MAIGOC Macao 2nd Organising Committee Entry Form Handbook (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials)

Table of Contents








VI. CODES...... 13




Offi cial Version 2.0 - supersede previous version 1 MAIGOC MAIGOC Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Entry Form Handbook Entry Form Handbook (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials) (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials)

Abbreviations I. Entry by Number Form In accordance with the explanations below, the Entry by Number form for the Technical Del- AF : Asian Federation egates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials must be fi lled out in English, and typed. IF : International Federation Number of IOC : International Olympic Committee Role Code Number forms MAIGOC : Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Technical Offi cials accompanying NOC : National Olympic Committee 1 TO-A-00a 1 participating NOC NSF : Federation

OCA : Olympic Council of Technical Delegates, Jury 2 TO-A-00b 1 Members, Technical Offi cials

The completed Entry by Number forms must be received by MAIGOC no later than Inquiries / Mailing Address June 22, 2007. Any queries relating to the entry forms should be addressed to the Accreditation Centre of MAIGOC:

Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Address : Rua do Desporto, N.o 185-195 Taipa, Telephone : +853 2870 2007 Fax : +853 2871 2007 Email : [email protected]

2 3 MAIGOC MAIGOC Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Entry Form Handbook Entry Form Handbook (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials) (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials)

II. Entry by Name Form III. Guide for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials prior to departure for Macao

A. Guide A. Arrival / Departure In accordance with the explanations below, the Entry by Name form for the Tech- Technical Delegates should arrive in Macao fi ve (5) days before the relevant sport nical Offi cials accompanying participating NOC and IF/AF nominated Technical commences and depart 2nd day after the sport fi nishes. Jury Members and Techni- Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials (Form Code: TO-B-00a) must be cal Offi cials should arrive in Macao three (3) days before the relevant sport com- fi lled out in English, and typed in CAPITAL LETTERS. mences and depart 2nd day after the sport fi nishes. The completed entry forms must be received by MAIGOC no later than Septem- MAIGOC will provide transportation from the offi cially designated port to hotel and ber 14, 2007. will arrange accommodation at the corresponding hotels accordingly.

B. Accreditation Number (AD Number) The Accreditation (AD) number must be identical to the number registered on the B. Meteorological Conditions Asian Indoor Games Family List. Macao Special Administrative Region is located on the southeastern coast of . C. Name The climate is moderate to hot, with an average annual of just over The name must be identical to the name registered on your passport or the offi cial 22.4°C and a yearly mean variation between 16°C and 25°C. The humidity is high travel document used in entering Macao for the Games. with an average range between 75% and 90%. Rainfall is also high with the yearly total between 40 and 80 ins. The best period to visit Macao is between October D. Organization and December, when days are sunny and warm, and the humidity is low. The Please fi ll in the code and the name of the dispatching Organization (IF/AF/NOC). winter is cold but sunny. In April the humidity starts to build up and from May to The code must be entered starting from the far left side of the column, according to September the climate is hot and humid with rain and occasional tropical storms Part V “Organization Codes” of this handbook. The full name of the Organization (typhoons). must be entered. Below are the average weather conditions during the Games period in October and November. E. Offi cial Title in Federations October November Your offi cial title in IF/AF/NOC must be entered. Average Temperature 24.7°C 20.4°C F. Gender Highest 27.4°C 23.4°C When fi lling in the column titled “Gender”, mark the relevant space with an “X”. Lowest 22.3°C 17.8°C G. Area of Responsibility Average Relative Humidity 73% 69% The area in which the Technical Offi cial is responsible for, when fi lling in the col- umn, please mark the relevant space with an “X”. Insolation duration (hour) 195 177.6

Average wind velocity (km/h) 14.9 14.8 H. Measurement Each technical offi cial must follow the diagram to measure and fi ll in the measure- Average rainfall (mm) 116.9 42.6 ments for different parts of the body in centimeters. Average days of rainfall 7 5

I. Sport Codes * As referenced in Technical Handbook The sport codes can be found in Part VI “Sport Codes”.

4 5 MAIGOC MAIGOC Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Entry Form Handbook Entry Form Handbook (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials) (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials)

IV. Technical Offi cials accompanied by participating V. Organization Codes NOC A. International Federations (IF)

Sports Technical Rules Remarks* Sport IF Code

Fédération Internationale de Aerobic FIG Gymnastique Aerobic Each participating NOC must bring a minimum of two (2) judges with a valid FIG brevet in Aerobic III 5.7 Gymnastics Gymnastics competition. Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs FIQ

Chess World Chess Federation FIDE Hoop Each participating NOC may be accompanied with Chess III 5.3 Sepaktakraw one (1) ASTAF Regional Referees. Sports Xiangqi The World XiangQi Federation WXF

International Billiards & Snooker Each participating team may bring one (1) IBSF Federation Indoor accompanying judge and one (1) accompanying umpire. MAIGOC may, if necessary and with the III 10.2 approval of the AHF, invite judges and umpires from NOCs not participating in the Games. International DanceSport Federation IDSF

Each participating team may bring two (2) Dragon accompanying national referees. MAIGOC may, if necessary and with the approval of the AAKF, III 10.2 invite neutral referees from NOCs that are not Dragon & International Dragon & participating in the Games. Northern Lion IDLDF Lion Dance Federation

* As referenced in Technical Handbook Southern Lion

Electronic Sports (E-Sports) ------

BMX Freestyle/ Inline Stunt/ ------Extreme Skateboard Sports (X–Sports) International Council of Competition Sports Climbing ICC Climbing

Finswimming (25m) World Underwater Federation CMAS

Fédération Internationale de FIFA Association

Hoop Sepaktakraw International Sepaktakraw Federation ISTAF

6 7 MAIGOC MAIGOC Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Entry Form Handbook Entry Form Handbook (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials) (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials)

B. Asian Federations (AF)

Sport IF Code Sport AF Code

International Association of Athletics Indoor Athletics IAAF Asian Gymnastics Union AGU Federations

Bowling Asian Bowling Federation ABF Indoor Cycling International Cycling Union UCI

Chess ACF Chess International Hockey Federation FIH Sports Xiangqi Asian Xiangqi Federation AXF

Kabaddi International Kabaddi Federation IKF Cue Sports Asian Confederation of Billiard Sports ACBS

World Association of Kickboxing WAKO Dragon Dance Organizations Dragon Dragon & Lion Federation of & Lion Northern Lion DLDFA Asia Kurash International Kurash Association IKA Dance

Southern Lion

Muay ------DanceSport Asian DanceSport Federation ADSF

Electronic Sports Short Course (25m) Federation Internationale de Natation FINA ------(E-Sports)

BMX Freestyle/ Inline Stunt/ Asian Extreme Sports Federation A.X.F. Skateboard Extreme Sports (X-Sports) Sports Asian Council for Competition Climbing ACC Climbing

Finswimming (25m) Asia Underwater Federation AUF

Futsal Asian Football Confederation AFC

Hoop Sepaktakraw Asian Sepaktakraw Federation ASTAF

Indoor Athletics Asian Athletics Association AAA

Indoor Cycling Asian Cycling Confederation ACC

8 9 MAIGOC MAIGOC Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Entry Form Handbook Entry Form Handbook (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials) (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials)

C. National Olympic Committee (NOC)

Sport AF Code NOC Code

Indoor Hockey AHF Afghanistan National Olympic Committee AFG

Bahrain Olympic Committee BRN Kabaddi Asian Amateur Kabaddi Federation AAKF Bangladesh Olympic Association BAN

Wako Asian Continental Division --- Olympic Committee BHU Kickboxing Wako Asian Kickboxing Federation --- Brunei Darussalam National Olympic Council BRU

National Olympic Committee of Cambodia CAM Kurash Kurash Confederation of Asia KCA Chinese Olympic Committee CHN

Muay ------Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China HKG

Short Course Swimming (25m) Asian Swimming Federation AASF Indian Olympic Association IND

Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia INA

National Olympic Committee of the Islamic Republic of Iran IRI

National Olympic Committee of Iraq IRQ

Japanese Olympic Committee JPN

Jordan Olympic Committee JOR

National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan KAZ

Kuwait Olympic Committee KUW

National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan KGZ

National Olympic Committee of Lao LAO

Lebanese Olympic Committee LIB

Macau Olympic Committee MAC

Olympic Council of MAS

Maldives Olympic Committee MDV

Mongolia National Olympic Committee MGL

Myanmar Olympic Committee MYA

Nepal Olympic Committee NEP

Oman Olympic Committee OMA

10 11 MAIGOC MAIGOC Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Entry Form Handbook Entry Form Handbook (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials) (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials)

VI. Sport Codes

NOC Code Codes Sports

Pakistan Olympic Association PAK AE Aerobic Gymnastics

Palestine Olympic Committee PLE BW Bowling Olympic Committee of the DPR of Korea PRK CHS Chess Sports Philippine Olympic Committee PHI CS Cue Sports Qatar National Olympic Committee QAT

DS DanceSport Korean Olympic Committee KOR

Saudi Arabian Olympic Committee KSA DLD Dragon & Lion Dance

Singapore National Olympic Council SIN ES Electronic Sports (E-Sports)

National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka SRI XS Extreme Sports (X-Sports) SYR SF Finswimming (25m) Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee TPE FS Futsal National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan TJK

HS Hoop Sepaktakraw Olympic Committee of THA

Comité Olímpico Nacional de Timor-Leste TLS AT Indoor Athletics

National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan TKM CY Indoor Cycling

United Arab Emirates National Olympic Committee UAE HO Indoor Hockey National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan UZB KBD Kabaddi Olympic Committee VIE MY Muay Yemen Olympic Committee YEM

SW Short Course Swimming (25m)

KBX Kickboxing (Demonstration Sport)

KU Kurash (Demonstration Sport)

12 13 MAIGOC MAIGOC Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Entry Form Handbook Entry Form Handbook (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials) (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials)

VII. Country/Area and Nationality Codes

Code Country/Area Code Country/Area Code Country/Area Code Country/Area

AFG Afghanistan BOT Botswana DEN Denmark GUI Guinea

AHO Antilles BRA DJI Djibouti GUM Guam

ALB Albania BRN Bahrain DMA Dominica GUY Guyana

ALG Algeria BRU Brunei Darussalam DOM Dominican Republic HAI Haiti

AND Andorra BUL ECU Ecuador HKG Hong Kong, China

ANG Angola BUR Burkina Faso EGY Egypt HON Honduras

ANT Antigua and Barbuda CAF Central African Republic ERI Eritrea HUN

ARG Argentina CAM Cambodia ESA El Salvador INA Indonesia

ARM Armenia CAN Canada ESP IND India

ARU Aruba CAY Cayman Islands EST Estonia IRI Islamic Republic of Iran

ASA American Samoa CGO Congo ETH Ethiopia IRL Ireland

AUS CHA Chad FIJ Fiji IRQ Iraq


AZE Azerbaijan CHN People’s Republic of China FRA ISR Israel

BAH Bahamas CIV Côte d’Ivoire FSM Federated States of Micronesia ISV Virgin Islands

BAN Bangladesh CMR Cameroon GAB Gabon ITA

Democratic Republic of the BAR Barbados COD GAM Gambia IVB British Virgin Islands Congo GBR Great Britain JAM Jamaica BDI Burundi COK Cook Islands

GBS Guinea-Bissau JOR Jordan BEL COL Colombia

GEO Georgia JPN BEN Benin COM Comoros

GEQ Equatorial Guinea KAZ Kazakhstan BER Bermuda CPV Cape Verde

GER KEN Kenya BHU Bhutan CRC Costa Rica

GHA Ghana KGZ Kyrgyzstan BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina CRO Croatia

GRE Greece KIR Kiribati BIZ Belize CUB Cuba

GRN Granada KOR Korea BLR Belarus CYP Cyprus

GUA Guatemala KSA Saudi Arabia BOL Bolivia CZE

14 15 MAIGOC MAIGOC Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Entry Form Handbook Entry Form Handbook (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials) (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials)

Code Country/Area Code Country/Area Code Country/Area Code Country/Area

KUW MTN Mauritania RSA South Africa THA Thailand

Lao People’s Democratic LAO MYA Myanmar RUS TJK Tajikistan Republic RWA Rwanda TKM Turkmenistan LAT Latvia NAM Namibia

SAM Samoa TLS Timor-Leste LBA Libyan Arab Jamahiriya NCA Nicaragua

SCG Serbia and Montenegro TOG Togo LBR Liberia NED Netherlands

SEN Senegal TPE Chinese Taipei LCA Saint Lucia NEP

SEY Seychelles TRI Trinidad and Tobago LES Lesotho NGR Nigeria

SIN Singapore TUN Tunisia LIB Lebanon NIG Niger

SKN Saint Kitts and Nevis TUR Turkey LIE Liechtenstein NOR Norway

SLE Sierra Leone UAE United Arab Emirates LTU Lithuania NRU Nauru

SLO Slovenia UGA Uganda LUX Luxembourg NZL

SMR San Marino UKR Ukraine MAC Macao, China OMA Oman

SOL Solomon Islands URU Uruguay MAD Madagascar PAK Pakistan

SOM Somalia USA United States of America MAR Morocco PAN Panama

SRI Sri Lanka UZB Uzbekistan MAS Malaysia PAR Paraguay

STP Sao Tome and Principe VAN Vanuatu MAW Malawi PER Peru

SUD Sudan VEN Venezuela MDA Republic of Moldova PHI

SUI VIE Vietnam MDV Maldives PLE Palestine Saint Vincent and the SUR Suriname VIN MEX Mexico PLW Palau Grenadines

MGL Mongolia PNG Papua New Guinea SVK Slovakia YEM Yemen

Former Yugoslav Republic of MKD POL Poland SWE Sweden YUG Yugoslavia Macedonia SWZ Swaziland ZAI Zaire MLI Mali POR Portugal

Democratic People’s Republic SYR Syrian Arab Republic ZAM Zambia MLT Malta PRK of Korea TAN United Republic of Tanzania ZIM Zimbabwe MON Monaco PUR Puerto Rico TGA Tonga MOZ Mozambique QAT Qatar

MRI Mauritius ROM

16 17 MAIGOC MAIGOC Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Macao 2nd Asian Indoor Games Organising Committee Entry Form Handbook Entry Form Handbook (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials) (for Technical Delegates, Jury Members, Technical Offi cials)

VIII. Competition Schedule IX. Timeline for Entries

2007 Sports 26/10 (Fri) 27/10 (Sat) 28/10 (Sun) 29/10 (Mon) 30/10 (Tue) 31/10 (Wed) 1/11 (Thu) 2/11 (Fri) 3/11 (Sat) 2007

OPENING CEREMONY * 1 Aerobic Gymnastics llÕ 2 Bowling ll∂ ll∂ ll∂ ll∂ lllllllÀ • MAIGOC to send out Entry by Chess Chess ll ∂ lÀllllllll∂ lllllÀllÀl∂ th 3 18 May Number Forms Sports Xiangqi llllllÕ 4 Cue Sports lllllll∂∂ll∂ l ∂∂ll∂ lll∂∂ 5 DanceSport lœ lœ

Dragon Dance ∂∂ • Deadline for receipt by MAIGOC of Dragon & 6 Northern Lion nd Lion Dance ∂∂ 22 June Entry by Number Forms. Southern Lion ∂∂ 7 Electronic Sports (E-Sports) ll ll l∂∂∂ BMX freestyle l ∂∂∂ l ∂ l ∂ Extreme 8 Inline Stunt l ∂∂∂ l ∂ • MAIGOC to send out Entry by Sports 10th August (X–Sports) Skateboard llÀ Name Forms Sports Climbing lÀ ll ll ∂∂ 9 Finswimming (25m) lÕlÕ ll lllllllllllllllllllll∂∂ 10 Futsal • Deadline for receipt by MAIGOC of ll lllllllllllllll th 14 September Entry by Name Forms for Techni- 11 Hoop Sepaktakraw llllllll À cal Delegates, Jury Members and 12 Indoor Athletics lœÃŒ∂ Technical Offi cials

Indoor ll lÀÀ 13 Cycling ll ll∂ 14 Indoor Hockey ll lllllllllll ll l∂ 15 Kabaddi llllllll∂ 16 Muay ll ll ll ll “ 17 Short Course Swimming (25m) l—l–l—l– Kickboxing 18 (Demonstration Sport) ll lŒ” Kurash 19 (Demonstration Sport) lÀ CLOSING CEREMONY * The competition schedule is subject to change depending on the fi nal number of participants in each sport. Legend: l - Competition Day ∂ - Figures in circle represent the number of gold medals * - Opening or Closing Ceremony

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