00 M AGNET NEWS AUGUST 2020 WHAT’S INSIDE: BACK - TO- SCHOOL EDITI ON . Principal’s Ponderings…………….2 Visitor Policy & Bell Schedule….3 A Message from Your PTSA President First Day of School, Virtual Fri- 2020-2021 will be unique, ber 25 during our drive- If you have any questions I can day Schedule & Medication …...4 memorable, and enriching at through PTSA dinner. Preor- help with or if you would like New Teachers..…………………...5-6 Magnet. We are excited to dered dinners from Tatziki’s to get involved, please email me Student News…………………….….6 have our Freshman class of will be distributed as well as at
[email protected]. school and PTSA information. Best, Cafeteria News…….…………..…...7 2024 join our Magnet family. To help stay abreast of Mag- Key Club ……………….…………….8 PTSA at Magnet serves par- net’s busy world, I would PTSA Membership Form………….9 ents, teachers, and our stu- highly recommend download- Krista Bodily District, State, National PTA….10 dents. We focus on educa- ing the school’s app (Caddo 2020-2021 President PTSA Contacts, Calendar……….11 tional opportunity, the suc- Parish Magnet HS in google cesses of our students, and play). Our PTSA website, family engagement in our http:// www.caddomagnetptsa.net/, is school. One of the best ways to know what is going on at a great place to view the cal- endar, purchase spirit items, Magnet and enrich the last read newsletters, join the few years of your kid being at PTSA, and obtain extracurric- home is to be involved with ular activities infor- the PTSA.