A Renunciation of Nuclear Weapons One Citizen at a Time
If governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed, as stated in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, then to what degree am I, as a citizen, morally, legally and spiritually responsible for the acts, and plans to act, of my government? Hiroshima -- August 1945 Baghdad -- 2004 ??? A Renunciation of Nuclear Weapons One Citizen At A Time Documents in support of United States citizens renouncing the use of nuclear weapons on their behalf a reference guide in support of study, reflection, prayer and protest Compiled and edited by Dennis Rivers with the cooperation of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and the Peacemaker Community Santa Barbara, California -- March 30, 2002 this document is available free of charge on the web at www.nonukes.org Dedicated to the children of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, August 1945. May we learn something from your suffering about our own capacity to not see what is before us, something we desperately need to understand about ourselves. And thus may you, even in death, be eternal protectors of life. And with great appreciation to these “friends of all life” for their courage, deep insight and luminous teaching by example Joanna Macy, Gene Knudsen Hoffman, Paloma Pavel, the late Walter Capps, Mayumi Oda, Ramon Panikkar, David Krieger, David Hartsough and Kazuaki Tanahashi A Renunciation of Nuclear Weapons One Citizen At A Time TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction. By Dennis Rivers 1 A brief citizen’s declaration regarding the use of nuclear 3 weapons Declaration of a United States Citizen Concerning the Use of 4 Nuclear Weapons by the United States (full-page version) Sample Paragraphs for Cover Letter to Elected Officials 6 Suggested Next Steps: Where to send copies of your 7 declaration and groups you can support that are working on the nuclear weapons issue Religious Organizations and Leaders on Nuclear Weapons and 8 Abolition (from www.nuclearfiles.org) Statement of Rabbi David Saperstein, Director, Religious 12 Action Center of Reform Judaism, On Nuclear Reduction/Disarmament 75 U.S.
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