Messengers Adopt 10 Resolutions
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June 24, 2021 Volume 136 l Issue No. 7 TO REPORT A NEWS ITEM OR TO BUY AN AD, CALL 877.234.3832 On second ballot, messengers elect Litton SBC president By Will Hall FIRST ROUND CAJUN COMMENDATION Message executive editor Stone, pastor of Emmanuel Fred Luter, pastor of Frank- NASHVILLE, Tenn. (LBM) Baptist Church, Blackshear, lin Avenue Baptist Church, – Ed Litton, pastor of Redemp- Georgia, led Litton after the New Orleans, nominated Litton tion Church in Saraland, Ala- first round of voting among with a strong endorsement of bama, was elected president four contenders, who included Litton’s ability as a “uniter” of the Southern Baptist Con- R. Albert Mohler, president of who has “uniquely shown his vention, June 15, in Nashville, Southern Baptist Theological commitment to racial recon- Tennessee, during the 2021 SBC Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, ciliation.” Annual Meeting. and Randy Adams, executive Luter described the SBC as Litton won a runoff vote director of Northwest Bap- “no longer shoulder to shoul- against Georgia Pastor Mike tist Convention, Vancou-ver, der, but face to face” adding Stone, by a margin of 556 votes, Washington. that “we are no longer fighting 6,834 to 6,278. First Vote: Stone, 5,216, or an enemy on the battlefield, we The messenger count peaked 37.5 percent; Litton, 4,360, or are now fighting our brother in at 15,691 prior to the election, 32.4 percent; Mohler, 3,764, or Adam Covington photo the barracks.” according to registration secre- 26.3 percent; and Adams, 673, “Southern Baptists, it is time SBC President Ed Litton addresses members of the me- tary Don Cur-rence. However, or 4.7 percent (out of 14,013 dia at a news conference after his victory, June 15. only 13,112 ballots were cast. total votes counted). See LITTON, page 2 Congresswoman Letlow says faith is critical during challenging times By Brian Blackwell and precious those prayers Message staff writer were to me,” Letlow said. “Even while we were in the MONROE, La. (LBM) – hospital and Luke was in bad U.S. Rep. Julia Letlow won shape, we treasured those Louisiana’s 5th Congressio- intercessory prayers that nal District seat in people were saying March, only three- on his behalf and on and-a-half months ours. I know that after her husband, they enveloped him, Luke, died from CO- and he wasn’t alone, VID-19 complica- and he was at peace, tions, Dec. 29, 2020. and he had hope. To He was just five feel that on a vis- days from taking ceral level -- thou- Eric Brown photo office after he had U.S. Congresswoman sands if not many thousands of prayers Messengers to the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting are shown casting their ballots on a reso- won the election Julie Letlow lution. A total of 15,726 of whom 633 were from Louisiana attended the two-day event. the month before going up -- I will to succeed Ralph Abraham, never be able to put who retired from Congress. into words what that means She told the Baptist Mes- to me and my family.” Messengers adopt 10 resolutions sage that the prayers of oth- Her husband’s death was By Will Hall the previously submitted will not embrace an incre- ers helped her during that not the first loss of a close Message executive editor pro-life resolution, June 15, mental approach alone to difficult time. loved one, she said. because the issue of abor- ending abortion because “It’s hard for me to put When she was a junior NASHVILLE, Tenn. tion had been addressed it challenges God’s Lord- into words how overwhelm- (LBM) – Messengers to the in another resolution they ship over the heart and the ingly beautiful and impactful See LETLOW, page 2 Southern Baptist Conven- wrote. However, one of the conscience, and rejects His tion’s 2021 Annual Meet- co-authors of the rejected call to repent of sin com- ing adopted nine of the 10 resolution spoke to the pletely and immediately.” resolutions submitted by messengers, who voted Meanwhile, the com- the Resolutions Committee to bring it to the floor for mittee tabled the pro- and added one from the consideration with a two- posed Resolution 7 they floor that called for “abol- thirds vote, and adopted had crafted -- which ishing abortion.” it the next day after the denounced “the Capitol According to Baptist word “alone” was added. resurrection of January Press, the Resolutions In the end, this resolu- Committee had declined tion declared “that we See RESOLUTIONS, page 7 2 LOUISIANANEWS Letlow from page one at the University of Louisi- including fellow members tion at the University of chose to serve.” Letlow, who in 1991 ana at Monroe, her broth- of the campus Baptist Col- South Florida on grief. “As Letlow, who is adjust- put her faith in the Lord er, Jeremy, 17, died from legiate Ministry. you know col-lege often- ing to life as a congress- and was baptized in the injuries sustained in a “The BCM was there times can be that time woman while also mother Ouachita River by the motor vehicle accident in for me in every way pos- when people stop going to her two children, hopes non-denominational Cov- March 2002. The incident sible and was an integral to church and fall off on to continue represent- enant Church in Monroe, devastated Letlow and her part of shaping my faith,” their faith. It’s organiza- ing her constituents and asked for prayers of clarity family, but she said she said Letlow, who wrote tions just like the BCM family. Her focuses will of mind and wisdom to was comforted by many, her doctoral disserta- that kept me connected include agriculture and serve her constituents and and engaged.” education. be the hands and feet of Mark Robinson, cam- “We just want to work Jesus. Insurance for Churches pus BCM director at the hard and try to make this “This world is not our Since 1916 time, provided counseling world a better place for home,” Letlow said. “We and eventually invited her our children and for future are passing through and to be a part of a new Bible gener-ations,” Letlow said. are called to live every study for members of the “So, it’s an absolute honor day to the fullest. Serve campus fraternities and to live amongst our rural other people and let Christ sororities. He sensed even communities and be a part guide your life. We all will during her college time and member and ultimate- be reunited again one day that Letlow was bound for ly to represent them is an in some place far better.” great things. amazing honor.” “Her spiritual leader- Call 318.442.0269 ship, academic abilities [email protected] and social graces were Litton from page one unparalleled,” said Robin- get focused on the Great son, now the state colle- to get out of the barracks,” Commission,” Luter urged. Lori Ardoin & Paul D. Stewart giate ministry director for he said, adding that “if “Friends, take it from Louisiana Baptists. “We all we don’t get out of the Fred. Let’s vote for Ed. Ed knew very early that she barracks, we miss out on Litton for president of the was destined to become what God is doing in a lost Southern Baptist Conven- a great leader in what- and dying world. tion!” ever field of discipline she “This is our moment to Louisiana ADVERTISING SUBSCRIPTIONS: CHANGE OF ADDRESS BAPTIST MESSAGE Display [boxed] and classified [words only] advertising must be in writing, Individual: $14/year Two weeks before change is desired, send and may be submitted by email, U.S. mail or fax. Group rates available new address (with zip code and street address) To the best of our knowledge, all ads in the Louisiana Baptist Message Call the and mailing label from this copy of the Louisiana Will Hall, Editor Louisiana Baptist Message r Baptist Message. Periodicals postage paid in STAFF epresent legitimate companies and offerings. However, one should always at 318.449.4343 or 877.234.3832 Alexandria, Louisiana, and additional mailing exercise normal business caution in responding to ads. Fax: 318-445-8328 Philip Timothy Rhonda Havens Brian Blackwell offices. For all your advertising needs contact Rhonda Havens at the Message [email protected] Managing Editor Advertising Director Staff Writer PO Box 311 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to at 318.449.4351 or 877.234.3832. Alexandria LA 71309 the Baptist Message,1250 MacArthur Drive, PO JoAnne Timothy Box 311, Alexandria LA 71309-0311 Office Manager The Louisiana Board of Trustees: Baptist Message (USPS 042-860) (ISSN 0740-2104) partners with: Steve Arledge, Jack Bell, Jeremy Blocker, Mike Canady, Published biweekly Thursdays by the Louisiana Baptist Message, 1250 MacArthur Drive, Jeff Coleman, David Cranford, Bobby Daniels, Larry Evans, Alexandria, Louisiana 71303. Lonnie Gothrup, Dale Goodman, James Hester, Darris Warren © Copyright 2021 Baptist Message. All rights reserved Volume 136 June 24, 2021 Number 7 June 24, 2021 l l Louisiana Baptist Message LOUISIANANEWS 3 First Covington launches ‘The Chapel’ ministry By Brian Blackwell of First Covington for 40 invite people to come and Message staff writer years and a former deacon, celebrate marriage here.” said his family felt com- Camp said The Chapel COVINGTON, La. pelled to donate The Chapel hosted its first ceremony in (LBM) – First Baptist to the church five years January and has weddings Church in Covington has ago. Construction was booked through April 2022, opened a wedding chapel begun in early 2020 and but still has openings.