Virtual Conference

October 2020

Copy right © 2020 by S&P Global. All rights reserv ed What's On The Horizon For European Bank Ratings?

Giles Edwards Senior Director Sector Lead - European Financial Institutions

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Eurozone and U.K. GDP to shrink by 7.3% and 6.5% in 2020 before rebounding by 5.6% and 6% in 2021. Ultra loose monetary policy, extensive fiscal support, and easing in bank capital and liquidity buffers would offer substantial support to the real economy. The policy responses taken by countries across Europe could well be less than totally successful and lead to higher leverage across the corporate/SME sector. Bank earnings, asset quality, and in some cases, capitalization, to weaken through end-2020 and into 2021. Funding to hold up well, not least given ample central bank injections. Wholesale markets to reopen but with wider spreads than before.


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Swift and pragmatic regulatory action…

➢ Buffer requirement easing – CCyBs cut to 0% – Art. 104a CRR reduced the CET1 requirement – OSII / SRBs cut ➢ Delay in tougher regulatory standards – Mortgage definition of default ➢ CRR Quick Fix and other relaxations – Phase-in of stage 1/2 ECL under IFRS 9 – Non-deduction of software assets – Relief on deduction of unrealised losses – Accelerated SME support factor …avoided an explosion in RWAs and capital deductions… …but this is largely a one-off effect. Ratios could weaken as NPLs rise and require extra provisions.


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Expectations: Unevenly Painful, Drawn Out, But Resilience Likely



( Ratio 10.7

RAC 10.0 10.4 10.5 11.1 10.6


Global S&P C


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Profitability • Banque Cantonale de Geneve

M&A • Bankia

Negative Economic Risk Economic+Industry Risk Capital and Risk Profile Ownership • RBI • BNP • Argenta • RCI Banque • Oberbank • BPCE • ABN • FCE Bank • OP Corporate Bank • Credit Mutuel • Rabobank • Iccrea • Credit Agricole • NIBC Profitability • • Societe Generale • Abanca • Bankinter • Alior • Cooperative Banking Sector Germany • BBVA • Nordea • NLB Group • DekaBank Deut.Girozentrale • Banco de Sabadell • AIB Group • • Banco Santander • BOI Group • Lloyds • Volkswagen Bank • Ibercaja • PTSB Group • NatWest • • Virgin Money Domestic Sovereign • KBC Group Resolution Strategy • Intesa + UBI • ING Group • Deutsche Pfandbriefbank • Mediobanca • Hamburg Commercial Bank

Source: S&P Global Ratings. Data as of Sep. 24, 2020, covers Top 100 European banks. Reflects only the primary source of upside / downside risk. For KBC and ING negative outlook relates only to the holding company.


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Industry collaboration / cost sharing

Leverage Opening Banking / APIs Reduce client servicing / RM coverage Redouble cross-sell efforts Cut real estate footprint

Add service charges Branch closures Raise new lending margins Simplify / automate front-to-back processes Pass on negative rates Product rationalization

Reduced credit demand Expand risk & compliance

Depressed client activity Expand collections / recoveries

Pricing competition Invest in digitization New digital entrants

Risk appetite


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We assess the risk of disruption in retail banking as part of our bank ratings. Opportunities and threats from tech disruption relate to four factors: technology, regulation, industry, preferences.


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12% • 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% • 0%



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It’s too early to tell which banks will be resilient and which less so

• •

The pandemic event will accelerate secular change

• .

We already differentiate between the banks and expect further divergence

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