HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ENGLISH 101 – COLLEGE IN THE HIGH SCHOOL COURSE SYLLABUS Instructor: Wes Ward Course Name: English Composition I Campus: York Course Reference Number: 25684 Office Location: CYHS 660 Term & Year: Fall & Spring 2013-2014 Office Hours: Daily 12:45 – 2:00 or by appt. Credit Hours: 3 Phone: 717-846-6789 Classroom: CYHS 626 HACC Email Address:
[email protected] Class Meeting Times: Periods 1 & 3 Central Email Address:
[email protected] Catalog Course Description: English 101 is designed for the development of writing clear, forceful, effective prose. Prerequisite Course(s) Required: Placement is determined through the College Testing and Placement Program or through completion of ENGL 051 with a grade of "C" or higher. ENGL 003 is a pre-or co- requisite. Required Texts: • Hacker, Diana. Rules for Writers. 7th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. • Martel, Yann. Life of Pi. • Ross, Alfred and Paul Eschholz. Models for Writers. (latest edition). Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012. Supplemental Materials: Laptop, Pens, pencils, notebook, lined paper, folder for portfolio of work, and dictionary Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of English 101, students will be able to: • Respond appropriately to the needs of different audiences and rhetorical contexts in terms of voice, tone, level of formality, format, and structure • Connect critical thinking with reading and writing activities by summarizing, analyzing, critiquing, and synthesizing information from various kinds of texts • Integrate their ideas appropriately