1907 BNJ 4 27.Pdf

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1907 BNJ 4 27.Pdf INDEX. ^Ethelstan, every borough existing in the reign of, possessed a mint, Abbreviation for VS. = 9, in reigns of 380. Henry VII. and VIII., and „ many of the coins of, bore James I., 170. name of moneyer only, „ on coins of James I., con- without mint, 48. cerning the mark of, 166. „ the laws of, 69. Aberystwith mint moved to Shrewsbury, 8. ,, Wallingford acquires the right „ „ of Charles I., 353. of coinage as a borough probably Abingdon, find of a coin of Cunobelin and under, 53. an Afghanistan rupee of Afghanistan, find of a rupee of, at ^ 1854, at, 372. Abingdon, 372. „ Saxon Chronicle, a displaced Agatha, daughter of Wiggod, marries leaf of the older, will reduce much of Robert de Olgi (D'Oily), 52. the confusion in the chronology of the Agincourt, battle of, the full annulet comes West Saxon Kings, 281, 282. into use again after the, 4, 5. Acapulco, treasure from, captured by Agrippina, face to face type of Nero and, - Anson, 11. 122, 123. Acemannes—burh = Bath, 42. Albert of Austria, face to face coins of ,, —ceaster = Bath, 42. Isabella, Duchess of Brabant and, 123. Adelaide sovereigns, issue of the, 185. Aldenham, Lord, panel portrait of „ square pounds, the, 185. Edward VI., in possession of, 115. Higlesbyrig for Aylesbury, 34. Alengon, 128. Hilfred besieges Chester, 61. Alexandra, H.M. Queen, letter from, ./Ethelflfeda, Lady of the Mercians, announcing her consent to sign the captures Derby, 73. Album presented to the Society by ,, or King Eadweard renovates Mr. T. A. Carlyon, 336. Chester, 61. Alfonso of Spain, H.M. King, letter from,, /Ethelfrith, King of the Northumbrians, acknowledging receipt of the Society's attacks Chester, 61. congratulations on the birth of H.R.H. yEthelraed II., 42. the Prince of the Asturias, 348. „ „ coins of, 34, 58, 68, 70. Alfred, concerning the counting of the „ ,, the Giothaburh mint of, Regnal year of, whether from his 344- accession or coronation, 246. ^Ethelstan and Eadmund win the battle of ,, divergence of opinion as to the Brunanburgh, 74. exact date of the millenary of the ,, coins of, 61, 73. death of, and the result of this ,, Derby mint of, 73. confusion, 245, 246. ,, etc., Chester moneyers of, ,, Regnal period of, in the Cotton coincide with those appear- MS. Tiberius A. III., 283, 284. ing 011 coins of the same „ Regnal years of, 246, 280, 281 et kings of Derby mint, 61. seq. VOL. IV. 2 D 40 Index. Alfred, the Oxford mint in the reign of, Annuary Datum by means of past periods reference to, 45. the computation of the, 276-278. Alfred's death, the correct date of, 245, Annulet, theory concerning the broken, 246. its significance, 4. Algar, base money struck in reign of ANSCOMBE, ALFRED, F.R.Hist.S., Hon. Stephen, by moneyer, 2. Sec. \— Alice, daughter of Roger de Berkele, The Anglo-Saxon computation of His- marriage contract between Maurice, toric Time in the ninth century, son of Robert Fitzharding, and, 23. 241-3IO, 334- Allectus, coin of, 357. Anson and the capture of specie in the Allen, William, Jamberoo, token for, 343. Pacific Ocean, 11. Allon, Richard, leaden token of, 321. Anthony, Charles, artist, 131. Alwald, King of Northumbria, coin of, 342. „ „ graver of the mint and ,, „ „ find of coins seals in the Tower, • temp., at Cuerdale, 342. 118. Amiens mint of Henry V. and VI., 5. Derick, 137. » ,, VI., 336. „ „ cuneator to Edward VI. Amund, King, encamps at Cambridge, 58. and Elizabeth, r 17, 118. Anachronism, the term, 262. " Antiquity, a high," the origin and fitness Anatolius, bishop of Laodicea, 295. of such phrases as, 201. Anderson, William, token of, 334. Antonines, absence of coins of the, in the Andrew, W. J., on the coins of the Reign Lincoln Find, 234. of Stephen, 363-365. Apletreu = Appletree, 76. „ oh the granting of charters Aquitaine coins of Edward III. and the to great barons permit- Black Prince, 4. ting them to coin money „ ,, „ English Kings, extent in various places, 1. of the series of, 4. Angel, introduction of the, in 1465, 6. ,, Lord of, on English coins, 4. Anglo-Danish occupation of York, few ,, mint of Edward the Black antiquities discovered relating to Prince, 338. the, 235. „ „ „ Edward III., 338. ,, -French,coins of Henry V. and VI. „ title of, ceases on English exemplify the triumphs in the coins, 4. French wars, 5. Armada Badge of Elizabeth, 132, 133, .„ -Saxon Chronicle, reference to, 37, 135, 136. 38, 42, 44, 47, 51, 52, 58, „ Jewel, The, 134, 135. 61, 73, 74, 75- ,, Naval Rewards, 135. .„ „ Computation of Historic Armour on coins of Elizabeth, 139, 140. Time in the Ninth Arthur, Prince of Wales, the east window Century, 241-310, 334. in St. Margaret's, Westminster, now ,, „ Manuscripts, Facsimiles of, declared to depict, 88. ref. to, 242. Arundel, Lord, pictures formerly in the „ „ names of the subdivisions possession of, 113. of the Natural Day, 287. Assay Office, Adelaide, sovereigns issued „ „ period, extent of the legal by the Government, 185. documents of the, 242. Athelstan, regnal period of, in the Cotton „ „ sceattas, face to face type on M.S. Tiberius A. Ill, 283. our, 122. Atsyll, suggestion that certain cameos of Anlaf, 38. Elizabeth were by, 131. Annales Cambriae, the era of the, 274, AUDEN, G. A., M.A., M.D. A leaden cross bearing a styca impres- 275- sion and other antiquities found in Anne, coins of, 10, 14. York. 235-237. „ of Cleves, miniature of Henry VIII. Auden, G. A., exhibits by, 367, 368. painted for, 95. Index. 403 Augustus, decree of, that three bissextile Baronial series, difference between the years were to be passed over, 269. coins struck by the Aulus Plautius at Lincoln, 229. nobles under charter Aurelius, Marcus, with Commodus and from the king and the, Lucius Verus, on Roman coins, 123. 2. Australia, an ounce copper coin to „ ,, of coins of Stephen's circulate in, 179, 180. time, 2. ,, discovery of gold in, 184. Bath, medallic portraits of Henry VIII. „ first British settlement in, 179. from the collection of the Marquess of, „ scarcity of British money in 103. early days in, 179. Battaills, manor of, 40. „ table of specie circulating in, B.E. on leaden token, 322. and their rates, 180. Beaded circle to the serrated edge, reason „ the early coinage of, 179- for change from, 198. 187, 345- Bearman, 'P., exhibits by, 362. Australian colonies, their desire to strike Bear's head on coins of Berwick mint, 3. their own coins, 184 et seq. Beauchamp's refuse to surrender Bedford ,, tokens struck in base silver, Castle until the arrival of Prince Henry 184. of Scotland, the, 363. Ay res, Lancelott, token issued by, 321. Beaworth, find of coins, temp. William I. at, 50, 56, 6d, 65, 67, 71, 72, 78. Bedcanforda (D.B.) — Bedford, 47. Bedeford (D.B.) = Bedford, 47. B. Bedefordscire (D.B.) = Bedfordshire, 47. Bedford, a free borough, 4.8. Bacon, Francis, account of Henry VII. „ burgesses of, apparently con- by, 81, 83, 87. formed early to the Norman ,, Sir Francis, 362. " royal" requirements, 49. '" Ba-Sum tune, aet," referring to Bath, „ coin of William II. of Derby 42. mint erroneously assigned Baeda, reference to, 34, 39, 40, 41. to, 50. Bailgate in Lincoln, where numerous „ „ with name of Prince Henry discoveries of Roman coins have been of Scotland struck at, 363, made, 229, 230. 364- Baily, leaden token of William, 320. ,, entry from Domesday Book Bain, R. Donald, exhibits by, 350. referring to, 48. Bakewell, Eadweard the Elder builds a ,, mint, foundation of, probably co- burgh near, 73. eva' with Eadweard's visit Balance sheet of the Society, 381. to that town in A.D. 919, Baldwin, A. H., coins of, 222, 223. 48. „ „ „ donation of book by, „ „ history of the, 47-51. 357- „ „ of Eadwig, 48. „ „ William 1, 49, 50. „ „ „ exhibits by, 332> 337> 343. 347, 352> 3<59> 372- „ ,, „ ,, „ moneyers of P. J. D., exhibits by, 372, 373. the, 49. Balsdean, Sussex, find of an early British „ „ payment in respect of,' stater at, 350. probably covered by the Bank of England dollars, 12, 15. assessment of the borough „ tokens, 12, 15, 340. to the Danegeld, 48. Barbados, counter-marked pieces for, 337. „ siege of, by Stephen, 49. Barclay = Berkeley, 20. Beeston, siege pieces struck at, 8. Barnet, battle of, 6. Belize, British Honduras, unpublished Barnstaple mint of Edward the Confessor, token of, 362. Beorc, A.S. for birch-tree, 18. 336. 2 D 2 4 Index. Beorclea = Berkeley, 18, 20. Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas Light Beornwald, a Wallingford moneyer, Co., leather medal of the, probably identical with one at Oxford 355- for Alfred, 53. ,, coinage of Queen Victoria, Beornwulf, King of Mercia, 18, 21. 200, 201, 202, 207, 208, Berchelai= Berkeley, 17, 20. 210, 211, 212. Berchelai, rent of, 21. ,, Overseers, leather note issued Berclea = Berkeley, 18. by the, 355, 356. Berewicks — villages, 17. ,, workhouse sixpence in Berk, O.S. for birch, 18. copper, and an imitation Berkeley, account of, in Domesday Book, of same, 369. 17- Bissextus, the, 291. „ coins of Henry III., possibly Bitton, grant of the Manor of, to Robert issued by Maurice, fifth Baron Fitzharding, 22. Berkeley, 27. " Bits," issue of countermarked, for the „ early references to, 18. Colonies, 12. „ in the reign of Henry I., 20. Black, Constable Solomon, New Zealand ,, its decay, 17. Cross awarded to, 373. ,, its derivation, 18. ,, Prince, Aquitaine and Poitou coins „ mint after William I., possible of the, 4. reason to account for the Blackwater River, the, 41. absence of coins of the, Blanchet, Monsieur Adrien, and his 25- account of the hoard of staters and gold bullets found in France, 221.
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