General Topology Jesper M. Møller Matematisk Institut, Universitetsparken 5, DK{2100 København E-mail address:
[email protected] URL: Contents Chapter 0. Introduction 5 Chapter 1. Sets and maps 7 1. Sets, functions and relations7 2. The integers and the real numbers 11 3. Products and coproducts 13 4. Finite and infinite sets 14 5. Countable and uncountable sets 16 6. Well-ordered sets 18 7. Partially ordered sets, The Maximum Principle and Zorn's lemma 19 Chapter 2. Topological spaces and continuous maps 23 1. Topological spaces 23 2. Order topologies 25 3. The product topology 25 4. The subspace topology 26 5. Closed sets and limit points 29 6. Continuous functions 32 7. The quotient topology 36 8. Metric topologies 43 9. Connected spaces 46 10. Compact spaces 52 11. Locally compact spaces and the Alexandroff compactification 58 Chapter 3. Regular and normal spaces 63 1. Countability Axioms 63 2. Separation Axioms 64 3. Normal spaces 66 4. Second countable regular spaces and the Urysohn metrization theorem 68 5. Completely regular spaces and the Stone{Cechˇ compactification 71 6. Manifolds 73 Chapter 4. Relations between topological spaces 75 Bibliography 77 3 CHAPTER 0 Introduction These notes are intended as an to introduction general topology. They should be sufficient for further studies in geometry or algebraic topology. Comments from readers are welcome. Thanks to Micha l Jab lonowski and Antonio D´ıazRamos for pointing out misprinst and errors in earlier versions of these notes. 5 CHAPTER 1 Sets and maps This chapter is concerned with set theory which is the basis of all mathematics.