Duality for Outer $ L^ P \Mu (\Ell^ R) $ Spaces and Relation to Tent Spaces
p r DUALITY FOR OUTER Lµpℓ q SPACES AND RELATION TO TENT SPACES MARCO FRACCAROLI p r Abstract. We prove that the outer Lµpℓ q spaces, introduced by Do and Thiele, are isomorphic to Banach spaces, and we show the expected duality properties between them for 1 ă p ď8, 1 ď r ă8 or p “ r P t1, 8u uniformly in the finite setting. In the case p “ 1, 1 ă r ď8, we exhibit a counterexample to uniformity. We show that in the upper half space setting these properties hold true in the full range 1 ď p,r ď8. These results are obtained via greedy p r decompositions of functions in Lµpℓ q. As a consequence, we establish the p p r equivalence between the classical tent spaces Tr and the outer Lµpℓ q spaces in the upper half space. Finally, we give a full classification of weak and strong type estimates for a class of embedding maps to the upper half space with a fractional scale factor for functions on Rd. 1. Introduction The Lp theory for outer measure spaces discussed in [13] generalizes the classical product, or iteration, of weighted Lp quasi-norms. Since we are mainly interested in positive objects, we assume every function to be nonnegative unless explicitly stated. We first focus on the finite setting. On the Cartesian product X of two finite sets equipped with strictly positive weights pY,µq, pZ,νq, we can define the classical product, or iterated, L8Lr,LpLr spaces for 0 ă p, r ă8 by the quasi-norms 1 r r kfkL8ppY,µq,LrpZ,νqq “ supp νpzqfpy,zq q yPY zÿPZ ´1 r 1 “ suppµpyq ωpy,zqfpy,zq q r , yPY zÿPZ p 1 r r p kfkLpppY,µq,LrpZ,νqq “ p µpyqp νpzqfpy,zq q q , arXiv:2001.05903v1 [math.CA] 16 Jan 2020 yÿPY zÿPZ where we denote by ω “ µ b ν the induced weight on X.
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