Four Arrested at Party 32 Ticketed for Minor in Possession at Off-Campus Gathering on Grand Traverse Harrison Watt According to the Report, the Complaint
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1 Single Issue Free, Additional Copies 25 Cents ferris state T ORCH Truth, Fairness & Accuracy Since 1931 March 4, 2015 NEWS Five Million Dollars Who is that? College of Pharmacy receives Ferris’ largest outright gift Ferris students react to Ferris Fest Performers| Page 4 LIFESTYLES Hospitality Gala Program hosts 24th Annual Gala in the University Center| Page 6 Spring Break Students share upcoming adven- tures for next week| Page 7 SPORTS March Madness Men’s basketball team to open tournament tonight| Page 10 Meet Mavis A new leader arises in the wom- en’s basketball program | Page 11 Photo Courtesy of OPINIONS Phil and Jocelyn Hagerman gave Ferris the largest fi nancial gift in school history at $5 million. Devin Anderson College of Pharmacy through money gets donated to one par- will fund two scholarships in Survival Playlist Ferris State Torch their Hagerman Foundation. ticular institution, so it’s defi nite- the family name: the Hagerman Torch staffer makes a playlist to Phil Hagerman, a Ferris alum- ly quite a gift ,” said Adam Jandu- Family Endowed Scholarship Ferris announced last week nus, is the chief executive offi - ra, a sophomore pre-pharmacy in Pharmacy and the Hager- survive through school. | Page 15 that Phil and Jocelyn Hager- cer of Diplomat Pharmacy, Inc. student from St. Clair, Michigan. man Family Pharmacy Schol- man donated $5 million to the “It’s not oft en that that sum of Th e Hagermans’ donation arship Fund. Additionally, the ONLINE See Pharmacy on Page 3 Four arrested at party 32 ticketed for minor in possession at off-campus gathering on Grand Traverse Harrison Watt According to the report, the complaint. Th e tenants of the were arrested at the party, while Editor-In-Chief person that fell through the ceil- house were arrested and lodged Ferris Department of Pub- ing was “miraculously uninjured.” in the county jail for host- lic Safety Captain James Cook One person fell through the Th e party, which was bro- ing a nuisance party and MIP. noted that four were arrested Check out The Torch online for a attic ceiling when a party at 211 ken up in the early hours of Th e brief given to the Big in the weekly crime rundown recap following Ferris’ game against East Grand Traverse went wrong. February 22, started as a noise Rapids Pioneer states that three (See On the Record, Page 3). Ashland. See Party on Page 3 2 2 NEWS March 4, 2015 FERRIS STATE TORCH PHARMACY from Page 1 Furniture Pharmacy students refl ect petting zoo on $5 million Creating new spaces in FLITE donation Megan Smith it. We’ve been working on a sur- Ferris State Torch vey to give to students from the gift will fund the Hagerman checkout desk. It will be online, Endowed Chair for Medical In- FLITE’s assessment committee so they can log in any time. We formatics, a new faculty chair. is seeking student input to cre- also have some plans to try to get “Th is is a symbol of our com- ate a new, appealing study space a big table with a print-out of the mitment to education and our on its second fl oor. Sometime second fl oor map and pictures commitment to Ferris,” said in the next month, students can of the furniture that are to-scale Phil Hagerman. “We want to expect to try out a variety of dif- that students can rearrange and make sure that the pharmacy ferent furnishings to help the take a picture with their smart- industry recognizes what an im- library design the perfect space. phone to show exactly how they portant part Ferris has been in “What we’re hoping to do is want it laid out, which I think my personal success, my fam- create new spaces,” said Gary would make for a very fun and ily’s success and in the growth Maixner, Emerging Technolo- interactive kind of experience.” of our company, Diplomat.” gies Librarian and leader of the Another factor in the redesign Th is $5 million is the largest- project, “and that’s a little bit of of the second fl oor is acoustics, ever outright donation to Fer- Photo By: Therese Vainner | Photographer a nebulous term, I understand, creating the perfect balance be- ris. In honor of the gift , Ferris is The new space in the library will soon be fi lled. but what that really means is, tween noise and quiet to help renaming its current pharmacy if you arrange furniture in a students concentrate. Some of facility the “Hagerman Phar- certain way, the space is more the options the committee is furnishings will cater to a more second fl oor to the lower level macy Building.” Ferris, Wayne conducive to silent reading, or looking into are a white noise modern student population. last semester. Librarian Da- State University and Univer- if you arrange furniture in a machine or a sound cloud, which “I believe that our library vid Scott headed this project. sity of Michigan have the only way over here, then it might be is a series of panels on the ceil- should be the students’ library “A lot of library publications pharmacy schools in Michigan. conducive to collaboration. .” ing designed to absorb sound. fi rst and foremost,” said Scott have moved to electronic,” Scott “For years to come, our en- Some time between mid- Some of the furniture pieces Garrison, Dean of FLITE. “What said, “and as such, our print sub- tire pharmacy community March and early April, the li- the committee are considering that means will change over scription footprint has really, re- will enjoy the opportunity to brary will be renting a variety include moveable whiteboards time, and it is our responsibility ally dwindled over the past few learn and work in the Hager- of furnishings from four dif- that students can write on or to Ferris State University’s stu- years. We probably have half man Pharmacy Building,” said ferent companies, which stu- position to create private study dents to respond to their needs as many subscriptions—maybe Ferris President David Eisler. dents will be able to try out. areas, four-way chairs, sound- and expectations as those things less—than we used to, so the col- Th e Hagerman family has a Th e committee is hoping to muffl ing moveable panels and change. We need to work with lection wasn’t growing very fast. ” long history with Ferris, with purchase the chosen furniture smart boards. A smart board is students to continually refresh With the periodicals relo- Phil’s father Dale, sister Debo- some time over the summer, like a TV monitor, which a group and reimagine other spaces in cated, the library’s next concern rah and daughter Jennifer hav- so that the new and improved of students can plug their laptops ways that help them do what was what to do with the newly ing graduated from Ferris. second fl oor will be completed or tablets into and have access they need to do as students.” emptied second fl oor. Th us, Similarly, Jenna Matelske by the start of the fall semester. to the same screen. Much of the Th e idea of a redesign of the the furniture project was born. is of the fourth generation in “What we’re hoping to do is library’s current furniture is be- second fl oor was conceived af- “What it really is,” Maixner her family to study pharmacy what we’ve kind of dubbed as a coming outdated, such as long ta- ter the library’s periodicals, said, “is creating space at Ferris. Hailing from South furniture petting zoo,” Maixner bles and chairs, which were more which are printed publications here at the library that stu- Lyon, Michigan, Matelske is cur- said. “We’re wanting to do some popular before most students like magazines and newspa- dents want to take up.” rently in pre-pharmacy and will real analysis of how students use owned laptops, so these new pers, were moved from the Th e second fl oor furniture start pharmacy school this fall. “Since I enjoy science and have grown up around pharmacy, it See Furniture on Page 3 is the perfect fi eld for me,” said Matelske. “Th e Ferris pharmacy community and reputation are so great, there was never any other Women’s Health Clinic school for my pharmacy career.” “We want to support educa- tion across the state of Michi- gan, but we also want to bring arrives in Big Rapids! the best and brightest people from around the country to a school we believe in,” said Phil. Michigan Primary Care Partners welcomes In January, the Hagerman family gave a $2 million en- Nurse Practitioner Christy Bourdlais, WHNP, dowment to University of state certified in women’s health services. Michigan-Flint’s School of Management. Th e endowment Christy brings expertise in providing comprehensive, will create a scholarship as well specialized care for women’s health issues. as a new business center, the “Hagerman Center for Entre- preneurship and Innovation.” Sexual Health • Fitness & Nutrition• Gynecology Care • Depression/Anxiety Stephen Durst, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, com- Menstrual Irregularities • STD Screening & Treatment • Contraceptive Planning mented on the opportuni- ties that the Hagerman fam- Health Lifestyle Risk Assessments • Menopausal Issues • Acute Primary Care Issues ily is providing students. “Th rough this leadership-level For an appointment call: gift to the College of Pharmacy, Phil and Jocelyn Hagerman will be enhancing opportunities for Big Rapids • 231.592.1360 students with the introduction of a transformative scholarship program, expanding curricular Reed City • 231.832.1111 options through support of pro- Tuesday evening appointments available.