JULY-AUGUST 2020 Change Has Come
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JULY | AUGUST 2020 Change has come Protests and pandemic converge, and we are witnesses CONTENTS | JULY / AUGUST 2020 Editor's Column Sue Morrow 5 President’s Column Andrew Stanfill 6 Executive Director's Column Akili Ramsess 7 Advocacy Mickey Osterreicher & Alicia Calzada 8 Arrested in Dallas Chris Rusanowsky 10 NPPF Alan Hagman Grant Chris Rusanowsky 13 Eyes on Research Kaitlin C. Miller 15 Spotlight: Small-market Gavin McIntyre 20 Ground Zero: Minneapolis Regina McComb 52 Picture Editing at Ground Zero Sue Morrow 66 ASMP & NPPA Sue Morrow 68 The Image Deconstructed Ross Taylor 84 Columnists Career/Life Balance: Autumn Payne 16 Doing It Well: Hope Ford 18 Openers/Enders Pages 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110 ON THE COVER Photograph by Julia Rendleman Geared-up Independent, for REUTERS June 18, 2020: Artist Dustin Klein July 1, 2020: For Justin McCray, projects an image of George Floyd photojournalist at Fox 9 in onto the statue of Confederate Gen. Minneapolis, the protests marked Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia. his toughest assignment since covering the 2010 earthquake destruction in Haiti. “To be honest, it's been hard,” McCray said. CLARIFICATION Story on Page 52 The photo credit in the May/June 2020 issue for Photo by Liz Flores, Star Tribune Julia Rendleman's essay "Quarantined", page 54, should have included American Reportage. 2 July - August 2020 News Photographer July - August 2020 News Photographer 3 SUE MORROW | EDITOR NPPA Membership nppa.org/join The Photo Bill of Rights and me Looking in the mirror; I have stayed quiet in the dumpster fire FOUNDED IN 1946 News Photographer Official publication of the that is social media because I find it unpro- is a registered trademark NATIONAL PRESS PHOTOGRAPHERS ASSOCIATION, INC. ductive. But that doesn’t mean I have ignored PRESIDENT Andrew Stanfill of the National Press Published continuously since 1946, looking outward the news about the Photo Bill of Rights. I look Photo Editor, Gainesville, FL Photographers Association previously as National Press Photographer inward. I could have done better to help those [email protected] @madshrew on Twitter I was porch-phone-scrolling nalism, which is sponsored by Sony. who did not have my white advantages. It feels EDITOR, CREATIVE DIRECTOR protest pictures on a humid Satur- The BOP issue was delayed due to like the lid is popping off our photojournalism VICE PRESIDENT Katie Schoolov Sue Morrow day morning when I got a call from the decision to create the COVID-19 community. We are inside out. Producer, CNBC, San Francisco [email protected] @suelmorrow on Twitter Khary Mason. I had been meaning May/June magazine. The PBoR took guts and a helluva lot of ener- [email protected] @KatieSchoolov on Twitter to contact him because I wanted Here are 110 pages of protest and gy to develop. I respect that. It’s about time that EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR to use his self-portrait in this issue pandemic coverage. It’s the same this country (and the world) comes to terms with SECRETARY Marie D. De Jesús its history of racism, and if the photojournalism Photojournalist, Houston Chronicle Akili-Casundria Ramsess (page 22). Khary is co-founder of magazine you got in print but a bit [email protected] @NPPAExec on Twitter Capturing Belief in Detroit, which I heftier. Day after day since the May community finally corrects itself along the way, [email protected] @MarieDennise on Twitter how is that bad? But I am also cautious about its wrote about in the January/Febru- 25 death of George Floyd, photo- approach when it comes to journalism. TREASURER Kyle Grantham EMERITUS EDITORS ary 2020 issue of this magazine. journalists have produced stellar I was reminded that our country’s Bill of NCCTV in New Castle, DE Tom Burton, 2016-2018 I love talking with Khary. And his work, and I have scrolled through Rights was an addendum to the imperfect [email protected] @kylegrantham on Twitter Donald R. Winslow, 2003-2016 photography and writing (see his tons of it. An article by John Edwin Constitution. The PBoR, the way I understand Jim Gordon, 1978-2003 Instagram and Facebook pages) Mason helped me understand that it, is similar -- the supplemental materials can PAST PRESIDENT Michael P. King Bill Kuykendall, 1977 are inspired. We talked for a long I had to edit pictures differently change as growth takes place. Changes have University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI time. He told me about how he and that meant I had to expand my already been made. The authors are willing to lis- [email protected] @UWmpking on Twitter Marjorie Morris, 1974-1976 Tom Keane, 1971-1974 purchased his home long ago, his personal algorithm. ten but I also hope they reach out to those who have years of wisdom built in this business. REGIONAL CHAIRS REPRESENTATIVE Andy Colwell Cal Olson, 1967-1971 experiences as a Black homicide de- The rewards: Discovering I Joe Costa, 1946-1967 tective. And about how if it weren’t had met Lynsey Weatherspoon a As the editor of News Photographer maga- Independent Journalist zine, I am not on the NPPA board of directors, for the guy in the White House and couple of years ago, but now I’m [email protected] [email protected] which allows me an editorial voice. SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO the pandemic, there would be no actively connected to her work. I Do I have to agree with all of the points that NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS National Press Photographers Association protests, no affirmation of Black knew Cheriss May was president of make up the PBoR? No. That’s not how life works. Marcia Allert | Josh Davis 120 Hooper Street lives matter. He was adamant: As WPOW, but now I watch her work. Change is messy. Perspective comes with time. Alanna Delfino | Eve Edelheit | Patrick Fallon Athens, GA 30602 the pandemic held us hostage, it Malike Sidibe. Time magazine pub- I have concern about "informed consent" (also Oliver Janney | Eric Seals The NPPA is an active advocate 919.237.1782 gave us the time to stop and watch lished his work and I’m honored referred to as minimize harm; look for informa- Catherine Steward | Ross Taylor for the legal rights of visual journalists. Our work focuses on [email protected] WWW.NPPA.ORG what happened to George Floyd. to have it in this issue. Michael A. tion in "Beyond the Bill" soon). It is worrisome to STUDENT DELEGATE me as it relates to photojournalism. I think about First Amendment access, drone Without that perfect storm, there McCoy was sort of on my radar, but Bridget Fetsko would be no protests that look a now I see what he posts all the time. Charles Moore, Gordon Parks, Will Counts and RIT, Rochester, NY regulations, copyright, creden- News Photographer (ISSN 0199-2422), July/August 2020, whole lot different than they have Demetrius Freeman (just hired by numerous other photojournalists who covered [email protected] tialing, cameras in court, “ag- Volume 75, Number 4. Six issues per year published by National the civil rights movement. What if those pictures before. There would be no authentic The Washington Post) also let me gag” laws, unlawful assault on Press Photographers Association Inc., 120 Hooper St, Athens, had never been made? NPPA REGIONAL CHAIRS “let’s look in the mirror” moments. use his pictures in this issue. I am NEW ENGLAND visual journalists and cases that GA 30602. One year Subscription price: US $48; Canada $60; “Your words Where would we be elsewhere $65. Periodical postage paid at Durham, NC I told him I’d been doing a lot grateful for the new connections Caroline E. Couig, Independent Picture Editor/Consultant affect the ability to record events become your today? We would be less [email protected] [email protected] and issues of public interest. and additional mailing offices. of that. I told him how upset I and look forward to building more informed. What if the actions, your had been about the language on with each issue. video of George Floyd's NEW YORK & INTERNATIONAL Our work also benefits the public POSTMASTER the “about” page of the Photo Bill Regina McComb offered to write actions become public death had never Brent Lewis, Photo Editor, The New York Times at large. Postmaster please forward 3579 forms to [email protected] of Rights that called me a white “Ground Zero: Minneapolis” (page your habits, your been made or his face For more information: NPPA Inc, 120 Hooper St., Athens, GA 30602. supremacist. Me? How could that 52). She places the reader at the habits become had been blurred? MID-ATLANTIC nppa.org/advocacy We should be clear and RIGHTS STATEMENT be? I told him I was reading “White epicenter of what broadcast and your values, your William Thomas Cain, Photojournalist News Photographer is a registered trademark understand our inten- of the National Press Photographers Association, Inc. NPPA Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo (thank print photojournalists dealt with values become [email protected] @cainimages on Instagram tions. It doesn’t matter if and News Photographer magazine believe that photographers you, Akili Ramsess, for the sug- during the protests. Ross Taylor SOUTHEAST and writers should retain the rights and the benefits of owning your destiny.” my name is on PBoR or gestion) and my heart was heavy knew Kevin Mohatt in Denver. Zak Bennett, Independent Journalist their rights to their own images and articles. One of the primary – Gandhi not. (It is). It’s about our [email protected] goals of NPPA and News Photographer magazine is the educa- with realizations.