THE HOLy QUPAN AND THE ORIENTALISTS: LITERARY PERSPECTIVE ABSTRACT ^nhmitM jTor tf}e fiegtee of Sottor of $l)iIos(opti? IN Arabic Literature BY TOWQUEER ALAM llnd»r th« Supervision of Dr. ABDUL BARI Professor and Chairman DEPARTMENT OF ARABIC ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH (INDIA) 1991-92 The holy Quran beinq a Book of guidance to the human so^ ' ^ty as a whole, has been a subject of discussion since its revelation period. Enormous contribution in the form of leading articles, research papers of high standard and com prehensive books regarding its majestic teachings, whether pro and against^ from the side of the Muslims or non-Muslims, provide an overt proof for its extra ordinary importance, un- comparable to any manifestation of human science and intellect. The teachings of the holy Book being revolutionary in its character, provide a complete guidance to the human being for adopting 'the right path as proposed by the Omnipotent God for a Successful life in this world and the world Hereafter. This aspect of study of the holy Quran is purely religious. The preservance oE the Revelation, its specific arrangement, majestic presentation, omission and addition, rhyme and rhythm andjabove all, its miraculous character, both from the point of view of ideology and literature, testify for its being a marvellous literary monument, :fer above in excellence» in com- prision to any human endeavour , irrespective of age and place. I am not hesitant,at all, to concede that the Occidental scholars, although not altogether free from biased thinking, have contributed a lot, so far as their intellectual endeavours are concerned.
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