Prophels' JeremiahSpeahs Out Oft'er Vlslon: Promiseof-a New Covenant'on Hearts' A NewCovenant JERUSALEM,on a da, in the )-ear 597 BCE or .ro-"The Lord hasspoken to me. Thereis hopefor thepeople of Cod," said theprophet Jercmiah as he walkedthrough the desolatesFeets of Jerusalemearly this moming. The peoplehave heardhim with mixed€motions. Jeremishoffered rhe hopethat Cod would makea newcovenant wilh thc house of lsraeland the houseof Judah."It will not be a covenadtlike the onemade with theirancestors when they werc brought out of theland ofEgypt. This covcnant will b€ wriltenon the heansof the pcople,"said the prophet. This prophet,who spokethe word of God from his you8, foretold the greatdis- asterthat came upon Jerusalem. He urged the king of Judahto surenderto the king of Babylonso that no halmwould come to the city. Bur the king and the orher nobles theprophet: wouldnot listen,and so thecity is now in "I rememberhow we sDentmonths nrins. writing down whal rhe Lord had told Who is this man., who predict- Jeremiah.Jeremiah would diclare.and I ed the fall of Jerusalemand now offers would write it down word-for-wordon a SbcllYc,r- Id.rn.diri., hopeto the peoplewho a.releft here? scrcll,Wlen we finished,Jeremiah said I EpiscopdChil&.n's Jeremiahis theson of Hilkiah.lhe Driest wasto readit to the people. Cuniculun in Anathoth(a city in theland ofBenj;rnin, CopyrighlOl993 "I went to the houseof the Lord and Virginh Tt6lori.|l nortbeastof Jerusalem). stoodat the entry of the New Gate.It wasa Scnirry ad Morlhou. "I was called by God, when I wasjusr a day of fasting,and manypeople had come hbll$ir8 boy,"said Jeremiah. "Cod touchedmy to the temple.While I was readingfrom the mouth.and it is God'swords that I hav€ scroll, a messengerwent to the officials of spokenever since." the city andtold lhem whatI wasdoing. "The officialsinsisted rhat I readit to Baruch Wrote for the Prophet them as well. After t finished, they ques- Baruch,a longtimefriend of Jeremiah, tionedme aboutthe scrolland the words sharcdsome events in the colorfullife of Coatinuedon Pagc 2 Jerusalembe broken into manypieces. ''Jeremiahwent lo greatlengths to make JeremiahSpeaks Out the peopleunderstand what hc wassaying. Continuedfrom pageI To showthe peoplethat they mustsubmit to the )oke of Babylonin orderto savethe city. he rvalkediround \*,itha yokeon his $ritten on il. I rcld ftem ftat Jeremiai.the shoulders.Yes. it wasa )'okelike the ones prophet,had diclated fie wordi l(] me.and used10 lead oxen. I wrote(hcnr in ink uponthc scroll.Thcy "When anothefprophet heard Jer€miah rook the'ing lhe [ing musl hear (cllinSu,hat would happen to theciry. he rhis.Then they rold me t()tokc Jcremiah took$c yokeand broke it. Thatdidnl stop andgo andhide. lelting no oneknow JcremiahlHe thenpul on ! )oke m.rde from iron nd continuedlC) speak to the ''Laler we hcffd thal the king burnedrhc pcople- scroll in his brazicr.section by it ''of course.Jcremirh was bound to gel was read ro him. None ol rhis borhered inro troublcr\ ith the king fof whathe was Jcrcmiah.Hc \impl) besanagain to dictalc tcllince\crlorc. First the kinS put him in r secondscroll. In this onc. Jerenliah iril. butrhen lcr him out.Another time warnedKing Jchoaikim.who had bumed somenoblcs pu( him in a wcll. Throughthe lhe first scroll,lhrt (bc kinS ol Babylon kindnessof oncol lhe kinSs servants. woulddeslroy hinl. Jeremirhwas l.ecd.S rely hc lvouldhave ''Anothcrlinre. Jeremiah wcnt ro a poc diedthe.e in lh t cold.dark. damp place-' tcr'\ shop and boughl an crnhcnwnreju8. So Jcfcmiilh.r\ ho preachedthe destruc- He took thcjug to the cily garccalled thc tionofrhe cil\. is no\r rhc onc who is offcr' "fi.reflashing PotsherdG:llc. There he sm0shedthe juSi ing hoperhrr rhc Lord \\ill nrakea ncw Hc told lhc pcoplcthat just rs thcjuB had covcnanrlvith rh. peopleol Judahnnd rhc forth,' been shaltered,\o would thc cit] ol pcopleof I\rrcl. wlngs,and a BzekielAlso Predicted a NewCovenant "wheel wl.tbln The prophcrE/ckicl wils ir youngman cxilc in Brbllon $ith manyolhc, caplives. a wbeel" who grew up aroundrhc rcnrpleol' ln the 'elr 59J BCE. durin8o tbunder- Jerusalem.!rherc his lathcr\ra\ priest. slorrn,Ezckicl rcceived his llrst rision and Ezekielwa\ probablyin lrxininglbr lhc hi\ call fron Cod. He saw a cloud with priesthoodcl th.' linre Jerusalcnwr\ cap' grcrt fire llu\hing forth. crcalureswith luredby Nebuchadrezzrr.Since he $as $in8s.and a $hcel withina whcel. This llom an uppcr-classfumily. hc wnsled inlo !ision nladchinr sufchc was calledto prophcst to thc peoplc ol God in exilein Brb)lon. MicahForesaw Messiah's Birth in Jcrcmiah.said thar God l|ould make a ncw covenanl lilicah was a prophelfrom the fsrmingcommunity of Moresheth.He IYlloved rhe p€oplehe grew up with. The) tendedthe sheepand rhe wilh (he peopleof Israel.11 rvould be fields.He mayhave heard about the prophet , a breederof sheepin a coven nl ol peaceand be everlasl- the neighboringtown of Tekoa.who hadb€en called by God someyears in8-1br thcir childrens children. earlier. Ezekicl r.rid. Da\id shall be king After he receivedthe word of the Lnrd, relucrandylook up the over them:and they shullhave one work of a prophet.He joumeyedfi$t to Samaria,rhe capiral oi lsrael, \hepherd.' wherehe wa&edthe people that Israel would be desfoyedby tribesto the becameknown for his north. ecslalicvisions and trance-like expe- After lhe fall of Israelto the Assyrials,Micah tumedtoward Judah riences.During these times, he saw vilid picturesof seeminglyimpossi- with his prophecy.He tnveled lo Jerusalem,where he wamedthe leaders '\'xlley that their greedand power would be their ruin. ble eleDlr \uch as the of the Micah'shope for God'speople was thatthe.e would be a remnantof dryboncr.' Israel-peoplewho would be strongand who would help to restorethe Wordstionr this visionof Ezekiel areuscd in therefrain of a folk song: nation.From that groupof Isneliteswould comea be bom in ''Ezekiel Bethlehem.Micah said. The Ieader would b€ a descendanlofDavid. cried. DemdD boneslOh. hearthe$ordoffte Lord.'

Page2 II- l AdventSeason Begins New Church Year

dvent is the firsl seasonof the The readingsfrom Scriplureduring Church Year and begins on the Adventare aboul bolh kinds of waitingand Sundaynearest S1. Andrew s Day p.eparing.The prophetsof the Hebreu (November30) lhe fburthSunday beibre Scripturesfo.etold the coning of a Chrisrmas. Messiah."the anointedone who wouldbe The word Adventcomes from the Lalin a Saviorof thepeople of Cod.In Gospel wordz/./renrr.r. wtich nreansconling. ln readinBs.vre heur aboul John rhe Baptist we are lvaitinS.rnd prepnrinS fbr who alsospokc of theconring of Chrisl. thccoming ol Christin r\';oways: (Theword Chrisa is Greekfbr "Anointed Firsr.we preparctbr the ChrisIChild to One.) comeinto our livcs rgain al .We The color lbr Adycnt is sometinrespur- Sonol Cod rememberhow \r'as born in ple. becluseduring lhis time \\'e expericncc Bcthlehcnrto Mary andJoseph..rnd this a quieltinlc ol .cilecrionnnd praycr similrr helpsus rc understandthrt Jesuscame into lo Lcnt. ln tacl Advent is oftencalled a thc\rorld as a humanbein€t. littleLent." In morerecent times. lhe color Sccond.wc rcnrcnrbcrthal we ifc to S.lrunrbl c is usedto dislinguishAdvcnl wail fbr lhc sccondcoming ot Christas fronr Lent. This bluc is associatedwilh predicledin theScripturcs. Christ will ful Marn.lhcmother ol Jesus. fill hispronisc lo rclurnin powcrand glory. MBMORYCHATTBNGE

Symbolsfor theFour Bvangelists The symbol for Madhew the Evargelist or Gospel writer is a €n man with wings, or an angel.This syrnbol came about becausethe pdmarilytells us about Jesus as a humanbeing. The symbol for is a winged lion. The lion is an ancient symbol for royalty, It is often displayedon the coat of ams for a king and is a Hebrew symbol for , the great King of tbe United Kirgdom of Israel. The gold lion with wings indicatesthat Ma* told of the loyal dignity of Chdst. Tho symbol for ,writer of the third Gospel,is I gold ox with wings. The ox was an animal of sacrifice in alcient times. In the Gosoelof Luke. t]te idea of Jesus'life as a sacrificc for thi sins of humaoityis said to be the primary theme. The fourth Evangelistis John, whose syhbol is a winged eagle.The eagle,whose eyes can seotiny speckson the horizon,is said to be ableto se€irto the mysteriesof heayen.This Gosp€ the divinity of Christ and gives the readera glimpse into the Khgdom ofGod. As you read and hear the four Gospels,see if you aFee with the symbols qeat€d by the Church long ago-and how they interpret the life of Jesusin dif- fercntways.

Sh. Y.m lnr.'medde. cor\.!hr 3 q'r3\ nlrinir1h(i rjlr Scmrrn $d tir.hds! PuhL'\hmg II- l Pracl $CRAMBI,.E Namesfor theMessiah



Sessionl| 9:6; Jeremiah 31:33b Session2t lsaiuhI l:l -2: 10:l TEARNING Session3r Prarr 40r8;Lrle I :30 SCRIPTURE Sessionq Lukel:17;2:11 Session5t lsoitlt 60:l; Malthev S€ssionI 2:1lL "For a child hasbeen bom for us, a son givento us; authorityrests upon his Session6: ^did, J5:5-6iMdIk shoulden; andhe is namedWonderful Counselor, Migtrty God, EverlastingFather, 10:52a funce of Peace."-/Jdiai 9;6 (NRSV) Session1 : Jerentiolt I 7: I I ; Mark 2:12b "I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their heafls;and I will be Session8: Luke17:19; John theirGod, and they shall be my people."-Jeremid, J1.3J, (NRSV) ll:25-26a Session9: ReviewSessions 1-8

Page,+II-l ECC

TJNITII ISSUE2 IsaiahPredicted the Birth of Immanuel Isatah's Whilein Dialoguewith Judah'sKing Ylslon: JERUSALEM,around 735 BCE---'fhe beliefthat faith in God is sufficientfor Sal don prophetIsaiah has madean importanl divineprotection. announcement,He saidthat a young The encounterbetween Isaiah and King womanwill beara Ahaz occurredat the son whose name end of tbe road lead- will be Immanuel. ing to the upperpool The meaningof the on the hi8hwayto the name ts clear- Fuller's Field. A Immanuelmeans sourcepresent at the "Godis with us." meetingsaid that the However, th€ Lord spoketo Ahaz, prophet was not telling him to ask for specificabout the a sign.Ahaz refused, identity of the sayinghe wouldnot youngwoman of putthe Lord to a test. when and wherethe Isaiahsaid: "Hear birth would take then, O houseof Place, David!Is it roolittle This word from for you to wearymor- Isaiahwas spoken tals,that you weary to King Ahaz, at the God also?Therefore time they heardthat the Lord himselfwill King Rezinof Syria giveyou a sign." andKing Pekahof lsraelhad made an Thencame the prophet'sprediction of alliance.This impliedthe threatof an thebinh of thechild, Immanuel. afiackon is saidthat when the lsaiah'saccess to tbeking has long been newsof the alliancereached the palace, a mysteryto the citizensof Jerusalem. She[ Ye!r- Int€fltledial€, '1he heartof Ahaz andthe hea( of his peo- Klown only as the son of Amoz, he may EpiscoParChildft!'5 ple shook as the trees of the forest shake be of noblebirth. He seemsto be quite Cllnicululn Copy.idt @1993 beforcthe wind." unafmidto confiontthe king or memb€rs vi.gida'ft.ologicd of the courtwith his prophecies.Coun S.niffry srd Morcho{s. Judah Feels ThrEatened recordsshow (hat lsaiah also had audiences Publishi!8 The threat to Judah by the northern with King Uzziahand King Jotham. kings is an attemprto get King Ahaz (ojoin His wife is a prophetessherself. Their with the northemkingdoms in an alliarce two sonshave names with meanings: againstAssyria. Isaiah is opposedto this Shear-jashub("A remnantshall return") alliance.He saidclearly to Ahaz,"If you andMaher-shalal-hash-baz ("The spoil do not standftrm in faith, you shall not speeds,the prey hastes"). His wholefamily standat all." Thisechoes the prophet's supponsIsaiah's \rork. OurWorship Includes Poetry First Wriffen In Hebrewby the Prophetsand Psalmists

Prophetslike Isaiahwe.e also poets. The Songs of Isaiah are \\,onderful Theyused their poerry to speakabout God. examplesof Hebrew poetry. We use lhem Psalmislslike David.and other Hebrew as Canticles in Morning Prayer. See ?"[? suges.were aiso poets, Book ol ConnnonPratei pages86-87. Almost onethird of the Hebrew The First and SecondSongs oi Isaiah TheSongs of Scriptures(the Old Testamenl)was wri en are poemsof thanksgi\,ingand trust.The as poetrv.Originally. it was hea.dduring Third Song is a hymn of praiseand adora- Isaiah are rcliSiousriles when thc communirv of tion. Allthree ffe tllled wift parallelism. God'speople would gather Hebrervpoelry is also found ir the New wond,erful 'lestament. Fourkinds of poemscan be foundin the primarily in the Gospclof examplesof Biblc:fi,rrrrrr.r, setto nrusicand sung durinB Luke. Three examplesare rekled ro the worshipby choirsor soloists:/(rr?nrr .rr.,1 birth of the Messiah: Hebrewpoetry. conl(!.\ion.\,ofien usedat tirnerals:poems . Thc Song oi Zechariah.llso known as ol rl.rxtrSi|l,r( and ttust it Co./; tnd the the Rlndidks Dot inu.\D., .r. It is ibund ntal pralnsused on occirsionsof great in L|kc l:68.70 and in Tltc Rook of ceremony\r'hen thc kinS$ould havebecn Co, tto Pra\er p.tpet)2. present. .Thc Song ol Mary. also called WritingIlebrew poctry \ras dilficult. llltgttili

sheuYer r'n.nn.drr. F,pnroprtCh'tdrcn 5 cuffdum Page2 II-2 copJ. hrO1993\nsinillheolos,calsenim4 and \torthorePubinhiiB dventhymns in TheH)'mnal 1982 reflectthe themesof the prophels: ADVEMMUSIC Thepeople of Godare waiting for the Messiahto come. One of the best-knownAdvent hymns is "O come, O come. Emmanuel,"56. Eachstanza begins with a namefor the Saviorof Gods people.Images used by the Hebrew prophetsare sharcdin the words of lhis spealiye peace.thus hymn.The Messiahwould be bornin saithour Godi comfon Micah had said,and he thosewho sit in dark wouldbring new life to God'speople as nessmourning neath predicledby Jeremiahand Ezekiel. their sorrows load. lllre Two otherAdveni hymns quote directly H\tnnal1982,67). frornlhe prophet Isaiah: In Advenl.our Scriptureread' . 'Preparethe \r/ay,O Zion, your Chrisl and liturgy all invite is drawingnearl Let everyhill andvalley u us into r lime of reflectilewaitine -n"-lbr I levelway appear" llie H\n,nl 19E2,65). rhe comins of rhc Chrisr. . "Comfon, comfort ye my people. AnointedOne. ) \ a MBMORYCHATTENGB

PASTCHATLENGE NEWCHAIIINGE PuzzleAnswers: Thefollowing stories in the life of Jesusappear only in the I.B O R \ GospelSymbols Cospelsand the chaptersthat 2.MI'SSIAH arecited here. Look themup. l.\\A ll ED Matthew- Memorizewhere to find each ],M I ('A H WingedMan 5.PRoPHET 6.5 A \ I O R Jesus'Bllh and Chtldhood 7J IREM IAH Jesus'birth andinfancy 8.1MMA\UEL Mark- .\ in Bethlehem I A H WingedLion 10.v ISIO\ -Luke, chapter2, . H EAR IS

The visit of theMagi Luke- -Mafthew chapter2 . WingedOx Jesusin thetemple at agetwelYe *Luke, John- chapter2. RisingEagle

shen Yd r.r.medde. Eoiqooai childFnt cumcduo II-2 Page3 +'R ilPl€[H$' eii$ E# r-'{ Clues: I. Isaiahsai4 "For unto us a child is -" 2, The Hebrewpeople looked for a _. 3. They had- a long time for a Savior 4. - proclaided dtat theMessiah would be bom. 5. A _ sawvisions and spokeGod's woad. 6. TheMessiah would be a - of God's people. 7.-forctoldanew covenantwaitten on #11(below). 8. The child to b€ bom would be called-. 9. - saidthe Messiah would be a Wonderful Counselorand Princeof Peace. 10. Isaiahhad a 10. the &y when Ood would the faithful. ll, Thenew covenant would be wdtten on p€ople's


ScssioDl: A.ridlr 9.6r Jr,"rr.//r -l/:-'l-li Session2| IsaiahII:I-2;10:I TBARNING Session3: Prrdrrrf0:8: Lrla SCRIPTURE Session-l:arrlc /iJZr lrl/ Scssion5: Lr.ri.tr60. /; ,rrrrlr.,n Session2 2:11( (he Session6: /sairr,ir-l-5:-j 6;,[Iar* "A shootshall come oul from stumpof Jesse,and a branchshall grow out of l0:52a his roots.The spiri{of theLord shallresl on him, the spirilof wisdomand under- standing.the spirit of counseland might, the spirit of knowledgeand feif of the S.ssion7: J.,.rxir, 17r/f ,' -Iscia,ft Matk2:l2b Lord." //:/-2 (NRSV) Scssion8: L/i? l7:19:Johtl ''Con1fort. people. your ' .r0.,1(NRSV) I I :2526u O comfonmy says God. ,lsdra, Session9: ReviewSes\ions l-8

Prgcl II-2 ECC

TJNITII ISSIJE3 Visitor from GalileeSurprises Elizabeth AndShares News Delivered by an Angel Speaksof A CITY IN JUDAH, about 6 Vlslons 8CE-An older citizen named rulfilled Elizabethwas surprisedyesterday by the arrivalof a relativefrom Galilee.The visitor is a young womannamed Mary, who hasjust learnedlhat shewill havea baby. We understandshe is planningto stay here about three months. Elizabethherself has beln pregnant for sometime. We talked with Mary who explainedthe reasonfor this sud- den,unplanned visit. "I live in Nazarcth,a smalltown in Galilee,wirh my family.I am engagedto a man namedJoseph, of lhe houseofDavid. is a car- penterin Nazareth;we plan to be

"A few days ago, I was working in the shednear the gardenwhen a wonderfullight filled (heroom. Suddenly angel,'How can this be, sinceI am a vir- there was the angelGabriel standingin gh?' frontof me. "The angelreassured me &at this would "The angel spokero me and said, be the work of the Holy Spirit so that the 'Greetings,favored one! The Lord is with child who is to be bom wili be holy, the you. Sonof God. going sh.ll Yor- Intcnnediarq "[ wasconfused by his wordsand fright- "He also told me that Elizabethis Epi!.opol ChildrBn's ened.I hid my faceand considered what to have a son. I knew lhen the meaningof this could mean. the angel'smessage that nothing is impos- Copyiglt! @1993 "Then the a.ngelspoke !o me in a genale sible for God. So I respondedwith my Virginia TlEolosical voice, saying, 'Do not be afraid, Mary, for whole heart, 'Here am I, the servantof the S.sir,ry dd M@hos Publilhitrg you have found favor with God. And now' Lord; let it be with me accordingto your you will conceivein your womb andbear a word.' son,and you will namehim Jesus.'He then As soonas the angelleft, Mary said,she told me many other things that would con- quickly made arrangemenrcto come here cem the child. to spendsome time with Elizabed and her "But I was still confused.I saidto ihe husband,Zechariah. AngelsAppear in the ScripturesAs Protectorsand Messengers from God ,Angelshaoe e word "angel" in Hebtew meant Thesesame two angelsare mentionedin "messengerfrom Cod." Later, it also the .Gabriel was the mes- alwalts sented cameto meana spiritual being. In the sengerwho appearedto Zechariahto fore- 4S mCSSenSerS Hebrew Scriptures,angels had four func- tell the birth of John.By rradition,he is tions: to carry messagesfrom Cod to God's also the angel who came to Mary to and protectorc. people,to tell of specialevents, to protect announcethe coming birth of Jesus. the people of God, and to serveas instu- Michaelis the leaderof the army of good mentsof divine displeasurc. angelsthat finally overcomethe powerof evil,in theRevelation ofJohn. Two otherangels are mentionedin the booksof the Apocrypha.(Those books are not includedin theOld andNew Testament but areincluded with someeditions of the Bible.), who is associatedwith healing, is a prominent figure in the story of Tobias,in the BookofTobit. Uriel,"the angelwho is over the lights," is found in thebook of Enoch. Angelshave always served as messen- gers and protectors,but our ideasabout theirappearance have changed through time. In the New Testamentthey are robed in whitegamenls. and bathed in radiance. Not only do theyannounce divine mes- sagessuch as the birthsof Johnand of Jesus,but alsothey wain of crisisand bring comfort.Angels are intricately involved in thelife ofJesus,and the apostle Paul writes of thepowen of theangels. The Book of ComnonP/aler includ€s angelsin its prayers.In Compline,we pray to the [rrd, "give your angelscharge over thosewho sl€ep."(See page 134.)In four of the Ritesfor Holy,the cele- brantsays, 'Thercfore we praiseyou, join- ing our voiceswith Angelsahd and all the companyof heaven,who for eversing this hymn to prcclaimthe glory of yourNarne: . . ." The Hebrew Scripturescontain many TheHymnal 1982 also has many rcfer- accountsof angels.They appearin the sto- encesto angelsin thehymns we singat all ries of ,, , , and times of the year. We expectto heat about Gideon. angelsat Christmas,in carolssuch as The namesof two archangelsare "Angels, fiom the realmsof glory," and revealedin the Book of Daniel: "Hark! the herald angelssing." Lois of . Gabrielwas God'smessenger who angelsare includedin the hymnssung at appearedto Daniel to help him interpret a Easterand Ascension. vision.See Daniel 8.16. Hymn 282 mentions three of the . ,known as the "guardianof archangelsnafied above.It is meant to be heaven,"appeared i! a vision-to help sungat the Feastof St. Michael and All Daniel face the prince of Persiaand his Angels,September 29. On thisday we cel- amies.Ser Ddniel 10r13. ebratethe work of all God's ansels.

Sh.ll Yd-ld.*did., E isDil Childfti\ cu'icutu Page2 [-3 cop]rieh O 1993Viqinh Thmloei.dl S.mjnrry bd MoEhous Plbtishins Ideasfor ChristmasKindness at Home

he \r'eeksbefore Christmas can be a . Do yourchores withoul being asked- very Take a toy you bus) time for everyone.Think Talk with your family to decideon a ways peo- ot some to helplhe other nelvlradition (hat will hclpall of you to no longer ase- ple who live with you. Hereare a few su8- Iocuson Adventas a time of quietreflec- gestlonsto getyou stafledi tion. in good condi- . Makea cup of hot chocolxte1br your Oneidea might be to spendone evening motheror lather.or both. tion-and. giue a weekdoing somefiing together as a falni- . Decidenot with 1oargue a brolheror ly. You mightwatch a Christmasmovie it to a shelter risterfor a wholeday. togc( the Christnras Slory aloud. . Makea cardthat says. I loveyou.' play a gane. or lislen to recordingsol' for homeless andsh{rc it $ilh a parenl. or Srandprrent. Christmascarols. neiShbor people. Anotheridea is to sayprayers around . younger Reada Chrisrmisstory to a the Advent\ reathbetore dinner or at bed- childyou knor,'. timeeach Sunday in Ad\,ent.or each . Tilkex loy you no longeruse-in good cvcningthc rveckbefore Christmas Day. condilion-and8i!c il lo 1shelterIor homelesspeople.


Thelbllowing slories in thelife of Jesusappenr only in lheCospels and the chapters tbat ^reciled here Look thenr!p. Memorirewhere to find eachone.

Ituzzle Ans\r'ers:

PASTCTtAttENGE NEW(;HATI,ENGE Storiesof Early Jesus'Birth and Childhood Jesus' Ministry Jesus'binh andinfancy in Johnbaptizes Jesus :1. Bethlehem *Manhew, ch,3; -Luke, ch,2 I Mark,ch, l; Luke,ch, 3 ! Jesus'temptations R Thevisit of theMagi j- - Manhew,ch. 2 -Matthew ch,4; -- Mark,ch. l: Luke,ch. 4 Jesusin thetemple at age Jesuschooses disciples telelye-Luke, ch. 2 -Matthep, ch. 10: Mark,ch. 3: Luke,ch. 6 EXTI{{C}IAI,LENGE: Namethe twelve disciples of Jesus

coJirnehla r9elvngrr Ttrolo!: Il-.1 PJ!e l "GabrielSpeaks"


l. An _ ofthe Lord appearcd to Mary. 2. ". . . thechild to be_ will be holy . . ." 3. Mary andJoseph lived in a town called_. 4. "TheHoly Spirilwill come - you." 5. "How can(his be, since I ama

6. "He will reignover the house of forever." 7. Theangel _ wasscnl by Cod. 8. Thevirgin's name was 9. "Thepower oflhe _ will overshadowyou." 10.Nazareth was in _. I L Mary wasbetrothed to 12.Mary s childwill bethe oiGod.


Sessron l: lsaialt 9:6: Jeremiah 3l :3-1b Scssion2: 6dr.r/r 1./r./-2,.J0:,/ IEARNING Session 3: Pralm 40.'8,' aa&e 1:30 SCRIPTT]RB Session4: Lrk€1:-17r :.1/ Session5: Isainh 60: l: Matthe*. Session3 2:llc Session6: Isdrdft-1515-6, Mdrk I0:52a "I delight to do your wiU, O my God; your law is within my he".rt." Psaln (NRSV) Session7: Jereniah l7: l1; 40:E Mark 2:l2b 'Do you Session8: Luke17:19; John "The a.ogelsaid to her, not be afraid, Mary, for have found favor with -I*e (NRSV) 11:25-26a God."' I:30 Session9: ReviewSessions I-8

Page4 II"3 Cot,righ O 1993Viqrnia TlslogicJl S.miir_r rid tlmbNs Prbl;hitrE ECC

TJNITII ISSUE4 NewbornBabv Visited bv Shepherds Mary'sSong WhoReceived'the News frbm engel for an A dar n1BETHLEHEM, about 6 BCE- Josephtold usabout their long and liring ChrisEnas A child wasbom lastnight on theourskirts trip andhow difficultit hadbeen for Mary, of thiscily, under unique circumstances. who was pregnant.He alsoshared the problemsthey had in findinga placeto spendthe night in thisovercrowded city. No Rooms Available Josephsaid, "l musthave knockcd on the doorsof everyinn in the town. They wereall full. Therewas just no room for anymore guests. I amexremely grateful ro the innkeeperwho offeredus this stable. whichtumed out rc be the placcwhcrc rhc childwas bom. ' Mary then sharedwilh us someof the thingsthar happened afrer the binh. Shesaid, "After my son was born,I becameawar€ of a bright bul warm light filling the stable.Joseph said it wasan Continued on page 2

Origin of Mary's SongRevealed

It was leamedtfuough a reporterin anothercity of rudai that Mary, moth- er of the child bom in a stable,visited a relative therefor aboutthrce months SheUY@- Inte.,nediate, We visitedwi|h theparents earlier today to pregMncy. EpiscopalChildfen's durirg her Her rclative is heartheir unusual story firsrhand. Elizabeth,wife of Zechariah. Mary andJoseph, the child's mother and CopyrightO1993 As they greetedeach other, Mary father, are from Nazared in Galilee. They sanga songthat begins: traveledto Bethl€hem seninaly and Morchouse in orderto register "My soul magnifies the l,ord, and Publishing under the censusdecree of Emperor my spirit rcjoicesin God . . ." Augustus.Joseph is a descendantof the (More aboutMary's SonEon page 3.) houseofDavid. Citvof BethlehemHas Rich Historv

he city of Bethlehemis locatedfive miles southof Jerusalemin Judah. Its namemeans "house of bread" becauseof tle city'slocation in theagricul- tural areaof the Judeandesert. Accordingto Old Testamentsources, Bethlehemis the burial placeof Rachel, thewife ofJacoband mother ofJoseph and B€njamin. It is alsolhe originalhome of Naomi andElimelech, before their move to Moab. Naomiand Ruth returned to Bethlehem after the deathsof Naomi'shusband and sons.Ruth thenmet andmarried Boaz. Their son Obedwas the father of Jesse, who was the father of David. David becameking of all of Israel.Bethlehem is kno\rnas the City of Davidbecause of his birthhere. Micah. a prophet,foretold the binh of theMessiah in theCity ofDavid. Mary and Joseph'sfamilies no longer lived in Bethlehembut hadmoved several generationsago to other parts of the coun- try. The censusdecree of Emperor Augustusis t}leact thatbrought Mary and Josephback to Bethlehemat lhe time of Jesus'binh.

NatiVity, Continuedfrom pase I

'An extremelybright star in thesky. fields.The angelthey describedwas very angel "Soonaftea the light appeared.we had familiarto me-" in visitors.They wereshepherds who had We askedMary what she meantby a beenin the fields with lheir sheep.An familiarangel. She rcplied, "An angelvisi!- Nazarethand angelhad appeared to themand announced ed me in Nazarethand told me that this the birth of a child. The shepherdswere childwould be bom.His nameis Jesus.He toldme that told thatthey would find thebaby wrapped is the Sonof God,the Messiah,bom in the this chtld in swaddiingcloths and lying in a city of David." Then many more angelsappeared in the As we left Mary and Josephcaring for sky,praising God andsaying 'Olory to theirnew baby,we noticedthat Mary God in the highestheaven, and on earth appearedthoughtful.She seemed to be bom,,," peaceamong those whom he favorsl' carefullystoring memoaiesaway in her "The shepherdsthen came to seethe hean. babyfor themselves.We wereglad to have themand to hearwhat had happened in the

ShellYcd-lncfr.diae. Ed.opal CbildEi s cumculum Page2 ll.4 icar s.minz4 md MoEhous. Pubrrshinc Songof Mary 'MagniffcafIs a LatinWord Hereis thetext ofthe songMary sangwhen she geeled Elizabeft. nine months ago: Mary's Song,known as The Magnificat, is "My soulmagnifies the Lord, He hasbrought down the includedas a Canticlein andmy spiritrejoices in God powerfulfrom theirthrones, celebmtionsof Momirg mySdvior andlifted up the lowlyt Prayer and Evening fbr hehas looked with favoron hebas filled the hunBry hayer. lhelowlincss ofhis servant. with goodthings. The term "Magnificat' Surely,frcm nowon all andsent t}le rich awayempty. codres from the iirst generationswill cail meblessed: Hehas helped his servantIsrael. word of the Sotrg,in the for theMighty One has done in remembranceof his mercy. Latin translation.Our greatthings for me, accordingto thepromise he made English word "magnify" andholy is hisname. [o ourancestors. comesftoft this rcot. His mercyis for thosewho fear him to Abrahamand to his The Magnificat is also liom generationto generation, descendantsforever" set to music io the He hasshown strength with his arm; Mary's songreflects her devotionto HltMal 1982,The m\tsi- hehas scattered lhe proudin lhe Codand her hope ihat the covenanr with cal settings for the lhougbtsof theirheans. Abrahamwill be fulfilled. Canticle can be found in theService Music, 5-185 through S-189. Hymn 43? is based on the wordsof The Songof Mary. ]UEMORYCHAITENGE


PASTCTIAII"ENGE \iitj' {lEi,i!,E.iri'r{ill clecfee AuSustus StoriesofJ€sus'Early Turn to Ltlk? 2: l -20 and to registeredNazarelll Ministry The Hytnnal 1982 section, Calilee DaYid Belhlehem Johnbaptizes Jesus "Christmas"(77-l l5). Choosea Mary enga€ledfirsl- llom mangcr aoonl rnn -M.ttthe\', ch.3: line from Lukeor a Christmas hymnstanza, and be preparedto shepherds Ilocks Mark,ch. 1: Luke,th. 3 engel glory rerilied recitefiom menrory. atrrid Sa\ior Mcssiah Jesus'temptations Lo.d nruhi(udc -Matther,, ch.4: God hea\en carth iliI Ma , ch. I: Luke,ch. iilii Jesuschooses disciples -Manhew, ch.l0; tili Mark,ch. 3: Luke,ch. iilii :llri :lill

cop\nph t r99l \nginu Theolo! II-{ Pirgcl THENATIVITY

Dircctions: Testyour memory.without looking at the Bible, seehow manvof the blanksbelow vou can fill in.

went out from Emperor_ that all the world should be Josephwent from --in - to Judea,to the city of - called-. He went with to whom he was u u While they werethere, she gave birth to ber sonand wrappedhim in bandsof cloth and laid him in a - Theywere staying in a oecause ? mercwas no for themat the ? o Tberewere nearbvtendins their , An o aooearedto ihem and the of the Lord shonearound them, and they werc But the angelsaid, "Do not be I bringyou goodnews: to you is bomin thecity of Davida -, who is the the _. Suddenlythere was with theangel a ofthe heavenlyhost, praising God andsaying, "Glory to _ in thehighest U and on peaceamong those whom he favors!" U UnitII: I,EARNINGSCRIPTTIRE

Scsrion l: /ralrrlr 9.t'r Jot,rairrlr

Sessionl: ,frirtrr/tll : I .2: 10:I TEARNING Se\\xrn r: /'!//rr Jr.,:li;Zrld SCRIPTURE Session+ L ke l:17: 2:11 Session{ Ses\ron5: lrrrdlr6f). /i,Vrtr.x ):lll " My soulnagnifies lhe Lord,and my spiritrejoices iD God nly Savior" Lutc Se\\xD 6: /v/i.r/r .U.5-6: ,'flrlt t.17(NRSV) l0:52d Sc\\x)n7: ./,r1"rtrlr/7.1lr ''To you is bom this da) in the city of Davida Savior.who is fie Messiah,the .\turl ): l)h Lord. a'rk 1..// Sc'sston8 l.rrk l7:19: Joln /NRSY) !l.2i'26t Sc\\ion9r Rc\i.'$ Ses\ion\I'S

'h'lJrrr ' c!tr':ulun l'.r!! .1 ll-J EGE

UNITII ISSTJE' BethlehemVisited by EasternWise Men MagiSeek Who ClaimMary's the Is to BeKing BETHLEHEM-lt hasbeen some rime toldus their story: child since the birthof Jesusin a stablehere. All "We arcastrologers in ourcountries. Wc has quiet been until yesterday.Around sludythe heavensfor signsof future noon. three men came riding into evenls.We read in rhe\criplures thar 3 king Belhlehcmon camels wouldbe bom in thi\ counrry.When rhe lookingfor rhechild. s(arappeared in lhe westemsky. we knew They werenot recog- it wasa signthat the bidh hadtaten place. nizedby any of rhe It is our customro pay homageto sucha localcitizens. grealking at thetime of hisbinh, so we $et We observedthe outon ourjoumey. slrangerr as they "My companions, and enteredthe house where lvlelchior.and I be8rnour journeyssepr- Mary,Joseph, and rhe ralely.We met along rhe way. infantare sraying. They "We werenot sureof the exactlocation weredressed in gar- of the binh. so we inquireduf King Herod mentsof richly-colored in Jerusalem.His priests and scribes told us silksand velvets, wi(h that the Messiahwould be born in accentsof gold.They Be(hlehem.King Herodgave us direclions appearedto carly gifls lo thisplace, and the star has confirmed the with them.Their ser- fact. vanls.who waitedout- "We broughrgifls to rheyoung ki0g, sidewith tbecamels, accordingto thecustom of our lands:gold, were also dressedlike the synbol of wealth:, the membenof a wealthy perfumeof thedivine; and , the oint- household.We asked mentofdearh." lheir headcamel-master lo lell us who they we askedhow longthey would be \lay. were and why they had come. in8 in Bethlehem. replied. "We are He said, "We ale ftom the kingdoms of leavingshoniy. King Herodhas asked us to Ta$hish, Sheba.and Seba,Our misten ser retumto Jerusalemto bring him news joumey of out on this many moons ago. We the child.However. we all feel Shcll Ycar- hGrm.dirr.. strange have beenFaveling from our homesin the aboutHerod's request. aid Balthazarhis Episopal Childcn s east, following a star We stoppedbriefly in hada dreamof warning.We will not be King Copyri8ht@1993 Herod'spalace, and goingback to Jerusalembul will retumto Virgini. Thdlogical lhen came to Berhlehem.We have heard ourhomes another way." Seminarysd MorthoB€ that a king wasbom here," he said. The wisemen lefl jusr Publishiry aftersunrise this moming.Mary. Joseph. and lhe chitd Hert to have llonor a King alsoleft Bethlehem,traveling in lhe direc, Wewere able to gel an interviewwirh tionof Egypt. Caspar.the youngestof rhethree men. He EpiphanyComes After TbvelfthNight In manycountries, on the Feastof the Inmodem ,gifts areexchanged in remem- thnes. mant branceofthe giftsgiven to theChrisl Child by thewise men. churches In Spain,legend says that laveled throughthat landon their way lo celebrate Bethlehem-andthat they continueto do Eplphanywtth so eachyear. On theirway lhroughthe vil- lagesand towns.they leavegifts for the pagea.ntsthat children who pul out water, hay, and car- rotsfor thecamels. lnclude the In ltaly,the legend of Befalais told.She utstt of the wasan old womanwho. asth€ slorygoes, did not go with the wise rnenwhen they wlse men to stoppedby herhouse on the way to seetle ChrisrChild. Her excusewas that she had the babyJesas he word "Epiphany"comes from a to finish cleaningher house.When her Greekword that means"showing work was done,she set out to follow the LnBethlehem. ' fonh. We usethe word to speakof wise menbut could not find them.She Christ'srevelation ofGod's glory. The visit wandersaround ltaly to this day.searching of the wisemen, who werenol Jewish, for the Christ Child and leavinggifts for revealsthat Christ came for all peoplesof childrenwho are good. theworld. This legendis alsotold in Russia.wherc The celebrationof Epiphanybegan in theold woman'sname is Babouschka. the EastemChurch much earlier than the ln modemtimes, many churches cele- celebmtionof Christmas. brate Epiphany with pageantsthat include Many Christiansaround the world con- the visit of the wise men to the baby Jesus tinuelo observethe binh of Jesusas they in Bethlehem.l0 communitiestha! allow havefor centuries.Christmas is a lime of open fires, Christmastrees are brought to a worship,and Epiphany is theday of fesliv- designatedplace and a bonfire is lit. idesand gifFgiving. Traditionalfoods such as wassailand frui! By tradition,the threekings are said to breadsare servedaround the bonfire as havearrived in Bethlehemlwelve days peoplesing Christmas carols one more afterthe birth of Jesus.So the Feastof the time. Epiphanyis celebratedJanuary 6, at the end of the TwelveDays of Christmas. TwelflhNight is alsocelebrated as the end of the Christmasseason and often includes paradeswith the threewise men as promi- nentfigures.

sh.u Y.r lnr.nn ni.E. Eoi<@il Chi ldEn i Curi.ulum Page2 lI-5 copyn9' e reer vi,:inia rhdros ChristiansShare Bpiphany Customs

In nranycommunities, the blessingof a "honor" The honorvaries. The three homei! a parl of the Epiphanyradition. lucky onesmight get to wear The family andguests begin at the main crownsand becomethe Three entranceto the housewhere a pieceof Kings for the re\t of the chalkis usedto markthe yearand the ini- evening.Or the bean-finders i -- tials C M B on the dootway.The initials coutd re.ei\e prom,(ecrurfor ' P'uxrrJLr 'l-: slandfor the namesof the wisemen the comingyeari luck to lhe' (Caspar,, and Ballhazar).Since first: love to the second:and theseare legendary names, lhe initials rhe piivilege of baking the i could also standfor the Latin phrase cakefor the nextyear. to ., Chtiste,Ma sionen Bene.lica.\vhich tberhird. .i. means"Christ. BIess this house.' Trjnketsare sometimest: Anorhertradition is thebaking of a substitutedlbr the beans.r.i.;i. ThreeKings cake. Any favoriterecipe can ondare said 1o tell the ;r:..;j persons beused. Three beans are hidden in thebat- lulules., _. terand baked in thccake. The individualswho receivepieces of r' cakewith the beansin thcmreceive an


The followingstories in the life of Jelusappear only in the Gospelsand the chaptersthat ilrecited herc. Look themup. Memorizewhere to flnd eachone.

PASTCIIAII,ENGES NEWCIIAITIINGI PuzzlcAnswers: Jesus'Birth and Childhood Examplesof Jesus'Teaching Jesus'birth andinfancy in Sermonon theMount Isrnel.Hcrod. Bethlehem-Luke, ch. 2 -Matthew chs.5, 6, 7 bes. Jcrusalcm,worship. Thevisit of theMagi TheLord's Prayer lrensurc.Bethlchcm. - M.ttthew,ch.2 gifrs, -Mattheh', cr. 6 (in the ChristChild. mvrfh.Judeir Jesusin thetemple at age Sermonon theMount) and Judah.wi\c mcn twelve*Luke,ch.2 Luke,ch, I l

Storiesof Jesus'Early Ministry Parableof the Good Johnbaptizes Jesus Sal]r,aljtan- Luke,ch. l0 -Mattheu ch, 3; Mark, ch. I ; Luke, ch. 3 Parablesof thelost sheep. lost coin,and lost son Jesus'temptations -Luke, -Matthew ch.4; ch, l5 Mark, ch. l: Luke,ch. 4 Jesuschooses disciples -Matthew, ch. 10: Mark, ch. 3; Luke, ch. 6

coprn!h'i reer\tioi! rno)n,! II"5 Pagcl ECC

IJNITII ISSTJE' BethlehemVisited bv EasternWise Men MagiSeek Who ClaimMary's Child Is to BeKing theChrtst BETHLEHEM-lt hasbeen sorne time toldus their storyi chrld since$e binh of Jesusin a slablehere. All "We areaslrologers in ourcountries. We hasbeen quiet until yesrerday.Around studythe heavensfor signsof future noon, three men came riding into events.We read in thescriptures rhar a king Be(hlehemon camels wouldbe bornin (hiscountry. When the lookingfor the child. starappeared in lhe westemsky, we knew They werc not recog- it wasa signthal the binh hadraken place. nizedby any of lhe ll is our cuslomto pay homageto sucha localcitizens. greatking at thelime ofhis we ser We observedthe outon ourjoumey. slranSers as they "My companions,B althazar and enteredthe house where Melchior,and I beganour journeyssepa- Mary,Joseph. and the rately.We met along the vray. infantare staying. They "we werenot sureof theexact location were dressedin gar- of thebinh, so we inquiredof King Herod men$ of richly-colored in rerusalem.His piestsand scritles told us silksand velvets. with thal the Messiahwould be born in accentsof 8old.They Bethlehem.King Herodgave us dircctions appearedlo carry gifls to thisplace. and the star has confirmed lhe with them.Their ser- fact. vants,who waitedout- "We broughtSifts to lhe youngking, sidewith the cam€ls. accordingto thecuslom of our landstgold, were also dressedlike the symbolof wealth;frankincense. lhe membersof a wealthy perfumeof thedivine; and mynh, lhe oint- household.We asked mentofdeath." theirhead camelmaster to tell uswho lhey Weasked how long(hey would be stay- wereand why theyhad come. ing in Bethlehem.Caspar replied, "We are He said,"We sre from the kingdomsof leavingshonly. King Herodhas asked us to Tanhish,Sheba, and Seba. Our mastersset retumto Jerusalemto bring him newsof out on thisjoumey manymoons ago. We the child.However, we all feel strange Shcll Ycar- l erm.diatc, have beentraveling from our homesin lhe aboutHerod's request, ald Balthazarhas Episopal Childcn't east,following a star.We stopped briefly in had a dreamof waming.We will not be Jerusalem,at King Herod'spalace. CopyrightO1993 and goingback to Jenrsalembut will retum!o virgini! Th€ologicd then came!o Bethlehem.We haveheard otrrhomes another way." Scminarr/ud MGbourc thata kingwas bom here,"he said. The wisemen lefl just aftersunrise this Publishiog moming.Mary, Joseph. and the childhave Here to Honor a King alsoleft Bethlehem.Eaveling in the direc- We wereable to get an interviewwiih lion of Egypr. Caspar,the youngesrof the rhreemen. He Wordslrom Matthcw

DLrctio$: Scveralfuport nr people,places, and items \rere mcntioned tn Maflhaw2: I -12.Varf,igo,ble the words betow, and wdte thc coq€ct answeron eacbblank.

esstrpr ogdl

cennaniskcrf bir€scs

rnejlaersu owprihs


stifg irrshclicdh

ftmry jaucd

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Sessionl: lsdiah 9:6; Jereniah J1:33b Session2: lsaishl1:l-2;4A:1 TEARNING Session-'l: PJalrr 40r8i tr.l" I :30 SCRIPTURE Se\sion1: Luke l:47: 2: l1 Session5t ftaiarr 60..t,. Session5 Mauhew2:11c "Adse, Session6: ,hdi./hJSrJ-di Mdrl shine;for your light hascome, and the glory of theLord hasrisen upon l0:52a you."tudiol60:, (NRSV) Session7t Jerc,niahl7:11: Mdrk2:12h "Then,opening rheir tieasurechesls, they offeredhim giftj of gold. frankin- Ses\ion8: Luk" l7:19: John cense,and myrrh." Man ew2:1.1c (NRSV) 1t:25 26t Session9: ReriewSessions I-8

PrS!.1 Il-5 shcLLYcdtnrredtrrc. EPh.,palc ECC

I,]NITII ISSUE6 CrowdsWitness Healing of BlindMan Blind ByJesus,a Visitorto eity of Barffmaeus Jericho JERICHO, arcund 25 Ct-A blind beggaron th€ roadoutside of this ciry washealed today by Jesus of Nazareth,a traveling rabbi. Accordingto a city offi- cial, Jesusand his follow- erscame to Jerichoearlier in the day.Jesus preached to largecrowds here, and manypeople followed him as he headedtoward lhe edgeof town. An eyewitnessat the scenegave us the follow- ing accountof what hap' pened: "Bartimaeu$,the blind man,was sitting blind man,'Take hean. Get up, he is call- by the edgeof the roadbegging for coins lng you. ashe doesevery day- I heardsomeone tell "WhenBartimaeus heard this, he gotup. him that Jesusof Nazarethwas in Jericho threw off his beggar'scloak, and ran andwould soonbe passingby on the way towardJesus. I heardJesus say to him, out of town. I gu€ssthis personthoughl 'Whatdo you wantme to do for you?' Barlimaeuswould be able to beg for "WeU,that blind beggardidn'l ask for mooeyfrom the crowd wifh Jesus. money.He askedthe impossible! He wanl "Anyway, as Jesus came n€ar. ed to be ableto seeagain, and hc called Bartimaeusshouted at him, 'Jesus,Son of Jesus'leacher' At themoment I thoughthe David,have mercy on mel' Confusedby hadgone cmzy as well asblind. Sbell Yesr- lnErme.liaie, what was people EpiscopalChildien s he shouting,many of the "Jesusspoke quietly to Bartimaeusand standingnearby ordered him to be quiet. said,'Go. Your faith has made you well.' CopyiShl @1993 That only seemedto ftate him moredeter- Suddenly,just like that,Baftimaeus was Virginia ftFrlosical mined. Bartimaeusshouted again, even abl€to see,Everyone stood there stunned, 'Son Seminaryand Morchous€ louder, ofDavid,have rnercy on me!' At first we didn't believeit, but then Publisbing Bartimaeusbegar to speakto us and tell us JesusHears Bartimaeus' Shouts whathe couldsee, He evenrecognized "Wlen Jesusheard Banimaeos shout, he someof his old friends.We were all stoodstill and called the beggarto him. page Someof the peoplein the crowd saidto lhe Co tinued on 2 PrayerBook Includes Service of Healing

The layingon ol handsilnd anointing Trvo forms ol- the prx)cr for healing. As wtth all of with oil havc bcelltraditional rvays in saidb) tho pricst.rre given.One is a rhich thc hcaling grace of Cod is shared strongerforrn of prayer direcledat all God\ work ln amongCod s pcoplc. sicknessof body and spiril. The secondis In lhc Errly Church.ihese were conl more gentlc in fornr rnd nsks ihat you our llaes, we mon practicc\as Chrisriansprayed for sick may kno$ thc hciling power ol his ,nustrernember people.But in \lcdieyaltimes. these tbrms (Christ\) kr!e.' of rhc hcalin! rnini\rrv canrelo b.'used E!en1)ne nril! rakc pan in this healing that God's onl\ lrs thc la\l ite\ belilrc death- senice, regardle\sof the ob\.iousslate of a nteans The Book oi Conmon Prater has a rile per\ons hcahh.h is lbr inner healingof for enritled llini\trationto rhcSick." h offer\ the mind and \piril .rsq,ell ls tor ihe heal' heallngand pm)ers lbr herlinB and the opponunit! for ing of diseirseor inju+. anoinringlbr nll people Ar qith .rll of Cod s qork in our li\es. God'stlmetable Tbi\ scr\icc is to bc uscdin caseof ilf we nrustrcmcmbcr lhal God s meanslbr nessirt honrcor in thc hospitrland may healiDgand God s limelablemay not be ma! not be also bc \hrrcd at r public celebrationol what$e hopelbr of expect. ,t,hatu'e hope theEuchurisl for or expect. MEMORYCHATTENGE

The lbllo$ing \roricsin lhe life of Jcsusappcar onlr in the Gorpelsirnd thc chapterslhat iLrccitcd hcrc. Look thenrup. l\,lenlorize\\ hcrc to find cachonc.

PASTCHAIIENGE \[\I' (]UAt,t,UNGn Puzzlo,\ns$crs: Examplesof J€sus'Teaching Examplesof Jesus'Healing Sermonon lhe Mount -Mdfthev chs.5,6,7 Blind Bartimaeus *Manhew, ch.20; TheLord's Pruyer Mark,ch. l0: Luke,ch. 18 -Mauhe\{.r. 6 (in the Sermonon theMount) and TheParalylic Ltke, ch. l1 -Matthet, clt.9: Matk,ch,2:, 5 Parableof theGood Samaritan - Luke,ch, l0 TenLeryrs-Luke, ch. 17

Parablesofthe lostsheep, Iost Peter'sMother-inlaw coin.and lost son -Manhev, ch. 8 -Luke ch.l5

Il-{r I'Igc Blind Bartimaet)s, continuedfntnNqe I

anrazed.It reall).$.rs.rmirurle. \onrething\peci.rl .rbour it l ''I askedB,ritim eus *hat he *irs going One ol thc r hhistold us that in storie\ r,'J,. $,rh hi. nc$ \i,i,'r..H..riJ, \\h\. I heh.rd heard bout.'c\us. onl\ dcmonsand .url lu,nt lo follnu J..u'. ' l .,.rrf.( fh( cvil spirilshild recoSni/c(lhrnr rs thc Son lasl we sa$ ()1hrfi hc $ns hcrdrd \\a\ of DLr\id.B rlimrru\ sdcnr\to hc lh!-fir\I lloln Jericho$'ith Jcsu\ rnil thcdis(iplr\.' per\onlo usc lhi\ trtlc...irtillc Iof the \\(.''IicJ '(\(r..1 f(,'tl( .rh'ur Il,( N{es\irh CouldJc\u\ hr rhc long-a\\aired lhr,.c. S^no D.r\'J. lh.,lll:,rrrrr.,(L trlessrrh-lhc Sit\r,f ()l lh( .lc\\\ l .h.,..r.Jo !,.n l(.u. ., !r)lr.r. \\.,, th(rc JesusTaught, Preached, and Healed Jesuswent all aboutGalilee teaching, preaching, kingdomof God and calledon peopleto repentof and healing. He taught in synagogues,the traditional the sins. places for people to gather alrd hear thc scriptures. His healingministry involved the curingof many Rabbisoften discussedthe rcadingswith studentsand kinds of diseasesof the mind and the body. other membersof the synagogue. Sometimes,as in the caseof Bartimaeus,all (hesick Jesus'tedcriS focusedon helpiogpeople to live personneeded to do wirs ask Jesusfor help. their lives as God would want them to. The Sermon Sometimespeople needed to showtheir faith in order on the Mount, Mattiew c/r.1.5 6, and 7, is an example to receivehealing. Often, it wasenough just to believe ofJesus'teaching. that they would be healedif theycould touchJesus' As a pr€dcr€r, Jesusproclaimed the coming of the clolhes. 'AmazingGrace' Is a FavoriteHy'mn He nercr The htnrn, Anr .,irrF(irircrl rTir{ Slave'Iraderls ('hrnged Hrnntul 1982.671 ). hir\ bcconrconL' 1'l rhe A\ lhc'ilor\ go.s. Nf\ll)n $rs r\ell stopped nlostbclo\cd hymns in An)cicil. Il i\ sung kno$n Ii)f hrste|lrble crr\c\ ln themiddlc in tnouDuinvillaScs rnd t|rlirll(ount|! ol l \iolcntstorrI in thc r\llirntirOcciUt. thinktng of churchcsas wcll rs oD li)lly\\1rxl sound insled ol cursitlg.Nr\\r(in \\rs hc!rdlo the glft {;otl st ges nd largecathcdrals. excLriDr.Il n(nhingfl r h. do|rc.thcn Ihc Thi\ hynrn.which hl,i conrr:to nl:irnso l-od hir\cnrcr!..\ Lrpr)n rr\ " hal git'en muchro so nriur\peot)lr. $I\ $ riltcnh\ rn l{e \\r\ l\l(xr\lru(l h\ $hirt hr hrd said. r\nglicanclcr!\r arrq irhr c(t{x1irlhrsl('rf. srni]chc \\ii. Irolrullf()\cd lt) hL'lrc\ein hin in llte JohDNe$t(Jn \\r\ bofn in l7l5 Io it \!il Cod. Hc rhoLr!hrrh.ur rhi\ lnd r. lized nidst ttf his l:Irrngl.rmi1\'. IIrs Inoth.'rdicd !\hcn hL' th.rt(iod hrd \tr'l.n ro hrnr (irrdu.rll\ hi\ \as r li[le bo\ He did not L|r rcrr scll in litu chrnlcd. unilhc lteillre l pricirin rhc sinful life. school and soon scl out to \flr. HL' \\ irs ir Churchol hnSlin,l. t()ublcmakcrrnd lill rn \ith thc \ron! Hc nc\er \lopp.!llhrnkln! ol the gill I--ople.He c\cnlurlly bceiurer \lir\e lrad- Cod hadgr\en hirrrrrr rhe nrid\t ol hr\ \rn cr tnd a notoflou\srn er: ful lilc Hc \\11)lc.\lLr/rnr Crirc('l in Ne$tons busincssin\ol\cd t.rkrn!ntLu- 176-1$hr[.\cr!rng r.hurch crlledOlnei\ lroul IlDglrndlo Wcsl P.rrishin Buckrrghnrrrrhirc.trghnd. It Alric wberehc tradedlhenr li)r \litvc\.He tellsol hi\ lilc rnd fl1ri\cs(nxi in \a\ing believedthat rhc sLrvc\lvould do anyrhiDg hrn. to gcl their freedom,so he rrcirtcdthem irs Ne\ton \.ri( lh,i hvrnn. l once*.rs enemies,keeping rhcm rn chaiD\. lostbut no$ .rnrlound. \.rs hlind.but no\r N"e*1onkcpt daih journal\ rnd lerllys. I \ee. For hr|ll. it \\a\ no lr'\\ a miracle \hich ha\e pro\ided ccuralcinlbrntation thaD\\ hrt Je\u\ hrd dorrL.lbr Brflimaeus aboutthis e\,rlbusiness Thc\c alsolcll u. of Ne$ ton s con\er\ron ro lhe Christian taith.

PagcI Il-6 CrossrrordClues: A Blind ManSees ACROSS l. A wordmeaning "canflotsee." 2. Thetown wherc this eventtook place. 3. Th€blind man's father 4. Theblind man shouted. "Jesus-Son of -.' 5. Anothername lhe man calledJesus. 6. Theblind man got money by beinga -. ?. Thehealer 8. A namefor thefollowers of Jesus.

DOWN L The man who washealed. 2. A wordmeaning "beliefin." 3. Thetown Jesus ^'lo 4. A wordthat means be silent." 5. An organof the humanbody. 6. A kindof coat. 7. A wordmeaning "blessing."


Sessionl: Isaiah9:6;Jeremiah 3l:33b Session2: lsaiah I I : l -2; 40: I IEARNING Session3: P.rdlr,40.6i Lrte 1:30 SCRIPTT]RD Session4t Lukel:47;2:11 Session5. lsaioh 60: l: Manhew Sesslon6 2:llc rhe cycs of thc bli[d 6hrll be opened,and ihe ea$ of the derf unstopPcd: Se6sion6r Isaiah 35:5-6;Mark "Then tlrcn the tame sha.lll.ap like deer,atrd the iongue of the speechlesssing for joy." I0:52a tuoiaft$rJ-6 (NRSV) Session1. Jeremiah17: l1; Mark 2:l2b saidto hid,'Goi yout faith has oad€ you well"'Malt 10r52d(NRSV) Session8. Luke17:19: John "J€sus ll:25-26a session9: ReviewSessions l-8 Y.ajnadEdiM. F4iepd cbld,.t! C|mlrm Prge4 lI.6 canaish € l99l vnrio! Tlslqtcd .|d Mnholc ltbh*'ng ECG

IJNITII ISSUE7 JesusHeals a PamlyzedMan at local Heallng Homeand Faces Challenge from Scribes lhe CAPERNAUM,around 25 CE-lesns, the house\rhere Jesuswas, they werc dis- Paralydc the Rabbi,has been at homehere for sever- appointedro find so many people thar no al days,and groupshave been gathering to one could even get near the door. They hearhim. Todayhe performeda miracle were still determinedto bring their friend underunus!al circumstances. to Jesus.They climbedup on the roof of the houseand raisedthe paralytic up after mem.

Hole Dug in Hous€ Roof By somemeans the visitors dug a hole in the roof of the houseand lowered their friend down to the floor righ! in ftont oi Jesus. An eyewitnesstold us what happened: "\te were listening closely to the teacher's wordswhen pieces of dirt beganto fall into the room. Suddenlytherc was a hole in the roof, and a paralyzedman was lowered lnto tlle toom. "Jesus,who seemedto be touchedby the faith of the cripple-dman's friends, said to him,'Son,your sins arc forgiven.' "Some skepdcalscribes had beenlisten- ing to what Jesuswas sayiig beforethis A crowd wasjarnmed into a local house eventoccuned. They were waiting to ques- whereJesus has been staying. He was tion him and accusehim of blasphemy,as speaking,and the people were focusedon they have done beforein situationslike his words.No one noticedwhen a groupof this. They bega!, at this momenqto talk four men carrying a sever€lycrippled man amongthemselves and make accusaions. approachedthe residence. "Jesussensed the distubance and asked 'Which Shcll Yoe lltlrE diate, Accordingto a local citizen,the man the scribes, is easierto say to the Ephcopal Chil'Cttns had beenparalyzed for a long time. He was paralytic,"Your sins are forgiven,"or to Curio um totally unableto get aroundexcept thmugh say "Standup and take your mat and CQydght @1993 Vi!8irL llloloSiel the kindnessof others.They caried him walk"?' S.minrry ad Mo$house from place to place on a stretcher when "Jesustold everyonethat the Son of Publtuhilg his friends heardthat the Rabbi was in Man has authority on eanh to forgive sins. Capemaum,they vowed to bring this man Then he tumed to the paral)'tic and said,'l to Jesusfor healing- But this moming, when they a.rived at Continucd on page 2 Life Not Basyfor Peopleof Palestine living in Their SmallMud Brick Homes . . . houses any housesin Palestineduring roofwasusually more mud and clay on top lhe time of Jesuswere madeof of thebranches. weresmall, mud bricks.Straw and other Thesehouses had smallopenings for fibrous malerialswere mixed with mud. windows,placed high in the walls-for cramped.,and Themud was then placed in woodenmolds coolingin the summerand warmthin the sparsely andleft to dry in thesun. winler.There was no glass,so windows The brickswere one cubit by one span werecovered with latticeor shutterswhen fumished. in size.(A cubitwas a unit of measure possible. approximat€lythe distancefrom an adult's elbow to the end of the middlc finger Few Furnishings about17.5 inches. A spanwas based on fte Suchhouses were small,cramped, and distanceirom the thumbto the endof the sparselyfumished. The enlirefamily, plus fifth finger,when the fingersare spread- the domesticanimals. Iived, slepl. and ate about8.75 inches.) insidethese four walls. Wealthierpeople may have lived in larg- er houses,with oneroon abovethe other The "upperroom" provideda sleeping spaceaparl from the mainarea, It often servedas a diningroom and as guest quar- tersfor visitors,The constructionof thes€ houseswas basically the sameas the single \\ \ \ roomdwelling. although more stone might beused in thewalls oflhe lowerlevel. Evenwith the additionalspace in the more substantialhouses, p€ople spent muchof theirtime in themarket places and in thestreets. People met and carried on the businessof shoppingfor food nnd other neededitems, as well ascarching up on the eventsofthe villageor town. Waterwas drawn from the local well. This often requiredmany trips to meeta When enoughbricks were completed, family'sneeds. A laryeamount of timewas they were laid on a foundalionof stone. spentin mealpreparation. since there was The brickswere then slacked to the heigh! no reftigeration.People had no way to pre- of one story and cementedtogether with servemeat and vegetables.Bread was moremuo, madeby grindingwheat into flour andbak- Woodbeams and brancheswere laid ing it in clayovens. acrossthe walls to supportthe roof. The

Jesus Heals Paralyic, continuedftom page 1

say to you, standup, take your mat and go moveout of the way to let him pass to yourhome.' rhrough. "The crippledman stoodup, pickedup "Someof the peoplethere were speech- the bedhe hadbeen lying on, andwalked less.Others began praising and glorifying out of the houseright beforefie eyesof God-Everyone exclaimed. 'We havenever everyonethere. The crowd just seemedto seenanything like thisl"'

Page2 II-7 copllishr O lsql Vngiri! Thslosiol Sdninq..MJ \ranhoue Puhlilhlig MoreChurches Assist the Handicapped

Handicappedpeople could gather couldyou helphandicapped p€opl€ to fe€l aroundJesus lo hearhis messageof hope welcomein your congregalion?Some becauseoften he spokeoutdoors. Today, lhingsare very simpleand inexpensiveto of course.preaching and worship usually do, suchas: putting takeplace inside a church. a papercup drs- Many churchesare making surethat p€nserneat a water peoplewho are physicallydisadvantaged founlainiinstalling can hale easyaccess to the church.They a paperlowel hold- do thisby installingramps or elevators,so er at a levelwhere peoplein wheelchairsor whouse crutches someonesrllrng canget insidemore easily. Some church€s down couldreach haveinstalled speaker systems for those it: or settingaside who needassistance for hearing.Orhers parkingspaces for hale signersfor the deaf.Rest rooms for vehiclesof the thehandicapped are provided. handicapped. Look aroundyour own church.How


The followingstories in the life of Jesusappear only in rheCospels. in rhechaprers rhar arecited here. Look uDthe stories. then memorize where lo find them.

PASTCHAIINNGE NEWCHAII,"ENGE PuzzleAnswers: Exrmples of J€sus' Herling Other Mlrrcl€s ofJ€sus

Blind Bartimaeus Waterchsnged to Wine -Matthew ch 20: -.lohn, ch. 2 Mqrk ch, l0: Luke,clt 18 Calming the Sea t: -Matthew The Paralytic ch 8; -Manhew, ch.9: Marh ch. 4: Lake ch. I Mork,ch.2: hke, ch.5 Feedingthe Five Thousand -Manhew, ch. 14; Ter L.Ws-Luke, clL17 MarN ch. 6; htke, ch. 9; John, ch. 6 Peter'sMother-inlaw -Manhew ch. 8 A_lITTltI-fTf)s

shdl YRLlnr.ft dirrc.Epilcopal CniLir.n\ Cuni.ulufr Copyrighr O 1991vnsinia Th.olosicd s.nnq.' znd MoEhd.. Plblnhiis ll-7 Page3 A LameMan Walks I -

A R T s a F o R G G c P I R I T o R v P L L R J E s II s T o P M G o D R T H R R E s s P A L Y z E D A I a P A L U M C E L F U H R R M R Y I E E A o F I A L o R T E s M L w T B z J T I D T Y K s I N s E E D H c E I ALSTAN DSDEZAMO MTOHFO RGIVENON AUTHOR ITYSPIRS

Findthe words from Mart, c,t.2 (below),in thepuzzle above. They can be horizonlal,venical, or diaeonal.Circle each word as vou find it. Thefirst oneis done.



Sesstonl: lsaiah9:6:Jercmiah 3l:33b Session2tIsaiah ll: l -2; 10:l I,"EARNING Session3: Psaln 40r8;Lrke 1:30 SCRIPTTIRE Session4, Lukel:47; 2:ll Sesston5: Isaiah60: l: Matthev S€ssion7 2:llc you Session6r /sdr'.a,JJr5-6; Ma* "Heal me, O t rd, and I shall be healed:save me. and I shall be saved;for pr (NRSV) l0:52a arcmy rse."JeEmiah /7r,14 Session7 | I7:14; Jeremiah "CDhey 'we Mark 2:12b were all amazedand glorified God, saying, have never seenany- (NRSD Session8: ld&? 17:19; John thinglike lhisl"' Mart 2;/20 I1:25-26a Session9: ReviewSessions l-8

Shdl Y.u-lni.mdi .. Epn.apll c Page4 lI-? coe)ns|'6 reerlrryinir rnmq ECe

TJNITII ISSUE8 Tenlillage lepers Are ilIiraculously Cleanslng HealedBf;esfs AsHe Traveled Here of the JERUSALEM,around 25 CE-vlhen shoutedfor joy andran lowardthe syna- TenLepers Jesus,the Rabbi, arived in thiscity yester- gogleeven faster day,some of his followersreported a "That is, everyoneran awayexcept for miruculoushealing that occurredas they oneman. When he realizedthat he had beentruly healed.he camerunning back andshouted, 'Praise be to Cod! Praisebe to Godon high!' ''Whenhe reachedJesus, he threwhim" s€lf down on the groundand declared his uunts. "No oneelse retutned. Jesus seemed puzzledby this. He asked,'Were nor ten madeclean? But the othernine, where are they?Was noneof them found to return andgive praise to Cod exceptthis foreign- er?"' (We learnedafterward that the man whoreomed was a Samaritan.)

One of th€ Nine Explains After talkingwith witnessesto the heal- ing of the lepers,a repomerencountered oneof the nine who had lelt the scene traveledherc. Following is the storypieced withoutgiving thanks. togetherby a stafl'writer: Whenasked \vhy he hadleft so quickly "Our group was enteringa village in the withouttuming back,the man replied."l region betweenSamaria and Calilee lphen hadbeen ill for so longand banished from ten lepersapproached us. We knew they the city. I had not seenmy family for many had the diseasebecause of the way they years,When Jesustold us to go to the were dressed.Also, they caded the usual priest,I simply followed the others. ra esto wampeople of theirpresence, "I really did not think anythidghad S[cU InErmcdiat!, "As we apprcached,these lepers should changeduntil I was halfwayto the syna- 'Unclean, Epis.opal Childut havemoved away and shouted, gogue.Then I realizedI could feel my feel Clnriculum unclean.'This is requiredby law.lnstead, coplrighr @1993 again. they movedcloser but kept a ssfe distance. "When we reachedthe homeof the Virginia Thological 'Jesus, Sedinary andMorchoos. They said, Master,have mercy on priestand he declaredus clean,I finally Publishins usl' believedthat a miraclehad happened. I fell "When Jesussaw them, he took pity on to my kneesthen and thankedGod. I also them, and sent tlem to the priests.As they realizedthat I had not thankedthe verl, one hurriedaway, they werehealed! They whohad healed me. I wasasharned." Diseaseof LeprosyIs NowTreatable

Personsu,ho ,rprd\\.in an.i.nI rinrc\.rclirred to lrc\crrlirrgthe sprcldoJ lhc dr\cn\c$a\ to Ilrrn\ dilltrent\kin di\c.r\.{.Sonre of i\olirrlrrhe ricri r\. l.pcr\ \\crr diarnoscd had leprosy thc\r \cre pfob bl! Lr\hc\. cczenrir h\ u frc\1. $ho hrd lerl''rcdr() rceolnizc u,eredeclared (dr\. \c.rl\ prtchcson thr skin).(n lo\s of rhc\\'rrl)l{)nrs. pignrcnlirtion{\ ililigo) llffru\e Lrllskin rlisc.rser*clc initialll unclean and lrru lc|ro\\ rlo$ crllc!l H:rn\(.n\ dr\- .()n\iri'rrc!llcpfo\\. rilrrl\ \\efc c\t:rbli\hcd cl.e. \\r\ rdcntifr,rdrn llll b\ .r nr.rn ro xll,i$ tho\c $ho \\.re rrrcrl. (n \ho'c banisbed nrnrcJ(icfh.rrd Ii!n.crr ll r\ ir ehr(jnic. rl.h.iciucdup. l(r rdurn l() th. r()r nrunir\. from 'lhr societl'.\cir'c thct\ lhc.kin irnd I)11c\leould. rh.rcl('r.. d..lxfL.r pr'f- thc rr.r\0 0rr!jur!\rn!l r..rlu..rl h\ {)n rlfrn ()run.lL'xn. lhir r' \\h\ Jc.u. lu\ '.ird r(' rhc lefcN hc hclltJ. (n' anrl'h,rt 'lhe \\nrt)l()n1sol lcnr(\\ rfc lf\i()nsol \ ()Lr\cl\ e\ ro rhcJrfic\r.' sIin\ oI lhf \kin lhrr hir\clt)st ll!!.ir prS I).r\)|\ $h(' hllrllcIfi)s! \\rrr (lcrlit|cd nrrnl itnilul),r!'uf lighter in e,'l'r' Ihcrc urrrl(lI irndh nr\hcdirorn \i)rlcl\. Thr\ \pol\ \nrcI(l irnd hcconlf firi\cil ln(l rdd. \'rf 'rquiferlro dr.\\ Lllllcrcntl\irnd t(l Ih. \l)ol\ d(' rrolFl)iluee \\eirt. ]nd lhc\ \hrk. .r rirttlc,rI tull out Lrn.lL'irr"to 'l-hcir 'e hL'.onrcrn\cn\ili\!' lo .,r1d.t,ru.h .rnd t!\\er\h\ .l(nhr'. \\ r|\lirll\ ritS\ p.t|nIrxricr)(',)llcn l(rl ir nuI)hIf.. in Ihc rhxr 'irhcr\ (ir.rilrd!(l llirn(lir:cs\\crc hrn(l\l (l lc.l \flIl)((l rr('rrn(lthcrf lLjrIi||ld hund\ Il ir(rllrfirtcd. Illnscn r rltscirsccitn h.(iLU\rr)l th.:l,r\ r(ln: r.sLrjtiI {c\cr. (lisligrL|cnlent.\uch it' lo\\ I)e1\ur\di.r!no\c(l us lc|c|s fltcn dicd ol li\\ur lr lhc lrrt. htlf(l\.I|(l licl Inr)r.\f,\urc ()rslr,\rlii,n rilhcr lhun lhc li,r nrilrr\(cntLrfic\ th,r o'11\ rrrc!n\ ol di\cl\cir\ell.

Catherineof SienaServed the Sick

atherinewas a youngChristian who lived in Italy in the l4th century.The youngestof twenty-fourchildren, she was determinedto workfor God andbecame a nun at the aseof six- teen. Shebelonged to TheThird Orderof St.Dominic, whichmeant that she did not live in a convent. lnstead,she lived and workedamong the people. Catherinespent many hoursworking with the poor and in hospitals,taking care of the sick. Accordingto one story,she caled for an old woman who wasdying of leprosy,whe! oo oneelse would go nearthe sickwoman. As a rcsult,Catherine also got leprosy.The legend says her leprosy was mirac- ulouslycured at thewoman's funeral.

PrseI I l-ll ChristiansReach Out to Help Others Many membersof the EpiscopalChurch Stephenminister visils peopleon a regular Churcbesall give tjme and energt to helping people basjsand offers prayersfor Cod s continual r'"hoare ill or ncedphysical care. Churches across the allacrossthlr Unitcd States have de\eloped Olher churches re reachinsoul to minislrics to leach oul to the homelessand imIniBrantst\ho nay Deedrssistance in United.States lesslilrtun re. throughfood pantriesand llndinghousing. gclting a . andattaining haoe d.eueloped. clothesclosels- Churches also sponsor leSalstatus, The churchDrcnrbcrs do Dot honrelcssshclters. sale houses lbr uomen stop thcrc. hor,,dcr. They conlinueto ofllr ministries to who are abused.and day care centersfor supponto irllnilies,rnd individuals s (hey low-inconrefalnilies. gelused to livingin rhisculttrre. reach out to the NIostchurchcs recruit peopleto visit Anolhcrrar iI whichAnrericaD chur!h- homelessand hospitalsand nuniDghomes. lake lbod to es relch out lo olhers is throu8hlhe support shut-ins.and reachoul tr people!Lho sim- of congfegLrtionsin developing nrtions. By less.fortunate. .. pl! needliiendship. cntefiDginto r rclationship$ ith a churchin StephenNlinistry is n orgrnization Lrlin America or Africa. tbr exanplc. a whosemembers arc EiventrriDing in ho\t churchin tlreUnilcd Statcsis:lblc o pro- to \\ork *ith anyonefacinS crisis-such vide neededlirnds and assinanccdircctly k) asa telminalillness or chronicsickness. A sisterchurch. MEMORYCHAIIENGE

The iitlo\,,ing stoies in the lifc of Je\usappear only in theCospels. in the chrptersthxr arecitcd here, Look up theslories. lhen mcmorize where 10 find them.

PAST CHAIIBNGE NEWCA{I,LENGE PuzzleAns\rer: Other MiraclesofJesus Holy Week ''Yourlaith has madc Waterchanged to Wine PalmSunday youwell.' -Joht1, ch.2 -Matthew ch.21: Mark,ch. 11;Luke, ch. 19; Calmingthe Sea John,ch, l2 -Manhew ch,8; Mark,ch.4: Lukech. 8 TheLast Supper -Matthew, ch.26; Feedingthe Five Thousand Mark,ch. 14: Luke,ch,22; -Matthew, ch. l4; John,ch. 13 Mark, ch.6; Luke,ch. 9; John,ch. 6 GoodFriday -Matthew, ch.27: Mark,ch, l4; Luke,ch.23; John,ch. 19 Easter -Matthew, ch. 28: Ma*, ch.l6: Luke,ch. 24; John,ch. 20

sldrYcir b'.m!rn,e tsjrn.oF chldEns cuficulum ,rtrrs.nLnrr! trndr\ior.h.!f hbr,!hrg II-8 Pagc3 THE HNATINGOF THE TEPERS

.& .k + a ) -i->o

O rfA I i) -'e f

ti; -.(+ ? 6

Usethe codebelow to find thehidden message from the story ofJesus' healing ofthe tenlepers. A .) HO o )( V+> B I I )i: P $ wv c J J? a X..' D K- RI Y."t E 6 l+ S Z'r- F a MI frr G N! U+


Sessionl. Isaiah 9:6; Jeretniah 3l:33b Session2: lsaiahJ1:l-2;10:l TEARNING Session3: Pralm40.8, trr&e l:30 SCRIPTT]RE Session4i Lukel:47; 2:ll Sesston5: Isaiah60:1; Matthew SesslonE 2:llc go your way; your faith has madeyou Sess:ton6: Isaiah 35:5-6;Mark "(Jesus)said to him,'Cet up and on l0:52a rrell."' Zu.te12,19 NRSV) Session7: Jeremiah17:14: 'I who in Mark 2:12b "Jesussaid. . . am the rcsu[ection and the life. Those believe me, even though they die, will live, and everyonewho lives and believesin me will Session&Luke 17:19:lohn (NRSV) 11:25-26a ne,rerdre."' Jolu 1I:25-26a Session9: ReviewSessions 1-8

Shcll Yd-lnededlrE. EoiscoDalchi P{gc4 ll.8 EEE

IJNITII ISSUB 9 Lazarus,Brother of Marthaand Mary, Is Raisedfrom the Deadbv HisFriend Ralslngof VILLAGE OF BETHANY,around 25 days.My sisterwent out to greetJesus." Iazarus Ct*A local cilizen namedLazarus has Manhatold usabout the meeting: just beenraised from the deadby hrs "WhenI heardthat Jesus was coming, I hurriedto wherehe was enteringthe vil- lage.I toid Jesushow sadwe werethal he hadnot comein lime to savemy brother's life. "l knew,even at that point, that Jesus coulddo something.I implored him to take action.He told me my brotherwould rise again.He said,'Those \pho believe in me, eventhough they die, will live, andevery- one who liv€s and believesin me will neverdie.' He askedme if I believedthis. Knowingthal Jesuswas the Messiah,I assuredhim rhatI did indeedbelieve whal hewas saylng. "I went backand told Mary thatJesus wascalling for her.Mary lhenwent to whereJesus was waiting," JesusGoes to Lazarus'Tomb Mary continued,"when I reachedthe placewhere Jesus was, I knelt at his fee( and wept, I said, 'Lord, if you had been here,my brotherwould not bavedied.' friend,Jesus, the Rabbiwhom somecall Jesusbegan to weep.I knewhow muchhe Shell Yc{!-Int rncdi.te, theMessiah. We spoke with severalpeople hadloved my brother EpiscopalChildftn's involvedin thismiraculous event. "Jesusthen led me to the tomb wherc Copyright O1993 Mary,a sisterofl-azarus, said: my brother lay. Manha and the othershad Virgide ftmloeic.t "When my brotherbecame ill, we senl joinedus by then.I thoughtwe weregoing S.diDa.y ad Morebo'rs€ for Jesus.He did not comeright awayand thereto mourn accordingto our custom. PubUshing was not herewhen my brotherdied. My But when we arrived,Jesus commanded sister,Martha, and I were upset-We wept that the stonebe taken away. Martha tried at tie lossof ourbrcther, but we alsoknew to stophim. The smellwould be badafler how muchJesus cared about Lazarus. He four days,and it v,,asnot properto touch wouldbe sosad at the newsl "By the time Jesusand the disciples Continuedon page 2 cameneat Lazarushad beendead lbur JewishBurial Customsof AncientTlmes IncludedSpacious Tombs of Limestone

he dtuals surroundingthe deathof a woudd its way thrcughthe streets, Burials were person pre- in ancienttimes were Burials were in tombs or in natural scribedby law and I,n tombsor ln by nature.The caves-Tte tombs were usually cawed out people Hebrcw did not embakntheir dead, of the soft lihestone rock in the hillsides so bu al was usuallywithin natural caaes, twenty-four arounda city or village.Most tombs had a horus---{r beforesundown the next day. room outsidethe actualburial chamber, Tbetombs were Wten someonedied, a loud cry would where relatives would moum. The burial be heard fiom ,rsually caraed. the houseto indicate that a chamberhad a small platformon which death place. hadtaken the body was laid. oat of thesofi The women ol the family would gather Tombswere sealedwith large stones,to to washthe bodyand anoint it with oils alld keep the smell of decayinside and the linestone rock spices. The body was th€nwrapped in prcdatoranimals outside. tn thehtllsldes stripsof linen cloth,and a napkinwas Familiesmourned for lhree to seven bound aroundthe head. days.During this time, the housein which As around a clttt soonas the body was prepared,it the persondied was consideredunclean. was placedon a bier (a stfetcher)and car- Food could not be prepareduntil a week or olllage, ried on the shouldersof the moume$ to the had passed.Neighbors and friends would tomb. Women were often employedto wail bring food for the family, a customwhich and cry loudly as the funeralptocession is still observedtoday. MarthaWorked Hard to PleaseGuests

t I esuswas a welcomevisitor in rhehome otherdishes would be prepared,There I ot his deal friendsManha. Mary. and would be vegetables,a meator fish stew, lL, L^zarns, at Bethanv,When he went ftuit-and wine to drink. there.he wouldenjoy sharing a mealpro On most days,Martha's sister Mary videdby Manha.She busied herself with would assistwilh the food. But on the day the cooking as Jesustalked with people ofJesus'visit, Mary choseto sit andlisien who gatheredaround him. to whatthe Teacher was saying. Martha'swork was difficult, sinceshe Mary's choicewas unusual,for women did nol havelhe spaceor facililiesfor in those days were expectedto do preparingmorc thanote dish at a time. "women's work" and not participatein dis- Shewould use a handmill consistingof cussionswith men. two stonesto grind the grain for bread. Martha, who neededher sister'shelp Wlile tie breadwas rising and baking. the and lesented her abseDce,appealed to Jesus,'"Iell her to help me!" Jesusanswered, "Martha, Maltha, you are worried and dishactei by maly things: there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosenthe betterpart, which will rot be takenaway from her" Jesuswas telling Martha that all her hard work was not as important as the things he was teaching.He would have been glad to have Martha listening along with Mary and the others.Jesus wanted everyone-men and women,young and old-to learn aboutfte kinsdom of God.

sh.u Y* I&mcdi.E. Epi&oprl childEdt cmicdrm Pagez Il-9 coprrieht O I 991 vi4rnir Thdlogicd s.mincJy bd MoEnotrk Pnblirhin3 R,TNS-jINGCIE I,AZARTiJS


Dlrecdors:Use rhe clues to find wordsto solvethe word puzzle.If you ge! stnck,look al John I 1: I -44. Clues: 1. Mary, Martha,and Lazaruslived nearthis major city. 2. Jesustraveled ro thisvillage afier lhe deathof his friend. 3, Theywenl with Jesusto thehofte of Lazarus. 4. Jesusraised $is manfrom thedead. 5. Thiswoman was the first to greetJesus. 6. Shewas a sisterof Lazarus. ' 7. A word for crying. tuort ll E. Another namefor the smell of decay. qpp 0l 9. This coveredtbe entnnce to the tomb. $$as 8 10. Strips ofthis werc a.roundt azarus'feet andhands. ll. Jesu5did tiis deadro demonsrraleGod's T$N'9 9 12. A title usedfor Jesusin this story "t{t"N s{dP5!9 c fi$ws z

tI'9 Pae

hbrd"u *,*"pd olg:"g$r$""r''" MEMORYCHATTENGE

Thc li)llo\\ing stofie\in the lilc of Jesusappeff only in rheCospels. in thechaptcrs ihi L1rccilcd hefe. Look up the\t(} ries.lhcnnrenn)rize where to find them.

PASTCTIAI,TENGES: Jesus' Birth and Childhood Other Nliracles of J€sus Jesusbinh andinlancy in Waler changedto Wine Belhlebem-4r1.,, .r. 2 The visit of the Magi Marrhex,t:lt. 2 Celnringthe Sea Malrreu .r. 8i Mark,th..l, Lutu ch.8 Jesusin fie templeal age twelve Luke ch.2 Feedingthc Five Thousrnd -Lltt\ltcr. th. l1: l4atk.(h.6: Storiesof Jesus'Early Ministry Luk(,(h.9: Jaht,(h.6 John baptizesJesus Matthctr,ch. 3: Ma*, (h. l: LLtke,ch. 3 Holy Week PalmSundiry Maih(\'. ch.2l, Jcsusteorpt:rlions-M.ttth!\,.11. I: F Mark,ch. l: llta , ch. I| l9: Jesuschooses disciples The Lasl Supper ty'dlrllsri (tr.26i It, -l'lulher, (h. l0; Matk, ch.3: h Matk. rh. l1; Luk?.(h.22:

F Iixamples of Jesus' Teaching Aood Fr;d\'-MlItlt.\', ch. 27: Sennonon the trloun! Mark,{h. l1: Luke,.h.23: -I4ufthe\t..h.t.5,6,7 N Thc Lord s Prayer l\,latthet ch. 6 Easlcr-M.rr,l,ext .r. f ,ll (in lbe Sennonon theMount) and MaA, ch. l6: I"ukt,ch.21: t" JolDt.t:h. 2A Pariblc ol the Cood Samarilan

Par.rblcsoflh. loslsheep, bs( coin. aDdk)st son lrt?./r. /5 \ll\\ ilil1i,i.rii',{lrr: EventsAft€r E ster Itxamples of Jesus' Healing Jesus"Creal Conlnli\sion () hi\ BlindBrrtilnueus-Md1,/ren'. I h. 2A: disciples-M.r.ri.,rrt.r. 28 I4ark, ch. l0; Lukc, th. l8 (hsrparaS.aph of rhis Gospel) The Paralvric lllaher', tlt 9: Jesur"ascdrsion inlo hciLvcn Muk, th.2: Luke,ch.5 -Lrl.,, rr. -?J(last paugraph of TenLepen l-rl?, .r. /7 thi\ Gospel) i Peter'sMotber-in'l w t

Unit tr: Learning Scripture SesslonI Isoiah9:6; Jercmiah Session4t Lukel:47,2:11 Session8: Luke17:19: John Il:25- 3l:33b Session5: Isaiah 60:I ; Matthew2 : I ) c 26a Session2iIsaiah II:1-2,40: I Session6: ftaialr J5.5-6, Mark l0:52a S€ssion9: RevierYSessiotrs 1-t Session3t Psalm40:8;Luke l:30 Session7 | Jercmiah17: 14; Mark 2: 12b

Prge-1 lI-9