty periods of time, with less time to conceive children and children less opportu-periods of time, with less time to conceive role, he expects the Hebrew men to be away from their families for long for their families he expects the Hebrew from role, men to be away servants, the great to build store new this he envisions. cities In forced the new plan, Pharaoh the Hebrews will reduce to the position of bond the Hebrews occupied a favored position in Egyptianthe Hebrews occupied Under society. etal position held by the Hebrews. During the height of Joseph’s power, power, etal position held by the Hebrews. During the height of Joseph’s Hebrew people. of the strategy element The key is to realign the soci- these storage facilities? The Hebrewsthese storagea ready facilities? offer resource. his people in case of an invasion. Where he get will the labor to build people in case his includes numerous strong cities to use as storage centers for food for to use as cities for storage strong food centers numerous for includes a resource for Egyptian for a resource prosperity (Ex nation His 1:11). his vision for them an threat. increasingly growing rapid growth of the Hebrew people exacerbates the problem, making the problem, of the Hebrewrapid growth people exacerbates that they will join an invading armythat they will join an in taking possession of Egypt. invading The land.” Pharaoh is not concerned that the Hebrews Egypt Pharaoh will leave is not concerned but land.” Hebrew idiom that in Hosea 1:11 is translated “take possession of the Hebrew 1:11 is translated “take idiom that in Hosea Hebrew word translated “escape from the land” in Exodus the land” 1:10 is a from Hebrew translated “escape word Egyptians and will thus join with them in opposing the Egyptians. The people, the Hebrews more with will feel them than kinship with the outsiders can happen again. happen He reasonsoutsiders outsiders that if the can are Semitic The current Egyptian from an invasion that such leader recognizes Egypt in the past and themselves as established leaders of the country. people as a threat to Egyptian Outsiders invaded safety have (1:9-10).

Hebrew there. people settled Why does he do this? pharaoh has taken charge has in Egyptpharaoh taken the to who adopts a new approach as has the memory to the Egyptian contribution of his people. A new placed Joseph in a privileged Joseph placed position has died. has Joseph died, also story many years text in our occurs, passed. who have The pharaoh enjoyed in a privileged of those the blessings position. Bytime the the where, because of Pharaoh’s favor toward Joseph, he and his family family he and Joseph, his toward favor of Pharaoh’s where, because in Egypt. entire Ultimately to live in Egypt his family brought Joseph Moses on the Nile the on Moses dreams, Pharaoh elevated to a position of prominence him Pharaoh’s GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE where they willdrown they (1:22). where themidwivestocastordering allthemalebabies River, intotheNile by strategy intensifies his 1:19).At Pharaoh this point, male babies (Ex totake thelivesof soquickly have thatthey birth noopportunity claim womengive They line. thattheHebrew story asurprising develop themidwives for his toobey toPharaoh theirfailure orders, to answer letthemalebabies Because they live. a result willhave knowthey they lutely. Yet as and fear Pharaoh, they than more themidwives fear God certainly. Can order Pharaoh theirdeathsfor theirdisobedience? Abso- to follow Pharaoh’s order. Isthis adangerous option totake? Most midwivesrefuse Shiphrah by Puah, theHebrew and Led babies. Hebrew group Two ofmidwives. midwivescannot possiblydeliverallthe older womenwhocoordinateShiphrah two Puah are and alarger likely, than 1:15).More Shiphrah ofthesemidwives, Puah (Ex and two Thebiblical women. toHebrew account born malebaby names every 1:15-16). midwivesto kill (Ex theHebrew Heorders strategy sinister 1:12). (Ex spread” In thewordsselves. ofthebiblical writer, “they multipliedand for want them- theEgyptians oftheland more engulfs community space, more theHebrew aresult as and population alsorequires innumberbuttheirrapidlygrowing increase Not onlydotheHebrews become. amongthem,thestronger theHebrews on thesestrangers heap the Egyptians oppression throwing themore onafire, gasoline 88 secret. So she does as Pharaoh has instructed (Ex 1:22).She putsher (Ex instructed has Pharaoh she doesas So secret. (2:2). him months” three “hid forsecond thebiblical usthat themother informs alternative, writer to protect save Jochebed him perhaps and and take his Amram the life? aplan devise todie,orwillthey River tosstheirsonintotheNile and Pharaoh’s obey they Will thefamily adilemma. with presents orders leader, ofason ofEgypt’s thebirth regime undertheoppressive living delighttothefamily. ofasonbrings birth However, for theseHebrews the times, (2:1).In ordinary ofLevi” ofthe“house apart are that they us only tells text Jochebed. Our and Amram are 6:20 that they in Exodus Pharaoh’s notnamed inthis account. are They mandate. We later learn The biblical couple focuses tofollow ononeHebrew thatrefuses writer Exodus 2:1-4 RESISTANCE

When the strategy ofenforced adoptsamore laborfails, Pharaoh When thestrategy After three months, she knowsshe months, can three After keep nolonger his presence August 23,2020 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE 89

Pharaoh’s daughter gives her new son the name “Moses” (2:10). daughter gives her new son the name “Moses” Pharaoh’s The quick action of Moses’ sister, Miriam, that at the guarantees sister, action of Moses’ The quick Why does Pharaoh’s daughter keep this Hebrew this daughter keep baby? sugges- One Why does Pharaoh’s

saved from the water.” God saves Moses from the water not just to give from Moses God saves the water.” from saved and “ushe” means “to be saved from.” His name therefore means “one His name therefore means “one from.” be saved means “to and “ushe” The Hebrew form of his name is a play on words. “Mo” means “water”The Hebrew “Mo” form name is a play on words. of his role as deliverer people. role of his this joint Hebrewthis and Egyptian heritage, God prepares his for Moses made to the Hebrews and all the adventures ancestors. of his Through in Egypt. God with all the promises familiar therefore Moses becomes all the way through Joseph, who himself held a position of authority who himself Joseph, all the way through him the storieshim ancestors, of his beginning with Abraham and going those early years of his life, we can assume that Moses’ mother teaches teaches mother that Moses’ assume those early years we can life, of his people because his mother will serve his people because nursemaid as his (Ex 2:9). During same time, Moses will be nurtured time, Moses same the traditions in of the Hebrew was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians (Acts 7:21-22). in all the wisdom of the Egyptianswas educated (Acts 7:21-22). Moses and brought him up as her own son, and consequently Moses Moses up as her own son, and him consequently and brought Moses sermon to the Sanhedrin, Stephen says that Pharaoh’s daughter took sermon to the Sanhedrin, Stephen that Pharaoh’s says does not explain why Pharaoh’s daughter keeps this Hebrew baby. In his his In Hebrew this daughter keeps baby. does not explain why Pharaoh’s conclude that this baby is a gift from the gods. Unfortunately, the Bible the gods. baby is a gift that this from Unfortunately, conclude the water will impart fruitfulness. might that frame of mind, she In able to have a child, so she regularly so she in the Nile, hoping that bathes a child, able to have the water of the Nile River. Perhaps Pharaoh’s daughter has not been Pharaoh’s Perhaps the water of the Nile River. tion plays on the tradition that attributes fertility-inducing power to agrees with the plan, Miriam (2:8-9). mother enlists Moses’ someone to nurse the baby for her. Then, when Pharaoh’s daughter when Pharaoh’s Then, someone to nurse her. the baby for presumes Pharaoh’s daughter will keep the baby daughter and will keep offers find to presumes Pharaoh’s her moment of hesitation, Moses’ sister the initiativehesitation,her moment of (2:7). takes Moses’ She aware these male Hebrew of her father’s orders babies. concerning In What will she do? the babyWhat will she there Will leave she must to die? be She basket (2:5-6). She recognizes immediately that this is a Hebrew baby. (2:5-6). is a Hebrewbasket immediately this that recognizes baby. She Pharaoh’s daughter bathes in the Nile, she sees Moses floating in the floating in the Nile, sees Moses daughter she bathes Pharaoh’s Jochebed’s action now sets the stage a dramatic rescue. for While Jochebed’s RESCUE Exodus 2:5-10

near the shoreline, and she assigns her daughter to guard the basket. shoreline,near the and assigns she her daughter to guard (2:3-4). She places him in a basket that will float, she places the basket basket the she places float, that will in a basket (2:3-4). him places She Moses on the Nile the on Moses mitigates she in three action that ways However, baby Nile in the River. GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE to act. because impact ofGod making an onthekingdom unwilling weare for wemissopportunities Sometimes, through she rushed and it. ently, spontaneously. she acted She saw opendoorof opportunity an Appar- ofherbrother preplanned. floating was inthewater discovery Wekingdom. seenoindication tothe thatherresponse inthetext thing todo. who seektosilence because us, weknowthatthis istheright resistance Pharaoh’s those upagainst wetooneedtostand Sometimes, orders. neededtocounter theingenuity alsodemonstrate they their courage; because such actionscontradicted notonlyreveal their faith. They outhis orders unwilling tocarry were they Nevertheless, take theirlives. hadnoguarantee thathewouldnotimmediately They him. to resist chose they as Pharaoh against their convictions. hadnoleverage They ustodo. wants usfor whatGod prepare In thesame way, inourlivesto usestimesofsuffering often God bondage. themfrom tofree theirEgyptian whenMoses returns respond astronger character, populationand alarger With to willbeready they incharacter. and them,bothinnumbers to strengthen people inEgypt oftheHebrew persecution relentless and testing uses this timeofsevere intheunfolding sorrow and ofGod’sof suffering work.God kingdom wediscover peoplethemselves, From thedeepermeaning theHebrew rescue? and ofMoses’ birth What lessonscan from thestory wederive CONCLUSION people. oftheHebrew the deliverer Pharaoh’s alsosaves God Moses from ason. tobe daughter thewater 90

From Miriam, we learn the importance ofactiononbehalfGod’s theimportance welearn From Miriam, upfor tostand thecourageThe midwivesdemonstrate required August 23,2020 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE Exodus 3:1-2, 6-15 Exodus 3:1-2,

The Bible verifies Taylor’s conclusion concerning God’s self- concerning God’s Taylor’sconclusion The Bible verifies

Egyptian beating a Hebrew kills the Egyptian Moses slave. (Ex 2:10-12). not an Egyptian to react but a Hebrew Moses when he sees an prompts in Egyptin status. changes his knowledgethe is he that Perhaps drastically mother in the traditions of the Hebrew people. An unfortunate incident in a burning bush. the Egyptian time being nurtured at the same while family royal by his revelation in the story self to Moses in our text when he reveals God’s enjoying the benefits of daughter, aslife the adopted son of Pharaoh’s many ways. We find one of the most iconic examples of God’s self- examples of God’s find one of the most iconic many ways. We was in basking lesson, Moses at the end of lastWhen we left him week’s visions, as God self in (Dan 7:2). God Daniel does to reveals God’s THE ENCOUNTER Exodus 3:1-2, 6 dreams, as God and does to Solomon at still (1 Kings 3:5), other in as God does to Moses and Joshua (Deut at yetas God 31:15), and other times in Joshua does to Moses God does to Abraham (Gen 18:1-3), at other times as a pillar of cloud, at other times as a pillar of cloud, God does to Abraham (Gen 18:1-3), God sometimes reveals God’s self in the form of a humanGod being, sometimes reveals as God’s revelation by describing a variety of divine theophanies. the Bible, In cations, 1999] 153–54) cations, [Cambridge: Publi- Cowley by Home Another Way Taylor, Brown (Barbara of ways in which God reveals God’s self to us “would go on forever.” self to us “would go God on forever.” of ways reveals in which God’s as a dazzling or as a silent servant. monarch that the list concludes She whirlwind blowing our uncertainties away. God comes to us at times to us at times God comes away. blowing our uncertainties whirlwind a shepherd who will protect and feed us, and on other occasions as a and us, feed who will protect and on other occasions a shepherd God’s self to us as self to us a judge our messy who exposes lives, sometimes as God’s ways in which God reveals God’s self to us. God Sometimesways reveals in which God reveals God’s , she identifies the many identifies , she byher least-known books, Home Another Way the scope of her influence through several best-selling books.In one of through of her influence the scope Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. Seminary broadened Theological She Columbia in Decatur, become a professor at Piedmont College in Demorest, at Piedmont College Georgia, a professor become and at minister in the Episcopal Church, and then left parish the Church, ministryminister Episcopal in the to of Emory a parish Divinity University became she School, and Yale Barbara Brown Taylor is one of my favorite is one of my preachers. A graduate Taylor Brown Barbara

August 30, 2020 August 30, Moses at the Burning Bush Burning at the Moses GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE flame, and abush. The flame, of the L “angel bush (3:2). to Moses intheburning byappearing for God sanctifiesthehis flock. spot pasture find fertile However, to there Hegoes tomeetGod. Moses toHoreb doesnot go Moses willreceiveIn his ourtext, call 3:1). (Ex from atHoreb/Sinai God (1Kings19:4-8). for toHoreb/Sinai enlightenment makes apilgrimage discouraged 19–24).Elijah, fearful, and the law (Ex atHoreb/Sinai that takes onasacred connotation in Israel’s givesIsrael God history. specificrefer tothe a same spot, apparently terms Both a to aspecific location, timestoidentify and Sinaiisusedthirty-five Testament timesintheOld isusedseventeen Sinai (3:1).Horeb torefer from his endsupnearMount homeand Horeb, Mount alsoknownas alongdistance Moses strays Perhapssheep. insearch pastures, ofbetter flocks. his father-in-law’s one ofReuel’s Zipporah, ashepherd beginsalife as and over daughters, 3:1)welcomes Ex Moses intohisMoses eventually household. marries as Jethro to beginningin flocksReuel (referred (2:16-18). result, As a comes their totheaidofReuel’s helpsthem water and daughters seven he and makes (2:15).There Midian his wayto his life, Moses flees Egypt for comes Fearful tohide his Moses deed,thetruth tries out. Although 92 one, for there in this burning bush “the oftheL inthisone, for burning angel there bush isnotanaturalphenomenonbutsupernatural that this burning Moses takes acloser look atthis unusual Hediscovers phenomenon. the bush, butrathercontinues within thebush. Consequently, toburn What catches his however, attention, doesnot isthatthefire consume probably sun are theheatofdesert notthatunusualby toMoses. The third ignited (3:2).Bushes elementisa“bush” blazing” that“was God’s represents The“flame” presence. amessage toMoses. delivers he wonders what the holy God wants with him. him. with wants whattheholy God he wonders out ofhis recognition when ofGod’s arises Theuncertainty holiness. recoils uncertainty. infear and fearMoses grows His understandably ofMoses’fathers faith. Whenherecognizes whoisspeaking tohim, gave the founding thecovenantGod are promises Thesethree (3:6). Jacob, Isaac, toAbraham, and referring him by the ones through whom whoconfronts oftheLord angel (3:5). not an him, butratherGod him” is heapproaches thatit bush, (3:2). As Moses realizes theburning

The theophany to Moses includes three key elements: an angel, a angel, an toMosesThe theophany includes key elements: three wefind opens, Moses watching ourlessontext over aflockAs of God connects with the rich Hebrew heritage Moses’ mothertaught heritage connects Hebrew God therich with ORD ” is a divine messenger who messenger ” isadivine ORD appeared to appeared August 30,2020 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE 93

God concludes God’s declaration that God will deliver the Hebrews declaration God’s God concludes God not only deliver the Hebrew that he will tells Moses people

provide the context out of which God calls Moses. God calls of which out the context provide lead the delivered Hebrews. God’s compassion and Moses’ preparation and Moses’ compassion lead the delivered Hebrews. God’s his mind the geography of the land through which he will eventually he will eventually which mind the geographyhis of the land through with the practical skills to survive skills with the practical in the desert and by upon engraving for fortyfor more years in the wilderness as a shepherd by endowing him wilderness land. and into their promised God then prepared Moses mother that will make him competent to lead the Hebrews across the to lead the Hebrews across competent him mother that will make a heritage of leadership and adopted learning Egyptian his through him to identifyhim with the Hebrew in Egypt slaves andby (2) providing (1) by a Hebrew providing heritage mother that will allow his through this singular assignment.this God prepared forty for Moses years in Egypt Moses to deliver the people (3:10).Moses God has been preparing for Moses from their land of bondage and into their land of promise by calling land their of bondage by andfrom their land into calling of promise and prosperity (3:9). bring the Hebrew people out of their bondage into a new of growth life Hebrews and the oppressiveness of the Egyptians, to God promises space given to them as captives in Egypt. given to them as captives by Moved space the cries the of promises to Moses and the Hebrews Moses to sharply promises contrasts with the confined spacious enough to provide for the Hebrews. land for God enough to provide spacious spacious This occupy it (3:8). A land be six nations will certainly big enough to hold occupy land is so big that it provides space for the six nations that currently for land is so big that it space provides “broad” land. The NIV translates the Hebrew word as “spacious.” The land.“broad” The NIV translates the Hebrew as “spacious.” word honey” addition, God In (3:8). reveals that the land will be a to Moses Moses that the land will be a “good” land, “a land with flowing milk and land, “a “good” a landbe the will that Moses insight into what this land will be like. To begin with, begin God assures land To will be like. this insight into what place them in the land promised to Abraham (3:8). God in the land them promised some provides place from their suffering and bondagefrom in the land of Egypt, but will also with his own presence, by great presence, own with his his power” (Deut 4:37). he chose their descendants after out of Egypt you them. descendants their he chose He brought farewell speech to the Hebrew tribes, “Because he loved to the Hebrewfarewell your ancestors, speech tribes, “Because but because of God’s love.later As expresses Moses truth this his in of God’s but because quently, God has decided to help them, not because of their loveliness God to help them, not because has decided quently, has Hebrews’ seen the miserytheir cries and of pain. Conse- heard implied concern. God concern. implied tellstheir suffering” “I know Moses, (3:7). God still has them on his heart. God’s expressed concern matches Moses’ Moses’ matches still expressed heart. has them on his concern God’s Even many years, people for though removed his from probably Moses Exodus 3:7-10 Moses at the Burning Bush Burning the at Moses ASSIGNMENT THE GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE ises toreality. Jacob. Isaac,to Abraham, and Now, thoseprom- tobring isready God bushwho issued isthesame thecovenant God promisesin theburning Moses encounters adequate, God creative other words, this mysterious, (3:15).In “the as ofyourancestors” God self-identifying by tradition about.”I willbring God’s thenidentifies God selfwith Moses’ family aboutwhat “Iwillbring maybesaying, . God creativity name expresses outmy plans.”“I amallthatIneedtobecarry In God’s addition, whatIdo.”am by maybesaying, . God God’s adequacy namealsoreflects cannot ofGod You nature inaname. beexpressed “The willseewhoI asenseofmystery Thenameexpresses that name? encounters in the burning bush. Moses toknowGod’s wants encounters intheburning name. waythisgod whomhe totheminaspecificand articulate present To ofEgypt. gods the many call allegiance, themto anew Moses must mighthave beguntoworship years, thepassing ofmany after Hebrews, another factor. reflects toknowthenameofGod His hisfellow desire know God’s oftheday. namefitsintothepopularbeliefs But perhaps yourgod’s character. and Moses’ to you identify attributes So desire speaking thenameofyourgod, In by addition, ofGod. knowledge mate an inti- reflects toknowthenameofGod his Ontheonehand, time. Moses’ toknowGod’s of desire understandings namegrows outoftwo a second excuse. Hecannot unlessheknowsGod’s go name(3:13). him willbewith toguarantee his successthat God (3:12). Moses adequacy. reminding by Moses’ corrects misunderstanding God God’s doesnotdependonouradequacy butratheronGod’s ventures thesuccess of like me—and youand individuals like Moses—and accomplishes howGod understand God’s worksthrough work. God (3:11).Moses clearly doesnot outofEgypt?” theIsraelites bring and Pharaoh, go to “Who am Ithat should self-confidence. Heprotests, excuses. ofembracingInstead God’s call, of aseries with Moses responds 2:11-14)for his people(Ex nowbecomes ofhimself. unsure timidand deliverer tooffer himself onlytooeager aself-styled who earlierwas as Remarkably, and sothoroughly has prepared this whomGod man Exodus 3:11-15 THE PROTEST 94

God identifies as “I himself God his nowproperly attention With focused Moses introduces onGod, Moses’ excuse, initial for occasions, as usonmost isalack of AM ” (3:14). What does God mean by by mean ” (3:14).WhatdoesGod . God may be saying, maybesaying, . God August 30,2020 GOD’S MYSTERIOUS GRACE 95 Call 800-747-3016 or visit Crossroads in Christian Growth W. Loyd Allen Retail $15.00 | eBook $8.99

Finally, Moses’ experience at the burning experience Moses’ assures bush us that when Finally, Further, Moses’ experience at the burning experience Moses’ reminds bush us that Further,

the assignments to which God has called us. Godthe assignments has to which called and the empowerment of God’s presents, Godand the empowerment enables us to carry of God’s out and empower us for that calling. Through the impact of God’s presence presence of God’s impact the Through that calling. and empower us for accomplish that ministry. When God calls us to service, that ministry. When God God calls will equip accomplish God calls us to do something for God, for God us to do something the means will provide to God calls

times, when we least it, expect to us. self God also reveals God’s activities, self in an similar extraordinary God At reveals God’s way. life in an ordinary way. Yet, in the commonplace ordinariness of Moses’ ordinariness of Moses’ in the commonplace in anlife ordinary Yet, way. wilderness. is carrying Instead, Moses out the mundane his duties of community. And he is not on a religious pilgrimagecommunity. the that day in times. the wilderness, In removed any is far religious Moses from God self in surprising often reveals ways God’s and at unexpected God’s nature and unfold before us God’s plan for our lives. plan for nature before us God’s and unfold God’s reveals God’s self. In similar ways, similar In God self. breaks lives to reveal into our reveals God’s in a dramatic theophany on the Damascus road. God road. is a God theophanyin a dramatic Damascus on the who God reveals God’s self in a dream, to Isaiah, in the temple, and to Paul, self in a dream, temple, in the God and to Isaiah, to Paul, reveals God’s throughout the Bible: God is a God who reveals God’s self. To Jacob, Jacob, the Bible: To throughout God self. a God is who reveals God’s First,at the burning experience Moses’ reflects bush a truth that runs What lessons can we draw from Moses’ experience at the burning experience Moses’ bush? from we draw can What lessons Moses at the Burning Bush Burning the at Moses CONCLUSION SCOPE AND SEQUENCE FOR SEPTEMBER–DECEMBER 2020

God’s Saving Actions Sept 6 Protection from Death Exodus 12:1-14 Sept 13 Deliverance from Bondage Exodus 14:19-31 Sept 20 Bread from Heaven Exodus 16:2-8, 11-15 Sept 27 Water from the Rock Exodus 17:1-7

Taking God Seriously Oct 4 The Lord’s Expectations :1-7 Oct 11 The Lord’s Salvation Isaiah 25:1-9 Oct 18 The Lord’s Call Isaiah 45:1-7 Oct 25 The Lord’s Requirements Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18

The Disciple’s Life Nov 1 Humbling Ourselves Matthew 23:1-12 Nov 8 Being Ready Matthew 25:1-13 Nov 15 Using Our Gifts Matthew 25:14-30 Nov 22 Practicing Compassion Matthew 25:31-46

God Is Faithful Nov 29 Faithful to Strengthen Us :1-10 Dec 6 Faithful to Be Patient with Us 2 Peter 3:8-18 Dec 13 Faithful to Make Us Holy 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 Dec 20 Faithful to Send Jesus Luke 1:26-38 Dec 27 Faithful to Save Luke 2:22-38

*Scripture citations and lesson titles subject to change.